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Honolulu Star-Bulletin from Honolulu, Hawaii • 8

Honolulu, Hawaii
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Kelly Comes Out On Top In Real Pitcher's Duel at Moiliili Field Largest Crowd History ot oVSV'I Association post Ddseoaii sees uhuhu 3- R. WHARF Ruger Giants Win From All-Stars By a Score of 2 to 1 Kelly and Williams Stage Hurling Battle for Nine Innings Ail- Stars Show "Wonderful Improvement in Fielding Yesterday q) Rugerites Make Good Impression in, Their First Victory 25th Infantry Wins Close Game From Baby Regiment Team Before 2400 Spectators in Oahu-Service League Contest Morgan Wins Out in Pitchers' Battle With Mashaw Goliah and Holcomb Star With Bat in Great Game Only One Walk are shaking. And there was one Kins who didn't have the best of it at Moiliili Field yesterday as the McKinley team landed on the Filipino pitcher. ui. Zi xl SWIMMING; IO ft DEEP gan was out Ralls to Hemming; Haw-kins singled and scored when Smith cracked out his drive to center; Johnson, the next batter up, was out, Mashaw to Hemming.

The Wreckers iced the game in this Inning, though threatening to do considerable more dam. age in the eighth frame, when they clammed out three safe hits, but sensational defensive work on the part of the Infaats precluded further chances of scoring. The Infants made their only run of the game in the eighth inning. Cassell the frame by fanning. Hawkins took care of Mr.

Hemming NtW 1 NtW NCtf Mr Tit tflMAlV MCftUWI HSNOiftjf ht4. H. BLIC If and put a big ace on the kins and took it. McKinley won out by a score of 10 to 6 after the Filipinos had the game on the frozen aqua, but through the efforts of Marcus Monsarrat and sev eral other persons the high school alumni crowd came back and took the lead. Basio, the little eouthpaw, went on the mound In the last inning, but lie waa treated very much in the same manner, and as a result the Fill- oinp team remain down In the cellar.

McKinley showed good teamwork, and much practise, wnile the Filipinos clearly showed a lack of practise in this game. Monsarrat pitched good ball in the later innings, but although he was plugged for nine hits held the Filipinos safe when hits meant runs. The Filipinos have three or four of the best players in the league, but they failed to show an attack in the pinch yesterday. Iwanaga and Tsukiyami starred for McKinley in the field, while Planas and Batong did good work for the Filipinos. Marcial.

Ta-marra and Lario lead with the stick. RUGER GIANTS .1) Honolulu has long asked for a permanent swimming course which would give a further boost to aquatic sports in this city. With the announcement that the boat clubs will be forced to lose their present sites, tTie Hawaiian Rowing Association outlined a plan which would not only give Honolulu a 100-yard permanent swim ming course, but would provide a site for the four boat clubs, which will be homeless within a short time. This drawing shows the present plan as outlined, giving ample room for a 100-yard course, and space for four clubhouses. This Is one of the proposed plans which was given the Indorsement of the association at the campaign organization meeting last week.

AB BH SB PO A Johnson, ss. 4 1 3 0 1 2 0 Perry, rf. 3 0 0 1 0 0 Bailey, lb 4 0 1 1 11 0 Benham. c. 3 0 0 0 6 2 McClain, If.

3 0 1 0 3 0 1 Cummings, 2b. .3 11 0 0 0 Langley, 2b. 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 Womack, 3b. 3 0 0 0 0 .3 2 Kelly, p. 3 0 1 0 0 6 1 Stewart, cr.

1 0 0 0 1 0 0 Totals .29 2 7 2 27 13 5 (Sporiki Star -Bulletin Correpondnc.) SCHOF1ELD BAH RACKS, June 3. Before the greateit crowd that evci witnessed a baseball game at the post athletic park the 25th Infantry nine made another advance on its steady march to pennant honors by trimming the 32nd Infantry by a score of 3 to 1 after a fiercely contested game. If the entrances to he post baseball park had been provided with turnstiles it is estimated that 2400 admissions would have been clicked off. In addition to the large number oZ paid admissions, about 500 recruits watched the pastime from- a corner in deep left field and. no doubt, many a recruit will tonight in his dreams have visions of capering- on the post diamond to the plaudits of hundreds of fans.

The game itsell was one of the best served on the bill of the Oahu-Service League at the post thus far, abounding with spectacular plays and in several Instances featuring home runs, Goliah and Smith being the two athletes who had marathon events. Morgan pitched an excellent game for the 25th Infantry, as is evidenced by the fact that he allowed but four safe hjts, no two of which occurred In the same inning. He walked none and sent four of the Infanta back to the bench by the whiff route. Mashaw, while not tapped for a very large number of bingles, seven In all, was the victim of a vicious onslaught by several members of the Wrecking, crew, Smith and Goliah being the chief offenders with, their homers, while Hawkins slammed out a two Backer. Each of the trio also garnered a single for ood measure.

Aulston was the other Wrecker to cop a safety. cDonald attempted to make a sensational play of Smith's drive to center, and In attempting to dive for the pill, misseo. it by feet, and as a consequence the pill, without hin-drance, continue its trip out of the park via center field. Goliah's smash wag a clean drive to left Hawkins also sent his double in the same general direction. Hawkins and Johnson were the defensive stars for the 25th Infantry, accepting numerous chances without Holcomb wasUbe--batting, star for the 32nd Infantry, collecting two safe swats, one of which Ssras good for three cushions.

Bucklftnd also slammed the horsehide to center for, three sacks Holcomb, Ralls, Chief and Casseli were the fielding stars for the Infants. The Wreckers scored their first run In the second inning on Goliah's homer to left field. In the third inning the 25th Infantry annexed two more; Aulston, the first man up, whiffed; Mor- SAINTS HAMMER BALL HARD FOR rctUHT Srrt Coat club I 3 -r- I POOL. R. The lumber wharf would be on.

one 6ide of the slip, and the boat clubs would be placed on the opposite side. One particularly good feature of the plan is the fact that Honolulu would have a permanent swimming course which would not necessitate the shifting of vossels. It is planned to erect the bleachers on the harbor side of the slip, and at the end of the swimming course. This would give 400 test of bleachers, in addition to the space in front of the boat clubs which could be used. A channel running from the slip to the harbor wou'd give access for the barges, and would in no way interfere with the present plans of the lumber wharf.

Tue clip would leave 154 feet for the lumber wharf, which would give plenty of room for the lumber firms. Clubs All Endorse The Healanis, Myrtles, Honolulus and Kunalus hate heartily indorsed the plan, which will be presented to the various civic and athletic organizations the city. At the meeting A. T. Longley said that while he had no official authorization from the A.

A. he knew ithat the members of the association would favor any plan to give them a permanent swimming course. "Dad" Center of the Outrigger Club indorsed the plan, and said Maui Horses Brought Here Four Maui horses which are ex- pected to show the June race crowds some turns of speed arriv- ed yesterday and are now being worked out at the Kapiolani Park -f track. They are Copra, Kapio- lani, Luau and Frances all highly regarded by local race- goers and critics. They repre- sent the stables of Col.

H. A. -f-f Baldwin and Dr. Fitzgerald. MAJOR LEAGUE RESULTS YESTERDAY NATIONAL LEAGUE i It i jj ill! 0)! ALL-STARS AB BH SB PO A 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Judd.

If. Chillingworth, (2b-3b) Akana, cf. Maddis, 3b Dunlap, lb 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 -1 3 3 2 4 4 4 4 3 1 McGavin, c. 1 41 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 Lynch, ss. Williams, p.

Rice, rf. Salmon, 2b that he would do all in his power io make it a success. AH the members present last even ing were enthusiastic, and urged that the work be started at once on a plan to present to the harbor commission ers. The committee will have maps and the various civic and commercial organizations of the city will be asked to indorse the proposal. Riley H.

Allen, editor of the Star Bulletin, Indorsed the movement and in a short talk said that there are hundreds of citizens In Honolulu who have at some time been affiliated with one of the clubs, and that these men would give the plan their hearty indorsement. B. E. Hooper, who presided at the meeting last evening, appointed a committee of Jiree to inaugurate the campaign for concentrated work on the plans. The committee is com posed of the following members: Campbell Crozier, Dad Center, and A.

Kroii. Among those present at the meeting were E. Hooper, Stanley Wright. Pat O'Sullivan, and, William Lyle of Honolulu's; Crozier, Campbell Crozier and Bob Chillingworth, of the Myrtles; Charles Brown, A. T.

Longley, A. C. Reinecke, and A. Kroll, of the Healanis, and Dad Cen ter, of the Outrigger Club. TEAM WINS IN SUNDAY BATTLE Downs Service First; Electrics, Mutuals and von Hamm-Young Also Win COMMERCIAL LEAGUE FRANK COOMBS Totals 31 1 5 2 24 9 1 Hits and runs by innings: Giants 0 0 0 1 1 0,0 0 2 Base hits ....0 0 0 2 1 1 1 2 7 All-Stars 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 01 Base hits ..,.0 0 1 1 0 2 0 0 15 Summary Home run.

Cummings; three-base hits, McClain, Kelly; sacrifice hit, Perry; hit by pitcher, Judd. Maddis; bases, on balls, off Williams 0, off Kelly struck out, by Williams 9, by Kelly 7. Umpires, R. Chillingworth and Walker. Time of gurae, 1:20.

McKINLEY Some ardent fan said Johnny Wil Hams pitched like Kelly did. This fan is covering plenty of territory, as performances such as that of yesterday by the green necktie personage aren't scattered around in gobs, oodles or bunches. To get to the bottom of it all, the Fort Ruger Giants, with heads up, defeated the All-Stars in a regular baseball game yesterday afternoon at Moi liili Field. by a score of 2 to 1. And was a real ball game, as hundreds of fans will testify.

Out of it all the Kelly personage from the River Shan non stuck out like an injured phalange there is such a thing. Kelly Did It During the afternoon the All-Stars amassed, garnered and secured but five singles, and seven of the batters were sent back to the bench after performing their wig-wag exercise. Had it not been for two errors, Kelly would have had a shutout to his credit, as Lang Akana was the only runuer to cross the plate tor the Stars. Kelly wasn the only one who was performing in grand fashion, as dur ing the first three innings Johnny Wil liams, the ex-Detroit hurler, pitched like Kelly did. Cummings connected with one of the floaters for a homer over the left field barrier in the fifth inning, and McClain also picked out a good one for a triple in the seventh, but that was about all the heavy hitting that the Iiugers did during the afternoon, with the exception of Kelly's long hit to left center.

Williams Shows Something Williams had his fast ball working in great shape, and although the hon ors for tbe day must go to Kelly, Johnny turned in a good game, and would have won under most conditions. And the All-Stars, who only a few days ago opened the gates and scattered errors to the winds got together and put up a nice performance, only one error being charged against them. McClain was the only outfielder who had a chance in the game yesterday, and two of these putouts were off Wil liams, who hit the ball hard to the left garden. Ruger played good ball from the fielding standpoint, and wild throws were responsible for most of the errors chalked up against the Giants. Chilly Plays Henry Chillingworth broke into the game tcr the tirst time since ms injury, but the Giants refused to bit them down his way, and be.

went witn-out a chance all day. Yesterday waa a great day for the titian haired bojB as both Jonnson of the Giants and Mc-Uavin of the Stars connected for three hits. Dunlap and' Judd got the other two for the Stars. Only three men batted In an inning for the tirst three cantos, and Williams was breezing along in great shape, sending three men back to the bench in one inning, after an effort to solve his shoots. Judd hit bate in the third inning, and although Mc-Gavin singled in the fourth the Stars failed to score.

Johnson opened the fourth for Ruger with a single and Perry sent him down to second. Then Bailey bunted and beat it put, and while they were making an effort to catch Bailey off the base Johnton came home, in the next inning Williams shot over a floater and Cummings sent it far over the fence tor a Lang Scores Aitana. brought the only run across the plate for the All-Stars In the sixth when he walked, went to second on a wild throw and came Lome on a hit. McClain triplet, in. the seventh and Kelly tripled the eighth, but Williams pitched well in the pinches, and Ruger failed to score.

McGavin made a start when he singled in the ninth, and Williams came ud witfl two men out and hit a roller to Womack who caught the hurler at first, and Ruger broke through with the first victory. Manager Stewart had bis Rugerites on their toes Sunday, and a large number of fans who were pulling for the Giants to win a game were very well satisfied with the performance. There is joy in Fort Ruger, and the Rugerites are going to send this same Kelly after the Wreckers next Sunday. McKinley Wins Kings aren't having the best of it these days, and the crowned heads Electric, handling all his chances without a bob. O'Sullivan caught a.

pretty game and held the runners close to the sacks. Von Hamm-Young Wins In the second game of the day the von Hamm-Young Company ball team started out on the high gear and banded a neat "30" to the Advertiser contingent. The game ended up in the sixth inning with a score of 20 to 5 In favor of the automobile concern. Lee Tuck and Clinton gathered four hit3 apiece during the day, while Chong and Kim came' through with three bingles off McGowan brothers. Wid Affonso and Crane worked hard to stem the tide but weird work on the part of the Advertiser crew was responsible for much of the run mak-ine.

although the von Hamm-Yniin! crew eathered 19 hits If th rest nf tne Advertiser players had injected as muct, nen into the came as Crane and Affonso the score mirht have been closer. The von Hamm-Young team showed up well, and this aggregation ought to put up some good games iu the future. "She positively talks with her eyes." "And I suppose when she feela like swearing she just gives a cursory glance." Boston Transcript i I ABRBIISBPO A Suzuki, rf. Tsukiyama, Kong, If. Iwanaga, cf.

Kan Leong, Monsarrat, p. Girdler, 3b Low, 2b Kurano, lb 5 1 3 0 0 2 5 7 1 2 1 9 5 5 5 4 4 5 4 3 1 3 2 0 1 0 1 1 .0 2 2 0 2 0 1 2 21 REAL HITSi without assistance. Mashaw hit to Fagin, who threw the pill away, Mashaw ambling to third. Buckland at this juncture triplled to left, scoring Mashaw. The next batter was taken care of by Fagin and Hawkins, ending the inning.

Holcomb threatened to start a rally in the ninth, when he singled, but his teammates were unable to advance him further along the paths. The box score: TWENTY-FIFTH INFANTRY AB II SB PO A Hawkins, lb Smith, ss 13 1 5 1 0 2 5 0 0 Johnson, Moore, 3b Goliah, rf Crafton, If Fagin, 2b Rnlston, cf 3 Morgan, 3 Totals ........34 3 7 3 27 14 -THIRTY-SECOND INFANTRY AB SB PO A Buckland, rf 4 0 10 0 0 MacDonald, cf 1 0 0 0 1 0 Hollis, cf 3 0 0 0 2 0 Holcomb, 3b 4 0 2 0 1 4 Ralls, 2b 4 0 1 0 0 4 Stratton, 4 0 0 0 4 2 Chief, ss 4 0 0 0 2 2 Cassells, If 3 0 0 0 2, 0 Hennig, lb 3 0 0 0 14 0 Mashaw, 3 1 0 0 '1 3 -Totals ........33 1 1 0 27 15 1 Hits and runs by innings: 25th Infantry ...0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 Base hits 0 1 2 0 0 1 3 0 07 32nd Infantry ...0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 01 Base hits .....0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 14 Home runs, Goliah, Smith; three-base hits, Buckland, Holcomb; two-base hit, Hawkins; sacrifice hit, Morgan; double play, Holcomb to Hennig; bases on balls, off Morgan 0, off Mashaw 1 struck out, by Morgan by Mashaw "wild pitch, Mashaw. Umpires, Hollingworth and Estine. Time cf game, 1:30. KEEP COLLEGE SPORTS GOING, SAYS WILSON WASHINGTON, D- C.

Presi- dent Wilson, in a letter, advo- t- cates the continuance of sports in colleges rather than the sub- stltution of military training. He says: "I would be sincerely Borry to see the men and boys in our colleges and schools give up -f their athletic sports, and I hope most sincerely that the normal course of college sports will be continued so far as possible, not to afford a diversion to the Am- erican people in the days to come when he i-hall no doubt have our -f --snare of mental depression, but ag a real contnbutioi to the na-f tional defense, for our young men must be made physically fit BOWLING CONGRESS ON THIS AFTERNOON AT The first annual Hawaiian Bowling Congress opens on the Y. M. C. A.

alleys8 today. Five-men teams will be the first to roll. The contest isnot confined to organized teams bu any five men may get together nd enter as long a3 the same five do not roll more than one matc'i together. Play continues in the five-men event until Saturday, June 16. Then there will be two weeks for three-men teams to bowl, followed by doubles and elimination Bingles.

The congress last? until the end of July. Handsome prizes will be given to the winners, merchandise orders having been selected for the awards. Walter Williams. J. C.

Chamlerlln, O. P. Soares and others have signified their intention of entering teams today and it is expected that the play will be fast from the start Alley reservations must be made in advance at the Y. M. C.

A. basement office. WOMEN BREAK TRACK MARKS i' iiiLAutuit iiiA, i two wo men's athletic records were broken here today by Temple University stu dents at their annual senior-freshman field and track meet. In winning the SO-yard dash in 10 4-5 seconds, Ethel Dreyer of the senior class clipped One-fifth of a second from the former American record held-by 'iss L. Schwab of Seattle, Wash.

The other new record was established by Miss Bessie Cramer of the freshman class, who had a- mark of 0 feet 11 inches in the standing hop, step and Jump. The former record, 19 feet 10 Inches, was held by Miss S. A. Clark, National part seminary, Yvaslungton. D.

C. Mis3 Dreyer also broke the record in this event, clearing 20 feet 7 inches Down Potuguese Team By Score of 15 to Chinese Win From Japanese HONOLULU JUNIORS Honolulu will have a 100-yard per- manent swimming course, together with a permanent site for the boat clubs if the present plans as outlined by the members of the Hawaiian Rowing Association materialize. At a meeting last week at the fatar-Bui- letin office members of the association went on record as in favor of a definite plan which was outlined. With the proposals for the new wharves the Myrfes, Healanis and Kj-nalus were asked to move their clubhouses. They had no place to go and for a time the situation looked dark for the future of rowing in Honolulu.

Rowing has been an institution here, and the fact that Regatta Day 13 a legal holiday clearly shows the Inter-terest taken In rowing events In Ha waii, and the official recognition given the rowing sport. The members of the Hawaiian Row-ing Association had to do one of two things: abandon the rowing game or secure a new site for their clubhouses. Campbell Crozier, one of the committee, outlined a plan which would give the clubs a site at the proposed lumber wharf near the present site of the Myrtle Boat Club. Will Require Dredging Crozier's plan was to dredge a slip 300 feet long, 100 feet wide and 10 feet deep near the proposed lumber wharf. ST.

LOUIS DOWNS BRAVES IN LONG GAME SATURDAY Teams Battle for 12 Innings; Little Asahis Defeat Healanis by 4 to 3 Score PACIFIC LEAGUE Won. 4 3 Lost. 0 1 1 Pet. 1000 750 667 500 3 no 000 000 SL Loui3 Braves Asahls McKinley llawaiis i i 0 Healanis 1 3 Chinese Filipinos 0 Those fans who were fortunate enough to journey out to woimu field on Saturday afternoon did not have the slightest thought of demand ing their money back after the secona eame was over, as the Pacific League RtaePfJ two baneuD games, both end ing with a score of 4 to J. PerhaDs the calcium ought to be placed on the second affair, it being a battle between the Braves and St.

Louis, always interesting to the real fans of Honolulu. The game ended in the twelfth inning with the Saints on top and Brother Elmer and Billy Miles were both present wnen me run crossed the plate. Twelve Innings, Too Throughout 12 Innings these two teams battled back and forth and after the sixth inning neither siae could chase a run across the rubber. St. Louis scored first in the first canto on a walk, an error and a hit by Lai Sin.

They found Nelson, the blonde pitcher of the Braves, for three hits in the next Inning, one of which was a double, but only three men batted, as fast work caught the Saints off the bases. Again in the third inning, the Saints scored on an error and hits by Hane-berg and Chun Chew. That was all of the scoring, for eight innings, and Nelson was pitching good ball throughout. Cooper started in the box for St. Louis, and the Braves could not score until the fifth, when a walk and hits by Anahu and Or-nellas gave the Braves a brace of Braves Even It Up Stewart went into the box in the last of the fifth, and in the sixth walked two men, and hits by Nelson and, Mara gave the Braves another run, which tied it up.

From that time on unUl the last Inning, the game was featured by great plays. Ornel-Ias saved a score in the eleventh with a great catch, and You Bun Hee (Continued on Page 9) Won Lost Pet. Hawaiian Electric 4 0 1.000 Mutual 3 1 .730 Coomb3 3 1 .750 Service First 2 2 .500 Star-Bulletin 1 .1 .500 Schuman 1 1 .500 Iron Works 1 2 .333 Spalding 1 2 .333 von Hamm-Young 1 2 .333 Advertiser 1 3 .250 Reach 0 3 .000 Won Lost Pet. 6 1 .857 4 3 .571 '-J ..2 3 Totals 40 10 12 9 27 12 5 FILIPINOS AB BH SB PO A Batong. 2b 4.010 310 Marcial, 3b 4 1 2 2 1 8 2 Taraarra, cf.

4 1 2 10 0 0 Planas, lb 4 1 1 0 10 0 1 Luis. If. 4 1 0 0 2 1 0 Basio, 3 0 0 0 0 0 Delmasio, ss. 4 0 0 0 4 2 0 Lario, c. 4 1 2 1 7 1 1 King, 4 1 1 0 0 0 1 -Totals 35 6 9, 4 27 13 5 Won Lost Pet, New York 22 12 .647 Philadelphia 23 13 .633 ..27 17 .614 St.

Louis 20 19 .513 Brooklyn 14 19 .424 Boston 13 18 .419 Cincinnati 18 23 .419 Pittsburg 13 27 .325 AMERICAN LEAGUE Won Lost Pet. Chicago 28 13 .683 Boston 25 14 .641 New York 20 17 .541 Cleveland 24 21 .533 18 22 .450 Detroit 16 22 .421 13 23 .361 Washington 14 26 .330 Hits and runs by Innings: McKinley ...4 0 0 0.0 0 1 2 310 ...3 0 0 0 2 0 1 2 412 ...3 1 0 0,1 1 0 0 0-6 ...3 10021 2 009 Home run. Monsarrat: Base hits Filipinos Base hits Summary- tnree-base hit. Low; two-base hits, Suzuki 2, Kong, Monsarrat, Kurano, King, Tamarra; sacrifice hit, Kan Leong sacrifice fly. Tsukiyama; bases on balls, off Monsarrat 2.

off Basio struck out. by Monsarrat 5, by King 7 Umpires, Chillingworth and H. Walker, Time of game. nr. I COAST LEAGUE Won Loft San Frdncisco .37 24 Salt Lake 29 26 Oakland 30 27 Los Angeles 27 30 Vernon 28 33 Portland 23 34 Pet.

.607 .527 .526 .474 .459 .404 No games are scheduled for todar the teams traveling. Yesterday's Results At Oakland Oakland 6, Salt Lake I St. Louis Chinese Portuguese Japanese It is mighty fortunate that the Portuguese and Japanese baseball fans of Honolulu have the Braves and Asahls to cheer for, or sorrow would be present in many households of the city. Yesterday afternoon at Athletic Park the St. Louis team downed the Portuguese aggregation by a score of 15 to 2, and it might have been twice as much had not the Saints tired In the late innings.

The recent performance of the All-Stars, which has been, forgiven since their showing of yesterday, was bad enough, but there is hardly an alibi for a 15 to 2 game. The Saints hammered Plada and Barboza for 21 hits, which included everything from scratch hits to home runs, and. even Kauhi, who is known as a weak sister at the bat hammered out three hits, while Bill Inman carried off the honors of the day with five clean drives out of five times up. Inman had his batting clothes on yesterday and during the day made a homer, two triples and two singles. St.

Louis piayed good ball, while the Portuguese are trying to make alibis over their showing. Simao was 'the star for the Portuguese, and was the only player on the team who made a showing In the melee. The Saints made but two errors, and Billy Wil liams pitched good ball throughout. The Japanese team as usual lost out to the Chinese, although the second game was a much better contest. Despite the fact that Moriyama, a senior player, was sent on the mound the Jaranese could not win, and (Continued on Page 9 SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE $1.00 PER MONTH Delivered to office taken at Newscart HOME NEWS AGENCY Wholesale and Retail Agents for Territory.

Games Next Sunday 9:00 Star-Bulletin vs. Mutuals at Moiliili Field. 10:30 Service First vs. Schuman at Moiliili Field. 9:00 Reach vs.

von Hamm-Young at Athletic Park. Spalding vs. Iron Works at Athletic Park. In one of'the best battles of the day Frank Coombs aggregation of ballplayers defeated the Service First team at Athletic Park yesterday by a score of 5 to 3. Luck Yee was on the mound for the Coombs' aggregation.

He held the Service First team to seven hit3, while Lani and King allowed eight bingles. The game was closely contested despite the number of errors which were made, "and Akana at first made a record with sis wobbles. Leong for the Service Firsthand King Tan for the Coombs team starred in the field, while Leong was also, the big man with the bat, getting three hits during the day. Mutuals Win The Mutuals won from the Spalding team in the second game of the day at Athletic Park by "a score of 7 to 1. Plata and Williams worked for the Mutuals and allowed but five bits, while Rosa allowed seven hits and fanned 10 of the Mutual bat wielders, Avella, Sal Kee and Yim were the leading hitters of the day.

Let There Be Light Hawaiian Electric held their place in sun yesterday at Moiliili when they downed the- Reach team by a score of 10 to 5. Hosea was on the mound for the Electrics and Hollinger and F. Joseph worked for the Reach team. Errors behind the Reach pitchers were responsible for much of the run making. Bushnell, Barboza, Perry, O'Sullivan, Victor and Colturn were-the leading hitters of the day.

Victor played a nice game at second for the Hawaiian YESTERDAY'S RESULTS American League At New York Detroit 5, New York 4. No other games srheduled. National League St. Louis St. Louis 3, New York 1.

At Chicago Chicago 5, Brooklyn 1. At Cincinnati Ch-cinnatI 5, Boston 4. At Pittsburg-Philadelphia, no game scheduled. GAMES TODAY American League Chicago at Philadelphia. St.

Louis at Washington. Detroit at New York. Cleveland at Boston. National League Boston at Cincinnati. Brooklyn at Chicago.

New York at St. Louis. Philadelphia at Pittsburgh Violet light is being uSed by French scientists to test precious stones, especially rubies, as it distinguishes the more valuable Burmese gems from Siamese ones of less worth. The yacht Eugenia stranded on the Virginia coast, three miles south of Hog Island coast guard station. The passengers and crew were landed by the coast guard crew.

At Los Angeles Can Francisco 2, Los Angeles San Francisco 4, Los Angeles 0. At t-ortland Vernon 3, Portland Vernon 4, Portland 3 (13 Games Tomorrow- Salt Lake at Portland. 1 San Francisco at Vernon. Los Angeles at Oakland. i Saturday's Results.

At Oakland Oakland 1, Salt LaVe 0. At Los Angeles Los Angeles 7 Saa I Francisco 4. At Portland Vernon 8, Portland 3. "His wealth is said to be fabulous." "And the most of it Is." Browning's Magazine.

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