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Fort Wayne Daily News from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 2

Fort Wayne, Indiana
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JMw4iMil1 tllWH if i 1 WOT ii TilEvlTOflT WAffNE DAILY NEWS OUTLAW LUMBERMEN MUST DISSOLVE PACTS UIT8 ARE TO AGAINST CHICAGO BE INSTITUTED THEM IN til JGAOO June 13 Civ II Jt to dissolve a nuniher of assoUs lumbermen ostensibly cor Soilal and eeml buslucss on but allec tlotis tlJ end TUKDAY JUNE 111 that tha jurora bliev they have un covered sufficient evidence lb show thut sev eral of the largest association Of lumber men especially In tha north vest are In reality Illegal comblna tlona In restraint of trade at denned recentlj lw the supreme court of thi United States and that rU II dissolution sulU aa well as in i VI prosecutions Villi he uiii Tour Si ila jfiT f4aJ cirm folloV ywwjr nalHv to 1 Oilih prlyy V1 li A Special lion to Pa in Telephone Numbers Above See i i I i A I I PRICES FOR WEDNESDAY Strictly fresh country eggs 1 dorcn for 28c Country butter 2 lbs for 45o Dreseed fat hens at 16c per lb Prices bring orders make up jour order and phone or come to the stores Strawbenles jjneap plea and cherries for canning Dont vail now la the time Parowax Parafflne 8c lb Beat extra thick jar rubbers lOo doten or doten for 25c Mason pint Jars 45c dozen Mason quart Jars EOcdoien Holiday preserves 26c quart Jar Holklaj taking powder 19c It can Holiday rice lb sack for 10c Holiday brand special blend coffee 2Jc quality a teat good drink er 1 lb Buck 69c Rolled oats 7 lb sack He Japan rice 5 lb sack 19c Navy beans lb sack 25c Good pumpkin I cans for 19c Hominy 3 cans for 19c Table sjrup 10c cans I for 18c JCldney beans 3 cans for 19c Table peaches 4 cans for r0o Pumpkin gallon size lb can lc Quarter oats pakages for 25c lull cream cheese 18c lb Toulds macaroni of spaghetti 19c boxes 2 for 15c Hockvnqd cocoa 35c lb can Rockwood Premium baking chocolate 14 lb cake 17c lb JJc New Haven flour 50c sack large sack 95c delivered only when ao compacted with an order Poultrj food lj lb sack 25c Poultry food best quality In 10O lb satk 1175 0 Mtile Ttam Borax powder 5 lb box 43c iV ulc Team borax soap for 25c Carbo Nap tha s6ap 10 bars for S9i Lenox aoap 10 bars for 5c Pride snap 10 bars for 25c tnlumct soap 10 bars for 19c Gloss starch 7 lb sack 19c Argo atarch 5c boxes to sell fur I Be Mar matches 1 dozen Gc boxea In package SOC One match safe free Toilet paper rolls Id for 29c Toilet paper 10c rolls 4 for 25c Soapade powder 2 boxes for 10c HEIHVS GROCERY Whers Quality Purity Cerrecl Weight Honest Measure and Low Prices Predominate Trouble Proof Eyeglasses Fiflera years experictiee and our complete lens grinding plant make us masters of eyeglasses building The guaranteed ftliur on eyeglass with the lenses we find your eyes require will give you maximum comfort at reasonable Gout Meigs Glasses have shown thousands what competent eje gifji service Well exchange your old ones for a reasonable difference Examinations without charge I 1 nfll CttSIGHTSPECiAUST LYRIC THEATER BLDa 1012 Calhoun Street Vfflr4tB no Pro HAS NO SUBSTITUTE Tea as lV res ur tlo i 1 1 ie na I ore I emo 11 Idea Of It Intended as ietitlon ho often national cam rule It Is be launched to popular reform uvv personal ant 1 that It lll ml In the rent of ajj candidate for ne preauientlal nomination In 1912 More than a ear ago Senator Owen com oil ed the Idea that It tioiild be a sood jilan tn organise the progresses of the countrj Into a fighting Ijand GODFREY COATS Hi Wr si TBB HJ lew 2ttTjSiiM WWDElf Negro Confesses Watch to Stealing Last May a Gold Godfrey Coats formerly emplojed as a porter at the Occidental barber shop on Harrison street confessed to Detecthe Sergeant Ward Hall shortly after noon today that he stole a gold watch from George McKenzle at the birber shop last Way Coats skipped tow after the robbery returning only a day or to ago Tom Vandeman a hostler employed by George niser and living In Duck al lej as thrown from a horse on Calhoun street near the Cathedral shortly after the noon hour today lu sustained some painful lirulses and was remed to his home in the polka ambulance Ths Liquor Fijht at Munou MCJfCIE Ind June All elTorts of the etsr to compel the drys to produce their poer of attorney cards In the second and sixth wards wers blocked when tha commissioner sustained a motion of the drs to strike out that part of the nets amended answers at erring that attorney in fact cards were hen with powers ol discretion and that the attorney in fact did not possess the legal power to sign thfe remonstiance Previous to this the commissioners hod ruled in favor of the drjs on almost Identically the same matter All of ycstirdays session was taken up with arguments on technical matters going to make up the issues The ruling of the commissioners yesterday afternoon on striking out a portion of the amended answers of wets practically ends the issue ork in the second and alxth ward cases and the el dence as to the legality of the signatures on the remonstrances may bs taken up today Ihere has been some talk that the wets ha considered agreeing to a submission of the evident In the two wards similar to the action taken In the first third fourth and nfth ards and allowing the commissioners to make their ruling so that an appeal could be taken to the circuit court at once thus hurrying along the final hearing Attorneys for tile applicants however who soy they hae a long i nance of winning in the second and sixth wards and especially the second ward stated tonight that all of the ei denee as to the lcgalltr of the signatures would be submitted It prohably will take the greater portion of the week to hear this et Hence as the wui hae challenged thlrtj four signatures to the remonstrance In the second ward and sixty six la the sixth 1 warn Absolutely Pure Tko only baking powder mar9 from Royal Grape firosm of Tartar UIMEP9SFHATE aP Wit 4 a snsiSB rfA WHICH 1 NATUP1 THE CANNING NESS INDIAJiAPOLIS Ind June 18 That James Polk wealthy head of the Polk Canning and Sanitary milk companies here will resist any attempts of Ms children to prevent his marriage to Miss Edna Coughlin was Indicated here today when former Judge Allen attornej for Polk de clared that hi client had a perfect rignt to marry Miss Cdughlln and denied the stories that Polk was falling mentall Polk Is slxtv three while the bride to be Is but tljlity An attorney representing Polks children asked the local police to notify Chicago authorities not to permit the marriage stating that Polk was mentally unbalanced Mrs Lsfsyre Rslsased CrtrXDn Colo June 13 That Mrs Michael Iefere acted In self defense was the erJIrt cf the coroners Jury hat held an inquest oer John Zang whom the woman killed when he wutnt to make a criminal auiu1t up on her while her husband was ssiv from home Mrs JNefevre and her husband were the principal witnesses The woman showed great emotion ss she told of me struggle to sale her honor Proctor Knott Vsry III JJClUON Kj June 18 Former Ooernor Proctor Knott who when ongrcssman rrom Kentuckj Immortalised the St Croix rher In a speech is said to be In critical condition here today from the effects of paralysis and pulmonary tuberculosis WW Commencement at Notre Dams NOTFtE DA1IE Ind June 18 Ths commencement exercises of Notre Dame which began last Saturday closed last night with the oonfcrrltic of degrees on ninety two graduates the largest senior class in the history of Notre Pame Honorary degrees were conferred on Goenor Judson Harmon of Ohio who delheTed an ad arees to the law graduates Saturday Bir Charles Fltzpatrlck commencement oratory the Rev Walter Elliott 8 who preached the baccalaureate jurmon and William Rockhlll Nelson of Kansas City Mo former Notre Dam student and editor Of the Kansas City Star Ths degree of doc lor 01 science was conferred on Dr James Walsh of Newark ctty who has lectured regularly at Notre Dame tor a number of years past the degree of master of science on Edgar Arm stead Milner Portland Ore and Oulllermo Patterson Jr New York city The flrat degree In mining en glnerlng ths new school established at Notre Dame was conferred upon Albert Lorenzo Jtetcilf of Shlllsburg Wis The commencement address was de livered by Sir Charles Fltzpatrlck Chief Justice of the Dominion of Canada Tha bachelor orations were given by James Leo Hope of DeKalb 111 Charles Miltncr of Lake City Minn and Francis Wenninger of South Band Ind Arthur Hughes cf Budd III delivered the taledlctory address Steal Men to Units Hr Want Pink Cheeks Red Lips 4Htj MjMjwj Rome unfortunate men imt women ro prone to wonder whji someof Llirjlt fileiids ore Mriuml wti an almiiiuiBce tif tolur plnk lieU red flp while tliilis aie Hlw roloiless The reason for this kiHt named condition in Time Is not enough reil blood nvptntrlfs tn the liluod uhilof a munwp the Wood Is thin and watrj TV fh flabby too WrtlkMwnnh sk Wnseimcrtihut tievrulai admlnlittis tlon for seveisl months of hre irraln hum nifLii Ittltit felll M1 4 the rnlor ailil to viinht nrd miice tlio liivKS frlrk and toe lljw red ami In genen 1 I verv enelltll For rlf admlnlslralioTi obtain fiotn any of the best apotl eer shops WASHINQTON June 13 Tnat a fraternal feeling among steel manufacturers has always existed In regard to methods and prices was admitted by James 1L Guyloy for mer first Ice president of the tnlted States Steel corporation before the Stanlej steel Imesllgatlon committee of the house toda Vnder examination by Representative Toung Rep Mich Oajley declared that prior to the xteel war In 1907 and 90 the price of J28 a ton for steel rails waa arrhed at by an agreement between the manufacturers of steel and the railroads The railroads could not afford to bu rails at a low prlte said Qayley They were compelled to buy rails at a price that Insured the reliability of the product This fraternal spirit also embraced the securinir of a fair hh Uha product did it nof asked Voung Chairman Stanley todaj summoned former Assistant Attorney General I rank Gellogg to appear Kellogg I uflll 10 Mtaa st i I mil uo onncn TKaruing me operations of the department of Justice in relation to the steel trust No Indictments PITTSBrnar Pa June 13 No In llttments will lesult from the federal special grand Jurs probo Into the 11a 000000 coking ioaI deal hetween the lnlted States Steel corporation and the Pittsburg roar and Monongahela tlvr Consolidated Coal and toke inm panles While the federal nttn 1 charge today refuse to dlscnan ih port that ill I made at Washington It Is known that It will state that theie is no ground on whlih to Use hargis of violation of the anll trnst law Bsnktrs Will Bs Entertained NKW OTILKANti La June 13 When the American lunlrs assiicla tlon meets here Nm ember 21 ami 2 1 In annual convention the deli kales will be entertained hs 1hvIIi1 as King Rex himself committee of fort two with A Hrltton vice president of lliMJermah American bank as chairman is arranging an entertainment picifcram a feature of which will lie a ball In tho French opnra home fashioned ofter mardl gra festivities Wsst Point Graduates WT3T POINT 5 June 13 Their ff r11 iie eiie iiiints in Miss Junt Wolf of Indianapolis lis lsltlnj in ths city with friends and roiauves Mr and Mrs Peter Eggeman havs left for Kansas to visit relatives for few weeks Mrs Wllklns Is visiting her mother Mrs Strtughaji of East Berry street Ths Friars hold their monthly meeting tonight at their rooms at oclock on Wednesday evening Mrs Johnson of 316 EastPon tlac street entertained the members of queen Esther Sewing circle this afternoon Mr and Mrs Frank has returned from St Joe Mo where they Usited for seieral weeks ltl their daughter Miss Nellie Klrkup of Pontlad street will leave tomorrow for a visit of several dais with friends and reli thes in Chicago The Deborah Sewing society will be entertained at the home of Mrs William drags at 626 West Jefferson stieet on Wednesday afternoon MIms Ella Bkellev has returned from in extended trip through the east where she has been lsltlng for several weeks wim relatives at MclCeesport ra The Ladles TAld society of the First church will meet on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs Edith Ward 622 Wert Superior street Bup per will be seriefl at 5 oclock Mr Whiting Alden who recently graduated from the Unherslty of Michigan left Monday night for the state of Montana where he will accept a poiltton there as assistant forest Inspector Miss Tlossls Miller left at noon to day for Rensselaer to attend the com mencement exercises of the St Josephs college Miss Miller will tlsit In the eily for several dajs with friends The Toung People a society of the lethcl Evangelical church will meet this evening for the seml anhual elec tion of officers After the business meeting a soclaUialf hour will be spent ss a sort of farewell reception for the retiring deaconess Miss Mary Bchon delmoler who leaves for Chicago within the next few dJjs Miss Iterfha Lose waa the guest of honor last Saturday afternoon at a very loiely narty ghen at the horns of Mrs August Kayser Miss Iose who Is one of tne many June brides of this jear was terv pleasantly surpris ed by the manv beautiful cut glass gifts which heri friends presented her for her dowry The rooms made an especially Inviting retreat for the afternoon for tha dainty garden flowers were arranged artistically In bowls on the tables and mantels A delicious luheheon was served at oclock to the guests who were the Misses Cor lna Roade Hulda Kajser Sophia 8tarUe Luella Kajser Jdna Ollssman Linda Kayser Alice and Minnie Tursh mnn Frieda Ollssman Anna Kanner Adella Kav sef Mrs Robert Orfl assisted the hostess in erlng The day ot all days In this month of June that teems set aside for the brides Is Wednesday the 14th There are six happy couples who will take the sacred niarriage vows tomorrow Among them are for one Miss Nellie law son who has been one of the Most showered brides of the season The wedding of Mis Lawson to Mr Hess will tak place at 8 oclock In the evening at tha home of the brides parents Ths Rev Arthur Folsom will read the ceremony in the presence of a large number of oests The bridal party will be an exceptionally large one the appointed matrons of honor being Mrs Martin ana Mrs Arthur Eentley Miss Lpra Walter will be maid of honor and the Misses Blanche Bllder back and Edna Martin will be the bridesmaids The ribbons will be carried by the tMesdames Brown Wood and Arnold Curdes Cntsrtainment Tonight There will be a most Interesting musical program tonight at the First Methodist church on the corner of Uavns and Lafaette streets The choir of JQiing people which lias made so much progress for the past few months will give several excellent numbers besldea several solos and addresses will make ths program an unusually acceptahle one Harmsyer Schaefer A very charming wedding of the month was perforpied last Wednesday evening when Miss Emma Harmeyer became the bride of Mr Henry Schaef er The ceremony was performed at oclock In the everting bv the Rev Jacob Miller at the St Pauls Luthi ersn church and afterwards an Informal reception was held at the horns of the brides mother Mrs Haf mever where two hundred amenta mt to shower the happj coUDle with fhete goon wjsnes ine bride wore an ex quisite costunie of cream satin trimmed In pearl passementerie and earrled a shower bouquet of brides roses Her bridesmaids were the Misses Hannah Schaefet andTredla Lange who wore very pretty white embroidery costumes and carried graceful bouquets of pink Proved It Two years ago We started our great profit sharing CO OPERATIVE plan You no doubt heard various expressions and guesses but Three Thousand prominent citizens in all walks of life are now stockholders and have a proprietary interest in this store They have received regularly the 7 per cent dividend on their stock and 5 per cent discount on their purchases Ask any of them about it Shares 1000 Each Dividend of 7 Per Cent Guaranteed On the Up to Date Co operative Plan Read Our Guarantee If yon buy one or more shares of preferred stock you will receive 7 per cent dividend payable annually on Feb 20th and if you are not pleased with your investment you can have your money back at that time Whore else can you take stock and have such a privilege as this You will also receive 5 per cent discount on all roods you purchase payable June 10th and Dec 10th of every year 6 Per Cent Disoount On All Purchases Payable Twice a Year A Mutual Profit Sharing Plan I Hundreds of People have got back their 1000 in 5 per cent discount alone Application blanks and any information cheerfully given at the store Notice to Stockholders The 5 per cent discount on purchases is now being paid Please call at the office for your check The Peoples Store KELLOGG ATTORNEY FOR SIEEL SUBSIDIARIES TRUST BUSTER ON THE STAND IN TRUST INVESTIOA TIQN TODAY WASHINGTON June IS Admitting that for years he has been counsel for the Dululh Iron Range and the Duluth Mesaba Northern railroads subsidiaries of the steel trust Frank Kellogg government truat buster this afternoon before the Stanley steel Investigation committee ot the house declared that his Arm Davis Kellogg Severance Is still counsel for the roads and for companies connected with the steel trust At the conclusion of Kelloggs state ment Stanley announced The chairman and this committee want to know how and why certsln railroads are able to pay 100 or HO per cent dlv Idends and put four to Av a million dollars Into their surplus when their capital Is only four or five millions We will summon the ei presl dent of the United States Plerpont Morgan or any other person to get the whole truth Kellogg said I have no apologies to make In regard to my aervlces for these companies The affairs were purely local and had no direct connection with the steel corporation In 19011 I conducted a case for these companies In the Minnesota oil fields and presented a bill for 115000 This bill had to be ICd by the steel corporation officials Since 1907 I have given my time practically exclusive to the government In the Standard Oil case My firm however has continued to take all proper business that comes Its way their oath of ofllcs Manuel Bonllla the new minister of communications completes the Installation of the ad Interim cabinet The ministry was advised today of the existence pf a plot in the federal garrison at Culla can Sinaloa ths purpose of which was to take up arms against ths Madero administration and by force obtain ths presidency for General Reyes General Villavlcenclo formerly chief of jucrei aervice unaer arrest In conec tlon wUh ths Clentlflco nlnf taken to ChlhuahuA today to testify In mo us iui oi ins uanco as Mineros cases THE DEATHS Far basomnlav headache neuralgia and rheumatic pain tako Blackburns raln Away JIII uw nKuiar uruiy ln tlr cigniv inree new nmcis ff the i Trank mm i Bni mis uitrrmihn mil tart on their brier furlough ijW jj llie colors The wnng oHlirrs ha tQ months with lhlr famllha Uicy bit assigned to their reghnents i i Ill rsrjH0i Continued on Page Might NOTflE DAME Alumni Vyil Fornl a Fort Wayne Club id tjaturdsy in Tho Very Jtev John Cavanaugh president of Notre Dame unl vcmltr and the Rev Mathew Senu markef dh ectofof Kindles at the unl f8tt TaL1 iln1 lust to be riven hvthe rprt Wavne alumni of the college at this no hotel on Sat utdn evening nt 30 ndorlc The purpose of the nquct is to got the graduates together with a view to foriulnn a Port Wone club Heural memlxm of the Clilra AirallUn III I miena me bnn onet to aid In thi trfeai tno oigaiilratlop The ia olBb nines Heuas A Fox Ij Vn Hreeu Hale TMnie Dick Dlnnen Oenrge Mtirpn Wnncn A Keller Carl Oontlhie Tohn Fgire man rhirifa Mc i nerBP er ivennem rociwinii rii aid Vriv HsIlsnbsDk David te Ilaltenbeck aged sixty three yeara one hionth and one day died Tuesday morning at the family resiaence uni eouin vvayns avenue Iieath followed a long Illness from dropsy and heart trouble Mr Hallenbeck was born in the stats of New York In U8 He had been a resident of Fort Wsjne for the past twelve years and since his resldepoa here had lived a retired life He leaves the widow two children Claude Tallenbotk and Mrs Dull of this city four grandchildren and two orcuners vv iMiienljfeck of Homer Mich and Charles Hallenbeck of er montwilp Mich One daughter pre cedet the father In death Funeral services will beheld Thtirs day morning at 10 oclock at the residence Interment at Llndenw ood cemetery STILL ANOTHER RESIGNATION CHOP FOREMAN LEAVE8 FORT WAYNE NORTHERN Noble Graham Resigns te Go to Rook ford III With Jaequss The snnouncement was made today of the resignation of still another official of the Fort Wayne Northern Indiana Traction company Noble Graham shop foreman today tendered his resignation to 8 Greenald the purchaBlng agent who Is the active head of the concern la the absence of Vice President Watson Mr Graham leaves the company to go to Rocktord HI where hi will be associated with Jacques masteJ mechanic of that system whoas for mer the master mechanic of tha lo ufL cllon comPiy Mr Graham has long been Jn the employ of the local company and Is very popular here CLEVELAND Gsts Next Convention of Convention Charjtiss BOSTON Mass June il CWeland was selected for the next national wot ol cnanties and tlona ths properties In tha interest of those whs hsvs put money Into thorn Mad a Fist Fight MADRID Spain June it do yeloped today that several members of the cortes engaged in a fist fight at last nights session during a discussion of the Moroccan situation The disturbance was lad by a group who accused the government of fceing ajfrsid iu iran renca aggressions 1 ii Off for Boston CHICAOO JunsM Ths Chicago Association of Commerce departed for Boston early today on a speilal train Elaborate arrangements tor their entertainment have been mad by ths Boston chamber of commerce A for eminent submarine boat Was launched for tha1 visitors 8urviyor General WASHINGTON June II Ths president today nominated Jerome Locke of Livingston Mont to be surveyor general cf Montana Each of the 1085G4 persons supplied with water by ths New Tork watsr board during ths last financial Year ussd II I gallons a day HEARD IN A RESTAURANT oorreo 1 tmlun ad ft lemlng riTJttlt nr lMt7e ft Vrlsh Janes Inrsn inorommisiiotisanq a rfof speoll4Trrldmff 3t ilia rilL UrgedenannfthelomgiifflCertritlllUm11 ll BllK aijt aua io me tous ot uaaur I lUieflle 1103 li ard Ollmartla 1 i vfirti luUcl i Ire In li anj II Gith wanted to learn iiir mill Criminal Prowcution WAStllNaTltxTD June Declaring that In bla oolnlnn it not compatible with the nulili -St at the present time in i whether any criminal tirnMiitL personal defendants in the tobaeco uui vw were qoniemplated by the department nt Justice Attorney Central WKkersham yesterday afternoon forwarded a letter to the houe of ret reoentatlvca Immediately when the letter was received Representative Hjrne Dm Tin IntmSSt current resolution directing the atior ney genera to bring Indljdusu prose mJ Mlst the score or more indi vlduaUlefindants nal Mexitan Cabintt TakitOIRcs MUIKZU ITT Tr 19 flie nations uuitiLrn nmi uirnaamj i v18 THE COURTS Anna Kramer in her complaint for fr Ernest Kramer al leml Uiat he is an habitual drunk 5 th ni tlat pn ib nltTUt of tawlUVtK art injunction to prevent him WslUng her Bfae seeks a divorce the restora tlon of her maiden same Melsch the enstodj of her child bei belbls 1 attorney for th pialntw Marriage Licenses naries Adam tWenty two farmer and Elde Koehlnr Uh Victor Dunke twenty three tWhree ni Ann Kable tSSt riCtlvALp Now would VOU Ifke plain obsmr CEkfAlIlNF ThIfJ 80 wdden After Lewi Publishing Company ST LOflS Juno lt Twn i XxX simed tnhn tk mt the Lewi ft m0 ot ki Panyanditsi it WMMA uv i hj WW King A mW of kZhZt WS IK I Whats the Use i Being Without Money when you can get whai you want from us at such reasonable rates in gums from to 100 Interest only I pr cniper annum 26 interest to a year 151 Interest v0 a year Other amounts same ratio Owners of Juffciturs orpiaaa mechanics and UvJkkopls advanced money wnhofltTny one having to sign hot with them Tayvs tackln small amounts weekly or monthly or to auli your convenience Other loans paid off and mors money advanced Confidential and courteous a ways tt usknow ywr want tedmeclruitcourTtmfJS racfvrcostt4VP SHSS Tlis suits were lod Claude wn I who with Kins RhiL alJII QMs rem esnf nua I I SS fjMr Prsy the api ElUDIIsnsfl 1895 9har of fn Si i jWy iiVlrj iwiyiJ iMf.

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