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The Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 1

Fort Wayne, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 i eMa1 1 ti IMS, VOIa NO. 02 IfOBT TUYNB WEDNESDAY WORNIHQ, OCTOBER 2H, 1805. PBICE JIVE CENTO 3 fhe Weather ii WisnieoTO. Oq, 10 p. be Indloaliona (or the twenty fonc houre, commencing el 7 a.

Wednesday, OotoWr SHi for Indiana Ftlr. colder In oath em portion) northerly Hindi. IS General Order NO. 1 To Bicylc Riders. Ton nra requested to go to CIXLEY The only house tn the olty carrying a complete assort, men.

or FINE SWEATERS In All grades, styles and col ore, and then make tv seleo tlon, before the great parade 'The only plaoe to get the new things in stripes. Oar price guaranteed to be the lowest. Fine Lindfof Golf Hose. Pixleyft. ft a P.H,Heyman&CO.

Some ol the apodal indooemeola at P. II, HeJp ineACo'a, fJM 13 CALHOUN BTIUCHT. OO.SUHon Soft (0 4 0 Stolioo. Botf 00 4 0J Station Bolt. IIatr: 0 4 00 Stetson Bill Hati 0 '4 OO Miller Stiff IIt.

t0 4 00 Uuyer Stiff: llats. 0 1 DO flayer BUS Hate 5 HO Fedora'a Stiff 8 00 00 60 JO Fedorn'e Stiff Hall 1 to Colored Bblrli, 1 1 SB Colored 1 17 1 00 Colored Also Underwear, Neckwear, SusptoflcrvTele 'scopes, ValiSQSjha Gent's 'Snocs anil Robbers H. HEYMMJ CO, 142 CALHOUN ST. lEf HK 1 Ti a HONE MADE CLOTHING HOUSE. Finest line of clothing In.

the citi, containing all the novelties of the season All goods warranted. ifflwmmA 37 439 E. ColumDla St Corner Clinton. CHARITIES Tke Topic of JJlioaiilon at the hat Keating ef the Slate Confer a. Mayor a 1.

Oakley Ureata lib Deleratee 171111 an Addreil ef Wllooni. Otiirltlti and Correction. Will te Dtacauid Daring a Twe Saya' Beaalen, The itite 'oonfereaoa ef Ctufltlei and eorrlotlonl, comprising repre. aeaiitlTee from etery ehtrltaMe or (oliilliia In Indiana, ooatenad laet night at lt Tort Wajie olob lor the Br.t ol eerlie ol two dare' leealoa. Th meetlag at the Warae club erta 01 lae naiure 01 a reoepiion inu a bailneai meatlna'.

Tke daltsatlon ri(fUUrl and were earolltd. At 7:50 the meeting; wee tailed to order br tna' preeiaene. major u. v. OaUeyuthen made the addreta ol Col, Oakley laldi Tba' Addreae of Wolcoaia.

Lifrial AKD 0Ttan Wltblo the last year boanr eon eatlona hare (keen heli! la oar lair and proaperoaa olty Ihey hare teea ol vartooa tbaraoUr, and. all of. them had la lew the adtanoemeot of the pur poiea ol the orcantaatloa tepraaen. ted, One or the eharaeterlitice of the pretent time le the tendenor, aal nay I not heeeailtj, oa the part el thole Intereetad la a eanee, that (here ahould be a thorobth orgaaliatloa) that atated coaler eneea thoold be held, for en Interchaage Tlewa, for the rela Hon of eiperlencee, for reporta aa to the alUileaoy of the plana pureoed torreaohlsea certain end, Coadopt new wodea of procedure. If thoaght kdtltablai and, aUUthat 4ao en Hated la the parpotee 61 the organl tatioo may be hotter acqnalntad with each other, may etrengthen the bond ol aympatby wbtoh Online them a oomnoa cauae galn'ae waplra' tloa, have their doubt! and teara re morad.

their courage tarlred andra dadlocte theonotrea to the work In hand, tor four dayl laat week Fort Wayne wee In holiday attire, her Oltlataa gare themaelree 0r to pleaaura and rejoicing by baring a grand, glorlom and enooeaaful celebration of her' centennial year. Oa erery tide wa) heard tho remark, what a great adrertlMtnent of fort Wayaet" thouiandaof rlaltora were within our bordera and our enterprise waa publlohed to the world 1 by the creat metropolitan uewepapere; rom eaat to weat, from norlht aontB, cor praiaea ware anagi erorj, bodyrejoleed and' paid Vott Wayne haa done haraelf proud the celebration la armh hundred! el theaaanda ol dollara to fort Wayne. I would not galnaay tela, rather 1 would aay that the hall baa not been laid aa to the benellt that celebration will be to our city. I am proud of tbi ojty ol my adoption, prond ol her people, their enterprlae, their thrtlt. thalr culture, their patriotism In all tno requliitee which 'tend to make a prosperooi, progreiatre and anllgklened oommonltr, Fort Wayne la tke peer ol any city of hcrilie In tbla proud land of oura.

That we ibould rejoloe in oar ma terlsl prosperity is right and proper We Ira enjoined I to be "dllllgeat in but let us not forget or fall toobaerre the restol the admonition, "sorting the Lord Our material prosperity sbonld be but a means ta an cud, and that end ahould be how best to serve and re. Here suffering humeolly. It. la fitting that this convention should meet so noon after Our deyitytf, loloingf that now When our baarta are foil with thanksgiving tor the pleasant llnea In which our lot la oeit, and we feel enriched by the bountiful blessings from the iiiver of all good) let aa pause for a abort lime and give out thoughts to the eonalderatlon of the work! of peed knd charity. QJaoob, a hit vision, saw a ladder asoendlng from earth to Heaven, the principal rounds of whloh era faith, hope and charity, which teach us to hare taltb la Uod, hope of Immortality and charity to all mankind, but lb greatest of these Is charity, for car filth eudi la bight, hope end la fruition, but'obsritf extendi beyond the grave, through the boundless realms of eternity.

Ladlea and gentlemen of the oen ferenee. Fort Wayne la highly bon ore4 byveur preeeuav eadV ek tends to yoa a royal welcome. That tbla, yonr louno annual ouiiiweviiot, may be preduotiv of great good the earnest wish of all. Our people are much Interested In your work, that la etrldenoed by thelrattendsnoe here Ibis ereuiag to join In estend to you a rordlel greeting and words 01 niu k.uiu abla pride olelm for We have the largest lire of Lamps to select from In the cltj. Our prices arc toe lowest ana me quiiuj mc ucsi 5 CD 3 naBBBBBBBBBBBBBH 'aBaaaBBfBaVJ fold mSKBsr 3 ''MiaafJau oor that they are not iumtwaril xla ulaada ana worka pi charity and reformation, muob, vary much, haa bean done la that direction locsll( while eooh It the caaa our people at jposaeaaed Of that broad eatholle aplrlt which reaehel put andlriblodee la their thought! ana lions euncrwg numanuy mIi.t.., Ia.m.

That your any with oa may pa hgreeable, that the reoollectlod ol your visit may be pleasant, that yoa will receive newlnaplratloa lor you I work, that the blessing ol Almighty Ood may crown your efforts, Ills care aad proteotlon go with yon to your homes, le the earned wish of ail nerc aeaempica so greet yon. City Charity Work. Thetoiua asslirned for the oven log waa ''City Charity Work," and the papera and dlsousaiona wera along that Una, The report of tha committee was read by O. S. Grant, secretary it the C.

V. B. at Indiana polls. The report ihowed that splendid bad been eooora. pllshed.

W. 8, Bmallwood, seorotirv the O. O. 8. at Terr! lliote, read a paper on the 'Churoh add the Poor." 'Ibe paper, a careful eonilderation ol tha nbjeot, wia lutened to with alien.

lion oy inn large auuieuoe, Bt, Vincent I l'aul. Bev. John Qulnlaa wai Introduced to speak jn tha Society of 81. Yin cent Da l'aul. The name, he eald, waa not that 'Of the founder; Of Ibe order.

St. Vineeal l'aul livid St7 veara before the aoeletr waa br ganlaed. lie waa born la France In toe aiiieenia 01 wormy parents. Ills mother wae poted for her ekarlUee. la bla early life St.

Vlnoeul developed the traits of charity whloh afterwards made bla name noted forever, While he tended bla aheep he often went with out bla dinner In order that some peaeant, poorer than hlmaelf, might not be hungry. In afteryears, when he had become a priest, he began hla work of charity la earnest. Through out Frenoe. ho founded orphan asylums, foundling aiylumi and other benevojeot iastUuUonB. Ills name became Inseparable from the work ol charity.

Thui ll'wai that when In' 1883 Frederick Q'Zeaaai, a yonag french lawyer, founded the looletr waioa now oeira sac iiue, no eaoie the name of St. Vincent l)e Taul aa tha Idial eharaOter of bfnevoleno In man at which tha membere should The obleot of the aocietr Is to re lieve the poor la every pusathle way wnerever taey may oe jouou.4 aio work ol charily la lorelga to the society ol Bt. Vincent Do Paul. The aim la to make men better by teaching them their duty to Ood. to their neighbor! and to themielvei.

The octety never Inquire! aa to the roll gloue belief of Ihoee who apply tor relief. Tha only queation la. "Are von worthy ef help?" no soeissy meets a monin end at thli time the monthly dues pf 10 osata a member are collected. The object of thle email dua la that me poor aa wen aa tne rion, may be looir to the aooletf. When the col lection la taken tha richer member! may, and uiuallr do, pnf In morl than la required.

This Idea car. rled out so that with a membership of 200 la thla olty monthly collection! hare been takea ranging from to 117. Ileildei the Riving of alma the loclety haa raetnberawbo make friendly tlilti, realizing that food and olothlng are not the only thloga needed by tboie In deatltnte elroumitaneee. Many tlmei a friendly nod and a warm claip of the hand will relieve more coffering than a treat aapendltnre of money. The eoolity haa 00 eonfereneea In the United Statu with a central conference In the United Btatei.

1 ublic tleccptlon. At the cloaa of tha meeting a pub llo reoepllou wae held to tha vialtlng delegatei. A reception committee ol twentv fiva Isdiea received the gneita. Itefreehmenta and lose were Starved. Tha tibial ware presided over byldliaea Anna Bond and Helen aioDai.

assiaica py axissea lyiita Taroalls, Julia Bumsey, Bessie llo Cracken, Katherlna Johneon and Bessie Hedekln. loring the reoep tlonMr. and lirl. 8. Boot ang a duet, and Mr.

Wia llaih Bang a baritone lolo, Iter the reception, a lew Informal numbira ware danced oa the ball room floor. UfiVOKBO. UXHOHORS kflLTHROP 1 Cecil 6Q Clinton 5tP The roetofflca Uepartnient Ila actada tha Fraud Order Afralnat WU liroa. WaaniHOToa, Ootobar tl. The poatofflca depertapent to day retoked the frahd order agalaat Well Bros.

A ol FCrt Wayne, upon, the firm making an agreement net te uaa the elrcnlarrwpich eeostd the orders to be Issued. fTbcy Were r4. The Columbia City Foal la making great ado over the feat that tha men oharged with theVStnger murdor were not well fed while in Fort Wayne. Thla la too bad. While the men charged with thla oold blooded and brutal murder were nof lad on Co' neater salad and pbampsgne(Cspt.

jtorgmea spent fron hla own pocket to pjroyine them aoltable food. If all report! arc true llaasra. Cunningham and Thompson wilt not longbe troubled with eltbor the quality or the selection of tbelr food, Surrendered by Ma Bondsmen. ffiuin. Ind aJy Alonao Sella, of North Manchester, baa placed lp Jal, by request of bis bondsmen Beooatly he waa Indloted for criminal aesanll, hla bond being fixed at 1600.

The bondsmen then became fearful that he would leave, hence his turrender to the sheriff. lAMa at Marion. llaaiua, October At an early hour thla mornipg Ore con. lately destroyed the resldcnoea of Ira. Matilda Murphy, and Fireman Carter.

Loss, 11,000, with small In Itemalna Identified. FoBTuaA, Ind October S. The boy killed In the wreck oa tha Grand Baplda A Indiana railway haa been IdentiOed aa William Forcer, of thla city, who waa making hla way home irons juogenue. Conferred1 by tke OoTirior "Joen a amber tf Indiana Cltlaina. (.

nel am ta Ihm te Bette on, tie Xadlana Datlla Shin 0nf. i' Will Hart Xatlre Ckaige ar.ttc lipaadltate of the Silver Barrlaa Fund, a laviiaaroui. October Jl.Oov. ernor Mattblwi to day announced the namei of tha men whom he bat appointed to aerve aa tha "Indiana'! battleship committee. The name! fpllowi Governor Cleude Mattblwi, obalft1 man tx ofBolo.

Ex rrealdent Bsnjsmln Hanlsoa. U.n. Law Wallicc Crawfurdsrll'a, Judge John II. Dakar. Umbea.

Franola Bllaa Cbatird, blibopi ol the dlooeaa of Vlnotaues. Mayor Ihomaa Tiggert. Uaycr Caleb Uennf. I. S.

Oordon. nreiideot Ibe In. dleoapolle Iwarilol trade. William oooil. ooairman oi id board ol trade 'Indiana' committee.

Oen. W. J. Mckes, oemuhdtf let Indiana brigade. i' Dr.

J. Llvlngetone Thompson. JohpII.Iloirid.y, Joha r. Frenael i L. 8.

Ayfet. William B. Hollowly Charlea B. Wllliama. Clam Studabaker, South Bend, O.

F. 8. (leal, Lebanon. 8. 8beerln, Lorauiport, W.

B. MoKesn, Terre'llaula, Ci T. Dotey, Anderson, J. II? Bate, Fort Wayne. John J.

Nolan, Etanavllli, Athor W. llrady, Manila, Jamea 8. Beynofdl, Lafayette. T. B.

Bllih, Seymour. Tha committee will hate eullra charge' of the expenditure ol the fondoontrlbuted to lecnre a'lllver lervloe and library for the great battleship. Governor Maltbawa naa eant letlere all the members, and haa called a meeting of tha commit' tea for Friday, Ootober So, at 1 at the govereor'e parlors. OT8 OP TALK laat night, ared tt lie waa oe of tha most projnliiejiualathodlat preaebsrs la tne stale ana naa a re. lord of bating married 1,870 maples.

I IH UiaU LIB BS. Uat It fa Hardly Probable That tha ufa1 Will Meet, Hot SraiMos, Ootober S2. A heated meetlnir to nliht finished with the dcelaration from Corbett that everything; te off. Col belt wealed to fight In private within four daye for a bet of 10,000. or else postpone the fight sloven daye and light la public Jnllsu wpnld not agree, and Corbett left tha room, declaring he walhad hla bahds pf Titasimmon.

Late to alffht Merlin Julian ao eeplsd the offer of a 110,000 purse mode by the Hot Springs Athlctlo club lor a fight Ootober (I, under Its direction. Julian at once ttarted lor Bprlng Lake to coaler with Uor bett, who declared ekrly In the day that be would fight lor any kind of a parse on or before or alter October it. THEY AltfAjt UU8INE8S. The Allen County Medical Mo oicty Dcannnda Quarantine Enforcement. The Allen bounty Medical society net lest nlrht la rerular aeialon.

The subjeet dlseusaed was the elarm log spread of dlphthsrla In the city In the last two The society cteolded that somebody would have to wine an on me quarantine queation and repilred to the cousctl In a body to preaa their demands. The ceanell will held a 'special meeting to night fcto consider tha question. Meenwhlleahe board of pub llo health la the ehennel throngh whloh all each communications tkould come to the eounoil, ind tbev will poialbly take aomi aotlca la the matter. YAN WON. U'lary Too Qroigy to mm Illro Alter Three Ilounda.

CtKOiaaATI. Ootober it the Olymplo club fight between Jim Miry ana tf im nyaa lor inree rounds, O'Lesry had the bait of It. In the fourth he tried to rueh Byaa, but reoelted a right bander en the head, whloh, floored him. He attempted to iaehal wae ao gToggy thai the refsree stopped the fight, declaring Bysn tha winner. Passu! (MM Mfrr wit, Han Franelaoo, Cei Oct It The defease la the Durrant trial practlcallr cloeed yeaterdaj.

Another witness mar be examined brienr today and than the proaeoutlon will bealn thl In treductlon of teitlmony In rcbuttab No WltPeaa hae appeared to ewear that iWrant wis elsewhere then at Emanuel bsptlst churcb when Lapurat waa murdered Fallu( to ahew tha( purr ant Tea pot the church (he 4e feaae haa attaokad the eredltaUIUj of the witness! who testified Uior aaw him la that vicinity la sompaay with Mine Lamont. CeBwa Caa Take tka Koaa. gan Franclaco, Oct. 1J. 0.

Hunt Faclfla will not be able to pay Its government debt pa It maturity, therefore, It eon trasa will not itree to. seme wtllemeit( of tha debt on a baala compatible with the financial ability of the Central Pacini to meet the obligation, ha has no objeetloa to the United State, xovera. mint taking pcennaloa ol the property, rmkM neaMlae p4 Rochester, N. Oct 18. The Bev.

Dr. Aeebel Clark Kendrtck, aged 8, ei acUoa prealdent and emarltua pro femor of tha Dnlverelty of Bofheatef and ona of the taunders ol the InaUtu tlon, aa well one of the ablest In structors la tha aute, is dead. Iavitalloda leaned tor the Wed dinar el Hlw VanderbUt. Yoki. Ootober tS.

tntlti. tlona to tha wedding of Mlia Vender bill and in vuae oi Manoorougn wera liantd to day. Tbey riadi "Mrs. William Klssam VanderbUt ra Kieata the honor of yonr presence at a marriage of her daughter, Ccniuelo, to the poke of Marlborough. Wednesday, Novimhcr at o'olook, Balnt IhoraiS church.

Fifth Two cards aooompauy cich Invitation one for the ceremony at the cburch, the other for breikfeit, and a reoiptloo at Mra. Vanil.rbilt'f houia. The ro Hoc anlga fifty oflloera tor duty at the church, and half that number it the reception, The bailee lines will be attended to tke llmlta Of tho church property. The luilraotlpna are to allow no one on the church corner, but the aide atret will ba free. Several megnlBoint wedding glfli have been ordered tent back to England oe account of the ouitolul dutiee.

PUNNeYLVANIA COAL MININO. hoesawt 1 I IMnail, bal BUM BUw Ar. aa.pir.a. 'llarrlsburi, Oct. St.

The slatle (Ueof the mlnlqa realona, which will ha Idpluded In thi forthcoming report of me department of Internal affairs, how tha production of coal for 18M la the anthracite and bltumlnoha districts of nnnsylvanla to have been IMoa.8M Una, a dsonaae of I.J85.071 tons from the prodidtlon of 18f3. The production of anthracite coal waa tone, aa agalnat 47,179 EM tone In 1893, a reduction of 7J 884 tone, as axalnil 43, tlljsa tone In 1891, a reduction if MI.179 tone. While the production show! thla great falling off, the total number of employee In and about the mines haa Increaaed The number employed during 1894 waa 828.873, aa against 219.811 In 1893, aa Increase of 7,051. MAKE QUIET PROORESe. maMeatlrt part Mnllae Blawlr la 4 aftlaat paavllle.

Oct. 21. The apeolal train aarrylng the prealdent and cabinet la Atlanta arrived here at 5 40 and left It 45 a. un. The president and all ef hla party were asleep and ao were a 'majority of the cltlsena ef Dantllle, hence there were no Inoldenta connected with the traln'e stop here.

Oraensbcro, Oct ll. The presidential train paaaed through here en Joule to Atlanta before o'clock thla morning. A crowd had assembled at lh depot of the Southern railway and wae disappointed at not gett'ur a gllmpee of the chief executlye. The train continued on the regular Wash tagtoa Allaata route, i.ii i i a a.i. WlshlnatoB.

Oct ,13. Hear Admiral Khrkland'e nmovttl from hla cntco aroae from eongratyhallng rresldent Fanre el rrance on hla election, which ftccretary Herbert thouzbt Improper and unnecee tarrt from making uncomplimentary remarkd about Aroerlcaa mlsslonsrlee In Syria and Armenia from an alleaed Insult to a nsval chaplain at the Kiel festivities, and because of charge! of general Indlecrotlon in commenting on persons and affaire. Admiral Klrkland hae Bailed from Gibraltar for Algiers lp but Asgshtp. the San Francisco Ofct U.lM.,k Beraa. Philadelphia.

Oct. 88 The old Seven Stare tavern, In Eaat Vincent township, Cheater county, together with the stables, waa burned laat nlahUTh. Seven Stara tavern waa built long before the revolution and It waa a famous atop plng place for travelers going from Philadelphia to Baltimore. Washington and hie generals often stopped there. Near by la a mounment that marks the graves of many soldiers of the revolution who died In the old Pike Land church vkea it waa used aa a boe BbV Cl lerlke la a.raltara.

Dubois, Oct. tL Tha threatened strike la this part of the coal region has beea a complete failure. Leas thaa one third ht tke mlnere called out qolt worh and those, who atruoh era In eon aequeaca ready to return aa early aa poMlble. The Indlcatloni art that every mine will ba working before the tad of the week. Oreat deatltutlon prevails here.

A carload ef potatoes was received from Wllllamaport on Saturday and distributed among the mlnere. Teh DlBPHf rjjiav. Portland, Oct 33 Jack Damp; aay la dylngWltUa the paat fesMlara ha baa been rapldlr linking and It la announced that hie houra are numbered. He haa tried a Cheng le country alv but with little apparent baneBt. Ilia phyalolana allow few of the pugll lat'a frlende to nee him.

Dempsey rsit laee hla condition and ears It la due to the blew he received at the hands of fit Immona four yeara ago, but bla friends aay it la consumption. Bfaalaaa tl. raaalae la El Pleq, Texas, (M ta. At 13 o'clock laa sight the gorernroeut quaraatlua agaloat Mexican oatltw wea raised aid from fifty cattlemen now In the city from Denver. Kaaaae City, St, Louis, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, fort Worth and Pueblo, Col It la learned that 88.

000 held of cattle have already been bought in Mexico for ahlpment Into thla country and 40,000 of them are already pn tha border ready to inter thla coun4 try thli morning. i ii a nava ar Da.4. Nortk Beaton, Oct. 33, Kl Oov. Oliver Amee died at his home here at 1 14 o'clock a.

uv after a long period ct falling allhough deem at the laat resulted from heart disease. lie waa (t yeara ef age. He had become widely known through bis connection with largo bualnees enterprises, as well aa On account of Jils long and honorable political record a thla wldew. two aoaa and folr daughters survive. Ilia ldra Work Done Eoanao.

Ind Ootober SI. Bav, Harden Baybara, of thla cite, died (year. wUv liyer Ooldimjth. began to think aerlqoely ef matrl mcar, and ekoee my wife, aa aba did bar wedding gown, not for a fine, glossy anrfaaaj tknl aaeh afaallltaa aa wanlj FOREST toESr Putraottr Vlrti EtfUf tht 7oriU in Mdj PirU tf tka Coutttry. A yUUf a th Chicago, Kliirftu Bt, ttl ftotd Wlp Oat Bf tli JTUmt.

Tw B(w IfiUs Band Otw Kwr Egg Htrbor City, Deitrojlog Xaeh Proprty JuMonont Citt, Wli Menlow Vmller. lllii on lb Vl Uy (llrlilon of tb Chlonro. Mil wiped out fire. It onlottol In Urr en barrt ni rih t.t of blgQ wlnJj lire iprssd a village, od before tho reiUleatahid eh Doe to light tho flamM the town of Bkboook wm Ihreeteoed with ie utrootlony endow Yelley It Tillage of 100 populatloD. Tha rail deot aie daalara to ei aapt 11.

O. Treat, general itore, and Ka Hoffman, blaokamfthp hQQ llAHBOkt. Cixr, N. Jet Ootobar 83. A deatrgotl forest Ore In the hearr timber land between tbla eltr and Greenbank.

baa baea ragtmg ail day without aigoa pf It hae burned over an area I two tquare it. Ilea, deatrojlng mi.oj aorei of valnabte tlmtwr. rutanalTe cranberry bogaare located taeat (he fire and It alio deatroyed the crop ready for barreitlng Gubih Br. Ootober 2J olty la lorroauded by lorest firei, made dangeroue by a atroDg wind. Wear.

Loaemburg, aeveral iainlHea were Darned out. ana vanone potnta many othera iotoA from their hornet. TERRORIZE A CHILD. WlbltM la laa HlVtVlWW Mft OMt abrll Bna)Mtl Indtanapollt, lad a Oct 3U. Ada Huabtoo, (be year child who teetl Bed In Ue trial of Iter.

Mr. IUtahav far wife murder at pan llle thai aae haw the prisoner altllng on a aofa wltb one of hie lady paruhlonerau lt In pitiable nervoue atate awing te afforta of the mlntslar't frlaoda el oca eon fiction to force her to make an fllda lt declaring that the twore ralaely They Have followed toe child from place to place lnilatlng that ber tstlmor waa false, aod telllnr ber that the Would go to hell for glTlng false testimony. Borne hare gone ao far aa to aay that alio haew eh was lying when she ewore thai the aaw Hlnahaw aod Mlsa Ferree upon the tofa. and hart urged her to eonrese br ala as the only wI of galhlog pardon. Bo perststent hare they been that the child thinks and talks of nothing and utterly unjihle to Ax hr open her duties at school.

She persists that she taw Hlnahaw and Miss Ferree upon the sofa, but she la constantly haunted by the ter1 ror of hell, and It ta feared that her mind may become permanently af fected. CYCLONE IN CUBA. Ibbmm hr liva Wlntl SUPVaaa. Havana. Oct 22 A cyclone entered this Island Sunday through the Clenaga tie Zapata district The disturbance will probably pass through Mateqsae and over Havana If tho wind does not change At 10 o'clock yesterday the wind was north northeast and had ait average velocity of seventy eight mllea per hour.

During the past twenty three hours 144 mil I meters of rain have fallen. Tbe latest word received here as to the progress of the cyclone la that It haa caused havoc In the province of Santa Clara, the wind blowing; with hurricane force at the rate of ninety miles aa hour. The damage which has resulted Is enormous. Other Hr pa lipllel4. Duluth, Minn, Oct 13 The belief that Cashier O.

II, Btuckey robbed the State Bank before disappearing Friday atght la not ao strong aa It waa Saturday. The bank haa filed a deed of aa llgnment to A. O. pavldson, the mala tock bolder, who haa been here for aome days. The opinion that the missing eaahler la more sinned aftalnst that eln ning and that he la being used aa) a eatspaw by one more responsible for tha ifaortage than ha la rapidly gaining grouud, and sensational developments are eapeoted.

The father of the missing man aaya he atanda ready to inakti good any shortage which hla eon may have caused aa aeon aa he la convinced that Charles Btucker Is the real cuK priu ine nana naa on qeposii iaouuv of itato money, $.,000 county money, and 18 000 olty money, as well aa 150. COO In Individual deposits. Tbe county now ban tied up in broken That Cha aal at Mar. Our attention la called to a curious theory of the channels of Mars, pro fonnded by II. Wlsaewoisy, an eminent Scandinavian scientist He de clares that the bicycle fad la ao great our sister planet that wide, movable roadways have been oonatruoted, 80 many ef the uarltlann have taken to tke wheel that It la found Impossible to move about with ony degree of safety any other atyle of hike, for that matter.

Therefore, It waa decided that the roadway Itself ahould be on wheels, and now those who desire to aoln mount the silent ateed and alt quietly while Ibe roadway scorches out lpto the country for century run. f. wij ewotay runner declares mat It Id the tua'a reflection on these moving roadways, filled a they are with nickel plated machines, that produces that canal like appearance ao plainly jkofc lceahle on the planet Mars. tetn psr gesunhelt ad libitum I Or. la ether words, wo learn many new facta by bearing things which were not told.

at previously. la pouring your troubles Into a friend's ear, don't lose sight of hla tonue. Atchtson Globe tit ibm; wnen cne ratio waa changed from 15 to 1 to 16 to 1, the alitor dollar wag made ao larger. The gold dollar WM rtducod HYOU CTIrlAft. ROOT'S.

ROOT'S. BLACK SILKS. The great selling o( the past week Jias Carried thousands of yardi' of our famoui llUck Cascade Silks all over Northern Indiana. Hut even such unprecedented' telling as went" on here the couldn't tid of the, big quantities which were offered. To Morrow and the Coming Week We will treat our In town customers, aa we treated our out of town patrons to a Black Sillc treat, Jn the way of Bargains.

At I.OO Black'. Qroa and Teen de Bole, wonderfully rloh la lustre and evenneia of weava. At eU BU Pe.o de Bole Groe Grain Silln ducheiie, Armuree and a number Of elegant Urocadca la all the new designs, At8 Vcnta A pretty Uaa of Black Brocadea, rivaling anthing ever ihowa at tha prion. At 8)1 OO Black Silk, Hindoo Twill Silks, plain and rare loft nloe for middle and old ladlea d.eaaee. At una, Ul.oo and l1.2fl BlaokSllk Velours juet the thing for sleeves In maklog oVerooata.

Elegant, Handsome, Rich Higart. We can'l jot too many heada to put on to tha lovely Tapeilrlei In pineli we've got to ihow you In the Carpet room one piece In your home will be a thing ol admlritlon for a generation. We went every one to call and bcc them, not only one cr two bnt a big variety. Prices, $15 to S'45 Each. RUGS.

A aaw Hae of Oriental Bnga, dlum and large alscs. AHT At two departfoenta one NKWB at the Linen beautiful new things, too sweet to stay long In tha tore Hiatal, Piano and 'labia Boarfs, made of allk In lovely ahadoi, embroidered In waih gold threading doubt of their reception. Prices, S2.50 to S7. Herman Dreperlea Came In thla week on denim order finer and more beautiful tabrlo, with handiomo deilgni) drapea veiy effective, DO Inch, too the yird. SILXOIM O0LD DRAPEBIE8, SILK DBAPXHIKS, riain figured every coocelvablo ahadc and combination, tnorc dreperlea than you'll Dud In half dexon Louies oomblnad, mora beautiful prices lOo to, so for the ualatv cottoni prloe S0o to for tho elegant once In allk, Tpsilanti Updcrwear.

So flrant bae been the demand lor thla excellent high grade underwear the first shipment baa melted away ruore coming; for the next week, tome lew eises left7 may autt you. but la a diy or two will suit all. SILK SKIRTS In all colore and black. Moreen tklrtt. tl.7o to 93 60.

Tho allk onet from vp to VI 4 each. lo eoraet aeotlon. ROOT dx CO, SIEM0N WALL PAPER CO. Headquarters or Wall Paper. Window Shades, Pictures and Picture Room Moulding, eto.

1U5 Calhonu ttreet FALSE AND TRUE. There le no ehame in psylug, no shame In receiving, an honest compliment Sincere oompllments are not flattery, they do not harm the giver or the receiver It Is never unworthy to say something that we know will please, and to say It with the express purpose of pleasing If wo honestly believe that what wo aay bt true, a great deal of good nay aome time he done by paying a well timed compUnaut. Compliments are a graceful way of expressing our appreciation of certain qualities In ether people The sincerity la of courie everything without ntneerlty they become mere flAtterlee, or conventional, meaning leea commonplaces. afoit of aoolety'a cut end dried phrases aro in a manner complimentary, though they are generally taken for what they are worth, which la very WUe. A genuine compliment, especially from (hose who rarely apeak so, Is very delightful.

"Tbrraluerla tncwasetf 1ytlirTaTltyT There are aome good natured souls who are always aaying pleasant things to people, and meaning them; but we cannot prise their compliments quite so highly as If they were less frequent There la aa art la paying compliments, which, perhaps, la not unworthy of acquisition Tet the true compliment should be perfectly free and Unstudied Fremedltatlon spoils It Labored and manufactured speeches are always rather disagreeable than pleasing Any susplolon of art Mice ruins a compliment and makes worthless. The art of compliments la simply tho lawful and praiseworthy art of pleasing. Te give sincere pleasure to another person la always a noble aim: and by aaying a kindly and generous thing at tho right time we often do thla. Modud o.uvmoA jojoiipe eniieuurta UR ejtpjpuvo tqx uemoh qnp poMM vw Pua 1 onj)tu eSeiioo 1 'oapjvj nwiuil ajp( 1 euo ejnrtlnl owa oqt Joj gain UOJ ojs otv i i jo uemoA ox lsome flattery la hateful; conven Uonal courtesy la better, but yet not worth a great deal; kindly and genuine compliment la always acceptable and alwayt valuable LABOR NOTES. Cincinnati cigar makers will atari a paper.

A co operative cotton wll( will bo atarted at Columbus, a Organised labor of Baltimore will take np Independent politics. Thirty thousand Jute workera are on etrlke for Leber wages In Duder Bcotland. UUca, trade assembly nominated ticket for the legislature. Single taxere claim that tho liberal party In Scotland haa been conver'ed to their tboorlos Blast" fur pace men of Pennaylrania and Delaware are organising and tl form a national body The Polish compositors of Chicago tfavejnade application to tho Intel 1(1 Uonal Typographical union tor a charter. St Gallen, Bw User land, by the referendum haa adopted compulsory ln surance for unemployed worklngmen It la oat Im a tod that 30 000 InOlans are now peaceably engaged In farming, stock raising and other civilised pursuits Bicycle workers of Chicago have organised a big union and Are taking the Initiative to form national organisation, Tho dominion trailva and labor congress.

In session at London, Out re aolved to admit delegates from the ao clat labor party. Why ta It that a chief of a clly Are department must alwaya ride In the fratl eet buggy and Invariably drive to a Art at a breakneck apeedT Women do not suffer as muck as they used to, lav olden times, from contraction of the cheat Just look at the else of tbe Saratoga trunks. Highest of all to leavening Powet Latest U. Gov't Report Roy. 1 1 1.1a, a a at.

1 ii ii vi ii a 1 4bvolutei.v pobc It fri.iaJt: rt.

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