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The Salt Lake Tribune from Salt Lake City, Utah • 13

Salt Lake City, Utah
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i THJE SALT IAKE TjRIBUIvE SUNDAY MomN1G AUGUST 31q 1902 13 OUTPUT FOR AUGUST Sixty Thousand Tons Bring More Than 2000000 DIVIDENDS FOR THE MONTH Nearly 300000 Distributed Carina Annual and Now Board Elected Matt Cullens Active Campaign in Beaver County SiouxUtah Lease Expires New York Interests Change Humid Tiny on the Curb The August Dividends Kotos and Personal i August In he oro bullion market expired last night on settlements ngnre- FratlnR l0M700 as compared with 51- Pfl22 0 for the previous montli while the week passed outwith settlements aKfirorjatlns 321200 as compared with 5377000 for the preceding one In addition to the settlements In the open market the Tllyhlund Boy forwarded 1200 000 pounds copper gold and silver benr Iny bullion of the value of which no dollar marks are at hand while the production of the Blngham COILS furnaces during the same period could not be learned yesterday owing to the absence of Colt Ucffron the ciishlcr In the diggings In the production of there results the smelters of the valley including I nI II I furnaces In operation during the month treated no fCVPI than 53500 torn of ore while 5000 tons according to the Amor Jeans estimate was forwarded 10 foreign plants for reduction To handle the tonnage Jn the valley the American Smelting and Uellning company employed three furnaces at the Murray rnnl four sit the Germanla smelter through which HaOOO tons was put white 15000 was treated nt the Highland Boy and J300 at the HlriRham- JUcamvhfle the rlngham Con Is pvc paring to blow in IL fourth furnace while at the 1000000 Murray plant five more are to go Into commission before theentire battery is under fire HO that everything denotes a demand for an Increased output from the camps The days settlements In the open ilfllICPL tlO rodtirl In I9k1 nick it Co reporting them as follows American bullion I 51000 gold burs 52500 gold sliver lead anti copper ores 38000- Jn the metal market silver ruled at 52 cents an ounce lend at S3CO per hundred pounds and casting cdpper at 1oi i cents a pound AUGUST DIVIDENDS ear1y 8300000 in Bread Money Passed Around by Brood Winners The month among the breadearners closed with distributions aggregating LTiO000 and without reference to those by which a crumb is passed round and of which no public announcement Is made Daly West again led the procession and handed out CO cents a snare or 108000 while the shareholders of Silver King drew down GO l3 cents or 5100000 The Geminis very exclusive set vas permitted to cut up 50000 although It Is sLid of the mine that Its earnings for the month will reach 5125000 while among the 1300 or more shareholders oC Con Mercur was divided SSOOOO with those oC the Utah of Deep Greek going into Its cupboard for 52000 To the regular list the Incoming month the Ontario which has already posted a dividend of SlnOOO will be add ed while the shareholders of the High land Boy are expecting a piece of money from that aourre CENTENNIALEUKEKA- Porces to Return to the Stopes Yithin the Next Pew Days The campaign of repair which has been going on at the ContennlallSurc ha during the summer months was ended last night when the last stick of condemned timber was raised to the curfncij and the shaft rellmbered from Its coljar to tile boltom 1000 feet be low All that now remains to be done Is the stringing of the electric wises by which the corridor below ire light ed and signals to the engineer are dis patched and in ten laS an army of men will he at their positions under ground Meanwhile the ore bins have been repaired while alteration on the tramway huivases Its capacity 51 ier rent and enables the managemcnt to forward 200 tons every ton hours or JSO a day should the needs of the sinol tcr require It Manager Clarence Alien who camein from the bonanza ifler subjecting every portion ofIt to inspection nnd who returned to his desk yesterday says everything below is ready to respond with a signal from the smultcr and it Is expected that by the middle of next month the under I ground forces will have been doubled Eureka Is correspondingly exultant THE GABISA ANNUAL An Entirely New Household Called on to Serve the Company The management of the Car tea corn panys Jlnlic properties during the anniversary which ended yesterday mar keted 1117 tons of ore of a gross value of LS7i7072 and for which It re eolvod 17G 10050 whiU the year iidod with a balance nf about 11110 lo Us credit 1 To the earnings during that prrlod ibf Carlst contributed MO 18S il nd tlicjrfpy 1S 0lf0 wliJh Itvsoea produivrl ores of th vahn of IS17i Included in lie disbursements wjs SHOUOO which was panned around In two dividends of cents each whSlo I the bnlanee was dcvotit to the employ men of labor and gcncial I oporallng expenses with 2lio 1038 deducted for transportation mdS7H2 for smelter chaiKcs Thin among oiiordnli V718 spread noforo the sharoholdirs at the a tnni meeting of shuu hohinrs ycbtcnlay af ternoon SuiMrintumlunt A 1 Uncler wood uppli menUng it witha report on the physical condition of ihe properties at this time and development prose cm od during lie year Ills refeiinco to arlBu ground docs not Indicate vo luminous sourcps although I I a great deal oC xploratory work has IHMI bile Conditlony I In Spy ground are more chueriul The new iopperbcar ing channel on the 700foot lcvul has becn opened up for forty feet along tic Btriko With ton ei of oru between I walls while thr ilrst uiil Ci ond levis have boon prodiutrvo of soinv very JjlKlimult ore aiul atford a logltimato HiMil for furihor piospectJng Ai I pres ent I live sets of khHCw arc I operating on thtHO levels anti inking out ore to which the company could not profitably rjo votr Us i iiunilon I wj lle tin onillilon I pi geilern lv i not ulthoU Ilw I Mirourag lag HKWI bont the I true that the copprr niftrkoi taim to rcced fays ouprlniiiidint I Inlorwood I In foiielnd imr iiii report Lii 5011 nOd silver vu inn btgan to dlmintali anti I the com TilliY ulfl fwinpelled lii rlthor sutpend dividtitl or iHOHpocilng It I I eloiled to OlttIIl prospiialinr und that it was the inpr tourfe attention is railed to tlic dlscloKiinH I In siy ground With 1 MIR report Mr Und rwoodn connentloi with the mines was severed his resig nation having boon submitted several weeks previous A query concerning the cost of smelt log the OIT elicited tho announrfmetit that the inanaKcmont of the Blngham Con smoltor hud exncled hut S750 per ton with an exception here and I ihuro where the lots wore very refractory Tho reports disposed of I he boardof directors for lie ensuing year were elected at follows ri Hrannfnrd fSalifjhcr 1 Wooilniff i Westcou and losojih the bouivl lo lonvo tot the camp In a body to night At I a Hireling of thedirectors last night the hoard a strong out sia I or emled with Mr Bransford a is iivsl dent Mt Joseph as vicepresident and general manager and Mr Westrott aw- liOMsiiror the Select liii of a acvrotavy being deferred until the rot urn of the directors from the 1 property I Williams formerly of the Ontario and Utah a lid AJax Is to be the new super intendent The ivports submitted at the annual yevVrday rompnro favorably with any that have coniu from TlnlU i propiMllos during I HIM year and not few oon IeMicd their surprlsii that the carnlngH had atalntcd sitcb figures notwith- sinndlni the lilaclI jed condition of the Imhince i However evr tiling denoter hotter results during the prcaunt yoar BEAVER COUNTYS ACTIVITY ntt Cullen Inaugurates Development on a Cluster of Interests To the sisterhood of minon and prospects now undoi active drtvedopment along tho lieu by whlrh Beaver county Is girdled are to he added what has ong been commonly chaiaclorlxed as the Cullen and Campbell interests tttd that spread over the zone almost without number Having arranged for tills Matthew Cullcn came un from camp yesterday and one by one the various proposition I will bo drawn In to the campaign of development A5 ready work has been relved on I the Wild Bill group In North Star district Mr i Cnllen having iisoeht ted with him a Mr Kccley a wealthy brcwor of Chicago Meanwhile a deal Involving he transfer ot the Burning Moaoow over which there lias been not a lit tic scrapping there i Is over nearly ill I good I things I Is I In progress while I Mr Cullen Is arranging to reopen the Ked Warrior I In Star district and the Rebel in North Star distrlcl the lat er In former days having produced ores for which the owners received jver 00000 while a nice lot of high grade ore Is still exposed Work wilt also be rcmmicd on the Lady Bryan group in which large volumes of iron ore oaruylng as much as 11 gold tier on IP expoHCd and with all this added 10 time work now In progress the cam jaign cannot but be greatly I enlivened None perhaps are more familiar wiih conditions I out of Mllforn than Is Mr jullen mid his efforts are relied on to add greatly lo results SIOUXUTAH LEASE All Privileges Expire and Messrs Underwood and Depew Retire The lease and the 175000 option on the Sioux nnd Utah groups of Tlntlc having expired on Tuesday last the roporties are now under lock and key and until some investor capable of a spot transaction comes along the ter Itory will be permitted said Robert I Grant to remain idle During tIme lease which was exercised by TMcasrs Underwood and Dcpcw of Eureka time roperUcs were productive of nine cnr loads of ore of good quality while on the eve of Its expiration a large vol imo of quartz running well up In gold in spots was uncovered Mr Under wood speaks most favorably of the possibilities of the territory and has no doubt that development will be ultimately characterized by good results ON TilE CURB Grand Central an Active Figure With Yankee Con Wanted While the key was turned In the approaches to the pit the day on the curbstone was characterized by the usual activity although the talent felicitated itself last night that it had been quite successful In eluding time In formers who hnd them under surveillance Grand Central which ia daily advancing1 to is surplus sas in big demand at Ji7iuSO while Wabash which sold down to S21S during the matutlcal hours was passed over the pavement up to 556 with a lot of Century changing hands at OG in anticipation of reports that several visitors to the mill promlLo on their return Creole for which there has beena steady domain for several lays tilled an order at 22 cents and willie i0 cents was freely bid for Yan kee Con not a shave was Jarred loose A lotof Ben Butler responded to a bid of edits with at least 00 Comstock coming out to a bid of SLIMi and 100 Daly to one of There was other trading but It was behind the shutters A NEW YORK PURCHASE Old Company Rechristcned and to Be Launched Again This Week The acquisition of valuable Interests by Messrs Wllaon und William 11 Jnlnc in the properties of the New 1ork Mining I I company at Pmk City was announced yuiorday the extent of the Interests nor the moneys required to laud tlioin being released However the purchase was In behalf of the Now York Mining I and Development 1 under which rechrlHtcning the old company will be launched as a now one the present weak and upon whose propei tics the most lgorous campaign of development will I bo prosecuted The hold- Ings of the company adjoin time Null driver which IK owned i by I he Ontario crowd and Is about 1000 foot south of tile Wabas The territory has long been regarded most favorably by mining men In I the park and Us I development will bo cloely followed WATER FOR MAJESTIC Valuable Flow Developed at Smelter Site Still Blocking Out Ores With the breaking of ground on the new jundter site In progress and all ar rang menti5 fqr Its early completion disposed of President A Lewis of the Majeatlc company returned from his camp out of Mil ford yesterday and will have ltled In the new officer In the Dooly block tomorrow A development thai imanu as much for his cluster of undertakings In I lint locality as any strike among the ore bodies is that In which at a depth of nine toet the management has lapped a How of water which comprehends all rcqulremcjiti bug tint line At the group I iho blocking out I of on of excellent quality I continues an does It at the neiRh- liorihg propositions while everything pointy to even tunic favorable rctnlta as development progrcstes President Lewis is ext lClliUl well pleased with everything In I the locality and is rends lo turn I the Held management over to- Col Parish on his arrival I during the next thirty days Col hoe Jlenshaw the new secretary for the companion will take charge of the records tomorrow Down From Alta Manager Hatlleld of the Albion re turned from that Alta proposition yes terday and reports developments pro grcHslng host ini th slit oil I while I conditions along the coiirie of the new work arc steadily Improving fomiec Lion has been made vlth I Iho main tunnel after driving 00 feet ami the latter Is now advancing steadily with the strike of the big vein which has now been opened for 525 feet Alta throughout said Manager HaUlold looks well and winter promises more work than at army period jilnco the very early days AT THE DALYJUDGE Itlnzingci Daly Accomplishing Fine Results at Every Point Maj Vllion who ban bcun P- Ollcltously following up developments In properties of the DalyJudge at Park City reports Impiovod royultn with every shift and says thieve Iu no doubt that dividends will follow the comple Mon of equipment arid the enlargement of the concentrator in short time Manager Daly who reudn condition In the camp as he reads his alphabet has now startod to drift on the jiOUfoot level for a connection with the channel which was broken Into anti on which a raise Is being made from the 700 foot level while the McSorloy drift on the extension of the great Daly West vein has penetrated 1 DalyJudge terri tory proper under Bonanza hat with conditions I exceeding I all I i expectations In the new channel on the 700foot level ore of excellent quality In occurrlnc along with a line elasts of milling ore while throughout the property condi tions are most satisfactory Meanwhile enlargements at lie concentra tom ire moving forward to early con pletion and the shareholders generally tlC congratulated IN THE OIL FIELDS Progress of Work and Results Achieved During the Month The month of August has seen considerable advancement made In the oil Industry of lie Intermounlaln country At Spring Valley vtyo two strikes of oil have been recorded which proves beyond the question of a doubt that an oil Held has been found The strike In the Jagor well Is thu moat Important ofthe two and raises the well to the dignity of a commercial proposition That In the Beverly Is yet too new to determine Just what It will amount to In tills Hold there are between ten and fifteen rigs busily drilling all of is hlch arc gelling I down In I the neighborhood of the oil levels Of these the Baker well is the farthest along and will be heard from I If no accident occurs with in the next few weeks One hole alone has been abandoned for the present that of the El lieo Verde This company however will sink new hole on the fame laud At Fossil Wyo three rigs have been busy during the month Of these time UtahWyoming Oil and Fuel company hasits well the deepest and the I Indications are most Mailer Ing This company was laboring under the disadvantage of striking a How of water at a dcptli at which It was en- tlrelv iinlooknrl for iid drilling has been stopped In order to shut this off Tho Idaho Pa ram Consolidated company are running two rigs I In this Held and have fair Indications of oil The mig on the Paralm has shown up considerable oil but I has not attained the depth whore the good flow Is cxpeclod That on tlu Idaho ground Is still at the stage where no oil Is expected In Green River Utah three rigs have been running throughout the month TIme Oil City companys rig has drilled to a dcptli of 1000 feet hut as yet more than 500 foot from tIme depth which It- Is thought will bring the drill Into the oil levels McWhorter tins recorded an oil strike which though encouraging Is no 1 considered as a performance and drilling Is under way The New York and Utah arc also working near Price Utah but are only at a depth where nothing is expected to occur in the nature of a strikeThe Popes ore also at work over In theBook cliffs In all the fields the performance of assessment work on locatedclaims Is becoming the order of the day and many small rigs are being ordered for this work while the building of roads and other permanent Improvements to the land ate being projectedby their holders In speaking of tIme prospects for the future I It can be said that there will be rigs enough In the fields before the chose of the season to prove them In the Green River Held there will be three new standard rigs drilling In a verv short tUne Two ofthose rigs that of the CincinnatiUtah nod the Grand View fire ready I on the ground or being teamed to Ihe wellsite The other that of the IndianaUtah Is in transit hi the Fossil Wyo field the WyomingKastcMn has a rip on the ground which vJIl be started In a short time while ever In the Spring Valley district the arrival of new machinery is a dally occurrence Humors are filling lie air of Eastern men who have became Interested In the Held coming in to develop their ground These however arc so far away that only a few local men are In touch with them FO that It would be foolish to name a time for tIme rigs to be on the ground During the month there has been considerable movement In oil lands and- a number of oil men from other fields have nasscd over the territory Of the lands sold a rough estimate places them at twenlytwi sections The prices paid forlands outside of tho Spring Valley field hns remained stationary i choice locllonp in fields outside of this one bringing on nn average of per acre i Jn summing I up I lit opera I Ions for the month i il may be said I that good progress all things considered hns boon made TCnough has been done in raise the hopes of those Interested in the I Industry and nothing has transpired to dampen theirardor At the Sunshine Manager George Moore of lie Sunshine leaves for New York and Connection today lo confer with Eostern Interests and to arranse for another sot of filter presses with which lo han dle an Increased volume of slimes Tie Is very much pleased with results that have been thus far achieved at the property and everything Indicates Increased earnings as the season advances The Week at BIngham Tho UnllPitn tolling of time week at Pintle HIVV At tIle Eiioy nine Bhifdiain East irn the Lit i I He Cottonwool luinul being cxln hMl Into I I Ij I iTrltory via Jersey nine iliiuurc la following a st troil of ore varying from eighteen in twentyfour Inches wllo I thai lr similar in npiuaranc lo I Mm rlen mineral that yam a was I lniton from the vein near I HIP surface It ha mil heip tcatidbut I is without dourl a gOod hhliplm proposition as cbtlnwted i by Stipiilntotulent Dugun- A I large force Ii al work nn the upnr main terminal of I lie rnltoil Stale burlf I tramway and prospects are UOI I Hint I I llic main line vlll lie ready for hnslntiw by I lln Ilrst welc In October Much of the cable his been delivered at Boar fork and li ls being distributed along the line lire prmiiorv I I in rIngIng Ojiorulnna I on tho Old Jordan branch arc not neeoswirlly active at proKMii IIH ih new smelter la lo make IIH tent run on Old Telegraph ore Veuleuluy Men nut I lor started I In on an other shipment of 11 rid ciiss Unit will In clime PVOII or eight oarlomlH Jt I will reach murkcl next I vo and make a starter for October during trillcll i DIP Hutler hi likely to largely exccid Hu out put of any previous month The Old Jordan Galena 2 vMon con eenlraior Umi I In I Itr dny hillS red iicetl many tliouiaitds of Inns of ore IK bclnn lorn down and will soon have dteapptMrvd Louis Snyder mid Dave I Hepburn buv gone I lo tho I Klttlo Cot I ion wood country between Wjnaieh and Alia to proiipcci for a valuable metal uticd In hardening atvel Tin Old Abo has again Joined Hie hlilp pcrH with a I twocar lot of promising ore Tho Week at Tintic The Tlntlc 7llncr reviewing lie week sayft lImn tunnel In ho Apex reached its ob jeciivo point on Monday a inil a line dy of quartz wan opened up lint Is very 011 eonrntjlng lo the stockholder The ore la heavily Impregnated with Iron and ap penrn i tobe of considerable extent Tho drift has been pnjbtd into for about eight tlct and sampler am now In i flu hands of the arnnycr The property lies alongside iho famous old Humbug and sromn to have a very prmipcrutiM future bo fore It Word came from Salt I Kake Weditffulay to erase opera tloimzi tit the United Sun beam mini and when Die day shift its Ished Its labors I the pumpn WOHV drawn nnd Iho Urea put out The order came from David Keith nml the mine will re inn In kilo until the return of Sonaior 1ei rims who lr duo In Suit I Iukc within ton dayf time How of water has been very heavy of lute nnuilnu over 1000 sal IOIIK a minuteand the pumps were hiadc Uiiatu to handle It TIlE BUBEKAOPHIII New Company to Develop Group Locations in Old District Time EurkaOphlr Consolidated Mining company yesterday flIed articles of Incorporation In the ofllccof the County Clerk The company hits a capital I of 300000 lie shares having a par value of each and the headquarters of the company will bi In thin city Business and transfer offices are to be established In Warren Pa and the company will develop and operate car tain mining claims known as the Oa- ceola and time Mona both situated In Uio Ophlr mining district In Tooclc county this State AV Stone Is pres ident of I the corporation TE Cook is vicepresident II Stone secretary and treasurer and these officials together with John VV Cairns IT A Janc Stone Allen Sun ford 13 JO Allen and Harrington eomjlllule tIme board of directors Northern Light Directors Time directors of the Northern Light made an unsuccessful attempt lo get together during the afternoon after which time mooting was deferred until Tuesday While no material change Is reported in the condition of the Lion hill property that hlch begun about sixty days ago Is Improving with pock els of highgrade ore going Into sucks us they occur LA SAL DEVELOPMENTS It Has Been a Quiet Season but Much Work Going On Basin Grand County Utah Aug 25 The Ixi Sal country throughout hat been unusually quiet for tIme past month pending I the results I of the development of a number of properties upon which work Is hiring done for the niirpone of cutting sonic of the large veins In different parts of thedistrict anti at considerable depth It has been discovered ns depth Is trained In this section that tIme ore bodies must be found In place below time brokenup anti fractured surface formation tUlLE that ii from 200 to U30 feet below the surface There Is not a property In the La Sal country thin his vet reached over vnrMoal dontb of lf 0 foot Seven long tunnels are now being run tot the purpose of cutting I the veins at the required depth and It will riot be long before three of them will have reached the desired point The Little Dot tunnelhas now reached depth of10 feetand Is expecting to cut the vein every day On account of time very hard rock riot over an average of six Inches per shift has been made In the tunnelfor thu past month When they have reached tIme vein they will have at least a vertical depth of ICO feet and know that they lute In the solid formation For the past thirty feet they have been emittIng small hut very rich stringers of bismuth ore Indicating that when they do reach the main vein they will I not only have a large body of mineralbut the ore will be very rich and will pay lo ship The High Ore Is also being steadily worked by Its ownoj Iwoiilsen- helscr but from the lower tunnel where they are going through an enormous slide rockfor over fifty feet and may possibly have to go 100 feet be fore getting Into solid ground Wllcox a Chicago man was recently In here and secured an option on the High Ore property and hisdecision Is now hanging lire and suspense lie was greatly enthused when he left here over the future of time country arid expressed himself as certain of Interesting his Chicago people in a number of properties So much so haulhe left lila brother an old Colorado mining nan hero lo strait his return and prepare for winter operations Mr Wilcox Is also Interested with Dick Dillon in the Gopher and Forrest City properties on Mineral I I mountain and upon which tho arc now working and preparing for winter work Time Grand View company on Horse mountain has opened up an immense body of ore on thick properly and IW Dutro the president of Memphis Tom recently came in to sxc the new strike and went out as hurriedly as he came with the Intention of returning on the first of September prepared for business A 1000pound lot of the ore has been sent to Pueblo for a millrun and It la said tIme ore gave satls factory returns In gold of sufficient value to start the report hat I the corn nrmv would at once pilL in a mill The vein Is an Immense one showing a solid body of oie twenty feet in width an oxldied hematite Iron nald to have given assays of 5J5 In gold and 2 In silver The mariiger of the ChicagoLa Sal company Is expected lucre every day to start up operations on their property on time west slope near PInhook whore they have the same surface showing of mineral as Is now creating so much Interest In the Grand View propertY TIme same contact In the fcouth licIt eon be traced for several milesInto Ihc I main range and I It is from this eruptive bolt that the rich Wilson mesa ore Is supposed lo have come I Fowler has started work on the TornadoIndiana property und Is now sinking on a very rich ore chute trout which he Is taking sonic fume porphy retlo quartz showing free gold In the lion oxides Simon I the present I show- Ing continuethe original owners of the Tornado will start up I the Basin stamp mill lo work the ores After lying Idlefor two months work is to be started shortly on the TOWn tumoland thai I continued until I lie Burlington vein Is cut About thirty fool yet remains to be run when a Inre vein of fluorine ore fiftucn feel In widthwill I bo oponel up nt I a veril I cal depth of ISO foot In a U00foot tunnel This properly Is to bis worked all winter MeConnlck Blake ire pushing work on the fJoid foin gioup of mines adjoining I IheTornado at I i lie bead of Miners I basin and are i 1iklng oul I some lIne gold and copper ores A detJ of omo kind Is lian lng lire on tills property which if consummated willplace It on the list of I the atm nieiouu proper ties now preparing tom extensive winter work The Corsnlr property one of lie best purface nhowlngs In time distrlcl Is also boliiK worked but on account of a bucking and contrary partnership there- In little hope of Its being developed be youth the annual assessment a VV Wheat who by the way has just completed time Pasln hotel Is do- Ing I considerable work on hIts numerous properties the principal I one of which Iw time Jloliubos group at the heath of- IIore gulch where he imam a time showing of gold and silver oro in a phono- lite formation the result of which may bo theIntroduction of a new mineral I belt on the nojtli sIde He has people fmin Virginia i Intcrcslud with him one of whom Is expected here thIs month lo prepare for winter operations The first mineral patent survey In time dIstrIct is now being made on the Skylark group ofmines on Mineral mountain I by Mr i Illpney of Salt Lake When this Is completed the Wolf boys tire going to get out a i carload of ore from tIme Skylark and ship It to Salt I Lake A carload of ore will also be shipped from the Little Dot as soon as they cut I the vein This will determine conclusively the remunerative Interests of a smelter plant hero However tIme Yotingcarrlcr smell or project Is aw yet In subjunctive suspense The Deep Creek country on time oust slope of time range Is coming to I tlic front through tho efforts of Alex Cald well who Is now engaged In running a crosscut tunnel to cut a large gold anti copper vein He has two shifts at work und hasabout thirty feet yet to run to top the Automobile vein Ills Mercer people Interested with him ere anxiously walling results 4 Considerable work is going on over In Beaver basin principally by lie International company but rctlccncy Is tIme chainlike order of things The superintendent Dan Ferguson Is In Salt Luke at prenont and It Is presumed they ate preparing for extensive operations this winter under the direction of a new company 4- nuIsiant Superintendent Dunbar of the ParadoxLa Sal mlnea at Cashln- on thin east slope of the range was recently over hero making arrangements with a number of mineowners for some of tIme heavily oxidised ores of this camp and has made some very fair offers especially on shipments of ore from his district He him also pur chased a large hematite Iron vein on the south side of time mountain from Robert Thomson which mineral Is very much needed In their smelter for fluxing purposes A number of ore lOiipmcnts ate lo be made from here soon and 1C profitable the sjame lll be continued 0 Time coming winter promises to be one of unusual activity and double the number of mines will be working over that of last winters operations The great trouble now Is Ihc lack of capital and I It Is presumed that lie usual wait will be experienced and snow will be flying when everything preliminary will have to be done There In but onQ man in tIle district and he Is a local resident who Is putting up his cash freely to develop a property and that Is Robert Thomson who is back of the Little Dot development All Boem to be resting on tile result of hit financial outcome Several large companies are preparing for work but they are either too slow or else the onpcctor Is too impatient These conditions will always exist eo long as Eastern moneyed men anti Western mining men till to understand each other Now Is thetime to get ready for winter work if one Intends to do winter development Where It costs 51 1 now to start these preparations It will cost as much again in sixty days from now Mining Notes Tony Jacobson manager of the Columbus of Alia had another lot of ore ready for tIme market yesterday TIme SIoux rtah of Tin tic appeared on tIme market yesterday with a car of ore from time Vndorwood lease Tile dnys receipts at tIme Taylor Brim icm urimnler cotuOslcil of nine cnrlondsof ore from Tlntlc nnd lour from liingnnni Time first consignment of ore from the Martha Washingtons latent disclosure isna turned out of time sampler yesterday Manager A IA Jacobs of the Ben Butler has returned fromthat BhiRbam property and la being followed by another big shipment Jt was said yesterday tlmt Samuel New house lifin secured a foothold at Iloche Nov but particulars could not bo obtained The management of theMammoth of Tlntlc reached tIme Americans furnaces with two cars of concentrates and two ofcrude ore yesterday Manager A Fretitlenthal of tho Manhattan an IS 14i out of Ploeho Nov time In fromthesouth yesterday much pleased with time condition at camp George Keel receiver of time Butter field companys Blngham proportion was In from camp ugnln yesterday but on the deal now hi progress had nothing to re lease John McChryslal superintendent of the Eagle Blue Deli arrived from that Tlntlc proposition with two carloads oC- secondeliiKS ore that wont to the Blng hnm COILS furnaces yesterday Henry AI Crowther manager and Wal lace Walt one of the directors of the Blue Aero company left forIts mines and otherInterests of the American Molnl Mines company out of MIlford last nlprht Masters Arthur anti Myron Lewis who have boon devoting tImely vacation to rudimentary work In the mines over which their father presides departed for Chicago yesterday to resume their studies the mushy little fellows to return to the diggings next season A New York dispatch In an Eastern publication says that Iloughton Mich capitalists have purchased lie Wolverine locations adjoining the DalyJudge at Park City Capitalisation 150000 shares Stock nil subscribed for Experts report Is favorable Less noIse In the brick hews Col Loose of tIme Grand Central wia up fromthe south again yesterdiy limit declined to fto Into particulars con corning tIn new slope in King William territory from which ores of excellent quality nre dolly eulncr However bo acted like a mini who Is satisfied with the surroundings A Pnco Stock Broker Tans Money on Stocks at bank rates Room 2C Walkers Bank Bldg JT IVI Went cfc Co Stock Brokers S23 Atlas Blk lies phone H2ly 33 A Ilnrtonptoln thin Stock Broker Has removed his office to Room 11 over Walkers Bank Phone OHox Ret 1ISCx School SuitsSchool Suits At the Tom Jerry Clothiers fine lineal 5200 5300 and SJOO 10 por cent discount until first day ofschool Public LonpDlslimcti Telephone With poundproof booths Telephone i building State street city STEAII STONE WORKS All kinds of cut stono work for buildings cemetery work curbing flagging paving blocks etc Lzrxii stock of stciio always on hand WALKER BROS WILCOX Office amid yard V3S West Third South street Salt Lake City Utah SENDFORSMVU THE PERFECT EAR TAO Mcdo or AMJMINUM nnd ATTAOHI5D IN hI NT4 iOUSTX can I flu It own ity through- lie i cur llenra full nnmo AnSI ndclniKS nutnlvcroii If iltiKlretl i Atndu onlv hr SALT IAK1I STAMP CO 1nloulcej SALT IAMK UTAH EDWARD BURTON ILJIIO er 11 East First South Local Bonds Panic aunt Commercial Stockc Bought and Sold TcIoDhono 27- 7H 4 4444f4t tt i Utah Mining Machinery and Supply Company 4 22226 West TempleS 4 4 Dlxon SilicGraphlto Paint Auuconda Ore Cars Stoam Stamps 1 Post Hammers i Ore Screens and Grizzleys Valves Fittings Giant Powder 4 4 Maltese Cross Bolting Heaxy Hardware 4 Mining Supplies 4 GALIGHER 4 Telephone 303 Manager 4 I I School Cilothes- i i For Boys Yuths- THIS IS A- HEADYTOWEAB I STORE We can dress your boys from head to foot in Properly Made Serviceable School Attire for less money than any other store its our specialty When getting the children ready for school bear this in mind Boys Stylish Knee Pants Suits Sizes 4 to 15 years in fancy Worsteds blue and brown Serges Vicunas and fancy Tweeds Regular prices 6- S7 3 5 and S8 Take your pick at rust in time for school days Our entire line of tho celebrated Star Shirt Waists for boys in neat and natty patterns strictly up to date designs Just half for mer price All wool Golf Caps for school wear in neat assorted patterns 25 aild 50c0 The Siell iohin co 6365 Main Street WS- Ti iiIllI CATARRH Eronchldn Neuralgia Heart Di- atice Dyspepeix Skit Ui3case flood Diiccoe RheumatismMalaria Nervous DIxeuaca Kidney Diirnjca FcmcJe Compltxinta In 4 oomnia Dyaonlery Piralysii RicUcIs Scrofula Consumption in First Slailco Lsrcr Discuca i- DLc83c3 of Ihc Dowels H1- WAE Horn a Treatment Carsj Wrffe for Symptom List Conjugation Frog Pay When Cured If you nnffer from army of the wcalincanwi or We euro you flint and then asl a REASON i1liOi cs cnuied by lirnornnco exccau or con ABLE PHI vrbou cured You de you uro can tation YOU AKBTHIS VKRV P3HSON VE WANT TO TALK TO pond upon out word any bank In Utah will Vo Intro proved our nlrlU In curia nil undorco thousands of pationu have endorsed CHUOKIC llflcnso3 by publliiblnjr thouunudn or un NOW WK WANT TO CURE YOUwith voluntary tottmoulnli alhomo people glvlnc- a the dltiUnot undemanding that rra trill not demand pictures ned nddroBres a FEE uutll woouro you Wo euro LOST WE CANT PUBLISH OUR MANHOOD ScmlDttl Weatuoso Sporatvtor- rhocu Gonorrhoea Sypbthlu cud all wcaicuces CURES IN PRIVATE DISEASES oC inca Wo absolutely euro Yaricncclo It Because It would betray conmlonooUcaco wo dont cost you penny Consultation and hate lo proo our iltllf In tItle clic of troubles ndrlon FIllJu by letter or Jn pcraos CALZ- iDRS In another way Thla In our plan OR WRiTE Ofllco Hotiro a to 4 evenings 7 to fl Sundayo and Koltduya 10 to 13 SHORES SHORES Export Specialists LYON BLOCK LAKE EG Wct CITY 2nd So UL- SAU CJta- a CUPFDEFJE- Tn nrcut Vc iLi bio Vlinllzcr tlio prescription of rxfninouirrnncli plirdrlrti will jtilcijv euro you ol fflJl- llv ncrvoutor clLtiiwayf tUo concmllvu orumn ancii KI 3XnnIi ori inkonin Uln in Iho 3arlc ra iuliuil UmSualiuin Ncivnn IlobllUr I nttSi CIitUlnciiD to JIurry IlxhnuntSn 2rnnn Vnrloociilo anil CuriKClpnUo 1tcopsi nil lnjvjby lay or hiuliiL tToveiHinulcfcntaiof cIlseJmrK wlilflilDoVcbrcUiv onila to fincrinatorrlidin unit nil tIme horrors of rrjpotincy ii Ji ificlcnncith the iilnya zeal tao urinary orcrviu of nit luipuriUu CUlJLUJ NJuoruu thci ndrustorcinmuuil weuo nrgsni hut reuen auffcrcra arcs slotctirctf by Doctors Ii heeann 0 porenotaro troubled with ProotaUilt CgIruzNI llio only known rcmiily to curtwltliout nn ojicmlou iW3 tcnUinniiluK A nrluc ciiaranoo tlvrn sad rnniuy rrlurncrt i if liozcu ilowuol ciloct pcrcicuiciil cnrc LCOa 1010 lor JO by iuftll fccinl fnr ritKicrirrularnnd tMiltaoiilnii JLtliUtia JOAXOI MJElJjfCHUB 1 fios SKC Saa Fnuicbco CAl GodbcPHts Drug Co Salt Lake Utah Agcntn IG BM AT TOOP Strike in the flizpah Exten sion the Cause STOCKS ALL GO SKYWARD An Enthusiastic Believer in the Camp Confident It Will Contain Twenty Thousand People Within a Year Salt lakers Are Interested In a Property Next to Minpali Extension Lode Porphyry Is a Simple Explanation of the Tonopah Mineral Belt Which Extends for Miles TRIBUNE SPECIAL Reno Nov Atijj 30Arm enthusiastic believer In Tonopah said today that within a year It would have 20000 people Tills was upon the receipt of lie news that they hind struck the iMIrpah lodge In the Mtapuh Extension at a depth of 180 feet The distance between tIme Extension shaft and the main Mlzpah workings Is Just a mile The atrlkc utems to be authentic It is confirmed by a telegram from Jj- Oddlc to Li Ray who as a delegate to tIme Democratic convention The first telegraphIc advices received gave the name of time property us the Mc- Nnmara This Is the west extension of time Mlzpah Time shaft Is 1000 feet from the JMIxpah workings and they are expecting to strike the Mlzpuh ledge any hour BOOM IN STOCKS The news of tIme filrikc has sent all mining stocks at Tonopah soaring especially on the properties between the Extension and the Mlspan Thte ground Is owned chieflyby the North tar Tunnel company whose chief stockholders are Prank Golden who made a fortune out of Tonopah leases and Kay They are Incorporated hot 760000 They sold 20000 shares at 25 cents arid had Just put 50000 shares on the market al 50 cents All of this was Immediately withdrawn upon the receipt of news of the strike LODE PORPHYRY rir Thifl Si1 nmrfli t1ntt ii tunnel In 100 feet It has a shaft 200 feet antI has Just reached what Is called time lode porphyry The tunnel In 700 feet more will tap the bottom of tills shaft and It is expected to cut several blind ledges on time way The lode porphyry Is a simple explanation of time Tonopah mineral belt and It Is believed this belt extends several miles through that section of Nyc and EsmernJda counties CONFINED TO SMALL AREA So far the rich discoveries al Tonopah are confined within a distance of 2000 feet and the mineral bearing zone Is about 1500 feet wide Within this width there ate a dozen ledges Jn time lode porphyry beginning witli the Mlzpah on the north and ending with time Val lay View on the south TIme Tonopah companys property occupies territory about 2000 feet square This group of claims occupies a swalu between two mountains and In this depression the ledges cropped to time sur face On cither side of this swale la- mountain about SOt feet high which consists of a lava overflow It Is be lieved that lime main lode porphyry runn under I hose mountains ST111K1L i i INV i FRACTION Tills wan conclusively demonstrated by the strike In tIme Fraction This waa time west extension of the Valley View and 00 feet fiom the workings of the latter They SUnlIt down 2JO feet In tIme Pratlion 200 being through the over lying lava Then they drifted In the lode porphyry and In a few feet caught thy Valley View ledge This hat now opuned up Into Immense body of ruby sliver twenty feet wide but only small part Is highgrade ore IN TilE MNAMARA The IMcXnmara Is the west extension of the Mlxpah nnd IP olmllnrly situated to the Fraction In time MeNamara- Jihaft they reached tIme lode porphyry at IfiO feet and link tidy feet more be lore hittIng Tho original locators were McNnmara Cutting and Clay Petors It is now a stock company and the other owners and directors are CMydi Tacknon antI 1 Jo jscphs of Tonopah and Edward Hlrsch Icr of fart Pranclsco- EAS1 LY TJISTINGUISIIED Time lode porphyry is very easily din tinguished from tIme lava It Is a white porphyry with Iron pyrites Where the pyrites had oxidized on the surface of time Tonopah ground It had turned the porphyry yellow Fating time north and looking aorois time MJ5pah ground to the left one sees Brougher mountain It is in time foothills of this where are tIme MoNamarn and Fraction To the east lies Mount Oddic And It Is on the east side of this mountain where lie strike is reported from the Mlzpah Extension The Extension company is owned by James Bttttlcr the discoverer ofTono puh I Oddie anti Mr Jenkins of Philadelphia one of time big owners In the Tonopah company SALT LAKKRS INTERESTED Next lo the Fraction claim on tho south la Ihe property of the Tonopah Salt Lake Ilning company This Is owned by Ellis Hainbirjrer Kuiit oC Salt Lake City Kay Human the lo- ral allorney of time company passed through here aflor endIng tIme Dem ornilic I convention as a delegate on his way to Salt Lake He wus much elated over tIme strike in the Extension and believed they would also get ore In I time Tonopah Salt Lake company as thny have the lode porphyry North of tIme Allrpah and paralleling the North Star property Is a group of live or six claims owned by the Tono palm Montana company of which Kno Lynch antI Oileara are time chIef stockholders This company also has the lode porphyryrunning through its property MADE TONOPAH FAMOUS This is a list of the maUi proper tits that have already made Tonopah famous and the development of which It Is expected will make city of 20000 people within a short time It is believed time entiredistance under Od die mountain between the MIxpah and the Mlzpah Extension will prove to be oneore chute Tile main MIrpah ledge Is time won der andadmiration of the world The greatest depth Is 100 feet and It Is developed for less than 2000 feet In width Tint estimates of the ore In sight are placed above twenty millions The vein Is from four to eight feet In width true fissure nail tIme ore will aver age 100 in gold and 5200 In silver.

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