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The Washington Post from Washington, District of Columbia • 5

Washington, District of Columbia
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i 'vVr- ri- if J1 "Sy CritfaimjXienmmy Plans Nitlan-WWe Camilla I l-I H- I' l-Hri-1 l-l i i 'iri-4- --l- -H- i i fri'l''i' 1 -H 1 1-H-H- -t-H-H-M 1111 if 'C-V! Yeteraii Journalist ActiveCareer in This dtyiH V-- T7' Bated onlntoleumce ObUgaioniofHfljeM Sdye French Courtier r- --vx --r'- Cany Movement Hist Into Ohio f-r 'V i Say i Staali-Zdtung OH IOTODFkJ)AIIT 5 NJ 1 ViV MuylanA Wut Virginia' tad Delawaro' -Yv -Si -i A From tk Courrisr de Etatt-Unia ijt fork Nov XI Iheol- 'YLiP r-i Vx- Sent to Seport Conquest of MexicoHe dent Wilson's 'proolamation regarding ths nentrallty of the United Btotos'hM Became Private Secretary to Emperor Was toere never a in your life when a fehundred dblls have been a veritable godseriSt -r' From Staats-Zeitung Nov! Yes-terday Sunday World published Its leading' contribution to 'its aditcirla1 section an argument: of the Dr Thomas Hall' It Sketched the 'cas of Germany lnelear' sharp outlihsa As I read this plah'lfsitthat this Wan it r-f- Impetus waa given to the organisation of Washington's newest sodsty the Common- Sense Antlsaloon AllUnce at: a meeting of representatives of dtlsens' and officers ofthe alliance at Narrowly EacapeflShar tog liat Ruler ToOedHeref or j-tv- FnnerAlTomornnr knew'wharsof hsYapsak It la dlf- Some opportunity tliat would have Jed to fortunefwith but a-h capital required? -f Henry Conauest CUrkt Veterafi ficult' to the Wffiard yesterday Th prlndplea of the sodety to Introduce tha European ayptam of serving drinks In this country removing features of tbs bairoomwerb readY- A newspaperman and ione': of the orlg- instore (of thb rural free deliveryof postal ayatant died 'yesterday It was reiterated as at a mestlng at jV t- morning at -hla honje 1 1751 atrest northwest aged 75 years reporter on-the -'London' Time--Mr Clark pegan in eventful career to the newspaper world which 'took him -to Mexico City during the reign Of Em- oompraas A aven th aisipl facta of this war Into a threaColnmn article yet Dr Hall states hla cae with a larga aAd eklin logic: On another page th Sunday World dlimlaaes tha brief at Dr HaU In ah edltortal rom which I take the liberty of -yA -5y viWith due respect Ho statement Js what'Carlyle used' to cU Wotted --'X Discmdits HU Information day lt breathas detarmlned opposition and dlnca eompromle( contant to its own eonriBsloxi it brnahasaalda rsaapujlfe- Satlafled that it owny pplnt Of 'Vlaw mbracs all- ecncalvabila Informs tlonltis Impatlant 'of argument Itladlotatorial without balngconvlno-tog'S ylniewr whersit plaiu- (tlmeana "I aasuma Bellaf Is confused with fact' ipinlon wlth actu-alltyy it speaks ex cathedra without the authority' of lnf ormatlom Fosltlve of asaertlon lt Is negative of conjrlo-tionl- Beln un reasonable 1 lt ls aelf-aufflclent lacking eympatoy It i self- lah being domineering- it ls ls premised upop a bon-cluslbn and Is flnai only because opposed toy Jt Is characterlatlo of that mental attitude Which starts to stop before lf heglisB to It replaces wlt with derision understanding with scorn suspends dlsooulon-' and rnocks the truth It Is sinister of Intolerance' and devoid of Wiadom Uncouth in its manner" lt yis roioted to Ignorance With no meaaure 'pf Imagination It dls-miseaa logio and atlflaa thought It seto up an arbitrary standard and can- not ralao Its eyes above its own level Reveraing the order lt derivea haavy particulars from -lamb generalities: It ia a polnt of yiewwedded to prejudice cbhbelved In bias and born in hlgotryV Tha Sunday World: apparently does not care what Dr Hall thinks It re-minds ms of the remark of one Irishman to-qnother: "One-half of the world doee ''pot yknow how the other- half llyes" To which tlie other replied' Tfo and tha bther half does hot know eltherV I do net speak In' spirit of blttsrnoM toward tha editor Of the Sunday' World In fact I would not been' ao far strictly observed by tbs Ambrioan people The public hae re-trained from damonstr atlona for- or against either i of the belligerent groups' and -the preai has kept com-pletepaeerve'attltuderagardlng'any aetlon to favor of either party Thla attltnde of the press la -very remarkable Vlfhaa 'always i refrained' from taking any step purporting to Involve tha '-United States in the war in spit of Its avowed eympathiee for the ap-emles of Germany'' From ascertain pblntof vlaw thla'attltudi waa Justified for It was not to be forgotten that the United 8tates ia a vary ooiunepoll-tan oonntry allies and Teutons are numerously represented here' and lt was quite possible that conflicts might hays happened if strlct neutrality had not baen obaarVad by the Amerleah preaayPrealdent Wilson' proclamation 'was thoroughly wiae and-wo can but cohgratulafs the Amerlcan pebple have grasped that opiportuni not start today thernext opportunity won pass you by? peror Maxlmlllan to New Orleans '-Vp -d urlng the reconstruction period after r-'pp the civil war! and' to Washington UV' i JV 1 -j- where hewaa a member Of the Mew 7 York Tribune bureau formanyysar 7 VV Mr Clarks' was born In Feterboro England Hla father -waa an' editor Ui'Wh lfr- Clark was-married -his 'father aent him on a two honeymoon trip to the United State and daring that time he met James Gordon Bennett! sr editor-of the Mw-York Herald I who sent him to report the at of by -Maximilian One dollar is enpligh to open an account You'll be sensed how fast it grows jv' iX-P i tha home of the president Dr Schart- a week prevloua that the society was feffmed In' the Interest of combating fanatical prohibitionists and advocating th serving of drinks': but under condl-flon different from those now pravalent Beer snd llght wines' whs mslwtained should be served freely but opnly This would preclude the present-day bar with Its screen doors minor and other features which Jt la contended are not con-duclve to a moral atmoephera Stronger drlnkaYsay the advocatee of the movement should not be drunk on such prem-lsesMmt ahould be handled by wbole-aalers and drugstores v- i---' Dr Soharf was sleeted president of tha alliance and Mrs: Elisabeth 'Mltchslt secretary: election of a treasurer was postponed These comprise the advisory board: Creed Fulton chali mans Waiter Mitchell Dr Schart Sydney Aahbridge and Dr Colllna It waa-announced that-Mr Mitchell la editing a periodical to-be called-tha Sa-loon Abolltlonlat and spread nation-wide In the interest of the organisation and Its prlnHplfp It was announced that campaign Is to be: started Immediately to establish branches of tbe Washlngton central society to different sections of the country The committee believes -Ohio: Maryland West -Virginia and Delaware have already 'accepted overtures of the local society and branches wlQ tp established first In these States know a great deal more about today war than Ir Mall know if hla artlcla ln today lasue of Th World la fair measura of 'hie information We hava had tbe offlclal document af all the natlona Involved have studied -tha records whlchT Prof-Hall plainly haWnot atuled Prot Hall le In a claaa with many other waltWean-Ing Americana who 'come back from Germany to tell us all kbont the Wusee of the war 'They tell ua nthing Tbey merely repeat a maea of uuaupportad anertlons that tha German publicity have already scattered from one end of the earth to 'the v- Thla editorial expression of the Sunday World represen ta tb characterlaT tlcaliy brutal type of reasoning found sa frequently In bur Eastern preas to- '-'T I -i- 1-7 -f i torreapondent at' Mexico City a 'member of the dlp-lomatle staff and hla prtvala secretary and wljen tha emperor was ordered to- be ehQt Mr -Clarke also waa choeen -v for a similar fate Intervention of the English) consul saved- hia life and he In aavlng the Einprees: Car-V' vV lotia aijd Prince Salm-Salm Onrlng hia service aa correspondent in New JOrleane Mr Clgrke wae secre -t'Yr-'-- i- tary to jtho mayor' and other prominent political- leader When Mr Clarke came to Washington ha became ao qualnted wltb President Unooln- who V-v frequency had' him assist lnhia corre- spondeqca He left newspaper work to become aasociatad with late De Graw in the postofllco department He retired from active' work about ago rn- rP: Vs Ik BOWMAW CaShler WADE XL COOFEB BEGIN ALD LEWIS AeeUtaat Cashier A CLAFELkM Visa PmUnt a harm spllnter of his Herman Bidder-' "j- -I o'n "yi maity aspisaitts $12000000 IN CANAL FONTS Services Tomonxtw A'v New French farm ry Funeral servlcea will held at the for the Offlcera' Revolver Association by MaJ George Tat' First Infantry president ofthe association The aaaoclation la leo-: planning a turkey shoot at the Center' Market armory to take place next Saturday night atT -7 Several Teafiia Entend for Competition -i -Undef Ettkmkl Aasociitibu although the sypply of boots and cloth home tomorrow afternoon at 'o'clock --f The kv William A Wade of St A Mark' Lutheran Church- will conduct i- the ectvlcea-y Interment will" hi in Jtock Creek Cemetery The pallbearer will ba members of the Gridiron -Club of which Mr 'Clarke waa a member ir The honorary pallbearers will be Starttnj Early" Campaign Bpt aftar mora than three months American opinion hae bad ample time to form ltoelt Not many days alapaed before It Identified ltaelf wlth th allied canaa eild in aplto of that sort of "moral support In favor of the foes of Gormknle mlUtarypowernothlngof the eonfilota ear ed by partleaha etrict neutrality: occurred nothing happened to trouble tbe quietneee Of thi isouhtoyi" A conaequence of that sltuatkm7 as WeB as- pf-a better 'Understanding of American Interests and Amerlcan secnrltyln the future has been a more fresdlaeue ion of the neutrality question la the ptoea: Americans Ihaire begun to think and to mak known that neutrality doee not mean "ludlffarenOa" Americana feel that ought to he The United States being the' more Important neutral power they era highly concerned both from the moral and the practical polnt of view The question of tlonal rights which have beea repeatedly Tiolatrf by the German' 'would be suf-fldent for action by th United States oufht to be doner In' Oder the recurrence of the bombardment unfortified towneUie nseof exploejvo buQeti the taxo-tUm of war on dtlee not been defended and tn of hostility havo heen conv-mitted murder of non combs tantpeo-ple them- women and- children! of enemies armed or unarmed' above all the soon qf treaties pledges'brtnglug oonOdsts" alafigh- CoL Goethils Reports Total' 7 turns of $353559049109 Battles Of the Panama Canal bulldera against the earth slides and construp-tion of fortifications to guard tha great waterway' are described In the report of CoL George Goethal 8 A governor-of the Canal Zone' to the Secretary of AVar made' public yesterday The report show at hat the canal's cost so far has been' 9X5355304163 Of this amount more than 913000000 has been' appropriated for fortification' Slides of earth nto tb canal neces Kelloggi- Frank A Richardson John London Nov15 Itcan be stated on an indisputable authority which Is otherwise corrobwatodv thaty reports circulated recently to the off act that Franca has already put practlcally her whole fighting one In the field are wholly Incorrect Behind the army whlehpow holds the long battle llne there are new armlas which Gen- Joffro doubtless will bring into play at what'he Judges tha PTt ing Js not oven yet quite wht It ought to tbe dellolancy has largely boon mads good and thr French moblllia-tlbn ls now nearing completion 'It -follow that -for 'some tlme to come the French will bb growing more and more efficient while 'it la believed here-that tha elQcieney of the German fighting machine -will proportionately dcUne '7 -i At a -meeting of the District Rifle 'Association at th First infantry headquarters Friday night plans were nida fog the shooting seaaoftsoon to begin-at tha gallery range Jn the armory 7 A number of teams were entered for competition In the Inter-Club League of ttio National Rifle Association and a determined effort will ho made by the District team to win first Instead of second placeas has happened to the past Ofll-cera and man on the teams Holt audvRalph Alderman Lieut noil suaaipn merman ueut Schrlver Alfred 8tofer James-R Young JRobsrt Wynns' Louis Garths i and Edwin Boilaau De Graw Active Bernal matters of Interest including the Early? for Chrietmas propaganda the subject of Increasing local business by the use of the parcel poet more frealy and other Items wlH be taken' up at tha meeting' of the- Retail Merchants Assodatlon to be held in the rooms of the association tonight at o'clock President Andrews has sent out a special letter to tbe nSmbers requesting a good attendance so that thq fullest cooperation on the "Shtip Early' proposition may he had pallbearers will be' Arthur Dunn-IBdgar C- Snyder Richard Oulahan Edwin 31: Hood Charles Randolph and 0 Messenger John Nolan ter and destruction: Into a country Belgium which -was hot to he a participant la the preaent war Anurkt Should Ptoteit'-r But where 'Asnericane differ la on the foruT that the defense of 'International rights and Jnstlce should taka i Than an partlsans of sctlon' and partisans of ImiHe proteet Ths former do not fear ta'suigsat that the government of Whsh-tngton joln tha alUes with the military and naval forces- of 'tha United States the latter say that long ago 'reprassnt tiona ought to hava been mads In Berlin by tbe American government 70ur oplnfon is as follows: Ws think thii United States should have made representations to Germany to order to ex-press American opinion to the srart em-phatie manner Very likely that protest would have proved to be Ineffective' but It dohi 'not' matter' That protest would havo eopstltuted a firm- declaration aup-porilhg-thaprttiaiples of humanity codj-fled inthe- famous convention: of The Hague whlchbears tha signature of the United State Mrs' A Eaton Is Dead v' will render two Hymne selected by-Mr i Clarke before hla death Mr nephew Arthur Con-quest Clarke of the editorial staff of Lion el Johnson A Bchmldt Edgar A Gerlw H- Leisedr Sergt Olll Mothers' Congress Meets Tomorrow the- New York World with his wife arrived la Washington last night to at- tend the funeral --r- v-r -i ''-''r1' L' A A v- chologlcal It la now generally admitted that tha French were 'not prepared when the war broke out that the troop had not eyfliqlent clothing' and that fh'- rtfl-' lery was hot as complete as the frlend of France hoped It would Th mobilisation In consequence was serlously delayed' -r-' 'y? -J-V': Nearly four months however have now passed and -during that time iff exceptionally capable ministry has been exerting itself to the utmost to put things right and to complete the-mob-i Umlon V-" There are grounds for believing that r'y sitated removal -of 25306100 cubic yards of earth and atone The canal's giant locks and dams have endured earthquake shocks i more violent and numerous during the last year than In -any yearainea the United States occu- patidn Eighty-seven shocks wars recorded at Ancon The violent shocks of May 28' resulted In alight damage to -the administration building In course of erection -at Balboa Height The canal population has been stead- lly decreasing with the finishing of the work On June 30 there were' 89672 employe compared with 43160' at the close of the previous fiscal year Evidences of Seltoemeut The many Waahlngton friends of MTs A Ai'-St Eaton of Baltiniore honorary president -of the Baltimore branch of the Foreign Missionary 8odety wera shocked yesterday to learn -of her death -on Saturday i at her -hQma" WhlIe Mra Eaton had been Ul for eome her death waa not -expected- A delegation of tha bffl-cers of the Washington branch of the organisation -will attend -the funeral which will be held from the residence tor Arlington arenue Baltimore at lSO o'clock: this afternoon Mrs Eaton was years vJ- viijiwanapiww to -prevent Of dumdum and of which: have Which no seta the among the mutilation and and Schrlver Grpom D- Knight and Frank Kahr The team1 of the Short Range Rifle League Includes: CapL Harry Burton Lieut Fehr' 8ergt Joseph Schrlver' Hood Quad Schmidt' P1 1 Gibeon A Johnson and Johnson CapL Edwln Fullain Adjutant Flrat Infantry presided The monthlr merchandlae' match will be the feature of the program arranged Mamei-My steady blew me off ter at regnar reeTrantlaet ulKhtN The Congress of Mothers will meet to-moirow af ternoon at 3 o'clock in tha Raleigh to hear Mr Nanette Paul dean of the Washington College of Law talk on Things We Should Know About Our Clara NeUgh of Neighborhood House- also will talk on vocational training far girl Presidents of -parent-teacher associations will report on thrir recent work 8ay they tell me he's reel refined Mahiej-Daf S' what! When he poured -hie coffee out In aauoer ter cool it he didn't blow It like some guys would but 'fanned it wid 'la Panama'' 'I v- X' vr'sX VTWtfi i -I-' i I -I" V- -'5 'V i -v sv fj' V--' -r 1 V- v- 'f J- 7 I I I I -'-V ft I Victrola rE -r X- i- I i A Li iYv- f-- DCIAL afternoons ADd e'Ycning at home are right at their height1 the new dance stepa are being learned or old ones practiced anew the favorite opera recorda are xirgiiig to J-V be heard again It ig Victrola time truly and hese at the are these convenient1 -Y Victrola Combinations on Special Club Plana f-V and1 I fid tofl'Jlh -vL" r- There eire Victor andyictrolaa injmat wuiefy of styles from $10 to $200 and aiw Victor dealer will gladly demonstrate to you Vletos-Tletrsla TLaskaMsctlBM Ynv cloiea mt Riewli tt vain af oo i ijn 5-r- I Vlefois-Tletrol tk co ep s'i Tonv cfcoln if RteArli tm tbt VSlVg af ea a a FiMeo a 4 a jt' 1M0: POO extra Xeeflp RacarO Brush and Victor-' Record Album value 316 r- S2n chue $350 monthly 61100 Payable 'V $10 at puN 'ctor Talking Macbine COi Camdenj J- jVWtrolAyi VieiorVMroli IX oak or begaay You choice of Htearli to th' -value af -Yxaflfi dutej llO momhly "v-v' 'f-i Victor-Vlefral XYI ehulea 1 4 tstofcis B0666- Your ehdee of Records to the tvp value is 4e vr' XOjOa Y'v'TgaioAo at -f piujrl monAly': A '-yt: apaw ii--f SflOsOt wns j'-a- jPayable $81 at pin-chue $5 monthly 'r '-r-'py 'vrrz''- -a- Isa s' I Sr v1 In onr completely equipped Vic-trola ParlorB yon wfll fed Eyy TjrpeofVjctrola 1 $1500 to 950000 i-M iS -fc -py-'- i A r- 5 -j-y-t- y- All May Be Bought dh' Convenient I ji -Terma' 1 V-r Newest Records on the ay 6 fT ii eir' is -L I X75- r0 'Vi V-V w- 'fjctrol (NewModeL) VictroU -Ar Mahogany or oak Victrola XVI $200 Tbo Instrument by which tho value of V'C-V fcV" -i Victroia New Modd Vidrola XI $100 1 musical Instnuneats Is meaaured 1 i' a- Each One a Sealed iWKolesStlfGENERi GENERAL DISTRIBUTERS FOR WASHINGTON: Retail -v 7 rn UV' Which' meana yon get in our rec- orB FULL i VALIIE or 'your rictrola Parlora-Foruth Floor Victrola ParlorsFourth -jt 9 SlOOuM tor tote mid TICTBOLA NO XL Our advice is timely! It is baaed on years of experience Thousands 'have been disappointed each Christmas uuse they get the Victrola they wanted! They waited the last moment to buy! ZJC: r- FlborV-1 1 --A A i )l- fi- 1 a tf-- -S' 4 "tf A -S PIANOS $ZH ST AMStmOtA-AVE A small cash payment reserves YOUR VICTROLA for Xmas delivery Monthly payments are arranged to suit your purse Come in today and look the stock over 'r MUSIC' AND MUSICAiINSTRUMENTS V'-: fv 0 r-V mt ii -wr --u-i'tl -Mi J-.

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