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The Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 3

Fort Wayne, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

v. rrr, TS.4T in" ij'( "TT THE tfORT WAYNE DAILY GAZETTE; THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER t3, 1B87. BmA ob Ral3. fohf 1 Wifg IIlIA IQRK5 HtfHJTC The only brand of Lan 'iy Bonp swarded a tint cliiai in I lit tlio Now Oilcans HxiHwltlnii. Uufuarf teed ftlmilntcly 'r 6ioral Jiouitohulcl ptirinisos'la tlaryi ry bent SOAKS FIVE CENT COLUMN All lulvurtiavuieiiu under this Bead Mil Mill totted for Hn rent a day.

Advertisements must not Mosul teres lines In tenth and annst tw loft at the aonntliui room before loo f.ra. WANKBJD. imrANTRit.iunurAiitfl. (lend oreem. mission.

Kara chance, Addresa with stamp for term, WKaVKIt stHorto Bt Cl, .11 iffMinii iirAWRiwrotrAde. A house and lot In ex VV changoforafurm. Wllllake vacant lot flail In Hie evening, or address no, 141 Writ nMniDgwwrwu. WAnIK1) a lady to gin lessons on the guitar, to a Address, statin, terms. 'Amateur, office, or call at It tiainonn Burr 'v aaANTKll Agood boyto take eare horses at IT Ml aainaiiuinma aiseei.

I wiui ANTKn lnbuv a Zlthnr (second band). Auareas, ti. jt mosey, jiuuiiubwu, iuu, ANTKii At lAttlAti Kniiilovmetit Atencv. liiiiinif tvMiinitlrl. Mlrlii for veneral house Goo I wagon, and KMid steady ploea Uall tt 8M WP't wasningwOU ntretrr.

xa itlsKltH Twfi ornmi tithlti board or fl At 41 WeB( nm BireCl. IWICITJUCOT QaVililHKru 0 28 11 A Nll Boardera at 107 Ijtiayeilo street; iruua uoaru ana reaaooauiv ikics. rANTHU Boarcers at lOTKaat Lewis street Nice rooms ioriauyiwaruera or uinrrivu couples. W4 TO KENT. IiWUUKMT HmldenoaMO 17 Kast Jeffersou 1 street; nloe rooraa and bathrrooin.

hot and cold water, pleasaut location, of II, Werden.Kft Kmt Bwrrp street, lJJtt 1jH BKNT One nil furnished front room: X1 alio suit ofrmHiisfur light lioiirtkeealnif. 415 39. West Washington 10 13 Ml it)R FKNT Twu furnished roomo No 40 Kast Jefferaon street. Unqulre on premls XHft KKNT House of fire rooas, on West X1 Mala street. Also rooms for rent.

Kb quire at 2fW West Jefferson street. 10 12 At IT OR KBNI Part of house No, 49 Kast Lewis strett, corner Clinton, containing six tooim. Also two rooms In same bouse whleh ran tie rented with the oilier six or separately. Knqulreon premises 10 HH RKNT I'arIor nnd bed room first floor 1M llarrlftou striwr. one aiuare from Cathedral, IQ tf F' Ijon ICKNT lwoortlireeiiiiruralgbftd rooms suitable for light houankeejilog.

Kir man and wife. For fwrtioulars, emiulre at 17T Urlf T7H1B BKNT lArge, well furnlsbed front room X1 anliable lor lat rttfiis. tbiibiie at No it Went Uwli atreel. ll tf 17H)K HUNT A Ant elass furnlahed toom on Went llerry atrrvt. one nquare from Ibe court bouse; large closets, Ac.

Kuqulre at UB Calhoun alrrct very ressctnaWe. a lltf FOB BRT A flrstHilass business room front lug Court llouon Horry stftut, enquire of llooal. rMTKCo i4tf F'OB KKNT Pianos and Organa rented until reut nays fur them Baldwin a Co Oa'iumn si rent FOIl aOK 8I.K Uousoa and lota and vacant lots In bonnes partsniinocnyjaisosuuiiTifaD propertr and farms which van be bought for part eaah and rt time, ualionu, Si, over foitolllce. Ken Wayne, lud. 10 Wit MOB Ha I.

House of four rooms, good cellar, well aud cIsttM, Hlverslde avenue; cash AWioeatUO. CaliouU 11. Jbnea. 26 flourt street. nrnoit HAIiK A nice twelve room house, aplen dldly located at northwest corner Brack iirlde and llarrlaon streets, No.

as. lleaaon aOle nrloe and terms. Mrs, Humphrey. gtl IiHjt HALK. Idts aa lrrl.on and 1 Webster atreeta and tlrelghton Ayeone In the Williams Addition.

Knqulre of any Baal Jtauts Aaywt, or at offfee eorner Berry and Building. sJtf 17OK 8ALB Hard and Bolt wood fonr isel X1 long. Mab Wood twenty Inches longy Ap nlv to KoOHS A Osalan, Ipd, ilOK HALB Aheaper than any place Jn city Plfttuui Hnrf I Inrana New and becond haad. atl II, IMWWIM IJlOa BAI.B 3U AClilW Of LAND IMIUI natmal gas Adanis tounty, Ind. Inquire of F.

UaxcUeoWce IW tf LOST, JOT old watch and chsln. lut Thursday I evening, between Court House and corner jenwaoiaud UebMlur alreelaA JIbcral reward for Its recovery, lave word at Dee Hlya store. Idtif IOST OB 8TRAVKDA brWlt red Durham i mllkrow, Inf rrratlon wlllbeaultably rewarded at IU west Main sin SID IUHIUA1 Cabinet Organs for Rent, Tuned and Repaired, jnayls tf Tayi.oa Pros On. so Calhoun street. STOH AOK Kelt llro.

are prepared to atore all fcluds of household goods. No od tlal. LolMi iwm 54 CALHOUN STREET, 'i I I mil'1 ii I'; i i' i ammmmmmmriiaVBaaaaaaE WaaHI i in in 1 1 i i "i IF YOU WANT ANYTHjNCVViANDSOME IN A CLOAK QQ TO LOUIS WOLF AND COMPANY. PERHAPS LITTE SWEET HEART MAY WANT A Like the abore or different, yon will And Phenomenal 0 ITers. At Unrivaled Prices Tor a few daya at LOUIS WOLF COS.

54 Calhoun Street. on NEWS. DR. A. C.

HOXSIE'S CERTAIN 1 CROUP CURE ts net ak" nudleine, bat the triad awd teatsd nmwir of a olstingiiialMd pbyslclaa. ht wgular standing and prastins. It I. THE KINO OF BEMEDIE9 dtOUP. COUCH9, COLD9, 'BRONCHITIS, An ACKHOWIKDOM HO COatrXTITOX.

AasnniiaaaiTwiiRx im khidim. la ab. worUMayraUHl AvoUfrMS laCWUClnUiaaV 181 sfAIWX 4Vt7QMfc T. R. Harrows has ,70118 to Wlohita, Kkaaaa.

Coal Is scarce Hard coel sells for $7.00 a toil. Era PfeltTer sties Lonls Schlandroff on a contraot. Tbe demand is $250. The greatest attraction of thn sea son, Sheridan at the Temple, Octo ber, 21th. Yesterday Sheriff Viberg left for the Northern Indiana Prison with joung Kennedy.

William Meyers fsr. Louis Istho gnest of his father, J. F. VV. Meyer.

the drogg'st. Miss. Ella Mahrt. sister of the dead cigar maker, la dangerously HI with typnoia lever. Pvery chared member in Fort Wayne Should hoar Sheridan's mag nlfioent reply' to Injrersoll.

The traveling uion doacrre great credit for securing the best lecturer In country to open their course. Frank 6qulres, night clerk at the Winson Hotel, has roslgnetl to aooept a similar position at theliioh Hotel. Mrs. A. sister of Ley! Turner, left the pity this morning to ripeTdMTwIhUr CalifoK' nla.

Tbe ordlntne Uaptisnl will bo ad ministered at the Christian Church this evening 7:30. Preaching after wards. Andrew Kiddle, the young printer. who vainly sought relief from con sumption In Colorado, has gone to the home of bis paronta In Westmoreland County, Penn. Ills condition Is probably without bopo.

Mr. Henry Schone has rotnrnod from tho cast where he purehasod two bcaptifol funeral cars, caskets and all slock for tho pew undertaking establishment at Ibe corner of Perry and Harrison atreeta. Deputy UniteStatcs Marshal, Jamos Wilkinson arrested and brought before Unitel Stated Commissioner Harper Fr Rose, of Llgonier, charged with feloniously making an affidavit for pension In favor of David 8. Shoals, of Toledo, Ohio. Bose was committed temporarily to the Allen county Jail to await papers for removal to Ttledo, vino Dijuly UnHtd Stales Marshal Wilkinson will tako blm before a United States commis sioner there.

Beauty, that transitory flower, can only be ad by uaina; Foazonrs Vowder. For sale by all druggists and fancy gooda dealers. tjfAT 1 10 Dra. AWPWOWMt SM kn dins PA I lilllllMISI.SllajBJ iWBSwCUwB Bad OUt. a4 to.

ftiKuAk, wwtf mbb IS lMliM. lirs.irkyih. iDhnlcalCa SMsbiiOnwvhav CUBKlit rui ULVK, CtnuiriLia, salt rheum, tetter, bnriua acalda, aorea, wounds, Infant's sores and chanuig, aoro nipples and oorruptlona of the akin. Bufflorera with catarrh wUl And this an invaluable remedy and certain cure. 1'leaaant to use and perfect satisfaction guaranteed.

1 rloa SScenU cer box. For sale by Drier lira aog.8U.lyl The regular mooting of tho Kpworlb League will bo held in the parlors of the Harry Steoot M. K. churoli this evening. Tbo bastardy suit In which Maud Stuck Is rolatrix and Levi K.

Kunlz la dclondant bni been cortilled up from Kyan's court to tho Circuit Court Dr. A J. I.subach, executor of the last will and tea amont of Dr. Losher Trexlcr, desessed. is epgagcdjn set tliDg np tt affain of the decedent's ei tato.

HobrpUfht two suits yesterday to polloet $800 due on notes. CoxupllciUoiiaUmTji aflion in tho ar rangenUftfrlhertinBfejr of tho gift of Elljatt IIAyejind wMe, of "Wa.saw, wh.9 taai mont.hjtaVd;ao estate valued at ibe Mlgilqn "oard cf the M. E. property consists of Hotel three story brick struotnre, several business blocks and about forty town lots', and two or three farms. The gift was hedged in with seyeral conditions, which proved ob Jmnipnable to tho fission oarl, which met on the 30th of September, at Philadelphia.

When it was expected that the gift would bs formally accepted, tho board deoldcd to ask for a modification of aoino of the conditions Tbe gift will oo aoud upon agaiaat the meetlng of tho board Oct. 18 Among thu stipulations in ail 0 by Mr. Ilafcs was that tlio Income only on tho property bo nsoil forfiftt rears, the estate remain inginlaet i.flcr whichtline it Is to bu at tho disposal of the board An annuity is to be paid Mr, and Mrs. Ha)ca duroglifo. The Income from the property amounts lo $8,000 por year.

Snrproor Egcurslofis, A tall prtnolpal railroad tloket oftleoa win bo found on sale, at low rates, during the, tourist season, round trip tliibeta. via. the" llurllngton ltoute, B. g. i 1'ort laud, Ht.

Faul, Mlnneapolla and all prtnolpal resorts. In the Northwest; and also to Denver, Colorado Spring and Pueblo, CoL la addl tlon, the Durllngtoit Route runa at frequent dates In eaoh month excursions to Baa Francisco, Loa Angelos and Ban Diego. When ready to start, call on your nearest ticket agent or address Paul Morton, General Pas senger and Ticket Agent B. ft Q. H.

Chjoago, 111. Congreauman Will In. Steuben County Republican.) There bai been sent to thlt offico the oontestee'g brief in the contested election oate of Robert Lowly vs. James U. White.

It would seem that no man of frood senso or fair judgment can read carefully throngb, without concluding that Congressman elect James White bap ap incontestable right to tit in the plaoo to whlph he was cLosen by abont 8,610 majority, In a district bleb usually bad gone Demooratlo by about the same majority. If Captain White fsiU of a seat In th Fiftieth Congress, it will evidently be through the application of the very strange and peculiar oparaoterlstlo methods of "Indiana D'emocraoy" to the question, rather than owing to any defect in his claim in any way, snapo or manner, PlTBi All flta stopped free by Dr. KUna's great Nerve Reatnmr. No Hop after first day's us Marvelous cure, treatise and iW trial bottle free to fit caaaa. Head to Dr.

Kllna, Mil Arc strati. Ptilladelphla, Pa SUDDEN DEATH. If. Wagner, Wealthy Drun glst DlnaMuddCn orilearl Ilia eaedat Ills lUiHldenco Hkeloli of Ilia Iilfe. Yesterday tjorninu; Mr, Henry, U.

Wagner, tho wealthy druggist was In his usual health and cheerful nilntl; tl al is hu was as well as iio had been for several years past. He came down (own to bis drug store the day before and gave attention to each business matters as bad not been given into tbe cares of his wife's nophpw, Mr. Henry Sommcrv, manager of the store and prospective suconcsor In the business. lie dined yesterday with his wifo at their home1 No. East Washington street.

After dinner Mrs. Wagner wont to the store, as was her wont, and her husband prepared himself for a bath. After bathing Mr. Wagner re paired to his bed room, drossod in his uoderolothes. Here, he appeared to havo boon aolzed wltn severe Illness.

He cast hlmlelf upon the bod and was there discovered by the servant girl who called to Io5k after the Urea. He teinied to be in great distress and was speechless and quite helpless. Tbft in much alarm ran to the store and brought Mrs. Wagner. When she oauiohor husband was still ftintly breathing but was unconscious.

Ha was given euoh tender cate as was possib.e biit he died In a few moments at 1 m. Heart disease' was the csuse. Henry Gottlieb Wagner, was the son of a highly respectable family and was born December 26, 1887 at Grosalmer ad, nearCasaell, in Hesse, Germany in and nearwhlon placo two sisters and a brothor still reside, Early In life he served an apprenticeship in an apothecary shop and afterwards bo oame a licensed apothecary. In 1847, when yet a jodng man he camo to America, and located In Fort Wayne in 181b. In tho same vear be married Mlis Amelia Morgel.

Tho wedding 00 curred In New Orloans, I.s, Uu bopt. 'i'JJi 1X49 a ohild was iru to tho 111. Unfortunately it lived only until Nov. otti of tho following vear and thoy had 1111 more oflspiiug. Ho opened his first drug in this city al the south wost corner of Calhouu and Main sts.

and afterwards removed to East Columbia stroot, a fw doors oast of Clinton. He noxt ohaagod his location, to tho north oorner of Calhoun and Main. Later ho erected the Boo marble building, of four stories at 61 Calhoun stroot, whoro ho onlarged his business and remained until four yoars since when ho erected tho tall building No SO Calhoun styoot, wbloh he oocuplud until his death. He had arranged lo transfer this business to bis wife neph ew, Mr. Hnnry Somraen, wno was to have suocooded him on the first day of November, but on aooount of, his failing health the transfer was made on Monday last.

In his later life Mr. Wagnor devotod much tiuio to travel, being content to leave tho management of tbe details of his business to his assistants. His wife generally aocompanicd blm on his trips which were often of many months duration. Europe, Mexloo, Cuba and Sou thorn California were among tho most interesting countries he saw. lie mingled I reoly with the people, learuod thoir customs and anguagos and at the time of his death spoke French and SpanUh, almost ss well as ho did Gorman and English.

in religion Mr. Wagnor was a convert of the Catuolio Church, aud was known as leof most liberal members of the.St. Mary's congregation. He wa of scholarly habits, and was well read in many departments of litera ture. In Chemistry and l'harnitoy he had great skill.

Uosldos the sisters am brotbors in Europe, Mr. Wagnner has a alstur in Logansport, Ind, Mrs. Honry Jenaoo, mothi of Mr. Henry Mordhurst, the druggist. Prof.

Albert Joost, the musician, and his brotbor Carl Joost are his nephews. Besldos these he has I no immediate relative's. tars, wagner is numerously related to some of the most estimable of our oitixena Mr.H. Merge labor brother, and Mrs. Nierman, rs.

Sommers, and Mrs, Neuhaus are her sisters, and they eaoh have families. It Is not yet known whether or not Mr. Wagner left a will but in vew of bis careful attention to all matters of htislhess tt is not to be presumed tha't he ncgleoted anything sd imharlant as tho dispostjlon of his property after death. He was a rich man, mnoli richer than most people know. President Charles McCulloch of the Hamilton National liana, where he deposited, estlruahd his wetllh at 9100.000 and be a probably wtirthevep more than that largo amount Among the best kbit vii of his landed passesslons wero his drug store No 35 Calboun street, his No 64 Calhoun street, occupied bv Louis Wolf dt Co the picuiiWs Noa.

79 and 81 Calhoun street, recontly purchased for $12JO0 and occupied tiy II Krohne, barber; his realdonce, 24 East Washington street, and' a number of dwelling houses lu Iho 9tb Ward. He owned a third interest In the tract of ground at the'junolion of tho Sit Mary's and St Joseph rivers, whero the last soldiers renu'on was hell. Tho owners of the other two thirds are Father Ed ward Koonig, pastor of St. Pauls Catu olio eiuircii and Miciiaei unites. Mr Wagner was of an exceedingly kindly, was liberal to a fault and made it a point to bestow abundant charity where it would do the most good.

The sick and the needy will have reason to long remember him and, his good wife for kindnesses ana substantial am oestowea, Hl gonial temperament nulled with hlroxienslve knowledge, gleaned by reading and travel and his (and of anecdotes made him a doHghttul oom Danion. The date of the funeral has not been fixed but it will probably be on Sunday next. THB PEOPLE Of Fort Wayne Wild with Excitement Over Asaessor 8chroder'a Report. Messra. Dreier Druggist.

Fort Wayne, lud Gentlemen This Is to certifly that I suffered severely this spring with lnuamrfiatory rhumatlsln. After trying quite a number of rheumatio remedies and getting little or no reliof, by your reoommeudatlon I tried lllldwrd's Rheumatio Hvrun and Plaston with the happiest ieaultM curing me entirely in about ten days, and have had no return of It since. I cheerfully recommend I Ilbbards Kheumatio Hyrup and Plasters to my frfTer Cuab. J. II.

BcunoaDKR, Deputy City Assessor, Ut llroadway, HibbanTa IUteumatkV Byrup Is put up In large packages and la the greatest Blood Purifier known. Its peculiar combination maker Ha great Family Remedy For a dysjieptlo, bilious or a constipated person It baa no equal, acting; upon the btomach, liver and kidneys la a piesaantand healthy manner. Head our pamplet and learn of the great medicinal value of the remedies whhTi enter into its rompnaltlon. Price $1.00 par Imttlei six bottle A.0lk For sale by Drier lire. Toe Hark ear, cannot he takea lu tbe selection of toilet Boane, Colgate and Co.s are the best.

Try Uasluqere Uououet. GoodBanUl la EieryCsaa, D. A. Bradford, wholesale paper dealer of Chattanooga, writes that ha waa aeri ously afflicted with a severe cold that settled on his lungs; had tried many remedies without any benefit, llelng induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery for Oonsmnptlon, did so and was entirely cured ly use of a few bottles, Hinoe whleh time he haa used It In bis family for all Coughs and Colls with best results.

This Is the experience of thouaanda whom lives hav. been saved liv this ful Dlsoovwry. Trial Bottje. free at Drier and Bra's Drug Btors. Mission Meetings.

Tho English and German missions, which have beon held at the Hi. Charles' Cathollo Church (n Peru tho past soventeen days, have been very sua cessful. The missions have, been under the guldanoo o( Rev, Meisner, pastor; who was ably assisted br Ror, Fathers Cook, of Detroit, and Brown, of St. Louis, and In tho earlier part by Revs. New and Weaver.

Tbe diroct object of these mooting Is for bettor gnldanoein spiritual ways; to euoour. age more kindly feelings, and hasten and advance the cause of Christianity. That the meetings have been a suooess was evidenced by the fact of being 1,060 oommanlcants present, and the grand parade from Ibe school to churoh, embraced 800 men In lino with lighted tapers. The church, isrgoas It is, waa orowded to the doors. A sermon and the blessing of the mission cross, was the feature of tho evening.

The proceedings of the flrst'seTon days of these meetings wero condurrod la German, aud tho latter tun in English There has boon a large attend anou from the beginning, jnot only of home membors, but from the onnntry, many coming daily a distance of fliti en mil a. Father Meisner, pastor, ssts the hospital Scheme for all nationalities and creeds, nnder Catholin supervision, of course, is not dead, and ho gives the assurance of its erection, provided a sutUolent plat of ground near the church is donated. WHAT AM I TO DO? The sjnitomsof Biliousness are unhappily but too well known. They differ hi different individuals to some extent A Bilious mau Is seldom a breakfast eater. Too frequently, alas, he has an excellent appetite for liquids but none for solids of a His tongue will hardly liear tnspeotlon at any time; if it la not white and furred.

It is rough, at all eveiita. The digestive system Is wholly out of order and Diarrhea or Constipation may lie a symptom or the two may alternate. There are often Hemorrhoids or even loes of blood. There may be giddiness and often headache and acidity or itatulence and tenderness hi the pit of the stomaob. To oorrect all this if not effect a cure try (Iroen'e August Flower, it costs but a trifle and thouaanda attest tta elllcacy.

llluffton Ooaelp. Will L. Todd of Warren, waa (he city yesterday. Rev. Baxton was in Warren yesterday.

Dr. Theo. Ilorton is remodelinir his old fac tory On Cherry Htreet, aAd converting it hi uwouing. Forty eight ef our people took iu Fore paugb'a circus at Fort Wayne Tuesday. Harry afieese of Decatur, was in the city uesday.

Judge Brown of New Castle, has lieon attending court, the past few daya. Will Buckles of Fort Wayne, who had been vlsitlug his sister, Mrs.W. A (Juletals, for a few days past, returned home yesterday. The Davy Crockett Co. played "Htatet Hvtdence" to an appreciative audionce lust night.

Theplay waa a good one and well rendered. Their play for to night la Davy Orokett" in which a number of Indian wolves wilt be pqt upon the stage. The jury in the case of 8omers vs. Snyder awarded the fair plaintiff one hundred dollars for a broken heart Pretty cheap reparative material. AlWalwarpf Houtpelier, waa In the city Tuesday, Vtrgis Hoster is now at Columbus (nd.

D. 2C IUnehart made a flying trip to Oralgviue yts crdav. Charley Jermab. traveling salesman for iifiu, wn iu fciw iuemuiy. Work haa begun on tbe gaa well at Nsw ville.

Blulrton, Oct. 0IB BClTTLIC CIWKD PIM. A. H. Thomnson.

Hotkibrd. 111., wrlbna have been troubled with Catarrh for years, nothing helped me until I tried Pa pillon Catarrh Cnre. I followed directions, and with leas than one bottle, I am ured." Paplllon (extract of Iuu) Catarrn Cure will poaltivly and permanrntly cure Bronchial Catarrh, Acute or Chronic Catarrh, also Rosa Cold and Hay Fever: Larger bottles 00, for sale by Drier lntfs In Heinorlam (Contributed.) F. hidward Bowen, Holiday, Dctober 10, at 11:10 a. m.

breathed hla last. He waa born in this city in 1851), graduated at the high huol at the age of sixteon years. A few years later lie was admitted to the bar, and while In the ollli of Aldrlcn tt Barret practiced law here. In tie year 1 J8J he wun( to Mont Inn, Dakota, where his home has been aince. There he married Kittle Morgan in January tfteVi.

His success Iuu been even beyond expectation in business while thore. At an early age' he united with the First Presbyterian church hore, and haa alwaya lived an exemplary lire. Although of a quiet and retired nature, he arew arounu mm a circle or many warm irienuA. ana tne unnoundeii respect or an. Hia ah knees haa been of a few month dura lion.

During that time be made hia laat visit here. Ho effort waa spared to cure him and since his return to Moiirlan be has been moat railb fully attended by hia patient and enduring wire, wno. wougn a on invautt it tuougns. use uervicauy waiieu upon even so. laac Though to day the one we love lies beneath the Monolan sod, bis lira bare on earth white besot by niany trials and the hardships of a western country, presents Itself aa a grand and nohle triumph.

To us who blindlv mourn the end of a life so young and promising, the Angel of Peace whispers: "Ail Is well, lie giveth Hla beloved Bleep. Hngllsh Spavin IJnlment removes all Hard, Hoft, or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses. Blood Bpavin, Curbs, Hplinls, Hweeny, Htlfles, Bpralna, Bore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etfL Bar 1M by use of one iHittle. Warranted. Bold by C.

tt Woodwortb Druggist, Fort Wayne. 1 year Cautious a Bo tlaaM, lucloseil in lira that part In smiles like the otien big rosebud, the teeth gleam with da aling whiteness if the charming poasesftor uscs lieaulifylng BOZO HUNT, which cleanses an blanches the teeth without abrading their enamel like mineral pieparatloua ilo signrd for tbesame purpose. Tola Agreeably odorous and salutary article not only benellta the leeth an enhandes the beautr of the mouth but einoves canker, and lenieuiea ulceration of the guma, NoilOe. Parties having property to sell or to let or antod to rent, will be benefited by iMVing elrordur with me having constantly calls wanted their order for such. 18 19.

nawTi.B, Ileal Ketate Agent. NEW AUVEUTISEMEKTS. PATENTS K. A tdKIIMANN, WlAHlllllRtOli, J), i). Ht'iiil forrirculHr VI rtIPCCl' owinoaj, iftiil aiiowand II tflrlltvJ "UHK your 1 1 "own liniiie, by our wiio win tW den! wnty 4lulit ypars 1 rtmUtd by piont iin aiui'u nix viitiiiif ii niii it, Ufiittni.

uurtHl bliDrWlf In tnreo hiqiitliH, and nlnce thnn hun dreds of others. JKull pArtloulanfitflnloii appil eat Ion. T. rAOK.No. Kew YorfcClty.

rKKnrtTKttSm HAIR BALSAM the pofHilar fstrorttti for draawlttir tl bur, lUwrtoiiitar voJor wbm rty, nd karAvcnilnar rjadnitl. I oUrta lh otvip, atofs) tb hair fsUUDf, uk tar lo pttwwa. Ay.n(l0lwatri7iatyM, HINDERCORNS. Moist Ml mId. Kmrurtta sMrnifna ta Iha f4.

iWaiuw. UNDtoillffugiWA Uu4jux Uo iJx If VOfc ASJC1 THE NEW (JUlNINK. More Strong ly Yoached for than any Other Dron of Modern Times A POWERFUL TONIC that the most delicate stomach will near A SPECIFIC MALARIA, RHEUMATISM. NERVOUS PROSTRATION, and all (lrm Dumas. THE HOHr KCIFXnilC ADD 8VtXKMHrUt BLOOD PUBiriKK.

Huperior to (yj.lnlno. "InherltHl NttLialKla ituide life a torment to mo. For iimny year I litul Hiiltoreii really Irom this ttiretlloii. lliHttackti wero niton ho svvr that I coulil nut cat or Hlveti, um vvn totally unlit lor A few J(t) of Ka1 khie arcmiy rtllov3d itie, ltd om tinned use cured mo. It HaveniflHlfRi, bealtu anl a restful life.

I ImtIIuvb lu Kasklne," .1, Hanson. Ill l'earl Atl.Hiiy, Mr. Oldcoti Ibomiiiiin, the oldest and one of the mnt reHiiecioif cltluns 1 llridKcport, "I aniiilnnty years of fur the last three year hare auHered from malaria and the effaots of I recently began with Kaskine wliirli broke up the ma laria an4 Inrruaticd my wolKhtsapoiiudii Jitter, fronn the aonyponmoan, Klvlng full d6 tails, will be nei on aii(otlou, Kasklua can be taken without anrepeeUl mt lealadvloe, 1.00 pr bittle, or six. bottles for $5. Sold by all drugjlBts or tent by mail on rwelut ef price RASKIN "4 Warren M.

Nm York COLEMAN KATI0HA1 BUSINESS COLLE0R. Nbwahk, J. 0en Ml tbe year National oatronaiio. lUtt.tiwi.rM of HtHlueta TraiiiTnft. Least ex pensive In time ami money.

Pleas atitest location. Indorsed by I hou tiids of eraduates and hundreds of the leAilliiK busliiftHH meu of the state and pation. Write lurUata logue and be convinced, H. COLKMAN, Waaaiw. MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY.

Wholly aollk artlflclals system. Asy book lesraMl In oae reaJlag. Ilecoinnienuwl hi Maik Twain. KlOHABn Pnociou, the HclriitlM. lions W.

ASTolt, JciiA" I'. HiniahiN, lir. Urion o. oiass ol leO Ueluiiih l.av tKi of MO eAcrj at Yaie, loo at Uolvrtrult) ol Peon. Putla and 4o0 at Welleiley college, and engaged lit f'hauuiiuuii University IVosuec tui cost vhxr from I'HOK, UIIKKTI R.

VH Fifth Ave. Now York MANY LAMP CHIMNEYS ABE offered for sale represented. Osgood as the Famous PEARL XOP BUT lfi1 ARE NOT! And like lack the BensarkaMe LASTING CtAtlllea I OP TUB CEStllKb. ASXX FOR TOE PEAflLTOP And Insist THIS xTTrV rU J4il "I IjAl A ilNOLaUjittKlTi A with tPglfpy CIUMNEl Ti.kUW,im.

Tho PEARL TOP Is Iflanufsactaredt ONdV ky GEO. MACBETH CO, firjMUCttUU. L'A. WEAKiUNOEVELOPED rr Bird Store Cstutihie.1 4S7J. run, lux Uirda, Tulkms I'ar riiln.

Bird laxon. Purs eed. Song llintnrjr. Iliaect furs, klaliing TaeVto. Win, llouki roultr Siii.i'lle.; IJ msfuveod 1 (, "jKj61 FREE ISM PBTMSS RsttOTBd r.aXlUHOXJIAT FA! I I V.rvr m.

NERVEREflTOPl a gg y. tiny Dttmn, M. ireMtiMla4lS, hw botilaj fca tfcM rrWtaaMfWNbn wtttm tad IITl A. suast siUbu. a fcPfKUNatwAlrtarlJblakg ra kVlwvi PBaaUt a Vsjsi PsstrBi iNB Ainnt (merchant

wrnta in amom WTAkbili. ft (pilCKKO. THIKHBAUroHS, iRKlstn; O. euia tor Kort vyTP no twvvdly The EaalUs. )vva ripitm Cures Weakness, fy AWmoii.

iMiiMi.errriranilrii Dls easea caused by self abune or lo dlrvcnvtlnn Onnistu biIt aA WrltA for I'aniiililot. Iirrtr krks Ctiemlral 4o. IfteiroU, IQlcli fnairoM By roaii. tarBoU lit Fort Warn by QfftMUy TU ISU A KOBH This Is wlint killed your poor fatlu r. Alnhiir It tlimiiaTlK Aituroiiw ful mreors.

We older lioada objoot Avoid anything contaliilni Hhuii 1. It throiiKhnut youi BEETLES riCT i. ln.Vi?af to Its WMflal lUHKill'NfCHH' nnil'T mm aawavtline and UUI1 I fUUl mnnny In futile yiiifriesvvi.ii iitfas ww(itr, ininwr. What nut, Urttwl at rnnilotn all over me noiiae to rr. nn or Ktnohen Wattirkiurs.

kor two or Lin en niu OM IUti" drv natwiii about ami down thai Brink, ilrftln pipe. Klrst UilUR In tho inomlnir wahh It all away down ihe niiik, diBlaplpo, when all the Insects from Karret to cellar will tllsap pear. Tlir)wvn Is In the fact that wherever In' sects aru hi the house, they must Dl AflUaTC drink duriNR thaiKhi. KUAUMbo fleam out Itatfl, sfloe, Bed hiijr, Ihyetlea. "Hovuit dm IUth" to tjfiid all around tbe workf.

In evitfy nlhne, In the moeteatenslvelr alvertlfWMl, ami has tho Inrftvat sale of nnv artkila of lis kluil on the race of the glolie. DESTROYS. POTATO BUGS Fur IHitsto Itugn, Inaecta on Vims, table sniKinful of Urn powder. Well shakou, In a keg ol. walir, and with sjirinkllnK lit, spray srrhure, or wlilna liniom.

Keep It well stirred up. 16oSftj ant Agr. she. CLEARS OUT BED BUC8, i PLIES. Roachra antri, wnter lmi, moihH, ratst mice 16o.

UIL.10AD TIME TABLES. 'rWrslkhti UepartareorTralaa. WABASH UAILWAY. wiunwAitu. I w.

I raclDe Kxnresa. i BMin. Mall and ipress.ex.B'y I 1 tspm I Feat Mall, dally sispm 1 (Anilrawsaoe fri 8 saaui I Afftye th) v. SluUM lUnea SI lew Saai BAjBTWABK. L.

fr I IMIIanre sec Irt. Arrive Oepuri Riiiress.dally... I Sriain i aiali Ktpreas, ex. H'y I 1 Bdiiia iiiiimiu BBiiree. UMIjr I rapid 1IAII.1..N, I Stan.

ItOul SiOlMT, tooam rhrough New York Palace Bleeping ears. Dining er and new Ires chair ears us and as. free tlialr Oars, lllnlng car and lluflala sleeping ear on 44 anu to. IK NKW TORH. C1I1CABO A 8T.

1.0U18 R'j. BAnTWABU, I I Arrl.e I liepai Man aud hiiirwa I 45pm I OOou twal Fmiylit moaia WKJIWAHP. 1 1 I Arrive I Depart I Mail and Rilireaa I 1 IDpra OOiim t. Local Prelghl fOBX WAYNE. CINCINNATI 0 LOUISVILLE B't.

raoM south. (dtandardtlniai aoiwo sonrnx SSOam Ar Hi press I.y saopm 4 10pm Mall 10 CO am pni Freight swam am Freight 00anr ft alas dally reett Buadav. Il jif'tffc. PllKrWWeOhl jBV3MMinrBxaavemnis UrgS Ei BUtffJaxw raWrCiW 51 LOCALTIME TABLK Solid Tr silus between latlasky asdBlMtvlagto AU ladlasaiHilit and HlrklhiH, ilty. DIKKCr Uouectlous lu and from all points Ik tho United btttti hi id Uajia'ja 1 tt Miin 12 OOaia 4 n0(im JSnrt Le.

Fort Way no, via. Wabash. AilUatn Ar. I'oru, vlali 7 15am Ar, Indlrtnaptil via a to team ar, moouo'tyum, via Le. Ieru, via Ar II.

1'ARKBU, ManaKer, hloomliiKtoti, it iM.m i T. I KM. len. 1'as. Ag't.

L. 8. A M. S. Yott Wftyne branch.

SOUTH WARD. ft,) Anit Way 1M oin. 104Aaa UW I lr.trolta.lDd'tH)lle asupinl 8ZT NUATHWAED. 167 I Through KiprnssA Mall tan Irtetfoitrkiiid'poHs tOaiiT" P1TT8JJUUO, iOUX WAINE A C1U CAGO BAILWAYe Jaa 80, 1967.1 WB8TWAJU1. I Arrive Depart l.limUHl Ikally.

tMami (ooam Mali and BxpreaseiD'y 13'stopm li4npni 9... Fa.itTh'gb topm 6 lftpm l. Mall Kzpress, dally 1 laoam riymouui Ac'n, ex Bud 400pin 1.. K.iiresa 3tfaro 13 Mam tmoaiu BAHrWAUt. IMall and Kxpress.ei H'y Ka.iLTh'ghKx.( l.lmltod,datly IKxpress Mall and tZKprerM, datiy Plyuviuth Aoo'u (CUlotigjo dpetlat I Arrive 1 11 an to pin RMpm 1 lopiu I 36ain loaoain 10 SUpiu I ftoaiu SOOpIO DtlOpu 200pm 14oani RAPIDS INDIANA 14.

Time Table for Port Wayne, In Kltect May, twj. UUINO NtMtTU Por tlrmid Kaidds and uorth, leavn, iim. ft oft a. iik. From' Arr' ft iik.

at 10 p. 111. .8 Iftn. at. milNM HIHIT1I.

For ttlotitnoud and Cluclnaall, leave. i5 a. I It, III II 20 p. III For Portland p. From 6W p.

in Trains dally eicept Buiiday. DR. RICE, For is years st Court Place, now al li7l. Third asd Fourth. LOMTlllu, O.J gterff fdiKTTI: SrmAtorrkWda svmd Iatpotenor.

aithsymsiU af awsf absaia yUl, saWfaml aitawN funa vasiw. cyUktv aaa, anS prttwrtrlDf ioar ibr ai Ifis, HfexHav Km iiuvmisxs, BsmImI KbUsIon. (tjhi krukrarMfaakUtsaaarWar fH. UHW) le r5 rb Bal VW rnltfti Coauita. rsUjosrsTgl Urelr trarllnati GLEET, Pix lTLTx.h a ig.rfa a.r 2 llUa ir nMfKMUaal opkj altykq.braa.(.TMrH.l.tSr0tkri toaymJ.naataajBAM, sum! inatUax II.sgtsxn.iU uaa aUf.

(MielrM fiMt aktU, rkftaWaaya kOT.tti, rmsHaiftSH.aifaM, W.ysTikla(w.ataii kr Ml mom. swb a. Cores Gaaramtssd all Caaea Uadartaksus. tiauito, Mvxkttttty tw ttr tot a iHfiwa. CWM haMU ud agtUsuuZ PRIVATE COUNSELOR mu, ithMbi Im rwad all.

lZTrST! 9(kaf fettws fiwa A. H. tr r. M. 4 VTa.


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