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The Fort Wayne Sentinel from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 4

Fort Wayne, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

suits for! i. wWa hava thm ten Vn Ijm. Mini hIat nr lifldmn Thsw undergarments, perfoot fitting and oorcf(n tabl, get a wtilor vnie wrn i ney win new Truman oonatantiY' Our lfnOM of UiniMiMioa Hnit fcr Kuromor ore now completely ready I Home are r.ii orn ere flat Women's Combination Suits 50c to $2.75. Men's Combination SUits $1.25 to $4.00. Children's Combination 50c arul 75c.

UtMrniqrttimrt; UUiNUAX, JU.AY io etteey FOR WAISTS. Two bright Hues of Oingha ms Jutt in anil they're pretty. At IOC Maid Ginghams, bo) id blaOr. iljuui, one half inch and ono lnoli square all colors At30o BenaliM in Bilk Stripe Ginghams handsome combination a CYCLING NEEDS. For woman.

Suits, nose, Legging, Oloren, etc. WOMEN'S MICH GRADE SUITS AT SIB. Tlieae are mad' of fine Wool Sorgoa and Covui ts and Skirt lined throughout with silk some are plain, woine trimmed black and oidora. OUIC TKLKPIIONK8. Ttie it nailipr, Wahiiiiotom, Miiy 10.

For Ituli ami Tnlr ton1tlifc and Tuesday cooler in vouth portion tonight fresh northerly wimla NEWS CARPETS. Our room length hoIm in going to give out Homo Otrpow nt low i trice Finn 0rpets modinin ant) ngratiut in tle loi nil room lwight nold at big discount Note the Battorick Jane Patterns, Delineators and Slieota ready educjed prices on pat term ISrrtBLIiHLKl ISOO. I B3o Dyspepsia, lrnbarn. Us lnt iiid nil His inuh Illssir nfrslticl)' eunni ll gnrHnlK Il'spen In (witdy li niacins ()niti mmiitM all dlili and Araia uttit otipi ul lite moat etironta aud en hit mm tutaxMl In nul uRnr! A tyyltlv wilt tut vtuaa tha diihI kepUcaJ nu l.a A. Not LikeTHher Boy's clothing I simply our not oost a oautj mors to nuke other clothing Other' clothes may hare juat as gmxl snaterlal.

Bat there is a diiTeronco. Dun lasts longer, for one thing. The buttons mom part of the good wed on right fleams don'l rip. Lining hotter And lota 0t others things worth looking Into 4 COCKE, Drupfflot. I PIT THE BEST PRICE por cast off Clothes.

Please notify me by postal card and I will call. S. Fieldblcat. 76 Barr St. LOANS TO FJRIBNDS, 'tV.

Calhoun and Berry Streets IN TIHS STORE Salaried People. (Ladles or Gentlemen) on their own names. RMMJHRCSOE. STAIRS. SAVE YOUR MONET Br Dqix I.

With tbt Alba Com Uas Satlits AutditMi. 81 EMI Barry Ptreet Tir (Mr Nv Bh.n. SI O) pr MOW. M.IWH. MMW H.1U No JHn.

or Mombermbip Fm rMiflOJlJlM1 UiFR N. JOHN Both Phonss W. T1IEB.G lsn a grocery want that can't he filled. Our stock la oomjdoto We take prude in keeping it up to date and fnll of the verV beat groavtes and moats money can boy TRY US. Compare Our Goods.

EVERYTMMa FIRST CLASS. PFEIFFER'S, 4pilV BerTyUtreet. Dr and Mr Khropk line re ttirmid lrom Pprinnlold, 111 Horn (o Mr mid Mm Will mm Haldol, of enst Muin st.nMit a turn liruto btundaT in k'lvnioutli thu guattt of hlH wiruiitit SI a nd Mr .1 bt nt4wnmn have rutaniod from a vMt in Chi cko Knox, of Urnud Ilnnidti, rHtnt Sundny in the city thu fjutwt cif frioudri RisH Jennie Walton ami Mine Jiwphiim I'upe nre i filing in Co limilm" Olilo Dr Myern was nallitd to Etna Oreeu lait night to perform a HUiginal por Hon MiHHflH Miidge Mir'lmHn nnd (lor trudti DniKiKi, of uutinKn. (Sun ilnied witli friitudri In thin i ay Mr nnd Mm William Currant liavo movtHl to Li nut, Ohio, where they will make their future home Mr ii nd Mrs Chariot Edward and dnuifhter, of Huntington, virtiUxlia Fort Woyuu Huuday with frieniU MIhh Clara Witte Iiim reignod hur IMMttion at the Fox liakory and in now employed nt iho Hurodo dry gnotla ntoro Mian 11th Yaruolle leaven tomur iw for Winona to attend tho urn) iiMKimhly of the PrwHby tort tm cliurch Mtss TamuUe will he away about a wouk HaponntenUont Alexander John ion nnd 1' Ellttton left lunt night or Now York City, whore thoy will attend the National Charity oonffT enoe which will oonveno on Wed notday Judgo Bpigel, presidont of the Bnal Brith, haa secured head qnarters at the Wayne hotel, and will arrtvo In Fort Wayne noxt Hat urday Mr, Bpigel is judge of the common pleas conrtin Cincinnati A large class of children took their first communion at HU Paul's Catholic church Hunday During the afternoon apeoinl aervioPH were held in honor of the chuta and the entire day wan mads one of special occasions Strawberries ltecelvcd at O'Clock. Nioe Fresh Strawberries, loo ct Largo line Apples, 13 nd 1 tic, California Cherries, lSclb.

Fresh lettuce, 7o lb Fresh Sptnacb, 15o jiock rrosh l'eas, oo tit tlolden Wax Benaa, 7o qt. lUpe Tomatoes, lOo lb Iarge Ciiouuahora, 7c cuoh Now Cabbage, 3o lb New Asparagus, 3 bunches for 1 Oo New rotatoes and Onions, 40o pock Fruit Hoi he MONEY TO LOAN On real estate or personal security. C. F. PPEIFFER, Rooms 6 7.

Bass Blk. ftf 3iurv inr vnnnfi 1 THE BEAUTIFUL PORTRAITS. SEPIA! 1 Hi I Stilt 7yfi a iP PASTEL! Ten Different Styles to Select Made from your own I vt US, vt In HBSOLUTELY FREE WITH PURCHJ18E OF 00. I GET THEM. See that jou get a coupon with every purchase.

See sample portraits in our window. See our immense line of Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing Hats and Furnishing Goods, We always have sold a.nd always will sell good Clothes cheaper than all others. One Price to All. ieeeee A Lm, fc. Buroda and Mlas Emma bT0 retnrbed from Woat WlBiam W.

Oomstock, of Le fay waa ut tho Wayns today. (1. Bolda, of tlenevA, transacted bmiinoHs In iho oity today. Doputy United KLattw Marshall K. JCowt, of Angola, in the cltyv Mrs Oldrt, of Roanoke, is the gnoHt of hnr elsier, Mrs.

Zent llorbort Winslow, of JUuhmond, liasnooeptod a position nt the Wayne hotel Miss Flora Cart or, of East DoWald Ktriwt, uutortainod a fow friends liutt monmat lunch Born, to Mr nnd Mrs John Dlf foudoflor, of No. 5 Edgewator ave nue a uauguter Mrs Morriam, of who has bMn tho gtumt of relatives here, has mturnod home Mnrbhull, of Boston, was the guest of Mr and Mr Chariot) McCulloch yesterday Mrs Johnson of Cliicago, will en tertuin tho Fortnightly club at din ner at the Wayne hotel The will moot at 3 oeloLK Tuesday afternoon at the Berry street church AVayuo Tent band will give an loo cream souitU and concert on tho evenings of May JO and 91 Frank Iangbor and family, of Columbia City spent Sunday in Fort Wayne, tlio guest of friends. Minnow Anon Wolf and Kitty CVKynn, or tho Homo Telephone exchange, siiout Sunday at Indian pal it Meatlnmns Henry Stegkampor and 1'otor nlcAfoo, of BlulTton, sjMjnt Huuday In Fort Wayne with friondit A Walter of tho New Key Htoiio grocery, nent to Col ambus. In! thin morning on basinet ooa uootod with the A It, Frod France city attorney of Huntington, was in the oity ovor Sunday the guest of his brother. rank Franco, of the Randall hotel MUw Josophiae Cope, oashior for Thing Ac Co and MIms Jennie Walter, spent Sunday Columbus, Ohio, the gnettts of Mrs Kara fcorgnson Frovoy, tho former secretary of tho Associated Charities In this oity, has been appointed to a fellowship In aociolDfry in Columbia uni voniity, New York city Tlie Fort Wayno club will close its reatnnrant October 1 That feature of the club has novor paid.

therefore the members of the club have decided to abandon it. Mr and Mrs Fred Ooshorn. Mrs. Sarah A Meyers and Miss Christina Perkins attended the funeral of the late Goorge Perkins, which was held in Alaysvlllo Inst weak, Tho Union Veteran Log Ion will have a mooting tonight to arrange lor tliolr memorial service to be held next Sunday evening All members are requested to bo present Mimes May and Grace Polhomua returned homo last Saturday even lng Tho former liad boon visiting nor stater at Valparaiso and the lat tor was visiting frlonds in Chicago, Mrs. Mary Blakoley left for Indl anapolia today, where ahe goes as a uelitgate to the grand lodge, Daugn tors of Rebecca.

She will be the guest cf Major Millers family while at tue capital The engagement of William Rupp and Elisabeth Krossler baa been announced. Both are wolL known In this oity Mr Rupp la engagou in the drug business at Wood burn, lad The bans of matrimony of Miss Franoes Gokey, of Hugh street, and John Molitor, of South Hanna street, wore announced from the Cathedral pulpit Sunday Mr Molitor Is a popular pain tor at tire Anthony Wayne manufactory A son or Andrew Michael, of No 404 East Wayna atroet, fell from tho apiaratus at the new Turner hall, on Maiden lane, Saturday evening, and broke bis right forearm The young man Is employed as a printer at the oiuoo or the Staats Zeitung Tho tft Joseph's Catholic Benevo lent society met at Library liall Inst evening and olsctod tho following directors 11 Fink, Patrick Ityin, John fcinith, Daniel Klota, Nlchfllott Heine and John MoNulty. Tho dire tors will meet tomorrow evening to elect a presidont, secre tary and treasurer FJuiir, lotHtwi MMts, Ifuttor and lggs. OrfT's, Bloorningdale nnd Globe Mills lMtat quality Floor, 00 bbl South WhiUoy Mills beat Flour, 6 00 bid City Mills best Flour, to 25 bbl Choice Minnesota Potatoes. 80c bunhfll Niohfgan White Hebron Potatoes, t)Gc bushel Best Bugar Cured Hams down to 0c Best Sugar Cured bhouldors, 6c, Choice Mmoked Bacon, Ho irosh Roll Butter, lcth Good Jar Battor, He lb Fresh Country Eggn, 0a dozen FituiT Hotfrtts MONEY TO LOAN un oity property at per cent, interest, octirader Wilson, 7 Court St.

mtf "ANOTHER BREAJit Tno vv Tt Orestost Grocery's dlctlbna Verified. There Jlaa been Another 1Mb; lcllnelu Wheat Which Enables to Make Still Further Jteductloua tn the Price or Flour at The Greatest Sugar Cured Hums Are Also Uvwu 2cer lb. Bollo of Fort Waynof Cream and Vollnnd'n Daisy down to ft 2B bbl Rook Creek Mills' Favorite Brand down to 6 00 bbl. Boat Michigan Potatoes, BOo bu Largo Moaly, Now lotatoes, 40a pock. Vow Southern Onions, 10c perk Sugar Cured Hams, Do Sugar Cured Bhouldors, 0o lb Fresh Country Eggs, Oo do.

Th Only Store. The Greatest Grocery is tho only place in town where you1 can buy A 8 lb can Excellent Corn for Go A3 th can Excellent Tomatoes for So A 3 ID can Bwoot Potatoes for 8c A 3 lb can California Apricots for Ho. A3 lb can California. Groon Gage, Gold Drop or lCgg Plums for lOn A 3 lb can California White Chor rios for 15o A 3 lb can Cnlifornirt Black Clior ries for A 3 lb can California Bnrtlott Poara for A gallon can Apples for 25c A gallon can Apricots for A gallon can IVaohaa for 2rvo A gallon can Blackberries for Site A gallon oua Raspborriera for 30o. A 3 lb can Pio IVacbes for 6c A lb oan OooHoberrioa for Do.

A 84h oan Itaspborriea for 7o A ii lb can IBueborries for 7o. A lib can Freeh Alaska Salmon forSo A 2 lb can Corn Beef (about half prioo) for 15o A pint jar Assorted Preserves for 18c A pint bottlo Witch Hazel for 18o A oan St Cbarloa EvaHratod Cream for 10a. A pound Evaporated Dried Apples for 6c A pound Evaporated Dried Raspberries for 1 JJc A doien boxes (six thousand) Parlor Matches for 20a Straw berries. Wo are receiving daily only the very boat Tennessee Strawbenios at The Greatest Florida Pino Apples, 15o each. Large Mefnina Lemons, 15c dos.

California Navel Oranges, 20o dozen Nice Ripe Tomatoea, 10c lb Nice Green INrna, So quart. Nioe Wax Beans, 8ty quart Nice Bpinacb. lBo peck Nioe Asparagus, So bunch. Nice Red Boots. 4o bunoh.

Nice Largo Cncnmbors 6o each. Nioe Pie Plant, banohea to. Rardlshea and Onions, 2o bunch Rememberomr Fresh Moat Market Herman Brrodel, Butcher, at Tits GnaaTawr GkocebT, Ciolumbia and Harrison Sta Bosh Block Wrtrm lrtucal rhili 1 Mlk smlw. III 1 uliab Mn. (juack atm lb FooU, ir UJ Ur tUum 7lMI Four I Hill.

Carit Sale. Tho first consigrtmnnt of Ruga, etc liavo arrived and will bo placed on aalo Monday afternoon at a big reduction from former prices Axrnmaters, uuo jmh yd Moiuettea, tiOa yd 10 WlrttlTapestry, 70o ior yd. 8 Wire Tapeatry, OOo por yd MncmiLte Hugs, $4 75 eaoh Motineyo Ruga 1 70 a.h. Monnotta Mata, 80n This la a raw epportunity to our AltAttA 4lt liar .1 prST. sr KsaTte iS BU goods la to rail dihther before an.

I ouier FULBEESNEZ. ThtCmdutVMTlMir VJcbtJaK OUIbes Tuvadajr Nlht. Tho die la cavst and the edict haa gone forth that the Cvendaze will brave tho storm of popular Indiana' tton, eto AH patrcma or theorganb satlon will do well to bring their oar muffs that la, for at loast part of tho atrocity that will bo presented at worary imu on noxt Tuesday evening After shaking np the box several times the following cast appears THE PKRI'ETRATORS. Ur Q.nik Btiurt tlitok Bciinorlinw Mr Kill Curo tMtn ly mnytMi lllneb HibIUi nnur EMi ItoHHn tviifmi Hmn Juun ntumn. Ltirvila Pr.lf AfM Mutoc Jlon Bfaaln lilnHIr I Hi I nlrukrBill WUII.whM.ry i "ts i ci AlwftwMx wnitn rlmln thl.

wall paper uiDiiiiiiMi ami uurvnu Among tho specialties will bo hoard Bra Charles Sohnorbergcr In his interpretation of the mad rav ings of the great John McCulloch. Ranoda Bonsnuvn, In oomio tnnoa the Cvendaze quartet in blood curdling melodies; Miss Loretta Dreler ln rooltala Knloude Weber In In strumental ideas tho Inimitable Chplly Dunn and Warn Bteanahan in worse Foifeda Oonnell as the miser, and Master Hogan as the naughty boy In addition to tho foregoing emi nent artists tho Cvendaze Oletuoeb joaful, oonstitntlng the aftermath, will contain Frauletn Marie Evans, MademoiaeDe Claudia Donnelll, Big norina Lnella Harding. Prof John L. Vorwelro and Maestro Samuel W. Jonnlson And that is all For cards apply at Aurantz, 18 Wesf Berry itreet, Graffe'a Jewelry store and Joorfuer book store, Reuben Patterson's la the place to bny a mackintosh or umbrella, ATTENTION 8IR KNICHTS.

There will be a meeting of Fort wcyrse commandarjr, No. 4, Knights Templar, at the Aeylum this evening to make arrangements for the funeral ef our deceased brother. A. R. Henderson.

J. F. WINC. Eminent Commander. W.

J. PROBASCO. Weporder. Our atoro will bo open evenings until July 4th, UKUtiKX H. PATTKAaOir lll B' F.

riuortnsr' la' vialting In w. is "'Thofcnnaaibaaqaet of iho Vort nlgbtly club will bo hold Juno 3. Jonn Knox and son, JH 8. ratnoJC, of Grand Rapids, wors guests of Mrs George Ely over Sunday. There will be a montlnrx of Home lodges No.

3 ID F. and Tues day evening. Ma W6rk In first degree, Clarence Dickinson and daughter, Laura, of Chicago, spent Sunday in Fort Wayne, guest of Iho family of Phil Dickinson n. Margaret wegman, of Delphi, lnd ta tho gooat of her daughter, Mrs W. Applogato, and son, Swegman.

Mrs. Charles Green, who has been tho truest of Mrs Frod Koehllnger, of Elta street, returned Saturday to bar home In New Hnvon Mtas Morloa lion gland went to filladelpliia and New York today for a visit. She will later go to Albany, and study literary wdrk Mrs Gorslino wont to Co lumbus, Ohio, today to attend the department convention of the Wo men's Relief corps, tho auxiliary to tbO A Tlio ladies of the Wayne stroot ohnrch will giro a book social at ttie church parlore Thursday even ing A liook will be given bo every person who pays fifteen onnts to an entertainment which will oooar during theovonlng Mrs J3. Kynaotou and children, of Duluth, Minn will arrive la the city this woek. They will join Nr Kynoston here to make thin their future homo Mr Kynaaton la tho manager of the Fort Wayno branch or the Cuaahy Packing company, Logan Rose, son of John Rosa, of Coessc, waa tlio vtotim of an acci dental shooting Saturday A re volver which tho young man was handling waa discharged and tho ball entered his loft hand, inflicting a severe flesh wound The wound was dressed by Dr Geary, of Coeaae Ellison left last evening cm tne limited lor Mow York oity to at tend tho National Conference of Charities and Correction, of which ho in vice presidont While in Now York Mr Ellison will also attend the golden Jubilee reception of Archbishop Oorrigan, to whloh lie recently received an Invitation THE B'NAl BHITH.

0HIUMt IsiUNn BI OMarttaa. The Jewish pooplo of the oity are making elaborate arrangement for the entertainment of tho dologatea to Lhi nnnvantJnn of rMvIni nt B'Nai Britfi, which wiU coonr here on May and 23 About 100 dologatea and their ladles. It la expected, will be In st tendanoe and several social func tions besides tho buainess of the oonveatton are beinsr arranared far Tho following committees nave bean named Executive Julius Nathan, chair man Frank, Ham Cusaka, Joseph Lohman. Teopold Freibor. gor, 8.

Goldntino and Frodorick Cohn. Banquet Frank, chairman Al Friend, Louis Frankel, 8. Chaaka and Joseph Froiberger Concert Theodore Frank, chair, man i. Herman Frelbergen and Charles Folk. Printing Thoodoro Frank, oha1rf man i Joseph Lob man, Theodore Booker and Charles Young Invitation Charles Young, chair man Joseph Freibergor, Charles Nathan, Ben Lehman and Bam Chaaka Mosio Al Vriend, chairman; U.

Froiberger and Jacob Meyer. The ladlea' oomtnittoe anil floor committees are yet to be appelated. Bicycle clothingat Reuben Pat torson's. WOW ONTMAfc ISvldeace 1 Ims; Heard la Street Ititllway Case TI1K MAItKKTS. CniCAo.

Mitt. WheaU Mar. i on JUiy, si ux lXf Wf Cora May. 385 July. WAG atf eept Uata May.

WjZfo'X OOP a Pork May, $12 28 July, li 4 Bent, tC, Lard May, $0 80 July, 80 Bent 0 00. Ribs May, 0 55 July, ttt.58 to 02 Barley Cash No. 2, Byo oaab, May, t9f July, 85 Flax May, 1 271 30 Sept 1 19X Timothy May. $2.80. THE ROAD RACE, onm ApplM for th naewraUa Dj rrwaalNvaait altaurftra Fa Ctwtaa m4 OttcMfj at Hara ha) nriirt altoMM Oaar JUaim Judge O'Rourke IS today hoarlng evidence In tho motion to foreclose tho mortgage on the Fort Wayne Consolidated, atroet railway.

The plaintiff's ire the Guardian Trust company, of Cloveland, and the Guarantee Indomnlty company, of Now York, who are represented by Andrew ttnutroa, of Cloveland, and Morris, Barrett A Morris, of Fort Wayne, A oroaa oomplalnt has been filed by Nioholn Tbouron et al of who were holders of nanre than $100 OOO of the bondn of tho old Fort Wayno Electric company and claim thoy wort innocent purohaa era thereof, while tho two trust companies knew what thoy were baying Tho crosa complhmania are represented by Harper, of thia oity, and Attorneys 11 Jacksoa and A Busby, of the firm of Lyman A Jackson, Chicago. Frank Delias Robison la preoent with Judge IIosmjIi, hta attorney, and insists only that the agreement tor a reorganization entered into between blmsolf and the bondholders bo carried out does not oppose the petition to foreclose mortgage. tibippord, whom Mr. Roblaon aoouses of embezzlement, Is In tho city and will bo a witness In the case. The fallowing gentlemen re hore in attendance upon the trial W.

B. Bandore, J. F. WhJbolaw, Bourao, H. Connor, G.

L. Moaher and A. Garratson, all of Cleveland The laanas In the case were decided thia morning and at il 30 Mr Busby made, atatement of his case to the court It will require several days to bear the evldonoe. COURT MOTES. Tho state ex rel.

the state board of medical registration and examina tion Ium commenood proooedings against Dr. George Inlollotto to revoke iihyeiclan'a llconso, Tlio suit has been threatening for several months, i A telegram from Sheriff Molohtng thia auternoon announces that ho baa Net Kteler under arrest at Peoria, HI. Kialer is wanted on a charge of patornitv preferred by an Aboibe township girl. Mrs. Cora Bwslduer has been granted a divorce from Joseph Swaldocr and the custody of the children.

UCKXeCD TO WED Joseph. Kaylor and EUa Blok' millef Henry G. V. Rockers and Elisabeth Latter. Richard Etta and Lydla A.

John. A. Pond and Ida Cun nlngham. Tho a'tylbdi hata are found at Reuben laUterson's. CekO rDandrair cure and Hair Tonic, Warranted to core dandruff, or money refunded, lv ounce bottle, price $1 00.

Sold by Gross St Pollens. 14 tf The bent lino of nmckintosboa in tlie city at Reuben S. Pntteraod'a. Chaaiva of Lifetime. AorsalO, a good paying businoas.

dry goods and groceries dottbl tore doing a business of $30,000 year item noaenp. Aadress care Hentlne, I Dr. W. Thompson. Don tlet.

Now.0 Caat Wayne 8t. tf See the now nockwoar at Reuben B. Parttereeu! Wo offer honest bargains in sll grades of Wall Paper. Inspect our elaborate stock, hich oannot fall to pleat. Hum Israel, 7 tf 123 Broadway Gnr atnre will be open svsulngs uumj uiT'tn.

RXUBCJI 8. PaTTKRSOS. a lt rntosil TMud Uomt. lo lor tll iTU, i Hi Ali MVI KnJt Dm flood, at Sto for tU, mkj.1 i .15 I jit. Curaugri, iwortlv rl ft lMIB.ptry OOrtotm wortb Bo fiod BproiWI worth 1 5.

Ha BlMMilal low pricoi on Bprtrirt Idilw' WglHli At 9M, too And 70a, worlh OOo, 73a n4 00 Hpontnl low prloo, on all Blbona 85o Bammm Conrnto. worth aBo. Oolored BhlA. worth JBo. i tlo Red Anrl Blnnk PriDM, worth 50.

Sa Indlgotlla. Prlntl, worth Ba 40 (tntilMohad Muslin, worth 5a i iUff ft I VI. Don't tall to call at The Boston Stoe a we ore offerlne many Great Bargains for this week, i i i i i i i I i i Win. Hahn THEJ BOSTON STORE. 7VeN irfflis i un.

1 1 To be In BtvleSmy a too ooat The handaoma, wfUalf garment, mads with strap seams and silk aloevo lining, Our price only $13.00 A fine, Jnade of imported light ten Covert Cloths The handsome new atyloo of SPRING SUITS Are hero, on oar aotmtar brighter, mora ooloriDR, tjror. tlfo And At tmotlTrmnrtt than ovr tiome in And sen thorn, (nrLprioM rango from 50 oo no bjo uu All cm own i SfOIiLSrHKO rWCCS FCi BOYS AND CBILDREH. Boy' CTit PAQto BaitA hAndfloniaat And newont tAbrioa And do. AlguV plain and fAnojr offoota, Prices rang from SJfOp to Both Ixms PAnta Smta, mAda In alngle and doable breasted atylea front Au vary newest faurlaa ahown. Prloe.

tingei from 83. OO to I B.OO We sell the brt WorfcnK PAnta in the oltj Own Make TMEY CANNOT RIP. 70 oonta to H.OO Our Hals, Caps, Shirts, Underwear at Lowest Prices. 't J.Q.THIEMEl& SON, Corner Columbia and Clinton EBERS0LE PIANO! Frank Long, Sols Representative, i 84 E. Berry BL Fort Wayne.

i. mi, ,,4 lT l.TA. DA liiHI nu UA3. nu.rAin., aaraasaaaaaaaaaaaiaa a I a. laa.a,,, awi ipaa.

teetit ntncTEO rrairr rim FREE 0 CHAISE, BASE 15ALL Waj WW Tort i 4 Tlokst 46.5J0 is wnnli tlO at Baa tvn flooaivbsn Bi.Patraraoo'a.UjrtlWrl BftMlr tiL jH' USIWiI The offloars for the Baiidalt road raoe, to DO hem on DooorAtioa dar, have boon appointed as follows IlAndloappers i Wlllla Bonder And a JC mckArd. Judges Prof W. 11 Lovulew, 3 Boat MoCnllooh and Will Buckles. Timers Henry Taylor and Fred Hech. aoorers Henry Gohen.

E. O. Mil. ler, and B. 8.

Vlberg 'Xlmers And Btnrters Uoorge waiUMiiitniat ana uarr. The oonrse will be over thaM tliia ois road, tfia startiug neat LinOanwood 'Blrr. Irom liresont'lndfoatlons thero will ha abont thirty ffreatariers MEN Hhnuld alt wear tho Bweot and Orr OTormJli. Bold by Oooben Itatlor. son Lots of bargains In Trimmed and Untrlmmed Hats this week, at Hcr Kenthelrn's.

26, Calhoan stcrefwlll bo dmm Itavanbi 4m fCte.Up. iviaor(io noticSi All Master Mason. In the oity are requested to meet with SummltCltylodga, No. 170, F. and A.

Tuesday, May 1 7, at I p. m. to act a. escort to Fort Wayne com mandery, No. 4, In the burial of our d.oeasod brother, A.

R. Henderson. By order of J. W. M'CAUSLAND, W.

M. F. E. BTOUPER, Beo'y. JIASE liALL To aorrow Uansfleld vs.

Fort Wayne. 18 2. Oo to RaMibon tt. sCatterson's for high grsds clothing Kent and nobby are the trntternsJ ana perreo nt gnaranteed, in our spring salts. O.

Hehmidt, Msrohanl Tsuor. 7g K. Main street. utf O. IC ICNQAMI'MKNT.

OaJambau, SlKua, tar IS, IT. 10.ISSS via, Wasufc m. For the above oooaalon, Wabash wiU sell tickets to Columbus, vis. Indianapolis, st round trip rate of $3 0)0. Tickets sold on above dates will bs good to return np and iPolndlngMay flat.

'jtXM, TkotrlyOlrOlawortlittOatK m. fHn Irer The Vooxut Man's Cnriatisn stso oistton bnlldlng ami lot 40x100 feet. inquire, or writs to w. E. Cure, STtf S3 PlKley Locg Bldg, Oct prices on Etootrio or Gas Fixtures from the Edmund Electric Contraction Compaay, wo oan and wui save you io.Sk BICYCLE SUNDRIES.

Solar Oua Lamps, 3 OO SearcITUKhta. $1 00. Dioyolo Tires, gaaranted, $5 pair, tioiross, '60 pair. $8 WLediea Sweaters, $1.60. mrVtfi rt vbiUvitSaftirott Katlatw OrtaasMa JtituVlvtai tasrhaw MVCR CYCLE FtrattUaM Bapairlaartaaa4, Money to Loan! EASY TERMS.

8TRICTL.Y PRIVATE. Jinans iuau on household gboda, horaea, wagons and other personal pronerty on a NEW JEAHY FAYMBNT PLAN HITS us a oUL JKo trouble txplr.ln.,1. D(DliiU'st0rrAOE LOAN CO, SAiiii llwAwtmf iVHr i. b.h uiti aovMar, aW Ivsa Sf aH 3aVw 1 AsSal Xat.OfcHVSaV I sjr BBassaaav a aaaiag ausaaaaWvaaBiaak Bsvaamat JaaUsL. hn atail a.

L. StlkeaOS Caravwaja a VHaaJlsa Saaalsl Mil A written rosrsnty i fa 10 years with all wirk 'ltbisttuaai IMk ar. a aaaiag ausaasa laraa laewnarne. Waarw thaSalroAlaa tn th etty ftlts (ntaajaT JtaVnM aad laamdlMila aaalla na to (11, aatrat and enrsra tasfrta. riUt MtSMrtalesMtaiaiarbadana.aSaLa.

uint mmh JKaw A. BAlUk 44 Sk asyar BoatnV7hintarJH aCr i fmtm ma Mr A fjaraahan. Album, ('haa irtrt inuii OM OU1S 1 a)i i. KOSTOSriJKMTAL PAHLORR A Neatly pressed Man ak Ansta fakflarnsai tojtv iooj clothes sod gooa rasnners are tno entree to any trocietyas howevsr exclusive Wo oan tell voo perfootly fitting gar. meets prloas that wilt not hurt yourpuTs 'Try vs.

JFfRIENDS, wa isoiljrHB ita pnfTr' as. ai 11 ro. wiiT TI aw rn awaTljat (K 'f Fi Calhoun and Berry T'Z Streets, mi i I l. kUljsUlJl 'Dill The best Una of light weight un derasr Ja the city At i Reaben If liJi 11 nTittliaasSiaa till tji Ai Si iriur avaie ratat rkf Iraaaal Baylnc aaak ali or ar nsa.taa.flua akaTl alaa Vul anrssn, sai anii aa auiHi saw en lapsr par say avdsaataxaa la aaJLt a ata. thwart it ai an a ati4atu lu4 Itaalitair Puonfot (votiia Curdes.

OSawaaaMaaaatlMca, ttltar Wk MOMEYl Miatay aee aaM Katata I te hraraat Mas td lttaMt. ka UM aanajfa kaM lloa. snaa al Saw. Itrcttnesl Cs, aetaa Ai44mdtMtiComplcloS I rttrfc hi Uha aartaagiayt aaaMAp MUi "JTs.1'1'" THr tesaavidjtiwyi gat I AJjj't nac i. 1' K.

7ft wiiM kMk aau.ri LI UAHSIaVAa Wn 2S pmt9mm4 MUM Ft. Warn, Ia 1. OM MONDAY, MAY loth. TM WMna aaaakaanaaana Vaakfaaaa VflS baton's TENIICBNTf HOW.n' Only ona prio, for adnifsaloo TINrOniTa. ixm.

esq Jttt5lt(aiuj' rijiwa 1ST. "IS Z1! J9T1 PHILIiyWY, Carpenter, 1 Vrf.llra. 'th routJlnrr'ENTioft 'Kntrnva IDvllraMjrM lltMhes JT.tls. trrJto. Vbiiyit, Itrirati, 7.

M.T.1V KaaaaalBBaisaBknaBiaklutaJ ill taiu' lAliJI. ''i. Miti iMMmmiMm 1 I 'lirWl' A.

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