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Fort Wayne Daily News from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 1

Fort Wayne, Indiana
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Mb MM The Fort yne News it i Twenty Sixth Year WEDNESDAY EVENLfG APfiTX 11 1000 Tlw Popk YOUR EASTER ATTIRE Slirfuld be Purchased at Once Make your selection from our New Spring Stock The finest and most complete stock Ready fo Wcar Garment la Fort Wayne for HEN BOYS AND CHILDREN YOU NEED A NEW HAT FOR EASTER We ore showing everything that ti correct lo the line of Soft and Stiff Hals SOLE AGENTS FOR THE Celebrated Young Bros flats Headquarters for Confirmation Suits PIXLEY CO Arcade Denial Parlors BURKET BAKER BltKOUTPlAES tmIMSiJM finest and best equipped offloe In the stats baring all the very latest improved ethods tor painless dentistry WHY SUFFER PAIN AND PAY LARGE PRICES 7 When we can save money and pain ad guarantee satisfaction Honest Reliable Oentistiy I Prices are in reach of alL 22K Gold Crown Only 15 00 Full set of teeth only MOO Bridge work only 500 Gold filling 1 00 up and all other work at reduced prices Teeth Extracted Without Pain A SPECIALTY By our late scientlflo method Gas or air given if desired Special this week No charge for painless extracting it plates are ordered We guarantee fit and keep work in repair Our long experience has taught us perfection in painless tettlstry We invite inspection ef our work and give estimates free ARCADE DENTAL PARLORS Hours 8 to 8 Sundays 9 to 4 Those 627 Ground floor room Lady attendant Honey Honey Money AT REDUwED RATES The Trl SUte Building and Loan Asso sUtlon has reduced 1U rates to borrowers This makes the Tri State plan the aeapest Installment plan in the state You SFnot Afford to Mow ON ANY OTHER PLAN Call at Office for Full TartieuUri INVESTMENT Interest paid on any amount deposited with the Association if left 60 days TRI STATE BUILDING AND LOAN ASSN MXLEY Prest A WILDING Beoy A MEW LOT OF Charles Dana Gibsons PICTURES Also a fine line from the pen of Mark Henna For sale at 1 00 and 2 06 each LEilMAN BOOK NEWS CO 28 lm 81 Calhoun St lira Andrew A Adams ias rnod to her home fti Columbia City after spending a couple of days in the city i a A ooeassittssW the Union Veteran Leglea fW aisVttHJitffct to complete mm ior uw TWO FIGHTS LORD IIOBERTS REPORTS BOFKS A3 VERY ACTIVE FOR TUP PAST FEW 1HYS QATAORE RECALLED REPORT THAI XVEPENER llAh BEEN EVACUATED MOVEMENTS OK JWER TROOPS CLAIM BIG VICTORY BOEti HlSORl 1600 BRUISH KILL LD WOUNDED OR CAPTUHHJ AintrEICVrsFONlPIN LONDON Xpril 1 Lord Robert wire from Bliy mfonlein dated lie 10tli The enemy Iiaye been very active for the past few days One commando is on the north bank ol the Qrango ihrr near AH tval north Another is at Wepcner where General Harrison Is liravely resist ing They hate Infilled a serious loss on tho enemy the troops liclng moved rapidly boers shelling llandslaagte LADYSMini April 10 llie Bofers began shelling JJandslaauto yesterday The British cavalry have found tho Boers In strong fono in three widely separated positions BOER VlCTORV NOl CONFIRMED LONDON Apnl 11 The war office discredit tho Boer reports of disaster to the British forces at Mcerketsfontcln but this docs not allay the uneasiness here Colonel Brabants position at IVepener Ii serious without a doubt and General Uatacres recall shows be is blamed General Gal acre won renown in Egypt with General Kitchener but ho been ua skillful or unlucky in South Africa The seventh month of the war begins to elay Pretoria the British chief objcctlte point seems as far oil as cter BRITISH LOSSES AT WElhNER AI1WAL NORTH April 10 tho Britteli casualties at XXcncncr was clccn killed and forty ono wounded GLNERAL GAtACRE RECALLED BLOEMPONTEIN Annl HW3encral Uatqirc has been recalled Ho returns 16 Lngland immediately Sir Herbert Cher nilxide is promoted to command bis divis ion General Gstacre recall gives credence to the story UiaV WcpcncrVwHch Colonel Brabant has been holding ha been evacuated owing to General Gat acres slowness In relieving jt MOVLMISNrS OF BOER TROOPS RLOLMIONTElN April lllliB forco under Commandant Olivier is proceeding towaid Smilhflcld south of Wipcncr Commandant Lewis command is operat ing between tha ltaliir liver ond AScUi any cast of the railaay south from Blocmfontcin BOERS RLFOR1 A VHflOUV LONDON Xpril 11 A dispatch to the Daily Mail from Brandfort dated Un day says i cstcrday Genet si IX Wit indicted the third defeat of the British within a week at Mocrkatsfontein Willing and wounding ttOO He captured JKX with twelve wagons losing lie Boers killed and nine wounded Capture ooo British The Dally Mall publishes the following dated April 10 from Lourcnzo Murqiier The Nctltci lands Rail nay company professes lo lidte rereiyed a titegrnm reporting a Boer tietory near Kroojigtad the Boers capturing 000 British Commenting upon tills the Dally Mail remarks inert Is Mcikatsfontain about flic and a half miles vouthwrst if lyroonstad but if the lepail bo tiup this cat hardly lie tha place loss is i iirrEN iiummu Diq Dally Nans has the following fiom lldork date4 Monday bj wnj of Dels g9a bay It is olTiclally announced that a battle has been fought south of Braridfortj in which 000 British troops were killed and wounded and 800 taken prisoners Lord Roberts is declared to be finding great difficulty owing to scarcity of water According to tho brief dispatches permitted to pass the censor the battle was fought at MaakerUfonteln north of the Free State capital Saturday Inst Details are lacking but the figures are leceived from two eorresnohdenU as a total of 1500 Imperial soldiers lost In the light TAKE J88Q PRISONERS IN A VEKJC With the prisoners taken1 at Maakerts fonlcin Sannas Post and Redderaburg all within 4 week it estimated that 1880 British fighters are now1 on their way td the Pretoria rare track as the result pf tho three boer victories When the last dispatch was sent from Wepener yesterday morning the attack on the town bad been renewed by a strength cried force of burgnrs A determined as sautt was in I rogrens and the lack of any later report Is considered a most ominous sign A large commando was at Bethulig threatening to destroy the Orange river bridge according to yesterdays advices fronj that place BOERS RECEIVE BIO GUNS LONDON April llz flie corresjiou dent of the Times at torenzo Marque telegraphing Monday saysr Trustwortiiy refugees assert that the Boers recently obtained at least thirty pieces of nrtillery some of large caliber which were brought overland as machin ery from Wept African Port EiSt of these gunt were dispatched to the Free State a week jap The Boer pfllmls openly boast tVit they havo succeeded in smuggling aJMWBittan through Porta guew territory In tha oourse of the Dempear trial I State ial lie liad bored holes in twenty flic mines CHICAGO CORPS IV AFR1CV IjONDON April 11 II Whlgham the Dally Mail correspondent at Loureiuo Martues tclegraphiiig on Tuesday ney The Chicago ambulapce corps landed to day from the French ship Caraclla and will proceed by tpcUl train to Pretoria to morrow The corps consists of About sixty healthy Irish Americans who are apldly pro Boer i Tliey are neAriy all armed with revol ers ana a lew unqounieaiy lniena io fight Thoy included in tlelf company two eMed Scandanavian prisoners fronr Simons Baj who burled themselves aliie on the tdiorc during bathing hours SICK MAN IS FATALLY SHOT Farmer Putt Three Bullets Into Brain of Bdfast Reativ 1 lUMiFdRT April It Bud ccimpti a faunei lnlng hear this vH entend the room here his brother In law I Hiram Ptogfmd was lying scrloutdj ill jenterdfij afternoon and shot ihe helplcHs lmalid Three bullets weic fired from a rifle into the head of Stngfoid who dll not eten luue a chance to plead for hi life As soon as he cnteyd tho xick thanibcr Ixyomple saidi ou can ncer get vfll and I might as well put an end to your miser Thereupon lie raised the rifle and fired three tdiots in rapid aucoission at his brother in law Lih omplc eftef the tiage dy juinpid Into a vehicle to drhe to the it and surrender but he met the KhcrilT on flip way He Is lxlicird lo be jiinime KIDNAPPER IS FOILED 1V HUft TO F0R1UNB bEIJUD BV MN DlbGUISkD AS TRAMP ESCAPE OF CONVICTS PLANNKD UltAVE OAIAN ROUTS ROBBERS OTHER INDIANA NEWS MUNCH lnd Apiil 11 A i ligation nl attempt to kidnap the young 1 tir to a large cxtatc was made almost in the heart of the city last night Arthur Mdy aged 13 ears Who was lecenlly bequeathed a foitunc by his grandparents was seized whlli walking on the railroad by man whi resembled a tiainp He was being Ikuik toward a wuitirtg tarriage when his tries attracted the attention of an unck Villiam Nidy who vicccjdfd In riseuinir him In his scuffle young IdJ tore open the shahh coal of his captor and clairiis lhaf he wore a large diamond and was richly attired lha man escaped while th terloua carriage dlsappcaied A posao has left in tho direction taken by the dinguis rd stranger It is bclieted the boy was to ha been held for ransom DRUNKARD DISFRANCHIbhD BLOOMINGTOVlnd prit II Chas Duihaui coloied who lias been before the mayor twenty times on charges of drunkenness oil tho occasion of his last arrest obtained change of tnue lo the circuit court wheic the judge fined him 23 sen tented him to thirty days in jail And dis franchtscd him for fiSe years The judge stated that he would similarly punish nl habitual drunkards who come before him BRAVE WOMAN ROUTS ROBOT lift WABASH lnd Apnl 1 It Mi An drew rgncwpf the Western house Logro by a plucky act yesterday protented a hand of cracksmen from getting nearly 2000 from the store of 8 pulton Son The robbers maft two attempts to blow open the safe in which vcre funds belonging to the postmaster Fulton and sevcial depositors At the second cxplo bion Mrs Egnew was aroused and rang a bell violently This frightened the rob Iters who fled without picking Up the mnej thrown out Upon the floor by tho explosion 1CPE OP CONMCTS PLANNL1 JFFFERSQNVILLE lnd April ll Hie timely discocryl that a convict In thq stale penitentiary here was in pos scphIoii of a revqher prevented a break hi liberty that had been planned by tort iets for last night John Marliri ex com let who has been working for A prlnn contractor is under arrest charg ed with attempting to assist the prisoners escape He admits that he gave thq rctolver to a convict meral days ago INDIANA MINFRS lK A 1UOT WASHINGTON lnd April 11 A crowd of forty or fifty mine banded together yesterday afternoon They went from saloon to taloon and forced the bar tenjers to give them drinks They ran tcross Dick Grey a nou union miner Mho had lefused to join their ranks and dangerously wounded turn He was beaten with clubs and stabbed scleral times ind is now in a critical condition A miner named Frank Jennings who Is be lleved to be one 6f the assailants was wrested by Chief of Felice Call pn the way to 4 he jail a crowd of minors surrounded the officer and forcibly took Jennings away from him and fcplrlt ed Mm iouot town Sheriff McCord deputized severalmen to assist Hm and wiUr posse siieccejed i dispersing fhe mob The Cabei tympany made A tatement I yesterday that if their men joined the union they i would allow them to Work put wpuld not recognize them as union men SWINDLER IS PUNISH 0 Gets Seven and a Half Yesri In the PenlntWry NEW ORHW April James JCel lour Was sanreneed to seven erf a nalt Mstpflu 44ittt ltedealyssirs in Ur penittiMy ftr rnd tar oeay in rannmnwn who yiie uw mr wnymmm mrr years THE LA fDAY JlOUhK WILL VOTK PJMtTO III IHN BILL AT 6 0A THIS FTERNOO WILL PASSlTHOUSE VOiiJ OF IWltt liiE HOUSE AGREED SFNATF AMENDMENTS PETTIGREWt AGAIN AhH 4MOUT UbE of Aituorri IN P0KTO RICO tAiKK IS 0V UfclHNGTON April Theis a bur attendance in the house to day ot both members ond gallery in anticipation of action on ihe Porto Klcsn tariff bill Congressman Datzcll rf ported a lulo from the rules committee providing for a vote on tho bill at 3 oclock this afternoon It was Iron bound anj proijdcd for he coa ciincnco in the senate Amendments and permitted no consideraiiAn and no other amendments ftcr considerahlo debats fhe iiile was ndojited tjr ii Sole of IBS to Ui none present and not toting eleven flic follow ing republican otcd egalust the rule CongressmtttXJiunipJiker of fndlanai Heatwole of iMlnnesotai Lane of lowaj Uttletleld ot iMamej McCall of Massachusetts Henry Jb mith bf Michigan Warner of lllinoiIirmier of III nols i fcibley Dcm Pa waivlbe only dmo crat voting for1 It CLAlUv TOES Wl KNOW Senator Clark oidnt ajinar in tho sin ate to day At the hoH he said he hadnt made up his mind whether to re sign not PETTIGRLW 1AIN In the senate enato Burrows arose to speak on the Quay caw but yielded to Senator Allison who caBel up the Dis irlct of Columbia appropriation bill bn alor Pctligrcw gave not id that ho would speak next Friday on hlsjBocr sympathy resolution Senator Pcttiiew introduced a resolution requesting Pickllent McKin ley to inform thd senate if the garrote had been used for executions in Porto RlCfi sulfa ihe ktntcd Srlf lind been gotcrrungme mano nvnuyj CIRLS CLASH OVER BASKET BALL Male Students Take Up Quarrel and One of Them ii Iujured ROCK biiAM III pul II heeling is at feici In at liitutiMi Auguslaua Col lege a lid Rok JkIiuI igh mliocj as the UHuIt of a laxket I ill game Mhrdulcd lo lime Ihtii ilnyitl lmt night at the Rotk Island toller link It Hi teams uie com posed of young wonuii Tho matioim ii 1 1 Hinting tin liili shooI refusal to play lximife of diHugrcnunt over the ofllcial Of tin gillie Rut the Rerias apiH Hred at the rink at the npiwinted hour aecnnipHnle I ly rowd of cutlege students Jin bull lug was dark and locked I he students bioke In the iloois and lire iiinnne diiln ed I he ironic won bv the ttenas 2 to 0 beeaiiHe the lnanons weie tot on hank Ila Rents and their male friends then vrtnt lo the high school whero a meeting of scholars in hiding the 1 mftnofH was in progress und made it dtnrontratlon During tho tlash that followed Olio of lit high wliool 1M was Injund i i Of I CANADA CETS BIC SHIPYARD Cramps Interested in Huge Work to be Erected at Colllngwood lOKOMO Out II anadiS efToits in mhiim inlistiiaH Inn Keyed aguln In big deal ju4 enteral into be tween Captain MadVugall of Dithith Minn the ramp of Philadelphia and the town of CllinLwml Out by which immense smilliiiK Iroivirteii nnd sbip building oi are to Im established on the Gcorman luiy II town grants free site of in iri limit eighty aciej foi the works nndiilnkiis ketp ft mbiiluuin depth of light ceil het of watei foi a ship ard fionl to che a ash lnus oi if 150 000 to lis the imHCHsnient at a low figure for twenty ycam an 1 to supply watei and light at llguie to br agiwd ujion The syndicate undertakes lo imploy riot less than 000 men Kgulaily for a period of twenty years to construct works ot latest dcsiirn and to Py 100 Government simetioii of the scheme ill lie recorded to day 0 ill CIRL IS HANCED TO A TREE Mysterious Murder Occurs to Arkansas with No Motive AppareaU uificlent height of the limb and the weak nets of the apron strings ho motive can le asslgued fof the deed It is a trail no coincidence that wltliiu a short dlttance from the maple to hlch die gin was nuigea sianaja bisckjacK to which an old colored man was found hanged with It Abort bridle tela abott four years ago He was also touching the ground with both feet and thought to have been murdered The drcunut antes connected villi be two crimes are ery much the same No ctevr was ever un ea it lied at to the old mans stayers and none la known so far na to the girls murderers BOND fOR CONVENTION HALL Contractors On Kansas Cit Building Give Surety tot Prompt Completion KANSAS cm April 11t fw000 biiul was yesterday glim by the Gillette tierzog Manufacturirig company of lUnj neapoliii to Insur the erect iori tt the licw ronientliin hall in time ot occiipamy lv inn dciiKKiauc nstionni coin em ion in July The company agrees lo have lo tcn iiuiiienw fctccl Iiudcs that will sun poil tie foot In place June 11 under a penalty of 100 day for ach day It might Ixi delayed beyond the time limit If it ttliould appear to the architect land the hall duet tors that all the tiusses will riot be up by June IS ther will have the priiiligc of ordering the work stopped arid ot tilling upon the men and machin cry of the stef company lo aid in put ting the building in temporary shape for the wimentton A formal contract tor the vii was Mgned Jeslerday afternoon by Llewellyn lice president of the Miniicipolls Jinn and the ball directorate AROUND THE CIRCLE ADillll DEWEY WILL VlfcU OHIO VICHW1N IN JUMI EXPtS PtNURl in AID 1 MjCUI JVSMTAt TISrSNLW RlflJE FORF10N NKWfr MAX XOIllv Anril 11 Tin Dcnei junta lieie Is circulating a sloy that Ad mirot pewey uuiiias io maKe mo nips to Ohio ant Michigan lie will lilslt let eland Columbus Cincinnati Sandiu ky and otlur elites In June Ihe Xlgcr lpsiile and Pmgree influence ale said 10 Imr mad Michigan doubtful land hi nit Admiral Dcwcj dvcisiou to In jade that state jLorrtMttnAT Naples ROME April HtTIic Boer mission has mriied nt Npks on the steamship and Is observing the greatest secrecy An of flcci of the German gocrnment howecr who was authorized to visit the battle flclls and who is now accompanying the misnort staled hire Was no hopo of pcaco baied upon the recognition of tho indc pendencc of the South African Republics and that the mission had instructions io lay the basis of a contention for jieaco eithei of a definite or temporary nature In ordci to allow time for further nogo tlatlons Should the efforts fail the Hopre he ssys are resolved to oppose a moW desperate rtsistanoe ITALY TESTtf NEW RIUJl ROMP Alri1 11 The nqw automatic rifle lias been successfully experimented Ills at the BrcBcia work shops and fired accurately seventeen shots a second The uay will In armed with the new gun SAY DAMSH SALE 18 OFK BhRLIN APt HA private telegram states now that the sale of the Danish Antilles Is finally abandoned and that tho xipcphageii government has determined to found a trading company at St Thomas en ct coaling station and cs aiillHh a steamship Jine TOWN IS IN PERIL FROM ICE Great Damage at Menominee Micb by the Piling of Hoes MLNOXIIMI Midi April 1 tn fioni the hay shntcil Up along the shoic back the cih yesterday afternoon causing lunch damage 10 dorks wnic houses iKialhoulies iceboats te A sliong oast lnd jrei ailed but suddenly the Immense body of Ice stopped Pm a tlmi it featxd that the buildings along Mdtu ti cct would Iks tomid up The lee i piled up thirty feet high In somo plac tieial warehouse and barns were muted twintj feel anl otheis ciushod In I hnid to stlnate tie damage at piesml A 1 ALLECED POISONER IN TOILS UTILE ItOtK Ark Abril ll Aii other myterieus hanging is reported from Conway county Tl toghter ot Jesse Howard a farmer linnglhreo miles east ot Sprlnglleld last Friday left home to go to the fiell where she was working in their crop NO one happened to be at work in the same part of the field and when nlgbt came and she failed to return a search was instigated but not until morning was the body discovered The corpse was swinging from maple limb dead and cold The limo to which the body was tied was only about seven feet up and left her feet on the ground one knee resting on the earth Her apron bad been torn into strips and made to serve for a hantrmans rope The coroners jury decided that she had been murdered flrstand thaa panged Miat itc augs assume a suicidal look Howevst soieide lmpesihl both on account ot rise in Man Declares Charge of Athmpt to Murder Former Wife Fslse NXLUMOltl April ll Chailes XXInold a twilling salesman who is iharged with having attempted to poison his divorced wife and children In Cincln nail was arrested yesterday afternoon in Baltinioro by Detective Coughlan who recognized hlnu from the description for warded by flic Cincinnati police it headquarters he wos put through a sc yer examination but refused to say anything beyond characterizing the accusa tion as a conspiracy and protesting his innocence lie declared however as if through an Inadvertence that bis wife Wanted marry again and that rather than see his children have a stepfather be would kill them Mrs XWokl secured a ditorce several years ago lu Dakota the court giving her Uie custody of lie cmwren unacr mc guise of fanner Wlnold abducted them while tho family was Jiving In Minneapolis and look them to his former home In Marietta vO Later In order to elude the mothers search ho went with the childrcd td Hoboken and there Mrs Winokt regained possession of them ROBT HA1A NOMlNArED MV ACCLAMA110N TJ1F RrTlLtBLfCAN DISTRICT CONVENTION ENTHUSJApTIO TIME SPEAKS DENOUNCING TRUSTilXND DDCLARiNO ALLEGIiNCEjO OLti SOLDIERS RESOJ UJIONS PASS NATIONAL DI5LBGATE8 ND AN ELECTOR CHOSENVTJIE VIS HRS PRESENll Ncier hits tbcio been a larger or more enthusiastic gathering ot republicans than the district convention held at Au lurn to day yrho Auburn opera house was jammed and packet Villi An cnthu lnslld crowd representing the rcpuul cans of the district TIiq buliant record made by the republican party since the last convention tnd the general good feci ing among Hie delegates pver rcpuuicaii successes brougJlt the crowd td fever heat of enthusuism which bubbled ocr when Robert Bi nanna Ihe nominee for congreas mads a ringing speech voicing the feeling ot the delegates In the right hand box oj the opera house set ludge John Morris and Attorney I seller of this city two ot the oldest republican members of the At len county bert and In the left hand box were TobnTMrifIlths candidate for gov crflort i Babcock of Topcka Lav grange count Captain ft Gilbert of Angola aud lonn XV Baker of Columbia City all cunidatci from this district for tho noroinullpn for lieutenant governor lhnmntlv At ItSO the contention was called to prdcr by District Chairman El met Leonard nnd lit call for the con ten tion was rend BoL Wood of An gola was elected permanent chairman mid took the chair with 4 few words of thanks for the honor conferred upon him Postmaster illiamsoif Co kumbta City tias elected secretary of Uie convention Oil motion the chair appointed commit tiii on resolutions as follows Harvey Uggctt Whitley Uillliams La giancei Francis McCarthv Steuben XV Vtt Alleh ft pTlcmpson Noble and James Hose DeKalb 1 lie com mieo on resolutions withdrew NATIONAL DELroATES fJHOSEN llio chair announced that tho election of two delegates to tho national contention which trill meet al Philadelphia was in order Two names only were placed in nomination for principal and alternate and the following were elected Delegate A XX RobblnBj Auburn Altcrnater lfarry A Scott Angola Dejegale fchae Nlcliolls Lagrange ltettiaJe Di Orlswell XMiltley cpunlt FL1TOR IS CHOfjEN Hit next business In order was the dec fion of an elector lo represent the dis Irlct in the electoral college The name of Hartey Parks of Keridflllville was plac ed In nomination and he was elected by aiflamation RESOLUTIONS ADOP1I Xt this point the committee on lewilu I ions was jTady to report The gist of the lesolutions iouowsi 1 he Ycptiblicon party of hc tw ellth eon giessional district congratulates the pen pie of the district on thcl present eon aitlon of prosperity brought about ly the adoption of the policy of the republican party in the slate and nation The dis liess that prevailed under tne so called democratic reform has been followed by unlterssl piospemy The pledgis of the republican party made before the last rteetlon liatp jieen fully ant faithfully redeemed by the republican congress nnl executive and the Wjso choice of William McMiilcj of tJhlo as presldint lias pin dneed magnificent results liar pints nnd jirosperity hate liecn given to the people of the lountry and pages Iiaye been writ ten In the liistory of the republic ttlilcli iier sort are and ever will be proud Tl maitial at hlevements of our gallant sold iers and sailors are unparalleled and the tcsults of the war with Spain have been harvest humanity which basbeeii tvilj and faithfully garnereir oy tnie rcntijiuan ndininlft I atlon The pcoplo Ottle i pub lie are now the benijflclarlesjof the jleh fiuilage of three years ot nmibli iijiile and the prospect for permsJjiiroscr Ity was deter brighter than at present tnler such auspicious conditions the re publican party with confidence appeals to the Voters for their endorsement Theif Core bo it Resilved Hint He repiibhcaiw ot the twelfth district of Indiana in convention assembled do heartily endorse the admin Istratlon of President William AJtKlnley and favor his icnomlnalion at the i oming national contention Rcsolted That commend the in dustry palrloliam and ability of henati Fail banks pnd JJeterlUgs Xtesolted Thai in establishing the nil thoiity of the government of the United States in our newly acquired possessive we favor aranllng to them the largl measures of sejf government that hpy are rapatla of exercising and that irt our economic relations will tueni should be liberal as Well as just Resolved That we denounce sll ti uls and combinations which have for their purpose the inflation of prices and the Increase of the selling price of their products and we deem the enactment such legislation as shall bring about tiiiif rr textual suppression solved That we heartily wulerse th administration Governor Mount and about the time tM Clairke abduction esse tha state officers and tin record wade by attracted attention In Jfr York WlnoM is yes nitt the last republic stats 1 Mi motion of I of Allen eounty4 fsolullon U88iimuly adopted 1IANNA 18 JSOMlNAlFIl AfUr Ihe ftdoptioO tOf the resbluti the hair announced tijat the uomiBatioQ a candidate for congress was in oniarv Judge AV 4 Yesey of Allen county a lew wen ihosen words announced rim name of Robert ljannn Ihe announr ment provoked piIonge4 choiiiug ami ono4y one the1 nomination was aecondett from the various counties rcpreseBts Mr llaiinae nomination was made li Acclamation nnd be was efceorted in platform nmi cheers and ngratulo oemg caiicu upon tor an address Hanna npoko as follow ADDRESS OF MR HANWa Mr Chairman and 1 dlow Republicans Tills is one of the most grtifyiuX con ventlims 1 Jisvo itei had tho nlcasun attending lintj under Iho leadership of our district chairman will be followed hope by liininalgn that will ifl crctlit on you and your candidate am top etcry bumst measure UiaL nay lunl to coiitliuu the good time hv fujoti sime be rlrctlou of Wnu MeKinhy rourcais ago Industry nl a Iaiidstili liundredi of etork tictv Silent IhousamU men were cryiujg fui employment fiw hour In tin dayf few davs in the mouth was the onter tasu thdse wlm fouutl work The laborer grew suspicious 01 li employer and capital bad uo roulldcuue in the future tutor1 capitdj played Jnde and seek with th manufacturer labor bad to suffer work no money lis bill at ho liKft gro eery around Iho comer bad reached tho limit his yiff and little ones were aliuwt without tbe necessaries of life Tiieitn was plentyot free silver and free trade ttt the air but cverj thing else had to be paid for In thst dark hour pf trouble when all men were honestly tivtnr to and Some rniasure of relief William Js Xluley stepped to the door of bis honic and told the wsge earners who had galsV cred about him thst white he did nof Know now lliey might reel about it Im thought it would be better to open the mihV than the mints Men ot all poJW eat iwd at once ivalisod Ihe foreo of that remark and soon found themserrr under the leadership jpf the advance agent of prosperity advocating mcasuros calculated to restore connuence and Irfas die thl fins of industry They earned their work to fruition The reins of fov crnment wero turned back Intothe lissssbr pf our party and confidence was asjaiat restored Tne lime is soon at bond wfcstfr we will be called upon to give on atoisi ol our stewsrdshit lour jean ago list merchant and manufacturer erd on the tirge of bankruptcy today they arc bubbling over with prospcritT that gives employment to tho laWsar and A marked to tlie farmer The mill hare been sfSti edj the wage tmer bsS been called fnpi ii tiijljrtJstobeTndutrll tastt tuttons of the land there to exchange his labor for money lis good as gold Uio 01 Id iround Tie bole country is pros perous and our people arc happy Whyi my dear friends it wpuld souusV quite ridiculous for one io cite instance or quote figures to prove that our peopls are 11101 prospeious to day by far ttiasr they ttuxi four years ago everybody knows Hi rtcrylmdy is glad of St and the majority of 11s intend to keep it that way I want to say right now that I sane opposed to those public men who pat Hie wagc tarner On the back shake liim by the hSnd and all him brother for tta sole purpose of getting his vote but that I am In sympathy with those men tvfcrt put their stamp of approval on measures calculated lo put uread in the moulluK and shoes upon the feet of the Amtufusst wage earner those men who realise that tjie uplifting of the lalHirer is Ihe uplifting of nation those men who tskpy pride in asscriing that their country Cv the country where the tvntre earner owni his homo and the people own Ihe schnoln A happy home nnd schools go hand In hand in uplilttng a nation Into the highet and better walks of life in giving then strength courage and wisdom Hint they may direct their got eminent so as to pro tect the tveaK againt the strong Gentlemen I accept the Tionor you lutve confcired upon mi realizing that yoir know that I am opposed lo trusts Orccif is as distasteful to me as a bad potato and trusts hate been truthfully lermeoV organized greed They stifle compsM lion and leksin the opportunity for em ployment They destroy tho individuality qf man and thereby binder tb progress bf cjtlliziitioii I uin see no row that will come to our people from those pirates on tho sea of commerce and acrf ously hope that unwarranted monopoly Continued on Fourth Toge II Flour Potatoes Eggs and Mest XVhlte Foam Hour 3 40 bbl Alt Best City Flour 300 bbl Large Michigan Potatoes 45c bushes Best Yellotv Onions 2flc peck Jersey Sweet Potatoes J50c 1eck Strictly Fresh Fggs 10c dozen Best No I Hams 12e lb Best Picnic Hams Oo lb Suar Cured Bacon Oo and lOo IU Tulslana Cracked Rice So lb XVHITE FRUIt HDtWft i MESSENCIK B0T8 fOR MM PAUL NewYorkMsseoger Boy Surts tWv Morning for South NKXV QalK Ahril 11 schger rMir log for Soft American nlei Oom Paul MHm1 We just reccltcd from ike frmniSy gallons homemade Maple Syrup in on gallon lugs OOc per gallon fnoludlnir jufa WHITE FBUIT HOTBK i Ai Jfl Waatfcer Bain turning to snow with ficetits Airiaj riiiiU tutted tm sfpas BjaArJiOiidn wttfctt if Tip mi 4 9 Pnv Msple Syrup tli ra llt4MMtin H4mOmn soctwmo wmttV pitlip fci7d.

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