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Fort Wayne Daily Gazette from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 4

Fort Wayne, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ttHHydhT WAYWBnAILY(i'AgKnK. kW' fifflll BIRD Kach season seems to bring an earlier demand fur new For our lady friend Who re always anxious to lie "beforehand" with their work and to have the first pattern! to choose from, we can say that In hew Spring Good the way of Cotton Wash1 i Fabric, we have Just opened line of the new Shantong Pongees, These are beautiful soft gdod, the exact Imitation In design color and finish of India Silks, A pattern of this pretty material, at a cost of Jess, than Two Dollars, will make just about as stylish appearing garment, and very likely prove more serviceable, than half the India Silk dresses that ar sold at a cost of Fifteen of Twenty dollars. The Pine Apple Tissues Which were ao popular last season arc even prettier this year. We are now showing a full line of them in all of the new patterns and colon. Hut in nothing will you be better pleased than 1 1) the new 12 2cZephyr Ginghams which we are prepared to show you In delicate tracery of line and shade these good, this season, equal the finest Foreign Ginghams at four times the coHt BiiffiiMoi Cor Palhoun and Columbia.

i Common Soap Rots Clothes and Chaps Hands. IVORY SOAP DOhS NOT. branch orntEH. foe fiMta re will always to round oe sals el live bUowlDff plana lu lb clti Warns IIOTbU. Bissau.

Hutu. TBOMA 1 UoVTT, at 2W UltMee St iH. LOCAL NEWS. Bin. A Keel will leave for New York today Horn, to Samuel I ee and wile, of Huff oa attest, a boy alba Inn llabacker, vt McClellan iraMLlsawiouelyUi.

Tht Miaaae Ixule and Jennie McK.r 310 Went Jatfereon etrsei, ere tun tu wim grippe Sarah Unison baa bond administratrix of the will of the late Jamas T. nation, deceased BrlDf Tour )ob printing to theGiinrri olQce. We bare secured the aerviuea of an artist In Uiat One and can salt every a Mis LetUe PeppU, el New Em, Iod who te stlendJDs; the eonserT story of mule. In this city, will spend fianday at Hon. ft M.

tookhart, of Waterloo, wan In the city yeaterdey on bla return from the meeting of the state board of agTicuiinrs, st lnaisnspoiis. Justice Wilkinson yesterday lined Frank Lordlefln three cases lorylolst Inf the lknor law at Aosdsmle station. psiu inree pass, smoanuns; tv Jl Tool thlag Ja Aha Hoe o( job work bring It to the Uasbtts lab office. We sre prspsrsd to turn out Ant class work on the shortest notice. Orbutdus 8.

Hlost sommenoBd suit in Justice France's court yeetsrdsy against AOguHun howsbt lor a a races, oeniana lag $70 The ess was est for Monday at o'clock. Miss Addle Koap, of Hooth Wayas, leaves nest weak for Ann Arbor to attend the wedding of be friend. Miss Belle Wiley. Mies Komp will also visit IrlSTSiaiHI SOU WUtHk Tbe will of the lata Jaines T. Iluteon fens been admitted to probata.

It was executed November 1, ium, and by Its provinuns sui iwviwnj, real BOO per sons! goes to bla wife, barsb lltttson. Mia, Catherine A. ItarkhoMsr, of 88 IMwsoo street, leu on tbe sidswslk on Onlbonn street and was badly hurt on the back of the bead. tths baa bean de UrtoussJ ace tils tall most of ths time aadoiTsrs Irocs eoocnasion of ths brain. Tbe sspscity o( the Plttsburf machine shop la about to be istrrsasad.

Vestsrday isduiaUlons were made for sis new ms chlstes, incloding a lathe, drill press, pinner and burins; niacblna. ben this Dscblnery nrrives and is placed in posl ilosi bs operating lores In the machine nous will increased accordingly. Mrs. Cornelius NuUivao, of 23 Taylor nrsei, is quite in Msw GsU Peuuisoa, of Butler street, sutlers fiwjn quinsy. Mies Flora Mi and Mias Katie Uooyer sre at Defiance on a visit.

Ilia fCmnia Jsnklnson gave luncheon party yesterday siWtaoon Job printing in tbe lawwt and moat ap provrtXstrirsatthsU4SBTrsotllce. Our work Is turned out on tbe sbnrtrst notice. Willie tfahniler. popular young re lnlurire a daya ago by fall is still unable to amour, who received severs lnjurirs Mtw amjw ago oy iaii sun un walk without the aid of eralcbes. The ladles auxltlary to the railroad de perttiMiit Y.

A will hold a spWUI mefting this (Thoredav) evenlns, at 7 30 0 cluck. A full attendance is naked for. On Pebruary 17, ilnle. ol unlttl In marrUgv, it is annouorrd Mum Mary hoh tironre Puilra sad of WaUrloo, will he Kev Father IWnsnn Is to perform ths ceremony Yesterday was Liucoln'a hlrthdav Mr llntoln would have btwn 83 years old ha 1 he lived If lluotti had nut killed him might hare been enjoying a given old axr Thel'ylliian aUters, of this city, will leave al 4 i lock 1 ueeiUy ervoinr fur udrawa, to liutitute a afeter)' loilge at that plat et The attvodanoe from this city will be large It ia aooonnced that Louis Lumenhop, of the Wabash bagtage room, and Mlaa Mioul Meyer, daughter of Mr and Mrs Henry Meyrr, of Honth Harrison strict, will sonn be married The committee appoluted to investi gats lbs standing of the Milwaukee liridse company will be at Milwaukee to day and tbe report will be made to tbe bud committee early neat week. About forty five houses will be erected In Lskssidstbseomlogsutnmsr Nearly sveff contractor towa i Hgnring on buildings for Lakeside, and they are good houses, ranging from tl.lkX) to IJ.W0.

Justice Hsys yestenlsy wrote tits will and testament of William Hrseman, sued 01 yearn, wbo lives with hie wile, aged 71, atM Mm street He lived many is il torn IVmnaylvanla and and full of Interesting ran imt bTlTK vswsi nifiwisw ML asSavtiPaJsmm OJV15 15INTJOVS Both the method and result whet Bjrup of Figs Is taken It Is pleasant tnd iwfreshing to tfaa taste, and aeti sntly yet promptly on tba Kidneys, Jver and Itowels. eleanaea tbo sy tern eflootuaJly, dispels oloa, head ftohsa and fersra god cure kabltusl constlpalioo. iSyrop of Figa Is Uu) only wmedy of Its kind sver pre duoed, pleasing to tho tasto and ao oeptablo to th itorjiaehv prompt la Its gallon and truly beneficial fat Its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and itgreeable suDstanoee, lb) many excellent qualities eoramend to all aad have made It eh most popular remedy known. Byrap of ilga is for'aaW In 50 sjmI 1 bottle by all leadins; drug lists. Any rejlabl druggm who may not ban It on hand will pro euro It promptly for any one wh wishes to try IL.

Do not accept an) substitute. CALIFORNIA FIQ SYRUP C(X $9 HUUKtaoa. C4L, UHnruiM, rr Mwrotcsta in bale, hearty Bnall O. Wsbstor, a Ufa prisoner, who was sent to th penilentisry for murder, and bes been eoottaed In the liicblgaa City penitentiary twentv sovf years past, will be allowed to come nouw to tort Wayne to see hie mother, who Is over 00 years old sod In dt lining health Ths parole was grsuted by tlorwnor Chase. BjmJopiscsll.sir'sdvczd iiseuuinisaou Dusinflaa wiHirs it will do the most good This class of liuaimes men aliould remember that tbe Uasbtts la read vmry day by over fifuwn, tJiou sand resdem snd oar Mel Is daily mcress ing If you are not now advertising in the (Iaistts try It a month.

Ws hsvw Uie istveet rlrculsuon of any publication In Fort Wayne. Justice Franca yesterday fined Per dlnsnd Boby $2 sad costs ir driving on the sldewaifc on High street In front of tba Fape Furniture works, lie had heavy load of lumber, snd the wbeeb cat tiiruugn tbe sidewalk, bnaklng it The complainant. Mlrhanl lUniMt nelabbur, said Uoby kept his team and wagon standing tn the sidewalk White be unloaded tbe lumber. Rev Fred fielnklng, wife and child, and Miss loonies (Iruta, who lor some time pest have been living st Lorfgepule, uauaiuRiMn in um cy at sucittra UMiar. ana remaJa avar MnmUw ilia luestaof Mrs.

Hophle 1. 0 ll.rri sob street. Mrs. Heloklng will bers memoervd as Mias Mary Oroto, who while a resident of the sity made many friends, liar husband bss auepted a nui su ii aim niHiriaiiiina iai theraa shurcb In Toledo. Ohio, and win enter upon bla work alter a abort, visit flBPRICE'S fiftaniBaking UPowdei: Ded In MUlionj of Hoiact 40 Yean the Con Sesney fesves to day for Hant iugton.

John IHvIs, ol Anburn, was In the city yesterday Miss Clers Neireltar will soon leave for Chicago to make a visit to the windy city. Mrs. George Houth, of Culcegd, la visit ins her sister. Miss fella UatT. of this cltv.

MrC'urdv. nisht clerk of the lilies house, stopped st the A Kline laat nisht. Ths YJC. L. club met last nisht st the noma ol Miss rtnms Kroner, on wens Street, A lean vsar ball will be siren bv number 01 vouns lames on reirusrv zv.

at Standard haH. Miss Jessie Nelreiter entertained a dro partr Tbsrsday evening at her 00 Superior etreet. Josenh Hlchsrda. a nsasnngSr snslneer well known here, was killed at Creetllne while crawling from benealb bia engine At the Jlandall A B. Derker, Klogs lon, V.I) Llghtbody, Ihirolt, A eiuaUlu.ChlLS.

Herrou. Frio. l's Ueorg Abel, uncle. Will Tegtmsrer. eon of David Tsgt nteyer, waarut quite seriously on the head yesterday by a plank which full from a wagon he was loading CspUln P.

I VI I Kobineon, ol Cleveland, Ohio, who baa an Id ten at in the street isllwsy oompsny, will become a resident of this city about tba llrat of next, month. Tbs Fort Wayne Knights Templar report having had a nice time at llontiug tott, Thursday evening, id sttendsnosst a reception sod banquet given by tbe knlsjhlsof that city. The followiog members of the "lo sign company sre stopping at tbe A kliue Mrs. fetepbens snd child, Mrs Hunter, rfsanr Vo ter. W.

T. Ilavs. W. Ules son, T. Ilswklns snd tX T.

rtraloe. John Molsdore, a boy, and 0. I Bun derlsud, a man, were ssphvslsted by cliarooal gas in ths Are boa of the IVnn. sylvsnta company's Shops. They were rest ued by billow workmen The boy was unconstlous for several hours.

On Thursdsr evening lest, at the meeting of the last quarterly conference of Kerry HtreetM K. church, Mr. Mohler was uosnlroonidy ekrted lav do egate to tbo snuoal conference uieetsat Anderson on Msnh 1W liHKl Tbe (iertnan lluilding aud I oan asao clalion ISo. 4 lias elected the following President, Otto Mrhter, secro iMry, Henry urmuehlen, treasurer, A ulber, directors, K. llauer, William IMnleo.

11 Grange, Chris. Ihppe, Meyer and Joseph Nichter The Bob o' Usk Athletic club will fire a social bop next Wednesday even ng, for which the following commlltees have been selected Arrangement com niittee Throckmorton, Clem itupple, Menrge Helt, Jackson, Cutschall, floor committee sur, nhlef, tieorge Smith, T. Colshsll, Kay soil reeepuou eomraltlee II. crely, J. hyan, 0, Yobat.

Dawaon. of tlie police force st Bt. Louis, who wen bera to attend tlte funeral ol bis father, who resided on Chicago etreet, left yesterday for his home 'J fe reporter remembers Mr. Dawson ss ha saw him three veers sso dsy slier tlsy on bla best In front ol the HI Louis poatolllor, II was at one time voted by the ladies at a contest as the uandsomest men. on in e.

jouls toroa. II. Wills, of ndlsasnolls. save some of live latest Improved phono granhle wort at the Randall bote) last night. A Omstts reporter bad ths pleasure or neanng ivspps great bang: play by prosy, snd the mechanical repetition of tbe grest snasivs song of Oeorgs Uaeklns, of NsW York "Stay at Home, My ISoy It Is the advice of a veteran ocean mariner to a young lad wbo was snxiuus logo saw.

Mr I.eopold Law. Hontlnston client, it a member of the city council of mat place. as one ol trie police com hilllue he iTiiued a iviMirTreuinimendliia i .1 ue uiamuwai oi eeverai oi ine poiiiwrnen, one nl the number being a man named tA Ujker Tlte atler aid fur Mr Lew after eoonrll mee tins, sod quite Bercelv assaulted him, but Ineuda luterfntd and prevented any serious rtwults. Mr lvy well known In this citv, snd baa tela lives, rveidiog here. AGOLUMIKE.

Hamh for the Stars aaa! Stripes, Ticls Bam aad the Best The Bt tla," at ike Maseele eesle. Drai4 DeyMe NasiUM LAot ttVMtlHgi. Ths most faaldonahla audience of the season crowded the Maeooie Temple laat evening to witness ths first prodnution la this city of the successful naval drams, "The Knalgn," wrltUn by William If a. worth. Jinng before tba doors of the theatre were opened, a largo crowd of ladies and genUemea besieged the bog olliue.

nnilous to secure aesla to witness His play which created so much ssolta ment in Waehlngton last week, where It was nnu preeenieuto in publto. Tea minutes before the curtain rose on the rat act, ths sign "House Hold Out" was (splayed In the foyer, asd many were uaaipuimcu id not securing seats. 1 roni flrat to lastr the play Wag received with enthusiasm snd never bss there been wltasawwl In the temple of Tbespis soeh sn sxciting vsBuaj mm oraurrBa ss uie oioss Ol the second art where an Americen renegade tears down tbe atars and stripes and la killed for bla dastardly act by tbebravs young American snaign who has tm mshied silent while his enemy endeavors to provoke him to a qosiret by slandering bw iweetheart, but deiends tbs honor of bla country's flag The hones rose en masse at the does ol the act, aad mule the very roof shake with continuous volllee of thunderous applause Tbe play la very strong and powerful, snd tbe author has blended tbe human passions with great skill. Uars follew laughter, snd bruiht sunshina tba ekrikla of darkness and uespslr. Ik tar not possible to point out any great Imperfection In thai production, which received tba eodone nwhtol wsshlngton society and aaval circles.

Tbs powerful work from the pen ol tbe author bss received a perfect setting at the hands of tba managers, Messrs. Utt and Davis. A wealth oj beaut Hal scenery is need and the height of realism reached, tbe flrat act representing the harbor of Havana together with seta fonr and fir. The cabinet room at the whit bouse, and the spar deck of the United States ship, rkn ammo, nave been sainted from a series of pedal photographs, and are tbe perfection of meLbsuioal sue sneak art Tho great guar deck seen ooqld hot be showed owing to ths stage being As to the company presenting the play, It would not be possible to gather tog titer more perfect or evenly balanced segregation of artists. Kscn ono has been selected specially for bis nr uerauaptaouiiy io ine pan sasigmed, and ths mult is a perfect presentation Harrr Mslfthal! ae Ensign JteJrd, rraar Coulter ss Lieutenant Allen, Wilson fel ss Captain Wilkes, Logan Paul ss l'rrftldent Lincoln, W.

liW son ss I Jen tenant 111 the, Uas sflNecretary wells of tlie navy, Uasne Wrisht as Middy WsusVTand George rawcett ss CozswsJn Jack Dudley, end George Parslo as uoatswaln lUll llowlln pcesentad their characters In the plsy la a most arUatie manner, aad were pictures of trealisss In the make no" of bktoricel 'men. A sweeter Alios Green than Mias Bath Carpenter'ooutd not be found, While Mie Beseio rltevens, ss Mrs. Wllkee, Miss Maiibel Hevmojnr, as Dot, a pari young miss, and Mrs. Ileeaia Hooter, as tho snaigna mother, shared witb the isle members of the nwnpsny la the generous applause bestowed. Miss sismie aioorr, a little girl ol 8 yssi woo an km ueans iy iter leasing a genulty The play will be seen again this evening for the last time.

Al llUdCO rOEQEE. MV isi.ii iinai A Teeesj Mm Im Telia ht rwsaleg VSieaae He Wwlh Wis. George Moore, an alleged forger, was taken before 'tSaolre Wilkinson male. day chirged wllh forging clinks. Tba case not bring ready for trial, a eootinn taken until JHondar at o'clock and tbe prwoner waa put lo Jail, Itiaallftnrd that Moore stepped lute Hr7Fortrti tie atora Thnrwlav afte ami undertook to pass Hamilton i VMaermia.

TtstrnUy meruiug, at hie home In Lafayette township, occurred the death of William lilrd, an ol I and highly respected resident ol the county. The deceased leaves a targe family. The funeial of Mabel, the 1 yrar old daughter cf Mr.and Mrs Michael Holts man, was held at 8 o'clock yesterday afternoon Died, at Aril la, Ind Thnrsdsy morning at 7 20, Aiuandue Aahley, eon of Mr, Joaepb Aahley.of 70 aat Main street, snd brotber ln lew ol AdolpU Htrabe. of tlie Uectrie light workr, paeoinonis, superimlured by la grippe, being tbe reuse. The young niaa bad made a Urge elrcls of friends in this city, lis Ing barn la tbs em fry ol tba rlcctiito Ught works lor severs! years.

Funeral services will be held st the Avilla Callx olio chart this morning st 9 o'clock, and burial to the Catholic cemetery at Anburn. i Frnest Xurbrusg, tbs 13 daya' tld child of John Kurbrugg, died Thursdsy night, tftt BuLhanaa street. The time fr tbe funeral will be bold at o'clo Ibis afternoon, from ths rteideaot, wal aetaie Ireaarere, William IL Lnpshlre and wife to Mary iMvis. lots 2X28 sod SI. William.

port, 1. 2410. iieorss r. reita ana wire tor k. v.

Harris, part lot laTresault's sddltioji. Meehsnirshnrg, 1 HtlO, Michael bslles snd others to Angosta Millrr. lot ii. lUlUa awl ltom al dllios, alty(Mja ouiflj noon National bank check for tri. navablM ia tieorge Moore snd signed bf John Graham Mr Fortriede remembered faav been Ictimiied bv a atransrer a ahort time aso and ry naturally rsfueed to sroept the ibek The youth next wept acmes I lie etreet to the clothing house, bought goods for fx, lianddln ths utittk sod fMMivad ti change, tie lelt the goods in tbe pawel st the store saving that he would retura Hrw mivoi iiiauejti piaiw oi opei was Charles F.

Grade A (Jo 'a tin atnr. sad that house caslied a $10 check lor, him When tbe check was presented at uie bank it Was pcouounoed to be wortfa Itss ss there was no acoount at tlie beak to back it. The oincers who were givsa ths ease did not rua the man down antll Kitardiy, when iSlieriuT Vlberg aad nnt ThmnaaT Wllklnsnii tnnaul ktsa a house at SO Montgomery street la tbe company of two women. Ha tried to eeropo but was aneatad. Tba prisoner refuses to talk much.

He says be formerly kept a cattle renub near balls, Tatxaa. nf aihtnh ha lassiill n.nnarl.lA. DIUBE14TH0. B60r Patmimw. A a.ll.

Twh I. JUm.m. Mk IMnllf I. 1.1. fly.

II nsr noi b. an.nlly do. (o lb. tn.114). ol Xvkr anlwnillj ttiM th.r bl I.

IW ball, BMIv. Tut, T.rth.lo. un la lb. UgA. Tbl.

yount man ar on bat anlhu la blmHli li ntolon orl II. utt mlWMh LA,, M. 1 of Hi KMlUnlitMblnl Mnrk, Mew Yok, bojrtTMhlmaaploiullil mxuntiwnd lion, aid a children tiMj ol York bu timtit lo My a rrl ol IU nM ol bla KluiatioD, Ih. balsnoa ol w. ntui Iroin oar "Kiilh llo joo uk our "i Fond" kit To tun llil.

on, Hod, I moat t.11 jran that a ahort lima lb. Cbrlalbm Utnld. ol M.w York, a napar aditod by lr Tl DaWItt T.l mlt lirou op Tavlor Thtlr bolioB ol our InatttutloD siaa rraloUon. and bul the, lull laloaow. DiMlkM wllh rrnrd lo w.

war. duta On. if MM! UMir rWUOT. IO BOPPOM lhatv. had land, by which w.

ooohi loroUb an abaolutoly Ira. mlocalloa to wuo wm. ainayiD. loa m. a rv or KIT mlMjonar.

mI. anil ol llita, w. bad nor. than twnty anpllcaUooa lor adnllnlon to Hi. Inatito llon vilbln a wsok aftn tbs pnblioallon ol lb.

arlfela, aad w. bar. Kadaneral noraalnee. All IbM. p.rMoa wanted loatady.lthr tor th.

mlnktlry or lor tiJ waotod hrlp. Wbal could wa dor had ao nnu. io neip locm, wa leoold aot area Be. onr way clear lo md tba current "Fa" oi mo acnool. la tula mer tenoy w.

aUrted a "lallb lond," which tienda lor lui knll. Iho yolonury aontribnllona ol tboa. who le.1 It a duly aad prielle. pimiw riuuhhi. ar.

mwnaing lOfJTaibelrUTeatolba aonilc. of lb. church at bom. or In Bomalur ajnn.ld.rh. aaadeaU wbo reoelv.

aid rrom thla land are celled "faith Bin deDla." Holer we oar. three "faith Mudeota," In ih. aulverally. Tb. faith Innd" baa ao far hern aoppltal with enough lo pay Ihanproaraollheao M.dont.aod.wahaTalwayeheda lew dollar.

In reeerra Our contribntlona haT.ll been amalh ranirlna: In amount Irom wa hav. not needed larja amounu. Wear eiocrt Ina.bowaier. to admit nuuy mora "lallb etudenle'in the mi lutuie, and then w. anal) nead liberal eootrlbntione.

WUI a aplendld opportanily Uile will bo fur the benevnUna nf mi jIa ai and to ae. lb. mulla ol Ibelr bonelac tlone In the deTelupmenl ol IhoM whom they bar. aided to prepare lor tbo miniatry and mbalon Held. Thaatudentato be admitted Will be ol all rellaioua denominallntu a PmIm.

lerlan nilnletcr ol Jackeoo, BllnrwwiU, wrote ma yeetrtday wanting to lend bie brother lo our medical achool to prepare lor a medical mlaelnaarr Ho would need he), and an I arm. Kim in All ono ol our blank, and that w. would take him In at the opening of oar nr it n. are ailempliug. in the nam.

nf the I imIi i. needed work end on. that la worthy tba J1 sjd roputallon ol Taylor nnirer uu win oomo io our relicrr natire Turk la rare blight and T' Our haa oonaidereble learning In hi. own laoanaa. and cut mail and Mk k.ii.i.

quite well. Com. op to Ih. onlrenlly usss ewartiuaiiiiisuifW, 10MUM ata. thaoata.

.1 B. ailaa.iil. TlM, Manure Baaell BmIj. Ye.terdavinnniln.aftm. n.ll.a known broke into Ih.

oflloe ol Mr. Oil. martin at SOJ tjalhoun Hreet ntrance waa effeeted from Ih. mar hw Uimaiu brick Ihrough a window, then reaching ruiiiB HMSjaa UW fTIDOOW estch waa lifted and the wIivIaw nlal ss to admit tba thieves. The eaah orswav was priea open with a chisel or enm snob tuplementv Fortnnatfily t1101 bsi flfS dollars la ths UII this ass taken and all of Mr.

Ullmartln's papeis were spread out opou tbe table. There were several telegraphic pass books or cheeks and other yslusbls papers, but the taking of these would poesibly leed to detect Ion so the were 1 ft spread out on the table. Titers is no cine io me rpDDers. us Dm. mt te Ssalwt OUlmMtStsaBHrta OMiiH WeSM.

The fury In the esse of Todd, admioa tratar, against tilllett retired yesterdsy iwiuwii. auiu mw uonr fass erei Ing a vardlnt bed not been 4 Henry Nelreiter bss entered suit fog iue Hirei lonure oi a mecnantCs Ilea ssslnst William Rahnifdt and hm demand, 3A0i 0. Kaboe. aUorosy lortueptainuiT Thaxssa of JJUaoId against Jamas Marhew baa btihaifeiarw cuit enuit, (mm the rourt of fioyd Hban non, jti.tiuuof tliepeaoeof Oedsr Creek towbahlp it Will all. The fii'lowlnitluvltation lima tukAit celvtd at tbe Uassttb offlee MYourself snd Utiles are nsptttfully Invited to ha prrsenl at ths opening reception and muiticsl entertainment giren by the Fort Bjiitj luw.

new snnorr in km Wi.Il 11 II IfA 1 nil imitm. unar 111 UT eVSniOKa riibrusrf 2H st ttSO AVkvk. t6rl Tt is al a notice 4 little card that tick sts sre On, ths back of the tnTitalinsj is tlie monngrain of the Hidea, F. This will Iwoueol the swell reeepr lions of the rear and tlwi will l. sttandanoe.

The Kilins sre nmong the iuiiii i ui uie popular muiuwy Die ui mi wair. UaMttaas Ihrla I II Jouann. Iha miek. UI tal.v a.k a. iivf uue piiai, waa worse last night uu iu mat ne can not onrer.

He wae ouiu dslirious last night and bla attendant were kept constantly st bis sa a atHj. aw aiiUUK'B. SVeniOg that be could not live through the nlbL hnt lie rallied snd may live seversl days! lis bss a crlpiiled dsogbtar who dV pended on blm for tnpport. Dewbla Birhtag tratrtg A swell nartv ik. nL.

boimstaaJ near tbo eeble Mladed Chli dren's home Isatnlbt, In honor of tba sniauisaij wi vianruus nager, seed IH, sad Mr. Louis Kramer, sged Si. Three yoang people were bub born 6a Lincoln's Twentr voou eoupha enjoyed tliemetlree at aochd PraitS Hi Lawrence llaffnni vcaiArHatw nw. mivui aiMiiiimrni ana capiat proceed lonasunu JoerDh Hail fnr s.i.1 A. count.

Conatahie Hkelly attached the uiiaaK oousrnciia goods snd they srenow in theclutchrs of the official, kfelle worked st ths Electric Light works snd had his goods packed op la preparation to return to New York, from Which city became Other creditors will file undirttatTnerasult. Tlio esse Is act lor Monday morning at o'clock. A VMhlMMsMa Driafe. Menier Chocolate Is a fsshionsbls drink. Have you triad HT Bend postal for ssmpls and directk Menier.

New York Di a FlauwlWai SS BM. Best City Itrands lloor, $4 25 barraL Country Mills Floor, 00 barrel Beat Boll Batter. 2Ua pound. Oood Jar BUer2l8c pound Best rtrkled iWk, ocponnd. Ma 1 Bmoked Hhoakleis, 7o pound.

KngUsh JjtesklHt Baoon. Be pound. Best Hugar OurrMl llama, 10c pound. Oaliforni Urns Besas77e quart. faoiT He la, Oocnpara oar laundry work with that other plaos.

The Fort Wayaa Bteam Laandry Is fitted for do ing both high leg or domestia finish, 'foe. ttw W.RFwimw. A good location for a retail 41000 business, in northern Indians. Address boot A Kslainasoo, Mich, laespeetfully, Pcorr A Co. ii i i i i i i M.

I fH sssMHlKQlSd I 1 Mutual Fond Life 1 Nci? York City, HH Brseyfcerjk)stjsyeiyaaaBW HI Issn AoaASa tbA ei( OAO f.A I liabilities, 1,423,700:80 A BaH I Ilia 10 XFnlii.t PramnlM tffk In. HBB eiii iii. iii4i.aa llrtiuiai iuhiiuih eia surance Company on the globe, hnd sells life Insure I ance pure and simple at about onc lialf the rates I charced by the "old system Companies." Does' busii ness all over the United States, Canada and Europe, depositing United States bonds with" all Govern ij ments whose laws demand it. Why pay as much for $1,000 when you can secure $2,000 for the same expense and the indemnity just as good. Agc jits JM wanted.

Apply to i I J. II. MCDONALD, Special Apt, m' 1 No. 7, Schmitz Block, ND; I "Aelyne, lndieinei. rmt.

h. a St tks OUy T. M.O.S. Tuesday even Ins, Fobnmry rralfs or uranoon sin oellvr an entattaiOima and Inatrnetlvs lectore. tb subject of Which to "Homo Ufa Forma of the Bes." Professor Brspnon whom Fort Wayne may be tied lo clslm as sn lnstraetor In onr nisjn scnoois.

ss an interesting speaker aad an Intelliftent atndswt o4 the natural sHencn, end bis lecture will be beneAcial and sntartaiaing to old and yonn( This tectnra being tba fourth Bomber on tbs members' ooarss of ths city YoannMsn'a Christisn Aaaoclalioo, all members snd coo tri bu tors of the city end railroad oVpartment ar entitled to reeerred eeeta, which may be secured Hatorday mornlns st 11 o'clock at tba auur city railroad departments. IMsaMUaSJ ShMl Miss Fsrnsa save a brilllsnt rsception to her daneing ekaaess st Us hall In the Foster block last nisht Three new dances were Introduced. Twenty oouplea of new people will join tba achool Monday niffht. Tills being leap year, tbo ouor ladies presumed on their prarojm ive snd many were nnettendsd by gentlemen Chspped banda during or after wash day sre sometii es caused by tb espos oreof Uie moist parts to tbe cold, open sir, sod very often bom the use of cheep adulterated soaps. Tbo best soap lur cliapped hands and tender skin to Bie chefe's "Pearl" Hasp.

Over MO pelre shoee sad slippers, all odds and ends, wsrs rsksd together while 00 our Inventory and mark dowa tour. Alt bsvs been marked ao low tbst they will surely meet tbeir fata lu the ft cent, 10 rent end cent lieakete. Nuw on sals at ths treat Kemovsl Hale of the Msssacbaaetta feboe 30 Utlboun etreet. r. "THBBt Cash Onmsay" bsa In process of preparation a Maw Psiim List.

everything will have an "Km Hifstlb.1 rrtee aaawSa mm SSUaace Tlshaia. The Wabash railroad Is now selliag iVMll. 1L1 a a. 1 llfanaT, VO OA Wl 1IIWS SSSS me MiasMippt river with but lew es piKma, si ins rstn oi azu. iness ilea iieaio WATERLOO ITEM8 Meetings are still belrg contlonadat thsM.Kcboreh All ar cordially In vited.

W. a Lockhart wUl leav nest week lor Michigan to sell tb perfection fruit drysrs A flag staff bss bees raised on the school grounds from which will nosw sue ois eur spangiea baoser.n Granger, ol Kendall ville, waa In oar city Taesdsv sflemoon il Miser, tba coroner, went to Osrrett Wednesdsy. The Misses Psttersoo, Jennie snd, bavS'ffeturned from Angola. O. Love land went to Toledo, Ohio, thla week.

nev. ucuioe siui oonunues so noia meetinna at the riesesnt lilil Qood success la reported February 13, 1803. An ImmiImI maw a. To make it apparent to tboussi.da.who think themselves 111, that they sre not sflected with any disease, but tbst tba svstem simply needs cleansing. Is to itir Syrup of Flsn.

bring comfort home to their hearts, ss a CWifurnls Fig Hrrup (Jo. costive condition is easily cured by using Manuuctui by tba UBNTLEMER, Wa have a Fine Idne Winter Saltings aad Heavy Overceatlsgs aad la Hr asake reem far ear Large and WeU Neletd Hprlag mark, wa will, fee te next altty days, sell ear Winter leda at re aneadarteea tftOftnlta far 4, ftf lor 8, 40 far Ar $30. Oreresat at sshs sirkerttea. BL0M00IT s. Jierehaat Tallara.

sterry Hreet. Flist ctsss work without fnfnrytoth fBbrie at the Fort Wayne laundry, 40 West Main street. All wstar used la purified. Altered and boiled before osing. fFbono al.

W. B. Phillips, lVoprietor. Tbs New York Hair Baiar. Kd Washington street, mskea a specialty of rewsiry ata are limiu sonn year.

lliwtsaa work without In tt ring tba fabric, at tba Fort Wayne ury. eswHsm sueet. 'tiione. WX. Even One who nnfLhaaM a h.Tiar'a woitb of soods this wei st the Arrede Notion Store, will receive one of the new Ktspi omm pans, manufactured by issrr A of this city.

Oeorsw Buckles and eVepta Kratner. smsssmsnis, a sapper and dancing. IWiaw! Take Bcecham DotnT Pills. VALENTINKh AT A. a KATDf, Fort Wsan Bteam Laundry, F.

UMPrcn, ran wntaa Meant Uundry, lain HI, Phone IHfc MERGENTHEIM'S MMR Corner Main aad Calhoun Strerts. EGirt "Wayne, ALL NEW PATTERNS. Narrow Edeingj from iyic yard upwards Narrow Insertion from Ijic yard upwards, Embroidered Flouricings. WHITE BLACK ALL PRETTY DESIGNS, At very low Trices. GINGHAMS.

We take especial pride In showing our stock of Ginghams, tt la tndoubtedly the best. assortment to be found In this city. Elegant patterns at 8c yard. An excellent quality, loc. The best Tolls Du Nord at Utfc.

Apron Ginghams, and 6Hc Hosiery. OurSorina? atock of Hoaierv la on nut far T.tli.a Men and for Children. FOl" Bovfi "omethliiB New. Iron Clad Hois, V'e Hose that thev cannot tear. Coma and in them if you have boys at horn, will buy.

Hair eiioua wwrlollUMlSBra to order. Kancr pUjflor," I IN. II. S. TAYLOR Will address the United Reputx lican League, at United States Court Room, SATUBDAY EVEHDHJ FEBRUARY IS.

All persons, irrespective ol party, cordially invited to attend. MASONIC "lyRiDU ui 8JTORLUY, February I a and 13. HilTiuaaiiawl BJitraordleer ef Ibe OneiB IH TrlDBiBb. q'H'Hi ENSIGNj HWratlNs ItaOnat Waahlactee. Ka 1H1 a .1 a HH BHBJ nja.BHHnni VVBiaw Bl aaa.

epjaeewv PHpaiff aa4 1 blw.a 4 BU Ban MalatMU, Bull. CarpMilac, Oaarsa aTawsMia, Bwala Hunter, IB rtvr CotitV Bs lie Stsivaraa, HH Qi ChM ranloe, MwlbsMSesaonr OIsmsmi, Harj Hoora. WUaoo DsJ. tfflsma Pol, llawkliM, CteM. Bl iMjr, II A Wrlajhl Hnj Bl I Vraak riUsMald Ueorga Uarrts.

Ifrtaeie wlHbeoo Advance in PrteeH Heats will be on Bale Wedneaday fflnTASONIC TEMPLE.ffl nCDAT EVLV1NQ, KBRl'ABT it Ml KatatteaMBl for see ferlotMaaes IH 1 Be A. "PALHKB'S I OOHPIHY Of PI TIES, fiMSStliif Anj alea TkeMaa1 area HB Kaw fork afuena, HB MM A Drmatle tdrl ol DD TOE SUNNY J3QIITH. Bala nl Beau UtlnaBaiuJ FMM.ttC.Bi.lJeill. Cheek, will be liven. yy mVll YOU HAVE NOT SEEN TI SPOT CASH GROCERY No.

25 West Main Street. MERGENTHEIM'S BAZAAR. PLACE YOUR ORDER THEDC I II la II la Out of Sight, lb. MAGNITUDE of 8TOCK. SUPERIORITY of STOOK, CONDITION of STOCK, VALUES for STOCK, makes this HOUSE enjoy ths NAME of BEING the LARGEST, FINEST, CLEANE8T, CHEAPEST lo the 8TATE, fancy Potatoes, 35c bu.

Jersey Sweet I'otatoes, 40c pk, Selected Apples, 600 bu. Maple Syrup, i.30 gallon. Ilutter Crackers, 7a lb. Cranberries, loc quart. Canned Pumpkin, 5c can.

Corn, 12c can. VV. Clover Comb Honey, toe lb. Steel Cut Oat Meal, lb. Oat Flake, 3c lb.

PLUG TODACCO Star, Climax. Horse Shoe, Nobby Twist, and Spear Head, 40c lb. Something Good, 38c lb. Check, 350 lb. news oy, 30c IB.

Tf" rm.i atawjfejfe..

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