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The Fort Wayne Sentinel from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 2

Fort Wayne, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

IfflffifT 'TIfiJTJt "Kiwi 'FtU' A Wfcaliy In order that tba publld mar' fully real tsatfeetenuuieneea of tho eialeraeuU, the power and vain of the atllol of vbion Ihey (peak, we puhllah herewith tbelnoHumliWgnatareeof parties whoa Inoerity beyond qieellon. Toe: troth el these teallmnntala ahenlatc, nor un the toeti they aunoanee be Ignored. Mounb, July It, IWL; B. H. VAUfna Oo DocbMler, M.

Y.t Your remedy, tho Safe Wuf and Uvar Dura) bH been Died, by both my wire and She need ft "on general prlnolphw," a a eyetem and liver molator; I took lb medicine lor a lone Handing Kidney trouble, wuloh bH beeutlieaouroeof moch Inoonveulence, and whloh tailed Co yield to the dootor'e remedies or ay oiber.nnlll 1 need your Bare Kidney and Uvar Our. We bom nnlU In pronouuulng lllhe beat medicine we aver need, and In raoommendlng to others as a sale remedy. Miaicd Myor oi HoUn. i Cuioaqo, May SO, IttfL. Wiltlt A Oa Rooheatei.tV.

Yj llr Daan Hinai For aeveral 1 can I your Hate Mnay and Liver Core wu aUKgeetml, I hare not nown what It la to be free Irotn pain. My family phyeiclan ailrlnuled all aadarlng lo a duwaeed ooudlllort of my kldneya, and after ha had failed to Tlvaine relief, I tiled tour remedy and am a well man to day, (Ocs; Tbooeeade Of equally etroufc endoree mania many of uiam la onaua where hop was aoaudonedhevs been wolon tarllr ehowlng the rem rk able power of Warner'a Safe Kidney and Unr Cure, lnalldloaotlho kldneya, liver or urinary organs. If anv one who rvada this baa any pbyeloal trouble, remember toe great danger ol delay, Happyf liMlglit ifpn OR Wood, i i' "rr i i' TltAllJilirBniHhiii J. E8DA.Yr JANUARY. 4.

THEorrY. Bouib, eee.j of Bluffton, ii in the Will Lnksng bag taken a position at FoetM Bros', itore. Geo. W. Stevens returned Irons Logansport eate rdayir Under tot new, la, Dr.

J. Diiis ill wrve as Jail rAyUclia, Large ihlpnienU ol cotton are belpn aade dallT.oTer the OapUIn Peter Studebiket nd J. J. Todd, of. Blnflton, arc In the city to Paring; the month put, tie Li(ij ette Oaf VVoiki loroed out complete JM can.

The' earning! of th Waonhi to? the third week In Deoembet ihow an lacreaae of $68,000. The miterlaiioai to the Wabain TaUwgy by the falling of theipan of the bridge orer the 8L Oharlei rlter will kbont' The board of comnlaiionen of Marlon county eleotad a aecreUry of the county board of health. Hie ularyli filed at $600, per annum. Mr. A.

Wood, euperintendant of the Ohlei go dlrialon of the Wabaah, bat been appointed geilstant generil manager of the Ohewpeake i Ohio, Tl PitUburj heirwra now obliged to build their fire before o'clock; The boinee htfe tohe on hind at that hoar. There eothitg lip ahod in Mr. OaiaaaTe'a maoage The frlendi of Mrt. McBlfetrick deal re contradictory telegrami lent to the; Chicago tod Cincinnati papeie regarding the unfortunate affair in which the) mixed up. It cannot be done.

Th. Iloni" alley: wf; crowded with children. yeterday waiting to ee'the electrio light. Jay Phlllpi got rid of the kldi by gtring them a penny eaoh and klsalng all the little S8CSSSEIS tra. a Bell li the licit H.t.j Theublio tchooli are again In full tiletT' The.

Oonaerratpry, of Mualo epeui i The ga blllaare terribly high thle menlh, limy Bender, bit Welle county, 'ie iu the The luperlor court baa adjourned until Jan.9th. botltrli being placed In poU? at the organ factory i Ura. Julia fTelaon, 'hat returned from a tUIt to Ohtcigo. T. P.

Keator.of th nrtU, leotur ed at Lima, Ohio, mat night, medical college! are grinding way, In demand. ll B. Mahn'a opera company hare canceTed'tFelr The next (octal of Trinity church villi be held at', the realdenoe of O. L. Hill X.

number of Angola youlhi at tended 'Tlie World" performance laai nitht. I K. Dorr again 19a lie road inthelntereatof ttuDouimaaTobao coOo. The next attraction at. thi Acad einy la 'BalburVi TroubadourrJ'SaU urday evening.

lilai "Maggie Sntely haafreturneii from Mt Summit, where (he haa been during the holldaya. Will Johniton hai returned from Detroit, where be haa been laltlnj bli family during the holidaya. Il'fhe World" company, left the Robinson thla.moralDg for Jicfcton, Mich where they play to night (Thk BtxjixiL'k riotioeof the eleo trlB.light deemed the falreitdf any appearing in the city paperi JToecadYmy' programme laat'ntgh't wu again full of errbre. We under land Cot Boott will make a change. 1 'Yeiterday afternoon Miyor Zollinger went to Lagrange and tptnt few delightful houra wltb the "boya" 6t The Vogel iuTeatlgatlon will bad to morrow evening not laat'eTen log alated by an unreliable ion AT kU J5 and 35 Columbia Street.

1 an sLTg :2 a aCaW 1W.W S.W HcLACDHH HOWES PLUMBERS, HO Calhoun it Finest Line of Globes. aland Painted and Got Ever Brought lo tbe City. Cerae and Set l'. ta kk. ra.s a a nl Viirt Wavn'el a nn in law of Blackford, haa been tIiIUdk frlendi here in company with hit wife Mr.

Blackrord'a daughter Alloc lor tbe put week. It ll nnderatood that the grand Jury are conilderlng a batch of print ed matter circulated by a prominent phyaiclan of Lake towoihip in order tn rain armnathr for himself In a re TjrrnnTT cent mum eeltbri In which be wai llUUUULl At the retidenoe of pa rente, i Jan. 1, 1882, by Bet, J. O. Jaeoby, wai aolemnited, the marrlrge of Mr.

WilUam Boblaou, Lafayette townablr, AUen county, Ind, to Mm Mary liar), of Union' township, Weill county, Tbereiiedttatuteiof Indiana re quire that a minlater, mayor or jug tice of the pjace who solemnixea a marriage muat return the license aa well aa the certificate to the county Any one violating thla law liable to aheary flue and coita. The Paulding DemoertUnju. The Kew York; Chicago "and Lonli Sailway. company, are 'inclined to dlipute the rght of way of the 0., V. M.

H'y aarou their track adutb cf thia Tillage, and hare plaoed a large engine at the proposed growing to nrerent treMpaai. We learn that they ask $8,000 fothe of way. A eentleman named W. B.lDKham. of the firm of Inehaml Leslie 'A' manufacturer! of caste, chotee, bOXeianu oarreis, Bbuoawajuaiuvi, Mich, was in the city yeaterday.

Ingham say that' he Jerofably cooiiders Wayneaa point where a branch manufactory may, be profitably 'it' la to be trusted he 1(111 1eclde in our faTor. 'i' Lee A. Harmon has returned to the city i after an absence of about three month's, and resumed wortat tbe'atbre of Evana, McPonald A Co. Ai the readers of Tne tiiHTiHKit will Mr, Harmon wcel red a aereie tun stroke list 'from' lie effects; of tame rrery, nrar losing bli eight and was confined to bis bed for seteral weekev lie nil almost fully reooTered hla healthand ill taka tha rnad in the interest of TTnl 1 A a TTi i Crfirin 'U boTe fifln nafeer weeka. Tableau; VIII, 'Act Vp and aat pf "The World," HHanr biing duly PHYBICIAITAND BUBQEON.

punished "afcd Tlrtue rewarded, number of persons arose to go and the titi a. luimu nn a rvi'M pttOTOaBAPnEB. BARROWS' FORT WAYE'S LEADISG PflOTfllJMPnER finest Finished 3 3EX In tie elty. guaranteed. SPECIALTIES IN Goods, h.

IS. West Berry Street. iajeaaMemniswe DR. A. P.

BUOHMAN'S Offlea and Beildanee REMOVED To 100 West Warns 8U P.TINKHAM, Wholesale and Dealer LOJfO AND BHOET WOOD, IIABD'Ain SOFT OOAI Oor Qrtnlth Pearl eta, Wort Wayne. Ind Yard on the eanal. sepi critic of this uswr and. a friend did learethelt seats, Howefer a yell was set up by those in the back of the auditorium "sit down." Then the audience undecided what do kept their seati while Thb Szhtuel man greatly amused, contemplated thenl from the rear! Finally, it dawned on some hat "The, at an end" "and, they" reluctantlr forth. 'A.

number of phyilciane erinced great deal ol, interest in the mad hause'doolora aa portrayed In "The World" last night. 'Joe Cope la busily engaged In get ting hla restaurant in lie Is backed in the enterprise by a wealthy gentleman of 'this city. The gratifying news comes from Chicago that Mrs, a D. Oorbam Is slowly recovering from the' 'mere lllpesa which protarales her. A beautiful granite monument, purchased in the east by E.

7. Carry, was to day taken to the Catholic cemetery and plaoed In position on bit, lot Penry Trentman of Wilahire, is to the Henry's residence Is a matter of doubt now. One day he clUxen of Fort Wsyne, tbe next otWilshlre. in the ease of (Wm. cabeth Fitijwrald tried 'yeaterday circuit court, lion.

Bobert Lowry on tbe bench, the jury found for' the plaintiff. A. Elx wu married to Miss Oalrle Furber January 1, at the residence of tbe bride' 'parents, No. 197 Banna itreet. Rot.

Mr. gauir performed the ceremony. A party will be given at the home of Miaa Nettle Piepenbrink to morrow replug. The affair Is under the management of John Nelligan, and prom less? to be rery ttehenht. 'Pay before yeaterday MuUcie paaeenger car jumped' the track at the Net' York, Chicago and St.

Louis croadng'and a man whote name we did' not learn broke a 'rib. Tbe Pittsburgh, shop men torn ssuidef'ss it were, by the pending changes to, be made. There is far better 'discipline in the ihops now than at as; rerloui time. Judge S. H' Ludlum, oorreapon dent of the Indianapolis Tune tent to his journal last night some, developments in the McElfatriek.ease not yet published in, the local paptre.

i The collector for the gag company ll around to day on his monthly collecting' tour. He states that Th SKtrimti consumes more ga! than any other newspaper or printing stablisbment in the city, I Tbe'McElfalrlck scandal begins to assume proportion! 'that may ytt shake the very foundations of society la this city. Wes were informed last night Mrs. MeElfatricaVls prepared to fight tie case bitterly glrlng blow for blow, Alec McDowell, the welUkhowh stock buyer of Sheldon ig peaeeahle; his tobermomenia. hut wben nerig arirokrni he wssiyes terdaybeimlsyljand 'quarrelsome.

Last eVenin'ff Ale was run in, and this morning pea fined $6 and edits by the mayor. A OVERDOSE Or QUININE. Wealthy rnrmer of Hunilnton OoUnty Slxtyi Cralna Of the Drug and Diet, Monday. morning Geo, F. Oden, a wealthy and highly respected' farmer Wilding four miles southwest of lluntiogton and well known in Fort Wayne and Vlcinlly, arose and went about hli duties.

He bad complain cf feellng'unwell for eeTiral and upon the luggtstlon of a membrr of hla household he went to the house a neighbor and procured some quinine, swallowing two large doecr, there he started back home accompanied by hla neighbo. Before reaching home," his leg! gae way and he fell to the' ground. lle was assisted along by his friend who had' to carry Mr. Oden In his armi part of the way. lie wss.put' teiAttd In norttime: went Into terrible spasms, one follow ed by another.

'The family physician was summened but could give no toilet to the about two hpjira after he.took the, quinine, Odeu died In great An analy sis of the contents of his ttom sch proted that quinine had become At firit the theory of suicide was ad but soouted by" the deceased friends, who affirm hat hii donjfitic relations were pleasant and nil business aflalra In good iliipe. "THB This melo drams, from, the'ptns of the otlloboralewi, Henry Pettlt, Panl Uerrltt and Augustus Harris, origin atly produoed at Drury Lane.Londoo, where It aohlered 80 peiforrcances, and this country at Wallack's Nw York, where it was kept on the boards neatly one hundred ntghts, was pre aented last night by the Brooks' and Dickaon combination to a targe.hoii'ti. The piece achieved an unqualified auccesa and ellcted continuous laugh' lei and applausi. Probably no men enjoy higher dlatlnatian In London ai constructor! tnelodramaa than McuriMeritt and Pettlt (unless it be B. Sims) while Mr, Harris hasi no.

superior, as, a stage manager, Dion Bouolcault excepted. Air. Htrrls Is to ba credited with the maoy oppdrTunities in the play lor soenls triumphs, and we understand this models were designed by him. Tbe company is 'forced to carry its ewn elaborate sets and we much regret that the ooatraeted stage 'of the Academy afforded little opportunity for the complete presentation' of the insula and mechanical effects, The hotel elevator scene in the list aot where a practicable elevator runs up and down i had to be omitted on account of the Insufficient depth of the itage. Wben the scene Is used, Marry JIwttinQford in despair plunges down the shaft Laat eight, the exigencies of the situation demanded that he step behind the scenes and ostensibly scatter bis brains on the floor.

Again, the lunatic asylum, when properly mounted, revolves and displays a wooded stream, the escaped JSir Cletunt jumping into a row boat and dodging the bullets of his pursuers, eludes them. However, we don't feel like being hypercritical and muit gay tbe piece was mounted la a manner even beyond our expectations. The first' tableau, the letv Ing of the steamship, excite! a buzx of 'admiration from tbe audience, used to tbe shabby and unpretentious scenery of, the house, but vigorous applause burst forth, when the cur tain nnveiled, tha scene the steamer and the, explosion very effec tively managed, and the raft scene, whose perspective was very Kood. Tba interior, of 'the mad house yard wai also a handsome set. "The World" is emphatically show piece, but the plot Is interesting, while tbe action is remarkably Jriik and the climaxes sufficiently startling.

Some of the 'scenes suggest Chaa, Beade'a novel "Never too! late to' Mend," The cait wai guod, J. Barnes, an English actor, who supported that teautiful and gifted but unfortunate woman, the late Adelaide Neilson fOn, of her American tours, played Sir Clem euf. He haa' la' floe 'figure 'and handsome face, but like most aoUrg sent ui from 'Albion's shores, utters his lines in a mushy and Indistinct voice. Still be wag tfiVctive. T.

Martin a well known actor of ''heavy" parte plays Harry ITunlinnford well enough. Bussell Baesett w'ho used to be known ai Soggs, but who baa 'shelved that name for a more euphonious one, wai a ospital representative of the villlanoua, English Jew, Mo. Jamil, It muat be remembered that be was playing tbe English Hebrew an not hli German orPoliah Baa sett's mske up was carefully studied and artistic. Miss Helen Sedgwick aeen here before in 'Deacon Cnnketl" Is a pretty 'woman and an setresi of much, ability, She emoted MaM with the1 necessary spirit. Mrs.

J. H. Barnes, the Mary Mlylhir la also personally attractive and while her Inj persona tln'waa not maiWby oyegreeifforoe.itwas yet lOfeditaWsir "ff itave" uly left tossy thai the 'minor parts: werV all" 'SreUl 'filleolwa WWnlraluUte Manaeiflootfc: SAUBOArVrRorJBifcdrM. Thli little company sgain present ''The: Brook" in thli 'city Saturday night. The members of the orianliatlon are wellknowU to our theatre goeri and we heed aay nothing in commeodation.

We would have Jlked though to have seen the Troubadours In their new piece by Bron ion Howard. VvHATrS THB MflTEW? Wltn The County Hie Peculiar Tranaaotlone Laid Bare. Bpenoer" is the county clerk of A.Un DQunty andis, so far we know aospable official, a good citizen and an eaUmable gentleman, We have no desire to ba placed in an an lagonlitfo position wllli Mr, M. Spencer, clerk; of Allen county, yet being a newspaper which hai the' in teresti of the people; at heart, Tux Behtikbl Ii forced to call the attention of Martin Van Burefl Spencer'i cinstltuenU to some of hla peculiar transactions. Vi B.

Spn6et why tieso things be, It is pretty well known that Mr, M. V. B. ambltloui. He hag tasted office and would, soar higher.

The confine! ol a county clerk's office now look 'very narrow to Mr; M.V. B. Spencer. Now, as he en ters; the office a weary look oomes rjrir his clsislo 'countenance and he slls down at Hi 'desk and ponders! His, thoughts: are far away and he is calculating his chances for; the rom liiatlon for aute auditor. Suddenly a bright idea seises soon be comfortably independent of his Allen county friends provided he works his cards well.

Bo be reasom: What can I do enhance my solidity at Indianapcllst I see. I shall send the fellows down there with Influence some of the valuable patronage of my office," No sooner' oft than done. A Valuable Job of binding ll sent to the indlanapolii Senlirul. a paper which XtLilkiXJUSSOotA WJJ for Martin VanBuren Spenceri also anothsr job goes to a well known In, dianspolia firm which has political Of course when this politic little business arrangement of Mr, M. V.

B. Spencer's reeeheg the ears of his Allen county 'supporters, their ardur may be They are apt to reason differently from Mr. M. V. B.

Speu cer, They. may think that the work of clerk's office should be kept at hone to be entrusted to the official paper of the county which' has always executed ail commissions entrusted to 'It well and faithfully; oi if the official paper don't suit tbe scrupulous Mt. M. V. B.

Spencer, then wby not to Davis Bros.r good workmen? At all events people are liable to say "Mr, M. B. Spencer thinking that I he hag no longer nee for' his. Allen cointy frlendi deserts them to form new alliances at Indianapolis." There are other things which we have not ipace to touch upon to day. The Mm deslrei Tub Sentihel to smbolh over one, of the frtquent mh taiel of that paper.

ThefJVruwit seems unwarrantably stated that Division Superintendent Wattles, of the New York, Chicago Louis railroad bad aald to a reporter of that papsr that he objected lo the place of location of tbe depot of the road in this city and 'thought a more advantageous could Lave been chosen. The Sxntimel failing to see why. Mr. Wattles should object to a matter In which he was not concerned, so said. We believe that the Aetoi should apologies to Mr.

Wattles for We 'Will copy the Lvst evening about 6, o'clock a wiper named Ll Hie waa cleaning out tbe furnace of tbe New York, Chicago and 8t. Louis engine, No, 12, which stood on tbe track near Old's foundry. Accidentally a steam, cock was knocked off and tha hot steam rushed forth badly scalding Llllie about the face, shoulder! and arms. Had there been a full bead of ateam on undoubtedly Llllie would have loat bis life. Tbe man wis removed lo his home and Or.

Q. MiCaskey' summoned who at? tendad him. A Gary 'A. Wilson, assistant chief engineer of the New York, Chicago dt St. Louts railroad, who ia in the city, the other day greatly enraged ajKui reporter.

who sought to ascertain from Mr. Wilson, tbe location of the depot. "It will be alongaide the track, young man, according to my beat knowledge and belief." The reporter suddenly left breathing threatenlngs and slaughter. I JOtd Smetfey, of VVaahiogfou town ship, in Incorrigible drunkard, was airigned before the mayor this morning end In default ef fS and coys Went over. THB 44th The HeiUnlon at Fourth Jnf la'rta Voiuh teerevYeeterday.

Yesterday the third, annual re uri lon of the ailh of, Indiana volunteers took place at Brown's hall, Lagrange yesterday, The ink re union held in thli city was. fully reported 'in Inn SeifTiBE, The meeting yeaterday it Ligrahge was a rousing one, some S00 members of the regiment' beiug' ipreaent. Col. Phil Ofund, president of the asiooia tloo, pit sided at the businehi: meeting commenclu'g at 1 Dkclock. Music was lurnished by the Lagrange Olee Ol'ub and LleiltfJ opher and John KeneCil, who sang stirrlDg war songs, LBttert'of' regretwere received from 'qiptainTE'Ol "Eoie, cTBlg, Bipids, Mlch.l T.

8. Doke, Bloomfield, Iowa, boloncl Hugh B. Reed telegraphed from San Francisco "Although 1 greet you from the distant Golden Gate, the memories' of the atlrrlng past bring mclnaplrlt to your midst." It wai reported that Colonel H. B. Seed had donatod a ptat of ground In Llndenwcoa cemetery, tills which to erect a monument io the memory; 'it the regiment's dead.

After further basineas of mlbbr Im portance the remnant of thli hlstorlo regiment, with the old colon flying, marched through the the principal itjeeti of the town to the atlrrlne; strains a martial band Major Wi Jv Bingham headed the regiment, mounted upon bli famous charger "General Bucknf captured Iron a rebel captain at 'the battle of Foft Dinaldwn twenty yefri ago and Which muit "now nearly thirty years old. The gallant animal is fat and aieot, though somewhat stiff, and is as tyuderly careil ior, by Ms j'or, Bingham ai one of hli own children. the old war hbrte beard, tbosmlliar muslo, and pricking up his commenced! to, prance, a mighty cheer arose ifrom the boys and the animal was petted gad made as much; of as If he had been the compiapder of the regiment. Slipper was served after the march in the hasenient oi the, E. church.

In the evening lha election of offioers wai bad, rt iultlbg isltmowi. UUhiB Iaia4.4 ara Mm eUsiUlitaaJHUif sr masgUTju asissaj iiaw amaaw, atUubU MeMilHM Xill urOTBtflaUlUI sfasUtM A Bottk, Mil, JtoirWuiid UMd tin board lb wirtjlierBiprtwonly utf aoiiartL' noi otutu. nAuniaouop vuarHU1 Xmoi to ttt pArtlMUu or womr lr.n a Iitod yefvrit. urn. ii, vey ou.

lUs.Do(iir.L iiu iDajDirari 'all laV ba i' Wy saw raotory la Juaty oompleil, oaiiacliy SJJO0 lnunm8uttlU sraiy caya, very lauet aajejg on working raaonu Aiiarra rax.wasu) f.J. ii .1 hi at j. varua. wu mniL ii Order at onoef noi buitf woralna nuohlusry. VaS eitnliB.v eoableS uoeU) manuUoiuie.U tier aoous' for leas uineey than aver.

AiU pau vpoa aa, Aaw O'lNamator BLvles of Ohm SMflwi varuai tlaaaaa tlanl On Naiame. NY. iiJaryTieTnaTC Oalandir, et." lient to any addrewou re ool filof two ThreliiS Al" diw WiAIUKaEjHlUES, 1 SN. Dalawaie I'iilla Jelj liia. Allantla anil ilnir Camel Slaaal ami Oketcnabeel.audt.'o.

tOj)QO, aliareev, 10.00 ea.aU At raf, with a Boons ot 40 Acres foraanb, lOHiiares from Uholee Ixtodaof tlto Ulwlon OSOeaas Third snd Onesnnt Hli, and lit OroMway, M. Itoomalll 4 I lg Uolalled, Prospoelns wlUi dsnorlptlTS snane mailed frea GOLD MEflAL AWAROEO lue aulhor, A new and great iledloal warranied the beat add eheapeat, lndlajenaali' the Bulenoa omeor. 1 8 1 preservation oounain nraaa rTaoon mualln. fnlli know thyself, lnga, 13J preaertpUon.prleo only. II eaut by mall! Illueireted aaraple, eoU, naud Addreas le.hods MmIUwI J.

alllnuoeDrW FAJIKEH, Ni) uli TTl 7TTV fjL Of" BENSON'S GAPCINE 11 President, S.B.Sweei Vice Pfs.dent, Maj. W. B. Biog ham, Secietary, Nlcholai Eneley. Treasurer, Willis.

President i Sweet made a few remarks and took, the chair, Bx President Qrund retiring gracefully. After other business bad been transacted, Nicholas1 Eoiley offered the following resolution, lUtolmd, Tbat we favor the erection of a sultahle monument to. perpetuate the memory and noble deeds of our regiment at Fort Wayne; and that we express to the monumen tal committee our eo operation to secure thli object Immediately, and that the committee may secure financial encouragement from tba city of Fort Wayne. Muslo and apeechet followed from various old soldier! those of Cf, lOlaagrow, J. P.

Jones, Dr. J. Berlck, editor of the SriJar(J and su'geon of the. regiment, Capt, F. Congrove, and olhera being particularly rousing.

Tow reautution passed by Ooinpiny 8Sih regiment last Friday at, their ra unlon In this city was read by Capt, Ooegrore and unanimously endorsed. Tbe executive coomlttee reported that the next re union of the regiment will be held September 20, 1882, the anniversary of the battle of Chloka mauga, at Columbia' City. A. P. Ooegrore offered the following reso lution! JUtoked, That we aa members of the Forty fourth now in session ten del a vote of thanks to tha retiring and secretary, Kinuiont, for aerviees rendered during the past year in their official Ikat this resolution be spread on tbe minutes ot the association.

'The singing of the "Sweet Bye and Bye," "and three lusty cbeen which were given for the stsis and stripes and the re union wag at an end. The following members ot the 44th attended from this city I Col, Phil. B. Orund.a, B. Sweet, A.1 P.

Qosgrove, O. Smith, John Kelfer, J. W. Benj. Qiggy, Olggy, Alee.

Orooiaton, 0. A. Thoma. W. M.

Jo'hnsod, Joe Smith, Jiiper Eiaon aud From other leglmentt were present ColJO. D. Hurd, Dpi. Geo, Humphreys, Col. ZiUioge'r, Capt.

F. F. Bolts, Tom Sullivan, Cy. Fike, A. P.

Walters, J. O.Kenicil, etc Wherr a lecturer haa worked tbe ladies ot his audience so near to tbe weeping point that they have gotten out their handkerchiefs, and then anddenly changes his tcne and apeaka of the merits of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup he is bound to rouse a feeling of iudlgnation. Tbe students of, the Methodiatcol lege hive all returned from their holiday vacation. The literary societies: wilLglve their iegnlirweeklyenter? I talnmeaU next Friday evening.

HAVElBEENiMITATEDf, And their cxoollont reputation in jiirod by worthless imitatiotB.Tlia' rubllo aro c'auttonod rjaimt'tmy; lrig Plistorahavjn BimUaaowd Irig iiames. Sob that wordj UC4J? a i3fEuooi Dnnnn'n "tftt; DCIIOUIIO UdUUIIID Porous Plaster Are the only ImproTomenl OTf" mado in PlMtoTav One JlsiworUi ttorifljdoHi; of anyotr, Irixid. Will positively euro where otbejr' remedioa will not OTenreliovb. Prico 25 'V Bowara of cheap riaatert'ttiad with lead Doisona, hlr nm bearubya: Maasfaetlirlin ChrmUta, Tlaw Terfc. AnEAO'SllsdlcataiiCORNaiulBUNlQNFUBTra.

I i i :L.v iv' ,1 rr I have a poaltive remedy for tba above luaaaai bv lia naa thouaanda of eaaas of wahI lrln mm A Iam kunMlMfl i'tnAaA. aAMtmntf I. YAlUfe' In 1U efflnaoy, that I will land Two Sou, FK.KK, lOKellier with BOOCUM, 181 Pearl New York; Treatiae an this disease to any sDOsrer, Qlie Kinraas and P. O. ad4reaa Valiiable uu Dr.

rniiRF fits When I aar core I do not mean merely lo slop I hern lor a lime and (hen nave lliem istiim aln, 1 mean a radiea) ooia. 1 hT mads tue di eaae of; rita, Ellepy a lira long X' 'warrant toy triavtyf to cure the worst onaaa. Uaoaane ollir have failed la nareaaon for. not ntll oelvlng a cure. Band at onoe lor a treat iaaanaaiieeuoi.iieoi myviniMiu, iBar 45 l'e rem tllvaaxpioea and I,.liinl.

I Will yooi. Addreas a to vi 1M rF: AaW rtWUlBh wW iUim vF 'v. i PAttKEK'S HAIR3A1SAM. Thii elegant dmung. fit.

IrUoM wa mn uwm ity mn (imiW Icaunt ltt tttpffytof. Fcleanltnc twid purityv 'It: cotfuios tMtnifAti a thai MbnjaOcal and always letforcitiJiYouthfulCoIorloCrcjorfa.BdHalr rarKtr iir Aiojura is iiL'cir pemimto linq is ntrnntod to Jwpvtnt fnlling ortlia Mrntnd tir! i llltcox a5c IMW, im 91 Mim rft tntawtmS 'rLKsH 4sCav3 IIB GIHGERIONIC A Suwrlattv. i If mn art a mochanlc fanr.ur. Wrim at iti orerwnrlt. ra tnuherma tvrn by familytwhouar.

aM jlmi! ai 1ADereti'd Titjii itnaaamf i rvs. nnmatt trtk ktowcaiJaff Ptukr Cip wTooitj' roniiiroption, KWrna Ism, KiJr.ey("ompUinu, erirydwrclcrDi'ttielurc, etepifcfj); boweli, blood ernnw.lVKMiC.WGf; omc you. BJood PuirlH Aad the) Cost sad fiomlCounli Caro Ever UuaY If you ra wtlti(C away from diwpatlon Of. nTiiiaNUMorwsuneuAriareaiutiauiinuianLimii CiNcaToKCti()nci ltriUiniKrniu'iind but) yoti jip from thi ant doM but will novcr inta.lctv. it iutj aavea DunaiedsVf)! iivei; it rt may wv iWCrsirrTiWit IWutnUtBtbAwld.Buytjsmilrar 4ltirarltriTMtlM.fsligWti Tlnu.

Tue caTm07irB.rm1iia1iauij1iM.rHa1 dofUMSMimdUa itc la UMwarld.uS Untr rniwMmi. i ownmmmu t9o.ailMaMkatanUrils4nSta,i eiuuT iTisa euTuo iollui gru. lu rirh and laijinr frsmiinca has maila ihia deiichirui perfuma exceedingly There la aot alag Has It, lnaiit upon Iuviri Fuiaaa i TonCuUHiatandlookfor lignaturoof a Iw. la pa ruan: buyino "grafc, eanwy tahUbiAcr nnl4 ar npiy roa tl ill tviit LAIUg BAVISO BUVINC rl rif, 'm I aiaV fciLl sM TaMsl i Sa I I aiaiaaa av TaTaTat vj.mvmwwm: iJriftti 7r.

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