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The Pleasant Grove Review from Pleasant Grove, Utah • 1

Pleasant Grove, Utah
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KIinV-- 5 3 3 PINC "3' III "Pleasant Grove, (lie Most Beautifully Situated City in Utah County's Industrial Area" 25. 194o NO- yTTT PLEASANT GROVE, UTAH, UJili Observe El is OGih Birthday Anniversary Eighty years ago on October 2 6th, 1S66 William James Cull-imor- was born in Lindon, Utah. His early boyhood was spent asa pioneer boy having to work very hard and beingdeprived of schools such as we have now. He was very proud of his pony and was considered a very good horseman. In the year 1SS9 hemarried Lizzie Keetch in the Logan LDS temple.

To them were born eleven childrenall of whom still live near their parents. They are: Mrs. George H. Shoell fRose), Mrs. C.

J. Cobbley (Idella), Mrs. C.O. Newman (Cora), William J. Cullimore of Garland.

V. A. Cullimore of Pleasant Grove, Luke Cullimore of Orem, Mrs. Lamar Healy (Emma) of Alpine, Richard C. Cullimore of Lindon, Sidney .7.

Cullimore of Provo. Lynn K. Cullimore of Bountiful, Mrs. Harold Overly (Lola) of Salt Lake City. When Rose and Idella were babies Mr.

Cullimore was called ona mission the (Southern States and was gone from October, 1S91 to November, 1S93. He has also served in various capacities in his ward at Lindon, neing in the bishopric and he also served as the town constable for awhile. Mr. Cullimore has always been active in church and community affairs, and has a reputation of always being fair and honest in all ofhis dealings. Mr.

and Mrs. Cullimore have 50 grandchildren and 40 great grandchildren. Mr. and Ms. Cullimore will be at home to their family and to their friends neighbors Sunday afternoon, October 27th.

from 2 to 5 P. M. "Republican Rally Scheduled For Friday, November 1 A' Republican Rally will be held in the Pleasant Grove High school auditorium Friday evening, November 1, at 7:30 P.M. The candidates for Congress, Arthur Watkins and William Dawson, and George W. Latimer for the supreme court, and all Utah county candidates will be iplresent to be introduced and make a few remarks, according to Don Mack Dalton, precinct chairman.

Everyone is invited to attend. The Pleasant Grove High school band will also be present to render a few selections. local Relatives See Olpin Installed U. of U. President Mrs.

Elvira S. Olpin of this city and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Olpin attended the inaugural exercises in Kingsbury Hall on October 16, when their son and brother was installed as President of the University of Utah.

Mr. and Mts. Joseph. Dlpjinl (of Heber were among the other relatives andfriends present. On the evening preceding the inaugural exercises at the banquet in the Union Building honoring Dr.

Olpin, local relatives attending were Dr. Olpins mother and Mrs. Cora Bezzant, Mr. and Mrs. R.

0. Whitehead, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Christianson, and Mr. and Mrs.

Lawrence D. Olpin, now of Ogden. A Halloween Party to be Held By Lindon Ml A. Next Tuesday evening, October 29, the Lindon ward mutual will entertain at a Halloween party. There will be a program and games for everyone.

Ladies are requested to bring a basket lunch. Come in costume if possible, as there will be prizes for best costume, best character, etc. All ward members, young and old, are invited to come and join in the fun. W. LeRoi Smith Dies From Heart Ailment Funeral services for LeRoi Smith, 40, will be held in the Alpine ward chapel Monday at 2 p.

m. with Bishop Orion J. Burgess officiating. Mr. Smith died Monday of a heartailment of long standing.

William LeRoy Smith, son of William B. and Charlotte Ellen Okey Smith, was born in Alpine April 14, 1906. He attended the Alpine and AmericanFork schools and was a member of the Latter-da- Saints church. Following his marriage, Nov. 6, 1936, to Clarice Newman, Pleasant Grove, heresided in Alpine for a short time andthen moved to Burley, Idaho.

Later the family returned to Pleasant Grove where they have since resided. Surviving aire his widow, two sons, Glen, 8, and Gary, 21 months, and the following brothers and sisters, Mrs. Jesse S. (Mabel) Searle, John and Waide Smith, Ralph M. Smith, Alpine, and Virgil Smith, American Fork.

Manila Ward To Enjoy Party On Halloween On Monday evening at 7:30 the Second ward mutual will hold their annual Halloween parrty. The program will consist of two one act plays, The Windows of Heaven, "and The Place, presented by the 1st and 2nd year Beehive rirls. Following the plays will be the Halloween costume dance. Everybody invited tocome in costume impossible, but come Stake Leaders To Visit In Granite Sunday The Timapnogos Stake Presidency and their wives and all ward Bishoprics and ward clerks and their wives will visit Granite Stake next Sunday where they will be assigned as speakers in various wards of that stake, and, be entertained in homes there. Conference Sessions Well Attended The Timpan-ogo- stake quarterly conference general session held in the First ward on Sunday, was held by visiting authorities to be one of the most uniformly attended conferences held here in many years.

At the 10 o'clock session, Spencer W. Kimball of the Council of Twelve presided and President Merrill N. Warnick conducted. The opening number, Gladly Meeting, Kindly Greeting, was. sung by the congregation, directed by Warren P.

accompanied by stake organist R. W. Birmhall. Invocation was offered by Ernest P. mith- of the Second "ward bishopric.

An instrumental number was played" by a string: ensemble in- eluding Joyce Wilson, Naomi Nelson Coleman and CarolClark of the Brigham Young University. Stake clerk E. Ray Brown conducted the presenting and sustaining of church officers. Only one release was granted. John Fugal was released as Stake Mission President, and replaced by Calvin Swenson.

President Vilace Radmall was first speaker and chose for his text the sanctity of the sabbath day and the law of tithing. Karl Banks gave some fine thoughts on youth problems and family relationships. EldersWilliam Walsh of the Church Welfarecommittee spoke on welfare work. He was followed by Calvin. Swenson and John Fugal new and retiring president of the stake mission.

Elder McConkie of theFirst quorum of Seventies urged Latter Day Saints to find a testimony of the gospel, through the power of prayer, leaving the thought that we cannot erase God from our lives and succeed. Elder Spencer W. Kimball of the Council of Twelve told many faith promotingincidents and bore testimlony of the truth of the gospel. 'The session closed with the audience oof 707 people singing For the Strength of Hills. Benediction was pronounced by Ertman Christensen of theFirst ward bishopric.

At the evening session president Ray S. Merrill conducted. The opening number sung by the congregation, Lord Accept Our True Devotion. Daryl Huish of the Third ward bishopric offered the openng prayer. A ladies chorusdirected by Warren Kirk and accompanied by Mrs.

Kirk sang a number by Handel. President Merrill N. Warnick extended warm greetings of encouragement and appreciation to Stake clerk E. Ray Brown spoke briefly and Presi-en- R. S.

Merrill told of responsibilities of the Priesthood. Elder Walsh, in his remarks stressed the thought that. He who offers God a second place offers him no place at A number Lead Me Lord was rendered by the ElderKimball talked impress lvely on Spirituality and urged parents to implant spirituality early in their chldren, empha-cisin- the idea When man speaks God listens, when man listens, God speaks. The conference was brought to a close with the vast audience singing God Be with You. Benediction was pronounced by Hsr-ol- Bullock of the First bishopric.

Welfare meeting at 6:30 o'clock and Priesthood leadership meeting were held Saturday evening in the Third ward chapel, as was also the 'general priesthood meeting at 2 o'clock on SutxiAy fcternoSO, Wtnn the dis- tinguished church leaders gave instruction. At the Mothers and Daughters session held Sunday at 2 o'clock the Stake primary was in charge, with President Louise C. Christianson conducting. The theme was An Evening at Home, with Bishop and Mrs. Neil Y.

Fugal and a group of young people taking part. Musical numbers included on the program were by the Trail builder boys from Manila and the home builder girls from Linden. Bishop, Fugal expressed thoughts on companionship anil Mrs. Fug at tola su; Halloween story. Services Held Wednesday for Bonnie Winters Touching and impressive funeral services were conducted Wednesday afternoon in the First ward chapel for Bonnie Ann Winters, who died in the American Fork hospital Saturday evening of injuries received shortly before when' the bicycle she was riding on Highway 114 near the Geneva Steel Plant was struck by a car.

The large First ward chapel and hall were filled to capacity by sorrowing relatives and friends who came to pay last tribute of love and respect to the popular young girl and express sympathy for her family. With Bishop Louis Olpin in charge, the service opened with a vocal solo Sometime We'll Understand by Mrs. Clifford E. Young, accompanied by Irwin Jensen. Invocation was offered by Miss Estelle Fenton.

First speaker was William C. Smith, principal of the pleasant Grove Seminary. Karl Banks of thePleasant Grove High school, extended sympathy of both faculty and students and paid high tribute, to Miss Winters and all young people for theirfaith in thefuture and in immortality. Ray S. Merrill of the Central school spoke words of faith and encouragement.

Closing remarks were made by Bishop Olpin, profound tribute to Mrs. Winters and her family fortheir many kind traits and willingness to do the things required of them. Musical numbers interspersing the speakers were a vocal solo. Prayer Perfect by Warren Kirk, accompanied by Mrs. Kirk.

a girls trio, Nadine and Wilma Hales and Barbara Jarnian who sang Softly, Tenderly Jesus is Calling accompanied by Mrs. Norma Hales; When the Swallows Homeward Fly, was sung by Mrs. Young accompanied by Mr. Jensen, and the closing number a violin ensemble, Going Home played by a group of highschool girls directed by Irwin Jensen. Prelude and portlude music was played by Mr.

Jensen. Benediction was pronounced by J. L. Adams and the grave in the Pleasant Grove City cemetery was dedicated by Guy Sund-ber- an uncle of Bonnie's. Pallbearers, all schoolmates of the dead girl were Jimmio Richards, John Gourley, Bruco Clark, Brian Bezzant.

Douglas Beck, and Sherlin Whllely. Flowers were cared forand arranged by a group oT young girl friends. Bonnie was born in Pleasant Grove March in, a daughter of A. U. and Norma Sund-lier- Winters.

She received her education in (lie city schools and was a member of the tenth grade at tile Pleasant, Grove High School this year. She was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ, of Latter-da- Saints and was active in Sunday School and M.I.A. work. She Is survived' by her mother and the following brothers anil sisters: Norman, Susan, Arthur Alden, Mary, Gaylen and Norma Winters, and Mrs. LItha Olsen, Pleasant Grove; Mrs.

Helen Collier, Vernal; Clifton Winters and Mrs. Florem Peterson, Bountiful; Mrs. Florence Barker, Shelley, Idaho; and Shirley Winters, San Franclsoo. "WIJ-i- HOLD MONDAY, OCTOBER 28 MEETIXG The VFW will meet Monday, October 2S at the City Hall at 8 o'clock PM according to Ken Gillman, Commander. All members are urged to attend and any eligible veteran Is invited to come out and join the organization.

DaisylNeilson is Hostess To Cadmus Members Daisy Nielsen entertained the CadmusClub at her home on Monday evening. The Mexican program forthe evening was underthe direction ofLois H. West. Jeannie West Pierson, accompaniedby Maur-in- Lim Hazelbaker, sang two vocal numbers, Begin the and Jealousy. Lois H.

West then reviewed The Peacock. Sheds His Tail, a novel dealing with the economic problems andhome life of Mexico by Alice TeasdaleHobart. JRose C. Hillman, Legislative representative, talked the coming election, urging that every member of the club go to the polls on election day to cast her vote. She presented' the candidates running on the Republican ticket.

She will present the candidates on the Democratic ticket at the next club meeting which will be held the evening before election day. the conclusion of the program, light refreshments were served by thehostess assisted by her daughters Marilyn and Anne. Guests present were, Majorie Holdaway, Mrs. J. S.

Holdaway, Edna H. Newman, Manetta Gani-et- Vera Wagstaff, Leone Told and Elizabeth Told Mott. Next meeting will be held Monday. November 4 at the home of Rose Hillman. Beulah Bradley will give the program which wil'J be on Guatemala.

APPLICATIONS FOR CEXTEXXIAL QUEEX' Mrs. Lucile H. Walker wishes to again remind the young ladies of the community that applic- ationsfor the centennial queen must be in before Novemberl, as the County will be chosen on November 2. Application blanks may be had at Mrs. Walker's home.

Waste Paper Drive in P. G. is Now On The waste paper drive sponsored by the D.U.P. is now on. The daughters of the pioneers are using this means to obtain funds to be used in compiling the history of Utah County, a Projectbeing sponsored by the County chapter of the D.U.P.

They are asking for newspapers, magazines and books with the covers removed, each group to be tied separately and securely in bundles and delivered at the old city jail which will be left open. Vice-Capta- Sadie A. Beck is in charge of the drive, which ends November 4. Will everyone waste paper in before that date, please cooperate and bring their mrs ruby Warnick 'J ENERTA1NS VARIETY CLUB Variety club members were pleasantly entertained at the home of Mrs. Ruby Warnick Friday afternoon.

Mrs. Ella Jac'kson Jdelight-e- d. the group with a review of Betty McDonald's novel "The Egg and followed which tasty refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by her daughter Jane. Four members of the club, Mrs. Ida Halliday, Mrs.

Hazel Bullock, Mrs. Eva Orton and Mrs. Wanda Blackhurst, whose birthdays occurred during the month were presentd lovely gifts. Guests present were Jackson, Mrs. Lola Bullock, Mrs.

Beth Blackhurst and Mrs. Glenna Ivers. Members attending were Mrs. Myrlo Armil Mrs. Eva Orton, Mrs.

Mary Harper, Mrs. Maxine Price. Mrs. Ora Boren, Mrs. Hazel Bullock, Mrs.

Theda Parrduhn, Mrs. Evelyn Schoon-oue- r. Mrs. Ida HalMda.vj, Mrs. Wanda Blackhurst, and Mrs.

Warnick. OUT OF STATE VISITORS EXTERTAIXED Mr. and Mrs. Owen Anderson and family of Palmyra, New York and Mr. and Mrs.

DuWayne Anderson and family of Nyssa, Oregon were weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Pederson. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs.

G. A. Anderson of American Fork entertained the Anderson family at dinner. This was the first time brothers and sisters had all met for many years. Enjoying the pleasant reunion were Mrs.

Annie Vancott of Salt. Lake City, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Anderson and family of Palmyra New York, Mr. and Mrs.

Du- Wayne Anderson and family of Nyssa Oregon, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Anderson of Spanish Fork. Mr. and' Mrs.

Arthur Anderson and family of Syracuse, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Williams and family of Tooele, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Pederson and family of Pleasant Grove and Mr.

and Mrs. O. A Anderson and family of American Fork. MADGE KIRK BECOMES THE BRIDE OF ARMY MAN A marriage of interest to her local friends is that of Miss Madge Kirk, and Capain Herbert Stoenner of the U. S.

army. Nuptial vows 'were exchanged Saturday evening at the home of the bride'sbrotherand sister in law Mr. and Mrs. Ber-tran- D. Kirk, 244 West, 7th South, Salt Lake City, with Bishop E.

A. Jorgensen officiating. Only immediate relatives and close friends were present. For her wedding the bride chose a fusbia wool afternoon frock and which she pinned rchids. Local relatives attending were Mr.

and Mrs. G.eorge McN'oeis and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ash. Another sister and brother in law Mr.

and Mrs. Ross D. Smith were in attendance. Capt. Stoenners fathVr made the trip from Missouri to be present at the ceremony.

iBoth young people served in the army during the war, Mrs. Stoenner asa nurse with the rank of Lieutenant, while her benedict who is graduate of the Missouri State College spent most of his four years service with the T. He is now his discharge at Kearns. Halloween Dance Planned BySecondWard The Manila ward M.I.A. will sponsor a well arranged Halloween dance on Thursday October 31 in the ward recreation hall.

All are invited and asked to come in costume, if possible. Prizes for the best costumes and characterizations will be given. The Men will sellrefresh- ments, the proceeds from which will go toward the purchase of basketball suits. Everybody invited to join the fun. HA 15 PE- R- WEI-L- I ENGAGEMENT AXXOVXCEI) Mr.

and Mrs. A. Lee Harper announce the engagement of their daughter, Kathryn to Ward H. Welling of Salt Lake City, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Milfon II. Welling. An early marriage Is planned. Mr. Welling is a returned veteran, having served with the Tank Battalion overseas.

He if now employed with the Interstate Transit Lines. Miss Harper has been emplov-e- in Salt Lake City the past four and a half years, and at present is manager ofthe hospital Exchange at Fort DougIa3. i HOMER ROYLE GRADUATED FROM PORTLAND COLLEGE Word has been received by relatives here that Homer Royle has graduated from the Northwestern Dental College at Portland Oregon on October 22 Mr. Royle was born in Le'hi a son of Mr. and Mrs.

J. Freeman Royle and is a former teacher in the Pleasant Grove High School. Mr. Royle with his wife. Emily Peay Royle and three daughters, have made their home in Portland while he has been attending school.

Local-friend- will be proud to hear that Mr. Royle graduates with top honors in a clasjs of one hundred. Mr. and Mrs. J.

Freeman "oye left for Portland last week to attend the Mrs. Lydia A. Kelly spent Wednesday In Salt Lake City. Harley and Mary Green Glli-ma- are the proud parents of a son born at the American Fork Gordon and Afton Davis Atkinson are rejoicing over the birth of a new Boy os Wednesday October 24. Mts.

Atkinson an" her son are at the American Fork hospital. MINSTREL SHOW TO RE PRESENTED The 44th and 135 Quorums ol Elders have fortmulated plais and are beginning work on a the date ol which has not' been set. Bernard and Carol Christiasen Swenson are proudly announcing i the birth of. a son on Friday, Oct. 18.

Mother and child are doing nicely at the A. F. hospital. I Mr. and Mrs.

Floyd Adams became the parents of a babygirl at the AmJprican Fork hospital on Wednesday of Iat week..

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