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Fort Wayne Daily News from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 1

Fort Wayne, Indiana
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LK i i itf 4 i JVf fi ill i. 'V Xhe Weather-generally fair tonight and Thursday; possibly showers. 1 I CTstua 't CITY EDITION 20 PAGES PRICE 3 CENTS Now restavll.nsd 1IT4 B.ntlnel B.teMish.4 nil. 4 LEAGUE IN 4 BALANCE League, of Nations JTaoe Al ternatlve of Admitting In competently or Italy Break Banks, NATIONS SEEKWAY OUT WITHOUT LOSS OF ''FACE" Matter Will Probably Be Shift, od to Council of Ambasta. dors taJXake Burden Trom League Shonlderh.

rV MfMmb LONDON, 5 Sensational rumors came out of the Balkans "and Italy this afternoon. It Is admitted In diplomatic circles that the situation is still sufficiently, acute to cause fears of war, SerVla Is reported to be mobilizing, i Bulgaria and Roumanla are said to be taking precautionary steps, fearing another Balkan war. FORT WAYNE, WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 5, 1923. rh Leased Wires Aaeoclated Proas Unlt.d Trail International Newi Service MNItt. HM1 TRY ONCE MORE TO STOP COAL STRIKE COUNTING THE COST Start of Checkup of Catas trophe In Japan Strength Belief That Between Three and Vive ilundre'4 Thousand Died.

PROPERTY LOSS IS OF STAGGERING AMOUNT rzz jsxaot cost wiy never uo Learned; Amerioans Are EUlled By Quake in Yokohama But Thought Safe in Toklo. gy. Jap Capital Now City ofpharred Ruins GENEVA, Sept. 6. The, very existence of tho league of nations is threatened by trie attitude of Premier Mussolini, members of the assembly de clared today.

The delegates say submis sion to the Italian premier's dictations would establish the league's incompetency, whereupon virtually every nation would immediately withdraw. It la certain at least 60 delegates would rather maintain tha league without Italy than aubmlt to Musso LOSB ONE GET ANOTHER. IMAUHIHII MM.) MOSCOW, Sept 6. Reports received here by way of Vladvostock atate that aa a result o( the submarine convulsions attending the earthquake a new Island 30 miles Ions; and II miles In width haa sprung up In the sea off Ypko hama llnl While the assembly delegates were Insisting that the Italian threat of withdrawal would In no wise affect the league's derisions and attitude towards the Itlo Qeek dispute, the council of the league resumed consideration of the Impasse, It ia believed the council will transmit a statement of Its views and proposed solution to the council of mfcasnaaors.Jn pari, asking the letter's opinion. In this way the league of nations Will have tacltlv reeoehlzAA the am.

fcasudora, competence to handle, the queauon. witnouc aamiifinsj Its own IAcomrtencY. "Tne Marquis "or Satendnu USSUn' representative, nas received flat In. Mruotfons from Mussolini to refuse to recognise the council's competency ana mis inoreasea France wants to refer matters to the ambassadors, while England ravers having the league the affair. BULLETIN.

Mioa ran) OSAKA, Sept. 5. Approximately 10,000 refugees, fleeing from the ruins of Toklo, were burttvd to death in the yard of a military clothing factory in the industrial suburb of llonjob. CITY'S RELIEF QUOTA $20,000 Amount of Money to Be Raised By Red Cross in City for Jap anesc Relief is Fxed. TO APPOINT COMMITTEE i 1 re rmm HmwthmmHfmif 1 'Hh, B.

VVA8HINOTON, D. Sept he American Bed. Cross fixed at 00O today the auote, ralaed Immediately by the city of Kort Wayne for relief of the Japanese The task of raising, this amount of money by popular subscription in Fort Wayne will be undertaken by the' local chapter aa part of America's raising of a 15.000,000 "relief fund. The publlo will be aporoached through ths press, the pulpit, and other agencies, and solicitors will be sent out to make a direct appeal to Mtfssna aa soon as Dosslbla because Df thewxtreme emeTfrcnrXpf the4 situation. Due to the remoteness of Japan, the usual solicitation of food' and clothing for the stricken people, will be omitted, ana American rene 111 wll fm aolelv take the form of money con 3W Tha nuntSS SO far sa il sle ned to Indiana oltles are: Port 'Wayne.

10,000: Terre af stn Ann. riApv. 1B.00O: Mncle. South BendT and Indianapolis, 160000, No Information as to the definite course of action to be tskenr. ty the Fort Wayne chapter of the Red Cross In raising ths city's fluota, Could be gained today, due to ine an, maMl flhnan.

chairman of tha'Chapter here, Is out offthe eltyv Other offlolals nowever stated in committee would be Immediately appointed to raiser the amount" assigned to this city. The Trl Kappa, aororltv was tHe first organisation of tha city to' contribute to the relief fund, when they gave 111 today for tha aid of stricken Japan. KUN HITS SNAG TRYING TO ACQUIRE VALPARAISO cw win pwi INPIANAPOLI8. Ind Sept, 5. Efforts of the Ku Kiux Klan to assurrla control of Valparaiso university have been halted because attorneys for the Klan wereunabie to ioge legal technicalities, Milton Blrod, editor of the Fiery Cross, official klan paper, announced today.

Aoordlng to Elrbd. a clause In tha original' charter of Valparaiso, provides that It may not be administered by a fraternal, benevolent or Charitable order. This will not prevent the klan from giving the university Its moral and financial support. Elrod said SHANGHAI, Sept. 5.

With the re establishment of partial communication to Japan, the unprecedented disaster which has stunned the world and rendered millions of persons in the island empire homeless, with a loss of life variously estimated at from 300,000 to 600,000. "the catastrophe is be ing unfolded to an anxious world in dispatches today which. are. tricklinir throusrh di rect from the stricken country for the first time'" since the earthquake, conflagration and tidal Wave laid waste to an area to be' lou miles square; iTie property damage is in calculable. Twenty four foreigners, in cluding several Americans, are known to have lost their lives in the calamity at Yokohama.

The number of dead in the capital of Tokio, which was almost completely destroyed. Js" MfeKftpvrn. Six warships laden with Immediate hay reached Yokohama harbor from the Japanese naval station at Kure Only an approximate eetlmate of the loss of ever be known. In many cases. th devastating fire entirely obliterated' all trace of humanity.

Thousands were drowned In the engulfing huge tidal wave Navigation In tha harbor at To. kbharaa Is, The floor of ths bay has been raised to such a degree as to make It unsafe" for ves a sBB? "aawaHs'saBlaWS'iBaigaWra BaBaiHgsMgeatstsTsTstsmstsl sHf I hrH Crw laSatM gaTgaBTsTssBBBHabsaaTaBBBgaal gasl ssi tfr hi J'fi CaVCIl XitmM35MWn8laKI ssTassTssTssTsa stskwbtsstsstsstsstsstsstsstssbtsstsstS aTs 9kriretifZ' Jc3vTflrj wSnLe9Qstf4siiZ: VTZ195m, i HWiaePS rVCItlTXy'eFrSE 'TYiiT IJnHifis! TTfi i i Win T'T n. i I I jBaav Oenersl view of Toklo, ehowing flimsy structures which made city an Inferno after the quake. la. capital of Japan and queen of tho Orient.

Is but a mass of charred ruins, with tha bodies of thousands nr its iiin vlii. the quake and Are, lying where deet overtook them. Tha photo shows the flimsy structures on which the fire fed. Toklo, TIDAL WAVES SWEEP PACIFIC Shipping in Harbor of San Pedro Suffers Heavily and Dig Ship Calls for Help. eels.

IJgbthousee, were washed away. Numeroua craft. Including the steamer Selmav, have been beached. I Among the Japanese nobility are' Princess Illroko Ksnln. at Kamakuras Prince Mororoasa HurashkunL aOdawana, and Moth er Prlnoess TamashlmS, at.Kugenma 4 The responses for' relief from a sympathetic wvrtd Was lnstantans ous Relief ships already ar rived off Tokofiatna and hundreds of others, heavllyi laden with food, clothing and rmedJcs.l supplies, are enroute to Japan.

The govern men fist Osaka, where It was moved fronv.Toklo, Is func tioning and TSllefr have started to ameliorate; fhe unspeakable suffering. I fr The Intense sufTsrlrig of the refugees, who lined" the destroyed railway right of ways out of Toklo and; Yokohama, for miles, was aggravated by torrential flefuaeea who made their era Unto Kobe reported that at least one nunurea foreigners naa eeen killed In Yokohama. Japanese newspaper men who were forced to walk from Yokohama to reported that the damage to tha countryalde adja oent to the larger cities was aa great as that In the cities. Tha casualties were not ao nigh, however. Earlier reports Indicate.

the fo re 1 en quarter of the city was demolished, with possible heavy loss of rorclgn Ilvss. Electrio lights In the Toklo wards of Kongo and Kotshlkawa, 'were lurcua on ror ine nrst time almost 'a week. Seven of the wards or suBurbs were obliterated. A portion of tha water supply In the 'remain. numuwn repaarea ana uiese BULLETIN I SOUTH BEND, lnd.flept 8 Ell OMDirt, nujror 01 ooutn xsona, to.

day declined appointment to the BDbMa service, commission ef Indl FEAR BIG WAVEt COMING CISCO. Cat. Hent The Pacific ocean ia being agitated by atrange currents and Swept by huge waves, following the Japanese earthquake Fifty thousand dollars damage ti been done to ships In the harbor of San Pedro, by the extraordinary eeas. One vessel wirelessed that ehe had been carried twenty miles oft her course by a strarige current Tl Taiyo Mini, oracle liner or the Toyo Kieen Kalsha, radioed Tuesday that ehe was in distress three days out or Yokohama The Talyo carries 400 passengers Her wireless signal was heard by ths Station of Cordova, Alaska, relayed to the naval station at Bremerton. and thenoe to the company's offices In San.

Francisco. Nothing furthsr haa eeen heard from her, OfflcMli of the line said this silence Indicated the vessel probably Is safe. The strange behavior of the' sea la principally noticeable at Ban Pedro, The damage In fhe harbor there was caused by the' snapping of hawsers, some 1 Inches 'thick, which proved too weak to hold some of the ships to their moorings.1 8ome sea men say that the jfour tidal waves which struck the southern California coast Sunday night, followed by huge surges and the en suing heavy seas are but forerunners of a larger tidal, wave which Is ao Ing across the sea from Japan. Bo far, however, no Such phenomenon has been reported by ships at sea. 'Although nodetalls of what 'happened to the Talyo were contained In Its wireless, the assumption la that It was damaged by one of the hugewa7esVliIch heV'ebeefrTtportoa sweeping over the Facino.

There are many notable paataengera aboard. These Include Viscount and Viscountess K. Matsudalra, who are attached to the mikado's royal household: Mrs. K. Kahu and son.

wife and child of the Japanese consul at New Orleans: the Itev. Brother Jamas Murohr. Catholic school teacher: the ltev. I'aul eulnara anon ae aI HHlaalAea stlieta lot) lunvnmg iiiissjne, Hallerbackr, Wilson, Hubbard, Place, Stratton. O'Day, Bachman, Bailey.

Gale, Benger, Oealy, Bear, Lofgren, Le. fevre, Toung. Bachr Pepny packer, Peet. Long, Frasyer, Btokes, Cummins, Crocker, Sharpies. Holland andHallard, and Jose Firpc.

an ArgenUne millionaire, with his family. WOMAN PREVENTS JAIL DELIVERY i Mrs. Hoytc SummcrJanct, Wife of Wabash County Sheriff, Discovers, florin Tlnjq. SHEniFF JUT OF TOWN WABASI Ind. 6 Mrs.

Iloyte Surnmkrland, wife of County Sheriff Suitiraafland, fruat rated a Jail delivery here laat eyenlnc Harry QtalUy. arreated for robbery Qt the Ii A M. atore, Marshall Irvln, of Who was arreated for robblne; tir at Somer net, and Charles tT Kasvler. tit In dianapolla, fur automobile steallns. and a a lrl compaiilon were the principals In, plotting ths Jail break In some manner a number of steel saws had been slipped to the prisoners, and as the sheriff was out of town, the prisoners set to "work to make their escape They started one of their number at work sawlnar the bars, while the rest Mans; and made all the noise possibles TMs Attracted Mrs.

Summerlsnd's attention and after watch ins them, she discovered what they were attempting to do. flhe called her husband, who was In Indianapolis, and he told her to call the police and started' for home at once. Guards were Immediately placed around the laJl. Whin the hatrllT arrlve he went Into the cell and found that two of the bars near the south window had been completely MAY GET BIG SHOPS Nickel Secures Sixty Option on Hig Tract jwflen Harvester bite anq WOMAN ADMITS MAKING BOOZE Barbara Hohmeicr Fined $100 and Costs and Sentenced to Thirty Days in Jail. APPEALS TO HIGH COURT SHILOH BRIDE IS HIDING Woman, Who With Sister Sued King Ben for $200,000" Believed Back in Fort Wayne.

DISAPPEARS AT DETROIT niHuTriN. NO, Kept. 5. man grand jury Invcs fixation of llu House of Jalil oolonjr at Denton Harbor, will Iw resuniert October at Circuit JuOo llsrrr J. Ilmrenian, of Detroit, In cfiarfre 0f trie Inquiry, aakl toilay.

Judge Dingo man was liero cniiferriiur wltli. Homer H. Jusy, assistant attorneyattorney general, following; Information reoelved yosterdajr from Mrs. Uladys lUmford Ilubel, Yvlio sworn out Uie warrant cliarglna; "KIriKn nenjamln I'ur nell Willi a statutory offense. In the Inteiim, the attorney general's jifflon plans to follow now loads obtained from Mrs.

ltubors story and with the aid of tho stauj police will renew the search for tho missing colony loadr r. That Gladys fiumford Ilubel. who. with her sister. Ruth Hamford Reed, sued "King" uenjamir) I'urnell.

ruler of the House or David, for charging that he forced therh to In sfflllBBBm tjresM ewfcJaaaVj Btsff 'ZFSPJ? eVataMBBBBBaf as tKjQaBaaB TrjBslyjSfc ST0NEY ISLAND SHOPS MAY COME HERE, RUMOR Local Officials of Railroad Cannot Confirm Transaction But It Has Been Contemplated. I communities ire belna aerivrf. A. Toklo reporter. bf theVAsahl.

nswsnapert esoaped In the helghth ef selsmlo disturbances at Yokohama nunaay mgnt after! trtre days and nights of trarel by foot reached Osaka today. He reported that an towns and Tillages between the two la ismu unif unnuuinw ITIin an appallirg loss of life. These communities Inofuded HachloJI. Atsukt, rirktsuka. Kodsu and Tctemba.

Whole Island Gone. Confirmation has been received that the populous Island of Oshlma, with Its soult.has been Inun dated with not a trace rernalnlng. Oshlma was tha largest Island of the. Ids group The Far Eastern RstIsw hre're oelved a cable from the strleken. (ConUna4on PMraSfitxbt) WOMAN HURT It.

AUTO CRASH Mrs William Bunnell in Hoa Serious Injuries. MreJ 'William Burn all, 1I TtroadWavA la In the St. Joseph hos pital aa the result of serious Injuries reoeiTea wnen on suiornuoue uriwn by her and li which her husband and his mother were the other ooeu pants, was side swiped hy a heavy truok and went oft the road miles south, west ef, the, city on the BlufTton rot fit p'clock this tti Aet I as 'Mrs. BVlnnell was Injured Internally, whan aha waa caught between the steering wheel and eeat or the car. Her husband had (wo nngera almost severed his right hand and the mother was uninjured.

According, to. Mr. Bunnell, their car was proceeding northward and sounded the horn to around a big milk truek'Whlch was also going north. Thinking that tha driver of the truolc heard their signal, the Bunnell car stsrted to go around on' the left side of the road when the truolc suddenly wheeled to the lert, pushing' them Into the ditch. The truck did not stop and tha driver Is not raining car picked ud the victims and brought them, to the at hospital.

Though ssr loOa. afrs. Boantll'i fntnrles ara HAt Dejierea sawed In two and the prisoners wsra waiuns xor uaraness 10 msae tneir escape. The prieoners vrere moved to an other section of the Jalt and placed in separate ceils, xney are ail booKea for trial at the coming term of court, which opens Monday. focal Man I If Id.

Accused bf aldlns: an attemntea Jail break at Wabash by furnishing trio prisoners with sawn Harry Williams, a resident of the Basaett block, wss arrested as a fugitive late Tuesday afternoon by Detective Sergeants Junk and Kavanaugh. Williams was returned to Wabash Tues day night Wl llllams came here fou A eks ago. shortly after his release Km Jail where he served time for assault and battery. BODY OF "HOWDY" WILCOX ON WAY TO INDIANAPOLIS B. In iw vm INDIANAroua, Ind Sept.

The body of "Howdy" Wilcox, aianapona race driver, who waa killed, la the race at Altoona, was being brought back to Indianapolis today by Fred Deus eirburg. owner of the car Wilcox was driving, when he met his fate. Funeral services will probably be held Friday, his mother, Mrs. B. "a Werblnton, said today.

Wilcox, had been In the racing game for years. In 1M, driving a French Peguot. Wilson won the BOO mile, race at the Indianapolis motor speedway. In practically eery other. race at the local' track, he placed In the A Great importance is attached to an option secured today by the Nickel PJate railroad on a large tract of land lying; between the Internation al Harvester company a arte, eastj of Fort Wayne, and New Haven.

Local officials of the Nickel Plate would not give confirmation of the deal today, but admitted that the transaction was loru? contemplated. A rumor persists that the Iarjre Stony Island shops of the railroad may be moved to the new site on which an option has been secured. Tho western limit of the tract is bounded by the stretch of the Lincoln highway ru ning north and south past the our Mile House." needing guilty to the charge of manufacturing whiskey, Barbara Ifohmeler, East 'I'ontlac atrfeet. wss fined $100 and costs and sentenced to 30 days in Jail by William Geake. Jijdge pro tent 1n the city court today Throuxh her attorney she appeuled to the circuit court after Judge Qeake declined Co suspend tne jau sentence My hands are tied aald the court "The law says that the sentence shnll not be suspended I rannut flusnetiil the sentence, whatever I may think about the matter" The woman was nrtested during the latter part of June when the police found a hot still and about five gallons of liquor at tha Pontlac street address, where ehe said she Is employed as a housekeeper.

Continuance after continuance was granted In the case until today when (I finally came to rriai I had a recipe In my cook book and I thought I would try It out," saia tne woman. "I intended It for my own use to put In fruit and In mince pie, It wi the first time I ever tried to make any whiskey and I dont know whether If was any good or not I didn't even, get a chance to taste It," She said she brought the recipe for the liquor with her from Germany hen ehe came to this country 19 years ago Mrs. Gladys Bamford Kobel. ZR 1 PROVES SUCCESS 115 iniAL ruuni WOMAN ORDERED TO PAY ALIMONY TO HUSBAND lOS ANOELE8, Sept. ft Marriage 60 50 said Judge John Sum merflel.

of the superior court, In ordering Mrs. Mary Scranton to pay her husband, Charles Scranton, ft a week; as temporary alimony pending trial of his suit for separate main tenance. Scranton testified Ms wife, who earns flfiO a month Hr, a bank, deserted him. lie said lie was 111 and unable to work. "This couple married for better or worse." remarked the court.

"Th ritiarana has broken In harness. I afraid the wife will have to pull a. doudw loan xof a wnue at leaac MarVlaga Is a case of give and take." Giant Navy Dirigible is Given Thorough Tryout At Lake hurst, N. Last Night. FOR MARINE DEFENSE Aulge In Immoral practices under the guise of religion, has returned to hldlnK' In Fort Wayne after a hurried trip to Detroit, 'where a recon tUleUonwlth her husband was effected, was the.

belief In Petrolt and In this city today With the refusal of Tasman Carey, 648 West CrcUhton avenue, said to be her uncle, and a local attorney, who In understood to he representing ner, to give any information of lir movements. hr whereabouts todav Decsme as mucltor a mystery as they navt been since the charges were riled last Kebi uury It in believed Ihat Mrs Rubel will endeavor to keep hidden until King ien is locaieci ror tne success or her suit, and the action brousht against the Iloune of David by the state of Michigan awaits his reappearance Or arrest It Is known that Rubel and her baby were living In Fort Wayne until a short time ago For. a time she was a waitress at the Anthony hotel Suit Started Investigation. It was the suit brousht lv clladva Pamford Ilubel and her sister, Iluth Bamford Reed, early )n February of this year which precipitated the sweeping Investigation at the House of David. Benton Harbor, Mich, and was the signal for a series of actions against King Benjamin Purnell.

Purnell, In 1904 wept to Australia and persuaded Oeojge Bamford and his wife and daughter Oladys to Join ths sect at Benton Harbor. According to the girls' petition. Bamford later died, but a second daughter, Ruth, was born to hla wife Ruth, in an affidavit, declared she waa subject to the will of Kins Ben Jamin from her birth She declared she was 10 years old when aha Hist recelvad tha "call to appoap eione st the house of the, kins; From that day until 1020 she was farced to do the bidding of Purnell, sho ssld. At IS she was ordered to marrv Kohcrt P. Reed, but managed to put off the wedding two years The couple were then sent to Johnstown, Pa In a penniless condition, she charged When the suit was filed, riladvs declared she was 13 yeara old when COAL MEN MEETING Governor Plnchot This noon Meets Anthracite Minora and Operators in Effort to Beach Settlement, 1 LITTLE HOPE SEEN TO EFFECT A COMPROMISE Both Factions Hold Fast to Former Attitude and No In dioation of Change is Oiven By fclther Side.

aiAft HAnitlSBURG, Sept, K. Governor Pinchot this after noon led committees of anthracite mine operators and miners' union officials once more into conference in an effort to reach a settlement by which the suspension of mining operations may be brought to an end. There was no Indication from any of the parties of any, change in attitude toward the governor's peace proposals when they went into executive session a few minutes after 3 clock standard time TWO TYPHOID VICTIMS DIE Arthur Eugene Thomas and Donald W. Greider Succumb in South Part of City. TWENTY OASES REPORTED.

Typhoid fever, 20 caaee of which have been discovered In one neljjh borhbod In the southwestern pel of the city, caused two death here Tuesday night and today. A younr man and a two years old baby boy. were the nrst victims or the disease Arthur Eugene Thomaa, aged It, a. nephew of Dr and Mrs If Ho rord, HaO Nut man avenue. witn whom he haa been making hts home, won the first victim of the typhoid now spreading1 In the city He died at 10.30 o'clock Tuesday night at the Lutheran hospital after an Illness of 13 days.

Sir. Thomas came to Kort wayne six yean ago He was a member of the at Patrick a Cat hollo church and of the Holy Name society His parents are dead, the father dying three months ago Surviving besides Dr. Ilosford and Mrs os ford are three counlnft, Margaret and Jack Hosford, of this tty, and Joseph Downs, of Omaha. Neb Funeral services for Mr Thomas will be held at 6 15 o'clock Friday morning at the home of Dr Hosford and at 5 46 clock at St Patricks Catholic church. The body will be taken to Chicago after the services for burial Baby Dies.

The second victim of tvohold. Don aid Greider, two year old eon of Mr and Mrs Irvln B. Orelder 105 Packard avenue, died at 4 o'clock this morning at the hdme of hla par1 ents. He had been 111 for the laat, 10 days of typhoid fever. The parent survive.

One New Case Today. One new case of tvnhold fever waa reported to the board of health today making a total of 20 cases of the dleease In theone neighborhood. The new case la (he second one In a family living on Packard avenue, not far from road way. Dr. John II.

Oil Din. secretary of the board of health, who Tuesday stated the belief that the disease waa caused by milk delivered to homes Mn the neighborhood, said today that a fur trier investigation had revealed noth lng new on tne typhoid situation. Tests of city water In the neighbor hood showed the water free from 'tlltxmnmtlor1a'lt' WasdecIal offices of the board of health ii ji 1 Mi) i lane was first called before Purnell JUAKEHUnST.N. Sept 6. The I Sn asserted the king told her that navy dirigible gR 1, l.rB..t craft o'" and could jam in xnpmas Rubel was aelected rt MARIANS HEAR DR.

BIGGS Head of State School Tells of Care of Feeble Minded. BULLETIN I aTisusJi. wt) f.tvia Bept. 6. Renewed were felt today upon ATHENS.

earthshocks the Island of Cypress In the Medl terraneah. No casualties were reported. 'CRAY'S GRAIN COMPANY GOES OUT OF BUSINESS CHICAGO, Sept. Sj The Sawers drain company of which Governor Warren T. MeCray.

Indiana. Is vice president, today posted a notice on til Chicago Board of Trade in iiifuouiw at retinue iron! Dual ncsi and aaklne tha tr1p rlnM put allopen" contracts with It. MeCray aV'aunced laat week that ha. was unablecfo meet personal Snanclal Itablllttwtand alerted plana tor a JUiiUclaUojv Caught Up With Cow An east bound Inter urban car on the Fort Wayne. Van "Wert and Lima line waa derailed near Del phos, Ohio, about 9 o'clock last night when struck a cow The front truoka of the car were damaged and the cow waa killed, but none of the few passengers on the car 'were Injured and the motort man.

Ed Kessler, and conductor, O. Pugh, also esoaped Injury, Traffic waa held up for several hours white wrecking crewa cleaned up the beef steaks and repaired the oar. lf.a kind In the world, rests today In Ita great hangar, a supreme accom plishment. The anxious concern for months of those charge of Its construction wels relieved In a 55 minute flight last night when tha craft rose above the head of 2,000 spectators. 13 very cylinder of the slant bal loon's many every ounce of lifting power, and every member of the start of men functioned perfect ly.

The ship Vose majeatlcally and rising quickly swung slowly around the field. The engines were at no time operated at more than half speed The vessel traveled at a rate of SO miles an hour Dusk had fallen wrvm the ship nosed toward the earth patterles of searchlights silvered the enormous envelope atrd supplied a path of light jto guide the pilot to a safe anchorage Tha 7T1.1 la flulnsr lahnralnsu laa he construction and cut of the operation of which, according to Commander Hunehaker. chief of naval deelcn1 In the bureau of aero nautics, will develop not only a new element in marine derense but an entirely new" 'Industry and a new phase of commercial aviation. BULLETIN Rotarlane at their noon luncheon today, were addressed by Dr. Byron K.

Ulggs. sdperlntendent of the In School for Feeble Mlndsd f.s her husband and she was forced wh? outlined of the as sent to Grand Kap.ds fVr.nvrr; oth.r cil, Dr B'B ss cited statistics to show. On Kebruarv 1 vTn. the co8t to lhe "to lIX J. JL" of Its feeble minded In Instl wis granted a 60 day respite In his tutlons would be atssgerlnc.

and defensive battle to prevent being how this situation being haled into court to answer ques m.t by. that mentally defection a regarding hla cult. Judge I tlva children be given proper oars D. Ies Volgrres. In Cassopolls circuit1 and Instruction In their homes, gave Purnell twd months In i whenever possible, rather than be.

which to answer lhe demand by at 'lng sent to an Institution. Children torneys for tho sisters that he be I suspected of being mentally defeo forced to tell tho Inner 'secrets of Stive, should be examined at a clinic, the organisation. Isueh as Is maintained at the State In March, Mr. and Mrs John liar street Institution, and If the deft, sell, former colonists, brought suit denotes are not serious, parents can against the colony for $80,000. claim then be Informed how the children Ing the sum due them for properly should be treated at home for the turned over to him and for labor.

correction of these deficiencies. performed while they were members' Carl Xllackman, Rotertan from of the colony. It was In the course Chanute. Kansas, former national of this sctlon that Mrs. Emm a Los.

chaplain of the American Ijegloli ette, of Newark. N. It, former evun lnd known among ex service men (relist for the sect sird who wos a1" 'The FMgritlng Fsrson" was a witness for the plaintiffs, made Buest of the Fort Wayne Rotary (startling allegations, declartna thatiCIUD ay a spoKe ror a row mm there waa drunkenness among the girls at Shlloh. the king's palace, that many of the colonists "nearly starved while King Ben and Queen Mary, his wife, lived In luxury Mrs Jiasei wurth who had been BULLETIN neiw va IU rVBlVPI Vfisj a member of the colony, contributed from railroad tn other sensational testimony, saying) payrolls In 1921 I that she was one of tha "inner clr railroad labor 1 vsini Mm) CHICAGO. Sept 6 Initial plans to restore $82 000 000 In wages slashed a in service employes by the United States board will be made a i iimi diiti noma ssiep aj I.

lie llltl s. ue nj iHkll IcB Utrl (I vr lis aiu; NEW YORK. Sept. 6 The Benny mn had intimate relations with here tomorrow, it was learned today, Leonard Johnny Dundee ntrht waiipiimaii uhn ahaa wna iauhi Ka.1 nnarai fhsirman 'nt h. nriihar.

uvuini ia uu. mi iiuuii ttitnr insj i 4, 'i't)C5 4." Jr e.oft.'." Ner York Athletle commission had supported Jimmy Johnston, promoter, in hla action In postponing tha match, scheduled for tonight. untu jatsr in, ina month, I lleve, could do no wrong and lth i hood of Iocomottve Fireman and En whom no woman could sin. MIssiKlnemsn. and the Switchmen's Um Hilda Pilchard, of Chicago, waa an 1 Ion of North America are scheduled other witness Vgalnst the colony i to meet here and a new wags Increase i i I and revision of working conditions CCont oa rss EUxhtJ will, at least, be discussed,.

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