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Fort Wayne Daily News from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 10

Fort Wayne, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

WBPWW ffTO Tyr jWfUWWyiiywWWTMr WW1 lllweTSSffaylWyill WViW miiWTit Tt jJ ir i flSSjf Jl sV I ii JHE FOKC TOgNE DAttZ SWS Wl IDliftiLlciEri Ccritlnued from typ 6 siv ivj 7 3Jrsiacorsf A Potter is Visiting her mother Mrs Jib rillr in Ashland ihftkipli rtoseiphttii weelc Jijtas Grace iloJraea eiitettaiDcd a lew friends from thf city at her home ear JiapleitodJiyv Rf rV and airs Georefe Zljiiita6rrnari left thip mrulng jtdr jhchs futuve flomijIn IyOiiAngeles i the Xi Vi club ili give aedcpr Uon and dance at Ilibenilau hall Thursday afitp6onVViiulJe20 Mn and iXrBrWiJburJIbjgeUijdliiixid flaujirter RutlihflV gJn9tiiJacii86ii Mlchtp visit Mri toielai3avKireit The Twilight club wliihold nrecep tJdn and dance at linkers belli New avenVSaturday venln November iiif 0eofg4ennii 8a teitli street vasgivii agreatiu prle byjA number bfhls friends Suot dayvenlhgj Iiri Ail4 GHebeieuterUlned at bridge i Saturday atterhoda there viiriitbwriitle8adthiaYdwTiere inralaturetyuhipklns Ilr1 indJJrJ Ali Johnson of Man cli who have been the guests of Mr AhdMrs George IJeers bavb rti turned tothetf boma 0n SVedheaddy nyjrhlng at the Cathedral in this city Will occur the bedding df MIss Cecelia Marie Vox aiidMr Anthony A Schelb Tie meeting of the Athena club which was to have been held With Mrs Martin Stock ou Tuesday has been iostioned two Weeks Mr and Mrs lioog and daugii isrs Misses Helen and Florence pen iSuiday iiith Mr Ji Stack at QaT rel IndMrs Iloogs brother iiifiss largery MoXaughton and her slster Mrs JI Cnrbour have returned to their homo In this city aft er spending theliinner in Canada Mrs Ahiy Seavey who has recent TFretum6affgnii a munthsMMt4 uaiirornia enieriaming nev daughter Mrs Chnrles A Merrlmaii of Boston The Saturday nlglil danchig class siave a leap year party at Mifa ilan kers halj at which ihe girls were tho escorts andlooked atter the boys in a tery gallant iUanner cfMrfand Mrs Parks siid Miss iialei Toye Vho were attendants at tne Tledmann Noble wedding In Gd shenWednesdfty evening have rt fujrieat6 their bdraes The wedding of 11 js8 Anna thp daughter of ijrs Minnie Seeraeyer J320 Swtnney avenue and Mr Charles riLIebman df Jackspn Mich has been announced fo Qctobtr 2fl TheGolf club Was the scene of a delightful entertainment Saturday aft erhoou by Mrs Ei Rurode Mrs Howell Rockhill Mrs Thomas iopX and Mis Emnia Kurode Mri andvirsi A Monrbe living north of Areola entertained a large number of friends recently in honor of their niece MIjs Delia HarKhbarger of AtWood ill who is their guest Mr arid Mr Henry McCarthy ot Eel River township vere pleasantly surprised by a number of their neighbors in demonstrating regret at their removal to their home in Columbia CUy Mrs Charles Wordeli was hostess to a few of the most intimate friends of lira A 0 Guild and Mrs Harry JCInde Saturday afternoon Late in the afternoon refreshments were served Miss Nydla Sharp who has been Visiting relatives In Mequoteka la re turned to her home Saturday She was accompanied fay her cousin Mr Rayrnohd Grant who will spend a few weeks in this city The I club is a new organ Iritlpn in club circles The club is composed of the followifig eight slils EJith Grable IJoIlie Skinner Henrietta Schrage Anna Grable Delia Druhot Alice Benpgin Florence Voller Uora Grable Officers were elected ns follow President Alico lenegln treasurer Florence Voller secretary Dora flrabel Mrs William Clutter gave a ceiianeious ehower ahef Jbdmij at 1002 Columbia avcntle toy Miss Al farneUa Voquelet vhols to anOd tober bride Cdvers wero laid for fourtefirt arid ft three coUrsV luhclieba jjervfcl The afinuaf stale board bt charities conventions Is now being held Jiri South Bend and Mr and Mr Mi Fdsteyand Mrs Ida QVrheyer are la attthdaricd fr6Bthl cftyCiMr Foster idelegatdi frorii tbe Foftr higLticiub wyi lllssSIary Evai gavie abalbyvipari ty to arfewotherhlghflchdolRlH frlendsV Saturday night at which tho guests agiln1iittlrd thrn8eveg lithii frdcksotchildlioodl Fidrolwas played and later In tlio eycnlrig an xciellent spreadwas serveiL iira WiiheiniihaRemui and JHr Samuel Ay J3rpwnslerger werVfluietl marrledl Prand ltaplds laSl Thurs1 dajraM have returned to this city and leguri housekeeplug at 2218 Brpad Way Tjhe groom Is aa eniployp of the Fort ftaynp Elecirjc coiiipanytf itf aJid Jilr8 tiepfg AVhite entertained Filday1 nfghtin hondr of Mr andilra Cunnlson Who left today for their home Jn Riverside CaU Mr arid Mrs Cunnispn Live been guests dur Ing the past Ve6k with Mr and Mrs Emety Glass of Poplar street rag wedding Vhlcli has been an nounced Is that of Mis Daisy tlip flcconiplished daughter of Mr and Mrs Striker 123 Wist Lelth streetahd Mr Clarence Sanger a well known arid highly respected young real estate man Mrs Miles FoTter who was to have entertained the Fortnightly club on October 19th Ijas exchanged dates With Mrs Taylor who Will read a paper on Why ThJs Fret and Worry The meeting will held at the home of My George Nalor 624 West AVayno streetand Miss Mat garetMacPhail Mr Charles Lane and Dr Albert Bulson Will discuss the jiaper Mrs Lou Gillian living on the Leo road gave ft surprise party Saturday night in honor of lier son Joe to a nHfiiliwf fiejiisr illie tvcntng vnrr Mm GREAT JUBILEE FOLLOWS aftLfNlfA VVy most pleasantly speniind a delighful supper was served Those who were present Were Misses Berlha Shatter Marlha VJana Lvdla and Susan ConradConrad Myrtle and Hazel McNutt May andl illle VVnlbolt Leah Schwartz Daisy Wright Celeste Eloom Celia Graves Messrs Charles Cornell Jack Veacy Chester Davis Jonafl Yodor Herman Ed Theodore Melvln and I Albert Conrad Calvin attd Will bioom Alarion uiack Will wackara Charles Richards David Wright Aaron Schwartz Schaffef and Ince arid Mr and Mtb DaytonSTeriness and Mr and Mrs Andy Bloom The box social held at school Vo 6 was attended by a large jiumber of people from Pleasant and Mirioh townships The purpose of the event was to secure reading circle books or the school llbraryi After a few remarks by the teacher Ruhl on the Importaricp Of placing good books within reach of all pupils in the school the exercises were conducted by Deputy Auditor Harrod of Fort Way ne who sold the boxes at auction Each of the boxes was very handsomely decorate arid coih talned an elegant Iunclifor two There was also solid gold ring voted to the most popular young lady The vdtint was very lively thre being 1000 votes cast Miss Nellie Krauss won with a total of 515 votes The total iiet receipts were 17 llALIFAXi i bcti18Avco tidflpf Bible studenta held In this city for severatdaya concluded Its sessions tdday A nnmberfpf abls iid dressei werenadebnapproprlatpithemesby speaker whpl evidently Were Jdeep Btudents1 of thb sCrlpturesi Many of thssp camo from the tTniJed States drip party from Bdstbnf numbering about orip hundred Pastor TRus ieIlof Pittsburg Pa gave several ad dresses pne of thesoi delivered to day we rppbrt It was Uom tho teaft Then shalt Ihou cause the trumpet of thpJubllee to sound on the tenth dayof top seventh month la the day of atonement shall ye make the tfum pet sound throughout all your land And ye shall hallow the fiftieth year and proclaim liberty tirbughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof It shall be a Jubilee unto you and ye shall return every mail unfp his possession and ye shaHietura every man unto his family XLey 269 10 Pastor Russell said My topic of today stands closely related to the one ot last Sunday dellv ered la Chicago However dear frjends the blessings end conrenl encps of the wonderful day la whiih we live draw togeUierthe uttermost parts of the earth most remaritably Hence I am well aware many of this large audience tbough nopresent ln Chlcajo availed themselves of the wide publication ot the sermon through theldally orlnts Therefore I draw your attention iow to the dec laration Of our text that the jubilee stands closely related to the atonement for sin Without the atonement day sacrrflcOdr sins without therp The weather Is just right for lightweight wool underwear Wa have It Jn twn plece or iinlon suits Prices 100 in Ui0 PATTERSPN FLETCIIER CO Theres no use talking people do appreciate pure food WAYCO BRAND Horse Radish is making a big hit mi A great many Kills are buying reefers In our childrens department We have niaKniflcenl line Prices 4 to 12 PATrGnSON FLETCIlKR CO jBEffThMiffllMjHBBHcBBEISMBflBBtfflBPEHfl i Ht JHI ifieroenin fsjlf ji i eims rriMj oatioiis of the workmniiis Hid our ft lit importations have Il rated the usual iinprossion upon the arMoviiig and millinerymillinery purchasing public Hats to match costumes and to suit individual tastes and purses die what we aim to bring out We cordially invite the public to inspect our stock a ml guarantee satisfaction with a guaranty that stands for quality and fairness Everything neitainiug to Millineiy to lie found vi IVlergeritheinis ft Tb mMUS ST PpppsiteiCourt House mission of sins there would have been no antltyplcal jubilee provided for mankind Hence the subjecj of last Sunday and the one before us today stand associated as pause and effect the atonement work which we discussed last Sunday being the basis tor the jubilee blessings about to come to mankind which we will discuss tb day The atonement day with its sac rlflces came annually but the Jubilee only every fiftieth year As our text declares the trumpets announcing It were to be blowii in the atoriemept day The fact that the two types are associated teaches that the one dev pends uron the other The atonement sacrlflce must make reconciliation for the sins Pf the world before the jubilee can be fully inaugurated Blowing tha Silver Trumpets Ojir text declares that the time for the blowing of the jubilee trumpet was la the day of atonement Manlf pstly this would be towards ltaclose and hot it Hi beginning because with the opening of that day ana until tne mgn priest bad well nigh accomplished the sacrifices the blowing of trumpets announcing the beginning of the Jubilee would be inappropriate What think yoit dear friend of my suggestion that as thjs entire gospel age from the day of our lords baptism to thP present time Is the atonement day arid Isnenrlng itsflnlsh arid as the jgreat Jubilee here is to immediately follow it the time of the blowing of the silver trumpets announcing the jubilee began with the year A 387C As many of you are awarei we haVp been ehgaged in proclaiming this great fact to the royal priesthood ever since that dateby word and peri and urinted uaze Notice that this mes sage ot earths Jubilee arid times of restitution due to begin forthwith was sounded first by the members of tho royal priesthood with the silver trumpets of the divine wordthis message by the world In general is being shouted and tooted In all parts of the civilized world and by every claAl of the groaning creation it lsa message ot hope of encmiragPmenf of liberty We with the sllver trumpets indeed announce only the message of Gods word to the effect that Hie liberty that Isto come will be the liberty of the sons of God the liberty wherewith Christ makes free and not the liberty of wantonness of rioting and anarchy Some havo been blowjng upon rams horns declaring that he coming liberty Is to be expected along the lines of socialism Others vociferate that it Is coming through other political parties and some proclaim that the only hope for it is through anarchy Those of us dear friends Who have studied the word of God on this subject see clearly that earths jubilee is coming by way of a great time of trouble which the scriptures specify arid particularize We perceive that God is allowing Belflshness the predominant Influence of the whole world to so pervert judgment that those who are seeking blessings and comforts for themselves arid others along different lines will run amuck that evi dently the confusion will become worse confounded Until out or all the various theories and panaceas which are now beini tooted vociferously urged as the hope and only hope of the coming golden age will eventuate In pandemonium and anarchy Thlg la the picture which the scriptures draw for us of the time ot trouble a time in which every mans hand shall be against his neighbor arid there shall be no peace to hlra that goeth opt nor to him that cometh In We can picture to our imagination the first jubilee accorded to the Isriel Ites We can imagine gome docile never thinking of the jubilee at all groaning under their burdens hopelessly We can Imagine others trac lag their tm In advance arid riaaWng their preparation to leave servitude andytQ return to thelr former estate We can Imagine masteiS disputing1 as to the time and others seeking to keep theif servants in Jgriorarico of their frkhts and others still more noble Tejoicmg iviiirneirTBervanis in ipei liDerues wmen were aoout to pe tneirs butasythe jmpojrtalt juncture would bedtached the eicltement wbuld bew cpme1 Intense anil quirreli wbuldi Jopr i vi i it iF frqupntiiMjrepect8 to mind ii thine and particularly between thb wealthy and the1 poor Sbthatirithe flrstfew years otsthdjubilpeyearhve might reasdnably expect a sort bt pan demonlum InitheAhpiitlng bluster exi citeirientrejoldng recrlmlnatlrigetc DoubtlessYaIm6stanarchyotildprer vallfor a time until the new order pf thlngswpuldb8ilEhtlyaclJusted un til the Elmers who wpuld have control wouldrlghtly set things In order Sdhereithe confusjon clamors aj1 ready here wltliaiilif keef ipa in crcastrigandeveiituate hi the anarchy Which the scriptures portray but tbenrthank G6dIU be ushered in the new dtsperisattoa and the divinely a pointed rulers Of the time will speedily brlngorder out of the corifusldn Arid even the confusion Itself will bring blessing when it shall have destroyed many who would Ue hindrances tp the jublleo blessings And now dear friends a word to you who have by faith eatered into the covenant relationship with the Lord bur RedeemeriFrom our standpoint tho comlujf jubilee to earth Is grand to think about The Intervening clouds pf trouble the short sharp work which the Lord will accomplish in the earth When the plowshare of hu1 man passion hall plow deeply will prepareth ground of humanity for the sowing of the seeds of truthwhlch shall bring fortli abundantly Our jubilee has begun in a two fold senser 1 Our lovelfor mankind enables us to rejoice exceedingly at the thought IUD MICOOIUB Ul UUU DV PUUI II IU come to themt f2 We rejoice also lii that the blessings soon coming to tbem Imply ablessjng to us because this Is tho divine order that Gods richest blessing Should come through His Son first Vth church Ills bride then through these elect ones to the priclent worthhnil isubseriuentlr extending to Istael aid to nil the nations of the earth in full harmony with the appitles promise made ADranam ir tny scea snau an tne familiesof th ekrtfi be blessed This hope ana tjpnndence gives us a rest of heartlri the present time a rest Of faith which keeps us calm serene in alt the trials and dlfflculties of life Of these tio rests the present one faltlj and the one to be entered upon the apostle speaks say ing of the first We which believe do enter lritorest pf the second rest he says There remaineth a rest to the pcopls of God a great Sabbath of Jubilation a thousand years long Jubilee I the iynciiym for rejolc jngirid he Jubiyeaf was certainly a Joyfulpccasidhtbthe masses of the Israelites though pot so to the wealthy of themexcepl they were In heart harmony with the Lord and ills glorious righteous loving prdvlsions The scriptures explain that the Jand of Israel was reckoned as belonging to God and that He gave It to that na lion accoraing ineir irioes ana iam Illcs They nilgbt buy It or sell It but on the recurtcnce of the Jublleo year every fiftieth year the land reverted to those to whom God had originally given iitf In other words It cpUld riot vbe sold outright It could at most no leasea tor wnatever portion of time repialned up to the next Jubilee This applied not only td the land but to thelpersonsof the Israel ltes AJuabmlglit get Into debt and contract topay It by his labor but no contract for service would hold bei yond the nextlubiloe By this beneficent arrangeriieat God provided against the danger of all the property falling into thb hands ot the few pro viaeu againstxtne possibility or any combination pf capital or trusts which would enslave the massesor deprive them of their share of the earth Berieflcent as thl8 avrangenient Was for the jsraelitlsn people ft meant as a type a still lifgher antitype It pictured ona veryismali scale Indeed the great millennial epoch Which the apos tie speaks ojaVTimes of festltutloh of all things i Which God hath spoken by the mouthOf all the holy prophets since the world began Acts 321 Viewedfrorirthli standpoint Israels jubilee was as nothing In comparison to the great anti typical jubilee Which will prevailduring the millennial age and especlallyatJts beginning Restitution an opportunity restoration to nu man perfection and tp harmony wltl God puld be an Jnjuitlce Wbef MfV welnqulrpt It is suggested that this wpuld be ft Becdnd phance and that It would be unreasonable to suppose tbatvlf doderetgaYp One chance wouldj so complete that Un would be no rieeddf His providing ariptherT VVereplythat mtoybf1wabayeht4 Verr confused Ideas as tespeefs ihe nfeanin fpf this word chariite We gpt Jnto bur difficulty by using pur reasons butftynotuilnc bur Bibles In cprijurictlonwlth our reasdrii The Bible tells otCoheVchance granted to Father Adam one cbancb to reUln his perfection The Bible tells that In that one chrinte of trial bur xather failed and that aai a result at death senteriPe passedupdnJilmseif which proPeedcdlnanat uraliwayaiid affects ed 611 ot hls posteritmentally1 moif illy and physically so that as the apostle isayB We cahnoti dbtbe things that wjd would And as Vthp prophet points oiit We were all born Li ap tel shapenjlajnlqultyi ahdilrislri aiapur mothers conceive vsc what bhance cpuld thesd chldrenPf Adam bora In Imperfection have to Hvp per fectly righteously and thus to dera bnstrate thplrrlght toeyerlastlng life under the divine prbvlsipnt We all agree that they would have no chance haye had no chance individually Stating the matter in another form all of Adams riumerdus family were his loins representatively and shared With him the death sentence whlch re spited from his dlsobedlePce In other1 words the first chance granted In Kderi was lost by Father Adam and for all of his children unless In soiiie maririef God should provide a second pharice thee could no flesh be saved Surely it was for this very purpose pf providing a second chance for Fa ther Adam and for all ot his posterity that God sent ills Sori Into the world to redeem Fatter Adam arid his entire raco and to grant them all an individual chance t0 return to perfection and to harmonjr with their Creator In a word the death of Christ was for the very purpose pf Brantlng a second chance to Adam and bis family Had JesUs not come ai our Redeemer ha So not hoiighTnuT with His prccTpuT MONDAYi OCTbBFi if PvWIIII HIM Qgil Mill JXLnSrfl II VMnllll IJi ra OS ivOtflli ill CrV yal IVAii MlWll ft Owl IvKEmll lllll HVflfi UJnll Mm Itching Bowhmg HtrinuAnw ECZEMA CHALLENGE Wt challenra myone to produce a cats of Ccxtffli or other akin dli ci5i thai Dr Taylors ECZEMA REMEDY tltt OOt CUM I It is the only tbsoluta panaeta fD9 all blood disuses nJ skirt eruptions Tnouuods of ttjtimooUs to snow ycu Send for photos of recent cures Sold undsr tolut tjuirantet cure or momy rtfurxJed Not a single Instance of failure It you would bo cured get it today ivtyer feroi Co I drue stores Fort RINTERS RODUCTS Wayne In 5 Tlmesof We can Imagine better than describe bow a famllyof Israelites which had become poor and surrendered its pat rimduy In llfluWtlbn of debt Its members scatWred servants to others would lopk forward longingly to the reunion Injtheubllee year From the staridpblntbt he anti type we see the entire nubn family sold under slh and lb slavery thereto and many of thenl fifprib into death lie great prison house Some are aware of the act itbat there Is tb be a grand timp Of restjtfiUori Which the apostle descrlbesasfetpllrBy the mouth ot all the holy prophrts sirice the world began Whefever knows of this glorious epoch must feel a thrill ag they consider the Wet that Adams entire estate the vojldilff general 1s to be reclaimed from tiff jelgn of sin arid death and to become a paradise of God and thatiall of the groaning creation living as Veil as all of the dear brelhi eri and sisters of Adams chll dren who have gone down Into the tombvare yet tobe brought back un der more favorably conditions are to have a he start a newt rial a fresh oipdrtunltypf deciding for God lor rightepusnessi tpiNeternal life or for Ultimate andf eastlrig extlhctlott In the second death Doessbme6rieuggest that It woud be iinrlgbtebus on Gods jpart to grant tb the thousands of millions of heath en and to othtr millions pf Christian TaMsTrdf real cparacieraoppormnny oi xw cbYrwgdurloith millennial reign pf Chrlstt DpidMepnesuggest that to glvotb this peer groaning creatloa blood the original death sentence Would have left pur race aa hopless as the brute creation as respects future life This Is the Apostlps Statement of the matter As by a man came death by a man also came the resurrection of thp dead for as all fn Adam die even so all InChrlst shall be made alive every man Jn his own order lCor 15 21 23 Which of us then can afford to reject this second chance which God has bo graciously teridered ria through His Son The Second Chanct or Second Trial From what we have said it Is evl debt that God has made provision in Christ for a second chance or second trial for Adam and his entire race Follow me while I point put our Creator following Hla perfect right has been pleased to give a second chance to some of Adam children under speelalpondltlpos during the past 1J00 years and that he proposes lafer or during the Millennium to give a second chanpe or ppportunlty of escipe from Adamlc tin and death condition to all the remainder of Adams face redeemed by the precious biodd During this ass the scriptures tell us that ft epeclal iclinr belnr callpd out troftvamorgut mankind flittlo Pockr who are invited to be Jolnt helrs with their Itfdeemer in Ills glorious kingdom of Infinite power I be eitabllshed amongsf wen during the millennium for the uplift in of tlieeUtlre raceso that Ultimately ail who will may Come baclc liajmonj with G0d and recover through the Jio dewier sacrifice and kingdom all that Was lost of human perfection the plliio image and a paradise liome iius special flisn hears of divine love arid seta the divine purposeuriiler dlirteulty uiiilcr iraia In the world by the adversary arid tholr own perverted Inclinations These hinder them from seeing or hearing with full distinctness the messago of divine grace Hut whatever they hear and nee Is that much more than ho mnssa of mankind entoy bwause as the arostle oriys Tlic God if this world liatli bllridid tlifl minds of all them that believe not The mises by and by will see and hear and iippie claiej as It Is written In that day all the blind eyes sliall be opened and all thc deaf cars shall be unstoppd Some of tli believers who Hear little and see llttln more some less nie rcBponflbla In proportion to their eoinpter lienslon but only by following on to know the Lord doany of them come to see and hear distinctly and rejolco in the divine promuies The poor blnd world flces not iippreclate Gods messago now to them it seems foolishness to pealc of a kingdom to comet niid such blessing to fjo from It as Gods worcvileclares Not seeing llifs things they 1Kb for tha present time and are unwilling to sacrlflc present Interests foi future promises Our Iord referred tQ this aecond clats snylng thanlc hee father Lofdof heaven and earth because tlipii hast hidden these things from the wise and prudent and revealed them Unto babes Natt 1rt25 The babe In Worldly wisdom have more advantage every way as respects faith arid obedience llfthU gospel age but the worldly wis and hfathen from Whom Oods favors are now hidden wlll share the blessing byand by when the cloudj andshadows of slunnd death shall have rolled hway and when tho sun of rlghtr ecmsnesa shall hive ajlsen with healing In ills beams and when the blessings shall QUESTION AND ANSWER Horne Madp Preparation for Removing Freckles Tan and Sunburn Mable Graham asks If there is any preparation on the market to remove frPcklcs tan and sunburn that is per fectly safe to use and will not cause Injury tb a delicate skin We reprint here the following recipe which hap been used dally by ft Detroit society woman for mord i than 20 years with out harm itose i Water S5 ouncesr Cq lisgne Spirits lvounce Eppotorie skjn food ounces Vi thp Eppotone a pint of hot water not bolllngy and after dissolved strain and let pool then add the Rosa Water and Cologne Spirits This makes a quantity bf excellent face wash sufficient to last eight or nlpehidrithsiltlsnexpenslve and the heceVsarjr articles cans boughtatahydnagstoreirheEpp foneis what takesjplffreckles tan and sunburn and protects the skiij against the suni It takes off evef bit of shine tones up the skin and soft ens whitens anpbeautlflesjlhe com nlexlbn WpddnotJlke to repeat this off called fdr reclpb so we would sug jest vtbatpuf readers cut Jt but and xeepu for iuiiire reierence be dispensed it the haiida of ills anointed one So then those who arei to have tliflr scond chance In the future under the far Vorableondltion of the mWennuit king idom will bo those of the human faiplly who havo not hadafullt thorough com plej chance opportuhity or trMi duilng this gospel age And thosp who irt this age or Ja tho coming mIllennlnIago shall sin willfully fdeHberately Intentionally knowingly against the divine standard and statues will thereby terminate1 their second chance 6r trial hnddle the second death1 without hope of any future redemption or resurrection The Great Jubilee Near According to the Uibje hUtory Of the matter the JeWs never heartily entered Into tho observance of the Jubilee year Like other men they were selfish Like JQU tilings rather than a change every fifty years Like others the more successful of them preferred to keep their property ana to increase it and were not solicitous of restoring liberty and property to their poorer brethren every fifty years fllble history shows us that tha Israelites ob served nlntteeisJubllees after a fashion but half heartedly not In a manner to Gods pleascment Tliereup God sent the entire nation into captivity and left tlKlf land oesoiate for a period of seventy years In explanation of this period the Lord declared to the Israelites that lhosi seventy years in which thelrland lay das olate lie Was giving the land her jubilee year or Sabbath yeari of restbecaue tho people had been too selfish to observe this divine statute vye quote you the Lords words on the subject after describv ingvlhe victories of thearmles of Baby Ion over the JewiJ af tertelltniv about tho desolations accomplished And them that had escaped from the sword carl led he away to Babylon where thej were servants to him and the king of Babylon and his sons unill the return of the kingdom of Servia to fulim the word of tho Lord by the mouth of JrmlahinUIths land had enjoyed hes Sabbath for a long as she lay desolate hikept Bebbath lo ful ni tlireo sooie and ten yearB Chrott 8630 21 it will be noticed that lntheicrtpturei just quoted we have a key furnlihed im respecting the entire number of juUlie cycles namely seventy Figuring this out dear friends we find that thi antltyplcal Jubilee was due to begin A D1175 As th type was a yur the antitpye larger every Way will be the tlmei Of restltu tloiij earths great jubilee the ml tennis reign of Christ a great epoch of blenlng and uplifting one thousand yeaj long This may seem astounding to some of yoti dear filendsf but I am sure hot to all cf you for In your fclty on many of your bobltshelves you might iiaVe my preseniai lion of this matter in pilfit showing tho date 1375 by two distinctly separate calculations of thejublleecyclesboth in fullest accord the one according to the1 law nnd the other according to the prophets Andwhy should we wondetthiU our day great so wonderful so different from every other epoch of earths history Should sland closely related to the divine plu So far from wondering If God and Ills plan be not connected with this1 wonderful day In which we llye some of us have come to see that the dlvlne purposes in connection with thf jiomlng blessings of the antltyplcal jubilee are at tho buck of all the Inventions of pur time as cauee to effect We perceive that ns the prophet has declared we are In Jfhaday Of bis preparation the day Which wlT prepare the world for Messl ills klngdoii a n1 1li nnrUk lnhll io instead fif feel ing surprised that the work of the gospel age should be near its completion and the millennial age and Its great Work be due to be Ushered Inshoull we not rather wonder that tho selection of the little flock the bride of Christ thO royal priesthood the peculiar people should have been granted solpiig a space In thj worlds hlstotyy yetwe cannot doubttJh wisdom Of God In lUs arrangement of tiie plun of theages lie allowed twn pr more Vents to pasa under the reijiiof an jtnd death before he sent his son to redeem Us although ilit redemption hdd bc ch fully puropsed from before foundation of the world Eidenily the tlrrie atipolnteJ ed for th gatheilng of the elect but of every nation people and tongue has been none too long in due tlmeGotl sent forth his son to redeem and In due tine the Son pf God will come again to receive UntP hlmsejf liis elect churcji his bride hs under priests Then following a great time of trouble arid distress amongst men will come the kingdom 6f Gods dear Sop the refgn ofrlgfitcousnes the Jubilation of the world In their best forms come from printers who watth carefully for Improvements Weknow bow to do good printing and do it well as Our Work Speaks For Us Cut the printing we do fof you will also speak well for i TV your business Our aim Is correct printing We are prepared to make a spe cialty of Imitation letters Call and examine our sample LOSE Primer 620 CALHOUN SN THONE 1954 ICHEER UP Dont feel downhearted tlm1 ply because you lack ready money Xou tan borrewwhatHneney Veu need from us on your household foods pianos KorseB wagons fix ures etc Toucan have from one to twelve months time In which to pay It back Our contracts are simple and all transactions are clean cut and private 120 per week for to weeks pays a K000 loan All amounts in proportion If you need money fill out the following blank out Itout and mail It to us rcail af our flee Kame Address t4 if Amt Vranted i Rind of eecurity Hellable Private FpRBWAYHEL LOAN Established 18 Itoom i Second Floor 70S Calhoun Stmt Homo Phont FtiWayneilnd HWMHWrMH GLA PUTTY PAINT Weatherstrips Door Check Make It Comfortable in the Room I Hall for Rent Fastiinel the largest test lighted ajid most comfortable hall in tjie city Come and see OaU at the Emporium Modern Maccabees Dance Second dance of tlier season at Dehrns hall Tuesday evenins 23th Friends cordially Jnylted AdMs gloh 2t cerits The girls as well as the boys are puyin their reefersflnour chlldrenS denartmehtiK 1 ATTEt3pP ET ijv I1 Quick Meal steel rahps AlexrHStaubli5 East Oor JUA4AMAMI OVIVOUt I 7 jtHT We giye you ilkld giovet8tock 61 6ver200 dozeii to select iroiti Prlees HMXoiZM iLy PARSpiN FfelSTCIlERyCp Phone Your Order to 484 I Pfeiffer Son I 107109 Columbia and our yigon does tho work of delivery Hardware I The Grand SPECIAL Plurnadprs Full Orcijestra 12 PIECE8 12 THURSDAY EVENING OCT 22 8o9lal NBl Tuesday and I Thurs daKiahts i UU BLOCK CALHOliN AND WASHINQTON Tho TiretTriist About to Bust lNrLSJFirt PACTORYODD3 AND 9rSSSftl50toi2 I i i uiwa tr im best Tir Baft I rains sver offered irt thlscltyi A PEW 1906 SECOND HAN I CYCLES ATLOW lRICES Soim llsrt Coaster Brskes iP 199 Red Cross BaseBuroers and Raaires Ptffiw sinvi en these Prkst will riihW Ranges 20 ld5p Ba9Burner25lo 5S Brosjus Brpsiusfel 1 i i itr5 ir iiVi vl i vfVM i V1i SifrL.

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