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The Washington Post from Washington, District of Columbia • Page 1

Washington, District of Columbia
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if HO 13688 TCASHITO PXGJESr i i i i 3 i JEIB CENTS Lvv iSitffragists From All States Arrive for Convention if XROWD LOBBIES OF HOTELS GREETED JLDMTHAI COBDIHY A4 Arrange Details for Big Gathering at Columbia Theater Today Battle to Win Amendment to the Constitution Giving Women Votes Will Be Waged Before Congress Hope to Get View of President Wilson on Democratic Policy Plan 50000 Concern tt Publish Magazine With the announced intention of starting Bpeedily on its way the proposed amendmefjt to the Federal Constitution that will Unfranchise women suffragists by the hundred arrived here yesterday to attend the forty fifth convention of the National American Woman Suffrage AssociationAssociation Such an amendment and the womens right to ft now that they vote on national questions in ten States Is to be urged upon Congress say the suffrage leaders with vigorous determination They also assert that they will Attempt to secure during their weeks Btay here an expression from President Wilson which might be regarded as the Democratic partys policy on the woman suffrage question Buzrin Hotel Lobbies Hotel lobbies buzzed last night with discussion by groups of delegates of questions which will come before the convention when it begins its sessjons tomorrow Arrival and certification of delegates meetings of the official board and of the executive committee and a luncheon by the National College Equal Suffrage League at which Dr Anna Howard Shaw president of the Bationali association Kiss Jane Addams and other prominent leaders spoke filled the day Big Mass Meeting Today Enthusiasm will be keRfeallve over the Sabbath by a mass meetings today at the Columbia Theater at which Jr Shaw Miss Addams aid SenalojcHeleriIUng Robinson of Colorado will bfepealcers The executive committee at a meeting last night took up for consideration two of the Important matters which will come before the convention One was the proposal to adopt a new constitution for the association in accordance with the recommendation of the constitutional revision committee Plan a 50000 Corporation The other was as to the founding of a business corporation capitalized at 50000 to be known as the National Suffrage Publishing Company which would have charge of the printing of suffrage literature both for the national and for affiliated and other suffrage associations The trustees of the National American Woman Suffrage Association would hold a majority of the stock so as to maintain control although the directors of the company would not be officers of the association The purpose of the proposed new constitution is to place the organization on a fixed financial basis with a budget to toe presented each year to the convention for approval so an assessment can he made on affiliated organizations Wiley to Head Mens League Dr Harvey Wiley was named yesterday by the nominating committee of tbe District of Columbia Mens League fox Womans Suffrage for the office of president At a meeting Friday night the league was organized and a constitution adopted Other officers are Gen Anson Mills first vice president Gllson Gardner second vice president and Stoddard secretary The Massachusetts women who are In Washington to attend the convention and to call upon the President are Mrs Glendower Evans Mrs George Hi Stearns Miss Agnes Ryan Mrs Davis Dewey Mrs George Blackweil Mrs Eliza Whiting Mrs Mary Hutcheson Page Mrs Teresa A Crowley Mrs Maud Wood Park Miss Margaret Foley Mrs Gertrude Newell Mrs Edward Twnsend Mrs Amelia Hollingsworth Mrs Mitchell Mrs Richard Washburn Child Miss Amelia Bagley rMrs Benjamin PitmatfMrs Gertrude HaI laday Leonard Miss Alice Stone Black well Miss Mary Gay Mrs Mary I Gay and Miss Susan Wilcox Committees Arrange Details The national board met in executive session yesterday morning at the Bellevue Hotel to map out the work of the convention It is seldom that the members of this board are able to meejtas a whole they live in different parts of the country In the afternoon the executive committee met behind closed doors The members of the national board are Anna Howard Shaw president Jafte Addams first vice president Charlotte Anita Whitney second vice president Mary Ware Dennett corresponding secretary Susan FitrGerald recording secretary Catherine Dexter McCormlek treasurer Harriet Burton LsJdlaw and Louis vKoven Bowen itidjtbrs Delegates Crowd Headquarters Hundreds of delegates crowded around the headquarters established at the Belle vuaHotel and Mrs NihaAllendor president District of Columbia Suffrage Association ana in chargfVojf receiving the visitors was i kept busy irpm early morning until late last nighi More than 100 women from Illinois arrived yesterday afternoon on a special train They mere particularly elated because their State is tjrt latest to win the Voe for women Tie Illinois specia train was truly a manless special EVen the vforld rfamed Pullman porter was not present to trs to brush nickels and dimes and quarters out of the coats iONTnWBDON NrfrtH AQE Fletcher andLind HadTToBispute Wh Cradock at Tampiccy Special to The Washington Fort Vera Cruz INov Reports emanating from this city last night to tho ieff ect that Rear Admiral Cradock commanding the British cruiser Suffolk had left Tamplco and come to this Port because of mls understanding Jbefcween himself and Bear Admiral Fletcher the ranking officer of the United States navy In Mexican waters are without foundatlorv When Admiral Cradock wbo ranks Ad tniral Fletcher arrived at Tamplco both Admiral Fletcher and Mr Xlnd personal representative of President Wilson In Mexico left the flagship Rhode Island and called upon the British admiral and were received most courteously The two officers and Mj LInd discussed the situation at Tamplco an amicable manned and parted on cordial terms At the conclusion of the conference Admiral Cradock realizing 1hat there was no occasion ror his presence at Tamplco came foil Vera Cruz It was stated in some of the dlspatohes sent from here that Admiral Cradock upon arriving at Tamplco had endeavdred to assume charge at Tamplco and had only desisted after Admiral Fletcher had made plain to hini that the United States would not permit the landing of British marines at any Mexican port where American ships are present Such statements were erroneous as Admiral Cradock evinced no disposition to assume VP4 HV Vv Pi 5 i iii ii Ill II ii I mill I tl UeLIIII I UULI 1 IIUU I i Mr 9mW San McKellar Lays Drastic fBill BrtAttteiifiSstt0 6VS ri notmceflthatajuWlc hearing iWould be YVK too on December lkastohrrthe vices Indicate the presence H111111 against fine poiaiQ wartjshould notjbe extended aftAct January ato all Canada andEurope to cer tfttn lra aVAf 0MJ1i1liwonnlIVL jNurselrVstofoundrfreeofInfestation Is alfowedtcuenterthe country Under iuo pianiquaranune accit is necessary for theSecretarjitd calls public hearing oerore this could be applied to potatoes rTj ft 5 Vj i OL Slx GIVENAID BYMREYNOLDS May Send ColdStorageMenWIid Break Law to Prison Years Measure Limits Time Meat Eggs and Other Edibles May Be Zept in Ware houses Provides That All Be labeled With Date When IteeiveiBra dlian Eepliea to Charge That iEggj Cost a Dozen in His Country attitude which would have occasioned Ad mlral Fletcher to take such a stand The American admiral understands his position perfectly and the British admiral likewise Is familiar with existing conditions consequently such reports do an Injustice to both of the commanding officers AMERICAN CAN SUED Company Declared a Monop oly in Government Action BEX FILED BALTIMOBE American Sheet and Tin Plate Company Also a Defendant Because of Preferential Rates Granted Complete Dissolu tion AskedVJflor by AttnieyCiixeral CoinTwmyPioffiises gbreua Figit Baltimore Nov 29 Dissolution of the American Can Company alleged by the government to be a trust and Ajmonopoly and child pf tbe steel trustig asked in a suit filed today In the Federal court her 1jy the Department of Justta ufcG fryaia Toddr Krtant to the attorney General to charge Vprtiu ecutlons In its complaint the goverainent aneges practices In restraint of trade agreements hy absorbed concerns not to reenWjthe fiejd contracts by consumers to tmysfrom the trust exclusively and arbitfaryVbt lng of prices Ml Dissolution Asked Attorney General McRevnoIds asked In the hill for a dissolution other tljan on a pro ratatasls by asking for a separation Into units of different ownership td Insure tne restoration of competition The American Sheet and Tin Plate Com pany was made a defendant because of an agreement it is alleged to have with the American company to sell It tin for cans at a preferential rate The American Can Company was organ lzed In New Jersey In 1901 with 88000 000 half preferred 7 per cent cumulative and half common 41233300 of each stock being Immediately issued About 12Qr individual packing concerns werebrought into the combination by the American Sheet and Tin Plate Company which it Is alleged brought about the combination Trade Control Alleged Notwithstanding the great increase In the trade asserts the governments brief and the springing up of independent and competing can making factories Its production and sales have been increased so that it still controls the greater portion of such trade and commerce though not as large a portion as at first Through the control of thiUfctge proportion of the trade it has power td flxt has fixed and does fix the prices at which eans are sold in interstate trade andcom merce and has at times made excessive profits on the actual value of the assets employed by it in such trade Called a Conspiracy The organization of the American Can Company claimed to be a corispiracx is charged by the government to Ho bart Moore William Henry Moore Daniel Reld Fred Wheeler Hm vPhelph William Graham George McMurtry and Wiley McCaughey It Is assefted that they sought to monop olite the Interstate and foreign commerce of the United States in tin cans by creat lng a single corporation with a large capitalization and causing It to buy lease or otherwise acquire control of much the greater portion of the can and can making machinery factories la the United States and of their several businesses Will fight Suit Vigorously New York Nov 29 President Wheeler of the American Can Company made the following statement today This company is not distorted hy the action of the government Neither In its origin nor in the conduct of its business has monopoly or restraint of trade ieen attempted Nto unfair competition has fceen resorted to There nave been no agreements omnderstandlngs as to prices The company has not sought In any way to dominate he trade Jior has ix any such sharp of it nly about one third as would enable It to do so if it wanted to Competition is free and actlve The company will defend the suit vigorously and confidently andjt is theie llef of its officers and counsel thatijo one Interested 4n the company need feel any iineaslhes as to the outcomeV i 5 C0TTELES Jf A BTOThAT ONCE A i fr tt SV nLulsPoTosleeyday vatead ses Indicate the presence of 1 1000 reb elsJthmyjBldngdlstanee of thatfclty AtpassengerwlQ arrived hereodayfrom an Luis PotosTtolda storyiot thejwfp fnsrontrtf nintarv Aficortwbl 60 menlon 4tratoJboundlromrTarniriLc toSanlJUls potosi wain ag 4 gijP HouseFinallyAdjburas Hq wayiUne slnthen iiastbeencutAand izii kZk i Ifca iVtf SFE BIOWEBS GET flOO Pive ItobberaS Biflia Wire Fence and DriTeBackCitixensWithlGims ChartctteN aNov329 Robber8Te ueved byjofnceretoberexpert yeggmen wew xne Bare lntneDanjENoi JSiienDoro fid miles westof herer early thisnornlngt Anb got atray Srttn1900 Jncash ieavlns JITOtatheaultr Citizens of the town say nine explo Six Pairs Similarly United Previous Service in WaJernryCoiui Wateroury Conn NoV aCJYCbnaa parties stood within the altar Tallin the Church of Our Lady of Loufdes tils morning apthe oneerfemonycompleed live marriages the brldegroonuf responding in vmlsori We do as the Jpsitor asked Do you takfe these wamenrfm rnriT lawful Wives ii Six cotfples were married atone ceremony at the same altafall Janlghtj Representative Kenneth I McKellar of Tennessee after conferences on the subject with Attorney General McReynods yesterday presented to the House tn the form of a bin his plan for curbing the so caHed cold storage trust The measure would not only restrict cold Btorage of xfnddfbut would penalize agreements for storage pooling division of territory In terferenceVwUn competition or other restraint ofrade schemes tlmits Period of Storage The toill which will ia urged lmme dlately before the House commerce committee would make the maximum period of storage of beef or Its products seven months veal two months pork four months sheep or goats four months lamb or kids three months poultry hd game three months fish two months eggs three months to six months with provision for labeling all over three months old after Inspection and butter three months The bill proposes that cold storage articles inust be labeled with thedates of production killing packing or manufacturing and period Of storage It would bar thawing out cold storage products would have regulations Issued by theDeparf ment of Agriculture and other precautions Gives Data to Meynolds Representative McKellar Has frequently conferred wlfkAttorney General Tviclleyn tAds on the cost Uvingprohlemr and understood havelfurnlslred some In XUlULUUi VL1U ApjJUUU dUBUl agents are now investigating in tneir joiv suit of an alleged cold Btoragevcomblria tlon It was generally Inferred at the Capitol that his new bilVwhlch is different from some of his others has at least the tacit approval of the Attorney General Heavy Penalty Is Provided After providing against long storage of foqdstufts the bill provides that packers of meat poultry butter and eggs and all cold storage cbneerns must furnish to the government dally statements of gbods on hand shipments receipts and deliveries for violation of which fines ranging from 100 to JLOOO or prison sentence not exceeding Ave years may be Imposed Representative Fowler of Illinois Is collecting data to presentto the Judiciary committee when It takes up a long contemplatedcontemplated investigation of ah alleged beef trust He intends to ask the committee to investigate particularly whether meats kept In cold storage are treated with chemicals Gives Facta as to Brazil Braga of Brazil who is in the city investigating American government yesterday replied to Capt Ellison head of the Amazon River Steam Navigation Company who recently said eggs roost Jl a dozen In Brazil Capt Ellison said We do not eat eggs in Brazil we eat an egg said Mr Braga If the captain was speaking a general way of Brazil as a whole his statement can only be construed as referring to ostrich eggs This view is further confirmed by the fact that the captain himself admits eating but an egg and not eggs Rubber Region Prices Given IBs statement in regard to the extraordinary price of eggs in Brazil Is correct but only It applied to the rubber regions where the prices of everything are higher this being offset however by correspondingly increased wages Prices in the rubber regions of Brazil I Correspond favorably with those In the sections of the united States where are located the oil wells A room in a Tulsa Okla hoteficolst me 760 this room poorly furnlsTjed and having a bath which could iiSt beused Less at Big JTew York Hotel On the otherhand a room in a big Jfew York hotel1 much larger comfortable and beautifully furnished cost but In Tulsa I paid 60 cents tor two fried eggs double the price of one dozen in Rio de Janeiro This extraordinary price did not eurplsemej lor realized that these high4 prlcestwere limited td a few regions In theUttlted States just as In 3razll andTtrere not universal tver the whole countrylS HOTTST SEEKSkm ff TO ADMITtlBISH POTATOES To protect thaTJnlted States fromfop elgn Toiato diseases and fit findZk way In wMchsome of the foreign crop fmay be brought in becauseXof thisearts scant natlve rsupplyrtesrflaledltObe almost 100000OOauJusheIs i short Secretary of Agriculture Hdusion iyesteroay issued a andiwaa drlvea back at the olntoi gunTherobbersXoonstruqteat te def fehsa of heavy wire fencing lnfront of the bank The vault was entirely demolished Bloodhounds traced the men ftofien lietta a small station several miles away where itisibelievedthey escaped by automobiles From the traces officers say there were five menmrthepiLrty The Institution worked under ar State charter OrT i i Reoel Victories Beginning to MenaceMexicoCItyi 1 PROPOSAL TO DENIED Diplomats Confer With oibaneli ncssy on Defense Plans Believed by Maxy that Foreign Jthris ter Moheno Now on Way to Vera Cruz MayOpen Paileya WithiLind Force of 3500 American Tjrao forpEl Paso Zapata Rebels in FedraliDistrct San luia Potosi Threatened if 8 S125 Baltimore and ReturnY Rfllttmore and Ohio vjif niverycsauraay ana cunaay uooa io re turn until 9rf a train Monday Quick aervjee anaau trams ooin naYa sr asi atfr i ju 3r2t way centeiifcentraMeflrr apBearato be the obectlvje point Of those rebels who recently begarr coheentrajtlng south of Saltillo Reports from the stataoi Tamaulipas Indicate that the concentration of rebels at Victoria has Jutmght together more than 6000 men nd that Gen Rubio Navarete the federal com mander who Intended to recapture Victoria is a dlfncult situation north Of that town There is an unconfirmed report that Navaretes force has been cut to pieces although according to war department advices he has taken Victoria notwithstanding the disparity between hls forces and those of the enemy West of San Luis Potosi lit the state of Guanajuato on the Jenjamo branch of the National Railways constitution alls today fcurned the nei 40000 peso station building Newt Kegotiatioiis JJenTed Although hourly advices make the situation of the government more precarious It Is denied both at the American embassy and atthe palace that any negotiations between Mexico and the United States are tuqder way notwithstanding the departure of Foreign Minister Moheno for Vera Cruz where It fs understood oJhn Llnd President Wilsons personal representative is to return shortly call forarpubllcc meeting hereDecember IS ik dlsciis thetsubJect feS Thb feall dlrectjipartlcular InOLUlryTas towhetber gtlsposslble tojsaf eguard thV country from known forelgnT potato aiseases DjanuvuuV uuuejernuf oi potatoes VJiichbAveeea Inspectedand nmnmmced free from InfestatlonJbvfor eIgnWertV3rt1f fAfew days ago SecretaryvHouston an Caesrifc Ohio Rr Chnt of Schednle Traurnow leavlng3SCashlngtoBvaia p4ni1 rorine west wiiionranaaiterovemDer 30 leave at 300 msiNo change jtoreav Axng ume or OTner Trawsv ir A ri a sV traffic suspjadedVAj1 4 cfiegretOttnngP81613 jTTiestorylofttbli inanvwho aald he mLViS passenger on the tralnr was that the tralnhad fan Into a cut guarded by rebelsuMachlne guns Tiad been placed on hothiridestofthe trade and YthetrMlre I was concentratedonthetiln rftWhen ine engasemenxwaaoyeir eveijr wm boarfttetralnhaden killed aa 45 passengers wounded Rebels whoVenterei the coaches after the flghttokrobAtheipassensrsexpressed regretthataiiy passengers badbeeiT hit by tnelrWletsThepassengers were left with enough money to carrjcthem to their destinations 7 1 Saltillo and1 Monterey continue isolated and reports fronT4 other parts of the country lndlcatesuccessful rehel actlv lty In tofcapltartlere Is an absence of any news Indicating an increase In government strength either financial or military Strong Guard forJEl Paso Amorce ofabout 8600 cavalry Infantry and artillery or nearly one fourth of the while force assigned to duty on the Mexican border will be concentrated at El Paso within a few days Thlsarmy concentration is proceeding simultaneously iwith the concentration of themval forces At Vera CruzandTardpldbo i iflis concenirauon oiiuruea lauuu explained by any of the pffldala at either theWar or JJavy Departments The State Department and tfie War Department both asserttVverything is quiet at El Paso Under pressure ofr constitutionalist armies in he north advancing on Chlhua hua the most importantmlltary defense that nowv1 stands between the Mexican Capital and the border and the menanc Ing activities of the Zapatistas to the south the situation of the Huerta government In Mexico City was believed by officials her last night to be more critical than heretofore Efforts of rGen Huerta to obtain funds for the payment of1 accrued interest on national railroad Sonds were regarded as Serving to demonstrate the deterrent effect upon foreign capital of the attitude of the American government Hope foi New Proposal A report that Senor Moheno the Huerta secretary of foreign affairs had gone to Vert Cruz to confer with John Llnd upon the arrival at that port President Wll soni personal representative aroused Interest atr the State Department It was bellved here that 6enor Moheno might be charged with vfresb pwposltlons to lay before the American government through Mr LInd News of the approaching dispatch from Cadiz to Vera Cruz of a Spanish warship and of the vigorous demand on the part 1 7 i rrp WUIBefat work when Clock Points Honr ofLtmltatlon JcTtf tyt Longest Continuous Extra Session in History Marked by Accomplishment of tImpojtant1vLegislation and the Begin-sing of therftxtb nxrencycBill Oil JN fv 4h One Big Legacy for Regular Meet Ingof Sixty third f4mericaivjCongres3 Mexico CItv Jbv 29 an TjuIs PotngL TT 7 1L i 3 i Wlatownrbetweerrthecipltal aVd Sf TSSSKSSJi omerBy uoao mpsi unpuriaiH jau Mexleo also mtereBted omciais nere maims lnfordngtPresldent Wllsoni demandfor 4 change 4n the provisional government Afclongreport was received during he day from Admiral Fletcher on his battle shlp Rhode Island The admirals report dealt with conditions in the oil fields which are so far quiet but still threaten lng SAXONYSKINGTOWED Picks Princess Hildegarde for Bride It Is Said EPS LINE SESSi i i SL Jj rr k1 JF MejrtataTpmrrdwJ 1 1 I 1i Vi yi 7 SENATESTELHANGINGON i rh 1c tA The longest continuous extraordinary session lnthe history of Congress Tpractl cally ended last night and the regular session wlllbegin at noon tomorrow i Democratic leaders acting In concert wlthKresident WUson would notpermlt an actualflnlsh to be written tothe special session although the Houseadjourn edflnally jThe Senate wUl meeragaln at 10 oclock tomorrow and adjournment will not formally come until a few minutes before thetlme tot the regular session to convene Theextra esslonf sq far as the House was concerned ended at 1255 yesterday No agreement had been made with Senate leaders for a recess to Monday so the House leaders determined to act on their own initiative asrwas done InlSOl Announced by the Speaker When the House meets Monday said Speaker Clark I will announce that un der the Constitution the second Session of the Sixty third Congress has assembled and iwe will begin work under that order Two great project have held the atten tlon of Congress and the country through out the unprecedented work of tHeyearJ One of these tariff revision crystallized nto law In September Thether Currency reform stin la jthe chlefr subject of leglalatlVB Interest arid wlllremaln soun tadlsposedtrf lqjecegularsesllon 3 Th special session opening cSnth dftelftihtfDemottatle foMestooltt com pletecontrp ofthelioverrmtbegan wltha 4te6rKanIzatIctt Of tjartvieader PAEAIYZEDT SBIDER BITEr Representative JR Walker of Georgia in Critical Conuitionv5s Specltlto Th WaaWngtOttPWft AfaconpGavJNor 29 Representative Walker of the Eleventh Georgia dls trictwas bittenya spider while In fehlngcamp on vthe WillacoocHee River Inear Rocky Ford today In half our he had become helpjesseYeryi muscle in hlsbody becoming rlgldv Doctors wgre Jeftlled andCadnflnlatered remedies but his5 condition wW so crltl caixnai ne was removed pn a special train to aThospltarat Valdosta Late tH night there was littlechange tn his con dition Doctors sayhels completely paralysed vj WILSON SPEEDS BRIDE New York Nov t29 President Wilson accomplished todaythetwo purposesthat brought himto Nefr York from Wash ingtonhe bade bon voyage to the White House bride and bridegroom his daughter and Francis Bowes Sayrek who sailed for Europe on their honeymoon and aacom mander In chlef of the land and water forces of the country he attended the Army wavy xooioau game at the row Grounds Mt pi Tonight the President went to thethe Fatetv He terminated bis SO hours visit to me ny oy iasjng cue tramoacic 10 CCToeMnom ft The Japanese Minister conferred today with Nelson OShaughnessjy the Amerlt can charge daffaires regarding the protection Japanese Subjects Tnight expect on the west co ast Thetminlster was assured by itrf OShaughnesay that they would receive the same Jprotectlon as far as the United States was concerned as other foreigners Admiral von HIntze the German Minister talked with Mr yShaunessy regarding plans for the defense of the foreign colonies In the capitaLlThe Americans have not yetunlteilwlththe Eu ropeans in any action Jooklnsrltowards4 jgozlth Prof Glron who was em rtpfonAB In A9M 1 olinrtlHF hPAMa nrtaa I 4 waww lr V4U Bi TWV UtW sary Xtk 1 JV Trip ArouseSilnTerest Senor Mohenos departure arouse great Interest in all clrclesl was officially stated jthat the object of his visit to the port was to meet hls father whorls due to arrive here Bhortly TbV minister expects to returnto hlstdutles In a day Oc two Oari It was also xeportedlMohlnohad broken with Huerta and decided toUeave the cabinet and tharheighthejarranglngto rfallfor Habana of somef other foreign pThe Inroads of therebelnihe north and wescareaia to toe Responsible for theconcentraVonofederaltf6rcesliiear tne capirai xne rail or mazauan wnich itaatlon atTampIo Is becoming dreUcalenZaragosaJthi federal commandant at that portf ears anrnme dbiteatUckartteyebel8 arrtedito be anasslng iJeaRCoriceocaojEloSifheNa I tibnal RaUwaynorthwesllofTamfiico largeforcevotiebelsIsorfe4Jdvac lng oniTateplcoalongtheOeniralIian A4 frATn nAlBffff ntttA mZi JL mrtamf tirnfl milarjrii5ZK rl ifVWJ i rtas I i stXlAlVJik TJaAIT2 2 Sf 1 jssspi ii Adherents Of the xebet leader Zapata nreq upon kajjasaenser xrainiioaaynear Ajusco atownafemlllssoutttof JIex Iccfjcftyc trhejasualUesiVerBSlgnRl can Te rebeliband wasoneof the smSrscoutlng parties whchagaln have begun toappearln tbe jfeeraT district jjMivfcuvjHvwyj fr4cMA4 jiavtwnu uy tekl HIS WIFEEIOPED Iff 1902 Prospective Queen One of Six Daughters of King Ludwig of Bavaria and Is 32 Years Old Court Gossip Recalls flight of WifeWith Prof Giron Leaving Five Chlldreh SpeclJCiWetoTheTVaililnrtMiPort Munich Nov 13 While there has been no official announcement It Is currently reported that King Frederick Augustus of Saxony Is contemplating marrying one of the six daughters of King Ludwig of Bavaria He Is said to have already confided to friends that h4 is to marry the Princess HUdegarde who Is 33 years old It Is believed that In order to make his marriage possible King Frederick will Te VtshitTWA iA rflfiirHr trfnTi Ta fiA TVitiA has twice refused to sanction nls remarriage Eloped With Professor King Frederick Augustus wife eloped ployed In the household Later she was married to Eurico Toselli a music teacher andtrnoWsald to he about to be married again Afters his wife had deserted him the King asked the Pope to annual his marriage1 and grant him permission to marry agaiiCburthisjrequest Was refused He is very religious an3 It was fot jthlshls wife declares that she deserted him a Blames CnirtPiiritanisni King FrderickAugustus marrledjjWhen hewas crown prlncei Louise Princess1 Imperial and Archduchess of Austrfaat Vienna WNovember 21 189L Shewas then 2Tyearst old Inher rnemolrs pub lishedlln September 191L Countess Mon Ltignosoas shelias ben called since her divorce In 1803 Warned the puritanlsmof was lnsanel forherflightand abandon TOentfhef husband ana flvehlldren HerTnarrlageto Toselli completely es Ifcrangedtbeparentsand rejatlyea of the One tlme crown princess aatheyareall BtrlctCalholIcSj and the dvUdivorce had not bnapprqyejl by hayatlcanIn 1911 the Coup tessMoittigno3oobtained a divorce from Tosellf and slncsthatHlmft she has Seen living InRalytftr J20SE JTAHTKS JfEW BISHOP precedenjTand brought theso caTyeA Jwo gressIvefoTces into control and through fout tile contests on tariff aneVcurrency the session has been marked bysolldlfi cation of the Democratic ranks JV Demand of the Democratic leaders that the Airrency bill be passed at once brings the extra session to a stirring close day and night sessions of the Democratic currency conference having markedtne last week andday annlght Sessions of the Senate are promised for the new session until currency legisla tion Is concluded Some Side Legislation Although President Wilson urged the session just closing to liold Itself to the two chief projects tariff and cur rency several other matters of general Importance have been considered One important legislative act war the bo Sailed Newlands law for mediation and conciliation in labor disputes Under this enactment Federal arbitrators were oible to avert the threatened strike of trainmen oil Eastern railroads last sum mer which threatened to tie up Amer lead commerce and Industry for an npf a umnea ume The abolishment of the United States Commerce Court also was accomplished through aq amendment to the deficiency appropriation bill Another appropriation bill rider took out of the classifled i civil service most of the deputy United States marshals and deputy collectors of Internal revenue Exemption of labor unions from prosecution under the antitrust laws so far as certain funds were concerned also was accomplished Many Important legislative acts were embraced In the tariff bill In the form of amendments These included prohibitions against the importation of feathers of birds a step long demanded by bird pro tectlon societies and a special rebate on goods brought In AmerlcanT shlps an act 1 designed to encourage American ship building and to strengthen the American merchant marine 1 Long Fight on CottonTax The long fight over the proposed tax on cotton futures to present cotton gambling failed In the final develop ments prior to the passage of the tariff bllL The cotton tax subject was so thoroughly discussed however and the ad vocates of It came to such an under standing that It is expected a nieas nreUo regulate trading In futures Will be passeaDerore ine new sessionenas tfanVbnis which underwentprellml nary preparation in ihecbmmltteerooms willbe Dushedto conclusion Intherecrn laV session These include the seamans servitude hill which passed the Senate the HetchtHetchy bUitdgrantSan FlrafichcoTwaterti supply rights In Jthat i i valley jWhIch passed the House and is 4XV aI sfij Wt Qnfla nA1iA W1W wj flTO 6 andthe Alaskan railroad bill which the Senate has agreed totakelup inDe cemoer aan AiaaaB vieaure yvouiu provideforsgoverhment railroads itbat would more adequately open Alaska resources ilsn a irZtJ Theinvesllgatlng activities of the spej clat sesslorijwere conflnedchlefly tothe probing of lobbying activltlesnd to the inquiry miocauses ana conaucr oittne strikemXthelWestlVirginIarcoaferds The speclatiommittees that conducted 7 i i i 55 i EeV HenryAlthoff to Preside pTer Bio ceseofBellevillerili ilt was announced at the papallegation here Jast night thattheRev Henryft hoftTof OkawvilIeIIihasJbeenxilppoInt ed by his hollneSsFooe Pius as bishon loz tne uiocese ptiieueviue ia mesenvesn6Jwa wrim cumpieiea their work and will not report until early next yearVVM i uMJ368fe jzMMgAd iidmtjmiuMaM rri i5 TCieA Ohio Ry Change la Schedule Train5 now leavinsr Washington Iris fortheWest will on and after Nn vember SOIeave at 3oa pm Nochang leaving ume oiotner trams PnmtWmnt AAm Atm vUse the jelassified columnsof Tbe Post ana secure resxuistiNOcnareeiortnft art IvertlslnB jjy ESCAPED TIGSESS SHOT Soldier Kills 3eatTbat Got Aw In Moying Picture Hunt Epernon France Noy a Thetigress which recently escaped from an Inclosure whereia moving picture of ar tiger Tmnt jsras being taken and which causedja Vaaic uxoajis wio counirypeopie intnls district wajf killed today in the forest by a shotfrom onejof theTJSOO soldlefs wha had been senfout to fauntthe7anlnial The terror stricken ipeasants had or several daya beentafraid to golntothe In theThouses fields and had kept their children locked 1 it 4 Zl i Social Leaders FromWashingtoit and iW ftimwicTothe1 Greatest1 Gather ji 1 jr 1 pnzThat Ever Witnessed Ond of the jConteslHrarillingtPliiys Cheered fcy PfiftrvW rt iTJf trjr 1 UM ivi oa me jiiciu Bids Sayres Iarewell oil Ship Prior toFbotball Game jS 1 ON WABACK TO CAPITAI Bridal Couple Eludes Curious Throng on Pier by Using Second Cabin Gangway Going to England JEirst Is All Mr Sayre Will Say President Cheeked at Theater in the Evening i Jt baostdlreczver the Army stand The President accompanied by Miss Ereanor Wilsoff andDrOarey Grayson waited on the deck of the steamship George Washington In Hoboken in the forenoon for Mr and Mrs Sayre to appear He did not see them board the vessel for the bridal couple eluding the crowd that had gathered to say good byused the second cabin entrance The President finally entered the Sayre suite and was surprised to find them there The Hamburg American line pier at Hoboken was decorated with flags and bunting as was the vessel and several hundred curious persons newspaper men and photographers waited in vain for more than two hours for a glimpse of tne ayres xne vessel was held half an hour for a consignment otmail and during this time the crowd called to Mr and Mrs Sayre to have a heart and come on deck Going to England The only respohsevo this was when Mr Sayre peeked through a port hole and finally consented to tell the reporters that he and his bride were feoing to England urst When the ship had sailed the President after a luncheon went to the Polo Grounds entering the bor of Uindsey uarrison Secretary of War After the gamethe President entered an auto mobtleTmd was driven to Col Houses uuiiio ueiore goinsio xnetneater Cheered at the Theater President Wilson was cheered as he en tered thetheater with Miss Eleanor Wll son Secretary McAdoo and Misa ltfnAnn and Coland Mrs House The President seemed keenly interested lnthe nerform ance and laughed in evident enjoyment of tne humorous lines in the play Aa he came out he found crowd in waiting which rapidly grew to large proportions He went directly from the theater to the Pennsylvania terminal en tered his car and retired shortly after 11 oclock more than an hour before the departure of the train for Washington POPE CL0SrS WINE CEIIAS Vaticans Rare Vintages Will Be Given to Various Italian Hospitals Special Cable to The Washington Poit Borne Nov 29 One of the most fa mous wine cellars In the world that of the Vaticanhas at the orders of Pope Plus been cleared ot the whole of Its accumulated vintages The wines will be distributed among the hospitals monasterlesind convents In every part of Italy The Pope who Is a strict teetotaler was Induced to take this course pri marily by way of chastisement of the papal guard whose rebellious behavior is attributed to the freedoniof accessr to the cellars whlchthatbodyjbas enjoyed 8TUMBIEriS OF WHlSKY mi Justio Cassetij Stricken as He Finishes Ttn i1rlinr Tlintrf 8peclil VtrTba WMlIJlgtaaFostsi 7 ecrantpn PaJov 29 Justlo Cassetl ageu uit is Jieau aune result 01 ms coast that the1 could drink Insuccesslonslx rt i tumniers iuu otjWnisKy a 3 fAfterllOwas offered tchlm as aprlie for performing the feat Cassetl drank thewhiskyx Themoney was ofteredtohlmImme aaeiyi aiierwuxi puiJiwnennereacnea foltJhefeir dead XXXU3X VXU1XJ1L UX AXUUIXUI ii Gattoefilass BoyStarts Seasonia 5 Wevr Enzland Jl CdnerMasiJNov 29 John Bestt 13 years old ox tnis townwas me nrsi victim of thin 1c in New England thissea He ventured out on skates on a pond this anorntag broke4broughandj wasl drownea WESfPDfflTVICTOR ss IU It Navy LbsijSWdtballGameas OOOMookOnr 17f 1H3 KT Sii WDLS0rfIIBpTH STAKDS mi Ml ttll al et Ae a i OfflciaPrty DlTidesTImccSo asta Prevent Heartbnrnlnjs Isf I fr lk 5U retjl Forty twothousand reff yorkjsfov 23r persons saw the Navy go down In defeat VI i jr 1 i iim aiernwnjiore4ui6 Army eleven on thePoloV grounds tfansforaed rroxn a aseball diamond to a football field No greater throng haar ever Been an Army ie jt I The multitude whicS crowded the stands jaciuaea xTesiaeni vviison toe secretaries of Warsandof JhatNavyt othe cabinet officers aenatorsrenreseritatlvesand the nower 01 tne mmtary andjiaval service Every seat was occupied and many more persons wouia nave oeen mere had space to seat them been available Crosa Kie of C3ieeHng Set in an oval of humatywaa the re made gridiron protected roratha rain till this afternoon by a 12 lndr blanket Jot straw To the south ohthe ildelfne wafftha Army stand to the nprtisatthe Navy with the field between raked byra crossfire of cheering that didnot endvtlll the Armys colors flutteredover the field from the topa of the goal posts President WUson an4 hla party foiowed precedenCltt dividing their ttme at tfie game between the contende ThePresU dents party included hlsdahghter Mlss jaeanoriCoiand MrsEL House his cousin John vwllsonJnd Jr CaryJ JCV Grayson ft Zr 5 jf Game Waits oa Resideat The Presld8ntwasa few jnlnutes late and thegam6dld iwt start tUlhe had ta jenmsseatlnlatf upper grand stond V1 corted byt Secretary of War Garrison Secretary Daniels of ihaxavyr and As slstanfeecretary Rooseverf torthe Navy lde ygbp AS Rain threatened every mlnute during the firstthreeperlodsof the game and caine In the last quarter In the form of a drizzle a Army Welcomes Navy vTeam As the armybattaUons marched upon the fieloVheaded by the cadetbandlth crowd cheered Down the side lines marched the bandjthe battalions of gray and gold following InTcolnmns of four Around the field they marched then8 followed the band thejength of the field down the center BOabreastturnlngbjj fours reforming In long lines and halt lng before the south stand Jr As they marked time the Navy eleven an out en to the field Another cheer went V9I The cadet band quickened Jtsj tune to a 7 jig and the lines of gray broke andran for thBjtand Middies Cheer Army Eleven Meantime a Sourish of bugles announced the approach ofthe naval bat i i iallohs It was nearlng time tat the game and they did notcircte thejfleld as the Army haddonebut marched straight down the center 3 Across the shoulder of eacltmansblue overcoat gleamed a gold handr and from each mans hand waved a gold pennant When they made the stand the blue was hlddenby avmovmgforestJof golden stanoSrds and streamers TheSftrmy eleven scurried out on the field A great cheer went up Across the field the blue and gold cheered the army and the Army with theblareof many bugles and the roar of many voices gave backa cheer of greeting to3theNavy Blue coated and gray garbed cheer leaders swinging megaphonesr darted out to the side lines and took their stand before each battalion Thencamethe tumult of rival cheers and songsdrowning the torrent of applause from mere civilians fas the elevens took thelr places WavyScWs Fint5 A field goal hy the NavyJn the flrstT quarter set the streamers of goldsnap plng wlldlys Fora momentOie Armyi stand waSi silent then answered with a gripping7 cheer of encouragement fortheb menjonithe field In the second period theAnny tied Jhe contestvby scoring af field and the Amy standwent wild iX But thegreatest dellfum was saved for the Armytouchdown Inthesame period Biir hundred West Pointers rose to their feet ass one man tossed thelrcaps Vyi high flashed their pennants of gold and blackunIo6sed thelrt voices 4nwlldhur rahsjand forgot teglvethelrcollege yells inthelr delight 4 A1 the end ofhegaroe theArmycele brated3riththe usuarrushtolhe colors From the stand they1 stoijned the field and danced in agreat clrcle over the grldlronvJThe circle widened 111 a line of gray clad mensurrounded the field In the center wereplanted the Army colors As thV crowds jsurged outon theJeld from be grand stand twol stalwart 4 youths in gray overcoats climbed to the top of tneNavyV goaf posts and naUed the Army colorsthere President Wllson who hadVaitedfpr the last act of the encounter saw them He turned to See 1 fetaryDanleW tc That jsras worthy of ealloh the President sam Ana secretary Daniels a rr BAjY with hlm i Secretary of theNavy Daniels accepted thedefeatof the vAnnapolls eleven with5 Tar heel plillosophyjand said he expected the Navy to be on the right side ot the score next year president Wilson smilingly refused to makeany comment on th result of the giiuc 4 i i I CONTINUED OH SECOND PA03B I 1 xk in iht if i rt li i Vv fer Vi.

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