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The Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 3A

Fort Wayne, Indiana
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fwriwr Monnrmt, oecrmnR mt.i vJ gsassari' faws THE FORT WAYNE JOURNALfcAZETTE a MOIrOvl TTfWsTsT GUIDE SIGNS ARE REALFUELSAVERS 160,000 Signs Keep Motorists iron Going Astray Rud 4,000,080 Times i Day Cow about tli lowly real tlra? Do ytm Ifr Motorist, taa yon toorlag boot ta country 4a yr aarrviag rem town to towa, aad altf fa eltr, aad yoar jaunt th seaaVor aad tl nonatalat poaaid'ex what aa la porteat part the ileat saatlaal at ta highway plays la your Ural Ta alienee ar you i ejt Urn aa toatter cf eourae. Yet, erltloat taa toad alga, watth. Tat B. F. Goodrich Eobbar Co.

of Akrot las erected fjurougtoirt th couatry tie Dumber af 160,000, It la a sera titlmtt that motorist would epead hmlred of thon and mora aea year In. xaaolla aad repair, Left to MmseLf (a mototttt would gold Ma littlo eta ear iato eul da aaaa aad bewildering Jsnea, tbaneing paaetarat aad lots of meek paolln Wlta. th rant Samaritan ha keeps on 'taa right path, he doeaa'tJnia Ida tern. par aad 11a money la plaanlag an area mora extensive onstroetioa of guide posts, tie Good rich Company believes itut guide porta are eon ml tad at leaat tlraea a day There are approximately 000,000 automobiles in the country today, and the aaaiatanee of the tolJ lipi to them la, roughly speaking, 2,890 (O0 COO tlmea a year Who elae in the world does S90 MO OOO favors for tataklndt 1 i i i i 1.1 ji.i.1. i i mm a QM0BI IE BWlS New Rural Drama in Six Reels COLO WEATHER JUTO ADVICE Keeping Engine Warm Great Necessity; Remedies to Prevent Freezing.

The great dancer In summer la over heatlnf and the great dAiujer In winter la over cooling; A few hlnta at the preaent time juat aa winter la approaching should be noted Few motorists realise why an automobile engine does not pull well when oold It muat be understood that It la a heat engine and that It la the expansion of the burning; of gas In the cylinder which rumlshes the power Tfle more this gaa expands the more push or power the pleton receives The heat necessary for this expansion is produced by the burning of the mixture of gasoline and air after It la compressed In the cylinder The temperature of the resulting; flame is between 2 000 and 3 000 degrees Fahrenheit Natural ly this causes an enormous pressure on the piston but If any of the heat Is lost, and so Is not used In expanding the gas, the resulting pressure drops with attending loss cf power When the engine Is first started the cylinder head and walls are cold, likewise the alves and piston head and the water in the cooling system Most of the heat units must be lost In warming these parts, and so the engine lack power This explains why tha engine does not develop Ita full power until It has been run several minutes, tha greatest efficiency being obtained when tha engine Is hot Even with the most efficient systems the power loss approximates to per cent which, unfortunately Is unavoidable with tha Internal combustion type motor To prevent excessive loss at the start soma systems use thermostats to control the water flow, preventing It from passing Into the radiator until It has warmed the engine to tha proper temperature Others us a set of adjustable louvers In front ef tha radiator to allow sometimes mora and sometimes less air to pass through tha radiator Thla may be an automatic control by thermostat or may be controlled by the driver from the seat All these interna are designed ta heat tha engine rapidly at the start, and ao save time and gasoline. It is svldent that cvercoollng prevents the engine from developing Its full power thus wasting gaaollne. In hill climbing the loss of power becomes more serious. If the car cannot make it In high gear tha Intermediate la used running the engine at a mora rapid rate than in high gear, arid ao waatlng still mora gaaollne. Apart from thla It delays the progress of th oar which is sometimes important Hera Is where a car with adjustable louvers has an advantage over one not similarly equipped In oold weather the louvers may be very nearly closed thus taking away a minimum amount of heat watching carefully of course to nee that no steam cornea from radiator cap or overflow tube.

If the radiator Is not provided with adjustable louvers, ua a piece aheet metal, cardboard, or flbreboard. cutting off half, of mora of the radiating surfaoe. Some driven attach the strip In front of tha radiator, but thla detracts from the appear anoe of th car Place it back of the radiator but do not wire It to th tubes aa It will start them leaking sooner or later Usually there are holes In the strip on which the hood rests which may be used, or holes may be made there without harm The metal strip la apt to noisy, cardboard la too readily broken, ao that flbreboard would seem to be tha best material. It may be obtained at large hardware stores To prevent freealng Is also Important There are many auto freese preparations on, tha market, but they are apt to contain chlorine, which attack tna solder In the radiator, causing serious tULKl to develop Olyeerlna la seme times used, but It rote th rubber boat at top and bottom of th radiator. Alcohol Is tha only substance which slow not harm any part of th system, but ha ita disadvantages.

It lower th boiling point of th water, and evaporates readily, so that mora ha to be added from time to time. Use about one fourth alcohol for a climate Ilk that of New Tork and about one third for places further north. Add another pint occasionally Keep the oar In a warm garage over night not merely to prevent freealng but to make starting easier. Also blanket the radiator carefully, covering every part as that la the most likely to freeia. 3 AUTOEFFICINCY Things the Motonrt Should Wdtch on His Machine.

Here are some of the thing: a mo orist shot Id watch to maintain his automobiles efficiency Mechanical Looatneaa Due to Improper Adjustment or Wear Loose connecting rod bearn crank )in end Crank pin bearing out cf roind Main 1 earinm rail, shutt 1 se Bearings too tluht rlat pin loose in piston Wrist pin loose 1n upper end of con lectlng rod Wrist pin not in lire "with crank hnft causing de slap llston ngs loose In orbriken Cam follower gal Cam loose on shaft Cam shaft bearing Vorn cama (flat epoQ Hy wheel loose en crank si aft (old looeU lth keed on fcheel) Fly wheel out of balanc Timing gears loose on itiaft Worn or broken timing pear teeth Cvllndei loose at Its baee 1 rglno loose from mine Piston too small for 03! nder caus Ig sidn elap Foor posh lod adjuw merit sap too Teat xhaust or Inlet sticking in uide Spark plug touching ra ve Magneto coupling loose 1 an belt counting at ihtng a pulley Tan blades sti Iking joinething Worn cylinder aiming: side ilap Iient crank ehaft Fau ty qnt in Ppark adancrl to hi Spark too late ciubIik overheating Short chcuits In irri1lon systtm ansing lrregula Hpitk Spark plug pointn contilruotcd wrong aualng them overheat Spark plug in poor position Wrong tlmlnK of ign on system 00 early late or wremj order Dirty distributer directing the urrent Faulty Carburet on Pre Ignltl due to eixeesKtve car on dejoMts Tllch mixture auaint orerl eating Lean mlxtuie In conjunct on with torn parts Faulty Lubntat on Lad of oil Ijubricanta of poor quality 1 Ilxccsg of oil iusIiik carbon deposit I Overheating of Erg nt lan not working I ump parts reol ing Radiator clogged Pipe lines clogged Hubber hose defective Inula? block ig flow of water Ignition time too latt Faulty Compwmcn Cngine designed with too hgh com reunion cainii pre igiltlor STITCHES IN TIME To distinguish the difference le tween cells that are merely discharged and those that are out of order put the battery on charge either from an out side source or by starting engine which should always be cranked by hand when any battery trouble la aus lected Test the cells with oltnieter and if each cell iea not ilae to ai proximately two volte after the batterv has been on claiju It Ih in In Ileal of Internal tronlle Wl en a cell requires the addition of water more often than the other cella of a 1 attery or does not test to the same specific RraIty it is usually an in lleitio that thera la a leak in tl Jr Hailiie to give tl same specific graity leading is not Proof of this ondltlon as the cell may lie low from othei caune onlj remedy is repilr the cell at fault If the I ositlve plates shrw buckling or stripping of tie active matter or if the negatle jlates have the light spotted appearance of il phatlng appeurf. to be the only trouble the groups should be reassembled In a I Jar with distilled water and eiectrilyte and given a long alow charge I When the reading of the specific gravity In 1 8011 in aiWcell irai iff In electrolyte down to the level of the tops of the plates and refill with dia i tilled water A SOURCE OF NOISE A source of noUe that is frc niently oerlouked is tie case covering to timing gears It should be kept fllle i with I ibrlcant but If It becomes empty it lets as a sounding board and Inten si flea the noise of the gears 1918 automobile and motorcycle license applications issued. Required application blanks supplied. Arnold F. Scherer, notary public, Journal Gazette office.

Enormous Inventory Sale At Prices Ridiculously Low ORDER TO DAY GUARANTEED FOR 3,500 MILES Strong Double Tread Tires Our enormous buying power anaaU sw WJ finest grade of Urea at a price that enable us to sell erur extra quality tires at rock bottom prtoes Why ptrwi Jonnow ihen thla sale of BTftONO Quality Double BTRON(j'l)OUBLH TMBAD TIRES ar ablllty and mileage They ar guarantee tor mile (standard guarantee Btiong Tread Tires have double tkleknea aad are almost Impossible to puncture. Strong PoubU Tread Tires are deabry ralnroreed aad hardly ever blow out Strong Double Tread Tires will outweer mot edlnry Etrurg Double Tread Tlrea reduce werlea about punctures, blow outs trouble and expense nFUNh HS FREE WITH TIRES Btratttt side clincher non skid plain tread an sama rHc. Send In your order to day and get ohelo of selection. Specify style of your rim and whether llnofiiM skid Is daelred These Double Tread Tlrea listed below are mada of th most carefully selected material and re constructed by our woaderful eysum --mi asii lOxIMj 3 44U B.48 UxSU MXS 7JB tilt Tires snipped Slit 81x4 34x4 A Bf i vi asxtH raa oirvi 10 at on I 10 aa 16x4 85 1 3Sxi 10 OT I4X4H OOllTl 11.00 ikiui f. Hand 1 00 depoeltfor each tire ordered Spejolal dleoount i pel cent when full amount aooompanlea tirder JArona Tire Rubber Co.

lOlBMICHIQAN AV CHICAOO. HI ra twrietw Complete hot water garage healing system only $65 Th "WascO' system. Made for private faragei ot radiatore economical! ta a coal burning ring heating a holding tnly Ilri of butScentiaday. 1 car tiding from 1 to can. Dirtributes heat vealy alone entir width 4 efficiently at a coat $oi3 cartl4i I cartlOSi 4 cartMOi a caiflil.

''Wasco" la mad In etockeixea Reg olatea the heat automatically. Any handy man fin mrtill. Steamnttcr nnnecetsary. Catalog Free. A.

Hattersley Sons, 208 12 Main 8t Fort Wayne, Ind I I I CHRISTMAS TREE A 5 I Surrounded With Useful Gifts For the I MOTORISTS In Our Window. OPEN EVENINGS. Wayne Motor Service Co. 716 Harrison St Opposite Anthony. Phone 3358 iii44it 4 ydlE IsW Jlr iHTli risril irggal sslra i irlta rmrm timm iM sm mm nJm sa For This SPACE Phone 18 or 726 MOTORCYCLE BELTS Mat and Malle to Ordei lao Special Fan Belts Prompt Attention Clven to Repairing and Cleaning of All Kinds of Leather elts Clutch Leathers WAYNE BELTING SUPPLY CO.

Superior and Calhoun Street Tettphona No 3019. FORT WAYNE IRON STORE COMPANY 320 to 340 Esst Superior Street Phone 336 We handle the largest line of Automobile Aecesaoriea in Northern Indiana Tirea Tubes snd Repslr Part Fords. WHOLESALE ONLY GET OUR PRICES ON TOP AND 8EAT COVER8 Auto Slip Cover Go. 120 Columbia St Phon 3141 Drive in Comfprt 1K Winter FORD WINTER TOPS ALL PRICES .00 105 soa.oo .10 Do net wait and suffer from the oold. These tops ara weathar proof against rain, cold nf dust.

Swinging Door Curtains Rad ator Covers for all maks of ears. Repainting and all kinds ef repair work All work guaranteed CITY CARRIAGE WORKS CORNER PARR AND MAIN 8T8. FAIRFIELD GARAGE WE REPAIR AUTOMOBILES AND FIX FORDS Accteaaories and Storage See Our Second Hand Car 2029 FAIRFIELD AVE. PHONE 7656. a.

LOMONT CO. Faotory Diatributora AUTO TIRE8 HIGH GRADE ACCESSORIES 129 Eaat Columbia 8t Home Phono 667 Wayne Motor Service Co. Glvea bette service on Goodyear Tirea. Magneto, Speedometers, Carburetora, Colls, Daun Insert, large line of Aooea aoriea 716 Harrison St. Phon.

33S8 Teephone 7656 2029 Fairfield Avenue. FAIRFIELD GARAGE Storage Acceaaoriee and Repairing Authorized PACKARD SERVICE Station Tor Northern Indiana, REPUBLIC TRUCKS Salesrooma and Sarvioe Station 2109 Calhoun St DRAGE HARRIS CO. R. M. Kaough Co.

JOBBERS OF MOTOR CAR ACCESSORIES .74 WEST MAIN JACK BROWN'S GARAGE OPEN DAY AND NIGHT LATEST IN VALVE GRINDING. REPAIRING FORD CARS A SPECIALTY. 1017 Hanna St, Phone 167. Keep 'em Rolling" HARRISON GARAGE CO. Incorporated REPAIRING AND STORAGE Ford Repair Service Phone 956 506 08 Harrison St City Carriage Works Winter Topi Radiator Covers, Autemobllss Hepslnt.d Cor Main end Bare St.

Phon lis. U. S. L. BATTERY STATION BATTERIES REPAIRED AND RECHARGED 1106 8 Harrison St Phone 4250 TIRES TIRES When you need a new tire see us We carry the Flsk and United States line and will also do your Vulcanizing at reasonable prices.

Try us Ve take old tires for new ones and also used tires OGDEN TIRE HOSPITAL PROMPT SERVICE 1308 Maumee Ave. Frank Magner, Prop. Phone 4208 Motor Sales Corporation 1110 12 8 Harrisen St. EXPERT REPAIRING, STORAGE AUTO SUPPLIES REO AUTOMOBILES AND TRUCKS Fort Wayne Overland Auto Co. ERVICE STATION IJ4 W.

Watnington Blvd. Auto Supply Co. WHOLESALE AND ReTAIl ALTO SUPPLIBt IW a WF8T VTASIUNOTON FREE TIRc SERVICE CO Any tlmo, Day or Night Phena 1811 tlartforc tires, 000 miles guar anted ul If you ret atuck on account of "no ras tts will send you 6 gallon at a price chareed at our filllns: station No rhnrtre for delivery 416 Waeh Ington Fort Wayne Ind If vol forget the number aak Central for PBJE TIRC eERVICE CHARLEY BROWN'S GARAGE 8ERVICE STATION FOR FORD CARS WE LIMIT OUR SERVICE TO FORO CARS Overhauling Ferd Car a Specialty We Guarantee Where. Other Have Failed 320 Main 8t Phon 8485 SHERBONDY Auto Electric Service Dlacributore for the Exld Stor Batteriea and Excluaive Eleo Inc Repair Shop for Automobilee 304 306 E. Wayne.

Phon 2313 Office Phon 1359 ANTHONY GARAGE Lee Heller, Prop. Automobiles, Repairing and Storage 210 16 WEST MAXtT BT. Car Washed Wall Too Walt Vlllard ttoraga Ditterlaa. Aute Lighting (uppllei. Prompt Service, Work Cusraetaed Wtllard Storage Battery 83RVIC STATION 311 Main St Sort Wayne, Ind.

Kelly Springfield Tire and Tubes Ever ready Batteriea Vulcanixlno Free Air Free Btrvic Automob I Accessories Central Rubber Supply Co. t0 WJeffereon St Phons t188 For This Space Phone 18 or 726 NILL HERMAN 418 Harrlaon St. Phone 3893 SERVICE STATION For Preaf 0 Lite Batteries, BIJur and Disco Stsrting 8ytm. For This Space Phone 18 or 726 SUMMIT CITY RADIATOR WORKS Radiator Repairing a Specialty, Air Teeted. 716 Ban St Phone 2822 Kti rf iiai fiininlifli'it I'ltai.

VS5 nMUm JJJV a iNisMe4MeM ef I. l.V.

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