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The Washington Post from Washington, District of Columbia • Page 3

Washington, District of Columbia
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1 i 5i nni attention to dead latwi orttwsfe 2iJttd2ypwf3BIie rteoflOOftyBarlf tteywe Lt lftlHUI II ininU ULUlL ra Sr5ffWIfMl0c trv7oauselJerriiW sVmncwSia 3 compensation accept the inevitable rfia IHlml lllIHII I IJIrWt tS cial l8ssas tompei faerAto abandon rnecesrityand tetGwnanyoce 7 IIUIILU JIHU I Ull 1 1 directton tbe direction ot war erVnwMrrairiland seek an understand much roomUUthe WorMji i FresftOermanBcare mrK ine new JnvVV VtiiiSi 1 i 4 fZk Ominous CloudsGatlierOyer PC EJliailU dilu uw tuiouTt i i VHs jr rt i 5 S0UND SOLEMNARMGS 0 nrnsraml TreshGermanl Scare Mark the New WyV Year was the bigtype beadline otho Unfortunately England is dailyJ first xoramn of the firstVpage of the red byitheparmansJthat we flo not Jt 2r VthfnV of Irrlraidnm that the flMtMs nllfr 4v mtMAf liwtlA vta ova yesieroay uermwiy anjau Mr satisfied trith mir share of land and ao novaesjre more dui unions nguuy btleiispatcliesFraugitWitt Tire Import to Peace 1 AngtorGennan Relations AreBelieved by Statesmanlike Observers to Be Dangerously Near the Breaking Point Overpowering Preparations on Part of Kaisers Government Cannot Be Overlooked Crisis Greatest Issue of Day cable section of the New York Times Germany ahead English note of alarm over Krupp expansion Germany tacllltlea for turning ont big guns declared Vsuperior to Englands ran the headlines on the firstpage first cblumpof the second section lot the Jfew YorkTSunV Englandand Gerniajiy Must Compromisear Jflght Is the roin JlerllnpublishedinUje NewYork don totheAmericanj7ritalnmust spend 3QQ000XonHhernav3r miuor drop back The Paris correspondentot the London Standard has Just sentj from Paris a comprehensive reylew by aiyery competent military authorltjr on the coming clash published intheievuerde Paris Observer Sees the Menacfe ii i i ltl ft ftfZ MMPMPPMMMMHIfl 11 1B illlBBB il II ia rTCrvT jM ris nsyMri irR I vS a Hi nwjw a I vxa BY KELLOGG DURLAND One note In the earliest cable dis patches of the new year from Europe rings out clear above all others that threatening war clouds are rapidly gathering over England and GerraanyJFroro England from Germany from France come simultaneously solemn and ominous warnings supported by undeniable and unimpeachable facts solid figures earnest words from earnest statesmen Unhappy prophecies from writers of InternationalInternational reputation Diplomats may seek to mislead the public by diverting DIED AiLMAN On Saturday January 1 1910 at 71 JOSEPH beloved son of James and the late Missouri Al rnan aged seventeen years one month and thirteen days Ftinprni Tiipsdav January 4 from Lees undertaking establishment 332 Pennsylvania avenue northwest at an a thence to the Jmmaculate Conception Church where mass will be said for the repose of his soul Belatives and friends Invited to attendattend COCKRIJLL Suddenly on Friday December 31 1909 at her residence 332 street northeast ANfUE the beloved wlfp nf William Cockrill Funeral on Monday January 3 at 10 HARRIS On Sunday January 2 1910 at 1030 a AMELIA UANTT HAKKis daughter of the late John Bowie of Ravenswood Prince George county and widow of Dr Charles Morris Bainbridge Harris Funeral Tuesday January 4 at St Margarets Church at 2 Baltimore Philadelphia and Norfolk papers please copy HODGES On Saturday January 1 1910 at her residence 1441 Corcoran street northwest MIN1NIE beloVed mother of William Hodges aged fifty six years Funeral from her late residence on Tuesday January 4 at 230 in Interment at Harmony Cemetery KLINGLER On Saturday January 1 1910 at his residence 28 New York avenue northeast JOHN beloved hus band of Bessie Rlmgier Funeral from his late residence on Mon day January 3 at 2 MANNAKEE On Sunday January 2 1910 at 71a a WILLIAM HENRY beloved husband of Georgia Knowls Mannakee Funeral from Christ Protestant Episcopal Chureh on Tuesday January 4 at 11 MARSHA LL Qn Saturday January 1 1910 at y30 ra Mrs A wife of ye lai William I Marshall at her residence 1645 street northeast Funeral services at her late residence Monday January 3 at 11 a Interment at the Green Mount Cemetery Baltimore Md Baltimore papers please copy The London Mail began Jten days ago the publication of a series of articles on Germany and Great Britain written by a man who is a close student of history a keen observer of current evented and a writer of unusual force His first article he calls The Menace and in lt i he says I write these articles because I believe that Germany 4s eliberatelyj preparing to destroy the British empire and because I know that we are not able or ready to defend ourselves against a sudden and formidable attack I write from a sense of duty and from a conviction that the destruction of the British empire wpuld be anihlsi fortune for Europe and a blow to civilization throughout the world I take this course against my own Interests and against the feeling of most of my political and many of my private friends i I write In the Dally Mall in the hope of arousing the public from the Jatal apathy and complacent optimism which blind them to the greatest peril the nation has ever been called upon to face At the present moment the whole country is In a ferment about the budget and the peers and the electionelection It seems sheer criminal lunacy to waste time and strength in chasing such political bubbles when the existence of the empire is threatened by so brave and powerful and Indefatigable a nation as Germany The public do not realize the gravity of the German menace Lord Roseberys Warning The press of the world cannot ignore the words of a statesman like Lord Rosebery when he says There never was in the history of the world so threatening and overpowering a preparation for war The publication of undeniable facts does not imply partisanship and their publication may appeal to the con disbelieve such assurances They see I that Gertnanyihasmore ships than are required for thej protection of trade that theircoal capacity is toi tended for long distances Theysee wirpopuiauon growing ana requiring more spaceand iheyjaiso geeItoose velts proposal fortha limitation of naval tonnage rejected byBerlin Sir Charles Hardings message frdm King JSdwardiproposinganagreemelTt as to armaments was rejected at Cronberg sHencer Germanys assurances are re garded as a clfver trick to win time Official and diplomatic denials of actual happenings Invariably follow closenpon the publication of matters of wide in terestand concern but these in no way reiute me tracts por even discredit them Ratherdo they tendtto emphasize their importance and thelr ruth Onerot the strongest indications oftheiresent con Jllct is theTrjefsistent general denials that are constantly hetng issued from official sources deniaiswhlch never specifically discount the facts orvthfv flmirM nutfesyWfllrTonBemUt iaariolR TiStXff SrSAlS3xlJ cBzt corporate mr tne empHip soeii snaner no saneGrmaiin6wadays dreams of 5 colocizlrig partv6f the American conti nentXor will you compeLGemanyjl unwillingly to mobmaejagalnstipuito obtain room at your cost after a long I and perhaps bdrbaronsjiyar You have ra PW a i jHiTjliyi BGT PAID FOR CRIHE ll 5 i xxiTmmi from rrasrjAwi a sfe4ISc Ai i1kiih lit vAmnnefnnWA IflA DyiamtteSaysHe Fractured rt uenpi jessru moa ri rMMk 0QAUilltmpJ VjCUia shattoit xcpW there Jwaa presented JpSfJ i tomeJthefchaUenge whetherJTwasnot rSf fit 4 graOfying my personaf desires theef discount the facts orithe figures ColIision Inevitable rSl itx JlV Zl aib utjuaD jiiaiuriau trial xreuscne thjchoiceu 5c4 Hamperei byTradif ion Englandwouldbetraythetraditions0f centuries were sheo accept sucji a sug gestioiu She 4wouldundotthe diplomacy Of years She would have taaltfer Ihe character of Jieri people and dwrestlewlth her wn trade Intercity in a controversy witicn Tfouta enaae ineniuua tus rin foundation There are not the slightest grounds furhoplng thai ttfe Angl6 per man crisis will be Settled by amicable compromise unless sWorldwId6 vpubllc opinion makes the unwonted demand in clarior tones Vhen British statesmen kcf ihe caliber of Lord Rotiers Lord Grey Lord yttose beryt MrAsquithf Mr8aIfour theEarl of MeatnandaJong list of bodles of aI parties go xn jrecord as seeing the danger ahead gaming the nationnot to compromise but to hasten all prepara ttonsforjthe conflict Hseems reasonably certain that the danger is increasingly imminent i Thenglo German crisis thV great est aissue ia the worIJtodayJfevera C0NIESSES1irB iT5 50p PI0T i jC yi JohnJ BvKenneyj iSeventeenears OWf ArresteWith jCharles Grnber in the BaItimoreBridge Explosion Out trage ImplicatesHis Associates Seven Baltimore Md Jan 1 With thear rest today ot Charles Gruberand John Kehney tnereare nqw In custody seven men charged wth complicity in attempts to destroyproperry of tbvBalti more and Ohio Railroad andwith other offenses all of the arrests having grown out of an effortUo wreck a brldge of the comnany in this citvlast Friday nieht which wasr however vattended wth Vraly recently had the boldness to write flf our empire has the courage to follow an independent colonial policy with determl morillng wears to evening but world nation a collision of our interests and those of England is unavojdableKlt was natural and logical that the new great power of central Europe had to settle affairs with all great powers We have settled our accounts wtb Austria HungaryHungary with France and with Russia The Hist settlement the settlement with England will probably be the lengthiest and most difficult This gathering storm is not a new thing It has been on the horizon for some time only recently it has approached as many well Informed people believe neatvthe breaking point Von de Goltz long ago wrote in a German print The material foundations of our power are broad enough to warrant the thought of successful opposition to British supremacy Germany must meet this war If it comes and must lose no time In making her preparations Germany has not lost time and the tremendous activity of her army and navy services of the Krupp works which are being maintained at high pressure day and night are elor quent testimony that she is riot losing hours or even minutes at the present time The German Flottenvereinor Navy leaguejf claims over 1000000 contributing adherents and1 is reputed to be one of the most spirited patriotic organizations in the world The avowed aim of trrls organization is the achievement of the German naval supremacy of the world which Great Britain fears as a menace to her trade Interests Why Germany Must Expand cables flash the latest details of the ptise ofilhepublic Interest inputting a Judge of your ag6 upon the bench under present conditions For this reason ttbok back my determination to appolntyou wiped Itofftheslata and gave two or rthreedayXto the Tntrospectlve process to know whether I was yielding topersonai preference and affection at the expense i ot thepublic I became jeonyjneed that I the denarture from the ordinary rule andthatllhad the right ttf gratify my personal predilection py doing wnat have done because the motive in aomg it incudeda deslretO strengthen that court asmucVas could strengthen It The Tennessee delegation in Congress will visit he President probably todayto urge upon nun me seiecuun ui uuae Ranfnrd of the easterrt and middle TVnnsiA district court to succeed Judee Lurton on the circuit bench The Trhoicc of the president nowerr appears tp behfeentjudge Knappenof the western distrlcfcof Michigan and Judge Cochran WkJnftotEicluive Oriental Rn House iii Irji tl XkASJJ iv zr i i tt tf VT J2mlrjSZ4 I A 51 wsm nwn hjK isa in mm mi i svmz wimrisw rrvS1 IT preparattona in both countries ot a daynow passes but some statesman reiterates the warning Not a daybut writers Teassemble the ominous facts and each dayrseems to increase the perIL America as an Arbiter Half the world is now discussing this situation ahd the opinion Unauthoritative quarters nof onlyin Englandand Germany but JnFranceLandrinther countries throughqufrEuf opet is that even now the conflict Is Inevitable fit America Is to become the arbiter of Jhe worlds peacehere 13 her greatest oppor tunlty It is high time that every in fluence in America be interested In the warlike activities of England and Germany and the advances of eapb toward this terrible disaster be scrutinized day by day Theeyesaf Europe are fixed upon this crisis It most urgent that America he watchful for hers may be the saving hand which shall be exten3ed against a war which threatens to embroil the entire world DICK QUIZZES BARBER Senator Asks Jf Head of Match Trust Is a Citizen WAlfTS IIMIT ON DEBATE science of the world The facts the The German population Is now increas things we know concerning British and i ing the rate of 1000000 a year Before German preparedness today are of many years Germany will be forced to weighty significance and the publication expand in some direction in the mean sA ORRISGX On Sunday January 2 1910 at her resWeace at Hyattsville Md IARY ELIZABETH beloved wife of Howard Morrison in the sixty seventh year of her age Notice of funeral later MURRAY On Sunday January 2 1210 at 7 at her residence 3309 street northwest MARY I beloved Wife of Joseph Murray Notice of funeral hereafter NOKES Entered into rest on Friday December 31 1909 at 12 MARY widow of Noke Funeral from her late residence 742 Seventh street southeast Monday January 3 1910 at 3 Friends apd relatives invited Interment private OGILBY Onv Sunday January 2 1910 at her parents residence 1528 street northwest DOROTHY REMSEN infant daughter of Charles and Elizabeth Hoehling Ogilby Boston New York and Philadelphia papers please copy PATRICK The District of Columbia Society of the Sons of the American Revolution announces with deep re rct the death of PATRICK on Friday December Si 1909 A committee from the society consisting of Comdr John Moore Marsh I Besselievre and John Fenwick will attend the funeral at his late residence 1472 Chapin strteet on Monday January 3 1910 at 11 a EDWARD MOORE President PAUL BROCKETT Secretary RICHARDSON On Saturday January 1 1910 ATTRELL A Jr beloved husband of Florence Richardson and son of Attrell A and Lu Richardson and brother of Harry and Theodore Richardson Funeral from his fathers residence 1702 Seventeenth street northwest on Tuesday January 4 at 1 tn Relatives pud friends invited to attend SCHNEIDER On Saturday January 1 1910 at 4 a at bis residence 28 York avenue northeast JOHN oved husband of Bessie Schneider ftifee Prother Funeral services Monday January at2 On Friday December 31 1909 at VV husband of Isabella aged eighty one years al froiulhis late residence 2574 ersity plate on Monday January i xnterment private Uleve io papers please copy Suddenly oh Friday De 31 1909 at io4 a a McuLmijixaiN neiovea husband ciAnnie Mclane ana young est son of the late John and Hen rietta She Funeral Monday January 3 1910 at 2 from Ms late residence 806 street southeast Relatives and friends Invited SMITH On Saturday January 1 1910 at 245 at Emergency Hospital EUGENE SMITH aged forty seven years and four irApnths Funeral from his brothers residence 111 First street southeast on Tuesdays January 4 atll to Interment at Arlington Relatives and friends invited to attena WERSTER rOn Saturday January 1 islO at 243 MARY beloved wife of William DA Webster and eldest daughter of Mary and the late Jeremiah Riordan affed fifty seven vears ten months FunejafSlfrom her late Aresldence 823 Four ana one halt street soutnwesi on Tuesday January 4 at 830 am CnlAlvin amilArvtlvtftQQ Pit Tnmntps Church at 9 oclock Relatives arid frienas invited interment at mouih Olivet Cemetery WHITTEMORB On Sunday January 2 1919 at 130 anir ROBERT EDWARD beloved son of Mrs JJilzapeth and the late Park Whlttemore of Norfolk Va aged thirty seven yeprs and six months Funeral from his rnbthersi residence 2319 Eighteenth street northwest Men day January 3 at 430p Remains fprwardedlo NortolkvJajfwhere mass will be said for the repose of his soul at St Marys Catholic Church Tuesday January 4 at 9 a rh Norfolk Vaj papers please copyf WILLIAMS On Sunday mo rnlng January 2 1910 at her home Rockville Mdi Mrs ROSEAcwIcow of Richard Williams and daughter of Dr John and Mlra nderson deceased of this knowledge rests on no bias either toward Germany or toward England No one is daring enough to hope that 1910 will se any pause in the appalling expenditure in the preparation for war writes Mr Stead who continues If John Bull is not definitely to give up his historic position as lord of the seas he will have to find an additional 30000C00 for warships in 1910 The naval vote in 19C9 was 170 000 000 In 1910 It will be ever 2O0a0O0 unless England has thrown up sponge and admits she is knocked out Germany which has nearly doubled its naval expenditure since the last Hague peace conference will spend this year nominally 110000000 but in reality 160000000 because expenditure put down to the navy in England amounting to 50000000 is distributed under other votes in Germany Eng land even if she spends 5200000000 will be sore put to maintain the two power standard when Germany is spending 5160000000 To keep up her two keels to one program will require a naval vote not of 200000000 but of 300000000 in the face of these figures it is ridiculous to deny the existence of browing trouble As Seen at Berlin ESTRADA SEEKSPEACE a slight measure pf success TThe other pf the eastern Kentuckydlstrlct man Wllliam Shipley HWLeIghf nerr William Ames and Harry LMaddenarrested last night Zimmerman Shipley Lelghtner and Ames are held under bail of 10000 each and the others willcberglven a hearing tomorrow 7 WatchmaaVVictim if 1 Grhber js the manynJwhosehouse ae tectivps yesterday tfoundJa quantity of dynamite which one of the accused said had been taken there Kenney is a youth of 17years and he appears to have been thejtooKof others In ther5pernetrtJn of Outrages against the railroad company lie is saia to nave coniessednnaru wi he who during the more active daysOf the Tecent strike of the railroad machinists threw a brick that 4 fractured the JskuH of Frank Wilger watchman in tthe employ of the company Wilger is still in a hospital anduntil today no clew had been obtalnedbythe police to the Identity of his assailant A Good Iyenney says Zimmerman paid htm 5d cents to throw the brick and afterward congratulated him on doing a good job He also says that he and Zimmerman made an attempt to blow up the River side roundhouse of the railroad company some time ago when they accomplished nothing more than the breaking of several hundred panes of window glass He received 50 cents for this work also As a result of this statement an additionaladditional charge of conspiracy has been placed against Zimmerman Ames who is one of the vice presidents Of the strikers union is said to be Chicagoan it Sends an Envoy Jo Managua to Confer With Madriz In Reply Challenge He Inquires il Opponent Is a Trust Boaster of Buster if He Remembers His Letter to Aidrieh andofv Other Things Including a Definition of iStandfPaK ADVANCE OF AEMY CONTINUES Here is a German expression which was flashed over the cables from Berlin to the New York World before the first day of the new year had passed Britain is compelled to accept the position of the worlds clearing house This is Englands principal cause for disgust Then the fleet question which England has decided to dreadnough tize She thought Germany would not follow owing to the cost but In that she was mistaken We can assert without exaggeration that in speed armor plating artillery our navy is at least equal to Englands It is true the British fleet is more numerous but capable English admirals believe the next naval war will be determined by dreadnoughts alone and that the smaller ships will not fire a shot so some Britishers say tight immediately before Germany has more time her trade Interests are ever seeking new fields and already In the near East and the Far Eeast her influence is being firmly planted Germany must have colonies and Great Britain has gone far ahead of her in acquiring the great colonial possessions in the world The demand for trade the craving for power glory and riches have occasioned some of the most cruel wars lii history and theday unhappiiy is not past when the same motives mtLvhispire new wars norman tlL 3 5 TVrNM nas naa reasons enough to distrust Ene-land of late and It Would be grossly unfair to give the impression that the belligerent attitude of these two nations springs wholly from Germans menacing activity The recent diplomacy of Eng land has been obviously before the world aimed to isolate Germany to block all possibility of her colonial expanison and to weave about here a close net of alliances which will place her at a disadvan tage in time of conflict The entente with Russia in 1906 was doubtless brought about to shut Germany out of Persia and the parts of Central Asia where gerrnan influence was beginning to be felt The understandings between Great Britain and Japan and France are more recent bui both are aimed against the forward movements of Germany The day may come when Germany will be in a position to declare the absolute necessity for her fighting in order to maintain the standards of her trade and her prestige We are jln bitter need of a strong German navy said the kaiser on a certain historic occasion If the increased demand during the first yearS of my reign had not been continually refused to me how differently should we be able to further our interests overseas Silence of United States on Situation Surprises Rebels Provisional Consul Sussman Said to Carry Offer of Recognition if Estrada Takes Capital Zelaya Shot Frenchman FUNERAL DIRECTORS THOS A COSTELLO FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBLAMER 12 STREET NORTHEAST Phone East 1326 Livery In connection FRANK GEIERS SONS 1113 SEVENTH ST NW Modern Chapel Telephone Call North 529 SPEARE Undertaker and Embalmer 940 Street Everything strictly first class on the molt reasonable terms FRANK A SPEARE Mgr PHONES MAIN 4280 AND 4281 GEO ZURHORST UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER Funeral Parlors 301 East Capitol st WILLIAM LEE Funeral Director And Embalmer Livery In connection Conunodioua Chapel and Modern Crematorium Modest prices 332 Pennsylvania ave nw Telephone Main 13Si JOHN WRIGHT CO Funeral Directcrs and Embalmers Livery In con nection Use ot chapel on premises 1337 Tenth si nw Telephone North 47 Opea day and night HARVEYS SONS FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS 1325 FOURTEENTH ST NW Strictly flrrt class service at moderate price Commodious chapel Telephone North 281 WM SARDO CO FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS 408 st ne Modern Chapel Phone Llncoln 524 THOS SERGEON SUCCESSOR TO SvCAIN 7th st Telephone Main MM FUNERAL DESIGNS FUNERAL DESIGNS Of Every Description ModerateiyTrieed GUDE 1214 PJionei 427S For Teas or Receptions Regimental Punch You should always serve An excellent quality made by us andal way ready to serve 20 per jrni Ion 05c quart To Kalovii Wine Co 614 14th St NW Phone 899 Brotherly Love Swindle Zukunft of Berlin cableing the New York World yesterday said Even the dullest eye can see the uselessness or the brotherly loveV swindle Any one who continues to join in the driveling hypocrisy is a sinner abainst the duty of notional self respect The vast expenditures entailed by the present policies of Great Britain ancL Germany will bring disaster to bothJ nations A compromise must be effected immediately between these nations which will permit a lessening of the present ruinous policies of nayy increase and which will give Germany oportunltles for trade expansion greater than she now has and adequate to her needs or war may be percipltated at anymo ment Well meant phrases do not help maintains the Berlin editor Ojily an unsentimental business treaty can release us Germans and Britons from a situation wherein a single stupidity of a consular official at a aistanceora single outburst of popular feeling night pro i voke a world war There is no indication that such a treaty will ever be acceptable to Great Britain and hence the only other alternative that of war fs really threatening Where Responsibility Lies The burden of responsibility is placed upon England by the German wrlter who pleading for peace urging England to agree to a compromise treaty says We must say to England Every sane German respects Tnglands power and does riot dpubt that in ithe hour of danger her ons would swarrn to her aid therefore Germany wants peace with England but the thng when you could rerat us as poor relations has passed we are rich and strong and we demand equal treatr ment You can destroy our powV by a commercial or a gunpowder war Though the empires finances are not1 yet In order we hayemany iuorther bources of revenue we can creaf state monopolies of thevsale of coal and petroleumandot1Jthe supply pf electricity If you destroy ourt nayy many will notrest until she has bcenn avenged Do you wani a century Jong war with Germany though Lthereby vou would merely aid Amenca a 07 theres only one ft ay ouf of 4hejdim i culty hamelf a mntual agreement Tou are right pwe are not satisfied Germanys SOBUlatlonJirows attbej Special Cable to The Washington Poet i Bluefields Nicaragua Jan 2T4ByJwifi less to Coloitt Dn Jorflos Ufai IIabout to go to Managua as the representative 1 of Gen Estrada to confer with President Madrlfc regarding the provisional presidency He while serving Gen Estrada is a firm friend of Dr Madriz aid It is consequently believed that the conference will result satisfactorily Pending an agreement the forces of Gen Estrada will advance in concert into the interior by way jot Jhe San Juan River Considerable surprise is felt in revolu tionary circles at the sllenco of the United States concerning the situation here Further bloodshed is very remote Both Estrada and Madriz desire peace with honor The resignation if President Madriz In favor Gen Estrada would mean that the ilfflsSulty woulc locally come to a standstill but political Complications would result Would Have to Fight In the event of Madriz refusing to fec ognife the Estradans the latter will fight to the end All tho Eatradan generals have signed a solemn agreement to that effect The scene of operations will soon be removed from the Atlantic coast toward Managua the capital Gen Estrada has published a proclamation outlining the policy of the provisional government He states that it will abolish all mo popoliesy restore individual rights encourage mining agricultural and commercial industries guarantee freedom of the press initiate free elections and establish schools of the highest order Immigration will be favored and foreigners will receive rights and privi leges equal to those enjoyed by the native born Offer of Recognition Rumored Ttfew Orleans Jan 2 It developed today that Richard Sussman consul general at New Orleans of the Estrada government in Nicaragua left here sev eral days ago for Bluefields to consult with Gen Estrada Mr Sussnian carried with him letters from a number of persons of high Authority in Washington who gave assurance that the Estrada government will be recognized by the United States if the revpmtlonaryarmy marched on the1 capital and captured it Only one condition is attached that the Estrada government as soon as it is in control give the Nicaraguan people a fair election at which they may choose a successor to Zelaya as president Consul Sussman has therefore advised Estrada to press on to Managua at once Sussman went to Bluefields In disguise and carried with him a large quantity of ammunition and supplies it is ated by passengers from Bine fields that a frenchman Edmond Couturie was shot at the same tlme with the two Americans Groce and CannonrCou turla was a lieutenant colonePcf engi neers in the Estrada army and he and the two Americans were engaged In mining the San Juan Kiver in order to blow Up the Zelava transports WALTER SCOTT DEAD State Department Attache Victim Stomach Trouble Walter Scott chief of the division of mails of the Department of State died jesterday morning at his residence 2102 street orth west He had been a sufferer from chronic stomach trouble for more than a year but had continued at his work at the department up to about a month ago when on accqunt of his weakened condition he was forced to take to his bed He grew steadily worsi until 4 the endgame yesterday morning Funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 oclock at the residence The Rev Robert Talbot pastor of St Pauls Episcopal Church will offi eiate Interment will be to Jtock Creek Cemetery Mr Scott was porn in Dur tarn England April 23 1842 JSp tame to this eauntry ln 186 and J4ved fwvafl sSboxt time in New York Heswasp i pointed to a clerkship in thefstate De partment in 1867 and received steady promotion --He is survived hy hs wife Mrs Janie Morrison Scott three sons Walter Frank and Frederick Scott and six daughters Lillian Ahnler Laura Jean ette and Helen Scott and Mrs David Miller all residents of this city THIS EntirfeStockWWchWas Purchaedt in the Orient to Be Sold atCosf Every Rug Guaranteed Cash Re funded During the Weekof dSale if Dissatisfied i VOO Small RugSi AlllWeaves 400Xarge Rugs All Weaves RUGS AS LOV AS 50b Unsurpassed Facilities for Repairing and Cleaning Rugs Phone Maiq 3180 i i rCARLvWTOBOLDT Persian Rug Commissioner 5000 GREETTHE CARDINAL All Creeds Pay Respects at His New Years Reception Prelate Preaches a Sermon on Forgive ness and Calls the United States a Chosen Nation YEAST EXPLODES PRIZE DUCK Fragment of Bursting 4 Bird Puts Out Eye of Its Owner Special to The Washington Post Des Moines Iowa Jan i The strangest accident recorded inlocal history occurred this morningrwhen Rhadamanthus a duck which had taken prizes at the recent Iowa poultry show exploded into several hun dre pieces one of which struck Silas Perkins Jn the eye destroying Mhe ine cause of thV exploslotfwas the eatingof yeastrplaced ln a Tan upon 1 the back porchThe yeast tempted his duckship who was taking a Sun day morning stroIJUpon returning from church Mr Perkins discovered hls priziduck in a somewhat gfoggyi conditlohr Telltale marks around the pan ofiyeast gave him hlsclew aie wasaDouc to pick upxne pira when the latter exploded with aloud report and Mr Perkins ran intothe house holding bothhandsover aheye A surgeon was calJed who found that tne eyeball had been penetrated by a fragmenf of flying duckand gavi hope ofsaying the eye iKr Baltimore Md Jan 2 Fully 5000 perr sons both Protestant and Catholic paid their respects this afternoon to Cardinal Gibbons at his annual New Years reception which followed his sermon delivered at the Cathedral The reception took place in the red room Garbed in his full robes of purple andweaiing his scarlet cap the cardinal stood at the door be tween vthe two large communicating parlors on the lert of the house as the visitors entered it from the Charles street side The people began about 1 oclock to file by the cardinal tlie Catholics jnaTc ing a slight obeisance and kissing his episcopal ring Those who are not Cath olics simply shook hands with the cardinal exchanged the compliments of the day and passed on After greeting the cardinal a moment each caller reentered the main hall from ivhich they left ihe residence by a door to the Cathedral side yard and from there out the gate to Mulberry street Prominent among the callers was former Attorney General Charles Ji Bonaparte The cardinals sermon was on forgiveness and though he spoke briefly his voice was powerful and resonant reaching easily all parts of the auditorium After reviewing the work of Christ for humanlty Cardinal Gibbons referred to the people of the United fitates as follows It is good tny brethren to be here for by coming here you have come to Mount Sinai to Jerusalem to the temple of the First Born Not In the language of exaggeration do I speak but in the ianffuaffe of the Scripture you are a chosen generation and a chosen nation for theie are many people and even nations still groping in the dark for a haven of peace and rest You were chosen and you aerfe b6ught not by gold and silver but by the blood kf Christ fTou have been emancipated not ixemporaruyr as me negroes were oy president Lincoln but sptritually andjj mis emancipation was written wiinine immaculate blood of Jesus Christ Himself Let nothing deter you from going to church let no blush of shame come to Christ on accounLof your sins and-having become partakers of a divine nature never degenerate to a basernature Special to The W8hinstQTi Post Cincinnati Ohio Jan 2 Senator Charles Dick of Akron has written an open letter to Cv Barber president of the American Match Company in which he states that Mr BarberpWre off his citizenship in Ohio twenty years ago when sued by the present senior senator from Ohio who was then auditor of Summit county for 112000 back taxes He says Barber moved to Illinois then to Ifew York an that he doesnt knowjnow of which State he Is a residentrtySenator Dicks letter is in reply to a challenge to debate issued lasf Friday In his challenge to Senator Dick Mr Barher said that Jt was a debatable question whether Mr Dick was lit to be reelected United States senator and asked him to debate with him either lii Wash lngton or Akron on the tariff and railroad questions Senator Dicks reply in part follows Are you a citizen of Ohio or of some other State of the United States or of some other country Wants His Voting Residence Somi vein aero when Iwas countv I auditor you became a citizen of Illinois later so I have been informed JyoJ transferred yjour citfzenshJptoNejifYbrK anqjaier sjuj yuuvqun uiau Qiaieoii whether jou then established resldence and citizenship elsewhere is past finding 6ut and beyond the knowledge of any except God and yourself neither of whom has told If I am mistaken In regardvto this you can correct me but to the best of my knowledge you have not cast a yote in the last ten fifteen or1 perhaps twenty years If the foregoing Is true you will perhaps telL us why and if untrue will ou please tell us where yoif voted In the last four presidential elections Again I must ask yOu whether you are for or against the trusts Booster or a Buster You are known far and wide as an organizer of trusts some of them the most vicious in business history Have jou changed front upon thii question Are you now coming before he people as a trust buster Instead of a trust tiooster Is it a case where when the devil was sick the devil a monk would be when the devil was well the devil a mnnlt wai he There are aDDroxlmately 4000 Items in the tariff law we ought to understand which ot these are to be debated home of them I assume must be eliminate or the discussion would be as long as the session of Congress that considered them no the schedules that dealwith matches clay products salt and rubber need further revision in your judgment rpmemher welt what yoii said in a 1 letter to Senator Aldrich about the rates on matches Do you You refer to the stand pat position which I occupy in politics I never use that term and da not know Just what it means perhaps you can explain Supported Kate Law In regard to my position on the railroad question permit me to say that I took to the White House the first committee from the Manufacturers Asso ciation appointed to request the president and Congress to enact the present law andtliat from its inception to its DR It SCOTT IS PRESIDENT fiagerstown Fair Association Changes Its 7 Officers HagerstowP Md Jan 2 Dr MV Pherson Scott has been elected pjresN dent of the Hagerstown Fair Association Dn Scott won oyer hs rival Abner BeVtsT by a large majority and the entire tleket of the newnanage menC was elected ft The new officers chosen are T3MAntDr MePhersori Scott ri cin ivuHam Armstrongs recording secretary Staleyjcor respondlpg secreiarynr rvri treasurer DanleUW Kelqhardf director Frank wrMisch Ellswortn gtonebrakef Dr Wtn MlHeAh bert Heard Findlay Seibert rrJckHuttarryBaJenLrt Schnebly Dr RlchanLHr Bmlth and Miitnn Porterfield i delegates Are to met James Ei Duvall to Heao Monomery Representatives at Annjtpolis Spesia tqfThe WiahlngtoaTost i Rockville MdX Jan Montgomery countyjs representatives invtheapproacb ing nouse of eieBaie cunauivuiK JamB Duyall JbhnA Garreitj Andrew JCumralngs andJt Alpy Hehder son wlll hbtd a conference tomdrrdw1 evening and efecOtrv Duvall chairman st Mr Garrett will be nWe te county member of ithesprganjzayon commjjtee and jMessfsCummings and iHendersonf will be baoied ior desirable committee assignments INCENDIARIES BURN H0TEE Historical Structure at RidgevlllW Va jn Ashes 5pecUltp TheWa3hinxtonPo8tK Cumberland Aid i an 2 Jre of In ixiiuwi Jf Tv IbM jH 1H1 ww Rldgeyllle Tdlneral pountyf Wf Va a it was onejof ihgiistoric olihostelriear jjutlaSteftrTrftTtrthe Nozth westeya lurnpUie ana was an immense logs pruvnini eictco jiumil i SUICIi i i by Hugli NIGrTC RIDER WITNESS SHOT AssassinaukTromAmi5shonHisWay HomeNear Udbile Ala SSSrSsri i lto hi jrit Vmrtm Mdle jAtntirdlePI1 ton a wealthy warmer tw was assassmatediastTSiIghtv at oxieyj Ala near her and the home of Comstock fied into byunknown parties MiddletcnVas to havebeen theprincjpaj witness in alight BWer case ty Uv here on January 10 and ComstoqkWas he Night Rder victim MUflSott as shot toto0 lonely road whle In a buggy and as startfd tolobile for treatmept budisd oi board a train The home of Comstock was fired into after Mlddleton was shot MARYLAND OBITUARY pnviil Jan 2 Mrs Rose Anderson Williams widow of Vf1 ma iORt nifrht of paralysis Mrs Will iams was stilcken ijhUe slslLriding a Uvr days ago and nver jegaweojiyu scionsness Surviving ner Ji lowing children Miss Hose Williams and Walter A yrilUam oBockvIlter i i onnifla nf Seattle and Maurice WUhams of South tDakot Mrs Williams also leaves r9 William Anderson of Washington andta sister Miss Jolia Anderson of Rockville Laurel Jan 2 Mrg 5 Jane Lawrence ife of vthe late George Lawrence tA hero tndav of naralysl3 aged 73 years Mrs Lawrence is survived by two daughters and two sons Hyattsville Jan 2 Mrs Elizabeth Morrison wife of Howaid Morrison aoA tniAiiTv here this afternoon She Was 69 years of age and an aunt Ofg us neg Man Suffered AeOny George Bond a memberof the legls WT JM 7 1 lature residing at Laurel Mrs Morrison is survived by her husband andsev eral children Death was caused by heart trouble i Completion vof Churph Celeibrated Special ti flVWaslagtoilPiOzt I Charottesvflfe Va Jan 2rtT Win ton Aenuel MethpdisttChurchif thls city today belebratedtrie corapletfe of Hrf liew bu0ingy SeryIcesjweehld Xnons nection with the celebration off tbej25tli anniversaryi of American Methodism or ganized itthe Christian ionfeencajield in Baltimore J25 years ago Sermons were I delivered by the newjpastor trio ReVk LumpKlh vTexaa Pastor CalleOo Norfolk Special to The WasUngUQ poet NorfolkVarjahtiaff 2 A cpll to Jhe pastorate of the Second Presbyterian Chureh ftf Npff Qlk was oday extended DrThoniton VhalIng pastor of the First Pi esbyterlan ChurchOf Dallas Tex i Should Dr Whaling accept the callK which tnougnj Jikeiy ne wH pucceea herthe RevJi ThaekerwSd Tecent ly accepted the secretaryship evangU Ism Jn the Souths rn PresbyterlaChurph i 1ILES1 25 YEffiS MARYiANDjrEDDINGS Hagerslown Jan 2 Miss Martha Poffenberger and Samuel Stlnef of final passage i gave roy Rohersvllle ere married yesterday at vote moreover this vote is apart of u0raM 0bWSw the public record to be examinea saoua A von floiibt the above statement As to the tariff I am a jprotectlonist of the Hamilton Clay McKlnley school as applied to existing conditions I am Affalnst anv further revision of the tariff until the present law has had full oppor tunity to justify Itself wnat lacor anu capital both need Is rest from further agitation nnd a chance to earn wages and dividends upon legitimately invested cap tat Mv hone is that it will be a decade I at least before a general revision of the tarm wiirseemiOiperequiicu ub and changing conditions Votes a Public Record Upon this measure also my votes on every schedule are matters of public ree oi and there were many of them So far as I recall I nethermIssedjnor dodgea a single roll call and I stand by every one of them In aservice in Con gress covering many years Ldo not recall if I could It remains forjny constituents to say wheiher I did right The time has goneby iwhena sena tonal toga can be knocked down on the Public tJtilities Change Hands Lynchburg Va Jaril ZrWith thaclosj by the Rev A A Kerlin JlissCarrie Kobn ofMountAlto and Irvine Kohl of Mougansville were parried at Salem Reformed Church par opa ge at Uagefistown Md rby the Rey Miss Bertha Otzeiberger and Earl FMyerslrbothof Antletam were mar ried by the Rev A A Kerlin at the LuJ theran parsonage at Sharpstmrg jmo i WESTrVIRGlinA OBITUARY Head Neck and Shoulders Covered Became An Object of Uread Consulted Most Able Doctors and Hospital but Got NorReHef SURPRiSlMGLYQUICK I CURE Br GUTICURA auctipiV block in a contest i moneynags west Virzinia Guard Promotions If in a fair openoffic ally conducted prt i oioMJrtn as now nrovfeed hv nnr SreUl JoTheWtsiinrten Post rtvt 0totifpst canwihthe annrobatlon Charlestons VaLvJart 2 What years He was a son of the late Samuel Risler at one tme axounfy commis tslonerj of Jefferson countyrxMr Kissier Iff survived bVhis motherttthree sisters rOarksburgT Jan 2 SiIas tAfh aCon federate veteran wealthy farmer and rpaTestate owner died ar his home here fast night Mr Ash was born near West TJnionCT years ago will 7 NVftN WorxW tTfont CharlesNertune First Infantry is that ever vyasytfharmonyithrfljrpromoted to be first lieutenant First in 04th of office anamy sense pfdutyj as gantry anaassiKrieu to viaocv tikA trava rtif ti see it Vfw tnuv vniirs AimA LleuL Edwara Al tturaette or i CHARLE J3ICK Jr of the pcoplwhom Ihave striven toVprobably provrthc last promotions AOjL greatly gratified If the other handrjhls ineunibenejMn offlcftn the JTatlonal nithvrtnteslAnt shall TOin thrwl diard are announced as follows Lieut hnnnr rahallbe equally philosophical Cob Clarence rJolliffe First Infantry iw Tvnhrtr rtai Tand shallTreiinamsn tne jnonor with thacr is maae coionei cn iiiuiuiry bwuou iili soMefonHfin wraphpnmes frofn a ferMne ciectnc rauwaiy pianiB jinu tne locaigas plant passedfrbm controIotaPhiladelq phia snwicater which has owned them for eightlorften years intoTthehondrfdf the AmericanRailways Company Cardinal HeieNext Sttnday5 Cardinal Gibbons will preside jat th solemn nign fmass ceieoraiea next tspn day morning In St Patricks Church The mass will be followed arecep tion and luncheon inth rectorriendered bv theRevDr JtusselLThl3 reception isrnow held annually ate SC PatrlckV Church ln honor olihe cardinal zoiiow Ingthe custom which the ttevDrfStaf fordestablishedTaiew years ief Ore his death i flt lor Infants and Children 3kM You RanJUvarcHlH Bears the Satnreof ifiafWiaWbte Charleston Quartermaster Second battal ion Second Infantry is promoted to be first Ueutenanv ana made aaiutani oi tne Second battalion Second infantry I JPreached Bis Parewell Sermori Petersnurgt va jantz uev Ar txis ir pastor of Tabb Stt eet Presbyterian I Church who has accepted calk to Blrm fhghamvAla preached his farewell ser muii iuuctyvjifiit riuuigLjik iHjucmcieu a sermon to the AipHilI Camp of Conf ed erate YetSraos Cuticura id wonders for me F6f twenty five yearr I suffered aopy from a tempie numorv plototy covering my headneck and ehouK dert so that to Hly friends and even to my wife I became an object ofdread At large ex pens I consultedihe mesf able doctors far and near Their treat inentwaof noyail nor was tnat ci top Hosoltaldurineiix months efforts I suffered on and con eluded there wasiwi help for me this 4ai of tbft graved Thertl heardof gon one-who had beericurad byCuttcira Reme a dies and thought that a trial could do no harm In a surprisingly short tinlI waa completely cured STPKeyefiWCon gress St Boston Mass Oct 2 1909 CURED BOILS WUhXulkura when EvMtfaiflZ 1 Elwfcid Failed I sm vefy gratefulfor Cuacunf a my daqght had been Buffering for eleven monthiwith awful treat bolls on her boiiyV Wetrjed evprfthlngwhich gocd yho boilsinsd9her very weai and ilFandshpjhad to JeaTd herplace After usinir one tablet of Cuticura Boap mboxcf Cuticura Ointment two vials jot Cuticura Pilla iand 3 three booties pife uuueura jtesoiTent sne gox uiwweu and iias not had the boila nce 1 should haye wiittentoyou before but if havebeerfwaitingior see if she ha4 ay reigrrof any coming bcki My daughter iis eighteen years 01a jirsjBiienAWiner BiIlsideBdr vAsb Coma irAMer 6hctHantsVCnglandJun6 29 1809 J1 rntifura S3a csti 5i S11 tMel nd Ctttleurs nesohent SOc S9n5 JF cbocahite Cotl Pills He ftfW 9 08eWri ItbrovKhoutibe world Potter OrJTQHg Cr Tioie Prepi H5 Columbia AvefiMfc lata 32 jweCuttrnni BooltmMHWIi ttP Krivtioa trestmtnt u4 vst 1 mmmtQ iktt A Ztf 3 Vf it 1 MW SM fe 1 mm l3 mmK Jfcti2.

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