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The Fort Wayne Sentinel from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 2

Fort Wayne, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

If vit ii THE FOltT WA SENTINEU SATURDAY, ATJCTJST S3, 1913. Iff, BROUGHT HERE TO THE LAY BoaeUad Man Will Be Given Good Chance to Cure Souse Habit. opt is svenus of egtee for foreigner! la Mexico 0ty, No general ehip Itnente will be permitted, STRIKE GETS A POOR START NEWS OP THE POLICE Cry CrawfW, wbos father run tote at Hoagland, arraigned no lie court 'today on charge of public. In. toxicatlbn.

and hi ease was continued until September 4. lie mi sent to jalt in default of $200 bond. Tbt purpose 1 to giro young Crawford a chance to ur himself of th low bahit, which he ha cultivated very diligently. He drink a lot and Mid to raid the cash register In the Hoagland tor bf Crawford pere for tb money to do it, lait night hla brother caught him l)(ng In the means lor lighting up ami put mm oui pr urn store. Car didn't lika It and aUrted fight, Deputy Sheriff George Adair, apodal officer for Merlon township, chanced to ik the trouble and placed Crawford under arrett.

He wai brought In today and submitted to th Mungoven cure for ehronto jingling. Violated Ouarantine. Nicholas H. Punch. 1020 Uka avenue, Wa AnedTlO and costs by Judge) Mun coven on hi nlci of nulltv to a charge of violating quarantine.

A chiM In the jjuscn ncroej iias mpiiin. M. cj, plaint was made, that Busch had gone into and come out of tha bona, remain in? from Saturday niaht until Monday morning. Health Officer J' lluguenard filed the iflldevit at the In.tsnre 01 i'r. Erie Crull, aerretary of the board of health.

Bueeh psid hla fine cheerfully enough, but waa very anxioita to find out which of bla neighbor! had reported hia Violation. Xeathef Thlavaa Sent to laU. Byron Reeves, Joseph Mcpherson and Leonard JfcCJowan, together rnncernul in the theft of aluable package of leather that fall from a City Trucking company wagon at the corner 01 timton ami 1101 nan atrretf were fined and coata ana given jail eenienM 01 a Tbev tried to aell the leather to Cal houn atreet cobbler and later did not want to give up the leather to a truck lne company' man without reward. All protested their Innocence and lied glibly though In th end convicting themselves on their own mixed and coiwirting testt rnony. lljmi Diane! Mind Andy Adams had told forty atorlea aince hia arrest yesterday trying to ex plain hla roaaeaaion of a farrier'a rasp, Ilia laat story ws the truth and it got him II and eoata and a day In but, which will keep him penned for awhile.

After pieaawg not gumy, his case tinned for a week Chief Abbott took the man in'hand and got a confession out of him. The old raae of loitering waa dismissed and Adarie waa arraigned with Immense dispatch before he had time to tftmie. a nw lie. Ha formerly waa em ployed by tha Fort Wayne Printing pm pany as a salesman ana tan priming company ja trying to get back ita aam ple eaaea which Adams' landlady ta hold ing tor a roam mil. Other Police Court Caiea.

JUchard Creno, who waa rpbbing hla aouied partner In an alley yeateraay when tha police wagon rumbled up to take them in lor dninaennei, mnae an aoceptabla talk to tha conrt and he and bla mte, Wchard Smith, were allowed ta iro. Arthur Buck, a vag, waa aeert to throw a.way i wonian'a leather handiwg at tn trnaf eomer lant night. Ofltor llittee ajrested hint. He pleaded not guilty to loitering charge and the cae waa con tinned until Ttieaday. Joseph Hchmldt, charged with forging par cheek: or the Indiana national Guard, Waa releaied.

the caw being di Bilaaed at tha InaUnre df the prosecutor Chattel Woodworth, a vag wbo eaya tut la a bricklayer and live In Chicago but haa been working in tori nayne, tried to disturb tho fiahation Army dur Ins the ronraa of hia drunken perform ance laat night, Hla continued until Weilncartay, Cbarlea lluth r. drunk, wai held lor trial until next Tueertayt Harvey liny and George Tatllinger, loiterer, were re leaaed, and John Wehater, a drunk, waa erven hia liberty, William Wataon, a motor trmk driver, pleaded guilty to violating the ejieeu lawa and waa nneil ami cohu. Thft caaagainrt Karl Wiggma for loV taring wa continued Indelinitely, the aherilt from Saleui, 111., having coma here with warrant charging wiggma with burglary in that place, Jlo waa taken back today. HUERTA MAY RECONSIDER (Continued from fata tt mlaalon would ranntltnt a auppleracn tary procedure to bring about uch an la many quartera, now. ever, tha tending of aa envoy to talk with Frtaldent WUaon la regarded aa an effort to delay tha plana of the Amer.

iets government, Something definite, however, pamg awaited By tna united State, and ft unlikely that thla gov. eminent will 'wait beyond Monday for tangible evidence oft part of tha Iluerta government vt recede irom ita poeition. The preaant intention la to hare Free! dent Wllaon to proclaim In the mee aaga to eongreaa on Tueaday, tba poll tlea the Vnlted State will puraue and which tha natlone of the world. It la laid her. wU firmly aupport.

Quit Permit far Ann. Prealdent Wllaon liaa granted permle ion for tha exportation of 2,000 rifle and SS0.OO9 cartridge! to the Iluerta government All but 1,000 rlflea, which ro to Vara Crua from New Orlean. will ha from El Paao by Juarea. Soma et to latter already have gone. Although it waa the drat pertnlaalon granted alnoa Jqna 5, and many appli cation have been turned down, it wa declared 'no change had been made In the government' and official pointed out that the neutrality pro BhUnatlon permitted the prealdent to Mthorlz ihipmtnt In hi discretion.

VnofBdally. It 1 laid, the United Btatea la not averae to having the Haerte, garrlaon at Juarel well armed, to diaeouraga attack and a battle on the border with eenaaqoent eoropllca aWna. KeJther 1 thla government averae (eatng to line of eomaaaalcatloa taMaa Vera Cn and Mexico atf kt (Continued from Paaa 1 atrlk here thla morning At tha company office It waa laid the firt car left for Indiaaapolia at oil (cheduje, Intereet centered In the arrival or non arrlvat of the flrat car due here from the capital city at 9 2S a. FORCE PASSEMQERS TO WAtK. 1 Lbgansport, Ind 23 Ten.

In terurban conductora and motormen 1q. day Joined the itrikcra and trnffio on the Union Traction Company of In ditna waa tied up here. Tha tint car Into Lnganaport stopped at Jackson and the pauengera were forced, to Walk two milea Into thla city, the crew refusing to bring the care on to the line of the Tort Warn and.JTortliern Indiana com. nany. Ho other carl were moved on the local division.

PLACES BAN ON LITTLE SCALES i City Sealer Finds Many That Are Contrary to the Law. THE MUNICIPAL NEWS NOT INVITED TO JOIN. Lafayette, Aug, SKI Up to nooii Jjnarclte yim not experiencing any trouble on account of the lnterurbnn atrlke. Cr were running a usual although those from Indianapolis "were late. The employee of the' Fort Wavne and Northern Indiana line aaid they had not been Invited to join in the atrike.

JfOTICED AT RUSHVIIXE. KunhviUe, Aug 23 Only two car Were run on the local division of the Inilinnapolis and Cincinnati line the 'remainder of the crewi being tin Hike until, arbitration of their griev ancea li grihted by the companies NO DEIAVSAT ANDERSON. Andenon, Ind, Aug J3 A Nicoll, general manager of the Union Traction Company of Indiana, had heard of only a few men not reporting for work this morning, and nil cars orr three ditisiona out of Andereon, including those from Indianapolis, were operated without delays CRAWFORDSVIllE PEELS IT, CrnwfordHvllle, Ind, Aug 23 In terurbitn traflic waa disarranged here today through the strike of motormen and winduttori On car arrived this morning from Indianapolis and one from Iiehanrin, and only one enf left here Police officials are guarding against pos sible rioting. LOCAL LINES NOT AFFECTED, Fort Wayna System Operating Through can as usual. The reported strike of interurban rat men haa in no way interfered with the iteration of can oer the Unci of the Vort Wayne 4 Northern Indiana Traction company, oter either the Illusion or Peru divisions, and through ticket! from Jort Wajne to jndiannpona ann other points along the Indiana Union lines hnve been sold in nrent number dur inK the day The atrlke ha! not affected any of the other Interurban line! ppeiat Ing Into thla ejty, including the Port Wajne NOrt.iietern, in ini tieo trie and tha lort Wayne Springfield tympanies, Jlotnrmen and ronductore operating Fort Wayne .1 Northern Inliana car! to DIufTton and Peru, where connections are nis.le with the Indiana Union, declare that they met the lime old crewi thli morning charge of Indiana Union car.

car mou interviewed here thit noon exoretsed a lielief that tho strike bad 'o practically no damage thu fr( Early tlila morning, when olnriala pi the lort Wayne A Northern Indiana company learned that the car men of four linea were to strike at 4 o'clock thl! morning, some doubt was entertained to the possibility of operating through traine to Indiaiiapolis, imt a message from that city about o'clock informed the agents here fo sell through tickets, anil it a Immediately realised that the Indiana l.nion men had not walked out aa a body GERMAN DAY AT CEBMANIA. Man Choir to Render Vocal Numbers During Annual Observance. One of the principal fealurei of tha program to be held tomorrow In the annual observance of Ocrman day at Ger mania park, will he the maai choir, composed of member! of the different fler man singing societies of the elty Tha Elka' band will piny and the following selections will be rendered by the mail choirr "Der Well." by Ilaeaer "An dai Vaterland," by Kreutier. "Mmeferi Soniltagslied." bv E. Krentzer, STIAMINQ TOWARD CORO Crulur Dee Molnea Hurrlea to Town Cap turm by Federals.

Caro. nula, Aur IS The cruiser Dee Molnea Which la In Veneiurlan waters to protect American Internets, la atVamln toward Coro, a town In tha iUU Falcon, recently recaptured by government troops The warship left Porto Ca. bello ye'tirday. The Venetuelan government announces that Genera Jurado, the federal commander, naa captured the re. malnlna Castro revolutlonarlea In tha sute or Falcon, after1 a fight at Cumartbo The oltklal statement adda that the rev oiutlonary banda In tha state of Tachlra have been driven across the frontier, where they were captqred by Colomlsn troops There still remains a number of revolutionary groups, however, at ether localities In Veaesuelsn territory.

ARRESTED IN LONDON. Albert Victor Webb Taken on Chicago junriieai marge. London, Aug 23. Albert Victor Webb wa arrestsd in JLnndon thla morning on the charge of embeUlement at Chicago. Hi account! a manager of an automo bile supply company in Chicago are alleged to hare been short several thousand dollar.

OEOROB WCLCH VKRY ILU. Ovareema by Meat Two Wek Age and Has nervous reiKoown aa Result, tieorte Welch, rastdlnr at the Horner of Poplar etraet and Hoaxland avenue, who waa overoome by heat tw weeks aro while wot kinc wtth hla father. a Welch, en the roof of the high school building, la reported In a Serious condition. Attar1 partially recovering from the first attack, be suffered a nervous breakdown and for the laat two dare Ms eondltloa ha keen regarded a critical. In the course of an inspection tour Into tonfeetionary ahopi Friday City Sealer S.

Tolaol condemned idne small ecale of the fan tjpa becauae they are contrary to the Scalea of thla type are nuyerously In use In Vtrug atorea. confeetioliarv shopa and at tha candy eountera in groceries, me city sealer says that largo numbers of them ars not accurate Ind that moreover they are contrary to the new regulartiom which require acales to ahow to the customer a Record of the weight, Pealera wilt have until November lat to replace acalea of tho condemned tjpe with pattema that conform to the Tegu latlona. Alter that time seiaursi wutoe made. Dealers will htv until tha first of the year to Ciuin their acalea with fnetal caps over the devices that regtl late the levelr There are about HOO acales. In the city that will have to be so equipped.

City Sealer Tolan today Inspected the eight hundredth measure on the city market. ROBBERS SHOOT TO GET PAYROLL Stone Company Head and His Bookkeeper Fired on Near Buffalo, BANDITS THEN FLEE FLOOD INFORMATION SOUGHT. War Department Makes Request of City Engineer RandalL City Engineer Irank Randall i preparing lorae minute data conetrntng the rivers in Fort Wayne and th' flood of last March pursuant to a request juht received from IJout Col Irancia Misnk, of (he corps of engineers of the I nited fetatea army A long list of question hi submitted srjd they coer a wide runge of points di'wigncd to nuike clear the conditions In the rlieri, the causes of the flood an I the volume nf the overflow inular Mlirs have heeo sent to civil engineers in everv county Unit was affcitul by the trcnvnilou floods of lust spring WVSS SERVES NOTICE. Building Inspector Notifies the Wabash That Plsns Must Be Altered. Iliiilding Inspector 1'lillip todav A niu 4, 4 MaKubK railisiai Ilisliri llf inr nunrii is.r.

offiriiilft in Itotim that uulpaK tli" plni for Xhfi otnmnr new jwnwnppr rttaHitn in Majtn by nxt 1 iiitwiitr mn nA itS iivrrriiif" thi f.bjntinnnbl( fttirp ft open MirHny worK on iiir Birucuire tu phiuiipiiuv lu. Tl.ii. niitlrui fnra litiva Kb as 1 1 iv mvl'J a. a ssv iin.iv ieT sAinn anmA tSL ith Misa Mllginiff Intl viuu mis despite the fact that the city's nbjeftlon to me piani was anown in biwibmi atory ia almost completed If tho Wa, hash does not alter its plana no permit will be tanned and without a peiitt no work will be wrmitted beyond Tues day of next week WILL ORDER WABASH IN. Railway Contractors to Resume bridge Work at Broadway.

At Monday's meeting of the bonrd worka the contractors' for the Wabash railrosd'a subway at Broadway will ho ordered to go Into the eacavation under the bridge and liegln the work of plc'ng the footing! fo columns In the tenter and west sections of the Im. provehient Xxesvat(om for theso sections have prsctlestly hern completed bythe Moellerlng Conxructlon company. City Improvements luffcred eonsliler sMe nf a eetbark thla week by rpaaon of the rains, but fair progreat waa shown, notwithstanding. Tha Psvls street psvement will be completed before the end of next week by tho Mocl I ring Construction rompany BIRTH RECORD. To Mr and Mr Henry Perriguey, 2122 Csltyiun streeta girl To Mr and Mra Williams (col ored), 420 North Calhoun street a boy To Mr and Mrs.

Roy J. Frost, 10JO Smith street a girl To Mr and Mrs. Henry Meyers, 1301 Lafayette atreet a boy. To Mr and Mrs, Himon Knapp P1I) East Washington atreet a y. To Mr, and Mra.

F. II. Petgen, 2nifi Clinton atreet a girl. To Mr. and Mrs, Cornelius trad den, 102 rant Wayne atreet a hoy To Mr.

and Mn, Andrew Welimber ger, 2208 Maumee avfnue a boy. To Mn and Mra Harry McKce, 440 Eaat Lw la atreet a girl. To Mr and Mra Daniel ShepW, 2327 Kurd atreet a girl. BUILDING Arnold Curdee, 131D St, Mary's avenue, 2 story frams dwelling $4,600. Arnold CUrdes, 1810 Sinclair etrsvt, story frame dwelling, 4A00, Fred Duechner, 1210 High street, 1 story frsms bsrn, 200 ACCUSES CHDM OF SHOOTING.

Senator Bristow'a Stenographer Victim of Bullet on street. Washington. Aug. Z3.Frncfa A. Bell ley, persons! stenographer to Senator Briatow, of KaAaaa, was ihot and probably fatally wounded early thi morning on the (treat, un ni way 10 jne.

noe rital Reilley accused bis chum, D. Id Schultz. of the shooting. Two bullets took effect in Reilley'a body, both being fired at such cloit range that Reilley' clothing took fire. Scbultf escaped snd I Being sougut vj no pouce, wbo nave failed todtaeover tne motife ior ina ai Uck.

Schulti was privet secretary to 6. Vavia, national secretary of the pro greealv party, until a few day ago, when he.reelgned hla position. SPARKS IGNITE WATER TANK, Indiana Road Machln Works' Structure Slightly Damaged by Blare. Bparka from the smokeitick set fir to the roof df a Urge wster tank; at the plant ef tha Indiana, Road Machln work, corner Boon and Ossge streets, tt 10i4l o'clock thla morning, and damage to the extent tf $60 is reported. A Urge portion ef th roof of th tank wa buraecV BtuTalo.

Aim 23. llart P. fJace. nreal dent of the American Bluettone com pany a vvanaw. ia dying and mm btlrrcll, hla bookkeeper, i seriously wounded as th result of an attempted holdup by a band of highway robberi near their quarrie today, The men were proceeding to the quarriea In an automobile and carried with them $1,000 in eur rency to pay off the employee, Will passing through a stretch of wood about a mile from the quarrie Ave masked men, armed with, revolvers end shotguns, leaped front the bushes and demanded the money bag.

Oage, who waa driving the tar, quickly teveried and started to back hia machine away. The robberi fired, sevprsl shote and Cage received a gaping wound in the right breait with a gunihot charge. Stirrell wi shot through the arm. Roth men were taken to the Wanaw, hospital. The robbers lied after the shooting without making any further attempt to get the money.

A posse is scouring the country. THE DEATHS, WCDDING NIGHT Opened Honeymoon by Getting Drunk and Choking Hla Bride. NEWS OF THE COURTS can be filled and soma other way nf making tha road passable, will htv to be found or a new road laid out. LICENSED TO WT3, Arnold lepper, farmer, JU and, Clara, it. Peppier, 18.

Juiiu! u. uyeriein, njacmmsi, anq flery dopes, oi, R0DENBECK. Mrs. Louisa Rodenbeck, aged thirty IPVPfl VflrS tllM Vif rtt taiiartL 171. enbeck, died at 11 130 o'clock thi morn ing at me family residence, nve milea east of the city, In Adams township, after six weeks' illness from typhoid fever.

Mrs. Rodenbeck wsa a daughter of Augiint llartman She Is survived by her Jtather, husband and five children. he fllsn leavss tt mmioi Yr H.mIK A. sisters and four brother! funeral service Monday sfternoon at 1 30 o'clock from the residence Interment at Martini's cemetery. Ml FUNERAL NOTICES.

Lindemsn Funeral servlrea for Frederick IJndeman Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the remdence, 2409 Oliver atreet. Rev. Moll ofheiating In terment at Concordia. CONFERENCE VOTES TO UNITE. Miinete, Ind Aug 23 By a vote of BO to 2 the Indian stste conference of the Methodist Proteatant rhurih lodoy Indorsed the movement to unite that church with the United Brethren of America aa a step toward ultimate unification of all Protestant denominations TAKES TESTIMONY OF INMATES.

India napolle. Ind. J(U SI Coroner je Coots today examined twentyMnmatea of the Indiana reformatory who witnessed the fatal slsbblng Thursdaj. of Charles uartis ny K.lwara Morton, aa the begin, nine of his Inquest TESTAMENT FI.Y LBAF ONLY CLUB. Indianapolis, Au S3 A scrawled name on tha fly leaf nf a bloody testament furnished the only means of ldentldcatlon or the horrtnlv manaled bodv or Henry Lawrence Taupt, colored, whose body was found today on the trwk of the 4 railroad In this city Edward Alter, bookkeeper, snd Miss Eha Sieman, telephone'oporator, at the Old National bank, leave today for their summer vacations Mr.

Alter goes to Rome City and other lake resorts and Miss Sieman will visit In New iork, Boston and eastern points of Interest TEACHERS MUST NOT SMOKE. Corydon, Ind Aug 21 A. Deweese, county superintendent of schools, has Issued an ultimatum )n a war aaalnat smoking among teachers, saying that, the smoklns: of clgnrettes, either publicly or privately will result In th revocation of any teacher's license and the refusal of llcepes to applicants "WOTLANOWIDJISDIS?" Byfredschaefer. THE SOLOIST, Erlover wundsy Tubis besglrldid eayi "WOnoha come wlthmeet Dersunniztershinin, A nye urn erpinln Wayrin muh heartout fur ties!" Rose ahee tukkla sarm, Forder dayit wuswarm. A nsi dey wauk ttrlong Er roiledid pick Anturn too urk wick, An sang toohurd lsiengi "Byont ful rawelg, aprlngle with doo, Byoot fut rawsls, upptckdem faw yooi Rawiis aore ed, rawal sore weet, Allay dem wlthraa heart tcher feet, Fw yocn luv rawali, a ny lur jroo" THE AUDIENCE.

Brvor Brvorl" Wott corkln wole. 61ngitagonl" FOB RENT Buildlnj? at 11B Wayne street Long time lease. For particulars call at Sentinel office. If what Porothy B. Sander, scti out a her divorce complaint la true, her spoue, Charles h.

Banders, did not the stt her in any doubt as to jhat her married lif wse to be. Ac curdiog to the statement of her suit, filed today In tha superior court, baa. dera mads hia marriage ing lit an occasion of uproarious merriment and in' augurated their honeymoon with an eclat seldom, equalled and never surpassed. She says on th evening of their wedding he got drunk and brutally assaulted and choked her until the nuptial attendanta ind guests were obliged to come to her rescue snd her from further brutality by knocking him down. Since then he has performed With in undeniable.

If not praiseworthy. consistency, applying foul epithets sod names to her and accusing' her of associating With other men, falling to provide, spending hn monby in drunken carousals and frequently striking and beating her She waa compelled, she 0), to seek shelter with others and forced to work out for her support Two weeks Sgo fndcrs filed a divorce complaint against hie wife in which sbo says in her own complaint he made vl'o and false statement that ha aince haa admitted to her he would not have mada if he ha been aober when he Instituted his suit. It is also charged that he list threatened to kill her. JudgJ Ryso tu day issued an order restrsining the defendant from molesting her and do Moellering Construction company, by which lie ia employed, from paying him hia wages Another Wife Says She, Was Choked In the circuit court Mlnnio bowers haa filed a divorce complaint in which bhe ana Jlavid bowera, whom she mar tied in ISM, and from whom aho was separated this month, choked her, threatened her life and called her vile names in the presence of their children snd remained away from home at night She auks the custody of two minor children and an allowance for their support. Too Much Mother in Law.

Juanlta Mono rentes In lior divorce complaint to the superior court that ihoitly afttr her marriage In Tolodo to Alfred Noun, In June, 11103, her husbands mother tunic to live with them and soon gained entire inlluence and ascendancy over him so that mother In law and not wife became the chief counselor of the household, tths eaya Sloan wholly abandoned her three years ago and shs wants the separation made legal snd permanent. Want Rental, for Hi Ring. In damgo utt commenced In tho superior court by F. 1 Adams, of Bluff ton, against Albert J. PfeiuV, of Fort Wayne, the plaintiff says thst th de fondant took from a wash stsnd in th Fisher bath house In this city a diamond ring of the value of $500 and kept it from June, 1910, Until May of this ear, ihii tha ring was recovered by a detective employed by Adams.

He waa forced to pay the detectlv fpr hie erv ices and In the meanwhile wai deprived of the use of his ring He demands says tlia ring was taken from the Original setting and replaced In another Title is Quieted. Id the superior court Judge Ryan haa rendered a dorision for the plaintiffs in the csso of the Driving Park Improve ment company va tho iort Wayne Driving association, et at to quiet title. The land Involved has been purchased by the plnuitilfs and will be platted as an addi tion to th eclty. Notes of the Court In the sujierior court Richard O. Wei Ipf has commenced an eotion for damages against the Fort Wayne and Northern Indiana Traction company for $1,000 damages He saya that by reason the defendant company's fault through its servants his sutomohile wss "truck by a itreet car on Spy Run avenue and he waa thrown out and Injured In the superior court the Firat Na tlonal bank haa asked that Orodrian 4 Middle ton be appointed receivers of the grocery store and stock recently pur chsacd by Grodrisn and Middleton from Magley and Lerch and that a co receiver he also appointed.

The latter firm owea the bank Judge Ryan will hear the matter Monday. Receivers were not asked for Crodrian and Middleton, as has been stated. CEDAR CREEK BRANCH FORMED. At well attendee) meeting of Cedar Creek township reaidenta in the achool house at Cedar Creek, Friday evening, a branch of the Allen County Protective association waa formed for that township. William Maxfield waa elected captain and W.

Klopfensteln wa elected secretary treasurer, Sheriff A C. Ghvudlex and Peputle Brsnnlng, Courdevay and Psrnln Supervised th organization of the branch. Monday evening at the Farra grocery, on tie Leo road, the flrit branch for St. Jo leph towmhip will be formed and at tie Center school houea on Wednesday even ing th aecond branch for that towit.hip will be organised, Ther will an or ganisation on each ilde of th river In St. Joiopli township.

Friday evening meeting will be held at the Cents; school house in Adam township to effect an organisation. ROAD HAS GONE FRQw The trustee, advisory beard snd a number of cltisena of Eel River town ship today consulted, with the county coromiselonsTS concerning the condition of the road on the line between section 8 end 11 in th northeast prt of th county. For about 200 yrd th read Is Impaaaabt and for much of thi distance ha sunk from sight Into th deep mucky iwale. Five hundred yard of dirt dumped Into th hole last spring have evidently disappeared Vnd dean water covers a considerable stretch of th roadway, Th muck ha recently been sonaded and a depth ef forty eight feet wsa reached before solid ground wss touched. IB Is not belltvsd th plac ADDITIONAL I TY Mrs.

Joseph Schlrs, Mii Emily Mon sney, Mr pots Stanley ana Mrs. Iran agner went to Fostorla, 0., today and will spend a fortnight visiting there and in i mm, umo. Degree of Honor No. 20 Will give a picnio at RabisOn park on Wedneadty afternoon to which all Degree of Honor members are invited to attend and bring their tiasket of good things to it. Miss Josephine and Isabella Thorn of Cleveland, Ohio, and Miss Marth.4 bcheafcf, of Nttiburg, lev turned to their home after ipendug a few weeks with Mr.

and Mrs, Joseph Goodmann. Mrs Msbel Durnell Bradley will leave next Tuesday for Detroit, to enter the Thomas school for a course in domestic science, In which branch of education she Intends fitting herself lb teach. Mrs. Bradley's mother, Mrs Cheater Durnell, and grandchildren, Robert snd Alice Bradley, are going to MonroeviUe to remain with Miss Addie Durnell, ooe of the MonroeviUe teach ers, during the winter MiSs Nora Dahman gave a party at her home, 1918 John atreet, last evening and entertained in a very pleasant in ner a number of her friend. Garni, musie and a lunch were the particular things that were enoyed by Missel CJar net Fry, Alma Wiegand, Anna Liita, Gabtiel Strebig, Edna Stelnbacker, Nora Dalmah, Iricda Blonke, Elsie Llerman, Edith Pranger, Loretta Albert and Messrs Fred Bailey, Jack Martjn, I'd Wnsrht, Ralph Crilg, Jack Hasler, Ton Overly, Emil William Dahrann.

Al Tierman, Charle McCall, Joe Dab man. Bernard Hernias, John Dahman, Ray Hussar, Mike Berns and Ralph Kime Miss Helen Alien, of Huntington, waa the bonor guest at an informal dancing party given at Robison pork last even ing by Miss Clara Frank" Dancing was enoyed in the pailion Mrs Hale and Miss Bertha Frank aero the chap erone The Joung people who enjoyid this good time were Misses Mary Hn derson, Clara Dondero, Beryl Stewart, Margaret Firth, tffie Ovefki.e Dorothy Kilgore, Isabel Banet, Mary Dondero, Catherine btcwsrt, Edith Kreck, Babe Dondero, Florence Balls, Florence Telly, Luelle (jolnga, Margery Miller, Mary Relter and Messrs Rey Kerohevat, Hen ry Irosch, Rilly McDonald, Carl Rauet tor, Clarence btrodel, bluffy Krich, Frank Roea, Eugene Doyle, Ired Pohl able, Olcnn, May, Fred Lentt, Robo Travera, Jeas Metcalf, Lloyd Debro, Roy Shirk, Clydo Larimore, Clem Ickery, Carl Tucker, Perry Short and Joo Reiser, of lafayetts. MR. CREVEN AT HOSPITAL. Well Known Merchant Undergoes Operation for Relit from Goitre, Martin Greven, the Well known merchant whose place of business Is located at 1211 South Calhoun street, ia a patient et Bt Joseph' hospital, where thin noon he submitted to a very difficult surgical operation for relief from a large goitre, from which be had suffered eighteen years The operation waa performed by Dr Rosenthal and It 1 believed that Mr.

Greven will pitll through the ordeal aa rapidly a could be expected. Mr. Greven Is ons of Fort Wayne' best known snd respected citizens For the laat eighteen yenra he had suffered from Goitre, but only recently bla case became serious. FAIRLY HEAVY VOTE OUT. South Bend Independents Nominating a Citliens' Ticket.

South Bend, Ind Aug 23 Early reports from twenty eight plreclncts of the city show that a fairly heavy vote is being cast in the primary election of the newly organised citizens party. There are no favontea among the three candidates for the nomination for mayor, who are Fred Keller, Dixon W. Place and John A 6wygart, Polla open from 8 m. to p. m.

HANDCUFFED, LEAPS FROM TRAIN. Desperste Prisoner Enjoys but Brief Free. st Ooshsn. Goshen, Ind Aug (3 In spits of hand, called wrists, August Smith jumped front a lavatory window of a Lake Shore train as It passed through here laat night, but effected only a temporary escape from Ous Sehart a Wisconsin sheriff, who telephoned back from the train a stop at Elkhart, ten miles away, and effected a re arrest of the prisoner through local police Smith waa Injured in jumplna from the train and was apprehended when he stopped at a sawmill to demand a ills for cutting hla handcuff! oft Sheriff Hchar refused to tell where he Is from, but said he was returnliur Smith from the east to a Wisconsin county, where be Is wanted for abduction. BUCK IS GREETED WEHJEICHTii Non Partisans Meet and Name Fred Leinker as Council Candidate.

MR. BUCK MAKES TALK In addressing a mass meeting of Eighth wan voters Friday svening, Charle H. Buck, the eitliena' non partisanpartisan candidate for mayor, declared that be had enlisted In the non partisan cause because he believed that the nonpartisan government of cities ie the best thing tor them. He said that it leads to efficiency rather than policy, "A man who is a candidate on the old plan seeks the nomination flrat, snd in doing so, lines up 1I of hi friends" said Buck. "Jf he ia nominated, he then lines up hla political friends onco more to aid him In getting the election, so when a man is elected to office hy the old plan, he ia bound hand and foot by promises.

"In my case, the nomination wa forced upon me. I did not seek it. ind I did not think thst I wanted it. I have accepted the nomination, but I feel Under no obligations to anyone and if elected I will be under no obligations to anv set of men. My entire obligation will be to tha citlrenship of Fort Wayne.

I shall make my appointments for office on point of cfficicnc' and not through any political Leinker is Nominated. The meeting was held at 1163 Ohio street and was attended by ono of th most enthusiastic crowd of representatives citizens that have thus for met to nominate a non pnrtiaan candidate for the city council The recommendation of Frederick Leinker met the unanimous approval of all preeSnt, and he wasnom matod as. the Eighth ward'a non partisan councilmanio candidate. Precinct committeemen were chosen at a meeting held earlier in the week Mr Leinker ia custodian at Concordia college, and haa long been a resident of Fort Wajne He is widely known in tho Eighth ward, and is ery piopular among the different German societies of the city He resides in one of tho residences on the college grounds Among other spcakere were Attorney Howard Townsend, Attorney Homer C. Underwood and Fxersole.

Tenth Ward Meeting A meeting of Tenth ward voters will be held Monday night and after the non pnrtlsana of thla part of the citt nominate their candidate for council and select preefnet committeemen, thi non partisan ticket will have been completed The next work ill be the permanent organization of the non partiean city central committee, and the selec tion or a suitable place lar opening campaign headquarters. This work will all be completed next week. Socialists, Meet, A meeting of socialist was held Fri day night and tha party's candidates on the municipal ticket pledged themselves to stsnd by their party. Among those present werer William Boerger, candidate for mayor) Wlllard Smith, candidate for police judges George Bender, for clerk; William Yergena, William Berning, Chrl Brandt, Martin; Brlen Jind d. o.

Hinder, for rouncilmen at large) A H. Dornte, Flrrt wnTd! H. DeCsmp, Second? Joseph" Shaw, Third i Marion O'Hsra, Fourth) Powell, Fifth Charle Elchels, Sixth) L. H. Dewitt, Seventh Becker, Eighth) John Klelcr, Ninth, and Dibble, Tenth OVERCOME BY GAS.

RECEIPTS RUNNING HIGH. Revenue Income From Stamps Thi Month Will Exceed Average. Lew P. Sharp, deputy revenue collector, who ha charge of tha (tamp de fxrtment at tba revenue office here dur. ng th absence of 0, M.

Blue, declare that tha receipt from the, sale of revenue (tamp tbt taonths will be above the normal for thi season of tha year and will greatly exceed the total for th corresponding month a yesr ago, WILL (JSB MOVIES Irf CAMPAIGN. Msyee Knott. Osry, Seeks Ri Election by Film Route. Gary. Ind, Aug II Mayor Thomas E.

Knotts la having moving pictures of hlfn asir prepared ia ns enown in local motion picture bouses, togsther with seenee from the pollcis and fire departments la action a part of hl campaign for rs aiaciion aa mayor. CHILD KILLIO BY AUTO. Hammond. lad Aug It W. Mtekr son of H.

Mickey, of East' Chicago! former state rprsaentatv, raa down and killed Alvtn Orssn, si ysar eld, while driving through here hi machln last evening. Jame Hover Taken to Hospital But VuicKiy Recovers. James Hover, of 1138 Wilt street, street worker, wss oereome by ga Bliortly after 10 o'clock this morniiu while working in ono of the trenches at the corner of Main and Court streets, and for a time it was thought his con dition was serious. He was first taken to the police ststion in the city ambulance, and then to St Joseph'! hospital, Where he was attended by Dr J. rank Dinnen Shortly after reaching the hospital, Hover declared he felt better and asked permission to leave Ilia request was granted and this afternoon he returned to work, apparently none the worse after his experience JOHNSON AND WILLIAMS WIN.

Take Sixth Round of National Lawn Tennis Championship. Newport, R. Aug 83 "Wnllnce T. Johnson and R. Norrls AVilhams II, both of Philsdelphts, won their mitehei today in the sixth round of the ell com ere tournament for the national lawi tennis championship Johnson put out John R.

Strschen, of San Frnncisco three sets to one, by scores of 1 tn ft, to 2, 6 to 2. 6 to 4 Williams el niinat ed W. M. Waahburn, of New York, it atrslght acta, 6 to 1 to 8, 4 to LOANS You can have is much of a little as you want and In our ususl private and eonfdential way that ha been satisfactory to our many patrons In th past Ighteen yeara. ATa arrant, th suit yojr convenience and out rate! gmrantesd by our bond.

None many, not aa good, Call and let us tell you how we asa ttatlet srAiw You, only need to own furnl Mire, a piano, horses and vehicles or stock or have a permanent position to et an acnmm.uU. tion. Jll slJ Shoaff Bldg, gad Floor, Established 1195 phone 9j. WtAfy.

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