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The Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 20

Fort Wayne, Indiana
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

20 THE FORT WAYNE JOURNALrCZETTE rniOAV 0INN01SPUMtm 1 Society Henry Wllllama. of Cedar ttaplda, I. Mr. tlrown and" daughter, Mies Betty, of Kenelngtnn boulevard, motored South Pend where the ttr JMUt to attend. "Th.

Faithful Few club wer twin of Mm. IVIIaag a theater party fa th. rale, on Wednesday eve ning. Any trie theater a mimr re rait was enjoyed at th. Summit City reataurant, where conn were laid tor Meadamea Oerber, VHIcogen, ftldd.

Emma Kldd, Hidnti. Johnaon, Parten. Smeed, Read, llapp. Buhr, Flnan and Btapleton, and). JKiAiimntuSl, Foreat rarK oouievara, are mirr talnlng Trot and Mr.

F. German' jand family, of Colorado, i I i ami tin Charles Tape and, daughter, Mla Helen, of Caaa etreet, have returned from a motor trip to Indianapolis. Patrick W. lJnnahua left Wednea day for Notre name university to fostlnu Me etudlea. Ulna Lorrlta Itarkenrlder, ef Cedar etreet.

want to to spend to day Tednraday. tit. and Mra. A. Max, of Klne moor avenue, aro itolnj to Pecatur today.

speni. with Ml atlrea, Mr. and Ira P. Evans and daughter, of Waat Waahtngton hnnle yard, have returned from Tka "VTa waaea, where they epent to.

aummor. Mr. and Mrt. Pant JThlala enter Gained friend, at their, homo on Waat Crelghtnn avenue Wedneeday in telebratlon of their wedding annlveraary. Jennno Puryeof af.

Ma' aad. V.ti, Duryee, of Soutti Fairfield avenue has rone to "Purdue Unlver alty, after th. aummar with .4 jila paranta. Mr. and Mra.

jaka Beealer, of txa '(Anevlea. who have baan vlaltlnc J. "enlr and family, of Caaa street, laft yesterday for "Hunoi. to Tien mat Jrlvea. Mr.

and Mra, Ban Rink and daughter and Harry Beailer. all of ancle, apant tha laat week end In tha city, where thay 'enjoyed a ramiiy raumon, Mra. J. Millar, of Cornell Circle. wtll a few frtenda thia afternoon In honor of her gueet, Mra.

walk three equaree south' ant a half. west. ILLINOlT PICNIC Former realdenta of llllnola who are libWUvinif" in "Indiana are in itltd lo attend a picnic On Beptem her at llarrold Landing, Blue lake, neat Churubuaro. Thoea. who attend are aaked to brln.

well filled haaketa. ft will be an all day plcnlo. Mra. Jterry of tha t)ln dale rood, will entrrtnln the regular hieeflnif of the Anthony Wayna T. club thta evening.

All membere ere uraad to be preeent. Plana will be made to open the new Anthony wayne ronioiiuarea arnooi. grated their ainemth weddlnr nnnl u. enearer. At the noon BwtH ii) lh dellcloua baaket dinner wii ft Sunday Mat 1VTTHraEMOST REMARKABLE JVograrnof aStatjc Atjd jcieer.

aSpeciolties ii3 of Local CoOgaMtS CIRCUS a.l3 tydatfc Embkr ffe and Lingerie i Headliners STORDNG SUNDAY vora.iry at thrlr Vood avenue Wedneeday evenlnir. i rnttreMire numn waa played, and mutic and dancln were al'O fen Utrea of the evenln. Fancy dWea WerOiven brtlie" lit itrsnaaoa te Varkrr and Helen Bfebcrlrh. There were twenty five rueate' at tha affair, which a Nleo the annlVeraary nf Mr. Mra.

Weeley McMillan, of Rn who were among inoee proaent. The T. C. lrl and atteata were entertained at the home of Mra. Melville ltollla on Pnuth Calhoun etreet on Tueaday Mra.

Harold DUon nml Mlaa tudle Oroa venor won tha prltea at bunco, The Rtieeta were Invited Into the dlnln room after th imme, where tha hneteee eerved a dainty Repeat Oanlcn flowera adorned the table. and there, were wee baaketa of poalea racn gueei place, i noee preaeni were the Mleeea Mllllcent Prott. iwrothr Roee, Edith Thelma Oroa venor, I.uella Meelnir, Floeele Olaon, Ruth Faker and Thelma Uroavenor, and Meadamea Byron Blahop, Oarth Inakeep, Harold Uxon and tha hoateaa, cUtshalu" REUNION The flrat reunion ef tha Cutahail family will be held at tha home of Mra. Warren Hill. lift Howell etreet.

TakaTMrd atfeei car lo and ofllne, rnloyed. lualo waa turnlahed by an orcheetra. oompoaed of Robert Mercer. Mra. (I.

F. Mercer. Mr. liiraun. A.Cordry.

and Mr. Han thorne, all of Fort Wayne. Tna young people Breaent played volley ball. At tha bualneaa meeting the aama offlcera were retained for another year, and It waa decided to hold the 1134 reunion' at Welaaer park. Tboae preaent were Meaere.

and, Meadamea JUnthorne, O. F. Mercer, Ueorge llraun, Robert Mercer, Lam. Voverdala, Alfred Van Horn and family; William Tonkel, Frvlh Knight, T. K.

Mock, William Shearer, J. Newlln, Charlea M. Hheafer, the Mlaeea Harriet Mercer. Nora Flaugh, Maxlna Heckber, Helen Chapman, Margaret and Virginia Phearer, Beatrlcal Alberta, Pearl, Ruth Dwayne and Bernadetta and txlhert Mercer, Shepherd Hanthorna, Herbert Braon and William Shearer, of Fort Wayne! MiTan.t Mn. CUVIn Klnkel of De caturi.

Rer. and Mra. V. Yoder and family, Mr. and Mra.

C. F. Hubler, Huvey Hubler and dnughtera Vlr glnla and Mary Jane, Mr. and Mra. M.

J. Flaugh and family, Mra. Deaaa Nelrelter and family, Violet and Daniel Nelrelter, of Itoagland; Mr. and Mra. Theodore Heckber.

Mr. and Mra. Johii Heckber and family, of Oaalan. corn'eillF phillips Phllllpa ah 3 Corriellla, both of thla city, war married Saturday, September at KeJamuoo, Mr. Cornellle la connected with Noy engine houae, and waa given a celebration by hla fellow employee on Wedneaday ava hlng.

The bride and groom are at home on Fifth etreet for the preaent, but later expect to realda on Third etreet. ALBION, NEWS Mr. and Mra. Shiver, of South Bend, and Mr. and Mra.

Oaga and daughter, of Adrian, were Sunday gueata of uealle Olmatud. Tharladlea are alatera of Mr, uim ated. Mr. and Mra. B.

T. Kuhn and Mr. and Mra Charlea Watt attended a reunion of the coualna of Kuhn near doahoh, Mra. Net.pickerd and daughter, Roayln, of Fort Wayna, war Sunday gueeia oi ner Mr. ana Mrt.

F. F. Cook, of Albion. 'COLUMBIA CITY COLVMBIA CITl. Sept.

11. The city council laat night placed the list tax levy at oenta, which la eight rente lowe.than laat year, Tha levy la divided aa followat Oenerai fund, BB rentat' road fund, 'M cental ktreet la cente, ano uorary, cltv. light linea with the Woolen mlUe. hlch have their own ele.tHoal power unit, but which will heneworth uee light from city. The Jury waa called In to hear 'tna Tueeday.

The petition waa filed by Murl who la represented by Ballev A Compton, while whlteleather llloom repreeent Mr. Bayman. The high aehool football aqoad ta now Indulging In daily (practice, with tvaen uanowey in enarge. Thirty recrulta am played he 'J the call leet The firet game will be September St with Fort nayne. Over 400 people" attended the annual plcnla.veeterday In Rchinbeckler'a grove of the Jeffereon townehlp farm bureau.

AWarda In the pig club were made in thafirenoonJlrriwlnnarain. rloua olaaaea followingl Duroo gllt Relxrt Hay I imroe tai narrow, neien Woirantlet Spotted Poland fat barrow, Alma. Boney, Alma Honey and Henry Voaley will be given free tripa to the International Fat Block ahow at Chicago, Ed Hlnen. who waa above the age limit the competition, but whOae piaa were above average, wea alao awarded a Irto to tho ehow. A neeket dinner waa eerved at noon, and Frealdent O.

I. Cbrietle, of Pur. due Vnlveralty, apoke. aa did Mra. George tewell, of Otterbeln.

Tlie total enrollmeat In the Weet Ward aehool to data la lit) MoLellen building. It, and In tna high eohool. HO total, IM ae again. a total ol 171 laat year. White anakeroot and tfater hemlock, two very polennoua planta were found on, the J.

It. Shllta farm Wt Five Potnta, In ahundanoe by A. A. Haneen, poiaon anectanet; of J'uroue. Mr.

shllte haa had trouble with Maturing live atock on hla farm for the, paav tew yeat and effort will be made to kill of the planta Roea Keller, through Attorney jn ank Bmrirk, of Fort Wayne, aeaka a divorce from George Keller, charging oruel and Inhuman treatment. They were, jnarr ed Jn tIT ahowa the" defendant to be wortk JJ.OM, and aka for a M.IIMtlaaaMt. Lee Brown, rrandeon of Vatoroua Brewni deceaeed. and Mlea Rea, of South Bend, were married The hrldo la the daughter of the owner of the JMeachlng.Blue Co, THRIFT DESERVES SUCCESS lok around you'll Ob eerva tha peraon who "oarea what ba.paya and what ho gate," la getting aome place on the ladder' of eucceee. He'll climb to tho top while the fellow that, adopta Indifferent, ahlttleaa methoda of purchaalng, generally, ac oulrea little or nothing foe the "Rainy Day," Yea, you can eafely phono ever you buywhy net am ploy thrift In buying gro rerlea.

You'll bo aurprleed to learn tho eavlng at tho end of tha month by placing weekly ordera at thla buay food ahop. Central Grocery WATNB A.HARRISON Thla holda true In what your order bvjcauao wo aim to pleaae. CALL MAIN 5600' Twloa Dally at Tour Door. Loam Our Delivery Schedule CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCEJ for a Good Impression Kuppenheimer Good Clothes Big executives appreciate young men who dress wellr Jhe aggressive young chap of today is well groomed always. He wears Kuppenheimer Clothes because these famous garments are the very highest expression of fine tailoring and correct style.

See the new fall models. All sizes for men and young men. The most advanced ideas of the American and English vogue. BigBurly Winter Overcoats Now Box and' Medlutn Ulster Modela $22.50 to $65.00 With Particular Emphasis on the Group at $50 New Fall Top Coats Imported and Domeatlo 'Fabrlcai Three and Four Button Through Modela; Whip corda and Oaberdlnea $25.00 to $48.50 Men's and Young Men's Two Trouser Suits Specialized at $29.50 and $37.50 Men's Pajamas at $1.50 Thoroughly tailored of. good weight muHlln.

ttvt aliening and.regard loaa of tho alia, you chboee, H'a an value, Street Floor Men's Mercerized Hose 24c Pair Black, grey aad balbrlggan, Una 'moroor laed tbreada vflth a Uouble Hal. heel and: toe, Btaea to 11. Buy them by thf box. Street Flo.r. Men's NightyRobes, "Fruit pf tha Loom" mualin waa uaed In their making, that alone apaakg for their Cut full to alaa and well flnlahed.

7 8treet Floor PeLION CORD TIRES lr arzrfriirfrdrfrdpsdr 1 1 I lte i fe. KKS Isa: Necessity i 0' SlPr lliescJjays "'D the new costum Buccessrully. xou win ji find hats here for street, iports and dress; ji 11 fxHirSi iri every lovely shade and iSlgCvSw at prices that are an achlevemept in mod IsK'wf eration. 1 Hp. $5.00 $10.00 lMfdf'rJrIryaM iBJ THE VOGUE 119 WEST WAYNE ST.

H. Tiffi'iffiN FvMak ST4E. ifffllk a Wt 11 to 4B m) Xh i JsMeBMssBaWifflBB' 'iy Sl StoiSL BKfcat S. g.glglglgRH 1 1 g.g.g.rv iwyMIM Jo JT' Jl sP (KrcHf ft MySSRpiRi i )bhii yyytim fc.sT IMlgiMWk iyilllKiv iw KHm TTip Arf nf Dkpqq Mm HI under new '4: WWmmfKmBfW1 SlmtL I JLicSS ff MANAOEMENT "1 Ull MsHlBWBR'ilValA MBm i knowing where to buy ffiwSS talaV gaw aa MaigeBVAVAVJmf VVjHvJli aHLW I aVjgaVAVJBl i 1 r4l aT 1 aaHaPAHLVaV 'Hll 'IPdMfB8mR'V Ci'it 4tKKU BE well dressed doe not im BiJlBBil 'ew' BJ aClltP 1 BBgeBHcaVMlE' ll MRH li HeHlHri ply the ownership of an expen IfflpJl Of1 KtrAV; Mat fVBBHflBr' I il 111 HaHeHIJ sive wardrobe. KugalHA lNUNDAY I IAT 1M vfflsVsH WmKM tagjgaM gaBv II i I Mr I llgaHBBIII A woman with a few well choaen clothea IBgJTigawIin 9flMi lEQa leajaipaiauiWHeaaeir, i I lllHgaill can be and of ten' ia much better dresaed laKaHaBwi ni IJnlir 1 lllgeBJlH than her' wealthier friend for faKBHl i ii lagaaanii ajgii.o vy iuc.hi tyiui lganAgggaaM II IllSgaWll fvnnJ IRbBgKa I InlflBvlll That explains, no doubt, why the Vogue lllllVf jU bag become the prime favorite of the liliSHJ woman with limited dreg allowance "ff il fr who in atmosphere of fashion, always i I If crebtea certainty that the is refined Jtytf I in dress.

i Alluring New Fall I FROCKS' Vpu Will Find It Hard to Resist the Temptation to Buy Two or thretj of Them They Are So WONDERFUL for 15 48 rf Some are paneled. are pleated. are tiered. other are a II ALL of them' are utterly NEW and supremely beautiful. Soft, HI silken Crepes, lustrous Satin and smooth ui faced 'j, in Autumn' HI' smartest colorings.


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