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Fort Wayne Daily News from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 2

Fort Wayne, Indiana
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i A tf tlitii vV pfFfs lipilPTOBswWWJTW UWlT IV a1 IIHKFQ1WI3 flAlLY KitWS rUESDAY MARCH i mm Special Sale lip3H Used Pianolas Aiiextraortf tjcPknpjlayeiX inistrunicrits iii first elas jCsndliiouiiMlarantced 2WJ250 pate Pianola eft 250 Oak Iiatipla viiri25Q Mahogany Jiapla Nevv 250 Mahogany Hanola Nievvv300 Walnutf Pianblav ew 300 Walnut Kanplai vVefcv 300 Malipgaiay Kaiiola KqV 250 t90 How 115 NottM125 Now150 Now 150 175 Now 185 Terms rl6Dpwn 7 Monthly Packard Music House 930 CALHOTjii STREET SEREHO PAYNE pyrtEHlSTB DECLARES THAT THE TARIFF BILL 15 THE BEST THAT COULD BE FRAMED WASHINGTON March 23 Chalr juan Sercno EL Payne began his second days speech oh the tariff bill when the house convened today Before he could fesume his discussion he was forced to rply to a dozen or more quick fire queries He evaded adroitly an attempt by Moore Rep Pa to pin him down to an admission as to whether opportunity would be given for amendment tothebllL Garrett Dem Tenn aroused Paynes Ire by suggesting that taking the bill as a whole It was a revision upward Payne waxed angry The gentleman Is not fair to the committee op tomehe shouted Any intelligent nun If he read the bill carefully would see1 that it is retlsloh down ard Th charge that certain testimony befomtheWaysAhdttieani committee tad been omitted In the record was made in the house this afternoon by minority leader Clark during the course Wan interruption to Chalrma Paynes tariff speech Clark declared that a number of witnesses particularly those satakingifor the leather trade had cut but a large part of their crossiexaml nations where they had made adraU sons which they preferred not to have appear in the record WALTER WELLMAN Much Interested in Report That the South Pole Has Been Found WASHINGTON March 2l JIuch interest was manifested here today when the news reached Washington that an expedition had planted the British flag on the world southern extremity Walter Wellman the well known explorer and newspaper man who ln tends to make another attempt to reach the north pole by balloon said It would not surprise me to learn authoritatively that the feat had been accomplished Although it had been expected that the north pole would be reached first the south pole is the easier of access Ueutenant Shackleton has probably reached the south pole by means of his boat automobiles and ponies Conflicting Reports LONDON March 23 The city is filled with conflicting rumors as to the success of the Shackleton expedition to the south pole The Pall Mail Gazette sticks to Its statement that the expedition succeeded but close friends of the explorer and members of the Royal Geographical society Insist that the report is not true They say their advices which come from associates of Lieutenant Shackleton are that ho had to give up when With in 123 miles of the south pole A dlsr patch from the lieutenant has been received but Is withheld for the present AT HUNTINGTON Several Fort Wayne Parties Arrest There Under 4 Promptnes1eliiibiliiy Accuracy Slylt ClUBfUl jwhnf ThlCliJvCr Bailtf QuaUtf 3eary Bailey mnpt Printers Producerepf HighrGradeSoclcamd Cornmcrctal Pruibng HomeHonei782 AVvf Fort Wayne parties are figuring rather largely In Huntington police circles at the present time The six bums who went to the LI me City for a roller skating party with six fair maidens of that city were find Jl and costs and sent to jail for eleven days as they did Dot have the money on a charge of fain riding The men were arrested on he supposition that they were connected with the recent robberies In this city and they were held until this could be Investigated It was found however by the local police fhat the men had nothing to do wllh the affair The names given wefeohn Jlaker Ed Hodges John Erwln Frank Rivera and Frank Murray One other Fort Wayne man has been arrested at Huntington this week This was Albert Young char jed with stealing an interurban pass book belonging to Edward Smith Huntington Smith Is working here and it is alleged that the book was 6tolen from Smiths coat at the place where he waspfthjobifTik1h84ibea returneu tosiwin oy xoungsuroiner In law but it is declared that prosecutions wiU follow nijertheless MANY FAlfr Very Few County School Pupils Sue ceeoln PaSijna the Examination More than two thirds of tho county svhool eighth qrade graduates who null mlttd tf xairilnalliin to determine their Eligibility f6r entrfinea Into iiommla sluried high scljools last Satufday In this city ilnrlun lluhtertown and Monruc villc will fail Although County Superintendent I lehry Felger ha not completed the work or gruilljig llio miiiti wrlptK ni VPttlielHs lia gone throusH tliB jreater portion of them ami the ahove reHuK Is cvjiient Tho fact that so many will fall Is a sore disappointment to the puhllc and county school authorities of Allii county tli number of gruthuites tliln eur was particularly large one llicre being more than SIW examined Tile grrutoHt Htumbljng block nn the ono over Which the niujorlly of pupils failed was in arithmetic Hupeiljitcndent Felger reports that tiic examination in this lepattmenf Was a very hard one for eighth gride pupils as some of the questions propounded were as difficult as those submitted at the teachers exam nations TJle questions in the various departments are distributed by the state board of education and arc uniform throughout tlio state FRANK FRYER Taken Before Judge Anderson to Answer Concerning His Conduct Special to the News INDIANAPOLIS March 23 Prank Fryer was brought from Fort Wayne today to explain to Judge Anderson of the federal court his conduct Fryer was arrested several years ago for robbng a mall sack at Kendall vllle but was allowed to go on a suspended sentence The court heard recently that Fryers behavior was bad THE HANDICAP Great English Race Was Run Twenty threet Starters With LONDON March 23 The Lincolnshire handicap of L60O sovereigns for hfe year olds and upward over a straight mill the first stake rare of moment of tho Prrtlsh flat racing season was today at th Lincoln course by the liukc of Sparta at 29 to 1 from thfe utabre of A Mandrass Sol Joels Xrranmor was second and Stern Longcroft third Twenty three horse ran Danny Maher and SketU llartfn had mounts In tha race but wetft unpIaccaV GUN UN0ER THE BED MRS PERRY SAYSHER SPOUSE KEPTIT THERE OR HER Drlnit land Wanted iHer Earnings CourtHews That iter husband falsely accused ber and tbat because he was jealous of tier he tlept every night with gun unite bis ped are among the alleg tlons made by Mrs Leila May Perry la a divorce suit which Attorney William Fniechtentcht flte4 ior borr loathe aii perior coiirt jigainst Kluni Per Sot pniy Bho says did the gun repose un der the bed but Perry also thf eatene4 tokilj her Mrs Perry aha asserts that Perry drank io excess abused her spent bli money for drink and when he ran out of funds came to her nt times and asked hef for money wUch sh6 earned for her own support by working The Perrys were married August 19 1897 and separated February IT 1909 They have one child which la la the custody of the father The wife asks for the restoration 6f her maiden name of Thompson and the privilege of Visiting her child Scott to Whitley County In coripllance with an order of Judge ORourke Sheriff A JL Relchel derfer on Tuesday took John Scott the slayer of Walter ThorhionV to Columbia City and turned hint over to the Whitley county sheriff Scott is tp have his trial In Whitley county Judge Heaton In Michigan Judge Heaton of the superior coiirt went to Coldwater Mica Tuesday tp visit Mrs Ueatons mother who 111 Suit on Contract The suit on contract of Wlliiam Nassenstein against Frederick Oettlng is on trial In the circuit court The case which is a hotly contested one grew out of the sale of a grocery store by Oetting to Nassenstein Partition of Real Estate Judge ORourke brdered a partition of real estate in the suit brought by Kllzabeth Worman against Armlnta Carpenter tind others Marriage Licenses William Miller laborer thirty two Mi ilfs jiehry Oroh and son fuckw fire In thft i city yisltlng Mrs OiH Meyers Itiss MaudiMoore whrihas been the guest Vet Mr and Mrs Wggett of Iiake avenue has returned tq her home la Cellhi 0 The East End Embroidery club will be entertalaed at the home if Mrs TheodoreTitus on Buchinan street on Wednesday afternoon Miss NfllieWllt Is celebrating her birthday anniversary today by enttt tainlhg twenty of her ybung jfrlehds at dlnheViat the Hotel Anthony The girls chaperoned by Mrs WIU Mrs Noble Olds and Mrs Heln rlch wl after the dinner go to1 the Majestic theater as the guests of Miss Olga Rlceir MnRudoiphllllgeman celebrated his fifty lhird birthday anniversary Sunday afteriodtt and evening by entei talnlng at his home a number of Ms friends who Included Mr and Mrs Henry Ulenhake Mr and Mrs Henry Prange Mr and Mrs Schlaudfoff Mr and Mrs Henschen and family Mr and Mrs Kaag and family Mrs Schnster Mi Schuster and family Miss Lena Reiman Miss Edna Anderson Mlsi Jeanette and Miss Clara Smith Miss Lizzie and Miss Christine Prange Miss Edith Ulenhake Mlsw9 Hilda Minnie and Edna Hllgeman Mr Clyde Bergens Mr A McGuIre Mr William Schuster Mr Homer Scblatt droff Mr Carl Schuster and Mr Rudolph Hilgenjan April Dances With the passing of the Lenten season onEastei Sunday April 11 a numberbf dances are scheduled at tho MulqueeniDancIng academy In the newj Minuet building So far as arranged the dances are as follows Wednesday Abrll 14 club Friday April 18 annual ball of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Brotherhood of Railway trainmen Wednesday Aprlf 2iPOlveclb Friday April ii Railroad Conductors Monday April I HOTEL FIRE Three Killed In filaztf at Cornwell brrtarlo JtONTJlJiAL Ifsrch SljAt Cornwall Qnt early trfday thrte fcrsons were lurnedJojleti tbJnJuiidibiieJweni iy pmers jiaq rwrrow escapes rromtne Same at whn flrs Besfioyeil Jbe JVJnd Mihbtet Thetfeadkref Oewire HaglrihaCalJeiraadjiltn7i Wnd Duqutt find Hermina Pajson milliner tweu if Ladies AtfilUary to the Brother rFU rtAKMAtlirn Fn win amq rafl IllAVi Ui IUUUIIIULI tUillllWirff lieu nesdaj April 18 Bonlta club and Friday April 0 the Catholic Benevolent league of Indiana vjr THE SOCiAU6IDE OF FpRTVVAVNE CHURCHfiSi The Ladies society of Plympiith Congregatlohal church is planning a Supper aad entertainment to be held lnthefhurch parlors on April 1 iitil3 Crick entertained the Ladies Ala society of the Simpson Methodist jchurch this afternoon at her home on West DeWald street Mrs Evans had charge of the program Circle No 1 VVestminster Presbyterian church Mrs Penna chair man will meet at the home of MrsV Thomas Taggart Third and Cass streets on Wednesday afternoon at 2 30 oclock There will tje a business meeting of the Ladles Aid society of the West Jefferson Street Church of Christ at the liomeofHfrs Parks 522 Madison Btreet Mrs Leland will tyelght Jesse OConnor cook twenty seven and little Mackln twenty two CHANGE OF TENTJE Snearley Poisoning Case taken From Wabash to Whjtley County Sheriff A MKelchelderfer returned At noon from Wr4jf county where took Johii BcbttTwho Is to be tried thert oil a charge of murdering Walter Thornton Sheriff Relchelderfer stated that while Jhe war there the sheriff at Wabah rtiunty delivered to tliO Whltlej county authorities the papers Intlie ras of Dr Snearley who is accusod pf pols orlnif his Wife The rase was venucd frjri Wabash to Whitley county TAKES THE COUNT Miss Whitto akaChantiat th Nobility PARIS March 23 The engagement has just been announced of Miss Muriel White daughter of Mr Henry hite the American ambassador at Paris to Count Scherr Thoss an officer In the Royal Prussian crusaders a wealthy Sileslaa nobleman by birth and a Roman Catholic All Paris is agog with the news Miss White is a charming beauty and has had many suitors in the past including Austen Chamberlain son of Joseph Chamberlain Lord Willoughby iisssssssssssssssVSbssl SSSSSSSSSh SlliiiiiiBSHtKkkbZTSlH siiiiiiiiB i Bsw Vl sssssssssssssssssss0 Av jy IliiiiiiiiiiB AMW4 Miss Murlef White and her father Hhry White the American ambassador to France De Eresby Lord Howard De Walden and the Hon Reginald Ward son of Itae Earl of Dudley miss vvnite met ine count only a few weeks ago while visiting Mrs Reynold lljit wife of the secretary of the American ambassador at Berlin The atnhsisadbr and Mri White were at the time at Nice entertaining the officers 6t the American fleet The couple saw mucbof each other during MIsVVhltaa aliorUvlaltJn Betlljtanil the count followed the younj lady back tr Paris irheree iiressed hl saltwlthsuchi ardor that the engage ttCht waHanri6unce4thIf week be assisting hostess On Tuesday evening the Sunday school class taught by Mr A Curry at the Plymouth Congregational church wlljhbld a ciass rally at the church The Invited guests Include the officers aid teachers of the school Mr Burns pouglaa is president pf the class QfgaiiUation The Young Womens society of the First Presbyterian chUrch will be ttitertained Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs Noble Olds 407 West Berry street from 230 until 530 Assisting hostesses will be Mrs William Olds Miss Daisy Hatter sley Miss Martha Kettler and Miss Stella Hunter The annual election of officers will take place atthls meeting and a full attendance Is desired Continued on Tenth Page RABER again Is Released From Jail Only to Be Arrested on Old Charge John Raber whose propensity for raising trouble at home has kept Mm In the public eye and In jail a good bit of the time jvas arrested by Patrolman PeigenTiiesday on an old warrant charging him with assault and battery ijpoiijttne of the members of his famlty lie was released from Jail only Monday1 morning after having feervedaternijfor drunkenness Some mbnths ago Rabers wife died sud jdenly fdlloltfg a row started by Raber It Slleged while drunk ii i iii i Llfsor Kldnaplno DE3 MOINJU la March 2S Itepre sentatlve Cooper today Introduced a bill In the legislature making1 tha punishment for kldniplnx MT imprisonment Instead cf flw years 4i now KV ti ftlCAPS Golf tiger and Rul Dog shapes in all the netficotora at 50c 75c 10O andlt50 PATTERSON FLETCHEK CO Penny Pairr nMut quemarirThursday Friday and Satniday bottt fair to see tftV 8ttscfl cltrsiv fiOteStlff Haf hefow bujtos youf nexthali PATTBHSON FLETCHER COi Call Home Phone illi forestlmafe to your houa Cleaning AMERICAM VAwUMHUSECLEArUNG Just rttema avntost cemsleta ltar of BoysWtoU Prices UftasdCftOfti PATTHBONFLETCHHR CO UU TUU btl Ur 7 ntjr ta8B 11 you gee so many of are jjKan iMMWS one hand Guaranteed against MM 0 ti fBBBBBBHa2iBBBBHsaBn iH JjH 1 Pt Eyesight specialist Lvrlr Thfltrfl IMcr i i 1012 calhoun st Have You Rheumatism Kidney Liver or Bladder Trouble To Prove What Swmp Rot the Great Kidney Liver and Bladder Remedy will do for YOU all our Readers May Have a Sample Bottle Sent Fret by Mail Pain or dull ache in the back Is evidence of kidney trouble It Is natures timely warning to show you that the track of health Is not clear Danger Signals It these danger signals are unheeded more serious results follow Brights disease which Is the worst form of kidney trouble may steal upon you The mild and immediate effect of Swamp Root the great kidney liver and bladder remedy Is soon realized It stands the highest for its remarkable health restoring properties in the most distressing cases It you need a medicine you should hae the best Lame Back Lame back Is only one of many symptotu of kidney trouble Other symptoms showing that you need Swamp Root are being obliged to pais water often during the day and to get up many times during the night Catarrh of the Bladder Inability to hold urine smarting In passing uric acid headache dizziness indigestion sleeplessness nervousness sometimes the heart acts badly rheu matism bloating lack of ambition maybe loss of flesh sallow complexion Provalency of Kidney Disease Most people do not realize the alarm ins increase and remarkable preval ency of kidney disease While kidney disorders are the most common diseases that prevail they are almost the last recognized by patient end physicians who content themselves with doctoring the effects while the original disease undermines the system A Trial Will Convince Anyone la taking Swamp Root you afford natural help to Nature for Swamp Root Is a gentle healing vegetable compound a physicians prescription for a specific disease If you are already convinced that Swamp Root is what you need you can purchase theV regular fifty cent and onft dollar size bottles at all the drug stores Dont make any mistake but remember the name Dr Kilmers Swamp Root and the address Bins Jiaralon jf which you will find on every bottle SAMPLE BOTJLE FREE To prove the wonderful merits of Swamp Root you may have a sample bottle and a book of valuable information both sent absolutely free by mall The book contains many of the thousands of letters received from men and women who found Swamp Root to te Just the remedy they heededThetaluean success of Swattip RQOt Is so well iknown that pur readers lire advised to send for a sample bottle Address Dr Kilmer Co Blnghamton Ybe Bure to say ypu read thi igenerous offer in the Fort Wayne Daily News WfRS MEEGAN bead Old Fort Wayne Resident Passed Away In New York City Sister of Peltier Mrs Ellen Meegan widow of Thomas Meegan and a pioneer resident of Fort Wayne died Tuesday morning at the family home In New York City after an Illness extending over a period of two years The remains will be sent to thls city for burial Mrs Meegan was injured in New York some two years ao when she was dragged for a considerable distance by a street car which she was boarding Since that time she had endeavored to regain her health and recover from the shock caused by the Occident but In spite of all efforts site gradually sank For some days last It was seen that her condition was critical and this morning relatlvesjn the city received the telegram announcing her death Mrs Meegan was a daughter of the late Louis Peltier and was born In Fort Wayne in a house located where the old Avellne hotel later stood She married Thomas Meegan and lived In this city until nine years ago Her husband was for a great many years shop clerk In the local Pennsylvania offices and was retired some fifteen years ago with an unusually fine record He moved to Kansas City about nine years ago and died there In 1902 About fouryeara ago the widow went to New York City to lite with her Children and there she had made her home until the time of her deatht Surviving are four children Frank and Charles Meegan Mrs Samuel Ry landand Mrs Edward Taylor whose husband fs a son of Mr and Mrs I Taylor of this city a Peltier of this city Js the only brother The remains will arrivev lit this city Wednesday noon and after short services at the Cathedral will be taken directly to LIndenwood cemetery where they will be Interred Solemn high mass in honor Of the deceased will be sungf at the Cathedral Friday morning at VAS oclock Of Local Interest Revlva services ate now la jtrogressj each evening At the Chnrch of qod 3201 South Lafayetta street Re MLoveiot Whitley conntyyls preach lap i The Fort Wayne Komer aid jRescne Mission wiltiold a special service foy men tonight Wednesday evefilhg Mrs Qulrics irtlt httjf charge 61 the meiatr Ing ri Mrs it Ryanof BpylRun avenue wit operated oaMondaimoritIng7t SLJowDhshcltiiandIa now con valesekig Busklrk reports that very few cases of contagious disease exist In the county at the present time The first case reported to him in several days was one Tuesday morning in the family of Willis Reft north of Harlan where a small child has a mild attack of diphtheria The family has been placed in quarantine Airships In Indiana LAWKENCEBUIta Indj March 23 Scott of Chicago arrived here this morning with his alriWp and wilt locate about two miles from this city on the Henry Bobrlnk farm between this city and Aurora where ho will experiment for the United States government Scott says the spot selected lsth best suitable within a radius otioOtaUes of Cincinnati tliere are about 1000 acres of level land without trees or brush It takes power to get the dirt and dust out or rugs and carpets have it AMERICAN VACUU HOUSE CLEANING CO PHONE 1918 PILES CURED IMS TO 14 DAYS PAZO OINTMENT Is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching Blind Bleeding or Protruding Piles In 6 to 11 daysor money refunded 50c Fish and Oysters BUCKS LENTEN BULLETIN Halibut Salmon Codfish Mackerel Red Snapper Smelts Shad White Fish Pickerel Black Bass Blue Gills Sun Fish Perch and Fresh blve Lobsters Sealshipt Oysters Selects Standards Blue Points and Clams Geo Buck 720 8ARRt80N STREET Phone 541 ifl fM is3 HENRY WELLMAN Funeral Director an Embalmer 2II West Berry St Offlca Phone 278 Residence 603 OPEN DAY AND NIQHT Northern Seed Potatoes Five Carloads Early Red River Valley Stock Call and See them Write for Price List Bash Sb Co A I A if RIGHT NOW you may not need a loan but some day you might In My case irye canbe of service to you In that llne come In and let us post you purconndentlaliDanner of dblnk business wDI pIease yoii and we Imow If you borrow from us once you will call again when in need In case of sickness we extend your tline pur facilities for quick JqanSj easiljr paid back in jtonvenlent Installments of small amounts on long time are uneaualledi Any amount front 5 to 1100 vn va iittliaiia lm fe aARCADE SECpNDi FLOOR H0MEPHpNEJ9i E8TABLI8HED J895 taW 1 sl i i xm inViii i iii i ii i I psjgiiMflljMIl I mzwwMWfj tia i1 fiH Owes CMIa Om Dtp vW wsaaMi.

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