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The Washington Post from Washington, District of Columbia • Page 3

Washington, District of Columbia
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

iijc 15 is Sr THE WASHmGTpNJPOSTr THURSDAY FEBRUARY 28 19071 KNOX FOR PRESIDENCY Pennsylvanians Launch Boom at Beemer Dinner DECLAEED LOGICAL CANDIDATE 2epresentative Burke in Nominating Speech Says Former Attorney General Could Reconcile Warring Factions of Party Congressmen Cheer Suggestion Senator Laughs but Does Not Refuse widest Influence In that sphere i should bo Ithe desire and the duty not only of every citlzenkbut of every State While each xrf use may be ardently engaged In doing bis Individual duty we are apt to Jose sight of the greater measure of good to be accomplished in national politics and legislation by the harmonious and well directeddirected efforts of State delegations of the size and character of that which represents Pennsylvania In the Senate and House of Representatives When we consider the fact that wlthr the exception of ajery few years out of the last sixty Pennsylvania has been In accord with the national administration it seems strange that Pennsylvania hasj furnished but one President and stranger Southern Republic of Opinion it Would still must seem the situation when we re A call that that man was James Buchanan unoignuiea Accept ine owuw DECLINES GIFT BONDS San Salvador Rejects North CaroliniansVdffer SOUTH DAKOTA KEEPS THEM within at short time a succeswvto ait nA wr ru4 Theodore Rcosivelt 1st to bs electei A ju Present indications point to his persistent I construction Period and Their Validity refusal to have his name even considered 1 Wa to 1 a for another term And present Indica iT liens also cleary point to th fact tnat I the people will demand the nomlnatloi I ii i ini iiiianl election of man who will In ront at the next Hepublican National Convention In favor of the nomination former Attorney General Philander Knox as the successor of Theodore Roosevelt The boom for Senator Knox for PresU tent was launched formally last night general sense he In thorough accord with eif oafvaaor the policies of the present Chief Execu ZS Uonal Assembly in es ttve 8n to day refused a donation to Salva Trested Man on Guard aor made bJr varions persons In the Stat listen man on tul North croUnA ot bonds of the Stata Ana innu aemana tney wui exact that nonebut a rnanwbo has been tested be placed on guard In furnishing ruch a man the national convention will of North Carolina to the amount of 500 000 I In reletting this proffered donation the AitstPTTlhlv 0TnrMujii1 tfia nnlnlftn that it at an Biiuoraie ainner given oy nepre 1 vuuiiucraiv me exigencies oi pontics as would be Undignified for Salvador to ac centatlve Ella Deemer of the Fifteenth well as the fitness of the man himself cept the gift Pennsylvania district at the Shoreham I The logic of Hie present situation m2t i a ia it2 Hotel to the Keystone State delegation Points to Pennsylvania From recent Jouur JJaicota uoids mem in Congress It was Intended to mark declarations of faction alls ts and develop Pierre Dak Feb 27 The bill orderv Mr Deemers retirement from Congress menu In other States having Presidential lng thereturn to Jforth Carolina of 30000 after six years service and was attend possibilities It seems that there is not one obtained from that State in gratis bonds ed by Senators Penrose and Knox and all on the list of those under discussion at was defeated In the Senate to day by a the members of the delegation In the the present time whose pathway Is as vote of 25 to 16 Housv Mr Deemer presided and In a tlear of factional disturbances as the man vigorous speech declared strongly against i wfco has come to be recognized as one of The donation of the 1500000 of North a revision of the tariff Representative I tne safest Counselors and the possessor CarolUia bonds toSalvador which was de Joseph Sibley who Is also soon toiof on of the clearest Intellects that has dined bjj the National Assembly of tlat retire to Drivate life acted as toastmas uuua way into ine senate oi me tuumry tvetoru ng xu oeunwr bihuuuhs ter I United States Representative James Francis Burke i In looking over the list of all men In of Pittsburg sprang the Knox boom In public life who have participated to any Bpech hich evidently had been notable extent lnl the most creditable achievements of Theodore Roosevelt the name of Philander Knox looms high atxrve them all At the very Inception of I lenities were countless and the course was filled with many obstacles It was the carefully prepared He said Privilege of Citizenship The privilege of participating In the guidance of such a government as Is ours should be the most highly cherished of all American ambitions To wield the MARRIED FISHKR INQALS On Thursday February a 1907 at Hide Park Baptist Church Chicago MELISSA IN OALS daughter of Dr and Mrs Fletcher Ingals to CLARENCE FISHER of Falls EDWARDS SOPER On Wednesday February 27 1907 at Washington Mr EMMIT EDWARDS and Miss MARY SOPER of The Plains Va DIED DONALDSON On Wednesday February 27 1907 ELLA wife of Harry Donaldson Funeral private FENTON On Monday February 25 1W7 JOSEPH beloed husband of Heln Fenton In the fiftieth year of his ace Funeral Friday morning March 1 at 8 JO from his late residence 1255 Four and a half street southwest Mass at St Dominics Church at 9 oclock Friday morning Interment at Rock Creek Cemetery GILMOTJR At Atlantic City on Tuesday February 26 1907 ALLAN GILMOWR Funeral from his late residence 2015 street northwest at 10 a Friday March 1 Interment at Rock Crek Cemetery New York and Richmond papers please copy KOZEL Suddenly at Ithaca on Tuesday February 26 1907 at 10 GEORGE KOZEL Notice of funeral hereafter MAHONEY On Wednesday February 27 1907 at 11 a at her residence 62S street southwest Mrs JOHANNA MAHONEY widow of Patrick Maho ney a native of Abbeyfeale County Limerick Ireland Funeral Saturday morning March 2 at 9 oclock Requiem mass at St Dominics Interment at Mount Olivet was made by a New York syndicate headed by Bird Color What Senator Simmons Says I Senator Slmmos says that the bonds were Issued by the carpet bag legislature of North Carolina In 1863 and that the State haa never received oneeent for the securities The New York syndicate he says haa purchased almost the entire fTRRTTTTTXfTT Ctn WnlnMdAT EVhwi ary 27 1907 at her residence 427 TenthTJocuIar allusions to the frenzied friend street northeast SARAH beloved wife or jrreaencK Mersneimer in fortv elchth year of her aee Funeral services will be held at her late residence 427 Tenth street northeast on Friday March 1 at 11 clock a Relatives and friends Invited Inter ment In Jersey City New York City Hoboken and Jersey City papers please copy RIGH Suddenly on Wednesday February 27 1S07 at Garfield Hospital PERCY beloved son of William and Mary Rich In the eleventh year of his age Notice of funeral in Friday mornings Post STAFFORD On Wednesday February 27 1907 fn the morning LAURV STAFFORD nee George beloved wife of James Stafford in the twenty second years of her age Funeral from her late residence 41S Eighth street southwest Friday March at 2J0 Friends are Invited to attend Asleep in Jesus Norfolk Richmond and Fredericksburg Va papers please copy NOTICE Uarrlax nd death EOtlcM inserted la The Wuhington post will qpoa application appear aimnlUneouelr without extra chare tor either Insertion or telepraph Inc In any or all it the following morning sewapapera CINCINNATI ENQCTRER NEW TORK TIMES BOSTON GLOBE BUITAIiO COURIER CHICAGO RECORD HERALD PHILADELPHIA PUBLIC LEDGER PITTSBURO DISPATCH PROVIDENCE JOURNAL ROCHESTER HERALD ST LOUIS REPUBLIC 6YRACUSE POST STANDARD 6T PAUl PIONEER PRESS MINNEAPOLIS TRIBUNE CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER The bonds have been offered to a nun I ber of States and Independent govern 1 ments In order that suit may be brought against North Carolina and th validity of the securities passed upon bxthe Supreme Court of the United States THOUSANDS VIEW FIRE Sauters Carriage Repository Wrecked by Flames srir 12 who breathed life into dead statutes Im parted vitality to abandoned policies and wjto pointed with the uncrlng clearness of the evening star the way to those accomplishments which have done more vo Immortalize the administration of Theodore Roosevelt than all else that has Decn done In his great struggle for the people ngnts No Room for Discouragement Let not the crv that he Comes from Pennsvlvanla a great Republican State discourage or disconcert us now The nation is too great to be longer guided In Its national elections by that ancient fallacy which thrives on the thought that Presidential nominees must come from doubtful States That has been an Idol long cherished by those who have profited by it but In recent years we have been shattering false idols and dissipating false notions In this country Let Pennsylvania lead in destroying this last and most absurd of them all With the splendid opportunity presented by the logic of the present situation defeat seems impossible and the fruit of the effort It seems to me must be the selection of our own faiorite son for the Presidency The mention Senator Knoxs name for the Presidency was greeted with a great outburst of applause and later In the evening other speakers present seconded the nomination Representative Kline the only Democrat In the delegation declared that if a Republican Is to be chosen as Roosevelts successor he was for Knox above all others Senator Knox made a brief speech In whjch he thanked his colleagues for the mention of his name for the high office of President He treated the matter in pleasant vein and turned it off with WIFE TTTFTS5T0Y covrrxuED from first page NEAB BY HOUSES TBBSMXJmJfS SLS Firemen HaveTBrisk Fight to Save Residences in Vicinity of Burning Building on Street BetweenkSixteenth and Seventeenth Streets Northwest Fire Caused by Hot Coals Among Shavings shin of ReDresentatlva Burkn And ntha the it is likely that a suggestion made by representative Hampton Moore of Philadelphia that the delegation mest In the near future and take steps ti secure united action for Knox for President will be taken up and carried out Guests at the Dinner The guests besides Senators Knox and Penrose included Representatlres Bingham John Dalzell Joseph a Sibley IS Mahon Irrlng Wan ger George Hnff William Graham Thomaa Butler Mayor elect John Reyburn ot Philadelphia Charlea Brumm Olmsted de MorrelL Acheeon Burd Caaael Arthur Bates Hnry Palmer Qanlel Lifean Allen Cooper Andrew Barchfeld George UcCreary Reuben Moon James Burke Uriah Libber Kline William Smith A Bchneebell John Reynolds Edmund Samuel Hampton Moore Thomas Dale and Drescr William Andrem Delegate from New Mexico MaJ Alexander McDowell Clerk ot the Houae of Reprejen tatties CoL Andrews chairman and John Williams secretary ot the Pennsylvania Republican State committee Watrous William Russell Deemer and the tallowing Washington correspondents Charles Campbell ot the Philadelphia Inquirer James 8 Henry of the Philadelphia Press Warfleld Hcbbs Jr of the Philadelphia Ledger Louis Strayer of the Pittsburg Ga aette Tlmea and Angis McSween of the Philadelphia North American Southerns New Purchasing Agent JiUNHrtATi DIBECT0BS FRANK GEIERS SONS 1111 SEVENTH ST NW Modern Chapel Telephone Call North S23 JOHN WRIGHT CO Funeral Director and Embalmers LWery la connection ee of chapel on premises 1317 Tenth St sw Telephone North 47 Open day and night WILLIAM LEE Funeral Director And Embalmed Lirery In eonn ction Commodious Chapel and Modern Crematorium Modest prices 131 PmniylTanla are nw Teephone main USS WM SARDO CO FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS 401 St ns Modern Chapel Phone EAST Sli GEORGE ZURHORST UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER Funeral Parlors 101 Eaat Capital at HINDLE BAYLISS UNDERTAKERS STH AVD NW Phone U7 THOS NALLEY SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS Itn Uth strset sottheast Telephone East iSt HARVEYS SONS FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS US FOURTEENTH ST NW Strictly flrst class serrlce at moderate prices Commodious Chanel Telephone no th Rt JOHN MITCHELLS SQN Cndertaxer and Embalmer TJft Il 11th at se Fvoexsi parlors la connection Phono oast 171 SPEARE Undertaker and Embalmer 94C Street Everything strictly Srat elaas on the most tea scrsble senna THXDNE9 MAIN 428S AND OgL ADOLPH SCHIPPERT Funeral Director and Embalmer 20th and Pa are aw Calls promptly attended to day or alaht Chapel for funeral serrlces Phono West 16L WM RILEY rndertaker and Embalauor 101 Id sL ee Telephone east Carriages fsrnuhed for all occasions rUHKRAL DESIG1TS GEO SHAFFER FLORIST rpkoac 241C Halm 14th a Etc ata aw FUNERAL JDESIGNS Of every description aaoderately priced GUDE 1214 art atorthweat Tkoae 4278 5N with office in this city He takes the place of Col Joseph Mlnetree deceased The appointment is effective March 1 LICENSED TO MARRY Frederick Volkes 2L and Roaie Jarboe 19 both of Terra Cotta a Key Charles Buck Emmitt Edwarda SO and Mary 8oier both of The Plains Va Rer Fergu imaglne how I feel Just feel brokenhearted never was as blue in my Jife Tou and all your people have always oen so nice to me and now for them to suspicion me of a sneaking act It 4 nearly kllUv mg to think about IL I tw uujia on ine eariy iraia ima morning and have been in my room the mbst of the day Never was troubled as much In my life I met Jim and Phil each last night and was SO In hon thaf thev would I mention the subject td me 1 Vas rid ing past and they were drlylngv In a trot I recognized the horse and stopped and we talked about different things and I waa praying for them to say something to me about the matter would have mentioned It but thought probably you would not want them to know you had said anything to me about It I am going to tell Phil the circumstances when I see him again that I went Into thertom to see if there was a glass I could take a drink out of and I heard him open the hall doorl ana aid not want him to see me attempting to take a drink for fear It would tempt him Dont fail to come here Wednesday Iam anxious to see you lwlll sure meet you at the train then you can go right up to Blanche Millers 1 am mo lonesome to night to see you dear Write me as soon as you get this If You can Tours forever lovingly BILLY If Phil knows you said anything to me about the matter suppose you read part of this letter td him do what you think best Third Visit to Washington Mrs Bywaters testifledthat Bywaters Insisted on a third visit to Washington and she finally consented to go He went to Washington on a Monday to attend the races and ie went there the following Wednesday The train was late ad they did not see the doctor until the next day That was Thanksgiving Day and the doctor refused to work on a holiday He finally per formed an operation with instruments The witness said that although she was suffering excruciating pain She had to walk from the hotel to the street car no carriage being provided After the last operation Bywaters took her to a restaurant on Pennsylvania ave nue about fifteen minutes walk from the doctors office She had nothing to eat there but Bywaters left her there for about an hour and a half while he went to look after some mall Mrs Bywaters testified to going back home wiere she met one of her brothers but did not tell him anything He later sooke to her about the matter but she denied It Bywaters also denied their relations but finally they were obliged to confess Pleaded with Brothers The witness testified that a meeting Bywaters families or In some way direct I iy connectea wren tne trial ina in nouncement was received with disap i WMuufc uj UIQ U11UUS W4 many of whom had already crowded into the little courtroom Mrav Gaines proved an excellent witness though her testimony hardly carried the effect of that given by her sister during the earlier session Trace Tragedys Course Questioned by John I Jeffries for the defense Mrs Gaines told in a simple unaffected way of Bywaters first lntro ctlon into the Strothef home his af fectlon forTvlola and then of the clrcum stances leading ur to the tragedy at 3totherwood on the night of December 15 when while fleeing from the bedroom In which his bride of an hour lay 111 he was shot and killed by her enraged brothers There was no color or passion at the outset of her testimony but when she dwelt upon the illegal operation alleged to have been performed won Viola at the Insistence of Bywaters her bitterness against the dead man was apparent She declared repeatedly that her brothers did not entertain the remotest thought of killing Bywaters up to the time of the Do you think that any one anticipated the shooting of BywatersT asked Attorney Jeffries No I do not The answer wa quick and emphatic Mrs Gaines said that when charged wjth the betrayal of their sister By waters asserted his innocence as did pViola but later when confronted by the statment of a physician who was called to Rotherwood both broke down and confessed Ten thousand persons last night watched a fire which wrecked he carriage repository and repair shop of William Sau ter at 1625 street northwest and threatened destruction to residences and other buildings in that vicinity Mr Sauter estimated his loss at 4000 saying he carried insurance toione half tnat amount on his stock The building is the property of Mrs Honora Rundlett of 1816 Oregon aenue Fire Marshal Nicholson said last night the damage to the house probably would reach 5000 The fire started In the woodshop In tne rear of the second floor being caused it is believed by coals falling from a small stoe into shavings on the floor It had gained little headway when discovered but soon spread through the 150 feet of the building to the front and to both the floor above and the floor below In the buildln were carriages and vehicles of all kinds in addition to the equipment of tne estaDiianment ur tne J40C0 loss Mr Sauter said perhaps 1000 v8 on account of property left with hm to be repaired These figures he said might have to be changed when a chance is had to make a closer inspection No Fire When Shop Closed He was sure as were also his son and other employes of the establishment that there was no fire In the stove In the woodshop at closing tlmeyesterday evening bbt he was unable to account for the origin of the fire In any other way The Are was discovered simultaneously by several persons the first to enter the building being Policeman Mack Lvnch and Special Watchman Dyer They broke in through the front door and ran to the rear but on account of the density of the smoke were unable to do any effective work In stopping the spread of the flames It was 10 50 when the first The Southern Rallwair irMt aan wtt icu ueug iohow nA nMintm A mree oilier juaruis cieveii en Jones as purchasing agent of the roadTS1168 ur truck companies respond with nfflr thi rttf tt ell 7C1 an ouht the fire until after mld Schults 27 Lrnchburr Vs nrt Burgess 1 Princeton Va Rev 22 son Julias Esther Irrlne George Parrlsh 2S Lynchburg Vya Da wannito a kossm MajDerry Va Rer Irrlne Eugene A Hardy 15 and Mr Paulino Stout 27 Rer OBrien Kl Slpher 24 and Mary Preston 24 Ruth 20 Rer Morhart Arthur Collins 22 and Uattle Lamar Walter Walllck 22 and Ada Harrey 2e of Highland hid Rer McLaughlin Edward Gross 20 and Gertrude Keler mann 20 Ref Paul JL MonteL gobble Hughes 24 and Sarah Smith 20 both of Petersburg Va Rer Staler Horace Johnson 24 and Lucy Hewlett 21 both of Ashland Va Rer Aqulla Sayles John Jasper 2L and Nettle Braxton 22 both of Accotlnk Va Rer Howard Augustus Allen 25 and lints Hackett 27 Rer George Lee John Robinson 21 and Nettle Keys 20 Rer Alfred Tyler Daniel Bush 30 and Sarah Woodland Si Rer Norman John Morris 4 and Emily Williams 29 both ot Baltimore Hd Rer McLaughlin Jesse Holmes 23 and Emily Dykes 24 of Cttlpeper Va Rer Lamar Fred Williams 29 and Isabel Catlett 27 Rer A WUIbacks HEALTH OFFICE RECORD Deaths Reported up ta 12 nv Feb it Sarah Seek Garfield Hosn 72 years William Thompson Gort Hopv Insane 57 yrs NeUle Wolf 7M Morton at nw to years Annie Bentley S02 th st nw 2 years George Armstrong 8 Soldiers Home yrs Lilly Orrtson 2222 Bght are nw 47 fears Henry Merchant H35 12U st nw 4 years Joseph Merhan 4th rt sw 7 yean Henry Jacobs 411 St nw SO years Ann Simpson Glesboro years Jecob Rom 1225 2d st so IS years Frank Miller 122 Pa are se 42 years Norman Burgdorf 404 st no 7 months Ksthertnr Zegowlts 7 Warner St iw I day Jwcph a Marshall 1 14th st se so years Florence Johnson 21 Pierce St 21 years Benjsmlr Dyson lit Pierce St It years Charles Standerd 1424 10th ct aw 1 rears Kunts Duslop S2J td st sw 20 days Jsmes Peyton Jr 421 Franklin st nw 1 yrs Willis Pickett 1224 th st 70 years Frsnce Maddox 221 St tw 27 years Lory XroeL 4S2 Ptsfford ct S4 years Andrew Jackson 710 24 St 70 years Msry Johnson 22 Pierce stll months Johil Newnwa Freedmens Hosow it months Hsrrr Adams Freedmens Hosp 2 months Could Bell 221 St aw months a ton off for spot cash for city deliver BaldwlnJohjoi Cont eii 8th St None better White Ash Coal CO cental carried out and taken to a house across night The crowd that looked on Included many who had attended the theaters and were on their way home Perhaps a hundred automobiles and carriages stopped on ad joining streets and in the cold crisp air on the sidewalks women in gorgeous opera capes and men in evening attire shivered while the firemen fought the flames Alley Houses Threatened On one side the Sauter establishment is joined by a frame building occupied by Kemp Kennedy contractors and on the other by a small residence Directly in front are tire stables of William Downey while in the alley In the rear are numerous small frame houses occupied by colored families Therevwas danger at all times that the fire would spread to these Once when it was thought the blaze had been practically subdued it broke out furloulv In the front part of the bulld ing puffing out the windows of both the first ani second floors catching several flremf on ladders who had been throw Ins water Into the windows of the third flou reaping up the side of the building for a moment It looked as if the flames would envelope the firemen The crowd stood trembllne ard horrified Then the big tower which had stood in readiness was pet Into play drenching the firemen but effectively extinguishing tho sudden bletc Auto Hits Water Tower About 12J5 oclock Thomas Williams a young colored man ran amuck in a large automobile the property of the Auto Company and after passing through the fire lines smashed into the fire tower He escaped unhurt The street had just been cleared of spes tators but a score of firemen and police men were standing in the automobile path These narrowly escaped being hit Williams approached the crowd at ftill speed from Sixteenth street He blew his horn once Just as he approached the fire lines and then his machine went bouncing over the rows of hose on the street His approach was so sbdden that no one had time to cry a warning beforehe smashed into a rear wheel of the fire tower Hla speed bad been slowed down bybiltuLj some ladders Maj Sylvester and Fire Chief Belt were standing within a few yards 4ftheflre tower when the colored man hlHi was arrested by Policemen Nolan and Hall and taken to tho Eighth precinct station Hicks a coioreu man was in eeriusly ill at 1637 street the house adjoining the repository when the latter place caught fire His family did not know of the fire until the department responded to the first alarm Hlckavwasl that they were going to kill Bywaters and that she pleaded for his life During that conversation her brother French said that he did rfor know that he wanted them to get married The witness says she again pleaded with her brothers and it was her pleading that saved Bywaters life Bvwaters said he would marry her but even then he wanted It put off He left about 5 oclock that evening the undertsanding being that the marriage should take place at a time to be designated by her brothers Saturday when he came he again asked for time and 3he joined in his reauest Why did you do that She was asked Because I felt that If he did not want to marry me he would not treat me right and would desert me After their marriage she said her brothers kissed her and shook Bywaters hand They told him of the hundreds of dollars theytjwould advance him anl said they would forget the past What did Bywaters say to their kind offer He said nothing Telephoned for Bywaters The witness then related how Bywaters had said he wanted to come to town to get outannouncement cards and tell his mother of the marriage Mrs Bywaters said that later she asked a servant to call Bywaters on the telephone Why did you call him 7 Because I thought that I would feel safer with blm In the room I felt that if i tnrrow he was there and saw my condition he would not be so apt to want to leave Her brother Philip came Into the room shortly after Bywaters came and later Airs Gaines came In Bywaters was seated near tho bed and she had one arm around his neck Her brother James who was In the room asked Bywaters what he Intended to do meaning if ha intended to leave but he received no response The witness testified that when Mrs Gaines cafrie into the room Bywaters pull Mans Indifference Maddened She declared that Bywaters Indifference to her sister maddened her and when he openly ridiculed Violas condition she turend on him declaring you are the lowest dog that cr lived Her i husband added WelL Bywaters you bave violated every obligation of an fdd Fellow and a man of he nor The sting carried by her husbands bitter denunciation of her sisters be trayal lira Gaines states almost provoked arf encounter between Bywaters and Mr Gaines which was only averted by Bywaters going to Violas bedroom While in actual witness to the shooting Mrs Gaines displayed but a hazy recollection of the words passed between Bywaters and her brothers in the bed room immediately before the latter open Philip had fired the first shot as By waters rushed past her nearly knocking her down he said In his attempt to escapa down the back stairway Tbe presence of Mr Gaines In the lower ropm she addedprevented flight in that direction and when Gaines forced By witers back Into his brides bedroom declaring that he must remain with her Bywaters according to tbe witness made a second attempt to escape Shots Follow Fleeing Form The Patent Pin Hot water Heating Co Office Open Evemngs Till 9 oClock Stock in a Prosperous Company at 100 Per Share This Is the Radiator ter This time she said as he darted across the bedroom through the open window to jthe roof over the rear porch both James and Philip opened fire Mrs Gaines stuck steadfastly to the statement that her brothers fired most of the shots through the window after By waters had reached the roof and not while he was in the room as the prosecution contends After Mrs Gaines had been briefly cross examined by Capt Mlcajah Wood for the prosecution as to the positlonMn Which her brothers stood in the room when the shots were fired she was excused George French Strpther was then called He testified that Viola had always been regarded with great affection by the family all referring to her as the baby Mr Strother said that he tame to Culpeper because his brother James had told him of fears he entertained for Violas supposed condition He declared emphatically that he had not favored a marriage between his sister and Bywaters but gave his consent when Importuned by the other brothers with the argument that It would be the only way to over their sisters shame Killing Not Premeditated His testimony like that of Mrs Gaines was emphatic that none of the brothers thought of killing Bywaters until they became convinced he Intended that night to abandon Viola The witness was not examined by the prosecution and at 4 30 oclock Judga Harrison adjourned the court until to ed away from her pulling her out of theV it An bed He then ran down stairs Zionists Celebrate Sixth Anniversary in Lewis Hall the street bed He then ran down stairs Then what occurred I was in such a nervous condition that I hardly know My mind Is almost a blank so far as what has ocqurred is concerned Did you Bywaters after he jerked away from you No sir Brothers Conduct Kindly The conduct of her brothers from the time of the marriage until the time of the shooting she said showed evidence cf kindly feeling and there was nothing to Indicate they felt any resentment This closed the direct examination and the witness wasturned over to Commonwealths Attorney Keith for cross examinationexamination How many times did you see Dr Walters he asked I cant tell exactly Did you see his wife Yes sir Did you get upon friendly terms Yes Mrs Walters felt sorry for me and she was very kind She wanted me to come to her house and remain until I got better Did Dr Waiters advise you to get married He did The witness said she told Dr Walters the whole story telling him of her four brothers and her other relatives Sir said she then almost reached the conclusionconclusion that Bywaters would not marry htr She could not recall having made certain statements to Dr Walters which were suggested by Mr Keith Knew She Was Suspected Counsel then came down to the time when she and Bywaters returned to Culpeper She was asked about a remark a friend made to Bywaters on the street She realized at that time1 she said that she and Bywaters Were under suspicion The witness repeated statements she had made in her direct examination and said It was not until Saturday morning that jme4old her brother Jim practically the whole story of her treatment She told him of the operation and its consequences thinking he might be able to bide her shame Shortly before I oclock Mr Keith an nounced that bis examination was at an end and court adjourned for luncheon Married Sister Testifies The trial lagged somewhat In tbe afternoon though trie session was not without Its interest The defense called only txrn srltnasaea Mrs Edward Rolne Mrs Bywaters married sister and her brother George French StrotherThelr testimony was toa great extent along the lines of that already told by preced Insr witnesses althouKbl Mrs Gaines br her emphatic declaration that the shoot ing waatn no sense premeditated ap peared to score an important point tot the defense So great wasthe crowd and so noisy though unmeaningly bo that Judge Har rison announced that no one would be al Tho trial win be resumed to morrow when It is probable that James and Philip Strother who fired tlio fatal shots will be called to tell the Jury their version of the affair With the completion of their examination the rebuttal will probably follow on Friday and this being so It is predicted that the case will go to the Jury on Saturday BANQUET AM DANCE The annual banquet and dance of the Young Peoples Union of ZlOn was held last evening In Iiewls Hall1502 Fourteenth street Addresses were made during the banquet by Charles Stein toastmaster I Brodle of Baltimore Maurice HIrschman of Baltimore and Falk HarmeL Tbe ball committee consisted1 of Charles Stein chairman Arnold Hlrsh William Hornsteln Miss Hattle Stein Miss Minnie Brez and Miss Annie HarmeL The organization was formed six years ago and is affiliated with the American Federation of Zionists It has a member ship of about 200 and holds Its meetings In Pythian Temple Among those present werer sir and Mrs Abrahams illss Rosa Aaaros Hlsi Miosis Bres Bass Hiss Rose Bennett A Btr msn Miss Rose Cohen Lew CarroU Nathan Cohen Barry Dodeck Kiss Sopite Dodeck Hiss DaTlaV WUUam FlsUestsln Sol Goldberg Hiss Era Goldberg Tharles Gordon William Goldberg John Goldberg A GuraLHlss Sophie Goldberg Hiss Ida Goldstein Miss Ida Harmel Hiss Annie Hsrmel Falk Harmel Hiss Pauline Hlrsh Arnold Hlrsh Sam Hlrsh Hiss Rosa HlrshTHorrb Hlrsch mas Mtss Lerlnsoo Mr andJfrsB KandelTHlai Sarah Vert Baracy XJobmaa Joe Lerry Hiss Sophia LeTT Mr and Hra W11J tery 8 Ulncorskr Mti Clara Sllrer Harry Nelson Hose Offenberg Hiss Lena Offenberg Hiss Lena Oscar Hax Rosenthal Hiss Roglnaky Hiss Leah findolsh Hiss Bscklr Rudolph Hiss Pauline Richards Hiss Jnlla Root Miss Hsttie Stein Joseph Stela Charles Stela George Stein I Brodle Schmidt Ulss Bay ShoOnesv Schmidt Morris Solomon Morris Shappiro Mlsa Cella WouVa Welsh Harry Walsky Mr and Mrs Dare Greenberg William Notes Harry Kebesky Hymen Cohen Haas asd William Hornsteln ZKlGHTHOIirA DANCE The directors of the Fin Hot water Heating Company have decided to put on the market 50000 snares of Treas unjrStock in order to further the scope of the company by increasing its factory capacity and putting salesmen on the road throughput the country A careful analysis of our proposition shows that the field for our product is unlimited hat the Ofte Hot water Radiator can be placed anywhere It the most economical heating appliance Operated by gas odorless healthful This stock isoffered at an extremely low price and there is every promise in fact almost a guarantee that it will soon be worth many times its par value A careful and extremely conservative estimate of the profits of this enterprise shows that from a dividend standpoint the figures are simply marvelous On a business of only thirty Radiators per day our net profits after deductings all expenses wQuld be thirty six per cent on the capital stock With agencies established throughout the United States the sale of one hundred Radiators per day would not bean overestimate Every house requires heat and the Ofte Hot water Radiator appeals fto all who see it in pperation and is a large seller Visit our office visit our plant Investigate the proposition thoroughly and the more thoroughly the more convincing our arguments to buy this stock will prove The Patent Fin Hot water Heating Col Office 509 Ninth Street Factory 228 32 St DIRECTORS 1 HENRY OFFTERDINQER ALBERT MARBURG 3 GAVEN THORN HARRY GARDNER GIVES HFE TO SAVE Rescuer of Mother and Baby Is Killed by a Train PIqua Ohio Feb 27 In attempting to save a woman with a baby in her arms fram death Aaron Alexander was struck and killed to day by a north bound Cincinnati Hamilton and Dayton passenger train Th woman and child were uninjured The accident occurred at a grade crossing weXther CONDITIONS 8 KAscalon Temple Members Celebrate An niIerSaryPytbianHalLN An entertainment constating of a dance Land a number of abort addresses and recitations was given last evening by the membersof AscalorrTetnple No a Dramatic Order Knights of Khoraasan a branch or the Pythian order In Pythian Halt Th celebration was In honor of the eighth anniversary of the organization The colors of the organization purple and yellow formed the decorations while theJnsigrm of the society was displayed prominently There were about 300 per sons present During sjuppersecretary A David In troduced Royal Prince Thomas A fiymrm who told of the aims principles and foundation of the order MrBynum concluded by reading a short poem onv tho anniversary py ur George WBoynton Rnt al Vliler ft Ml Pearson also mada an address as dfd Royal Prince Joseph OConnelL A humorous sketch was giver by George Boilers Tbe committee in charge of the ball wasS Pearson chairman AJ4avldr secretary Albert Kahlert treasurer PImes Dapt ot Agriculture Westlrer Burasn Weanssdar Feb Zl Pressure Is high oter the St Lawreacs Valler and low In Tsxss and tne Southwest It is also blah over the Dakotas and the Northwest No precipitation ot consequencw has occurred eaat ot the Mississippi In Texss Louisiana Arkansas and Kansas scattered thunderstorms hare occurred and In the Dakotaa Nebraska Kansas and the Middle Rocky Mountain region know haa fallen Cold weather continues lajhs Upper Missouri Taller and it is alio abnormally cold In NorGeast ern districts Rain Is indicated tor tbe Mississippi Valley and the East Gulf States Thursday and snow or rain la Atlantic coast districts Friday Snow Is prob i able Thursday in Nebraska Kansas Colorado Wyoming and the western portion ot tbe Coper Lake reeloa Tbe tetdpersture will fall Thursday in the Middle Mississippi Valley sad the Southwest It will be colder Friday In the Ohio Taller the Eaat Oult States and the western portion ot tho Middle Atlantic Bute The winds alone the New England coast will be fresh northwesterly oa the Middle and South At lantlo coasts fresh northeasterly on the Gull coast fresh southeasterly Increasing and oa ther Vtest oult coast irtsn southeasterly Becoming aortnweiterly Local Weather Report Temperature Midnight tl a 31 4 a 51 a II 8 a 32 It a iilim 44 1 at 45 4 40 I tSi fja SI Ill tt Maximum 45 minimum1 2f Relatlre humidity I a tK i in Rainfall 0 04 Hours of lunahlne 1LC Per cent of possible sunshine 100 Temperature sun date last year Maximum 3 minimum IS Temperature In Other Cities Temperatures Wednesday la ether cities wtia rainfall for tweTe hours eaded at Raln Max Mm IpmfaIL AaherUIe IS 50 Atlanta Oa 40 Atlantic CUy Zl 14 14 Bismarck Dak I Emton Mus 14 14 14 Buffalo 10 10 Chicago 111 14 12 Cincinnati Ohio 44 14 42 Cheyenne Wyo 22 IS 11 104 naTflnnort Iowaj 40 13 40 Denver Cok SS De MotneSr Iowa IS Galrestoa Tex ST 70 Helena Mont 24 Indianapolis Ind 40 Jacksonville Fla 71 Kansas City Mo SO Little Rock Ark Msrquett Mich 12 Memphis Tenn 2 New Orleans ba 74 ew Tork I 20 North Platte Nebrt 20 Omaha Nebr 112 Pittsburg Pa Salt Laks CKy Etah 40 8t Umla Mo Kf nl Minn 1 20 ssrtartna hi jo Ttcksburg Mist 72 To days Tide and Sun Table High tide SJ4 a SO Tnw tid 1M a I kM 433 utstU 22 24 0 01 20 IS 0 03 2 20 ft iv 44 SO 12 42 2 003 22 2212 IS 0 01 24 22 0 42 tt 34 12 40 30 4S 10 20 ttl Notice of Application for Charter Notice is hereby given of the intention of theundersigned to apply to the Commissioners of the District of Columbia on the 18th day of March 1907 at 10 oclock a for a charter of incorporation tinder the provision of an act of Congress entitled Act to Provide for the Incorporation of Trust Loan Mortgage and certain other corporations within the District of Columbia approved October 1 1890 and embraced in subchapter 11 of the Code of the District of Columbia The name of the proposed company shall be United States Trust Company The company Is to be organized for the purpose of doing general trust loan and mortgage business and such other business as may be authorized by said Act of Congress The names of the proposed incorporators are DANIEL MORGAN RDCBT BIOVALD BEAU CHA8 A DOCOLA8 XI A WINTER MARTIN JAMES BAKER HAJtRT A KITE CHI3WXLL JOS BIRCH Jr RIXET WOOD OWEN OWEN CHAS 8XMMES WM CARTER spsigo rooLB FRANK MILBURN CXJiraKTON ANDREW CLASS CREED FULTON FRANKLIN 8CHNETDES PENFIELD C7RSON NORDUNGER WM MARTIN SOOTH TRIMBLE CAPITAL 31000 800 United States Trust Company A FEDERAL CORPORATION UNDER FEDERAL CONTROL Being organized under a special Act of Congress relating to the District of Columbia OFFICERS HON TXYNIEI MORGAN President HIXEY First Vtce Preaiaaat CHAS A DOUGLAS Gccncl Vice President and Ontra Counsel RIGNALD BEALL Third Vice President RICHARD CLAUGHTON DIRECTORS James If Baker Joseph Birch Joseph Bradley Rignald Peall William a Cartri Wallace Chlswelt RlcfraM Claug hton Charlea Hale Darls Charles A Douglas Dylan ey Creed 31 Fulton Andrew Glaus Harry A Kite William Martin Frank Mllburn Daniel Morcan Dr Midyette Oi Martin Geroon NonHrnaer Owen Owen Treasurer William I Penfleld Sprlrg Poole Rixey Charles Senxmes Franklin Schneider Dr Presley Rixey Soutn Trimble Harry Wardnran MV A Winter Charlea Wood 611 Fpurteenth St Washington Telephone Main 244 Jpora Whiskey Highly recommended for pulmonary trouble Direct from distillery Qtsyllep Pt50c TO KALON WINE CO 614 i4tH sHrMtV PhoaoM mlttedV imlesa related tolhe Strother ot tfcOenJ and John McCalL tt February Clearance Sale A Mil All Prices Reduced Sim Ouifliire Pills or Capsules Quinine sraln dozen Sc 2 rraIiv dozen Be 3rraln dozen 7c 6 gTaln dozen 10c Wt Quinine In oynces33e 100 2 Graia QuiBifK PHIs 18c 1m1i1iLLLs drugstores 49c Extension High Heel Roller Skates These Skates are worth and regular lx sell for 69c or more HU0SQJCS HEW YARIETY STORE 934 Street SSSt 4 i.

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