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The Fort Wayne Sentinel from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 1

Fort Wayne, Indiana
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

wwwiSjBSBSSBS srtssrF )li)ft IMi 'ft t.yWjyu.'i i IF YOU WANT TO Hoy Hall, Raul iir Itfla a fame. mpl( balu i nmriar 1M arliVlr trr a Want Bdlal iiTHKSKNTINKU waul daau 0OOOOO Kt. BPv TO aaat He if Iwiw Sothitd Here's Seotimi Guarantees tu Its adMTttwn a pfr Another ill I. 1 TJSTSBLISnEin83Jl7 MONDAYr3DNltVl897. Tl tiaaiirajar at "PhtiM" for JuMiUaMtrllrlnftrarliaUitBHM, alio ItU MbsHao rtdint luWt Sad SfaqU rtnlaawHI a bnaaUftd atotiriUla Mf tnaa lit (own aMtlMnal tipixunMibl Ut auaiW va all momUII bMo, ni taeJoda a Kadtara raehtialr a MA.tbiiaitannmipMil buiiili nil, arirHukipdaaftmrUaMaiid Sn la Am til rt u( 8TAIiVINtfCUBANS Appeal tolllO I lilted fll ftll

Mr. Julia Ward Hirm awribala naati artiala, a hlea li soonaj panted br a Una iwomi mrrtmlt of lha autttor 4 briarfdreitpttnafrf ttianawf raw Itajial Library and tataat twUaim wa aian a work at totTaunaaaaa antanla annrflntarvU. Hiadanta of Flinwtf Ittrn in ba doltsbtad a ltii iMbat Warrall Hall dafnV aladr rat Xlia FWw of Jtiaa. walk alary lrw wm will 'w Ul(lrndaraa Un amUaMit la ftor llmra Mill traalawwl of lha iuh. Jrt uurtaw to Oar Bool) Inferior.

"Tlta Manilas of IM Wautri" a oliannlua: ttnailiara lira ar Jaan H. Walwurthi sad "liat Wai In a laaatrraratU trj illif laujtoft Kullini. Larsa apM la aardtrd ariclaa. mstMiinr aUMnHar noeapalinaa, aataaa, ml ttowar iillra. "Tin Uilijirrtta iif Vlilli4fi wll aaiUa aaiif a aiad qjiW.H Erabroldarr la Maraiablaall lit rnar haunt, and Uiraa oaiaJ da lri aw alvan to laanptdfift flusvra lu, fi)r Lbrm in 14m Mnir hnvlni of anm ntnr 1L)ihI aomlUna la aillliMtr Ihiwi.

iMrawihi pdrktHlxiuka, Ml Itnci fie am dfwribtHl, mu4 uutlilair linn Ixh iiNtlvntMl aim KaiJilHi htivrjl mMcMr ap Udat Inloitiia Ibm ttt all maUra (Malalu Htoawr Geo. FIMANCIAL LOANS. LOAN8 SIO, S20, S30, SSO, VIDO. LCANS ANY AMOUNT. tOANS YOUR OWN TIM I.


LOANS INDIANA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. L0AN8 30 CALHOUN, ROOMS LOANS DON'T PORCCT THE PLACE. WM aMaHaVikfaa ''aLaaaaaaaaal Altth Latest 8oda Drinks, Root and Birch Beer and Mineral Waters. 1'ltKKBB UASKE. 88 Calhoun St.

For Sale or Trade. trad aa all BtYaparV all (wrta ft Urn aiL 'or alsaragl Iota, vary larfa. Mlaar Uda Huata alanai as of Tarlur Etrart brldsa. ral vu(rrra oaraui MoaUsoaajaurtaaoHI' mm (mimm, ILMaaalacrflhv.Loaa Uoac. vri; Time Tried, Time prove tin worth of eTlT.

tlitiw. tt tl toat of hoooatr. It wears nIT taeextorfor anl expoMe tlie eolidltT or the worOilMie IwimUJi. Tbnre BoUiIng mar Hnwiillil8. to time tluut piano.

Dim xliluh lie toil the (net of time vrhtoh hei itood mil IK (one, wblolt keepe lt iierteot tetim and elMtio tjaoh ta 8pod any out offer yoo. Bui dbwow of ImWtDj lwatllj. Mt piaaoe noond ellke whea Bwy are new. We will be glad. help anrono to piano, ytadom who caree to learn.

Fort Wayne Organ 120 Calhoun gtrtt Ok Bloody Qreen.i Aud all tbe othor bnantiful "imilee ho poi'iilitr tlila yrei Ladles', Men's, Mlses' and Children's Fine Foojwear for 0 Are to lie Found to The Hoosier, 36 Calhoun 0. FITCH, Thatr I'ntlliB RtMillln Vhalr Waaa Om of In Mml HarRadlMKlarw 4tat, II A ah Juuo t.A. frang ap poul on buluUf of tlie ultirviuy nnj ilylug rooouaentrailfM In Alatanuio, wlioesoited jtlty La tlie lmarbi of Gonnnil Lea and Mr Calhoun, uu been tniuli to tli people of tho United HtotfA, Mnoe tlis VniM Htejtw gOTemraeht liwl bnffun ttifaui arofl for the rolinf of Its otMrnin In UatAnKOMs the durtiemtn plight (if the Cuban reooooentmdog thro bJu resulted in ft petition (ajpied by a kuwlfod of tbera It vUloli (litir beg that tiiey umf included in tlm oluirity The iwUtiou i haadml "An An peal to the Udted Write, ond la now on It way to Wuliington The port Ism lollowa "For aomo time puf we liave bona TOntemplatinii' the idea of in ptailing tu yout ebarltabltf feelinK for rolinf fin tlios of 'onr peoplo wiia are bittariy miTtu jiiK Uie rwqoonoen of a tnoit Inhuman way of wooing war. The ftMir, however, tluit oiir reprmentatioiii might Ixs iwvnl pamionatofuul exger atiMl, Iulh redtrained oi from noder hiking the taitk, bat dnoe UnenU Lee, Commiwiiooer Calhoun, Idjuoo rutary, MrlflrHUaoic( cvna Aiexfln der Brioo, the American oooau at this plane, liave seen with their own eyes the misery exuung hem, we do not JuMitatn any longer to eiieak tu you "Fimt and faremiwt let It be arid tlutt In unluippy Cuba wo oan not do aoythtng tu help our Buffering countrymen. Tho pavnnoort that have bnddled in our dty would bo loiked upon aa traitors ftir doing ana aucn we wouiq oe numumniy doalt with.

We must do nothing that our In any wuy interfere with tieneral Weyler'a polity of extermination. 'We have to witness day after day aoonoN of horror wliich no lajiguugo ona deaoribe, and yet no voice can be lifted to protest agnJiut them. To Spain we oaanot apply for aaanof Bhe ta well acquainted with the preaont condition of ftffrtin In Cuba, and ao fa not a farthing lift come to tu from her. and yet we have sent her ourniohey'frmtly whenovortbe Huanlah iieojiie have been in want and distress what are we to cuixwt from biwln. when her worthy ropmiwntn tive here, General Weylor, Indiffer ent, oold and dear to our miwrr.

oooly aaya that hia tuitwion in Cuba la not to loot aroerme rarting pop alaoon. out tmpiy to nu tue war according hi own notion: "He naa ouorartoa into aeeens aflttona of oonntry where abund aoooonoe reigned thouaande of happy towns have been lootod ana burned down by a oarage soldiery. ''Upward of 10,000 of tuaTictima of thia Mftvaae system of warfare have been jjrowded Into MntanuiB, without providing Tor their moat natural wants i and after they have' perm ootnpolled to abandon all tluy bad in tne worm tuey are co oe aoeu in orowda, Trora earlj morning nntti late ft night, Imploring oharity Many a child pertehes the etreeta, nnable to trtand so many and auoh long oontlnned privations. In deed, It look as if mr graveyarda had turned ont their dead upon us, aoh la the oadaTeroua look of the multitudes tiat rantioally go about tofflring. J0CA IPpraeLolbreacL and whoso only guilt la to have been born In Cubfu 'In ant other country this ntato of affaira would have brought on diatortnnoBi ftna rou, yet oa people, anfferlng they are, have not done anything that Aould In any way dMrarTTbnlet Can them be a better lustration of their peeoea ble disposition 'Tenuor.

loving mouien 01 Amer ica to you In irticolar we appeal in onr humane txwlertaktiur Hend tu the mighty aid of your motherly co operation, enlist in our crusade agalntd crime and barbarity and the bteadngs of thonsanda wUl Hue to Heaven at a nt in your praise. TBlnk that at your rery doors there are motheri who love aa dearly as yon lore, and who day after day see their little onea perish In our streets out of sheer hanger and, in most owes, without a piftoe of rag to oovef their nakedness. fo oa, we cannot do our work openly. We have to beg for feeding the. hungry and clothing the naked, oonoealing ourselves and onr namea aa Jf we were doing aomeUilngr wrong1, and we therefore auggoetthjaifany relief is to pome tt ahoald be entrusted to the American oonsula for distribution, and we would also saggeat thus the sending out of help In the way of provisions orolotblng has ita tnoonvenienoos, as it might give the officials an op.

portanity Ito Interfere; and thwart theotyeot In view, vnry rwpeoirauy, OKlSdWDRICOClfullcaoi MaTaM KoroHtteof noble birth, Piii Yung Klu auk Kin ng Kue Tbe HhhI named who whs cluirgu d'affnireaof tlie Korean logation ut WaHliington for tlinie tooth Jjjlm boon omuuittt sioned by tho king of Korea to port tbo prlnoii to Atnoiitvt And lilm ooinfortsiblyuHtubllNlimllu some eHMtern ltuUtiiuon of learning wliere be take a tliree years couma in Englirih brnnoliea. Priuoe Lu la not the boir apiiarent to tho Kor oan tbronu. tie im the mcmi1 Hon or the king but In expected tin nun oflod siiiect It in genernlly nnderrttoiMl tlut tlm rruwn prlmm Ih an fm liftHle rillCEXUaCENTS. HACK HOMR' W. .1 Cnlliuim It.

Krem Cubs. It MaaiaaittaLar Abna( Caaa, lih tt Ma Hart Bn i MbMaMl in Kutatltea. lii lir lltili A FUTURE KING ArtiMC la AaaarkaV ta AMaaal afkaol tor Vara raw. Wha who will probably kooosed to the throne of Korea on the death Df bis father the reigning king, arrived bete yesterday on the steamship Coptic from the orient young man who la only, twenty years of age ha come to Anierioa to finish rwYokk June 7 William Calhoun, who wan wnt to Culm as special eoininbtMiunor to iuvoHtiguta the ctrvuniatauiva of the ibnth in priaon of Dr Unix, an Amurinui titison, reaohed tlile city on his ro. turn bxlay lie wm atmnnpniiitHl by (ioorge Finhbnck, liia wre tnry, and Chorine PepjMr, Waeliington newHiiaimr oorrweiwit tlent, who went to Cuba with the nouiniistionur Ramon Wil.

llama, formerly United HtAtrs ootiKUl gnneral to Otilia, oame on the wuno Htonmur Mr bonn iwld tliat the oommiiwion bokl three aittingM lmtwmm May SO ami Jane 1, at Havana, Regulua and UaiiUAbaoun Tlie pairftm eiuimined In the cane vfre chiefly niilitnry reoordn Tlie nntu rnjKrt will be tnado to Vfwhirig1uii by OonOral Ije Mr Udboun dHoliued irire liw oirinion on the caee 'Atthesewlomi of the oomntia Mr Calhoun said, in re roportor's questioning. we examined several vnuniaafla. but When too ask me if tbev were plentiful can only say tliat they did not run after us and we hod to ane no feme to keep thum away Tliey were ootnpoeod of Bpan tnrds and Cabana. The HpanUl. witnesaeH.

and. In fact, all uf those wbo testified were surrounded with safitgnards that it Was liuKMeiblo to get at tlio nuked truth. One per son whom we would have liked to hear flould not be found This wan Pondesvieia, who eomnutndml the Hmubm in tbe Ounabaooa lerritorr lie diiupimired and it was impoa ailrle to find bint Cai)(aih Qeneml Wnyler did not pat in un apiitnraaoe at the luveetigatUu We tnaiiepted tbe JaO at Qanabaooa and when we were tnero It was axmipuioutdy olw" Mr, Wllllnnu, said he had bean traveling; through had a very enjoyable trip When informed that his name had been mentioned for tho Bjionleh mission he expressed surprise and sold tliat he had not reoolved the offur KTAUTMNd I'KIMK. Att4itiit4d MiiHlor and Hub die In WuKbliifituii. IriarlM lUriaar NliHla MIm Mqaltwa Hud Tlira Mraalaa Hilllfl Cranlilaa liilu Ilia Uvra Hrmlp Wasiiiniiton, June Tlie throng of guvurninat clerks uud olhon hurrying uo PiMDiHylvfunn a von no, near If orty flmr rilrwt, about ton mlnutiw to o'ebx tliin monifim wt're atortbsd by the attempUHl inunlor of Mim Dorothy rMiuireN and the suicido nf ClinrleM Bnrlier a jKitout attorney who bad gained inurh not oriuty i Into liy liia ecoiiu trie uttontjoim lhirlnr shof Minn Htpjires and then, turning tbi n'vol ver on hitnerilf, put wIhIoI ImII through bis lirniii, Ymning ahnont inritoiltaneoiu iloaJJi Mim HqufroH in fat ill nlivn Init tJio extent of her injury bt not yet known Barber hod ooiiftideiablo of a int ent pmrtioe, but luvd Ixwti growing more and more rexwmrifl for aneml years, and nf Into nwiny of Ida frteniw theairlit him mentally balanced Mine rVjulres formerly worked for ufiii oh a Hteuogrnpber, and upon having Ids employ ho annoyed her with bin attentions, threutoning to Injure her If ahe would not permit him to mil Finally the matter bora mo so tmr loon tlint she had to appeal to the (sourts for protection, and he was plaeod under bonds to keep tbo IKteoe Hoionin not to hnvo do strtted, however, for Hinoe then the girl had received aeveral tbroHton ing totters from him.

in tho ln1 of which be announned that lie would do soiiiething wbiuh they Imth would mgret Ihirlwr hIihi ihiiiii before tbe Washington publio in ajiotber, but Hiniibir, role a few ilnys ago, lielng brought into the iKrifoe oourt ror mmttult oomo with some sensatiunal feature arising nut of a struggle for a duo dog he ponemmod He earne b6 Washington from l'luttHburg, and was smho eiutodina few cases with tbo late Bun Butler, of MassarhuHettM, the one time prueidenUU oandhbite of whHfit it is bellevml that with tlm mnUnnliiid funiiabiHl them bv tbogovenimniila, tlie fanners will Iw able to raise an extonaive crop LAltUlt AFFAIRS. lyrtulrrM of OrgaailKSl iona Lull on lrrNlilH CloniMrN. BADLY IIUK'T. Two Aeuldenla Itcsnlt lu Injury to Many People. i KlaYato tKa Saw Vara roaloMM ralla MtS flaa la a Mia Nkw Vork, June 7 TUa elevator on the Park row side of tho pojt offloe, which la used for carrying freight and employee, foil from tlie fifth floor to the basement today TJ)oacrjdont wo paused by tjiej Dreajcmg ox tne elevator rope ine injured, aooording to the polios re portH, ore Captain Cox, post offioe ex aminer.

Internal injuries. Ueoroe Daily, pontoflioe cleric. Internal injuries John Murphy, laborer, brokon ankle and other Injuries Joseph XailTer, broken back Thomas MofJovern, Brooklyn, broken hack. Frank Btrdsall, railway postal oh k. broken leg Hohoho AH ALA, June 7 By in explosion of gas in the Bluok Diamond mines of the Brown Coal Go two miles south of here, this morning several men wero injured, but none fatally.

The explosion oo ourred about 7o'olorkanda rescuing party went Immediately Into the mine and the men were taken out before they were overcome by tbe deadly after damp Tbe git sold to have bean ignited by an open lamp and the escape of the 300 miners was remarkable. IkaWair Hupr aa Ptka1 fmk. Bimarr or Pixb'b Prak. Col June 7 By molting "Casey at the Bat," on tbe lammit or rue peak yeHterusy, in tbe presence of a large crowd, DeWolf Hopjier has established beyotfd qobation his reputation 04 being the 'htRhest and tnost wonderful actor in the world. He sent the following tele gram to the Lambs' club, of Hew York i "Am nn here at Ht.

Peter's gate, have fixed admittanoo for all true Iambs." PROPlaJKTQR. his education and is accompanied by iery, Ntw Yoxm; sTune 7 A dlapateh to the. Herald from fiunecs ayaes saysr'The Herald's oonespondont In Rio Janerio, Branl, tolegrapna that late report from Oanodus, Ba hlU, state fanatics under Gin selblro were ilefeated by the Brazil ian troop The fanatioa niade stubborn and desperate reaiatanoe, but were finally oooipelled to flee In great diaorder by the federal artil HUNTIK0 MINERALS. lesae Grant Kits t'i an Kilor Ing Fx(Mdillon. rill Hall All Mia lalaMda ar lha onlf af (MlforaiU la lta Huimm ttt Flad la Waal Ui.

Bam FKANOirMo, 7 Tbe schooner Emma and Louise sailod for tJuaynuis, a few dnys ago laden with lumber Beyond tlus oommon plaoe trading ship move, however, is an exploring expedition, of which D. Oront, of Han dingo, son of the bite General Urant, is tlie barker Home montlis ego Urnnt obtained a otmoeasion from tbe Mexican government to explore all the islands of the Gulf of Call fornia, lying north of the twenty ninth degree or. (atirutio, be to have, all the gtumo and minerabi discovered, the Majrfonn government to reoeive 10 per eent of the proceeds. The Twenty ninth degree divhine Tiburon Island, which is Inhabited by tho man eating tribe of Certs Indians and it Is proijosed to prospect the northern half for mhiHrnla Angel Bo La Hnsradia, the Urgent inland in the gulf, lies entirely within the grant oonoasslon It is believed the island Is rich in miner alx, although it liaa never been thor oughly erplored. A CONVICT'S BRIDE.

WJInhla' HMTRMany rnifin war Kit' PCttaJ V.KIloa. Grand Rapids, Mich Jnne 7 Pretty Minnie Reeves, of Clyde, Ohio, wants to marry Elton, convicted last week of counterfeiting and now waiting to be taken to tlie Detroit house of correction for a five year sentence She arrived here yeKterday for that purpose rlhe is only eighteen years old, but bos been Elton's housekeeper at Clyde ainoe tbe death of his wife a few months ago They have been engugud several weeks and were to be marriett in tbe fall He owns a jelly mill, brick block, farm and other property at Clyde, and sbe wants to marry him before he serves his long sentence in order that she may look out for bis interests The United Mates manhal is will ing the wedding should take place Immediately, but the consent of Judge Severna is neoegNary, and he Ism Cincinnati MME. BARRIOS Will Halaratat Bar Haabaad Maar Thai Ha 1 lator. Sax Faitttuioo, June 7. 'Mme Barrios, who Is at present staying at Han Rafael, will soon return to her home In Gwtomnl to share tbe honors and labors of the dictatorship with her hwrijend She Is at present suffering from a severe attack of nerrcma prostration Her huabands aaauruption of tbe position was not unexpected to her Tlie change, she said, wooM have no particular eneoo on oonmnons either in Guatemala or in the Central AmerioHn republic as Barrios had been, to all Intents and pur poses, dictator Oold I Uaaallllaa Nxw Yokk, June 7 A dispatch from Beunoa Ayres suyst "The Amerioan expedition which has boon exploring In Term Do Fnego Vita Jaaaaa lAMs'la SirlfcfM a Ha Aliaa iluanl 111 flfhl aatrl Tltaf l'r rtarla let SaMlllnr tt urb CiNt'iNpiATl Ohio, Juno 7 Prnsl dent Hatnurtl ('onipttni.

of tho Fed emtion of Labor, addmwted 10 000 ikkjiiIo at the LagiMHi yiMterduT in tbo udvotscf uf tlm eight hour working iluy A (atturqinul. cluiiruian of the exeeuti vi board of Cnnieiitoraand Joiner union, made an addrcNi la (lie as mo strain Oilier prominent InW loaders were hera in multotatm with Mr (torn iters Among tbtra wan vine Presl dent ilAnehaa, of Pie Locomotive Firemen anal sBsrieners Tlie eon eultntlon wbd behrna dosed doors PiTTnuuHu, Pa June 7 Tho Htrike at Jonai A Laaghlln a Amor ionn iron works is brokon and a geimral renatnptlon is expeotod In a few days. When tho gates were opened thia morning the maiildnlHt, ohsfnmnkera, boltmakers and foun drvmen returned to work Over 700 men are now working and the inipreHHion is general on the south mdo Hint all tbe old men will go but before the end of the week Thro was no deniomil ration and nil in ijuiot aboattbe mill DLWKARDS. four Tlioiisnnd of llirm dlnlli eril In AfHr Intnl. TUr MaallMS Csm nf tar Mies Imperlaii! aad laioawtJas Kfar Maid by Uacbarrh AFFAIRS VTlilUiWA.

MibrMii mill f.tiMiiird still lln 4 lit jot Ih of (Vl(Hlir. Uiivarai Haystho Niillnaal DiiHnl Hid ri elr Duly hoa 1 1if HlMfNl Uiallnlrr In Mrr. Frkokrick, Md June 7 The annual nunferenoB of the American Baptist church of the United HtaUw, otherwise known the Dunkards, which began here tbu morning, lias brought together no bwa thun 1 H0 men, wonmn and rhildron from points onldlda of Maryland, end proiiiisea tobeUis timet intorofting meutiog in the history of tbo or ganlzatlou. Twenty huuannd strnngera wore in tlie olty yeaterday and ewrvioos were held In all the churchea TliO niisMloiwry and tmet board bos inade np lis reKrt, wlikh will be mbmitted t) the gtm oral conference tomorrow Tlio total nKMiiiito were dii bursemiiuts, 30, SU) Thniugli tbe enduwinent fund the iwwt the oommlttoe vere IncntiinfMl from to M34.0L7 T1h earning power of the Inoraasod naw ts will much more than oonool tho i punees. LOCAL LINES.

Bol BaylcM lodge No will have work In tlia seonnd degree tonight. Dr Mary Wliery linn ruturned from Home City, where aim sjient several days. Fred LofUn and Robert Simon ton, of Huntington, v.r in Fort Wayne on. business totbiy Miss Katie Kammer arrived home from Plorocbon, wbeieHbc luis boon vbtittng Mim Sertto Musier The Fort Waylie Turn Vtirein will hold a midnight fete at Turner hall tonight instead of at Uentlivre park Will O'Brleh and Barry Hmitb of Chicago, spent Sunday in tint Pity KfKWW of'Mlsi Nnmh lr)m broke Tbe lndiea of the Went Juftoreon atrei4 Chnrolx of Christ will be en tertained by Nra Humhey of UV West Main atraet, tomorrow aftor noon Col Frank Qibeon lias returnod from Knshville. Tenn where he attended the national convention of the Traveling; Hen Protootive aa sooiatlon.

"Wildfls has opntotl the agency of Besiavj elothes line and hammock sutar. His territory embraces ojid Kns doako oonntieaJ Yesterday a party of five, nonwst ingor WUiaCssarr, Rogers, Charles RJohorda, Clyde Hnuwbergor and Edward IinU, rode to Decatur on their wheels. Mr and Mrs. Pnnliw wore in the city ovor Babhath to ettoud the anniversary and communion servioes at 0 race oharch They ars rluirtormeniberaof draco clmnh Taa 04f KaaapUat The Puuxaubawney Hpirit tells of one old gentlemsn in Jeff urson duj ty, Pu who bad worn the judicial ermine of an associate judge for ten year day he was nuked by on old acquaintance if be had ever boon consulted by the oourt while on the bench "Nevex but once, ssid tlio judge. "Onlyonoem tea years! exclaimetl Uwfrlotjd.

It must have been a very important taiee "Ob, no," replied the ex associate, 'it wa not a question of vital impor tance. It was one duy when the oourt bed boas in sflawiun about ten hours, and 1 hud sat there and dreamed and dosed and scsrgely realised what was going on. During a lull in th proceeding, jurt before oourt adjourned, bis humir turned to me and said in a sort of sympa has been aoocWul In finding gold "two way, Unt that sent pretty in qnwti ties which wUl yield large hard I 1 admitted that it was, and profits for the working A syndi ttaonly time in ton yenrt cate with Urge amount of capital river inked my opln has been formed for the exportation ton about aching I khan li no 7 (lenernl AxliueHjHuit Viunilny in I rlMiuuiiid while btmtiiJltl on Mr Leonard and Arwnnd lir thut Cnphiin Ijoonnrd would pnriwtl Tlwro is uo finding iiKAiui.t nienilrtirH of ooinuuiiv 13 the poojib gitniirally ueliHvinK Unit tlmy ni olieyed onbirs but nptein Iwiinl luis lnon WMmtly einnuml for giving th" orilent fin on tboinoi) and it wom wi!) for biui Hint bo wimout of tpjwn while tin Indignation aguiimt biui wu nt ito helghl IjiHimiru lina nlWHjit boon an effldfoit and iHiputur nfjln'r until this un rorrnnntaH affuir oocurrwl The declaratiim of (ifiicrnl Axline tlint ho would lie protiwfaMl Hpiroved by the majority of the best poople Vthodotim tluit thitiLfsHlinll return, to their norniiil ctmditom ns quick osiKMslblo and further bloHlMbod be avoided Kbriff M( ljim ntill nonies in for oonaiderable unfrnmilly rntbtbtm and haa not gninoil in popularity during bus nlimmoe Harry Bell, tho young nmn wbo wne nhot throogh tho nulif htmplo and in atontly killoil tlie night tf tbe not, will be buried thit afternoon The employes of Whito Volontlue A (3o 'h 1k broom fiM'tory where young Boll waaeuipbned, will turn out ami march in a IhhIv to tbt oometory Lti utniuint a mpbell, who woriKUl nt Ibitry Boll a aiue in tbe broom fie tory, is in a wnrfcliod atute of mind nror the nuforhinate buisiiewi and wtje bo would give half bi life if the crowd lutd uot been nnnl on dovemor Biuthtiell suva "Tbe niumbers of the National thuird at Urlmnadid then duly and are en tilled to the auport uf the state Laniontnblit as the rueulta wem their efforts were to iiuuntain tbe ma Josty of tbe law and they ebould bo upheld by all the Adjutant tioiicntl Axline snyi A mrcfnl uxainiuatfou nt Urlauin fails to ahow Hint tho National (JuanU'ooiiduut was anything but that of couragwoUH and obedient sol dters, and when the public Is In full (HMJusitioii of all tho fiu to and oufii plications that surrounibd tliat service, the nnwarrnntol nitirfsnut tJuit have gone ont to the world will bo sjwedilv oorreotod tt hlwttrv of ito pnwnt fSiiiiliimii ami it outlook fm tin) rjlum 'the (bunh In growing in )ieiiilrhip 'J be HnblHitJi wliirol mid difft nmt wk ietuw i if tho ihimh ann)liu proKpiTUUN eoiididoii Mew inmn bun wun mativwd iutj tbo hiroh nt the Iihm yiMtenhiy Tin' wis tir and iimmbm of dnira iburth urn ver imi iiiooiirng.d with I bo outlook forlbof hnnh find an Htart ing out upon new urn of ioiim tiiui to tin Ijord mid IiIk jioe Then aoh Inrgi utl4nbiiut mid vrry plottHiitit wtrviifM FROM TIIK I'l LIMT omr ArKimti iiU ot lb't. in II mid K'. A iHri Acalnsi I an.

Inn anil Klnitrart Atti Ni.MI Willi It ar ftirblrMva lallir MfllUKll MM Kit WKIUHMIS. Ifl't. farONM uiul IllltP Hlg I'll ItrnlliMi. ill I if ti Trai liara a III l'allfint. A Nh.l Hl Witt Omr litgn inlveinMtry Mt A SCHIMIL TIU'STEE Will be htofted by the City Council Tomorrow Night.

lira. Haarp aad Whaebrafc aad UalldauaihaAvaarad CaaMlliUai llark Horaaa. Tlie city council at its rngnlur ineotittg tomorrow evening will eleot a srbool trOHtoe to sucneod A Hoffman, whose term will soon exjilre Tliore is quite a contest on for the position and council ruen seen by a Hrxtikkl reitortor would not state who liad the best olMinosof election, in foot, few of tbenf would express a profi renoe for any one Katurany evening Jonndlman fur oall entrtained several of tbe ooun cllmnn at the Rich hotel and there was some talk of the trusteeship, but no agreimient was reached, tbe members tbninaolves not oarnnK to pledge touaoh other exactly how they would vote Jos avowed omuulatoa ant Dr. A Boawflll Dr Wbeelorktaud Mrs A (luild Mrs. Huilil is bwked by the Womnn a LenKue Dr Uoawell baa the aupiwrt of the ofHoere au) a few niomlmrH of the Blimitollio union and Vt Wrbo(dook lias some influen tial suiitiort not oonnectod with any club or league Heveral oouncilnien Intimate strongly tliat while these are the pronounoed onndidatos not one of them will be cboeen but the choice will fall on a dark hone and no names are mentioned It is believed that while Mr Edger ton is nut a candidate be would hot refuse the position if it cumo to him unsolicted The imiiio of Hon Cliorles MuCullooh luut been stig gestod, but it is understood he would not accept POLICE PICKUPS.

Atifc nai Hahar Ula HwlUaaa Wllh a Ka la Jalta Tmt rrf liraak AugnBt Baker arrorftod by Oflieer Pngnler for csrrjtng a weaiion, was stmt to toil for (J teen days at police eonrt this morning Unkor was JlomiMhuig a revolver and intimidating workmen In tbe Wabaau yards. John Trnoey, arrested on Lolura bla atreet for ibmuketineea, got the aame down as Baker Traony has been op before on tbe same rharge Heretofore bo has refused to plead guilty and nothing short of a jury trial would snit him This time lie acknowledged that ha was full very run Five train Jumpers were let go FpURTEEN YEARS OLD Naw tCra af CaaanraUaa I'aarainc for Oram Hofurmad tbarrlt. Tbetiruoe Reformed church yos tonlpy oelebrntod the fourteenth an Yesterday tbe wirmoiw Itov in hhII, of Ubitv stnaH iliunb and Rev OooiMir, ofHimtaam cburch wore directed to the frivolities of youth and mom oh Miinlly to the wayward inomliorH of tho congregations ndiinMwtHl Tlie text was husod upon the dis cijjliuu of the church In tbe Mothodlsl dim inline arth le 34U unifer tun liond of Imprudent iind UniJiristoin Omduct mtncitiu; pliiying at KnuwtM of rbnnce aftoml iiik thrnitres, horwi rncMM, cireum, duncing partsw oriiatronifing ibim iug huuUaro )rohibited Momlx nt of the church a bo indulge in thoec prohibited anium'inonis break the law of tbe thurxh and biy ihetu hhIviw liable to clmrgoH and expo slon from itM im mliorahf) HI Puula Church v.ns crowded Itov (VNHMra text wiut II Jor ft 1ft '(Vmiio out from atiuatg thorn and touch not tho um hum thing, anith the Lord, and I will re ceive you Tlio pastor read from the dwiplitsof tJiophureb and from Hifthon Morrill Uigtt of Motbotlist Law, to prove that the chun was squarely ngainst the so coJlod popu lnr auiaHements He said it was not lii.purot to antagomifle itidi iduala as individuals but to mil attention tt tho fact tliat no iteraen inn indulge in dancttig, rani piny lug, tbiiator going, utt mid romuui In good standing in the cburch There never wan a time in the his tory of the world when so nun was expoitod of the ChrinHnii as now The iwetor arguMl tbntnu(li indul goncioH ars antagoniatla and will not biinnoniie with Christianity as lived and practieml by the world laatt jaxqrfo Tln world tuny any there Ih no harm in nil those tilings. hut they are tho lint to detect the lowering of tho Htandnnl by ChrUt tuuiH The pastor gave very strong argument against the ilaiine hall. and private thinning jiartiea, quoting from the chief of )olrce of New York, who says tbnt tu per of the women of tliat city oamn to their condition through the dance and tlioator Ito also quotod from Clement Boott, a leading theatrical Critio of London, who says that not more than ono tuinnn out of every hundred may be wife but tben i 'io will hear things she should not hear and see things hho had batter not sue Tlio pastor inaao nn up peal at the close urging all Ctiris tiaiut to raisn the stnndanl of Chris turn living and sbuidcloar bofore the world SMALLPOX.

It Hreaks Out In a Nct tlciiieiit. Savaalaaa In 11 ann Two Jlailia Ouaraallnawrltfll KiifurcfNl In lha Infarlad Oliartrr Toi Kit, June 7 Tliore in anutl) pox lu Toledo Over a month ngo tbo disease bnike out tbo Polish settlement Ixiginning with men employed as ore ahovelers on the docks. The locality was put under Htrict quarantine, and tbe di siaae hflH not spread Iwyond the infected center They have seventeen coses, of winch two died one a baby, tlie other a woman with intoHtinal trouble Four have been dbtohargnd and eleven are still un der treatment, but all will rocoMir HUMANE STATISTICS OrHoarrVhlaudrutr PI I em Hla Moalalj of Caaaa. Children atwnilnnod nf mtglecleil, il lieuton orabiiHofl tt deHtitiite fain ihos, 42, number ihildron in dosti tute families, i.1 homnluns hav ing Impro'iHr hoimw, 10 iiuHirrigi bio, 4 imlMtciln, 1 taken to Allen County Orplinn borne (I wife bent ing, 1 Aniiunla Boating or wbiiilng, 5 over driving or over working, 7 driven when galled or liuno I do privedof nocoswry food or shelter, 3 drivon when diwuiscMl, 2 oases rajMrted at office, 2r int suhsuui tbited, 1 warnod ar iromcntotl1 7 oonvk itod 7 nuinmls killed, Im ing unfit for further Uiw 1 dog One men wom pniHeciitHl for wifu boating ono for bout ing bis mother and flvo men for cruelty to horses (Uu Murine of Houth I'biongo and Miss Mamie Poor of J.tnii Orenn, Ind ehlnst dnughter of If on Istvid Por, a oonimimiomir of Kos i tiuko county, were innrriwl early this morning at the homo uf the bride's pnrwnts in Etna Unen, and niverwrirvof itstirganization andtlm ttrriyed in thin city over ibe Pitts ninth anniversary of Its present ihin torato At tlie morning service the noMtor tbdlvered the anntverNary sermuu in which be spoke of the orgaauatioii uf the church and of bnrg road on a wedding trip to Pittsburg and other eaeturti cititM' They are n'lendlug two or three days with the young Imly uncle and aunt, Mr mil Mrs Piku it growth in tlie fourteen ywwa of of Walton uveuue Tonight Ito (' iwwtor of lie Miuimiel ljtillioran churali mid Ilia crttfimible will onlo bmto the twuit) lifth aunlvorsuiy hi titelr luiirruige tholr Kilpr wed ling It will Imi nu (ilnlmto affair in iitU lttbinoe mid iiiiirtainiiient fojitunw The Liitborin buu hers mtil tbu nit her UvigUi will nsiist IlllUlllg It II rHlOOOrM ItAMKK KI1KA1IOV Mr snd Mm (Imrles Cramer who reside on a farm out in Ht Kwpll township culohrntod their silver wwliluiK ontordnv afternoon qiulevojiiiiK by eiitortnining a half nuiulreil or their nlntJvea and friends Hit families from this ntty wem in utteniunum and they report tbo event one of the most enjoyable it wosuvnr their lotto participate in The presents were emuerous and valunble Mr and Mrs Cramer an nmong Alien etnmty moat highly roNpM tM citizens RLACK IHI'HTIIERIA. Irend 1Hhiim arrlcHOff ouiijr Frmik ('line.

Kttnrtllltrr MruilM rr lb Faiitllr Da MMlth omtwra lar a krnia Nlarlllns Farta. Blick diphlbena tarried off vounx Frank (line, a son of John CLiuo, of the Huntington rood in tins town ribip yesterilnv and four other meiiilHrsuf the fiiinily are down with" the duteuse Tins startling diHchsture luis jnwt lieen made to tbe health authorities, wbo ho taken every precaution to qiutrnntinu tbe oasos Two weeks ago Frank Clino was iMnifirmod at Kt Putriek's churcli lu this cilv and It la said tliat he contracted the disease while he was stoppf ng at the homo of a relative on West Jefferson Mfreot Tlio isue was not reported to the boo I tli authorities as diphtheriadiphtheria Aftor the boy's removal to his home the disease was ixnitravted by the otlior four children, whose ages ranges from four to twenty one years Notwithstanding tliat mefy precaution possible to prevent the apread of the diHoase is now be ing made, grave apprehensions ore felt tor the results tluit may arise from tne oareliaamess in not report ing tlio case to tlie health office Thesnmtory oflioers have instruo tioiw to inrtwtignte the case I a visit here with hit Kistor, Mm Marin, whom be bad not semi for yeara lr Lehiusmi funuorlv sided In thtsntj, FRNK WFLLI.Vd ulw i IIU Loiiug he (he Hidrit Laud, Naaa a Vutm Hall Haaara rHillf tt Tl.l.lllj. frank! Kaaa Hhuii.Iw Maaula Tl.a n.i Oawtlia. A telegrnm annouuting tbe death of Frank Welling at Colorado Hpriliga, Colo wasHMvivod here to day, and oauHwl surris and sor row, for Mr Welling was for maiiv vears a well known citizen here The case is inado more sad bv the ct that only a fw months ago rs Welling diod sudden! nIiim lien Mr Welling who lu, h.n sufferer with ooiinuinption for some years, seemed to lose hope ond rap i.n a.o "uw oniu uie enu. Kits, a twelve year old daughter, and who is an Interesting child, is left an or plum Mi Welling at the time of his death, was a memlsir of tbe drug firm of Hmitb Welling, at Colorado Springs snd was ooanert ed with the Novelty Htoreand Hardware oorntNwr.

of Jackson. Midi The remains have been shipped to Willoughby, Ohio, and will rest bo side those of bis wife H9TEL MEN OINEO. lliaal MrKlaala Ralarlatata Lanr fan af lallara. Win, Ara Ka Kaata lu Bulo Asiieoia) train over the Nickel Plato yestenlny oarried a large party uf liotol men and their wives who were en route to ifcmton, to attend tbe hotel keepers' convention Host Kinnie, of tbe Wayne, liad a spntnnl dinner for the following visitors, who were his guests during the Btoy in thin city M. Huge, proprietor of tlie On tario hotel, Cliicngo Rood and wife, Ch(iago Bwoonoy, wife and daughter.

Janesville; Wi j)eorgo Hilton, ox adjutant general of Illinois, now proprietor of the Tremont bouse, Chicago K. KliitcbfonL siHmtarv of the Hotel Men Benefit asHocintiot, Cbioago Worth, 1ihgo li Wharton Jaiiiea f'liarles Martin CrinpleCmuk. lol Mr and Mrs Irinh, Colter hotel, Uraud Haven. Mich Mr ami Mrs II Btrdsell nnd daughter, Itevenport, Iowa Mr and Mrs Ri tchor. Oranewald house, New Orleans Mr and Mrs Louis Umnewnld.

of the (Jmncwnld bouse New Or lenns, accompanied by Mima Maria lunucr Clemens Brink man, wife and (laughter. Brink men EuroMan hotel, Chiongti Mr and Mm A lonloy, uf le JEXnn hotel, Hntivilbt, 111 Mr and Mrs Bohn. of the World, Chicago COMMENCEMENT DAY lli.wll Tilll Ira Clbrat4Hl In lha MmIIhh TuaaaliltMrriaula. Next Thumdsy evening the first annual cpmiiienoomont exeruises of me Miiuieun towosnip bonis will btko iibioe at Marqnardt chun Hapt Young will confer the iliplomas Tlie toA hern of the Mad isoti townships bonis who will be present are L. Drlor, of No 8, Wylwurn, of No 3, Ruhl, of No ft, A K.

Houck, of No 8, and Himoe, of No 9 The following excellent program will ho rendon! rc Im Iiib fJairh rrliira fnniraliii kaili Ahi llivr. Klaa a aaa Itnnlia Haiiroin im hr Vt lli. H.I ii aim 1 1 nmn Kmr.rl. pamlr llaoitli in mriWin Oatilr 1 Orrhe tra 'l" IJlUFrim RlMliiui I Ur ri Ik Oh lliatr Saiiiraan.llhjC..,l lVjrmwuif lltf I nit I Sintn Onriiii "TlwtaniiribfSrh.l tMt Hrilatiw Familiar I alIUfa.n Mumo Villa 1" In Iii riXUKR At 10 o'clock this momitiir Mm Katharine Fixlmr tlm wif0 of Fisher of ill Washington street, diod of Bright disoase. 8be was liorn in Mjthelm, Gennauy and Iter age was sevonty four years and six months Besides the htuband.

at era! children survjve her, as follows sirs 1, JUetnlsn, ef Burlington. In Kllen and Henriettas Oenrge and Benjamin luber of thia oitv Da. ceased was a member of the Kalem's Reformed church The funeral arrangements will be mads lator. MXASucarAtAi. Frank, tbe seven vaar old son nt Mr and Mrs Frank Rees, of 38 Wilt street, died of niaaidss HoruLar afternoon The funeral was held privately this aftornooni TRBWKKK'eOXAb The foUowing is the list of deaths as reported by tbe dty undertakers uii whuk wumg uisc HAturaay Chsrhw Lrnibtfh.

51 veara dropsy Joseph KnuiU, 4 niuntlii old. sitasms Child of Conrad Hohwebn. born WUhelmfna Elcbnwver, day old exhanntlon Lizetto MnoHlng, 71 years old, par alyals Christ Hock, 23 years old, acd dout Itml Bhuelke, 71 veers old. oto struotlon of tlie bowels. Minnie Zlemondorf.

10 days old. exhaustion John Humbel, 7 years old, dropsy Frederiok Roitor. 71 vears obi. paralyals David L. An nor, OH years old.

complication, William DricboIbUw. 2 veers old. liver trouble. rtlur rn llrvlimlra llprilia li Kmianrman 'nriiiar in Kmltli 1 i Blt Smlih rar II I nart Haiarirk OrnMtra rf fllll.rama i luuav I I YOrNH RE ELECTED. Was Again (nsnlmoiisly Ctorsen Nu perl nteudeut.

Tha lllraelraath Ma.aMM Uraral Road A ra Nvw Wllltasj la Matt Saw Caaa In Uia Oatarta Slafaa. The township trustees of Allen pPUnty pml at I 0 (dock Uiia munu ing in aocordnnce with law and nro cieded to elect a county suoerin tondent of sohouls Tliere are twenty trustees, seventeen demo. crats and three republloans, but tliore was only one candidate, Mr Flavins Young, th present in mmbent Tbe meeting was held In the oourt house "hall, only two or three trustees being Absent A motion to re elect Mr Young was unanimcHisly carried and he will continue to serve In the position he mis lanniuuy niieu ror two tonus past A unanimous election is quite an honor to Mr Young writ km now Director Gorko ond Younir. of the Maumee A venae Uravel Road oompsny, visitwl the county com inuoaoners today onl Inquired whether the commissioners were willing to purchase the road Judge Rourke a decision that the road must be repaired forces the com pany to sell or spend several thousand dollars fixing up the road and they prefor to sell County Attor ney Barrett says tbo company cannot oollect toll untd (he nwd fa r. paired and advises tbe oomuiis sionora not to purchase unless a new appraisement is made The com missionem may take no action until; the court has finally dunosed of the cu agalnnt the nnd COURT JIKWrt Josephine Urice has oommenosd divorce prooBedlugs in the circuit oourt against John (trior The Nindes are plaintiff attorneys nary urane, through Attor neys vesey Hestou.

has com menced pnjdtMlinKS to quiet title against Joseph A Uill Judge Dawson rendered two judg ments agivinst liris Wirte this morning, ono for $114 10 tu favor of Ranke A Yergons rind another for $141 in favor of Louis Brnmes Kmil Kichter snd Almn Kumtn bin beou lioaneed to wd 1 i jc l'r I Oratorio 'Holy dty' In Ply. It lA Llthniunii. Of Jnnnniiit, lii'mth hun hwunn. Rimln. for (lint Litj tujiiy, nfuir Juue Htb AdmiwioQ lficentii.

't Vl I jJaliggSteB U.tVr jy.

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