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Fort Wayne Daily News from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 4

Fort Wayne, Indiana
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IF i i t1 I i 5 i i iiii SATURDAY SRPTEMMER a9rVHL UNION MADE SHOES FOR UNION MEN 0 the men ivho demandthat the union stamp be on the shoes uiey wear wo uuw a wormy hub 91 uuiun wiaue auuo jj both dress and shop service Fashionable styles 01 the most popular leathers for dress wearneat comfortable shoes of stout sturdy leathers for knock aoout purposes oners me union man a snoe xw all purposes Prices 175 to 4002 PRKSS St RBED 716 and 718 Calhoun Street Additional Society 1 Oontlnuoii front Paga 2 I Miss CI urn fechfjmmi I islting iu Xojrsasport 41 Alls KlUabctli Crispin bus murneil iion Nantucket I Mr and Mrs A Dtlim uu limne from jew Vnk Itj rit htellu Jtimiiin lum gone Crooked Luke for an outing Mrs Ed Mfilifii nul nun itliur ate home from liuiiu Mi and Mrs ilwunl HhiI mil fuinilj ate ul funi Winona Minn Florence Pillion is put ri turn inr Mr srl IV 1 nk of hit ago Mr Ueoige Jimtiin is intcitiilu lug Mis eim iiiffitb uf I luniifo Sliws Marv Morris I ntrrlaiuiiig her slstri Mm I Huili tit Di troit Tr mid Mrs biulns milium of Cuhei in 1 lit cjtj isitiiisf iila lives The tnurimirt 1 Wtn Onil I inn on I Mr tolin WINnn will take plate tin lUOIltll Miss LikiIU li ll Iu U8 Iipi ut Mi elln 1 mhi lilnfn of I grin ci Mm II II tit of I tun in Visiting Mr an I Mm like of It iei IIh nieniie ill and Mm itorire Pixies ni enli i tuliilng Mi Itibiit I iiinube of IS CM ork Jlisu liti Iun bus 1liirniJ to Court la ml Ind Mie wsittd Mi ll Iian I Milt iini Miss Iuru 1m of lliirlnii ii the guest of Mm mliii urrlntoii of Wnltnn avenue Jlr and Mis Sid Throt Umorton and Mr and Aim thnrles kkklej arc at Lake James Ike opening icceptlon nt the ln lor nncmij aeadem will tuke ple luesday eieniiijf Attiej Jit Itead of haiig it BiU tliiv vWiing hU iarints Mr nd Mm lUud Mail iut toi3a ncompnn led llajor Oeorui Kwinff lf vliuine 1i Baltimore Mr Maker Old and er Muss Alice Oerrltt of Mt bileud aru making a lake trip jjillns Belle llihop wlm lias leen the nuet llnffnlo ie tniiied home Ukt evenniR MIhh Ethr rathrcij hut returned id Uieml Mih after a Uhit with Mr and Mr Lsthrop Mian Itutlr daiiHhter of lr Vhieloik vvlll attend tl Otnij la dtM nemlnnrv nt stannti a MUm aiiih liritnn who Ima been the giitst of her aunt Mrs II puiiKiiU hnu yone to ree llav i jlls mnia Ijiniborn eutirtuiiied ednesdnj nfterinon in I onor of Mitt luchatl Thomas of Llnlndel phi Hie niuriliifcH MisuMiii I ten to Mr lnihfll Denuei ill ixmi tin in mm It 1 lie nom is iiMdent of IJeln it Mm dM I 11 11 Is still a pn tlellt tin I llthl Hill llltll II I niece Mm I nnk I ill 1 Mini i lr lotim Mih I nl of I will stnet entertiuml riinrnil IV iiftei 1 11 111 Iu in if Mm Wnl I ut nil cl ifflitei 1 huntf 1 MiskMiiu Mum mill Muster Mil ri liir of tins mi an Kndn fni diis ut 111 tin trust tloii 11 unt Mis Ju 1 1 OliUlIn MUt Mav IillU is ilwltiiit Mi III11111 llibiitson ut ntiijflil mi 1 1 1 11 ft i mks Sh will ti 1 in mi Inl later Hit IndltN nl msiiI it St lilm 9 Itfirnitcl 1 1 null has an GOOD AND HARD Results of Excessive Coffee Drinking It is rt idiii I libit what MilTernijr ho 11 1 1 i it up miIi just 1 Ratisfv nppetiti tor something Mnh 1 mil hum I had bet 11 iisiiij ffen slme I vmih ill enough ti hue iiif nn own at the ta lilt an I ficni it I hne niffeietl njoiiv liniilrtils of inn mi the eiirM pjxt Mv trouble hmt Ik pan in the fr 1 of I lllmiH eollo Wining 011 eierj few vnekM and nlinnt rndmff my life rerr uttiuk 1 veiMK I siiflVnd IhN nv I tied to pray for death rijleif lie Mom nutTerlng I li 1 1 also nttiols of sbk lieudiihe and lieifiin to sufft from intorrh of the slirnnih and if toiime unful dpt psia lor about enr I lived on tritk ers and vniter Bi lievinp thnt ilfe Wlis the ennse of nil this Buffeting I ilnrtllv it it and litgnri to use 1 is tinii Food offe II aftieed with mv stiiniflih niv tnnbleu hnro left inn and I nm fant gaining my health nn der lt use under I eondemn eofft and tea No one ilil le In a miith more critical condition tlnin I nos from the une of toffee home dor tors pro noiiiirrd it Cancer tit hem ulceration but none jfue me any relief But lnfpt stopped toffee and bean Joh turn 1 am retting ivell ao fan I ran heartily recommend it firf oil who matter a 1 did Nome jrlen by los tura Ca4lattle Crek Mich Bend tho little book The Hood to JVell tilje Tlieres a reason Provide isc Saves This Baity Girl Winifred Bsnder i Ssfl Trctti little ffolden 1 iilrti Vini fnd Hendet of IMlwinikee ojfed tun gne IJumpty Umiipt tiriis an 1 illlrs She dhlit fall from an ordinnrr wall either but from a ne ond storv window and with uh violence that she broke a plank iu the aidikalk wheTO her head struck riietu instead of requiring the services till the kings horsi and nil the aoblfd a minute on her papa shoulder nnd when the doctor arrlv ed expei ting to find bioken bones and Interim injuries la liei lit 1 1 biujssd anil mangled boilv she was out in the jnrd plDilnp a game of tig an hoiiU falling from ationd story windows tvas an everyday oc tu ranee Providence vas the laconic explanation given by tfie docjlpr pt th niirnculouu efeiapa nounced intiaT fr Sunday after noon at 30 ocl nk In the sthool ball Mr und Mrs 1 I Itrown will leave fcoon for 1 os ngoleji al to spend the wltitei Mr I rank luitell will be in vilnshe thaige of the Ran lull hotel Mm Tessc llioslus went Borne Clfv today to 1m lie guest of Mr und Mrs Iluly sh will be jtinid In Mr Hit wins and si 11 Hurrj to 111 01 low Mr I lb len aul Miss Belle Bob ins of lliiutiugl uie gtitvsts of Mm bin I iix of Van I men stieet whi i nleilnliK 111 thei li 111 11 on I Inn In eieninir Mis I mini It I 1 it is und son Inn win him lieu ruiMn of Mm I I I lit I 1 1 tut tfi nt to I diet III ti visit Ik ft 1 tin nuitf to tin ir In me in insis 1 Mr mil Mis I ilavlanl luivi lit unci fioin i wit Us Msit at ill 11111 gin wlin tlitv cn tit in sis i Mi It 1111ntlt1 and faniilv Hit als ilsil tl in Uiillul I 1 gnu 1 alls Siiiutui iifltin 11 at 1 1 1 at tin hunt of the luiltrt patent 1 itliAit I tl clM tie inaniHge or Muss I 1 ins 11 nun in Ml Ivriso will lit 11 pritl hinal tvrnl lie Km I Inl Wi inlisgitiss will of dilute I ugi nuinbei of friends will In 1 1 si nt Mis Uillinm Mi Inttsli nn 1 duugli tei Mitt ffimnli of I rt Maine but in iv of Oiiuihu liaie returned to Omihn aflii esti nine wt stern tup intl 1 Imj ulift mi i ind Hntish Colunill 1 Wlnlt loiirn in the Sietra mil 111 iiiiMjmm they were the guests tf Mis Mexintler Mi In ti sh Mis ngit iifiisl is liei siter Miss I I111 II inns gne a tl nnble paiti tins nfii 111 in hoiiiir of four lie flit mis who will leave soon cut 1 1 1 dbge II113 uie Miss Ilodjie Diivvh 11 mill Miss Italia iau who will inter KfurJ Mks I nth Beem who will enter ussar anil Miss liru I hnvni 1 who will to Smith I be guests wile Mlsse Mn be I Hull 1111t ft ithsilnl I lit len II111 pet gnes 1 nil bank hurlotle 1 tl gerton of Iiidluiiapolis and Mini lb irons Cf Vulparuis Mrs I Wertnun of 1017 iliun bi 1 men ill lejghlfulli utt 1 tiiinetl the Iiilii8trinl I iiibri iderr luti es terdnv iifierinxin Ilnten were bid for the eight en membem In the inke out est priis were won In rK Burcliard mid II oil fter luniheon the lidies hid th ir piitnirn kn in 11 grouji Mm I 1 nglc a sh is tMl Mrs Wertman iu nerving riii honsi vvu beaulifulh del orated astejs The next nuet ing vvil he vyitU Mrs Beneke 1207 Taji lor street The Helillo 4 lull wps pleaaanllr entertnlned at the homei pf Mr Wjllis Hlte on South Cnlhoun gtreit TlMim da The evening ivaa pleasantly Spent playing giunes and nsdaic i Butz lunih was served at a lata hour Mr Bites guests vfere Mlssas lola Jaeger of BenJ Slna Augs pirgei Iraoe Lehjnau Lldu Iiosr lara Mflsrter nna Bressel Hazel liw Nettle KUppert MJkh Williams snd Mcsmh Homer 11gspurger Her man Bandtel 1 am Prrington lbert Stecher Fred Bildnan Fie Brense 11st llaei Annul ugspurger Bus sell Bowser and Pied Jolsc DAtfCINO Tvery Night Next Week ROBISON PARK Miss Taylor will givo heie opening reciptlon Tuesday evening September 4h Slit extends a cordial Invitation to all her pupils and fiicnda No cards Nsnel Tlrst beginners cjass to be foimed Monday evening September 30 mat Iort Wajno Fair bett IS 2 A Live Wire Ever nerve is a live wire connecting omc part of the bedy with the brain They are so numcrou that if ou penetrate the skin with the point of a needle jou will touch a nerve and receive a shock pain it is called Aches and pains come from a pressure strain or injury to a nerve the more prominent the nerve the greater the pain When the pain comes from a larpe nene it is called Neuralgia whether it be the facial nerves or the heart stomach sciatic or other prominent nerve branch To stoD pain then you must relieve the strain or pressure ttpon the nerves Dr Males Anti Pain Pills do this 1 nurtured tntonsa pain caused by nsuralgln I doctored and used various medicines without getting relief until begin taking Dr Miles Anti rain ills iney ma me mom good thnn all the medicines ever Uttdi lliejr never mil io ctim i headaches and their us never leav any uaa aiter en ecis MRS WM BrCJCMAN j7 4th Bt fcrl Ta Dr Miles Antl Psln Pills are sold by your druggist who wilt guarantee that the tlrst psckag will benefit If It falls he will return your money 25 doses 29 cents Never sold la bulk Miles Medical Co Elkhart Ind Fail Goaty mm Among the ml importations for feminine autumn wear Is a snlart street costufne diiint from one of 1he fnshlonable tailors of London IhiT fabric usid toi this two piece suit Js a tweed 1 11 deep toned graj ihe coat fa a tntnttii and is Inlind td to be won In 1 tnll slender figure It long und close fitting and is heavily atltdiid around the edges the front Is iinK uelj closed on a Wan lluewith tlnu large black horn buttons A Jbit nirnngement of phld and black vtlvet trims the shoulders nnd uiffs Ihe skirt i walking length nnd pleated Alpine hnt is to be worn with this suit Jt la also of gruy nnd the blaik icfvii Apt1 irs ngnin ljere in shane of Hi nscttt 1 rom this spifhgs it sift wi In osprcA while a long gray Unffm nil is rapped at the lmtk gj 1 mong the efnilpal opponents of Fiigland iiftgypt me those eduenfed Aiabs who Uniing learned the lrenth lniwuttgFbut not the English nre now WWibi to obtain Govtrn mint positions HH4W IIIIlIIMlj Those who have employed us speak well of us COCblCREAM skin taujtd by summer heat and dust1 1 to clear and pre serve trWcomplexion a pure Cold Cream is Indispensable Ours la prepared from abso lately pur materials thoroughly worked over a most excellent massage and healing rem edy Sold in 25c Jars or in bulk RANKED NUSSBAUMS PHARMACY Phone 477 202 Berry 8t onaEDiagiHMq If You Wear One pair of glasses for distance and anqther foi reading ou will find my Bifocal Cdasses a reve 1 at Ion MY TORIC BIFOCAL shows no Hue bettween lit dlslsnce and reading part Tliej nre Krounl In my twn facuny at MODER ATE COST BIFOCAL GLASSES 2 00 UP No Charge for Examination 4 ROGERS Eyesight Specialist I17V Berry Street III lit muv 011 wi PeSuTpTlls BC THE DIAU0VBK1MV A rJ NA ikl eSM tari rilh I 4fA VVUfiVlliid Vmlt mtnlll Ion IV Stw3 s111 kb0 Wtt 1 rtruiiiJrArTKv ckglish ue li jf dmuomii haiNDfii iosi fp yn wfH4 set eMir Aiwtyf KaUlNt Sal 1 by Dp ftrlitt rrwbe OSfakeeMr Ckaalol 0 kU4lke DReWULLiSlll Specialist In tbe treatment ot chroMd dts eases IncljIdlrgVin dlseaxes snd weakness of both MEN Mid WOMEN The best place to get treatment for ECZEMA itiy skin disease and cancer All kinds of latrlcal and rsr treatment 112 Calhoun street Fort Vrns ELE4N0RE AND IDA MOORE OSTEOPATHIC Pl IYSICIAiNS Graduate of Anxrlcan tcliol of patsw eiatlJleJKlrtisvll rMix omc H6ur to 1 a alt tW lit Phnna 1179 I Office and Rttttftne 32S WBY TheS4onjf th White hk FmAiTLWin FiflureTJhert ihm Aconomu of MsburtBest Breakfast Food VTWS FILLSBURYS The quality question is easily disposed of when you know its Pillsburya Tha blackboard diagram below tells tbe economy story A two pound package of Pillsburys Best Breakfast Cereal makes 12 pounds when served A package of the ordinary cooked kinds usually contams of a Tjound and costs ten cents a pound would cost about 11 cents lipounds 182v Sloa miBUS 10 cents ine costoi A3 pounua iusuuiy a yiivw ciuua 1 11 How much Is th3 saving worth to you lh a year tsii 1 wj i 1 i ruibuurys cereal ruuu ucvci cta auiny luiuiJjr summer or winter WW Good in Two Honest Pounds 15c Ask Your Grocer SQUARE PIANOS 25 00 vRwt iiwt fc AND upwards All pianos of this style will be Vsoia at just half price balance of this month Tilakes Here are the Knabe Emerson Kimball etc TERMS 500 PER MONTH Packard Music House 930 CALHOUN STREET rsnn HOT WEATHER GOODS ICE CREAM FREEZERS REFRIGERATORS Gasoline Stoves Screen Doors Window Screens and many other articles tHat add to the comforts of life can be found in our large assortment of household articles Your 100 has 4 times the value at 116 COLUMBIA ST Just received a big shipment of Oak Rockers Cane Leather Fibre and Solid Bottoms trom factory Variety of styles to select from Very low Dining Chairs solid oak and eano seats 6 50 Set Great values In Rugs 350 to 1500 20 yd Ingrain 1150 All Oil and Gasoline Stove at Cost Majestic Coal and Gas Ranges family and hotel sizes Coffee Urn and Lunch Tables Second sg Good Iron Beds 176 to 7 00 3 Piece Bed Room Suit 3 to 22 50 Couches 1 50 to 1200 Heaters and Base Burner i 250 JW 2500 Refrigerator Reduced One Half Water Cooler and Fllterer At Cost Wanted Hard and 8oft Coal Stove Heaters and Cook Stoves Storage for Household Goods Castings furnished for all stoves 8 HAMLETT MAJESTIC EXCHANGE STORE 116 Columbia St Home Phone 2429 RESULTS THATS THE POINT When we combine good stock good Ideas fine Ink and etxreme care the result la good job printing It will do you good as A business Investment Lei us haye an order Imitation Typewritten Letters a Specialty Lose 820 Calhoun SU PHONE 1934 lii i 4bsv slsiMsWv rtasife A Great Run on qurMaIt7Brea can be noted by any visitor to bur bakery any observer Of our dellv HJr HMVBWIM demand Our bread Is cltityi sweet wholesome and so baked that Its an eye attraction as well as a delight to palate and stomach Always ask for HAFFNERS MALT BREAD Mad Only by th Old Reliable I Miners Star Bakery Prion 883 833 335 Lewls st Every Woman UlSieraeiM win noun ahont me wondwtsl hakyll yimrimo spray MW TieMl I jM fl fflSSi 5fc igv IrnenannirtaappiTvo wm TmT tm aaaVKi Mopt ne lk tTHR ttr hot mm atasie far WMir mU ttetns Tifh I rflrMonatB Wfj niiumiiid book VtfffYJig tP ror Bale by Woodworth A Co Drusslsfs asw SlBeT 0WUIMS SB ISJ Mi MIN SETa Ni OMtaelte a1nii uuit Cmsmiqa watHSMMTI 0 mm i CURE YOURSILFV Vm BlfO BBteral flnbariM InOmmlloM rirutiese llurattoili rf Mumbrujai ralaiMe asiaot Mtrla SdSkvDneiUl ami is ij r1 1 rV Widtw 3Xth 4 Vil.

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