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The Fort Wayne Sentinel from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 6

Fort Wayne, Indiana
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rtffflir ip THE POET WAYNE SENT1NJBLL J. EDNESDAT, JUNE J8 191S. S. IS' Mia Nellie Henry of Broadway, gave luncheon tor debt her home In Broadway it 1 o'clock today tht enjoyebl it wholly informal. id taw wti lata an a eiuny wee ser, tad marguerite Were Auwd fori decora tion, Aliee Marl tad Mim Margaret Spencer, ox Garrett, were out of town (riieeU, The Itisse MaoV and Helen Jlaireo ST aa infennil dancing partt at the uotry club laat evening, at which they entertained their young frienda, The decoration were basket of bachelor button.

Good music and iced refreahi Meat farther contributed to the pleaeure of the company, and Mra Kalpb Idageo received with their daughter! ami Mr. and Mr. Mat pilU'were aaalatanta. i )tr. and Mra.

Lee Ivin and family are tinting relative! In Lebanon, 0. Miss Conatance Keplineer, of Cleve land, who waa hen Visiting her aunt, Mra. T. rigeon, nsireiurnea none. Ill Christine Shryock haa returned Irom a viail, in Huntington, W.

Va with The Laurel dub will meet, tomorrow afternoon with Mra. B. Copt, SlUl Broadway. Mr and tin. Kalph Snyder and chili dren left today for Lna Angelea, Cal Where ther'expeet to male their home.

Mra. Walter KrimbiU and little daugh ter, of Chicago visiting her parent, Mr. and Mra Jamee South, of JYfS Berry etreet. Mr John Mortng ha returned from a trip to Toledo, Detroit and Chicago and In the Utter city suited her mother, Mr, Isabdle Bradleyt. Mr, and Mr.

JohnjAman, of Detroit, "have been in the. city ith relative for a few" day. Jbey came, to attend the Parnln Sommcra wedding yesterday tin. Chsrle H. Waeoner and daugh ter, Mriret, of Auburn, aie visiting Mr.

ana kuh, i war. iln. Leonard Snodgrsa and JIt 0 M. Rydorpy of Grand Rapid, Mich are spending lew daya ulth Mr Wearer, of We tret Kenneth KnbU i romimr home from Taft achool In Onnetl' ut, on Hqtnrday, With two School friend, who will be hi guet for a won a nia Weat Wayne itreet. Mra Ella Belle Teagarden left the city today for Ppringneld, to attend the commencement exercwes of the Jg" achool that with Mra.


Friendly Neighbors Rural Comely. DICK HARTZLER, 'Baritone. Biyei Finan, Stager. Giomont Weekly EB3 IS' few p' The SCHEAFFER Symphonote Player Piano Jl great many Player Pianos contaia ready taido player aetiont turned out ny manufactureri'who seldom fee the Piano in which their action are installed. Think of the mechanical and INARTISTIC effects that such unrelated combinations must produce.

The Symphonola hnllt completely in on factory.factory. Its player mechaniim ia deaigned and made solely for the Artistic Scheaffer Pianos, and is not found jn any" other make or grade of Pianos in this country Jacobs Music House OU( AftlNTB. 1021 and 1038 Calhoun. Street. NINE CHILDREN WERE PRESENT'AT THE CELEBRATION OP THE GOLDEN WEDDING OF MR.

AND MRS. HERMAN PRANGER. mwm um A mrth whom the ia a favorite becauae of her genuine nd iweet outnllneiia. Parent Teacher Club picnic The Parent Techcr club of Uiq Jame II butart achool Im planned a rm nic to be given on baturday in einaer park, lbwe will bo a numbir oj con tetl for prlzea ireiuffflod fho Udna of the Third Church of Chriet will hae charge of a booth of coffee and ice cream booth The money fjr tho priiea hi been gutrt by intereated people of the dittrict Meeting of Pythian Sister. The Pythln Sinter aociil circle wilt be entertained tomorrow afternon by Mri Duell, whd live! in the country Thoie nha Intend going are Mked to tk the interurbiD, cr at o'clock and get oil at blop 68 All membere and frienda are Invited.

Miu Gertrude1 Kara, of Washington boulevard wett, celebrated her birthday' anniverurr yeaterday by entertaining a few friend at the Kmprei raudevill iq the afternoon and with a lupper at her home after the performance. There were fourteen in the; party. Mis Lucia Reiner, et Edgewater avenue, celebrated her thirteenth birthday Tniiverry on June, 13, by entertaining a number of her playmate Thirteen of the young frieud were invited and all pent a very happy tune during the afternoon, flame. played and a upper, including a wriiniay cane, one of the wcial clime of pleaeure. Mr.

U. II, 0ldell will leave tomorrow Jor BrocVljn, S. tonieet he.r daughter, Helenwho ha been itudying a pecI cotiree of orK in Jrntt intl' tute tills pa.t feir, Jlr. Caldnell tll le gone abmit tea daje and will be ae i ompuned by her daughter MiatRutb turn? homo yeiterday from Cleveland, where he wnt three day I ilh Mia CoflUue Kqilinjer. Lawrence Meaart) of HM Mophlel treet, aa Mirprlned by a party of frluids on actount of hi birthday an niterMiry oa Monday night A pleaeant venfng wai apent in playing games.

Mulc and refreibnienti Were enjoyed. The gueati were Mimiet Beisie and Lthel Wooil, Uollie and, Beieie LH'Cker Lunii Jledden, Icliciiua and lli gma franger, lliye bwinehart, jUaisy btewart, and Meur (iuy Decker, B. Baird, Merc, dine ranee, Ed l'ion and i Vera Stutt. A pleaaint surprise wis gtieii la't sening on fin l'auline Jtiller in ceV bration of her birthday anniversary. The guetU enjojeJ a name of card with niuiio and a tupper to wind up tbo gnod 'mere were present aim Mrs.

irank Mniir, Mr, and Mra 3 Mil ler, Mr. and Mr Jewell Farrant, Mr and Mr 'fins Lanternler, Mr and Mr. Victor Molennkl, Mr and Mr Rny Ehui vi Mr. Ueimbert, Mm Matilda Tanl and fieorge Miller The Muse Oara and Frieda r)an necker are in Ft Recovery, 0, to attend the wedding of Mi Nora Beach and Oeortre Enth. of Washington.

Mia Beach ha frequently vlaited the Ainei Uannecker ni Misa Clara JJtn necker is to bej a brideimald at thn wed ding, which (ike place i hi, etening at 7 o'clock Kev II Danticckcr haa re turned from Toledo, 0, where be officiated at the weddinit of a niece. Mri Pannecker, who lent to Toledcr for the ttedding, ill continue her Visit until Saturday Frohmnth Pollock. A pretty wedding of this afternoon took place at 3 o'clock, at the home of the bride'i pirante, Mr. and Mrs. frank Pollotk, of 3233 $outh Calhoun atreet, wnen Mm (iertrude Helen t'oUock he came the bride of Mr U'illiam Kroh muth, a son of Mr.

and Mra John Froh muth, of thu elty The marriige cere mony, wal performed by Rev, '3 H. (iraebner, paitor of the Lnghsh Luther; an LBurch ol the Kedeomer. lAiel. Ia Seibt ws the bridesmaid and a cou in of the groom, Mr.Irvin Frolimutli.of Columbia City, waa the groom'i attend ant. Jiiss Carrie Urummond played the wedding march ia the bridal party entered the livingroom.

They stood be. tweentwo room in an archwiy trim med beautifully with syringa bloisoms apd it foliage. The entire decoration were In white and green and syringa, daisie and smllax made the room very pretty. The bride was becomingly dreaaed in a white crepe voile gown hung over cbirmeuie and trimmed with handsome lace and a satin aash. The bride did not wear a veil but wore roaebud in her hair and held a bouquet Of bride rows The bridesmaid wore a dainty frown of white voile with a tiny green figure and it waa trimmed with green messaline to match, arranged in a stylish draped effect with a ih.

The bridcmid'i bouquet wof pink roses Only member of the two familie attended this) home nuptial alloir A redding upper 0 o'clock tonight i served In the dinjngroom where the table la beautifully decked in ernilax and ferna with a low bow) of marguerites in the center. White imilax and ferni together with the syringa blossom have been ued to make the houae pretty. The bride and groom have deferred their wedding trip until next month For the present they will be at home with the bride's parenta. Mr Frohmuth ia a machinist employed In the toolroom of the Fort Wayne Elec trie worki. The bride and groom have each a long liat of frienda who are extending best wiihe for a long and happy wedded life" Shannahan Cohroy, Miia Laura Conroy, daughter of Mr and Mr roes J.

Conroy, of Esat Woodland ivenue, and Mr Wilber Shannahan, of Detroit, Mich, were married thl morning at 7 o'clock, at St. Patrick' church by the bride' brother, Rev T. Conroy, of Crawfordavllle, who celebrated the mas. Mis Magdalene McKulty and Mri Raymond Conroy, a brother of the bride, were the attendant. Th bride wore a very pretty White crepe de meteor gown; and a white lace hat, trimmed with oatrich feathers She held a bouquet of bride roeea and white tnapdragon Miia Mc Nulty wai dressed In a dainty pink chiffon gown and ihe wore a hat of white law, trimmed in bink and carried pink and ''h'f 'antpdragon blossom for a boumiet.

Th wedding brekft waa erveii at the, home of the bride' pirent to th immediate 'relatlyea, wha included th parent of the groom, and his iliter, Mr. and Mr. Jamea Shanna haa and Miu Marie Shannhn, of Detroit, The houe waa beautifully decorated for the wedding breikfut. The tabl waa dan in srolisx and daUie and the dome' above wi hung with white rlbbona to which pastel ahadee of snip dragon blossom were hung. A beautiful bride1 take occupied a place ef honor near th; bride, flmllax festooned the chandeliers and flower decorated the rooms Th! the bride and groom left for a trip to northern lake point.

JCor traveling' brid wore a taa.poplln pice drtaa with ItrlUh cost and hat of the harmonious After July 4 Mr. and Mr. Shan nahan will be at'hom at tM Warren melnved In the office of the Packard Motor Car company. He it a young See our line of soft Freach, cuff hlrt, mat f'abflitr and of excellent charaa II to t. ter, Th brli many warn' friend FATTERSOK rXETCHER CO.

'XhI TJf ftf i MiL jt f. k. tfSwByxjant'UBVVKww 'VfinV ax ww rf eAiHalBwlKnwjK a ssbw sri2 Lyw MnsnnnHainww4' nnnnnn'PajnnnnnnnnBnnZnKtilnVannni)L3i i Ji aStK yannnaiBKflBu vim BaBHRI flnnnnnnnnnB nnnnH9BJR4 xeJnnsanWw KHnnnnnnnBnT nnnnniHu vHHHibWI' icii jwj bnBnnnnnnnnnnvnnannBnTvtlhViBW jaaaXBsCI 1 1 1 BL kflnaannnK HK f1 SnnnnjBnnninnntfsliLF BFaKHawjij9RfajiMHjBBHBagir mE! nnB HAlI 4 innnn 4nBnnnnnKLBnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnannnnnnnnnnnnnVnnnannnnWHB Herman, William, Frederick, Barney, Andrew, John, Ed and Frank PfangcV and Mfaj Barney U'anker, "They didn't get away until 12 o'clock last night," aaid llermr and Mra Jranger, of J015 University street, ve terday, In peakmg of their nine children and moTe than 31 grandi hildren present at their golden wedding certuiony Meu day ttoth sgrehd that thoy hud had a good tlmq celebrating their nnfersary and that the ihildrrn were jut lappt as thev Both are well preserved and Joined heiitiiy ii the Iruuncniimts ind the big uuit MR AHD MRS. HERMAN PRANGER. Madame Catherine's Chat; I AT THE EMPRESS I If yon Juveh't tned the1 Xmpre the ter during ihla Resent lot weather, you hav really overlooked one of th enjoj a bl pot of AV city, fact that it i the "coolet ipot in town" i borneout by a visit there.

Especially I light, 'Going Into th big auditorium from the torrid streets, a difference of more than forty degree i noted in the temperature. At night, thla alio holda true. The Empress cooling system li aa perfect aa human hand cn devise it. Ton of ice will be used in the building during the autnmer in the successful effort to keen the place cool, and ia addition to this the huge exhaust fan on the celling draws the foul air out of the building giving th wall fansi the opportunity of keeping the fresh oron circulating, wnen the air is heavy and sticky outside, it ill be found fresh and cooling inid the Emrresi. Naturally weather conditions outiiae have their effect on ins cooling plant lloever, few If any trior thoroughly comfortable place will be found in Fort Wayne this weather than the Empress.

The local movie are attracting wide sorced attention and with a bill of plea ing variety this week, th vaudeville house a attracting its share of the patronage. Tonight offer, the last oppor tumty of seeing one of the greatest weftern pictures In Kinemacoiot ever made The Klnemaeolor program fhsnges Ihursdsy and the feature tor the last or the week will be a Durir reel, "'ihe "The Mate Entry Into Delhi." ''f etet'fA''t'V'' e4'e4 AT THE JEFFERSON 4 A Good Crsmatic and Rural Comedy and Three Singer. It i ereat to be cool. nd to be irreit you must go to the Jefferson, the home of the pure air club. A corking good show1 is on tonight "Friendly Keig bors," a rural comedy, I a sure'tir laugh producer, tnd Sincerity" ia a nice little dramatle offering.

Dick Hartzler, the boy baritone, will have a new ong, as well a Haye and Finan, the msiody boya. The mystery of the girt with the mask will be disclosed Friday night when the young lady will lng at four how without the tnsk. Friday, "Snookuma" (Nwlywd series), will be shown. Saturday, a special in three reel will be' Barney CJmora in "Kelly Front the Emerald Isle," "I jut wish I could get corset lacer long enough to urt juu! complained the woman Who beiug fitted to one of Madame Catherine' special branda of Itaya. 'How long do you nt themt" asked Madam Catherine "'e have them measuring tvio ahd one halt yards, longer enee are Ave yards, and have aome that 4r ten yards in length "Teh.

yard would satisfy my wildest Smbitiona," laughed her customer. "Isn't it strange how bur comfort nd happiness depend upon such, little things aa corset facers Nov" returned Madsme. Tf th little things that make life a rosy thing of a gray shadowed existence. It th aim of our little shop at 100 West Washington to make life pur gold, without even a. streak of i dun color.

That's why we carry extra tine brassieres, cor I sets for the very large woman, pad for ine very sieouer one, Danaageeior in wek women, tortet lcer that will stretch from here aero th street, and every ort of acsory for th repairing pf corsets" "That's in appalling undertaking," she wsrned "Turning th world into a ros bued place. By the way, what can you do for a 'sick corset I' I've heard you had a hospital for the poor thing, out am anxioti for particulars" supply new front steel, new bones If any are broken, fresh elastics, new lace and a fresh bit of trimming for the top Last of all, we give the corset a bath, and when we return them you won't recognise your old stays They wUl be ready to do you monini oi service "That sounds like a mighty eeonom leal institution this corset hospital of THROUGH A RAT HOLE. Steam of Gold Leads to Arrest of Hotel Porter for Robbery. Lonoo, Juno 18, An unexpected equel to the, recent burglary In the Berkeley hotel in l'lcsdilly is the arrest pf Night Pol ter Arthur James, charged with being connected in stealing from the hotel safe to the value of $33,000 add attempting to murder Oours, the other nigut porter, The movements 'f a Urge grain rat in tha hotel dmingroqm a few da,) go led to James' arrest. Employes of the hotel in hunting down the rat found its hole under tin radiator and through it saw a gleam of gold.

The floor waa taken up and there waa found wore than half of the booty. It la charged that James, who was found bound and gagged, near the safe On the night of the burglary, acted in conjunction with a continental gang of t.uicvc situ met uiv juot for: laeio. The Patterson Fletcher company haa a wonderful shoving of fine imported suit at jo, am mrm nr ax axils aix.xu,w. HALF A CHANCE. Novel Translated Into Pictnrea at Lyric ri vu.

Frederick Ishsm'a famous novL a published by the Bobb Merrill company, and with special arrangement with them, ha been dramatized Into a powerful picture of, two reel and will be Gesented the Lyrie today by th all star cast. Tha picture i said to a good antidots far these hot night and the Lyrlo i very comfortable. that th picture ean 'be thoroughly enjoyed. Tomorrow it laugh day, when tne iamou rvcyiwnv comeuiana. wui oe id evidence.

your "Try it and advised Madame. Maccabee Hive, No. 8, will give a box social tonight in their halL Everybody la invited aa member have; the privilege of guests Fort Wayne Masons are arranging to go to Huntertowri Thursdsy afternoon to asiist the Iluntertown lodge In an fropriately dedicating their new hal). Ion. Kanan, of Lagrange, grand master of th grand lodge of F.

4 A. Masons of the tt, will officiate at the ceremonies At the close of the dedication the third degree will be conferred upon a large class of candidates. Wedding Rings (All Any bride's fancy and! Individual desires can be suited wiib a wedding ring from tiiis Btore. The "English Tiffany style, rounded and heavy, ju 18 is now'most popular. Both the narrow and wide bands are also in good taster.

These come in 14 and 18 IC The question of the groom's guts to bride and men attendants is easily Bolyod at this store. 615 CALHOUN ST. IJTABUIMIO Mas AIRSHIP CAN CROSS ATLANTIC, Count Zeppelin and Staff Have Faith ia Modern Dirigible. London, June 18 Zeppelin and his technical stiff at Frfedricbshafcn are convinced that the modem dirigible airship tan rioss the Atlantic," Say a Berlin dispatch to the London Express, a nil it is probable that a vqyage from uerinany pew lorn will be undertake en this summer" Count Zeppelin ia said to have been In communication with the German trovern. ment, "which is disposed to regard hi pian uvorabiy and in the event of the tojage being undertaken several German warshipa would be stationed In th Atlantic to render aesistince.

Count Zen. peliu believes tht with good Weather the voyage could be made within three days See our line of soft French cult shirts. I to 13 uu. PATTERSON FLETCHER CO. THRASHER GOES OUT TO SEA.

New Submarine torpedo Boat to Have Trial Test Soon. Philadelphia, June 18 Th submarine torpedj boat Thrher, built for the government by the Cramp bhip Budding company, paned out to sea today, bound for Cap Cod The little diving craft is being conveyed by the tug Baxter Her trial test will be held near Cane CnA about July IS and will be in charge of a Doara oi experts The submarine is required to descend 00 feet and to develop a (peed of nine knot under th water and fourteen knota on the surface. A complete lias of Wilson Bros athletic suits, 80o to Id 00. PATTERSOJf.FLETCBER CO. Officials of th locli lodge of the Benevolent Order of Buffalo declare tnt wita fir weather, 13,000 peopl will hav attended th Smith'. how, being staged this week on the city grounds on North Clinton street A Urge crowd viiited the carnival laat night, in spit of the dog and pony show acre yvsierasy. At a meeting of member of the Fort Wyn real estate exchange, held Tnea. day, Loui Curde wa (elected to, represent tne organisation et th national convention of real estate boards, to oe neia at 4,, l'eddi eprd waa named aa alternate, VACATION NOTICE! Before leaving tho city for your vacation, arranee with your carrier to have The Sentinel forwarded to you, or if you prefer you may order your subscription direct from thla office. Phone 173, Assured that thev would be atisfied with any "date he h6uld name for told' Ing a erle of evangelistic eTrlce'in Fort Wayne, Rev, "Billy Sunday told inembeTa of the tort Wyue Ministerial association jesterduy that he would come to Fort yne ome time during the nex no yeai.

Tim fatnou evangelist, who. ilOfvercd a seimon at the first Presbjtcrian church is this city luisdiy eipressad considerable 4tifactioit over tho interest shown by the large audience that greeted linn, and betoie Jtaiing proiiinteci to return to Fort ayue lor 14 campaign bf evangelism. A committee Of business men and minister Of the citv wu told that Mr bunday has dating complete for the turning year In ense, honeicr, that lomu of these dates are nkessarilv rsu (jellid, tie lil come to For, ay dur ing tne coming ytnr We consider ourselves extremdv for tunate 111 oi en obtaining an indefinite pioruiso from Mr. unduy," said Kev ti nashull. pastor of the 11 it Hanti.t cliurth, 'We need eiich A mnn 111 rort Watne and are ith the uti ei he has made to our invitation.

A rorceful Sermon. Sundav'a sermon at tli f(rf rhiimh yenterday waa attended by an audience that taxed the to its utmost capiclty and tho aeriiion ho delucred WJS stiaiglit Hi the Shnnldi of 'Billy' Suudav Uel did not mlm b8 lird or lleSltUt for eXDresmnn. but laid what bethought in plain. American 1110 auuienre use itb him, lirst listen ing earnestlr nnd nanriinmnn M. r.

matk by rceient aroma," and then laughing end applauding vhen the evin. geliat turned hi omlorv to a humorous tresm He clleil blirk, black, and Hhjte nlnte. nd as a result of hi forceful re mark, one man who had been occupying a seat in the center of th houae, mut tered something under his breath, so to spesk, nnd stalked from the Ibis occurred when Sunday referred to PLEDGETO COME Evangelist Will Conduct a Series of Meetings in Fort Wayne, WITHIN TWO YEARS the discuawiT aWnity or Christ. said; Disrespect of Jeu Christ the sj. odd evil.

Here in the church today men who question his divinity Hs was either th on of Uod or a bastifd. If He waa not divine, lie wa th big. geit liar that ever lived. If He ai not the Son of God, He was th Illegitimate, on of a Hebrew harlot, because hi wa born out of wedlock," The evangelist did hot fall to nodes the manifest displeasure of hi departing auditor, and he interpolated a declaration that whon he began firing hot shot still other would get out. Left Ouiikly, Mr.

(Sunday arrived in the city, noon, preached a sermon, talked to did a little personal business With Fort Wivne buines associate and had departed before OcIocIl. Ud wa accompanied to and from the tram by a committee composed of Hv or. den, K. F. J'arnelle, 8, PaTham, E.

Feustel, Rev H. Ouild, Rev, a 11. nashalr and Rev, Edward Montgomery, 11 WILL ASK RETURN STATUE. Ingalls' Son Deplore Lack of Reverence for Hall of Fame, Topeka, Kan, June 18 Lieutenant Governor Sheffield Ingalls, ef Atcjtvson, said last night that he ill ask thencit legislature to request congress to return to. Kansas, the statue of hia father, Sen ator John Ingalls, which is nqw it the Hall jat Fime at Washington, md that it be plui ed In the rotunda of the stale house it Topeka Jngalls suj's that statutory hall a( Washington is the target for many humorous newspaper comment; that guide in tha csnjtol are quoted is referring to the statutes a ''those gujs," and thit rcreee for the national sanctuary seems to have diminished.

Mim Ruth David, of 1238 Wefel street wa painfully burned bout the limbs early luesday evening when her clothing caught fire from a motoreyido upqn which She vii riding vith (ijcnn Caitwnglit, 1104 Mary's aienne. Dr R. Bol mini dressed her injuries. ANOTHER 98c DAY Thursday Special, 98c Trimmed Hats. Just received 100 new Trimmed Hats; $5.00 values, for 98c MALLOY'S, 1018 Calhouri St.

MAM' 924 CALHOUN STREET, KELLER LUGGAGEv. IJKE THE SKY ALL OVER THE WORLD ,1 sHaaBHHaannl Our Third Anniversary Sale With a hobby for absolutely perfecy Workmanship, "KELLER" luggage In the slightest imperfection get a Instantly and Just this morning we placed on aale in Our store 2Iozen "SECOND" hory' Can Cases for FIRST" coma today Every case is 100 per cent perfect for service. $6 Values FOR $3.38 TODAY ONLY DESCRIPTION OF CASE Of genuine ivory cane 24 or inches long I4 Inches wide Inches deep entirely reinforced with binding sole leather reinforced corners strapa entirely around good lock and ca'tches seamles handl Engliah plaid hirt pocket teel frames in body and lid. KELLER'S FORT WAYNE TRUNK A LEATHER CO. Phone 8960924 Calhoun St RUGS hicrh Dt Orient.t Rug, of all aire, of vnn p.rf siMs.

come and let ti snow Jt you? homl yU nthiD t0 lhem '7 The Oriental Store A A 122 X. WAYNE ST, iUSMA T. DAVID..

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