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The Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 16

Fort Wayne, Indiana
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JJ TOE FORT WAYNE JOURNAUGAZETTE THURSDAY MORNIQ, MARCH IV 11 MNL0 MOORE'S ZfG ZAG REVUE; BRADY AND MAHONEY; RAY CONKLIN; NELLIE LUCK'E AND THOMAS oYOASTAND OJHERS ON BILL OPENING AT PALACE Venlo Moor' creative genliM hM Utoi much to TaudeYllle, but In Ma fBlr rrua thla moat note of (irl suit produeere ba haa exceeded aran Mmaalt for tha act fairly radiates tlnasaJid atta, known aa tha ProlUa OJrl for tha haar boautr of her faca In ellhouette, la tha featured artlat with thla attraction and In It lvn eereral oppor tunltlea to display her splendid aklll aa aoncatraaf and dancar and her dls traetlnc beauty Charlea Leonard 'Marah and Mlaa Parker alao nrnr prominently In tha merry mer ln Tha act la siren In flva big scenes and nlna anappy numbera coatumad aa Menlo Moora alone knowa haw to dress Xn ty arlrla. Tha Crulaa af tha a bit of abaurdlty that la rich la to ba presented by Brady and Mahoney Thla act originally was billed for w.e Shrine At 1, 2i30. 4. StSO, 7, 8.30 and 10 Douglas FXirbakks mHeodSgjth" Meunttd upon his favorite pony "Smile" Doug performs amaiing deeds of during In acente of intanss sensationalism intended to thrill tha moat btaaa patron of any theatre Thar fa an undercurrent of fasoi nating mystery running through tha story with a strong elament of auapanaa that la maintainel II tha vory laat flicker Plot 9ty uniqua You juat can't hslp enjoymj any and all Fairbanks picturaa Thay ana moat exhilarating Addodi Strand Scraan Telegram and Strand Comady Gaorga Sunday and Monday. Th Zap p.m'a Laat Raid on of tha moat atuupendoue productions avar pro tented In thia city hO aA ttEATEJtS LA8T TIMEd TO DAY TOM MOORE HAZELDALEY "erown harvard" Tha greateet etory of college life ever written (Added Feature) A "LONESOME LUKE4 Comedy ADULTS, 11e CHILDREN, So ahow, but It wa found that tha neo aeaary railroad Jump waa Impoealbla and tha act wat canceled at that time.

Tha Palaea management, howerer pra vailed upon tha booklns offlcea to cure tha attraction for a later data at one of tha rea ular shows, which ao eeunte fe 4t praaenra on thlaJlllL. Ray Conkllna norelty namotr tna acme of aub vocal comedy la another bang up attraction for thla bill Juat a breath of youth and charm la tha wny that Nellie Luckle and Thomaa Toast have been deacrtbed by a particularly happy critic became of tha youthful rood looka of the Ctrl and tha effervescent apirtta of the Kay young light con edlan Yoael They call their aklt, "Tha Jealoua Lovera," In which tome crisp, breeay dialogue for nlehea excuses for aoma rlotoua laugha. The La France Brothers In their garden of equlllbrlatlo noveltlea alao are on tha bill and will close the ahow with aoma aplendld demonstration of their gymnaatla kklll and physical strength. Jack Lee and Lou Lawrence In a bit of comedy chatter built around tha endeavora of a pretty girl to board a trans Atlantic liner without having observed the enstoma formalitiea will get many a laugh for It a a decidedly sweet tld bit In this box of oonfeo tlons Billy Harrison who several weeks ago Introduced the novelty of anlmat ed songs at the Palace, will sing a new one for the folka on thla bill. "Give Me the Right to Love Tou" A ape clal movie film haa been taken for this song and will ba projected a Mr Harrison stnga Your washing well done by the Snow White Laundry Company, 234 East Main.

Phone 4353. To day at 1, 2 30 4 5 30, 7 8 30, 10 WILLIAM S. HART in "The Cold Deck" Hara aro thrills to make your narvaa tingle, action to male tha rod blood pound through your vsfne, romance to play on tha haart atringa a malody of life "On the Laval Leigh" thay called him. aqua re gambler and gentleman of the early west, with tha quaint drawl of the old south still lingering on his tongue but with eyes aa cold aa steel and quick on the draw when enemy crossed his trail Such Is the character Hart bnnga to real ty In thla virile vigorous tale of Calif or nla In tha gold ruah daya Hta graataat achievement Added 1 Pathe Newa To morrow and Saturday. WALLACE REID in "RIMROCK JONES" Sunday: ELSIE FERGUSON in "THE SONG OF SONGS" One of the greatest dramaa we have ever offered PALACE TODAY Bargain Matinee) 2:30 Thia Evening 8:15 Keith's Supreme Vaudeville MENLO MOORE Presents "ZIG ZAG REVUE" A glittering panorama of music, mirth and girls with Charles Leland Marah and Elaine Julyette JACK LEE and LOU LAWRENCE Presenting "Milady Raffles" The Acme of Sub Vocal RAY CONLIN Comedy A voyage on the tea of math BRADY MAHONEY Presenting "The Cruise of the Doughnut" A SUBMARINE SATIRE Animated Songs LA FRANCE BROS.

In their Garden of Equihbristic Novelties Current War Events NELLIE LUCKIE THOS. YOAST A breath of youth and charm SUNDAY "TICK TOCK GIRL" Coming Soon I Keith's Monster Spring Festival Show! ORPHEUM FINAL TIMES TO DAY EDITH STOREY Appear aa Bella Jones, a woman embittered by grlsf and a man's perfidy, in "THE CLAIM" gripping etory containing all tha elements which will maka this film a decided success S7EELE MYEKS' SPRING STYLE SHOW 1 In addition ta sur regular program lor ie aav ana is morrow, me neweei 'wearing apparel for spring aa decreed by Dame Fashion, will ba exhibited an Hvinfl medele by tha Stoole Myers Stars, Tha faahlen shew will Include a attend 14 showing af garmenta far women, misssa and children. Tha medele wan ae aMitea at a ana en inureaay ana rnosy wan. I uggWSjW I 1 in 'i ''aWj aaaasxjw lH Brtaaaaaaaaaaaaaav eaaaaaN Jk Sf Tliaaa Hr llSr a imP il it CaUj C5 wx riiiyti ijii ail aCT' JaKff flP' jVljl JJWR.MafJa! keiliV vanMibKiu i SfSjy8Hfc.iftea! mm WttUWlWWw'm KSBSf i aSaBaBaV AaaaHft 4 laWalaHBaa7' TalJHaHal IJiIHbIbVsK 1 JaH wimlmmimmm Goene from Menlo Moora'a "Zig Zag Revue," a Glittering Panorama of Mualo, Mirth and Qirla, With Charlea Leland Marsh and Elaine Julyette, Coming on New Big Bill Opening at tha Palaea Thla Afternoon. FOR EASTER IS ORDER Bakers' Division of State Food Administration Says They Are Under Class One.

TWO LOCAL CASES HEARD NELLIE LUCKIE AND THOS YOAST Who Will Present "The Jealous Lovers," on New Big Bill Opening at the Palace Thia Afternoon "DADDY LONG LEGS" Laat miiob cuM In th thrM Drldy Lome Loci inpnl on tour wor note bis for their excellent: and when Henr Mlllttr decided to eend out but one Amir! can company thl eeaaon he selected the beet players from each of the former companies and haa combined them In the org anlaatlon which will be seen at the Majeatlo theatre on Saturday matinee a nlfht Two companies under Mr Millers manaaement are now playing Daddy Lena Leas with areat eucoeae In England and London They play ra: in N.w York Chlcaao and London In the rant to be aee hcri wilt be Prances Stirling; Hark who wit be the bewitching lit le Judy EJwln Brandt who playe the bachelor hero Pendteton Beanie Lea Ltatlna whoae Mra. 8empl was one of the delights of thoae who aaw her In the earn role laat season Nina Seville ae Mrs Llppett Joeophlne Ber hard who Plays Mr, Pendtefon A Dean Cole the engaging young mlc Fda Von Buelow who Id the Mrs it chard of the present cast Olive Moore and Qeraldlne Jacob as the two college a Frank Kirk ind a doaen other equally well kno players "Try Journal Gazette want ads. One cent a word. They bring results. Majestic Theatre LYMAN n.

OWE 5 WAR (ATCRPILLAJtS vhcij wwfc ftnt CSPTUIHWC MOUNTtPI UOMS COalYKUHO tIWiHaGMT ruwr amutxivan: TO DAYi MATINEE AND NIGHT LYRIC LAST TIMES TO DAY VAUDEVILLE Eldorado Co. "THE ROOM UPSIDE DOWN" Elwood Lee "IN rOOLOLOQY" Bingham Thornton COMEDY AND SINOINQ Century Comedies Present Alice Howell 'Oh Baby! It 8eunde Funny. It it Funny. It la tha Funnsst and oast el Alice Hawell'a Many Comady Sue, aesses. THE HOUSE OF LAUGHTER.

HOWE'S TRAVEL FESTIVAL AT THE MAJESTIC TO DAY Lyman Howe Travel Festival, aptly described by a prominent reviewer as A Traveling Inlverslty will be en at the Majeatlo again this afternoon and eve nine; wth a new and diversified program This famous entertainment Is now In Its twenty fourth succeaaful year Among Mr Howe features for the cur rent tour are fascinating tours through China and Alaska the exciting capture of wild mountain Hone In Montana hair raising exploits of Holt caterpillar ar tors in I nele Sam army and a pleasure Me day and night at Con Island Howe exclusive and Inlmltab animated caricatures film noveltlea will be freely Interspersed among the more sedate subjects y.sjssWcAir FORJILED HELP Chief Electrician Kaftan Directed to Ship Many Men for U. S. Navy. Th cafei of I Rainier proprietor of the Cadillac restaurant and Henry Sandkuhler proprietor of a saloon at 235 Fast Main street wei heard by County Administrator HaffT ner yesterday afternoon It was found In the Rainier case that there was more serious charire than sen Ina; veal on "meatless Tues day that of conducting; his restaurant without a license It waa proven that he was using three and one half bar rels of flour a month which Is over the limit requiring; a bakers license lie contended that as the rules as printed did not mention veal he had a right to use It He was instructed to secure a license Immediately This case will be referred to the state ad ministration In the Sandkuhler case Admlnlstra tor FlafTner explained the law to him He ta guilty on two counts that of Hervlrs; ham sandwiches and free lunch No saloon or any other con rem may serve free lunches The saloonkeeper admited his guilt and gave aa his excuse that he was serv ing "stale sandwiches The admlnls trator asked him if he knew that pressed ham from which they were made was liable to keep for a dav or two He said he thought that it would be best to get rid of them as soon as he could IJe was ordered to inform the saloon1 pers association that it was against he law to eere lunch at any time Ills case has also been te ferred to the state authorities A Special Interpretation There will be no "hot cross buns for Easter There has been a special interpretation from the bakers divis Ion of the state administrative office to the effect that ot cross buna belong to class one of the baking reg illations which allows no lcine und limits other ingredients Aa the Fas ter season Is approaching it is the purpose of the food administration to make this point tear to all bakers Chief Flectriclan A Kaftan, In command of the Fort Wayne recruit lng at it uii nf the United States navy has receded the department at Washington urg nt ri la for the fot lowing men who are needed at once to carry on the war work of the nation Enlistments (a) Carpenters' mates for aviation (b) niacksmttna or boilermakers who can jualify as blacksmiths (c) Coppersmiths including acet ylene weitders AH the above for general service afloat and for ground work aviation (d) Hospital apprentices first and second class aa they may qualify by examination at Indianapolis (e) small number (4 clarinet I layers to be examined professionally at Indianapolis Enrollments (a) Thirty seaman second class to be sent to duty at Wlssakickon barracks Cape May. (b) Seven structural iron workers to duty at 9 nee, to enrolled as ma FOR SALE Buffet, dres ers, phurograph, library table, canned fruits, bed.

208 W. Wayne. MAJESTIC MATINEE AND NIGHT SATURDAY MAR. 23 DADDY LEGS emMttjaaaCwuica Frances sterling clarke "JUDY" seats now on sale Night ete tl Matinee, Bist Saeta 1140 Give them Vinol The Well known Cod liver and Iron Tonic, Without Oil ToMakeThemStronct Weakness 9 the one treat drawback to health after sickness. It often seems as though strength never would return.

In such cases Vinol a real blessing. Too see it contains the very elements needed to restore good digestion and a healthy appetite, which is quickly followed by rich blood and perfect assimilation of nourishing food, and in a few days one can Just feel one's self "building up," and soon as strong as ever. There is nothing like Vinol to create strength for all run down, nervous conditions, weak, women, overworked men, feeble old people and delicate children. WE WILL RETURN VOUK MONEY if Vinol fails to benefit yoo MEYER BROS. Fort Wayne, and other Drug Stores SHORTAGE OF LABOR CHJEF DIFFICULTY Premier Lloyd George Says There Is No Lack of Steel or Steel Plates.

LOND6N March 20 In a general reply to criticisms raised in the debate Premier Lloyd George said that ship building had not been stopped for Jack of steel or steel plites The difflcultv had been laige one of labor Every man in the home service skilled in ihlpbullding had already been taken from the army but when it vas de manded that twenty thousand men should be withdrawn forcibly from the field operations a very serious rest on slblllty was Involved Many of these i were essential to manning batter les and were the mainstay of complete organizations We cannot take tha risk of destroy ing tha efficiency of the army In the field at a very critical and perilous moment, added the premier where the skill of these men is essential to the successful conduct of particular operations. The government believed said the premier that by special exertion the deficiency of 120 000 tons monthly in Hritlsh shipping could be made there by making it impossible for the enemy who was unable to defeat the allies in the field to defeat them by the process of destroying their trade This would do more to shorten the war than any individual effort the country could put forward said the premier "because it would bring home to the enemy that however long he went on with the war he would never be able to defeat us hi Premier Asqulth welcoming the titration of the shipping output and trie losses said that so far from dls quieting the country or giving infor nation to the enemy it would nave the best possible effect in regulorixing the position and enabling the country to fa the facts without panic or sus plclon Mr Asquith made the Interesting revelation that Admiral Sir John Jel llcoe had been removed from command of the grand fleet at his own request with the express object of dealing with, the submarine menace. Gossip of the Grain and Financial World Seldom hss tha floanclt eommuntty een presented with mora bul ish array vas Ihlv morning ch du to any doubt as to a turn for th better but was rsflectlvs of tha con servatlsm that now pravalls anions; ths trading element espousing tha construct Ida of tha market As a result of tha announce nnt that time money pool had been formed fur tha purpose of stabilising tha money roar ket, call funds were offered as low as four per cent this afternoon Even this failed to Inspire bullish enthusiasm Beth lehem fitael was again conspicuous with evidence of Influential buying Tha out side following however was not suffl clant to lift the stock materially Tha controversy over Dutch ships now lying Idle and uncertainties as to how Holland will reply to the ultimatum served br Great Britain and tha United States proved to ba a wet blanket upon bullish, speculation While there ware hints of Holland llqulJatlon of American shares thla character of eelllug could not be traced Washington dispatches Intimated that Holland reply would be unfavorable Ueneral Motors sold off sharply under moderate volume of selling which ap peared to emanate from sources. The stock appeared to ba well taken on the scale down. It la a popular fancy hare that tha basis of exohange of General Motors stock, for Chevrolet, one and one seventh shares tha former foa one share of tha latter makes for an airtight trading proportion for the man who wants to go short General Motors and go long Chevrolet But as long aa General Motors continues to loan si a premium and there appears to ba a vulnerable short Interest It oold seem to mo not the wisest thing sv for eeveral weeks and there Is eer taialy nothing that will Insure the sue ceaa of the third liberty loan campaign more tbaa buoyancy In Wall street It ta said that leading financial Interest do pot want any expansion la stock trs4 Ing at thla time, but there appears to ba no ainortast pressure to sell and there appere jjueetto thai leading traders would bo willing ta take an aggressive pe Sit Ion oa the buying ids if they reoetve encouragement.

The short Interest Is largo enough to make Interesting In ease sentiment would change decisively bullish Tha heavy buying tha sea find liberty long starting soon after the noon hour, was predict ed as tho belief that thea bonds will have valuable sen version privileges. It would oeem logical for Crucible SteeL Baldwin and similar corporations who art now la opposition le Inaugurate dividends oa their junior Mteues tad others who are 1m a peel ties to Increase dividends because af attracted lanrv earnings to do to through tho medium of liberty lean distribute ton I understand that such plan is selaf aorteasiy aoasjatrta. LFumiahed by Spragua Hotel Building.) ails of tha dullness inoo. traders aside It Is probable that the short In terest Is a bit larger Th day feature was a movement In liberty bonds, which ware quite active. In dlcating confidence that conversion prlvt lege will be worth co tslderable No de tall received aa yet regarding the terns of the next Issue It appears to bo ap parently a question of taxtblll and It I assumed here tha rata will be per The Rending dlvliand remained tl same aa we anticipated There was no lea ture to the stork trading except a eat back In General Motor, with later rally Th stockholder approved th In oreas In stock to J00 000 000 Th market la neither weak nor strong It 1 simply dull It contain large short Interest particularly la United State Steel i It does not reflect any special pressure of liquidation th shorts are ap parently not anxious to largely Increase their lines.

Under these circumstances every little decline la quotations run Hito some pretty fslr buying orders specially In the railroad list for here th far reaching effect of the government control and guarantee la coming to ba more fully realised every day There la algnl flcanoe, wt believe In the sbanrptlon for Investment of middle trade bonds yes terday a activity having centered In sunn he enlargement of tho capital stock of tho Lahlgh Valley Coal company (all owned by tho lebtgh Valley railroad) to which reference waa mode In yesterday's letter there 1 nothing that should be In any sens a surprise te those who ere familiar with tho progress of the L. Coal oompany though th latter has re eently distributed Its first dividends to the railroad treasury Increase la tha X. Coal company stock stems to bo fully warranted by tho fact that to December It tho profit and oaa surplus ot tht concern had risen tt to) after charges te depreciation of li 711 411. though tho capital stock to that Mm was only 11 Oil 000 and th funded dbt tit 84O.000 Tho great nutation with tht owners of Reading Lehigh Valley Lack wanna. "Pslswar and Hudettn On lario and Weetern and Frit la whtthrr th government la to tab slept te abro gate tho Sherman law and thus glv tht railroads frto and a trammeled taJoy meat of tht benefits of their anal prop artleo.

or whether aeparetlot of th eoal and railroad Interests wlir bo dooreed by tt TJnlled States supreme eourt Tht latter result wo btlleve, nroull be of tht moat dlatlnel advantage Lfhlgh Valley stoekhelderoi in the ease ef Reading ll would have to bo accompanied by gev eminent assistant and arbitrary rulings Is the. financing because tha Reading general mortgage covert railroad sad. feat wvapertlao alike, sad there la no clause la tha mortgage providing for tbt rede ru pilot nf th bond Now Tork Ontario ted Wtsltra stoctvkc4dra scorn te bo la a very strong position In any event. Their coal mpanles produce 2 000 ton of anthracite a year gular morning latter of De to recall at thla time for It contain key to tho entire ooal railroad situation which la a big one In the? present markets Next to Reading and New Tork, On tarlo and Western ju tglng both on basis of current quotation) Iehtgh Valley ap peara cheapest of tho anthracite group. Few owners of Lehigh Valley appreciate that their company has In treasury (pledged under general consolidated mort gage) the entire Issue of 000 stock: rite trade would appear to be about aa valuable an Issue as could be found In tho eoal region I.

Coal company haa bonded debt of about tl til 000 It hat net working capital (currant aeeeta la exoasa ot current liabilities) of about 14 K00 000 Pro pert let and planta are carried at about IH 000 000 attar) having been written down through depreciation amount ef about 0 00 00 On basis tf tho lost balance sheet. I Railroad ownership of Coal company II III 000 stock could easily bt figured as worth over 100 000 par cent of par vain, after allowing for lit TOO 000 funded debt. Its eoal lands owned aro about tl 000 acres. Western mood continues to applaud tha It 10 whest prion. Economic history reeks with common nan price fixing Supply snd demand theories read welt In normal times but not when tho see caw out of whack Too muoh demand.

laco moves now await the outcome of Russia a recent realisation. Movo toward league of naUono baa been obvious for three years. It It If 000 mflee from Odessa to kgypt a nil TOO miles from Poland to tho Asiatic boundary of Russia. Too great a distance for tho central power te extend fast military movement. The value pf oats must also bo Judged) by tho hence ef a 00 000 000 winter wheat crop flanked by a 1 TOO 000 100 eat a Tht stock lharket Is Itf a paredoxUl po ettlan eeok te upturn on a dlogo of la Austria! earning based en Volte States buying credits.

Th locomotlvt contracts now ponding ahow that tho govtramtnt 1 ditcrmlnM te mevrtfc toil crepe with record speed. Much of tho farm news suggests tha largest acreage ef spring wheat la yotra In tht territory outside tht throe big states. Tbtrt wo may hesitate hut th rest of th country a mi te satisfied with tho It I wheal price, Nortbweattrn, lew coition report Urgent wheat acreage In twenty year snd tha largest oats acreage Corn acreage may bo autdont Pastures green la three weeks earlier than norma from the IK 000,000 Harrh 1, 111 farm reserve there were lliaetooo en fa rata August 1 ItIO stout 00 000 000 above normal. fa thr 'thro big states teeded 14 100 00 acres spring wheat out el ll lOO.Ovt let ht Uaiu4 ffUlas. 1 VTlia.

7 AV "Tr7 'SSrj.

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