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Salt Lake Telegram from Salt Lake City, Utah • 7

Salt Lake City, Utah
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE SALT LAKE TELEGRAM, MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 1.37. 1 Scene of Raid on Safe in Motor Company 'A MMwiMM n.aer aiitfrn mwnaaaw mgri WHERE MORE THAN $4000 IN CASH AND CHECKS WAS TAKEN BY SAFECRACKERS. C. A. Fowler, left: W.M.

Brlnkcrhoff. Detective Chief E. A. Hedman inspect strongbox. MANY HAPPY RETURNS Lawrence A.

Miner, Attorney, Receives Birthday Greetings a- The Telegram congratulates Lawrence A. Miner, local attorney, an the annlveraary ofhla birth today. Walt known In Utah lagal circles, ha la a eon of the late Judge Aure-llu- a Miner, tha neatorof the Utah bar. He received bla education at the L. D.

B. university, tha Univer- aity of Utah and received bis law degree In 110 at tha UnJ vanity of Chattanooga, Tenn. Returning to Utah after his graduation, he began hla practice In Eureka, earring also as city attorney for Mammoth. After spending aome time in Salt Lake City, he returned to Juab county and was city attorney for Naphl for atx years. He served aa asalstant attorney ganeral during the admlnlatratlona of Harvey H.

Cluff and George P. Parker, bis term ending In leal. He was also secretary ofthe Utah State Bar for two terms under the preel-dancl- of Richard W. Young and A. E.

Brown. Mr. Miner fulfilled a mlasloa for the L. D. S.

church In tha Society Islands from 104 to 10T. To tha following, whose birthdays also are today. The Telegram ea tenda congratulations: Mrs, Vernon K. Tewnley, piano Instructor. H.

B. Whitney, trust officer, It rat Natlenal bank. N. J. Derlttra, owner and man- LAWRENCE A.

MIME Active Is Public Affaire agar, Wasters Teat and Awning company. Nathan Thatcher, manager Wasatch Chemical company. 4 SALTJLAKERS First Bid trMtmBt was fie four persons at th. polio, emergeacy i rioepltai (or minor Injuria weer the WMK-tn- g. Iran Unoa, of JT21 Sooth Second Waat street, waa tasted for I a lao ration ra top of his bond euf- I farad whan ha atrook hla band an I the bottom of a swimming pool at tna Wasatch springe Sunday alter- BOOS, A daap thumb laoaratloa waa auf-far- ad by Richard Reet, J3, of 11M OUmar drive, whan a porealaia Up bo waa fixing at hiaboaaa broke.

j' Hoapltai attaehee treated Duane Cos, ef ee Sixth arenae, for a flaah wound In the left thumb euf- farad while the boy waa playing with broken glass. Joe Merits, S42 Weat fifth South street, auffaradabraalona en his left arm snd contusions of the back when he slipped and (all en the toe Bear hla home. $1350 IIIGASH TAKEIIBYYEGGS IQnlnri freea Fate Om) Alias, clerk In the detectives' department. Alaa held for Investigation was Andrew Qantom undine, arrested at Third West and Third North treats. Alleged to have taken leather coat from the automobile of J.

1. Chldo, Copperfleld, Joe Doralngoe, Mexican, was held for investigation after arreat by Special Officer Haakal Marries. Mias Gladys BhoeU, IT, of 2 Eighth East street, called police Saturday night after aha fled to a neighbor's home, frightened by the preaence of a mas while aha wee alone In the houae. She aald aha aaw a'faoe at the front window and was telephoning the friend when the man entered. Continue Probe Police continued to Investigate activities of Henry Alma Nolta, M.

of 790 Third East street, who assert-adl- admitted theft of mora than 11500 worth of merchandise from the William Thornton Drug company, tTt South Main street. He was arrested Saturday after F. Richardson, agent In charge of tha National Detective agency, breught aome of the allegedly stolen to the police station. Nine man, charged with vagrancy, ware given euapended aentenoea by Juatlce of the Peace Herman Oygl, who ordered the man to leave tha city. SERVICES HELD FOR BJ.

BAUER Last rite for Benjamin Franklin Bauer, 71, prealdant and ganeral manager ofthe Salt Laka Hardware company and prominent In Salt Lake City club and mining circles, were- conducted Monday at 13:10 p. m. in tha Evana A Early mortuary chapel, 574 East Flrat South street Dr. Elmar I Goshen, pastor of thaFlrat Congregational church, officiated at the services and was the only apeaker. Veteran employes of the company were pallbearers.

They are B. E. McKee, A. W. Hooper, R.

O. Pool, H.P. Lambrecht and E. Harding, BaitLake City, and D. L.

Btone, branch manager of the Pocatello, Idaho, store. Special muaio was furnlahed by John Bummerhaya, vocalist, accompanied by Miaa Loulae Prlsk. Ill Several Weeks Entombment followed In the Salt Lake Memorial mausoleum. Mr. Bauer died ahortly after p.

m. Saturday In a local hoapltai of aa Ulnaas of carcinoma of several weeks. Born In Edan, N. July I. 1M4, he waa a eon of Henry and Megde-lan- Schweikhart Bauer.

Coming to Utah In IMS, he eatabllahed tha Salt Lake Hardware company. Other bualnesaaffiliationa of Mr. Bauer ware with thaBullion Coalition Mines company, the Annie Laurie Conaolldatad Cold Mines, tha CheaterfleldCoal company and tha a Vita Products corporation. He was a director ofthe Royal Canning company andthe Salt Lake Union Depot and Railway company. Active Is Clube Prominent In Salt Lake club ac tivities, he was a member of tha Alta club, tha Rotary club, the chamber of commerce and the Bait Lake Country club.

He resided at 1127 East South Temple street Ha la survived by his widow, Mrs. Emma Kay Frick Bauer, Salt Laka City; a brother, Henry J. Bauer, Los Angeles; three sisters, Mrs. Maria Bauer Henrlch, Mra. Salome Blay and Mrs.

Louisa C. Blay. all of Edan, N. and a nephew, Ben Bauer of LehL S. Li.

Greeks Observe Independence Day Greek Independence day was celebrated Sunday by Hellenic groups of Utah with special Services at tha Holy Trinity church here. Tha eelabratlos la In honor ef tha day 111 years age wheaGreeks rose against tha Ottoman empire and fought for freedom. Servicea were conducted by tha Rev. Harry Oe valors and a patriotic program waa presented as tha church amusement halL Speakers were Cone tan tine Milonopouloa, in structor In the church schools; the Rev. Mr.

Gavalos and George Zeese. TOT IS CUT, BRUISED BY STREET CAR BUMP Hit by a atratt ear naar hla hom, John Oary Millar, Ml Eaat nfth South atraat, narrowly aaeapad aarloua Injury ahortly ba-fo- ra aaaa Monday. Tha lot waa traatad at tha polloa aoaartaaey hoapltai for amra hruiaaa aad cut abouttha faoa and body. Aoeordlnc ta Traffic Xnvaatlrator F. C.

Sanfocd. tha boy waa rollad aavaral faai by tha aowoatchar on tha front of a atraatear. but no aariojia lnjuiiaa. Ha la a laon of Mr. and Mra.

Laonard O. Millar. WORK LAUNCHED Oil GIANT BORE (Ooatknea Me Feee Oee) J. T. Russell, mechanical superintendent of the emelter.

The open cut will be MO feet long. II feet wide at bottom aad feet daap at the tunnel entrance. The tunnel Itself, Mr. Xltos aald, will be 11 by feet with four-fo- ot drainageditchand with a standard gauge railroad track. The tunnel grade will be approximately a ot rise per mile from the portal.

The tunnel willfollow underground on a line nearly paralleling an aerial tramway from Bingham to tha Smelter. The tunnel win Intersect the Rood shaft of the old Utah Apex mine at about the 1800-fo- ot level. The Utah Apex mine la la Carr fork of Bingham canyon. The tunnel wlH pass about M0 feet underground, beneath the emelter, end It Is thought a raise will be driven from the bore to the sur- -i face Is the emelter area. Approximately to 40 men and a doaen trucks will be employed excavaUng the cut and grading aur- program la connection with the tunnel.

Meetings were held last year on the subject between Governor Henry H. Blood and water development committee; The Bingham-Tooel- tunnel has long bean dreamed of by mining men and company waa formed nearly 10 years ago to further the project, but obstacles throughout years prevented start eftha bore until now. rounding country for a railroad yard and other surface operations at the portal entrance. As the tunnel level is from 1000 to MOO feet lower than present entrances to Bingham's underground mines, the bore Is expected to facilitate mining at depth, save pumping coats, eliminate hoisting and reduce transportation coats. An interesting possibility of the bore la the construction of lateral extensions to properties other than the former Utah Apex and Delaware properties Beceuae of additional water expected to be made available for Irrigation, Tooele residents have long been planning a water development A A BADGERTO HEAD BAR UNIT AGAIN Carl A.

Bdfr, felt Ltvkt City attonuy. Monday waa raappolaUd ohalrmaa aftha Utah lute Bar special committee on criminal procedure, acoordlng to bt Cum-mint- bar aeereUr. Other members are Judge Allan O. Tburmaa and Judf Herbert bL Schiller of Third district court; T. D.

Lewis, District Altera rv Oahrla W. lUwllnia, Professor A Jen-se- of the University of Utah and Das B. Shields, United Statee district attorney. Since the committee waa formed. Is 1M1.

more than 40 of Its criminal oode recommendations have been enacted lata law by the state legislature. The committee willwork toward centralisation of proeeouUnf criminal eases, Mr. Badger aald. The county attorney, dietrlct attorney and attorney general saw divide work of preeecutloB. mnt ww In UM Mt Oltv tMmtUlT.

I HIM HffU dld lt aUturdsr at 4lM family home) of nejurltls and arthrltU, from which bNn ill UtrM yssrs. Hbi wa bora In aIt Lake City March and waa a graduate of tht old Collata Inst It uU. Bha graaluatad also fromtha CarUtoa cotUis at Northrtald, Minn. Prominent aoclairy hra, aha waa a matnbar of th Lad its' Lilarary club, tha Amartrajt Aaaociatloa of Utitvaratty Woman and tha flrat ContrtsatUmal church. Burvtvlnc art har molhar and a alsiar.

Mra. John U. Wallaca of aalt Laha City, aud a hrothar, Harry Hafua, Olandaia, Cai. WUliam Tupper Elliott nci.PKR Dr. William Tuppar Elliott 4a, racantly appoint ad Carbon county phyal-cla- and prominent lodra and bualnaaa tfoaa, dlad of a heart attack her Monday.

Born la Illinois, March 24, 1HH9, bt eama to Utah 17 years ago and became widely known aa a mining district phvelcian. At tha lima of hla death ha waa physirlaa for tha campa at Mutual. lUina. Liberty and Peerless, in Bprlng canyon, and waa with tha Prfca hospital. Ha waa alao vica preetdant oftha Car boa County Medi- calancletr.

Alao a leader In tha eoal mduatry, ha waa a director of tha Mutual Coal company. A World war veteran. served la tha medical corps in Prance and waa paal com- manderof tha Carbon poet No, 31, AnverV caa legion. He waa alaochafda gara erf tha Carbon Vol lure, 40 and a. Prominentla lodge act iv it lea, ha waa a member of tha Joppa lodgeNo.

M. W. and A. Xnltjhia Templar and Royal Arch ll aeon a He waa alao a maaabar mt Iha Elks lodae. price.

Ha 150. hurviving are hla widow. Mra. Idlth Elliott, now In California for her health' mo her and a sister. Mra.

Oraoa Kilieil Marr, Long Beach, CL Herbert J. Smith Herbert J. amtth. aa. af a prtn grille, rat-er- a emplore of tha Danvar Vtlo Orande Western railroad, died la a local hospital Sunday of heart dlaeaee.

Ha resided at 262 Weet First houth etreet In aprlngvllle. A native of Beret er. Oxfordshire, England, ha waa born August 5, 1867, a eon of Thomas and Matilda Heritage Smith. He came to tha United States at the age of years, settling first In Pittsburgh. Later ha came to Salt Laka City anf took up permanent residence hi Sprtngvtlle ST years ago.

He had been with the railroad for 52 yean and fortha last 60 years bad worked aa a locomotive engineer. His wife, Mra. Susan Bean Smith, died 19 year ago. Mr. amtth waa a member of tha O.

a lodge la Provo. Su rvtvln are four aon a. Herbert Smith, Of den: Claude A. Smith. Bait Lee City: Sidney Thomas and Frederick H.

Smith, both of Bprlngville: two daughters, Mra. Viola Fart wing and Miaa Beatrice A. Smith, both of Sprincvllle; 13 grandchildren, two sisters, Miaa Edith A. and Miss Beatrice H. Smith, both of Salt Lake City: a half brother, IJnvilla Smith, Helper, and two Mrs.

Myrtle Kmbro aad Miaa Ethel Smith, both of Salt Laka City. Dorothy Sleater Baird Last rttee for Mra. Dorothy Sleater alrd. SS. wife of Samuel Balrd, 3451 Ninth Fast atraaL were conducted Sunday at 12:30 p.

min the Oranlte L. D. S. stake tabernacle. 1 Ninth Fast etreet.

Bishop A. Hughea af tha Huicreat 1 D. a ward officiated Mra, Balrd waa killed laat Monday night In a head-o- automobile eolliakia eeven roflee south of NephL Spetkera at the aarrlcea wer Loretiao ft Hatch, principal of tha Oranlte high achool: Oecar J. Harttne, counselor In the Grant L. D.

B. etake presidency, and Alvln Johanna K. Tichelmana Mra. Johanna Krohm TVchelmann. Sfl.

wife of August Tichelmana of 769 First avenue, died at the family reeldence Bund ay at p. am. following a tons Ulnee of carcinoma. A nattra af Konlgsburf. Oarmany.

she was born January S. lttoB, a daughter of Johaa and Louise Pudewlst Krohm. She came to Bait Lake City from Oarmany In 1925, and until her ulaaea waa active la the L. D. a church.

Surviving, bceidee her husband, are a aon. Krnaet Tichelmann. of Oarmany; sli daughters. Mra. Anna Becker and Mrs.

Marguerite Pe Hah, both of Oarmany; Mra. Augusta Oehrka, Mrs. Mary Ada! p. Mra. Martha Oehrke and Mra.

Clara Martin, all of Salt Lake City; IS grandchildren and two great- a brother, Albert Krohm, and Srandchlldran. all of Germany. Funeral services will ha conduct ed Wednesday at 2 p. m. In the Twenty-firs- L.

D. ward chapel. ST5 First avenue, with Blabop Harold O. Fernolda officiating. Music will be furnlahed by tha Ieeeret mortuary staff.

may tha peart sBorto-ar- 30 Feet Seventh South etreet, unUl Wednaaday at 1 a.aa. Oliver Calvin Reberger Oliver Calvin Bebereer, TB. of the Broad way hotel, died Saturday at B.30 p. m. at the home of a alepdaughter, Mra.

ef. K. Hughaa, Aehby apartment, following a eeven months Ulneea of heart disease. Mr. Reberger waa born November 5, In TerraHaute.

Ind. Ha came to Salt Lake "USmSim a n.pdauiht.r. Un. J. a.

MIMoule. nd hie form.r wil kra. Julia McCairoU lUberaM, Molladar. i OBITUARIES- Bert Barker Ber Barker. 44.

of 4S roetoffUe 4tA Monday at 18 a. 10. In a loeal of pnaumonle. He wu Born In Salt L.M City. Octob.r 22.

ISM. he wa a ton ol A. A. ana ITaneea O. BorkM and h.d realdod her.

aU kle life. H. la eurrlvl by hu WMt of a.K Ijlce City and two rr.nH Bmrk.r. Salt Lek.

Cltr, ana Jtannolk Barker. An- eervtrae will be eondnetad lp. m. In the Daiant mortW thap.L 3S Beet Stvanth Soulb Bubo, lima It. Irakaon Jr.

of the South Cottonwood L. D. ward. rnanda nay caU at the aaertuarr prtor ta eervtcea. Louise Chipmsn Firmage Sanford Hendry runeral aanrteae for eeafore Haadrv, tt.

formar aalt Lak. City mu.lclan, ana wu killed In automoMl. aolllalon aaar Aua-ti- Taa. a waak aao. will be coodunad Tiieaday at noon hi tha Larhht mortuary ehapal.

2 AO Eaat South Tympla atraaL Burlai will follow In the City cmalerr Mr Uandry woe rldlna hi the art heat fa van oftha Olena Lm orrhMtra whan It craahad Into another automobile, rolling over aav.ral tlmea. Mr. Handm anS (our ether pareone war. kuiad. nuiuc ucu runeral aarvlcae for Mra, Annie Oaarr, widow of Robert O.

Oa.ry. war. conducted II I a In tha roraat Dala CdB. ward chapel by Blobo. Buseae M.

"Soiakere were M. A. Web. and Lgreneo muele wee furnlahad br 'n Bull vocallat, and Ban Bullousn, vlotlnlat. Burial In tna Weaatch Lawn burtaloark waa uuclrr Iha dlraollon of tha Woodman of the World lodao US, with which Mra.

Oaary waa affiliated. Bh. diad Wadnaadar at a m. lo la local hoapltai altar aa lUneea of three waaka Arthur Lawrence Arthur Lawrence (Doc) Luce, about S. a formar marcbent of Salt Lake City, dlad Sunday In Loa Ansalea, relaUvae hare ware Informed Monday.

A native of Salt Lahe city, he wae bore Saptamber 13. about BO year, aao, a aon of Amoa J. and Caroline M. Lucee. Ha had reeldea la Loa Arnalaa for th.

laat br hie mother and widow. Mra. Xva Raamuaeaa Lucaa; thm Ow.ndolyn Wanika. Mallna and Thalma Jo Lucaa Loa Anialaai two broth-ar- Edward ATLucaa, Davlla Slide, Utah, and Nathan M. Lucaa.

Loa Anaelae: four alatera. Mra. Orora. Robarta. Hanatar: Mre.

Jamaa E. Smith. Cottonwood; Mra. Cecil A. Crockwtll and Mre.

Herbert E. Sarseat. runara? Mrvicae and burial will take pleee la Loa Ansalea WadnaadAjr. Final ntM for Miaa Loulae Chlpman yirmaaa. 21.

aoclally promlnant atudant at the Unfverattr ol Win, war. eonductd Sunday at 2 p. m. In th. Unlverattr DJf-war- chapal.

A. La Roy Taylor, In tha ward buhoprlc, officiated. Beeld.e Mr. Taylor, epaakara at the ear. Vkea ware Blahop Joaeph H.

Sloraa ofthe American Fork Second L. O. S. and Clifford E. Youns.

prealdeol of L. D. S. atake. The Uivocallon wae offered br S.

L. Chlpman and Ira B. Sharp pronounced the benediction. Th. srev.

In Mt. Olivet cemetery waa dedicated by Nephl L. Morrle. Pallbearera were Clyde. Eldon and Von Chlpman.

unclea of Miaa and Edwin and Dave Allan Flnnase Aud Douslea Men-er- couelne. Mlee who wu a deuahtar of John IonariT Flrmase. prominent Salt Lake City buetneea man. end Edna Chlpman Flrmaee. died Tueeday In a local hoapltai of a ruptured Tha family at 180b Mtlllarr Way, Joseph Thomas Hutching! Joeeph Thome.

Rutchlnee, SS, a farmer af South Jordan, died at hla realdenee Sunday at 3 p. m. of cauaea Incident to asa. born March lSJJ, In Eneland. he wee a eoa of Charlee and Warren Hutch-fci- i.

Ha came to Utah aa a youns man and for the 0 year, had been enffeaed farmtna. file wife, Mre. Marlnda Wheaaon Hulchlnee. died many yeera aio. Surviving are two eona Joaeph K.

South Jordan, end Charde J- Matna; a dausbter, Mra W. Beck-stu- South Jordan: 37 srendchlldrea and IS and a ale tar, Mra Henrietta Smith. Salt Lena City. Funeraleervlcei will be oonducted Tu.a Say at 1 p. m.

In the South Jordan L. p. s. ward chapelby Blabop Byrun H. Beckatead.

Frlenda may call at the family realdenee tn South Jordan prior to aervlcee. Intermanl will be In tha South Jordan cemetery. Boeeiey, prwrawfc u. uiw Mualral erieetlene were Mreiahed hr Retl-nal- Bealea. vlollnlat.

and Mra. Clara Thome. Murdoch, and Mra Virginia Freeaa Barker and John Bummerhaya, vocallata. Blahop Harold O. Raynolde of the Twenty.

flrat L. D. S. ward offered tha Invocation and the benediction wae pronounced bv Pewey Hale, prealdeat of the Orant atake T. M.

I. A. Alan Wood dedicated tha grave In the Weaatch Lawn burlai park. Pallbearera. all coualna of Mra.

Balrd. were Elwood Barker, Frank Johneon, Harold Sleater. Orant aioater, Xrneet eunderlund aod Robert Cody. Hyrum Earl Brunson Hyrum Bati Bruneon. 3S.

an auta of Wooda Croaa, Sled In a local hoapltai Sunday It a. following a year. Ulneaa. rn Wooda Croaa, January 18... he waa a eoa ef Hyrum and Clarrlar Howard Bruneon.

Hla early life waa apent tn Wooda Croaa aod 13 yeare ago be went to Seattle, where he waa employed at the Boeing airport until hie return to Wooda Croaa aevan month, ago. He wee a member of the L. D. S. church aod a World war "surviving are hie widow.

Mre. MebelCol-tln- a Bruneon; two eone. pelbert and Earl Bruneon, and a daughter, Betty Jane Brun- eon. all of Wooda Croaa; hla father. Wooda Croaa; a brother.

Elmer Bruneon, and four alatare, Mra. Beatrice Andereoo. Mra. Cla-- near Andereon and Mra. Mra.

Ardella Fen-- man. all of aaltLake City, and Mlee Edith Bruoeoa, Wooda Croee. Funeral aervlcee have been tentatively art for Wedneeday at 3 p. m. tn the Soul" Bountiful L.

D. 8. ward chapeL Burial will be lo the Bountiful cemetery Frlende nay call at tha Rlckette-Alleo- tt mortuary, 3e4 Eaat South Temple etreet, Tueeday evening end Wedneeday until aooo, and at the chapelprior to aervlcee. Lena Hague Laat rttee for Miaa Lena Hague, SS. daughter of Mra.M.

H. Walkerand Jamaa Hegtie, were conducted Monday at 4 p. m. at the reeldence. 122.

Eaat South Temple etreet. by the Rev. Elmer 1 Ooehen, paetor of the Flrat Congregational ehurch. Inter- DEPENDO DRY CLEANING I DYEING I la ke New ttwM 9eaec Dresses 2.98 PLAIN SntlNS COATSmm. PLAIN WOOL i MEN'S SUITS 1 1.1 TOPCOATS Necktie 3 for25c Brfnr VTk 0SI YOU CHAe ACrniivrf Eacttmiflaim Elatolln Go.


a hrt -ir. rV- ltlleek.r.eaatliaa- Me welehla Sperrkll cleec, I lehartlsw. teaeartasMrt loaa baa bT law, PsBsatabla aayaisreisw. I $495 7 I (7L GENUINE S1LEX ''l. Zl Slh GLASS (-- COFFEE MATER A fK Eec Table VUeeilor If perfect eeHee.

rr Yer (serVrl gloae bewla.Tweeelera black and geel with VyT brar gaerKJa. i see tfe e(iee I a STMOPSIS OF TUB ANNUM. eTATXUXNT OF Great American Indemnity Company Home Offlcw One Uberty Streat, Hew TorX Cltr. New York. Frealdent William H.

Koop. aeerataaT O. F. Mlchelbaebar. Showtnt oondltlon on Deoember SI.

1S3S. made to the Conunteetoner of in-- ranee ef the a tat. of Utah, purauant to law: Asarrs Bonda and stock. vUW.0O0.Tt Ceah In office and belike. sn.S71.4S Other ledger aeeeta Yttal ledger aeaeta eli.4S4.3il.47 NonleOger aeaeta S7BA14J1 Oroee aaaete SU.iM caes Lea.

aeaau 308.U3. XI Total admitted aeaeta UABUJTIxa Unearned premium ieeeie4 I.SM.T1S.T1 Nt unoant unrjald Iriaaee BTNOP8IB OF Trta ArmTJAl. BTATXUXNT OF Harmonia Fire Insurance Company Heine Office Oeneaea Bids, Buffalo N. Y. Prealdent Wilfred Kurth.

Seer ataxy Harry H. BcnulU. Bhowlne condition on Deounber 31. 1S3S, made to the Oommleetoner of of tna etau of Utah, purauant to law: AB8BTS Morteage and etherloans. .1 (1.343.30 Bonda and atocka 3,575,523.17 Caah In office and Other ledger aaaeU 1M.IUJ7 Total ledger aeaau H.on.eesS3 Noniadier aeaeta 43t.ga4.4i Oroee aaaete Leas aeaau not admitted ti.e70.a5 Total admitted aeaeta LIABOJTIXa Unearned premium Net amount unpaid loaaea BTN0F8TS OF TU1 ANNUAL aTATKafBNT OF Occidental Indemnity Company Roma omce 401 CaliforniaStreet, Ban Francleoo, California.

Frealdent Charlee R. Fee. Becratary Bdward V. Mllla. ehowlng eondiuon on Decmiber 11, 1936, made to the Oommlealoctar of of the atate of Utah, pursuant to law: AMBT Bond, endstocks S3.2tl.M110 Caah In of floe and 44.S373S Other ledger aeaeta 313.SS4JO Total ledger aeaeta t3.ttt.lMSS Nonledger aeaau 11.143.73 Oroee aaaeU t3.T33.30t to Leea aeeeu notadmitted Total admitted aaaeU UABUiTIxa Other raaarree SJ JJ Unearned premium reserve.

n.i uhahm unnaid Lnaaea BYMOF8IS OF THB ANNUAL TATXkfZNT OF Standard Fire Insurance Company Roma Offlr 131 Farmlnstoa Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut. Prealdent Morgan B. Bralnard. Becretarlee Olaf Nordenc and Jamea B. Bllmmon.

Showing condition on Deoember SI, 1.3e. made to the commlaelonar of of the atau of Utah, purauant to law: ASSBT8 Bonda and atocka S4.4J.M1 ta Caah In office and 77S.SM.3a Other ledger aeaau 355.S7S.41 Total ledger aaaeU Nonledger aeeeu 31,313.01 Oraaa aaaeU so Lee. aeeeu not 173.45433 eTotal edmlttad aeeeU ..35.432.334 J7 LlABIUTIxa Contingent roaerve I 450.000 00 Unearned premium reeerve. l.SW5.JIa.54 Net amount unpaid leasee end elalma 17.. 123 38 All other UabUltloa aad clalma 1.331 .342 00 All other uahtutlea Total .1 taCTtejT Capital ......11.000.00000 urplua 1JI1JU.1I SJuralue aa to pollcyholdera Total capital, eurnlue and ether UabUltloa 114, HO, 70SSS atate cf Utah.

County ef Salt Lake-- en Thle eeruflaa that the abova-nam- ed company haa filed 1U annual etate-men- at which the forecolnf It a eynopeto, and hee complied with uu lawa of thle atau relating to ineuranoi and therefore la duly authorised tc tranaaot the buelneee ef Ineuranoa the etate of Utah until tha laat daf ol February. 1S3I. In witness whereof, hereunto eel any hand and ami me official eaal tbU let day of March. 1S37. (Seal) a A.

SMITH JB Oanmlsslonsr of Ineuranoa. gnd olaima toe.lTt.rr AU other UabUltJee 131.4e3 Total Capital il.000,000.00 Surplus 1SM.174.41 Surplus as to 3.SM.r74.41 Total oapltal, eurptua and other UabUlUea 4.W0,33tJt State of Utah. County ot Salt Laka ee Thle earttflea that the above-name- company baa filed lta annual euu-- merit, of which tha forecolni la avnopala, and baa compiled with tht i lawa of thla eUU reletlne to Inauranci i and therefore la duly authorised i tranaaot tha buelneee of Ineuranoa Ir the atate of Utah until tha laat day 0 February. I3 In wttnwa whereof, hereunto ae i my hand and affix officialeoal thli let day of March. 1K37.

(Seel) A. SMITH Comnuaa loner ol Jnauranoa. i Total ei.t22.0S7 JO Capital I 750.000 00 Surplus 1.343 J1S Ot Surplus aa to policyholders Total oapltal, eurplua and ether UabUlUee t3.713JW.44 SUM of Utah, County cf Salt Lake ee Thle oertUlea that the above-nam- 'y baa filed lta annual eta tern ant, of which the forecolnt la aynopekt. and baa complied with thi lawa of thle eUU relating to Ineuranoi and therefore la duly authortaed traneact the buelneee of Ineuranoa 11 the a tat. of Utah untU the laat day a February.

It3t In wltneae whetwof, I hereunto ea my band and affix mv official teal tbl 3rd day ef March. 1837. (Seal) A. SMITH JB Oommawloner of Inauranoa. Total l3.tt2JMJt Capital Surplus 1,708.437 71 Surplus is to pollcyholdera.

1.7tt.437.Tt Total oapttal. eurplus and other UabUlUee .3.433 334 37 Bon da not In default are carried at amortised valuea; bonde In default and atocka are carried atmarket valuea. SUU ef Utah. County of Salt Laka ea Thle oertlflee that the abova-nam- i company haa filed IU annual eUU-- ment, of which the for la a eynopala. and haa compiled with the lawa of thla aUU relating to Insurance i and therefore la duly authorised to traneact the buelneee of Insurance In the atate of Utah untU tha laat day of February.

It3t ib wltneae whereof. I hereunto eet my hand and affix mr official eeal title 2nd day si March. 1S37. (Seal) A. SMITH JB Ooramwalonor of Insurance.

ncnrKiT don't UtllrLOSE HOPE If von are ieef eaat I end watm rtaelas aaaainc bead don't loaa bopeaatllyoa try Onrlaa the toardalba. aaevbaeeiwadoreewravaead by Til I neWnal wu ee wot ooodl-mr-- Tboawanda are erad and --i wvrowS ea OUeUMB rawalea, YoorBBoaariwfawaadlf aoteaa. Tr atfUd. Caoea ealy a fewaeaai 4 daily. TJead eiaae lt ever a la Tal 7 rckaawi eold.

Bale la anwdwauarSaUd la th. U. III I ASK ABOUT OUR1NI Today MAIM AT IND SOUTH I Japan la exporting per cem nure blcyclec than year ago. L. D.

S. Missionaries To Be Fete Guests Returned D. mlaalonarles from the L. D. 8.

Netherlands mission will be guests at a sociable at the Jenssn home, corner of Eleventh East and Twenty-sevent- South South streets, Friday at p. April t. The Netherlands missionary reunion will be held Saturday, April at 9 p. m. at the Foreet Dale L.

D. ward. FORMER SENATOR DIES CHATTANOOGA. March IrTr James Berish Frailer, SO, twice governor of Tenneaaee and former United States senator, diad last night. The Weather I 0 Local offira, waathar buraau, Bait Laka Cltr.

Utah. Marca28, 1937. Praclpltaltoti In laat 34 boura Total itnca October 1 TJ Total October 1 to data laat jraar I II Normal OcUbr 1 to data i.ii WEATHER aUMafAKT Tha waatarn dliturbanca ot tha laat daya la datlnaatad aa a ahallow dpralon avar tha UtahColora1o-Artiona-Nc- Mtalco Maton; It la at 111 product tva of anow fturrua ganamlly In thoaa tales, with a niw (all of four Inchai at Duraogo. Ino waa atlU falling ml Yallow-aton- a park, Chayanna, Danvar, Nnrth Plat la. Omaha.

Amarllloand Oklahoma City aad It waa raining at Abllana and DalRio. A hlih prtuurt flaldla ovar tha and northarn atataa, attanded by mndarataly cold weather there uid In adjoining and provlncaa, while tempera ureaare an trjawtiat baiow normal generally la tha wmc WEATHER AT 6 A. If. TO DAT Taaaaerataroe ji Slatteaa ui JfiaiaMea I Maeleiiiai Teoar I tea tarda Bolae 30 54 Calaary 3 gg Chtcag S4 Denver 2S 3. Edmonton JS 34 .00 Orand Junotloa 34 63 .00 Helena 54 3J .03 Xeneae Cltr 3J .01 Lander le Angelee 6J Ulnneapolle 2 .00 Mod.n.

SO 44 .02 Needlea 40 New Tortl 3 34 .00 Oklahoma CMr 28 40 Omaha 30 33 St toull 33 4 .00 HALTLAKB CITY 30 BO San Franolace 5 .00 ii SS Wlnnlpag 5 00 Tellowatone 14 SS Son aeia atondar a Bun rlaee Tueadar m.lo.

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