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The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana • Page 3

New Orleans, Louisiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

The ever 1. a Ji'ew York paper a 1 Jill, in advance of iiiP i illKHH St" Granada, HoWM, goes to Hew i taking the soaila for A i u.9 i.d th rapcrb Coateaeoaleo, oes to Keir York, Havana. i si au roots may be obtained for 4 by rilling J. II. Asfcbridge ar.

Common stre T. Tli Palicaa Cricket CInb aa a a yesterday afternoon between two np fro ir wa number. d. was One, PUat "blowing oval hcbi gronaUt tie ickrttw P'KheJ. ai two 'i.

Tier was. In ti atrors th af a fooi'T of spectator, who very hoty. Mj taken ear of by the la liie Urge tent, between the there tu an appetizing spread Of 'I; comforts, edible and drinkable, over there wae passed a very agreeable ml naif hoar. Tb play vu spirited! kept np antil after ami. fiuter and Wright oboee lidee, and the elevens 'were about fa'rly matched, with the advantage.

In point of strength, in Wright's aide. Solera bed the fint inning, and nude 36 Wright's followed, and scored 77. Satex's aeoond inning was an improve sent cm the first, his aide scoring 73. Tbia Wright but 33 to get to win, and this was cone with the loss bat of one wicket, Will be seen by the following score. Swat's Elbvbs.

Prsf learnes. Beni Inmnm. WUms, aich.rd.oa, k. Broach to tVerVeS, 4 W. Wllse 1') ire, b.

W. Wilson 0 k. Brongkto J.tmwtr, e. KicnerSBatl. vvrlcht mm est I W.

WUm 1 k. ta i k. vs. k. wiua i k.

W. Vliboo 0 Brangbtoa 1 V. Wnk SUA Wrtab i rl, Ul k. Bnwignlna I I n. IMft fit) I Ml Out o.

Miitknli, k. rich ttf I Wide i i r. Wuf Iutll. ur in moc nt. ...17 fwifttn.

ruu Oat k. kBtv 4 v. b. witwn. a a hKbkrdtB, k.

WIImb 9 Ut lUJrtrt, k. Joke. fxmtk k. Dot 2t 4 i uf.bru. a k.

Wltoa a 5. VIHmm UM. k. ftia kalk. a a ISMSR or ths SriaH Astillcsv We gave, in oar hut, statistics showing the vast and increasing prosperity' of the Island of Cabau That of the siater Island of the Span ifh AntSlee has not the hut year been so great; nevertheless the figures are worthy of being paten record.

The total bosineaa of the Island of Puerto Rico during the last year is estimated at 10,154,167 against $12,815,519 in 1853 of $1,759,352. It is, however, to be oted that the year 1858 wae on paralleled in prosperity and its bosineaa fiu exceeds that any previous vear. Tbe fan polls daring the last year were against in 1858 a de eaeeof $691,690. The export in 1859 amounted to $489498, iaat $5,357455 the previoos year hi de ease of $1,067 661, The receipt into the Soyal teeasauy, also, re some $300,000 lees than in 1858. Tbe number of vessels which entered the kiqs porta of the Island the last year was 7, against 1494 the year previoas.

The umber of veanels which left the tnnd in 1859 was 1277, against 376 in the arrivals, 4Kt lore the Spanish flag, nd 407 ef the departures. The number of American arrivals was 51ft, snmber of Americas departores was 492. 1 "be Kagiish arrrvals were departores, 71. A FjtsnciTMA' TBta. H.

Gaillardet fr home to the Courrutr da Etat Unit, rose Paris, that the great Eastern qoeetion, of which eo amch is now said, is really bound witb another ef some historical iaapertaeee, via The extension of the French boundary lue to the Kfiine. The scheme is this: Turkey i to be cat np eee Bseal, and a part given to King Leopold Betertnaa, for en kndepentiept kisgdoai, uh Constantinople as the capital; a part to and a part to AootrU. In eonstdersy ef hie new inheritance, King Leopold is give np Belginm to France, and it it added at, to snake arraagemeate lot tbe new order things was the real object of the late visit tbe Uake of Brabant to Constantinople, as ncorrectly reported at tbe time, to pure base pros or sonw ether island in those waters a narval As a sonsideration for her consent, England to be confirmed la her possessions in the Beaa, and, perhaps, In the division of seHoe from the amain land. This new erder of things is designed be An tbe protection of the five great powers, nen it can be had. XaUer freaa Brewasvllle.

wfto4n at th rVyoti.) itso wits ville, Texas, I860. Pr ar Picayune Since my hut letter to i nothing very important has transpired, reutilara along the Rio Grand mg every thing ooiet, and giving fseiing aMority to all classes ef neopkSi A report mrt teacfaed this elaee that the Meaieaa 1, era sent ent by Gem. Garcia from hiatal os. and Keynosa leU in wrta a parv ot tsa's man, near Bancho de Santa and alter a fierce akirmiskv shot the iet, i loreocio Fernandea, and afterwards ur him. They took Francisco Cisneros nnr, and sent hint to Hatasaoroe, and cn jTrsed the band.

The Mexican acri i. i Matamoroe on the evening of the of and saet the deaperadeeevsn the 1 'us is most satisfactory kirtaih, that tbe Af exicans are at anxioos 4n to rid the frontier of the ve and Viliaine nndes the leadership of erfect nnderstaading earists betweea the hq sotfaontiee ni the onieers of car wiiu a whl no doubt soon scatter all rt to tiie four vrinrtt.and be a warning for tbe fular. Tue desolation along niw i very greet indeed, tbe charred rev of cmny miobce snow bow oiuec has 1 ir enmity between tli two ti enw tilled with eora, contain tit rnrk weeila. No crop nave been .71 on the American side, and as a ronae.

any poor people are aulfering tor tbe of lil. t.eorge istoneman, with a enoadroa Tit 7, is near bdinborg, and Capt. kfH, wiih another stjnsdroa of r. ia rwir iiosano. There i tirtii'ry at Fort Brown, Knot, bi two ar At rjoid liarracks are 1 ordua'a eoaanaoiM yor dari; km tt ca act'C iioee Ttouh t' Bi.

acnrce which mark tbe last two yeara drpendud nmn the action of the Council, yet for tbe benelila that will flow to the city from tbem we ars peculiarly indebted to the Mayor, since they originated with him. For the firat time in the history of New Orleans the doctrine waa announced by Btayor Stith in his Crat annual message, that the public authorities are responsible for the pub lie health and that this responsibility rendered the adoption of sanitary measures an absolute necessity. Square black stone pavements, Improved street drainage by reducing the grades to one uniform standard, and the reclamation of the swamps, between the city and the lake, were presented again and again to the Council as essential parts of such a system, in tegard to which there 00 old be little no dispute. The urgency with which these measures were pressed upon the Council by the Mayor, and taken np and urged upon the public mind by tbe press, almost without exception, produced a complete change in public opinion. 'As consequence, the extent ef street lm provement in to short a time is without a parallel in thie or aary ojber ehy.

Kariy half of the more busily thronged streets has been wfefcia two years covered with granite. The coat to the eity of the pavement of intersections streets and the Improvements en Canal a ad Esplanade, to be completed the present year, will amount to $900,000. It was but natural that other important measures, originating in the same quarter, should meet with favor, when the public mind had once been awakened to real progress. The Bogues' Gallery, the Fire and Police Alarm Telegraph, the Levee Waterworks, the Fourth District Waterworks, and the Street Railroads, followed in regular soeoession each of such value to the public as to reflect honor upon the city Executive, by whom only one had been originated and recommended. What credit, thea, ought net to given te Mayor Stith, who suggested them all by message, before they, were mentioned in Council The earneatnesa with which a real, substantial protection levee was repeatedly urged by Mayor Stith, will at some future time be properly appreciated by the public, though it failed to convince the Council.

An examination of the series papers placed by Mayor Stith before the Council and tbe public, in the discbarge of his duties, will develop the fact that the recommendations, made during two years, contain the outlines ef a general plan for public improvement, having for its main idea the security of public health and comfort in the summer months. The necessity ef controlling the water thrown upon tbe city, and. at tbe same time, of providing an unlimited supply of this element, is the key of the system developed. Granite pavements, new grades, protection levees, and perfect drainage to decrease moisture and diminish noxious exhalations, and the construction of water works on a magnificent scale, to furnish, not only ample means of protection against nre, but "constant streams of run ning water through our gutters, are parts of a system of sanitary measures that promise much for our city. The credit of securing these works mainly "belongs to Gerard Stith, ex Mayor of this city.

Whatever recommendation came from him in the discharge of his duty was marked with singular independence of opinion. The pro ject of the reconstruction of our police system, twice presented before the boards of Council, is a aa iking illustration of this trait of his administration. What others had obscurely hinted at he boldly advocated, not as an abstract bat with a minuteness and detail which leaves Bttle to be added to form an act accomplishing the object now universally approved by the press and the people This independence of eharactar exhibited by Mayor Stith, while the Chief Executive of Xew Orleans, though it did not increase his immediate popularity, will leave his administra tien as the beginning of a new epoch in city affairs. No man has ever left pablie office with so broad a foundation laid for future popularity. No succeeding one ean find occasion to do more for the public weal.

The moet which we ean hope is that tbe policy commenced shall continue wader succeeding officers until the full capabilities ef the city for commerce shall have been developed. Congressional Proceedings. The Senate sa ike Slave Trade. In the Senate, on tbe 16th, the naval appropriation bill wae taken op Ur. Wilson, of Massachusetts, offered an amendment that a part of the appropriation be used for the purchase of three steamers to act in tbe suppression of tbe slave trade oa the coast of Africa.

air. Gwin, of California, offered aa a substitute, tbat the President be authorized to ask the Brstiah Government to enter into a con vention to make provisions for the return of eacn capvnrea sjncaa as Jong aa tue otu article of the A burton treaty remains a force, and if the British Government sefase to enter into such a convention, then the President shall signify the wish of bie Government to have that treaty abrogated. He said the British Government did net send back the but kept them aad made them useful. Mr, Wilson said the slave trade waa increasing. It wae a met that vessele were Mtted out at Kaw York, aad left that port with the kaowledgeof the United Slain ettieers, who received money for the same.

He thought it his duty to try aad put a step to it. Mr. Green, of hHssouri, thowrht the Government had no rigbt to pot a police force on tbe coast of Africa. It had no rigbt to interfere with the slave trade between Africa and Cuba, bnt onlv to nreveot the imnonation to 00 own shores. VvcauKht well call oa the Unties Government end tae treaty.

Mr. Hemphill, 0 Texas, opposed taeaaaend Bient of the Senator from California, lie thought there wae no information here that the British Government made slave of the captured Africans. Mr. Fessenden. of Maine, said if rsntlemea wished to abrogate Una treaty with Great Britain, let them say so, and not try to dodge the Question in arv war.

Mr. Mason, of Virriniaeaid the auestionof tbe African slave trade was presenting itself in anew light, lie eooJd not arcount lor ut inrrenaine aotivhv of the stave trade. Letrie latioa might poesibiy.act to iooraMehe trade. and no Uiouht we sbooia De very careini. lie trusted that at tbe nrooer tune the Amen.

can Government would abrogate that article of the treatv. bnt wae oonoeed to both of these proposition. He could not conceive of greater cruelty than sending these Africans becktoAinca. Mr. win's amendment was disagreed to.

Vm Muitl Brt'r. Bnva. FltzMtH k. fliM. fhwlu.

lvron, of TmsesMe, Lm, Latom, MaMon, tik, gtrmvXl, Pock, kukkirf, kcautas, Auaoll, Wu tail 19. HmHmm. HkW, rssm, Chaeo'Vr, CUrfc, Crlai'inei n. lixon. IfeMNhul.

tl ukw, wi.i..B. rimes tiki, Hasolia, Harlan, Hempfeili, Kins, Uuoti. Pesrrte, SimmoDi, nmwM, Tea TkmiiSMim. Tlus4ilJ, VVS sn Wiiw. Jo.

Cstveee laveeUaaUast Casasslneo In the House the Senate resolution to adjourn ea the Stith was agreed to fcy a vote of 123 te 58. Mr. Train, of Massachusetts, al made port in behalf of the Covode Investigating Coaimittee It says the committee examined' 1. The eioiilmtie ad kidnbitable pledgee of the I'r i nt, as well a after election, and of all hi Cur net, to the tin: i. etfi 5 vT 1 tj Una cl eo ii for 2Cew Orlcara.

1U ft r' to 'IV .0 Li u.tu 01 luvsei v. Iiau.i aud U.tu Of lUTge i. Tlie removn! and to di? ra. the rworn sheets of the; nioa to tleir .1 4. The open trins rn the passive of tue Lecompum bills throoKh Contrrei.

1. 5. The admission of parries encased in thei work, of electioneer inn the cbeiaet aad that they received enormous sums for this pure nee. ti. lie ofiered to purchase newspaper editors with extravagant same of money.

1 and lastly, Kven the proscription of Democrats of long standing, who would not sop port the Zieooropton and English bills. The witnesses on these points were Gov. Walker, Wendell, Bean, F. W. Stanton and Forney.

i Mr. Millson, of Virginia, was, on Monday, to make a minority report, fully clearing the President from the charges of political enemies. Telegraphed to the KewOrieani Picayune. National Democratic Contention. nrDICATIOM OK UNION AKD BAKHOKT.

The Adsstselea ef Bentaer Delegate. ly rh Anerlcsa Uas.) AtimoRX, June 19 Tbe eonventioa eon tinned the discussion of the admission of dele gates from the Southern States to a late hoar in the evening, when it finally adjourned, without taking decisive action, till 10 o'clock this morning. The only new developments of Interest, however, were a resolution offered by Mr. Gil more, of Pennsylvania, to the following effect: JZeselmd, That the Presidentof ths convene tion be authorized to issue tickets of admission to the delegates from all the seceding States, who have no con test ante, but that tbe credentials of delegates from the other seceding States who hare contestants, be submitted to a speerd committee. Alto, Eetolced, That all the delegates ad mitted to seats in ths convention, be consid ered bound to abide by the decision of the same, and in good faith support its nominees.

These resolutions called out a dozen speeeuee. pro and from various members of the convention, which created considerable excitement for the moment; but their general tenor was in favor of harmony and compromise. QFinally, the previous question was called, pending which the convention The indications were in favor of the admis sion of all the regular Southern delegations, and a harmonious nomination. The outside pressure in favor of Douglas is still very great, bat the tendency of everything in the convention is against him. Neither South Carolina nor Florida are rep resented in the convention.

All the other States have full delegations. LATER FROM PANAMA. ARRIVAL OF THE STEAMSHIP ARIEL. Later frojn Central and South America. New Yorx, June 19.

The United States mail steamship Ariel, of the Atlantic and Pacific Company, (formerly Vanderbilt's Line,) from'Aspinwall, reached her dock last night. The news from Central and South America is interesting and important. Casta Blea. Another revolution threatens Costa Rica, the object of which is to place Don Manuel Mono at the head of the Government New Graaaea. The Government at Bogota has passed a general amnesty to all political offenders.

Mosquera at one of the eaadidatee for the Presidency. Bolivia. Nieto baa declared Bolivia independent. The President of Bolivia has closed the late intercourse with Peru, and 40,000 men are concentrating along the frontiers of ChiU. Chili.

On the 18th every thing in Chili was peaceable. The American merchant ship Sea Banger, froaa Liverpool bound for California, was wrecked off the coast of Chile oa tbe 17th of March. Her crew and passengers were all saved. Important from Salt Lake. Briaham Tins te Leave Ctaa.

St. Lecia, June 19 The St. Louis Democrat publishes aa article saying that Brigham Young has sent a proposition to the Government to sell Salt Lake property, as be intends evacuating the Territory of Utah, and go with the Mormons to the Pacific coast. Lette tres ot ths FVsysestJ Outoi, June 17, 1800. I have drifted to this point since my la it, and "am enjoying myself on the fat of the land, dispensed by orie of tbe best hotel keepers, CoL Pearee, of the Pearoe House.

Tbe colonel, by the way, is also styled Dr. Pearee, from being a strong believer in tbe homee pathie school of medicine, invariably prescribing a bttle phvsie and plenty of food." It is a happy remedy, and the colonel is one of those chosea few who understands compounding the last portion of tbe receipt eo as to satisfy the moet lastidioaa. Visitors to this place will find two excellent hotels in the city, as also an eating saloon at the railroad depot, where they can find all that man desireth. I regret not being able te give as flattering account of the crops in this section as in the northern portion of the State. The want ef rain in this (Madison) and adjoining counties, shows itself in the appeal ance of the corn crops.

Cora ia very backward, small and stunted, and unless there are heavy rains within the next tea days, planters cannot make anything like average crop. Cotton isetillking" in the vegetable world, and in spite of the eilorts made by tbe demon, drouth, he is grow lug daily, blooming forth in his youth, aud holds forth pioeiise of white oldatss Long saay be live I Long may he retire, irom all points above, reports come of pleasant rains having fallen, so planters in this section have to join iu spirit with Ye bye of ye sxederne era eilere," (unpubHsbed and say 1 eieivwhum, v. Aji4 ana saroe wit AHow eae to call the attention ef ear merchants, to the want of enterprise that ia evinced by tbem, not soliciting the trade of this and all ether Southern States. New Orleans, from her position, ought to oner aU the inducement that ieaei'ieaaiy to secure a vast trade that now geee North. The wholesale honee ought to show a disposition to pnah their business end not allow a nagnilioent trade te be taken from before their doors.

Merchants of New Orleans, shake off the apathy lay aside tae oid forvisoa of the pa The sympathies of the South are in your favor it remains with you to show atrpriee and snake New Orleans tbe mart ef the South, not only for cotton, but for all goods. Sena your agents out in every county and State. Appropos to the sukteet, I was aaaassd by listening to a eoaveraasicia that eeeared at the tavern in between a sative and a true blue down Eeat erammer, (who are here as thick as blackberries. After various subecu were discussed, tbe man of Holmes asked the drummer where he belonged. He replied in Vermont naaeology, "To Virginia when an lmhrcao in the crowd.

addraing himself to the Holmes county representative, Aa sure, liiJ, didn't ve know that all the North jlir''nimr belonged to Virjaney sioce owld Brown was hanged I Pat brought the bouse down with roar. I have sim found that the EmeraJder was riirht, as Bicrt i 'uira parontatre iu the South, and coa ir insula tlie hc ultra of cVmthera ii w. iiiv st.e ciUn t'at title front trre to 'is t. tif lui ino. 1 I Soil, c.c a.Jra.ur tlie strand.

Foil, rmiri, sereins oa to tlu, r.r.!ii, jKoUows tue in nni iit, the wMWr Pull, hjiit crrsttd, siosr, aurgiug oa to the strsnd. Grans' nAt ered' slow, thntidrrfiif ni totbestraod, i KiwVd nsihi" Tk third 1 triltH. I 1 1W i. slosr, sUsaa. 1 1 i.

i i i i a Arrest if aa Eeen'aesJ Mrletir" The Kaw York Express of Friday eventng lass, has the following i j1 Ia the summer or fall of 1857, a' Roman Catholic priest ia Kew Orleans was brutally murdered by an Italian named. Francisco Dominick Mayo, and twelve others, under the following circumBtances: 1 Mayo, who is rather a good looking man, formed an acquaintance with the female housekeeper of the priest, which soon ripened into an ardent attachment and resulted in marriage. The newly made husband, in order to get a start in life, borrowed a considerable sum of money from the priest, and went into the boating business, which was at that time very brish. He euoeeeded, aad in a few months wss fully able to return the borrowed money, but neglecting to do so was called upon by the benevolent lender, who wished him to repay the loan. Mayo promised to do so at a stated time, but failed, and was again pressed.

Several other attempts to get the money, by the priest, reaul ted in failures, aud legal proceedings were tlireataned, when, one monung, the poor priest wae found dead hi his bed a mangled' corpse. Tbe affair created (treat excitement, and the police were awakened to extraordinary diligence by the clamors of the press and people for the capture and punishment of the bloodthirsty murderer or murderers After tome labor and commendable seal, thirteen men were arrested as being concerned in the murder, among whom was Mayo, who was, on bis trial, proved to be the main instigator of the terrible offence. Tbe whole batch were convicted of murder, and sentenced to be hanged, in threes, on different days. The first three met their fate, and public attention was somewhat drawn from the ease by newer events, when tbe excitement about it was renewed, by tbe announcement one morning, tbat the ten remaining prisoners had broken jail and escaped. It was soon ascertained that Mayo had gone to Galveston, Texas, where he was pursuing tbe pyster business, and thither some officials pursued him.

lie waa on the river iu his boat when they approached and, suspecting their design, immediately secured an opposite shore, and made good his escape. Until two or three days Knee, the authorities knew nothing ef tbe criminal's whereabouts, when Capt. Seaman, of the Fonrtb Preiinct police, received information that the man was in the eity somewhere, and he corn men Md to work up the case with a determination that finally resulted in Mayo's capture, just us he waa about boarding a vessel, destined for a foreign port. The accused, who ia now locked np in the Fourth Ward Station house, is very cool about tbe matter, and says there is a great mistake, while two other per. sons have fully identified him as the man.

He will be taken on to New Orleans, where, if the identification ia made good, hemp will be served out to him, much to his displeasure. From Arkansas. Destructive Storm. The Helena Democrat saysi A destructive storm swept through portions of this county last Wednesday evening, June 6, about 6 o'clock, which did immense damage to crops, and, we are pained to learn, was in one case fatal to human life Benjamin Kvan, aged about eighteen rears, of Kicblaud township, being instantly Killed by a limb striking him upon the head. The loss to farmers and planters, in the war of damage to crepe, must be very considerable, as thousands upon thousands of trees were strewn upon the fields after tbe storm abated.

From CoL Thomas Gist, of Richmond, we learn that hundreds of trees were prostrate upon his growing crop, fences, and it is said that on Mr. Joseph Green's place, and other places in the same neighborhood, hundreds of acres were almost literally covered with fallen timber. Governor. From the Fort Smith Times we lean that Hon. Henry M.

Rector has resigned his seat on the bench of the Supreme Court of the State, and has declared himself an independent candidate for Governor, in opposition te K.H.Johnson, the regular nominee of tae SJemocraue party. Tnt Rirer at Fort Smith. The Arkansas river In the neighborhood of Fort Smith is reported almost too low for akiffe or ferryboats. 1 Crop. The prospect for a good crop in Arkansas is very fair.

Cotton and corn are both in a good condition, though tbe want of rain begins to be felt. 7ay. Tbe planters of Arkansas are beginning to raise hay crops. The country around Little Rock will this year furnish a considerable amount for the consumption of that town. Gold eis (Ac Arktttisat.

The latent news from Pike's Peak assures us that rich gold de posits have been found on the head waters of the Araanns nver. a. new town namea Colorado has been built on the Arkansas, trie new inhabitant being gathered ia by the attractions of tbe gold fields. The place contains over 300 houses, and not over 6(H) miles from ort bmitn. Later from Jamaica.

By the brig Los Aniegos at New York, we have advices tsem Kingston, Jamaica, to the 31st nlf There had been within six weeks four attempts to rebel against the authorities of the prison, one of which had to be subdaed by tea military, the police being inefficient. The rainy season had set in. The last received sale of sugar were at 16s. per hundred pounds. THE 'ciTT.

No Tidixgs Yet. Notwithstanding the active search on both sides of the river, nothing has yet been found of the body of the an fortunate Charles M. Waterman. Information has been sent to the parishes of St. Bernard and Plaquemines, and his anxious friends have taken every measure to receive immediate tidings whenever the body will be found.

Alarm or Fire. At 2 o'clock, this morning, an alarm of fire was given from the Second Fire District, (Fourth City District) aad all the bella simultaneously repeated the alarm, causing the engines te turn out in great baste, but ao fire was found, and we have net been able to discover what caused and who gave ths alarm. The First Drrrxir Recorder' a Court. We found the Hon. W.

Emerson, Recorder elect, presiding at his court this morning. Mr. Emerson has long been familiar with the balances of the Recorder's omoe, and teemed per' fectly at home oa the bench. Ho important eases were tried this morning, the score or two of drunken vagabonds, arrested during the night, being disposed of with a small fine. We found the same old familiar face ia the office; tbe Recorder having appointed for Clerk of the Court, Mr as.

W. Coffee, formerly Affidavit Clerk, and Mr. J. Wilson Affidavit Clerk, in place of Mr. Coffee.

Mr. 1L D. Seaaiueis was still at his post a Workhouse commitment Clerk, which we suppose he will aetain. These gentlemen are all old officers of ths Court, possessing both experience aad ability, and we expect to see the business of the ellioe going lilt clack work, aa of Soaricaorsi George Heenaa, (no relation 4a the Benicia Boy.) and Wiiiiaa Waters, were arraigned this morning before Recorder Kanersoa, a autre nm. and aspieiaaa eaarae ter.

lleetun was, beside, charged with carrying eoocealed weapons. The Recorder gave Waters the choice between furnishing a good voucher or going to the Workhouse for eta month, sad sent Uee nan for trial before the Fint District Court. Tn Lro Law Michael of the grocery storo No. 'JHC Camp street, rsAr Caiiinp, was arraigned rht moraine before li ordwr clmrs ea Wisu .0 a e.4ve, at. ii? tUa wd i i a tu le Xi 'U Paid Xis Fes.

Jot I'lrt abn Kiihaa my and wue in a auneiul manner. I ce tict beiDg proved this morning to Recorder Emerson's nu factkm, he ordered that Hartab fhould pay tine and giva bond for his peacelul behavior daring six month. LaactsT Mr. Eliza Trednay made aa affidavit this morning against Joba O'Bnan, alias Morgan O'Brien, whom she ahargea with entering the premises at the corner of Poydraa and Camp streets, snd stealing therefrom a coat aad vest. The accased was placed under beads to appear before Recorder aauersoB en the 30th lnsU First District Court.

Jvdfe Hunt. The argument in the ease of James Campbell lasted until a very late boat last night. The court room was filled to it utmost, by an anxious crowd, attracted thither by a warm sympathy for accused. Tbe jury took the ease at half pastl o'clock A. and after aa absence of five minute returned a verdict of acquittal.

Mr. Campbell was therefore discharged, and left the court surrounded by hie numerous friend a HOTELS THE ASTOR HOUSE, JAMES F. STETSON fc scccrssoms to cBtxLKS rrmrsoxi IVcw Tor. Tb PMrona oflkt AtTOK BOCSC will tinf tbtrir 4Ctsifort sU 4 rnfmrwt, mi tliia well laMwii Hal TtttM toei a iMaff Mile Umm Sbv.Ua Dpt, Moat gmtrg Cotmty, Vv TBaC prvo bsvvipg ytirehmew thi. wlTifi4r jl Id October laast, hr tziarvtaftil rpajir mad Imr It wltb enttnt! new tmttar of tb tt cia wj, u4 it psm Krartbt reccpiiaw of

e. Uk UKk jUy JU if fareMrd KMtnwa.ttona, nd mAt librr. rnnitBiciiU foe tb ttonfot at their iraewtm. Urf flaOtrr thr sfcavetTca tbttX Hat few (if any) wirJDC piact will at Fort! tbe nm tbia It attaiated tu tbe coantv of Mfmtomer. the m4 atbsvlf milt from 8bawvtit aTen on tbe bnk.

of tbe Bdnoke river, ma kt orreunde by one the most beautiai ud attravrtirc Kekvery to be found avmrrnir toe mm tains of Vlrfialav Tbe wat4r baa cqai'ei iifb reputation ia the last few reara, that It fa Bnuecfraary to aay anything in eomii)en4atun of tt. It la now considered a specUlc tr the worst forma of dytpe a fit, and a rrmf for alt cotanoaa dist as dtaordered conrlttiomB of the svitnurh, bowels and llrer. and for rostral ion of tbe nervons systent. a mifjht append a a roar of caUHemXrw from pbrallana and others arqaaiatrd with Its sn rits, aud to these Bgi bt be adocd ad infinltara. Pasacnirers wiU he mt at Bliawawiile by FooHnrae OiDBibaisrs, tocoTry them wr a new rood to the Sprinsv, rersAtis leaTiaa Baitin or4t asbinftov.

Ricbmond an i Pvtersbnrit In the morning, arrive at the Sprint: the tame day i those from the Soath will tai tha same conveyaare te arrival ol each train. Jel im BOOTH, COLHOCX CO. OoBesxtm Hotrl. MONTREAL, CJX.1D.1. e.

P. POPE taklwr toinftmri the trablic thst he has resumed tbe manfrrnrit of this mnrb fa vorrd Hwtel. rstablishrd bv him in 1S6Q. It ia now frari throofjtifiart anew with the moat modern aud eomtly fa nil tare, in a style second to no other Hotel on the continent; and its pieasaat situation in Notre Dame etrt et, between tbe Military Parade Oround ChatnpJe Mars), the Government (rardftt on the one side, and Dal housie Square and tha Government and lepertraeiital Orrtrrs and Pnhilc BuiMlnas on the other, render It a desirable residence both for porposes of pleasare aad business travet Tbe wbsrTfbeT, rrtarnnf thanks for the onprere tetted natrsmaire always conferred on hi ax, bers to assure the pohltc that he will use erery posatble exertion to merit a coetinoaiK'e of the favors wbtcb it ia bis pride and pev nre to arknawledee as a vine been heretofore rrceW Fareirn, American and Provincial pjemsnr tmvelera, from members of the Government and both Hosassw of the Letislature, fcilitary aad Iepsrtmaatal Omcera, and tbe tiaveili4 oomm unity in general. Montreal, 31t May.

imo. Ji ot At. Jwha Hwa ae, tiCt. 174 CAMP aTslEET. BELOW JULIA.

GThta boose is open for the acrommodacion of per manemt, dsy rnd transient boatrdera fortbesnmmeT seatson. Laree airy fro at rooms, traitahte for faml. Ilea. Table aapp) ied with ail the diicaelea of the araaon, aod cbarf ea moderats. Jen lm MRS.

DE BOLLt D. Ptrta OITKAi MISSISSIPPI. fj This establiahmertt has anderroae a thortmfh repairinav and la now apsn for tha reception sf Mi 1 yieltors. Tbe proprietor re turns his thanks to the public fortbefr patrrmsa' bnCawora. and aolicita share of the same for the foture.

Persons ran obtain todglnf at any hoar af tha ntght. Peraana whrhtna; to leave at n'fbi can woke up at tutv iumr. bv aiviiia natlc to the land iord. Peiaona wishing to get Slnavrd by the day, week or ntantti, ran it as reastaable aa at any othrr boose on the Bra Orleans, Jack aw ana Sreat ttartoern Raaroad, af tr aavzn rlanaav. Tbe proprietor will nae his atnatt etadeavora to mnk his hoarders cafriitahle, and lease tbem in their diet, Heoflfrsaptendld hah of th parent wnur, at aiaaont bosr.

Tbia pinre is airrjated elgbty elgbt mi tea from Mew OrVaoa, aod la truly a basin as placa, rhere being quite a noBwoer 01 Doaiatw on sea, sua naauarv ai at which almost an thins can bs had or fixed. far distant Vs beaattfa) trtso. the TamftanlM, fisbtna have ajraaehtng by eve or tha other of tb denoml natsnBs every Snbbatn. have Sunday scbooas aad aJafiog acbooia. Also, la in contemplation a anrrfig acbooi, for the txercias of tbe yonth Jeir 1st W.

O. PEARSON, Propvvebsr. Or, Tirwttr1fBitt Btel. MlaNavlaalpnl City. nwsh The onderaaRieral, PioprV tor A VJ I HOUSE, JackMii, Miss, rapectftilty Ibi nifnm ana i pdoik ttiax no naa lav aamcei note i lor tne ensoiRg season The booses are ia Saa orvla r.

aad will an the 16th of Map, 1 be rooms are large and Mmfrirtah la, aad a com nor set none soau nsswasunf to aOaVsis iu aoi Tbe tahle wiD he avoprlied with every tuory ha rteana aad hoaaa mnrket will aord. myi ns H. HlUZREnf. rVewetor. fmmm 4 'hWatlnini Hsstel.

Is now open, having trvery accom mod arton nerea mry for urst ciass watermg place, it stsis rewaias for saie. JUHw atciwriff rrapiietnr. Barnrea'n Htl, MISSISSIPPI ITT. Bb Tnas eartatolishsnent wrll open far that recarpcioai jg tori on tot arc a 01 jaiay. lut Ekaaax wiacer snera haa been a splendid Parlor eracteo, and the whote operty completely re no voted nnd put tn antenahd order, his Bote, la tna well known ta need no further notice.

as it is ffenermliy cttvtend serood Co none in te Cm ted Sratea for mcatimi and Irrani snfrrtnenta. saamma and nta. A tin Band of Mdsjc will he a atl ho kaad sat ail aansjav W. BARNES, Prvi.etor. Misasaatapl CHy, Mkav, May larjo.

sraya Whlta Hatlphar Hprincn, BUN IklEI CODNTl. A This long eatahtished wntcriBf place will he mea 1 I for toe receottou ef visitors an the 15th of aiayy. RsiX Many new and important erraageBBena have hevra siaatescf utm sass waws aa us Uaenge ran nsn men and nn aSorta will Do sparrd to make tbe meats coaaforfe noic. r.itfmiAn auitivn, Hnmphreye, OeaersJ a upwi iBtamdent. ayrCrresnon dents wlil eleaaa addraaa J.

SupeHntemaients White Salphur ahrlngs, iereeQbner Cax, Pavtrjt Cllemr Hotel, EASTERN SHORE, MOBILE BAT. eeaah The above astly cieOTaad Watering Ptnoe will be Opened for tbe reception ef Visitors aooat the ifHh of Jane i and tbe PrBprietora flatter them erven that tab rtrpotatios. af the ktahaahenent ah ail nog deteriorate imr want of the food apfnmtmeataV snvg aoa fare which haa bereWore cbaracterixed It The cas a for heaitb in aiaaarpsaa. the Sssstti and waa fniiy tested by the severe epidemic which pre veiled botn tn Hew Orleans and Motile during the san. nsere af isbs 'm mm aeingie case af yellow tareer origin ated at Point Clear.

Tha Salt Bathing has no rtreal on the wolf Coeat, and I artthrn few yards the Hotel the ternpermture ef water atwapa aeyreeeiaaa, FrasA waaar ahii ini ssiln aaat he had at any ttne. Fish and Oysters nre tahnudnnt dnrrng the entire aetwow Oood gaabte acecsn waod aMona are provided for all wfaa wish to keen their caeriatrea aad horsta. Tbe drieree the vicinity, ahaded with MsnoUai, Oaks, Ceara, PtaMa. Ate. are beamtarui and ejttend ia every direction.

All the amUSasaewtS tsamsai safe aVaatav4a Flare, ssu ll ana BlUiards, Brwitnt. Piatei Oailery, will he aewvideeV te P'eaaet and eonTataiarnca rthw win ne he neelectd. A goad Bang of MneSe ht aaenre and will yiap an that lawn. aAernotvBa4ftnd foe Aancinv oeenlneav A Line of a it 1 1 1 Til i a i an ii iiiiiniiini nines ling Feint Clear with every quarter ef the Uaioou The Sne Ian i Lsaar ateaaner Crescent. wiB nryrwre.

Inrly btrtweea. Moatle and Point Clear, reaoe Mobile cvvry evening i sad an Snndaya. Moo da ye, Werdnsadaye and Pridaya, will go down nt i s'ciock. A. te acaVMn anedste ihos who arrive in Moolle by the nunuof heata.

Shosld title arAedeie he chanawd, noOca wiU Wmvc ntlbe MrkbaJ. Orieena papera. Tbe Proprietor return their siacara thaofca te the Eblic for the liberal pationaga beretofora extandrd ta tns ttle sionse and their Pom Clear Hot, aad hepa aa place thrsaWSfTse undr renewed MiigaUooe. f. fl.

CHAMBERLAlt Praprietora Point Cloae Botel, tvtaws4Ratt erete. May Ian, sto. myw jri lhe.e.t ilefe4v Bllauris GTfte nndersnod, suxcesaora ta sqsx, Ettsa swenv heth pYadat, formerly srtrtetresa of tne tiroarn Oaks Botari, Btroni, rrspeetrsily aa aaat. BeHinco to the public that this eatahlaafeiiiea is now aosn for the svansser srssoa. Attached te the hotel is aZLd BUllHVisi tnrate, a heMtifnl yacbt, aaedle bersea, blwrnZ carriaeea, eftardtng pteeianre and comfort.

Vteitora to Pradat RoteL aRshis.a taa lHj sWi's vasff, wilt pi aotifV the captain of the boaT myitV JOHN B. A CSwCNaScT PrVSatT Tw Dwlliu kmrg. elTI Thni day night, from the 3. rani lira, and TTr9 yA orrel Mamica. tmrnr with sadnae and bridle an: waa aswut 1 4rrs aid! TkZ JtnZTmTZ ward wt.l Nsnsai Wr Tli JeltV at JQHi gvLTnKT.

Stock Lasadiag. fc J1 COLLARS RKivVRtUn T'T Allew'e earpanter art o. are ue EWTON, iWijt 0( ry b.avk aad fad neavw wbisars, swat tv u4 mir mLm in lie Dish, wa ifttit mtxmt itsi be is a frpwnter tj ade, ptayetb Iditie very wrl1. wVl teak sua, juasee WniH faeW steet. Jeifr tiT C.

P. HATCHRR. Fwwwt, rtei ew. tea a a sj EW ANCiiOR BOLTlNw CLOIsS. frw Tark prom MavnnfartrtrT in J17WRT BOPMKR AHD DCTOC Cp Order fovwtrde4 te asl porta eg ta Unrawa aod Csasavta by np BEWINa MACHINES.

fWee Ms bin Wrt imrn td grew I uni ef vr Pine awtng. aavd talr swie? rapidiy rncrwssts Tbsy awe waa ra SwWeTeshce te est ether at the araaat as4 naest jsbhinahe di laamaklng imalihaejiiii ana tnew ftTirene. alsa at ail the avge hotebj and prinrtnl aawraV faa i ii aavd an kandrrds ef arirnte fi Mill il satlafartl They win swat a trt.1 aamal SfS SSTfaStad three rsawn in ef mgieiA withent eeat mi repairs or fraidrbt. Ts anaald. if eVairrdL an trial, with any amd aa aXaeaT SewiM WaUaXXJa.

BkaetCIAl is 4fTSVs 'tf tamp i TSve Celefcimtewl Argrylw Bmwi TTTTLL eslertaauly car Oyspe pata, Uf MU.iiaafut. Ncrvoeas lability, piawrdered Slo ka rk, tnf Pawd, Heearthurn. Law mi Appetite, OenraJ ecvd Prwstratioa af the Svstrtm. They are ewtireiy eegtaw and free frean atl rajartoa Uaartrenia. lneyare ant tn watt, and mid rn their eSecta, kvrpng the bewvat mrniiy acted mmwms and wiU itai asi inprnrtttm ireen tha af lasmsaa Tavese aisipasst Brttera are aeraJ1ar.r adantad iwr a warea climate i ana every person ecetrmg neaain, srsmgrn ana askctioai froaa the diseases tsveideng te the tOimata, ahoald wae fthem.

Persona Wvsjaocdl hi Sfe. amd IVeUnf the hand of Itnsa Weigh tag henvil npon tnrm, with aD Re at lead ant lUa, wili SadlB the aae of the Bitter aaJEUxtr hhat wlil instil new hie in thatix veins fc reea, ta a aaveasrore, the ener gy and ardor af nawre. yontbfsl day i btdid np tlteir anmnken fcrmty aad fpvs hcaiih and bsptnesa te tarkr' ItoavJls fart that fottr oa barf ef the femaW psrtiBai ef ssr pepalsrtoa ere twhlom in the en)oy tneBd of good heaitb or, toss their own CTpiwmien, nerer feel wefL Tn are taarui4. dermd af ailenetgy, nervowa, and hare no aypevibs. Ta this ciasaof' Invosisis, ueae nitier are asnrctaiiy sntRendrd.

Their pasrultavr tonic and riaaoathoJa randea them hv valaahae in acA eases. Pen ens visiting diatrirt araaed aanuaTry with Prver and Ague, or any rever aw a PuaM aware, win noa mat by tbe timety nee ef one ar two boa tlea, they will not in ittvc instance take tae dltrasa, as the bitters will renovate and stre net hen Um system, and ferry the blie If, km ttg BMernl cinsnel M. VHEELOCR Sekt Proprtejtora. 3 Sa assa aetavt and W. aaaad aha BaUik Plar.

New Oriean. Dr. Bffwalaigra Pvreraa4 Amm IrYjrtirg XJCMEROL'S remedMa, ef inere or Urs powe to cor, Ft have knag aiece been crrTered to the public, bat in early every instance they hare arweal kteSexteal ar ia ju nous la their edecU upon the system. Onr wide spread and tonf acquaintance wrh the SOTfth em country, baa dcmensTrated to us the ahaointe want of saiV and certain care for Perer and Agve. t(uinine, al tnoneb the great remedy which is rrlied upon for thie complaint, rrequently pro 1 area disestroua eaecte, and whereby in a res the health and onstitatioa.

As a eenerai role, it sniy eJlevlatre tne dueeac, auddoea an little towards a radicai and pc mianmt mre 9 feel cenhdeat we are ellerine the community a kt ter revt.edy; it cantaint aa ucietcrious iogrexLicnLS, and inrajlaciv core Tcver and Ague, or IntrrmJtter.t Fever, Rvmittent Prvw, rerer. And Inib Ague, all of which originate from a ary the same arise, nnme ly i The mlawanatic efitavia which arisee from decaying vrr eat tion in water or moist earth, it an eKCiliugiy subtle and inBdloua poison absorbed Into the blood, and in many cases ia accumulated In tie eystrm a long time, be fay re it shows It presence in the form ef Psver aad Ague. Tbia remedy ore the Perer aod Acne tn thi way It at once attacks tbe poison In tbe satem by sUmalatfng the liver aad enpeliiiag the rims impurtues from toe biood. Win Prwprtetor, C. WH EflLOCB.

VVholeoaie Druggitta, 3 Magtxinc street, and ft) and a Bnk Plsrr, New Orteaiia, Brvwtilniaj'a Bnlwrarrilr Kpertartae. nrUlS vaiuaoic and onla. jug remedv. after iaaviug been A nsed with mnparallrlrd scccrm or many year In a Terr extrusive private practice, la now offered to the penile fa such a manner ns to be within tbe reach of all, end will he found a safe and speedy care of Co ighn, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Pains In the Side. Spitting of Blood, and all disease of the polmcmary orgsita It 1 prepare exclnsirely from vegetable aubstaecea, known te ex err a arxTtbinglnnsience on tbe longs, and can be given wltA perfect safety to the youngest tiki Every one ahould be lm pre seed wtrh the necessity of attending in time to a siieht coid from the neglect of it, new many theasanda bare been harried into an early grave by that enemy of tbe human rare.

Consumption, who, by taking the proper remedy, at the proper time, naight nave lived a long and happy lifer BALSAMIC EXPECTORANT I pronrinced te he the proper remedy far all diseesee of the pulmonary organs its preparation is no secret, the manner and materia! of Its aomposJtioa being at the command ef nuy ef the faculty, who apply for It. and they invariably recommend it in their praUttce, in preference to anything else, CertlhraU and fall direction accompany each bottle. M. B. Be ear and ask for DR.

BROWNINGS BALSAMIC CI ECTOR Alt T. SoU Profxaetors, Vt HECLOCR A Wboleeal Draarglate, 49 Magailate ttv, aad to and Bank Piece, Jal49tdAtStnW Hew Orleans. lSew OrlMtna Hrhaa! af itieellcltjet. SKnated an COMMON STREET, apposite the Caartty Hospital. THE Regular Coarse of Led tree In frits leiartrrntion wTll commence oa MObi OAT, tne lata Morember, Uae, aad ceuunae twenty weeks.

Fecaltr KRA8MTJB O. PEN ER, M. Prstfeesor af Theory and Practice ef Medicine. AJTTHONT A. PErtlaTOH at.

rrsfranar ef Phyat ADfrfW PLIWT, M. Prof, ef Otia. Meat, aad Awacafta tion and Psirassnow. THOMAS PEN ISTON, M. Eiw i Has Prof, of CUn.

Med. and Auscultation and Percuawron. SA1IUEL CBOPPIN. M. Pnfrawoe of StmrerT ISAAC CRAWCOUR, M.

Iaator af Chemistry and Medical Jurisprudence. BOW AH SMITH, M. rrofesear ef Materia Medlca and Therapeutica JOH? M. W. plCTOff.

Sf. Piafassor ef ineeasee ef Wosnen end Children. D. WAKKEN BRICRRLL. M.

Pt'sfimai ef Oaetetrica. CORNKLll IC BEARO, M. rWwmrof Anatomy. J. f.

wRAiX, M. V.t Dcamnarator af Aaatoeay. The Pvawrtue Raob wilt be opened aa the ifHh ef October. Clinical instruction will he given daily tn the wardg of the Charity HoaTpitai, and three titnea a week at the College Disperi sary be re tb pavtient namher about on hendred a wrek. The dsstinruisbed abilities of Prof.

A Flint, berth as a iaeeaiTer and wriu oa Ciaxxacaal Mjtaiarine, Will here find an admiraNtose field for display. The Profi asaora will take pleawtrr In audi us; the Studenta to procar cheap aad comfortable board and Isartging. A mount of Pees for the full Course of $108 00 Metric slatlon bnt on Lhaaecting 10 no eradktuif Pee aa 00 gor any further aodreea R. P. rraER, M.

Dean of the Peralty. Ma C4sjmaAetert stree. Blew OTiewaaV, Jarno, twte. JsnsrwWtf Uendricka Jeses Mars hail. If pBttrtrKa csr, ATTORNEY a iM) COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Sheranan.

aravaon county. Texas. TiriTX arartw la all thecoartsef the Kirteenth oicisu jjistrtcx, compnanng tne ceLnnee of ajoiiin. vriasTamjia, isoaiaj. LfenwL isc jmcm, nonrara day, Archer, totox TsxTaant.

Parker. Jobjuon. EUls and Dai las. Atoo, In Tannin and Hunt, in the Eighth District, and will proanptly attend the collection of claims ta all the aoov count tea. They will also practice ia the Barren aad Federal Cmtrta at Austin and Tvler.

Tbe arnior nartner has mrticed Law ia Texas far Sfteem pears, and ia familiar with the history of ail Hie land laws and land titles ia she St, aad will err haa partfcolar aad rraaanaJ act turn to the uxvosTiawtiran af land tataca aavd A Ceu Paoart A Co, Cmivera A New Oricana, Ceavcra, Taylar, MahheR Cov Xaw torh. JelJ aa iyW Twi Wwrka, Valaable ta tt Hick mr Well, Slvtaxny mau. aa pay cakpectea until reuvd, and Skreaeored. Addrea Dr. A PZTCM, TU Bn way.

New Vorfc. 1st. Six Lturee en the pia veeition and mre a iiDaf, Tnroax, ana atin OMprse i Rneomavtiarta aad Male and Pemeie caanrnaainta On tae aaad ef Prr serving Health te wo yearn am asaares, nl ennnnga. iWw cents ia eirwer or P. O.

Stamp, ad. A work en the Canae and Cwreaf Dtiiasisof the nevjoMraara, uver, noweis auo a.idney on Apopfexy, rakr, aad iYpraas i why we erew old aad what cansef disease. 131 pagea, 6 nsvinga price AS cent. Say Whack boek yoa Wiaah, gltuag name, Stawa, tamnty, tnwa Ia. W.

Caeper. ATTORWFT AT LAW. CROCKETT. TCXU Wi 1IX kis sadist. k.

1 swm sa SraMwl to htm In tfa. Inuiriu eosintlM. te srts i BnSml Cstnkw. AndmM. HnKlerwa.

HufmuL Vsniaadt, Sinitk. Tricity, Lm sad Wsjikcs; rntum ia in miss sssa FMnsi tmmt i. ua ut 17MS. For cwiprtrncT ssd lafMrttr ks Trim k. fkltow ei a A.

ta 6. Has. A. Scnbns, tiV i Vluku nitttxt a N. T.

i Smitk a Hurts, El. a Juknsoa a Civ, PkOsdsiphiSi Tsnssss, iSsktass a NO, Sor My. smlta ts, suTtftn, xus. w. Bmis, Hom Sso, T.sss, stsscasaa as Orsckssa, sadt akicUsaas.

tha Wiy Bsalaeia aartcnlrarsU Issplnsatias Wncimry Ttl 'nsdsswd, PrspriCr. sf tb shsis sassi i rk kBTw. ktsaS mm Pail ktsrr. la Jtrkjn, Ma.s, swv piMnd to npplj tbm wnuiU of thrir ptMiCin frids smli varioaa mUmm of STI, FLOW at ta aaissrla ft a I. cattta lacat.

lis. 8 T. 10 ii ii 99. Sod DrsTt as. Wsse Hsu sod CmmV tsr.

SI. No. I Dmlklkml T. Bxaasalos nrtlTsKna, an, ha Irsa Plvw. of tb mom otel snd afts trU less.,fciasl lssa rasas, sjd taaa acrmpcra tttrnm witk Dtsfiasds Wss Bass Osaltcra, i nrtrs far rack. u. ntm mrfrri ks ()? th trad. wKh Mrs Hsndtes, lm rniot Aiaks. arskss, aad all kiads aj 'Callural N.

a ssods. csrta Trarka. mn ts arder. V. iy (oik.

tnmnM ta sraot but tbatss, will aw tli best BMtrrtol, hot a srosd. lisav arimai a. la tk mr, ksst sasa M. w. rwrr.rrm, aOBT.

K1.1.S, ravrevea Ceaaa for male. fu ftMi aw. wwck M.rtno. pma, stsuud aayos Mm wiilim tnrrr twux nm)o4 mile mi mum Trwrni IiUnd. Thi.

trsc sr. rm for my tKmmi.VTf, iwavr. lr. a. jrDHo.M auaa.

CttCT rotors. Mws OrteaB. TTtrrps(HRVa 1 A so, Cmnlw TTRRY PMVtrs an. 'rr leo hs LecrB. is.

A a. RiusmIwvB, A. iS. XAarr.Kn. Star irW THINK.

OF IT. Pt Bsdvsj nspacttiiS7 saksatw tb tmamUmtiea mt tk rvbtk. ta f6Wwta ntdeacw sf tae acrnnS sititfr 1 aatescy sf IL1D WAT'S SEADT KELIEF, a BADWATS BKflUUTISO FIIX9 aa BADWATS RXSOrATHnf jJUA.a.vr. sc sisstaMsa mt aa fmlm ceea aa lasnBttlss SADWAVS BEADY BELIEF. TW BMsswat tkla Sssadrk araUe cztmalty.

sr a trm drar mt takes to tk krd rWAra. icrai ar ofpM saB aw mt paia arkstbsr af Hktumaa, Keanttia, Ciwipa assssns, Bssd AcWa, Iryssatsrs, JHsnkea, CaBe, CksTa or Cbatrra Mrka, mkrtlwr mvm l.l.iillM Cmmtrmfvm of th toaasca, awa, Uwrnr, aidsera. ar ls rrrmrm, B'Uuaains ar aa AVSccUsa of tb Tars. Laaaa Caast. sastasT bovracriMloUac th Tmrm rhs saSWar aaU mttnd to raM aad coasiort.

a VEflETAlLt iCBSril'LIB FOR CALOMEL, AND MKKCCHTi KADWArS EOTJLATTKO flLU Ar tke mmi, rrrct rsrsHt Puis la ar. bS TrsrtaMa sahstltet. for CalotsMl SB Mcscsn. Dr. Kaalwar's Keaalarlac FUle Arr nprrlor to all mOta PtrrxatiT or CathsrOc ra aaa.

Tkr actio aaoa the howts aaickar aad srrth Isaa ssta aad aaoaslarsa, and ta all casaa the. I tk. kowoto ta a thr and Rsolar condition. 1 rmmrm ml Bluoooaosa Costjisnoos. Con.tlp.4Soa of ta Bvmrrtm, Usrr CoaaslaiBt.

yap. sots. Orapsj ma sU stkca nsnti of the Stoatocli. aad Bawoi. a fw Ishs of tbrat rms will restore ta system aa av aad aaalthj cavdlrioa.

RAO WAT'S REOULATISa nXL Ar. mwnj with attta, ara Swc fros. tast smell, aad caa mm tmuiy swollowod aa snsar plttso. EADWAT'S BEOCLAriKO FILLS Ara compoard af rw Arnia frsrn tb Tr tobl. kinodoot of Eatrvts.

OofM. aslurna fross Root. Plants Herbs. Troos sad Plowtrs, jmssisslin wood rial ssetlicinal rtoe. Thoos who ao.

these Pais whea sick, or eaprrfmee aaplcsaant om. of appruscaln diarsse, ..7 rmiy opon immediate recorery, slid wul be bteased wltb Co. tiaaed HoaJtb. Tbey Portlr and BqoslUe the clmlatkra of tb BXo. Tbsy correct .11 lrreiral.ritie.

nf the Liver. Ktoteacb, aowela. Heart, Bladder, Kidney. Head aad Brsin. They purify and eapei fros.

tbe stesn of the sica, all SDorbtd and corrupt Hainot, ad Restore tbe Paw otd Onruss to Health snd recuiarlry of acuoa. Under their healthful Inflame The poise kreoajee re ralar sad healthy The Hrrt, LWer. Stomach, sad SosreU, discharpe thett several function with besleblul reg aity. aad tbe entire system Is invested with each hib conditioa of health a to renper it iaapresasnt. to tha attock.

mt rtiorase. To HIrk Ladles. Radwsy's Keselatins Fills correct an Irresuiaiitleaaf the female system. Latiies seaVrfog fros BTSTFR1A, DISCRARSES. fX DO ALBUfc sad those who mfler from retentie of th rely open a posidtive restoratioa to beaUJs by tbe osw of thee nils.

Tbem Pule ar eteaantrr coated with gam, eve fsosa taste or emeiL Price cesU per he, roatoiaast 30 Sold by Drassiata rvrry where, ad at Badmy A Cm. a Johaetreet. Pl'RE AND BEALTHV BLOOD, BAD WAYS EES0VATIXQ EESOLVENr 1. as. mmmrnt noetttve and thorooek cleaasla si vstiu meolcin.

known to medical iri.Bc, It ponSe with mronlshblg speed hnnvrtt and SUeeeord oiood, and reooive. wy .11 diaan. deposlta, wacthse ha ta bleed, beam, jeiats, twoaea, Ac SRIM DISEASES. Alt eraptlone mi th Saee. Ulcer, Tamos.

Tetters. Cankers. Btaon, Venereal aerea, SypulHa, BronchirU. CM.rrh, LruM me of ta. Cbem aad Lanes, Censtrt.tienal DUtuH, or.

uckly and perB.STker.tly exterminated from tne svstro my tae one ot aAHWAI ar.NOVATIHS RESOLVENT Tk.r t. a mre eJos of h.ntkal mldli. moa tbem ScrofoJa Hereditary St pbllav aad Ceneumetoa know so COr)STITUTI05AL, aad which toe ramify asy canaot ke cared, but may. aotnotimea ketesf. less intense aad vio.ent. with socfa oompeommr witk Away with the aVaahot becaee eem Bluat is tntrenche ta the ceaMtutotkm, ks can only mrtirsted or mooaeed. sorl, oa wtil prove, to so r.nfostoB of whmrmrr may tWNta. th. fart, ton RAD WaV'S RKSOLVEAT aispooe. of all coaotftuaonai em order, a.

certainly nd eBirtrtsllv as a cool hwese eoa the aseaatalaa freshen, aad parikea tb be earna. Bts. LOCAL PAJNa Dr. W. B.

rrllnay, of tbe dry of Verb esrerV enced ereat renef from the mo of klDVlf aBLlRS Id hrnrnat rrr end Laaabaa. Ou a sew a tnutea, rertrved blm office BR sins. alt rTTT rr SCSOFCtA CORED. ISAAC PITTS, Es Irrsytow. Oa.

testirUai "Three year. ae I bad u'f rc girl, twenty Sv. eor. eld, taken atck with SCKOKI LA. rearin IsKerSw Strt, 1 sent hr np to my daoekter, to ke aee to Si at snentef Dr.

WUIiama, In Henry cooaty, reat reporatton In curin chronic d.ras.a Tbe rrrl sa matned there tar thre months wttloc denvbl any keneSt ta fart, ah. grew worse all tbe time, aaa I bad to for bv home, a bra she retorne her tlrwe. eca aad. rm. were eoeered wttlt Ranfalnf Beeea Sc was so we.k sue cenld scarcety srota she was oor.i to sbeloton.

1 wm sdvts hv atr. Oliver, ef tnts pce, to one HAl.WAY StNOViYltS RRSOLVfctMT and RCorJLATl6i P1X1.S. Th ee asoata. soAierd to restore her to health. She is now well mm she was a.

w. taaea sle k. Urs. Taoa. wh.

live wi'hln Svemile of thiepasca had aegro girt anSerlne werae man mine fra. tne avas dwesae. The Hoctot here piwiueed her taearab tk mt ymur vusbie pnediriae cred her eatirery. V.a may pobllsh tlu tor th ocartuof elOers. icx he 1 trsenn raot.

rriTa. A Afr, Csa Braebeae CHy, Sr. Alary Parieh. a OK. RADWAT a CO.

ltn.KUhh. kw. dariagth. neat tsseier, in tke LA a Ibes. La.

hewing tinrher. At tl ennsaieBment. ef (a work soose were srhVtcd with the oowel rempulot sad anme. aroe and fever I pracureo mm year RELI CP from and In a stmt time tbe nura were all w.11. and mm remain.

My own care yoa anil BvonaMv recollects tt mist have keen laSsmarstory Rknsetlsm mr Lembe. On apirltcatwa of tn sLAUJtr cased at. and 1 have felt ao nun since. I am, raapectiaily yra, w. A.

BJIArP." CRlPrLE FOB TWO TEARS AM" MARIA HE.CO, Barliagt, aastiSeai Jarre keen a cripple for two year, hi my lea lee. btp and keiid. 1 sad two bean, ef aaUWATS Iteutl LtT PII.1 with Bir.r.v SE.ree REaOLVKMT. In te, we, 1 oooM walk Wltoom me TUB OLD PRACTICE DIICAIDED DIL RAO WAYS TRKATM F.ST ADOriBlr JAmBS W. ST ART, If.

Calk P. La Pr JAMES W. STEWART. precticsB physicbvsrlm Leeieiaaa, andee a letter eatod Jaa. as laa, stove, trast.

In all case of Scarlet Fever. SI, ill s. Crew, WanpTo. Co b. aad evea Small Pan.

hm aeway. anecaeoe ta saving tbe live, ef patients my hbsiis. a rt THAI PILL and REACT atljAf. mmt WTLBY at StDIRBS. Beer Mg.

La. Tbat asdsmyekterllrtneebewe aawawasnaV Ins carta my aetibborbood. my Ma Atarara waa tea. srHiesed with a aem Caroale Compla'att on. a.ii3 BaweeagnlMia Pins, and tw MU bT ung aeeotveas saane a si I maaslia by sicaam la my casavt talle.

TUMOR ri, tub; prOMR. Tbl bIi.isb tdRher veetlne teat Mrs. mar A BrHtonhaaatomm ta the we ether iniTwVj eBtramlUeewereperajhlngt eke snm atseaaed ktc Bk w. permaaentlv ewred It ILmmmmZ. ua,.as aay ReUefaad aVajaa ittaSrT B.

Id'eetoet, Rapid Parios. La. "Tl ehB sare werreiv weea aaensintiom. that Bevtber ha, pe vsic iao aertrdseasertoto.jkje as. rtooverv.

1. rT asad ley were a perished a. to give him ao mm, mt. fbeaa. By the Oo.

Badway Beady Belief are Una Pills, ia tweavonuis mm BO carrsln ta tr mm CkejTynU.toBarrar.tTT PATRICa BTAH, afaaa. IOrwaavtfet "Portweavy aveyear 1 kavo kMl a (eversaee est ara, leg, bet i now completely rated throo, the mn.i ssesyt ReeevexiB Reeotveerl aad fcec. k. IhaveasiMred Badwsy Randy nvttef and toe rie manyinataoiea Theyw alwav. remove ptwu, aad.

rosUra Ue, to haal ta ssteeaa Moer manes Is s. Bafwayi Keaetw Kelleg la rWrlsIa. awBLLiite orrss ei.Ar. sorb ptes, fsoaa TuaoaTa amo bau cotwsa clwro. Jarfesaevsrle.

Pia. April as, IW. r. Tr. Badway Btr.

I wm aicicted wita Sweuiae ol to Obsnd. aamoeh that leoui. baealy eat 1 bottle ml Rariwav kadt Roller aad OoXhs Btu.m.i wMhlt. In twenty four hoars my tnroas sra Writ. Atthesame time I aon very asee t.y.

sestHBi of the Re.lef go. tn my eve. trout otf Sneers, aad d. wee. mtn.

Lwhme. n. hie tn. wetl. It alM esnd a r.r Con.h.

woic. 1 ha.1 keevt seaueiod 'i fo tbat real led Ml mt aeiX. bAUoAU, J.Ai.iv. TLAPWAT'S BEMEnrra ara c4d by tn.i asd RAUwAf aeon fnj Pi dOii. mtlf.

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