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Fort Wayne Daily News from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 9

Fort Wayne, Indiana
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fifY 'rriniyi "Mi; Al 9 The JtuSabtted Alleys of Fort Wayne DuctAUey Is a Disgrace to City 1 1 It would seem that In a city with aa an area as Fort Wayne baa there would be plentyof room lor everyone, Ten! the poorest to live without taking' tip a residence In an alley; Tet auch la not the case. Fort Wayne baa quite a number of Inhabited alleys, are respectable and. clean: But Duck alley'' Mrs. Bacon slowly ahoek her head as It she could not find words to express her. thoughts.

"Well, In all of my travels, I have never seen conditions worse than' those In Duck alley," Disgrace to the City. There can probably be no dissension from the opinion that Duck alley Is a disgrace to Fort Wayne and should; be abolished. It la not only an eyesore and a menace to publla safety, but la menace to. public health as. well.

A plague or epidemic of any sort would And a ready foothold In Duck alley and would spread from there to other parts of the city. And in the midst of all of the filth, disgrace and sordid ness of Duck alley there are Women who qe trying; to rear children, or who are perhaps, as the woman who was arrested the other day, allowing but only a few of these remain. Their outlook Is however, compared with the outlook from Duck alley. Probably the" smallest complete human habitation In Fort Wayne stands In this row. One house stands behind a tall billboard and Is entirely A dilapidated barn like structure In the Duck alley district, overlooking the' city dump.

where people actually live, and In some Instances rear children. Probably few people of Fort Wayne have never heard pr Duck alley, while but few people ever visited the place or even know Just where i Is. Duck alley has for yeurs been the abode of peoplo of a low character, oftentimes lawbreakers, and It is to say the least a menace to the public health. Most cities the size of Fort Wayne have more Inhabited alleys than Fort Wayne bus, and as a rule In a more unsightly and unsanitary condition. In some instances the houses in Fort Wayne's inhabited alleys are as good as or better than many houses located on streets, but the surroundings are, mqxl cases, wretched.

It must not be Imagined either that all peoplo who Hveln alleys In Fort Wayne are low brows and crooks, for such is not the case, Low rent Is ever a great attraction and In alleys the rent Is naturally very low Indeed. A Glimpst Duck Allty. Duck alley extends from Clinton atreet to Lafayette street, one halt block north of Superior. It Is tha dirtiest, ugliest and has always been CHlii Mill WKl 7 gLLE iiHflggHKnt asV On of tha elesnsst af Fort Wayne's inhabited alleys. Two houses and a shop are laeated hare at tha rear of the wast aide of Calhoun street, a few blacks south of the Pennsylvania tracks.

their unwashed and underfed offspring to rear themselves. Othtr Alleys Not So Bad. There are no other alleys In Fort Wayne In which so many houses are located. In most Instances one or two houses are all that ocriupy an alley la a single Mock. At the alley Intersection between Calhoun and Clinton and Murray and Wallace; streets stands house which Is not at all a had huhltn tlon.

It Is a comfortable looking llllle place of two Btorles, which Was probably at some time moved to its present location from some street. Nor Is It shut In on all tides by rows of Bur did stables, but liui the greenery of several Jack yards to give the eye some relief, from the everlasting gray of the alley. At another place, at the rear of a row of stores on Calhoun street, north of the Pennsylvania tracks, stands one the most disreputably Inhabited alley or two old houses which once faced on of the city. In past years the police Calhoun street, but which were forced were usually ready to expect anything to make way for business and were from a murder to a mere wife beating moved back and faced upon the alley, on Duck alley, and the patrol wagon These places are inhabited by negroes ana a ueiaii oi cops were always held with speedy call for a swift run to that place on Saturday night. It was the chief center of petty thieves and perpetual drunks and midnight brawls were as frequent aa "Hunky" lights at the Morris saloon In the rolling mill district Of late years Duck alley has not been so constantly before Oie public eye and ear.

People of a higher respectability have lived In the miserable houses that line tha alley, and only an occasional "mess" has required the attention of the police. It Is remarked, however, that only a little more than a week ago a pitiable case came to light when a man and woman were arreated In a shack In Duck alley for Hvlng In adultery. The man was a good for nothing bum of an un savory reputation and the woman was A pair of houses nsac th old Wabash freight houao in an alloy running south from Grand atrsot. These houses are Inhabited by foreign families. bidden from view.

A number of foreign workmen keep "bachelor quarters" In the shack. i la an occasional stray alley shack, at course, that la nothing If not wretched. Several auch places exist in Fort Wayne, but they are so feiy as to be no great drawback to the Te spectablllty of the city. Duck alley la the one greatest evil In inhabited si' leys, and even Duck alley la not so vile a contamination spot as though it Typical shacks in Duck alloy. The house with the outside itsir caso is inhabited by two families, one upstairs and tha other downstairs, both living in extremely unsanitary conditions.

njaHlnWK JB i IB 'In ilS llHfij. HaH hBp fflHSaK sHHatiflHl jrHRI BWBMBMBagjsjBMj i 'l tl HasSftnainLi! An eld house usually inhabits? by severs I families of negroes, sn is located at the rear of Calhoun street, between aq4 Holmsn. An old house at the alls intersection between Murray and Wallace and Clinton and Barr. 0. E.

Mohler, superintendent of tha bureau of charities, haa had frequent calls for aid from this house in the pas. were located In the heart of the downtown district, as such places are In many cities. What 0. E. Mohler Saya.

O. K. Mohler, superintendent, of the bureau of charities of Fort Wayne, Is, In. a position to know as much or more about the "Inside workings" of the Inhabited alleys of this city than oMMmn irhn who are employed In the, downtown probably any other person. needed her every care and energy.

district "The conditions In some of the alleys Mrs Bacon Visited Ouek Alloy. Respectable Foreign Family. are terrible," says Mr. Mohler. "Not iln in.irtrt wnnm Haeon.

of Ev In another house, which Is located only are the people frequently of so Hnin ivinl upon an alley near Calhoun street lives low a moral character that they need 'Mvieo workers' of the state and a a respectable foreign family, who came constant watching by the police, but ..1...1... h. in to this county and to fort Wayne a the sanitary conditions are disgrace nearly everv city of the United States, short time ago, and not knowing any ful. In Duck alley for Instance, some visited Duck alley last fall when she one here, and being of an eoonomlcal of the people live In such filth as to here to attend' the 'State Conven turn of mind, were glad of the oppor almost Incredible. In Borne Instances tunltv to obtain a nlaco with rent so the vaults are right up against the iron i cheap houses in a manner that should not "rrnin the whole cnndltlo'hs in Fort The alley leading away from Colum be tolerated by the city.

Some of the fter a tonr of the cltv "Most of the bla street )ong the south side of the houses In Inhabited alleys are fairly after a tour of the coty. "Most oi. me people are well housed and their houses oecupieo. uy a row of dingy old could really afford better homes." IN MSTERCE TEN MONTHS NEW 80UTH SIDE BRANCH LIBRARY HAS EXCELLENT RECORD. Clght Hundred Nw Cardholders Forty one Thousand Visitors in That Tim.

Ten months of work at th new branch library on South Calhoun atreet Jiave just been completed and this is what has been dame. Eight hundred and forty live people who itever used the library befoTe, appreciating the bp portunity that had tome to them, took out new cards: In addition to tbls are tha people that before had used the main library alnpe, borrowers, cards may be used, at either place. There hm Wfii total of ll.l6t'neoVIv'Wtn have visited thtAranch slnco It opened! DEEP SEATED COUGH CURED IN 5 HOUES. New Homa Mads Syrup. (Cut this out) Progress In medical compounds never ceases, and now It la stated by a prom inent medical man that ny aeep seated cough or oold on tha Jungs can be actually cured in five hours by the dock.

Opium and morphine hare been resorted to In the past, as relief measures. Hut now, it la learted that the system treated to rid It of Inflammation and congestion. A to'nlo laxative cough syrup does tha work so quickly and thoroughly aa to be air most magical. What heretofore haa taken weeks to Cure can be accomplished In hours. (Jet this formula ailed or mix It at heme and always keep It on hand: One half ounce fluid wild cherry bar, OBe ounca compound essence cardtol and three ounce arrup white pine compound.

Shake the bottle and take twenty drons every half hour for four hours. Then tafco one 1 half to one tea spoonful three or lour times a day nntll thai system la purt fled and toned up. Olva children less according to age. On JlUlng 'III usuafly curs whole family, the t. on March 7 last afld over 85,000 books have been arlven out.

Of this number books about half of them were to children, with per cent of it Action, leaving 41 per cent, of non flctlon, in. eluding books of travel, biography, technical subjects and other live topics of the day. In aS there are about 8,000 volumes on the shelves; since these cover all Subjects and with the new books added every auMitti, everyone Is aura to find something he wants. Tha branch located 2(2 South Calheua atreet and 'open dally, from, 1 to. I p.

m. except Sundays. GETS NEEDED REST (Mart Duffy Could Find No Place to Sleep. Mart Duffy, who last night could find no place other than th polloa station te carry bla Ufe siaed package, la In 1 sured of baring a place to rest for' eleven days, aa Judge Mungovaa sent him over for the minimum on a drunk charge. BcV Mann, another drank, who Jiad wandered Into the station, was.

Btven eleven days. PanI Ormtston and I Charles Eoahler, charged with disor derly conauct, were auowea go on the strength of their promises to make good tha damages dona Dr. Thlmlar's aotomoblle a1ien they crashed Into the machine at the corner of Creighton avenue and Calhoun treeta last night Henry Splca, who was In the rig at the time, was thrown out and painfully Injured, lie was, of course, not able to be In court. Austin Kami, from Iladley, Mich, was let go ta order to give him a chanre to And a Jor, while Ed Moran. an abusive drunk, wis fined and costs.

Paul McCormlck and Charles Hen rick, two small boya arrested yesterday by Detective ImmeL who secqred from them a confesefbn that they had robbed a house In Lima, were aeet back to that place this mornlag. They were trying to sell some of the stolen stnff when picked p. the likelihood of Fort Wayne having a hard winter is exceedingly ellm. Owing to the fact that there has been much rain In this section recently the local rivers are still rather high, but It is thought that they will go down within a short time. ELOPED Self AMERICAM 1 UNDERSLUNG 11 Starting FRONT.VIEWT' AMrcirAHrniirt rr iypc cca yitti.jjl Added Safety iHE overturning angle in an "American Underslung" 55 deffrees.

The conventional overhung car will turn at 43 degrees 12 degrees sooner. Racing drivers, traveling 65 to 70 miles an hour, have blown both rear tires of "Amer ican Underslung" cars and the cars have never turned over. Driving over rough, rural roads "American Underslung" owners control their cars with utmost case and ride in the greatest security. No driver may obtain the maximum speed from a conventional overhung car without danger to himself and companions. See that your car is an "American Underslung" with lowered center of gravity and perfect control.

You can drive just twice as fast as in an overhung car and with even more comfort. show. You owe it to yourself to investigate the "American Underslung" at the Chicago The "American Tourist" $2350 Complete The "American Traveler" 4 500 Complete (Improved Electrio Starter with Tourist $150 axtra). F. G.

SPRAGUE, Sales Agent Nortti American BIdg. Austrian Chemist Would Manufacture Artificial Meat of All Flavors in Fort Wayne to Sell at Seven Cents Per Pound Miss 8a1Mi Strasaarand CaH Elbersan Married at Jackson. Miss Selma Strasaer. at East Jeffer son atreet and Carl laberson. at East Washington street have returned from Jackson, Mich, where they eloped and were married on last Wednesday, Misa Stressor remained at her work in.

the factory of the General Electric com paay till abort time before the train eft for Jackson, then aba turned In ter resignation, get htr sreeka pay and Joined her lover. Concert at Rtte.CatHodral, It la expected that there will be a large attendance at the organ recital which will be held In the Scottish Bite cathedral tomorrow afternoon. The event will be held at o'clock. The conocrta are belnr bld every two weeks on Sunday afternoons at the cathedral. Automatic telephones win be Installed Id the New Zealand CUles of Aackiand, Wellington.

Chrlstchorch and Dunedln. IIow She Discarded Unsightly Complexion IT MAY RAIN Weather Observer Palmer See Rain But Net Show Coming. Again the city Is likely to get rain Instead of anew. Weather Observer Palmer' this morning declared that there 1 a prospect of rata for tomorrow, hnt ha can see to enow flying In the direction Of this city for the pret rj the finer "lines, Anally even the deep ent wait, lit. Fauner ociare inai screws feet, vanisnsa enureiy.jiav.

(Mona Morrow In Town Ttttler.) How often I ezclshned as I beheld my complexion la the mirror, "If I only could tear oft this old sklnl'S. And, do you know, I've tearhrhew to do that very thing? Not to actually remove the entire skin all of a sudden that wnuld ha too herolo a method and painful, too, I Imag ine, worn oui cuiicie oomes on in such tiny particles, and so gradually re nulling about ten days to comnleta the transformation It doesn't hurt a bit. Day 07 amy ra neauuryi oompiexion unaer neeth cornea forth. Marvelous 1 No matter how. mucWt rough, blotchy er, aged freur oompleslon.

you can' surely discard by tha eunpla proonsa. Just get an ounce of ordinary mercollsed ax at your druggist's, apply nightly Ilka cold cream, wash'ng 1t o(( mornings. My wrinkles I got yUl of by an equally simple method. By dissolving an ounce of powOored sasellte In a hslf ptnt wltoh haxel and bathing my faoa in tke solution, every line completely disappeared. First Artificial meat in ny flavor selling raises plenty nf meat to supply the de at only 7 cents per pound may be one mauds of the country.

Consequently, of the most unique Industries that the Austrian government is not In thls city ever possessed 1f the plan of clined to look with favor upon any Ilerr Krann.Spevak, of Vienna, Austria, such proposition ns that Herr Spevak are carried out to realisation. Herr has to offer, as It 1b felt that the Spevak, who Is one of the most proml farmer must be protected at any cost nent chemists in Austria, has discov On the other hand, the materials ered a process by means of which he from which artificial meat Is made claims to make a subBtance which are more expensive snd much rarer WHERE ARTIFICIAL MEAT IS MADE. gagaeBi JafWUgl ggggHf lglglSlglgBI'flH6g BWafcggMagggggBeKti MB J' 'II gggB IgggggHEjgegMgMggegegegsAHJ rVMgenglgHiawSflgHfHEj I KT Herr 8psvsk at work In KIs laboratory In Vienna. Ho wants to msnufso. ture artificial meat in America.

greatly resembles meat both In ap than In most other countries, especially pearance and flavor, and which can be more bo than in the United States, made so cheaply that It can be sold So, for the principal reasons that at only 7 cents per pound at a profit. this government would give him Arnost E. Zidek, of 1204 West Jet greater freedom In working out bis ferson street, Fort Wayne, who is a plan, and that materials here would be friend of the Viennese chemist is In cheap and plenty, Herr Spevak is anx recelpt of a number of letters and aev Ions to comn to Amerlra, and prefer eral boxes of this queer "meat," which ably l'ort Wayne, where he hopes to Herr Spevak has sent. In the several establish a factory and manufacture months of correspondence with Bpe enough artificial meat to lessen the vak, Zldek has become so greatly In cost of living for the whole country. terested In the proposition that he Is At 7, or even 10 cents, a poind artl undertaklng to promote the Industry In flclal meat should put an awful crimp this country, and particularly In this In the high cost of living, Herr Spevak section, with a view to forming an or.

figures, and Mr. Eldek, of this city, ganlsatlon of which Herr Spevalt can heartily agrees with him. come and be the head. Tested by Austrian Govsrament. Materials Cheaper in America.

it was about five years ago that Herr Many difficulties confront Herr Spevak conceived a new idea for the Spevak in Vienna. Austria la first and manufacture of an artificial aubatltuta foramnat ftn lenltiirsT enantrv. The for meat Many ohemlstl nave at I farmer Is the there and he tempted to make discoveries along this line, but not one had ever found a substitute that really resembled meat lq both appearance and flavor, Herr Spevak. however) was not at all discouraged by this fact and In his laboratory he made hundreds and hundreds of experiments until he Anally hit upon What he thlnkB will solve the great question once and for all. Ills Idea Is one which will meet with universal success, he thinks.

For the past Ave years, then, Herr Spevak has workejl constantly improving and perfecting the process by Which he manufactures his Invention, until, not a great while ago, he felt that he had accomplished satisfactory results. He then sent samples of his "meat" to the Austrian bureau, which corresponds to the bureau of pure foods and drugs in the United States, to undergo a test. The test affirmed the fact that the stuff Is Just what Herr Spevak claims It to be, that it resembles meat in appearance and flavor, and that It contains 2 per cent more nourishment of the very sort that la contained in meat than meat Itself possesses. Ilerr Spevak was highly pleased with the result, of the test but was disappointed with the warning which wss suggested by the government namly, that to manufacture the substance In Austria would he to enter Into unjust competition with the fanner, who raises stock a his only means of livelihood, and further, that lie must not call it "meat" but that It must he called "artificial meat." The last objection was the lesser of the two. In Herr Spevak's estimation, but he is of the opinion that by coming to America he can manufacture and sell his product with gmUer freedom afld do a great service to this country as well.

Is a Vegetable Product. Artificial meat, as Herr Spevak now calls It, In strictly and purely a vegetable compound. The suhstanro consists nf a sort of a semi liquid compound derived from plants, cereals, starches and spices, and according to the Austrian analysis, Is a veritable nourishment, free from dangerous substances, and tastes exactly like that particular meat by which It is named. Ilerr Spevak, of course, retains his formula In the greatest secrecy. He states, however, that It contains about il per cent, of water, about 9 per cent.

of mineral stuffs, 24 per rent, of fat per cent nf protein, stsrrh, cellulose, and about 9 per cent, of extracts of other materials. Two hundred pounds nf artificial meat can he manufactured and sold at a profit for H. or 7 rents per pound. "Just Add Hot Water and 8orv." Mr. Zldek.

who has Just received several small boxes nf the artificial meat, describes It as being made In large pieces. to appearance with the naked eye the stuff greatly resembles real meat, although when examined under the microscope the grainy muscle for mstlim of meat Is found to Un lacking. To prepare the artificial meat for food purposes a piece Is rut off and boiled 1n water, whereupon It swells and assumes more than ever the appearance of rooked meat. Furthermore, this substitute for meat It la declared, can be made in the flavor of any meat desired. Herr Sneva has already perfected proc cesses by which he makes tha stuff with the flavors or Deer, veat, ranoit, chicken, and the resemblance la so great that It la declared persona eating It In the dark could not tell It from the real stuff.

Mr. Zldek haa distributed Borne among neighbors and they declare that It Is good, and they think the Idea Is an excellent one. Mr. Zldek Is planning to organize a company and get matters sufficiently far advanced that Herr Spevak can come over to this country and begin work Immediately. "This proposition Is going to meet with tremendous success," declared Mr.

Zldek. "With the price of real meat away up In the air there la certainly a great field for this artificial meat which will sell at not more than 10 cents per pound, and at a profit at that It is bound to prove popular, because It looks like meat tastes like meat, and contains even more nourishment, I do not think I will have a great deal of trouble in obtaining the necessary capital to make possUble the manufacture of this "meat" In this country, where materials me plentiful, and where the government encourages, rather than discourages, new enterprises." Li. i I I They Make Good who keep themselves in fine physical condition. Regular bowels, active kidneys and liver, good digestion, and a greater nituralvigor follow the timely use of the reliable BEECHAMS i. I Ml fill mn IS St CM Wm sa I Soia PILLS lafcouo WANT AD HOROSCOPE JANUARY 25 On this day, disaster at sea.

Ships may go down. Much treasure may be lost. Accidents In travel may occur. Conditions unfavorable to shipping Interests. Surgeons, oculists, dentists, doctors, will be highly favored with success today.

They would do well to advertise In the News Want Ads. for asslstaats In the ofllce. They would do well to search, thn News Want Ads for additional employes. Planets favor professions and give er.ergy, vigor and lasting quality to the experiments made this day, to hospital operations and demonstration of medical skill. BETTER THAN CASTOR OIL.

A real, pleasurable, tasteless physio, tonic and purlllor is Blackburn's Caaca Iloyal nila. Eaoh 10c or 15a package Is guaranteed to satisfy and please. AU good drag stores sell them. Try them tonight, Adv. K' i '4 i $71 vv.

a I A I NEWS WANT ADS BRINO. REIULTS. frg'iff iiM uu itow,.

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