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Fort Wayne Daily News from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 12

Fort Wayne, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ss JtHrJifStAl1 Miffiijrf 12 THE MT tfAYNEiDAILY iNEWa LOCAL MARKETS WEATHER MAN ON THE JOB HALTS DECLIN 3 THAT WERE UNDER WAY HERE No Advances Are Expected Howevtr at Cold Spell Will Bo a Short On The weather man got back on1 the job as boss of the markets Miis morning and as irnili of a severe drop tlie tetn perafure Hie declines along various lines in the local wholesale market have been halted The check Is only temporary however as the cold spell promises to be a short one There will be no advances as the result of the cold say the dealers for tie spell will not be long enough to cause this By end of the week the markets will again be on their downward way or the market men will be a surprised lot The egg market was given the hardest bump by ihe cold spell The price of eggs was quoted rl 17618c yesterday and promised to go down still lower by the end of the week The dealers were sure of 16c eggs but now they say they will probably have to ualt until early next week for them The cold spell also checked the drying of the rdads in a great extent Some of thi roads were hardening In great shape and there was every Indication of having the main roads In fair shape for travel by the end of the week With the drying retarded by the eojd however It Is doubtful If this can be accomplished by that time any rate the toads are In such shape that travel Is possible and the farmers are able to bring their produce to market For this reason the prices on grains will probably not advance Heavy hauling Is possible and the farmers will be able to bring to the city all they care to Wheat remains at 92c a busheland la likely to slay there for a while Corn la iiuoted at 60j65c and oals at 38 46c a bushel The bottom of the hay market holds at 1200 a ton Shipping prices cm grain and liny are unchanged City Scales Report Corrected Dally by Welghmasler Skelton iay receipts 10 loads 8i2oofii4tio Oats Receipts 4 loads 40i42r Corn Itecelpls 4 loads Oft tic 1 Local Wholesale Mar I kets Buying Prices Msyflowef Mills Quotations Corrected Today by Harry Bun Whoat 9lc bu Conv tojlttc bu Oats Mo lu Flour Winter wheat itralght 14 800 120 bbl Rye t6o to Barley SOe bo Balling Prices Sliver Duet Flour i5OoeS49 bbl Newveno Flour IStO0too bbl Rye Flocr 8404M bbL Bren HJO0C84OO toa MddUngs U300500 ton Chop Fed 280O8OOO ton nv0 Trfit Quotation Wheat Olo bu Oats 38o bu Cora toe bu Ry tic bu Barley tSe bu Selltag IMces liWiVRL Btntt HMrtrtu louf MltOtflOJ fcbt Graham Flour t4tO01oo bbL Pumperntckle Flour 88406410 tbl Bimn HC0Ctoo ton Shorta 400lloo ton Mldullnga t00OMKi ton Chop Frad J400JIM ton Ct Bolted UI0O100 et Corn Maal Coam tlJoeuo is Cracked Corn tUOl90 cwt Bereenlngs 00Ott00 ton fmau What art 0fj Mills Qjeuttent lWbPM Data ISo to Corn toglt bu Bye toe bu Barley tOo bu i 11r Price Bleached Straight Wlater Flour nn lay t410eil00j Gold UcMtftUnlt Graham F1our tMoetJ sbl gwipernlckls Flour ISl0O4lt bM Jran t00ttoo ton hortg 2ooeii0 0 Cracked Cora ltVlit iwt KaWiMl CIoTerMay ioOoeUOO ton Corn t8fit2c bu Cats JlJftJa bu BarleyS6tf0e bu rueMU8iMk New Cbbagaiu0 lb MlMkyJ Michigan PoUtos lg Spanish OnIonMj lamr Cranberrles ljoo bbL HedLttuce J2c lb Leaf Lettuce 12o lb Honey lto lb Florida Grape Frult 84t0 box California Navel Oranges iTis i Parsnlps titotub 2M iCarrQts 1140 tub Parsley too doz New Florida Cabbage Hto ct New Florida Cbbge I26c Florida Torn toe i 475 craio Box Apples 8300 WtrtSff 8b Eggs Extra firsts ijC nnc lift IMiFrnt ruilnt ivbiHt ilC uuiwr Manuracturera to jobh Creamery 60 Jh tui I M0f i candled rs tubs Virginia Sweat Potatoes lloo haaptr Jersey 8weet Potatoes U5 hamper Dates Dromedary 1250 case Excsl llor 1231 case Figs Turkish Foui Crown 10 rb boi tlHi California flto carton Fort Wayna Creamery Co Quotations IHArMAUit IF Iff alw Vw St OVUUnUlal Dutrtr JfJold ileda prints 20ov Gold Medal 3 lo tub 2C Cold Medal 60 tub 28c Elgin 2 LraUIll I1I1ITHP KOTUJiif IWaSMiMI ITU Incounlry 24HC Baih 4 Cos Quotstona Cprrected by Smysar ureij iiiaes 14HT1S In Green Hldes12q lb Cured alf Hlde 718o lb Green Ulf Hldea lte Ik Horse Hlde t4SOeioa Ginseng Boot 145307 It Ik Old Kubber to lb Alslk Clovtr Jt009IO04 Red Clover 760e77Ji Tlmotb ooeSl WooM7olb will Brothers A toa OuoUtfana Cormted by 1 Wall Wild Gins Root tl 00OI50 Ik Golden Real Root I4004J42I lb Green Hides lie Ik Cured Hide 15o lb Cured Calf Hidet lta Ik SfMjnCalfHides ltelk Old Rubber Booj and mots JeO 0 Mors Hldot IHCtK Wool neii Lle Itock Maiket SSTJf11 Du to PneUng Slears good tl00O760i heifer gOOd I5K0S SOf MM fli MAI AA kltM 500et00 Veal CajTM tnoeilt Bhep lj03 4M UmbtOOe7M Hog150to601b tl10 Ho lily corn up ic July up My ind July oats up 40 Gobs May wheat down tiel July1 ion He May corn up July up Vc May cats Up Hci July up i Provisions tteaoy shading easier WTieat Open High JUw Closa May J34 93H it iW Wwuv Corn May es t9V4 tSH t8 July 74 4 4 Oats May 3914 40i S9V4 40 July 3914 4014 ts 40 Porki May 2107 2lt 2162 2102 July 2170 2177 21M lard May 1082 1085 1082 1083 July 1106 1105 1100 1100 Ribs-May 1155 HtO 1162 1151 July 1157 1170 1165 1165 MRS BURNETT HAD LOT 1 DIFFERENT NAMES Vtlnue4From fi nt Twelfth District Ship pinff Prices on Hay Grain and Seed Yellow Ear Corn per cwt 10a Mixed Ear Corn per cwt 7t 8 Red Wheat 2a Standard White Oata 37o No I By new lie Timothy Seed 1100 bn Alslke Seed 925 bu Clover Seed t76077l Prices One Year Ago I March 17 1913 ear ago toaay wnoieeai prices Frrt Wayne war as In tbl quotation below Wheat Jl03 bu fala r45J50o bu Corn 40445o bu VVlnter wheat trlht H209 IV0 bbl Rye 55c bu Barley T6070c bu Produce Quotation Potatoes 4555c bu Kfg 16ei8o dot Butter Country tin lbj eraamtry 0632c lb Ducks 10llo lb Chlckena iei2c lb Turkey 124J14o lb Ivt 8tock rartcrt ogs 140 to 250 lbs 1826 Cattle Steers I4oo84t0 CM J2 00O IOOt bulla I300O110 Veal Calves tft6POlid Sheen 200lt0 Umbs ttioei00 I General Markets Chlcsoo Live Stock CHJCAOO March 18 Hogs Receipts 28000 head market alow So lower mixed and butcners t843et76i good heavies tM5j8i rough heavies ISSOGSat llghta t860et7B pigs 17000861 Cattle Receipts 12000 head market steady beeves 1700950 cow and heifers I37B28J0 Blockers and feeders 1560 6810 Texana J716ei15 calves 1600 oo Sheep Receipts 21000 head market steady to strong naflves 470ift25 westerns tl6O1S6JO Lambs Natives t6707i0 westerns 67075 Chicago Produce CHICAGO March 18 Butter Cream ery extras 28c firsts 2e244o dairy extrasl 24 14 26c firm 226230 Eggs ordinary 17Hffl8c ordinary firsts 18o Cheese Twins 17aj8i8c Toung Americas lSfllSAC Potatoes Minnesota tOS 65c Michigan 60665c Wisconsin 60 65c Live Poultry Fowls 15U15HO ducks 16817c geese 1213c springs 16tt17c turkeys 1616c Toledo Live Stock Corrected Daily by llarpster Comn Co TOLEDO 0 March 18 Hogs celpts fairly liberal market So lower heavies mediums and yorkersi t900ff906i good pigs tt60et75 Cattle Market alow Calves JIarket slow Pheep and Lambs Market steady Toledo Grain and Provisions TOLEDO March It Wheat Cash 9814c May 99ac July 91c Corn Cash 674c May1 7014o July 704c Oats Cash 4114c May 43c July 4214c Rye Cash 61c Clover Seed Cash 8847 April and October 820 Alsike Cash 81060 Timothy Cash 82 35 April 3287 Butter eggs and hay unchanged HARD SWAT BY SENATOR JONES Continued From Page On J44c cartons 27e Jobbers to tO lb tubs 47e Mih ii 2J 28c ac cartons Uobber Prices to Producer Potloe0O5o bu uuw Cabbage 224 lb NoATetUFbnbrN8ookwm Horey Wblt Oover 120 No i mt Onlons Mo 1 yellow tlCC No 3 yei Jobber Prlc to Oroctra1 Eggs Kxtr firsts 21cflrstscahdld iie current1 receipt candied 2014c Butterln Mayflower eartonl Cold Leaf carton 6oId Laal iViS tub Gold Star crton 18eT Fot4to 7l980a bu Cabbagt llte lb Apples No lf 1700 bbl Noj JJOO bbL Horiey Whit Cover 15oi Ko I II Onions No 1 yellow 1260 No yu low L50 No lred tl50 No red I096o Spanish per crate 200 BananaaMadlunt bunch tlO04ll Jumbo bunche 7lc6 1100 larg Jumbo tlKr Mtram tioootts seaboard prtcinU ItOOeUI i Orangss Aocordlng to li 8100OI 69 Lemons Extra fancy Mtsslna 11000 mm Qrap Frult Aeeordlng to ill 11049 -Celery 4SJ86odos CraBbn 4l400 bkLl 8171 tjLttuca LsaflOalb i 1 York Stocks NEW VnRir Maibh 1tTk Inrl market opened flule with fractional galna 111 umnjr wsues II A A sagging tendency developed at the end of the first hour Noon A raid on the market In the second hour followed circulation of a baseless report that United States Steel had been fined ixlzonoAori ft rebates and stock did not rally well thiiat fTrl ia ws consiaerame acilT lly In Lehigh Valley on declaration of a quarterly dividend at the ntiai i 10 per cent per annum 1 The market A An In fh early afternoon tlose Firmness marked nri list at the close NsW York Money SEW TORk March ll Money on call fc 111110 muuer si per cent for six months mercantile paper 4146414 per cent Bar ellver New Torky 58c London 264d Demand aterllBg 8466510 18660 New York Produce KEW YORK March il Pininfri dull nd unchanged Tork Market steady mess 323000 2360 Lard Market quiet middle west spot tl0601070 Sugar Raw steadtf rntifMi tan muscovado ti test itln nl lied cut loaf 106c crushed 495c pow uereu uojsoc granulated iS0lfOc vonee mo 7 spot 8c Tallow Market ntiUf rttv ti AAn iiyieies rt Hay Market steady No 1 81050107 No 80690c clover tOtJtSc Dressed Poultry Market iiii rtua 164j26c chicken J4t25c fowls 12 1II1A Atrtk rfl I Live Poultry fsrVt iinutn 14c ducks 18c fowls 1S nriva iia 18c roosters lie chickens 16o ineese Market firmer state milk common to special 151914c klm common to special 614J4c full skims 114C5c Butter Market quiet receipts 12t packagea creamery extra 25426c StStA dslrV tlllta IfifSOKn tll itvi iiiiiiaiiuu creamery firsts 2020Uc iggs jiarke unsettled receipts 14009 crates nedrby white fancy 23c nearby mlxedfancy 2121146 fresh firsts 2014 622c Cleveland Llv Stock CLEVELAND March 18 lloga Re celpts 2000 head market 64110c lower mediums nllxed and yorkers t900 heavies 1800 pigs 1875 Cattle Receipts nn market slow steady Kheep and Lambs Receipts 8 cars 1730 top Calves Receipts 150 head 81025 top East Buffalo Live Stock EAST BUFFALO March 18Calil Reoelpts ISO head market slow and Steady prime steers 88766890 butcher grades fooiSzi cows t3D0igt76 caives jteceipts 75 hesd market slows cull to choice t5004J1000 Sheep and Lambs Receipts 4800 head market slow choice lambs 87766700 cult to fair I550O725Y yearlings lt009 721 sneep 4jwjo4u Hog Becelpta 170J head market fairly active yorkers 89266130 pigs 18750900 mixed 39266t30 heTles 3910A926 roughs 3800 130 ug 3700 4ji750 Pittsburgh Live Stock PITTSBURGH March I8 Cattl celpts light market steady choice 3870 3886 good 8O0860 fair 7O076O veal calves 810O0tJIO50 Stieep arfd Lambs Recefpls light ma ket slow prime wethers I610628 godd mixed 1575600 fair mixed t4TSQ5S0 lamb J500e800 Hogs Recelpt light market higher prim heavies 1925 mediums 89106985 heT yyorkers 19106935 light yorkers I9306ttt pigs 19006911 roughs 8100 836 flags 87004jt25 ChleaooOrsIn and Provisions CHICAQO March ll May wheat Km at openlngti Julyup He My and July corn up Ke May oata op Her July up 40 Provisions firm shading higher JIom riUjtwhatauadyjuly dwn trnry to his public declaration in he last campaign This exemption contravenes no treaty obligations either In letter dr in spirit and therefore no question of national honor Is Involved It Is solely an economic one and the Interests of our own people are alone to be con sidered Let me assert as positively as language will permit that those who favor this exemption are as Jealous of the national honor as those who oppose It Senator Jones declared that to follow the dictation of another nation would lead to disastrous consequence ana saia 11 it were louowea me united States would waive It right to fortjlfy the canal to prevent an enemys war ships passing through It to lteep our own warships In the canal to barun deilrable citizens from our shores or to decide upon naturalization of undeslr ables The message of the president said Senator Jones Is not Only remarkable for Its lack1 of facia dearth of reason and for the sublime assurance of the schoolmaster that the boy will do what he wants but it is more remarkable in Its conclusion lie then discussed the closing ten tence of President Wilsons address In which he aaldi 1 shall not know how to deal with other matters of even greater delicacy and nearer consequence If you do not grant It to me in ungrudging meaj ufe 1 want to draw from these words said the senator a conclusion honor able to my country but it la difficult to do Senator Jones contradicted PrtBl dent Wilsons statement that the meanng of the Hay Pauncefote treaty I not debated outside the United States He said that England haa construed similar language for sixty years as the advocates of exemption now Interpret it and that England Changed her attitude only when her commercial Interests dictated a change Senator Jones resolution went over until tomorrow when Senator Brlstow will speak on It morning to scout the statement of uurnettg son that Lyman uurneti worth between 1260000 and 8300000 They point to the fact that Burnett purchased his Edgewater avenue home transaction involving about 17000 on a contract scheme by which the title to the property reamlned In the name vi me original owner ferry wi and set sums were paid each month This la a scheme of acquiring property that never is resorted to by men having any money as It la much cheaper to make an original cash payment tufflicenUy large so that the remainder of the cost price may be covered by mortgages Ha Qon to Lansing Too Both Mr and Mrs Ernest Iirokaw have gone to Lansing Mich to attend the funeral of Mrs Brokaw The couple live on the New Haven rood about two miles from fort Wayne but none of their neighbors know what Mrs Brokaw maiden name was She came here front Detroit with Brokaw but since they were married then the court records do not show her maiden name and since Jboth their children were bora before they moved here there la no birth record In the city or county health offlce to disclose this name The Brokttws left Sunday and are expected back some time tomorrow according to men working on the same Bteam nttlng job with Mr Brokaw I Detroit story The Detroit FreA Press has the fol lowing to say about the Detroit end of the Burnett case Burnett andFltzpatrlck were arraigned in police court Tuesday and releaaed on their bonds which were continued The prosecutor will not finish drawing1 up the warrants until Friday and is taking especial pains because of the importance of the After Burnett tie horse dealer was releaaed Tuesday he Immediately went home and handed over a large roll of bills to his wife together with a diamond ring from his ifngcr She was quoted a saying that she had known of hi Infidelity for eightyeara but had maintained reticence and hoped against hope that she might be able to win back his love Mrs Burnett said she had married In Jackson twenty seven years ago when she was a girl of eighteen She Bays she has struggled side by side with her husband to build up their fortunes and had never lived extravagantly The pair lived in a small cottsge next to the horse market oh Fourteenth avenue the appearance contrasting strangely with the sums of money which Burnett is alleged to have handled In hlB business Slant Poor on Reporter The horse trader Is alleged to have spent most of his maney on a Fort Wayne widow on whom he is said to have lavished Jewels and other comforts while his wife bore her eorrdw alone When a reporter attempted to see Mrs Burnett Tuesday afternoon he was Diet at the door by Burnett When the newspaper man Informed Burnett of his mission the door was slammed in his face Kudner Brothers horse dealers In Delphos 0 appeared In Detroit Tues day to claim a number Of horses which they said had been consigned to Bur nett ror sale They said their shipment was twenty horses and say that some of these have been oid but assert that others belong to them and not to Burnett Altogether sixty horses ar held by the police on the attachment which the bank placed on all of Burnetts property Five of them were claimed by Jack Knight as the property of the city and three were turned over to him will Apprsii Horse The police suspect that Burnett may have telegraphed the Delphos dealers and other Urging them to claim some of the hones since twelve horses have been claimed beside those Kudner Brother want Sheriff Milton Oakman arid his chief deputy John Smith with two ap praisers sought to Inventory the property held under the attachments Tuesday but were unable to finish the work A veterinary was employed to estimate the Value of the horses which range from old nags to race norses a string of fourteen race horses owned by Burnett were seized with other of bis property In Fort Wayne Burnett Is said to have followed the races on tracks in this section but never to have operated extensively elsewhere The police allege that the widow traveled with him as hi wife on hi frequent trips to Fort Wayne and to Cleveland He doe not drink according to the police but they say he has the reputation of being a good spender mME WWNED HIS Wl TO GET MONEYFOR BOOZE 8AV8 mrs carpenter Jury Disaorsei In S25000 Dama Cat Aftrtnq Session Th Court Today Pawning his wifes watch and suit Case and using the money for a drunken spree Is a stunt Of William Carpenters that hasimade bis wife Stella Carpenter regret liavlhg gone through a love honor and obey cere mony with htm according to her com plaint filed with the county clerk this morning The complaint was filed by her attorney a Clapham According to the complaint the de fendant is an habitual drunkard and has been In the habit of spending his earnings for liquor Instead of support Ing his wife Shewas forced to work for her support she says and at one time sne gave him money with which to purchase himself a suit bf clothes and he Invested the money In red eye That he would get drunk and come nome and abuse her In a cruel and Inhuman manner js another reason the plaintiff give for wanting to get rid of hint The defendant has property worth 36000 save th olalntlff and she feels that she Is inUtled to about 12500 of mis in the shape of alimony and the complaint asks he court to allow her this amount BUT ONE JUROR Hold Out and Bring About Disagreement Because one Juror held out for the plaintiff In the case of George Middle ton vs lillker Bros In the circuit court the foreman of the Jury reported to Judge Yaple at 4 JO oclock yesterday afternoon that no agreement could be reached end the Jury was discharged They had been ogt twen ty fOur hours and a half and with the men firmly divided eleven to one and that one holding out there was ho chance of them coming together aho no useln kcepinjfthem longer The other eleven were Just as firm jn holding out for the defendants The suit was for the recovery Of damages In thesumof 125000 for personal Injuries The plaintiffs back Was broken while heullng ehavlngs from the defendants mill We alleged the defendants were restoonslble hut eleven cf the Jurymen could not see 11 mat way it is likely that the case wHlbetrledagaln1 Four yOTINO MACHINES New Ones Received Condition In Good Goaklcy and Brown Pnncess Rink tonight Four voting machine arrived in city this morning billed to Allen county They will be used tri the com ing primaries wnen the machines arrived the boxes were badly damaged and It was feared the machines had been injured Commissioners Butt and Black Deputy Auditor Brown and Election Commissioner i kennerlc accompaniedaccompanied by a representative otrth Pennsylvrtnla claim department open ed the boxes at the Pennsylvania freight house and found the machines In good condition As the machines are put away in the boxes after oach election the boxes will repaired by the railroad company DESERTED HER Says Mrs Harry Moor In Divorce Complaint Charging thai her husband imrrui her and she believed him to be now living In Detroit with a woman named Ellen Parry Elizabeth Moore has begun divorce proceedings against Harry Moore Hot tJnly did desert her but while he was With her treated her In a cruel and inhuman manner and was an habitual drunkard says the plaintiff She asks the custody of one child Howard Hanthorn IS attorney for the plaintiff A Pedro Party Hyacinth lodge No If A to of and will glT apedro party In Unit hall Thursday afternoon March 11 from 280 to to which all the member of the auxiliary and their husbands are Invited Also regular lea and social dance in thtf evening The families of th aux lllary and of and are also Invited DOUBLE VJLVE8 FEATURE 0 THE OVERSEA FLIGHT MOTOR rfiiMlwfci3J IfS KtkW4 fijiiyyMitfvy pvg Bso i AjKibrBBSlalHBHIHIHI I IV SSallllllH 1 SBSSSIBIItlllBlraWr sFSBSESalsasSESBSBSal I MTla I gT WWKM asiiiiiW iM Vmj LrK dLPlissiiiB IJaBsslssB LtaBBaaBBaaBssHssaaPBBK jMHF STRONG FACTS iJ mi Tte holder of 7 rcent tarJfret preferred stock of tHc Wadwodii Builders Company iifr vested TJieBtocks ti eendon assfSsaW is no double liability as i istlie caictwtritank tocfc tQII inoTv1 vbat the WildwoodBiiilders Compan whajt lias done and what it is doing aiicl YOU are in a position to ijlflgo accurately the inerits of this investment Ve ofifer you SAFETY for evry dollar yoq invest jn this stock aiweiiasa liberal income A thorough investigation will cony luce yovt and we will be glad to assist you and to giytj you any facts at our coin maud Phone us well have a salesman call and explaiii Jri detail WINS FMIEWITH MYSTERY STORIES Bts falllllllllHsaBBBBlHsfV KPMPaaH aSBSallllllB laCkV BBSalllllllllllllllllllllH ii Issalllllv fm Bf rlSBSBStl Mary Roberts Rhtnehart Mary Roberts Rhlnehart th author of a late popular novel Thi After House This gifted woman Jiai won for herself the reputation of iebig one of tiio greatest writers of fcyitery stories in this country NEW 20CTHOR5E POWtB CURTI55 MOTOI Rp WrtNAMAKER TCANSflTtflNTtC LYEfc The Hgi20ft horse powerniotor for theItodhian Wsnimalter triasatisntlc seToplano bad a Ive hours run at moderate tpced recently st the Cortlu pUnt Hammondsport Ii Yani ild to bare behaved perfectly AS the motor hd had but little limbering under ihop poirer jt has Ixehlbouiht adfUablt to keep tbe speed bIow one hundred revolirtlon a mlouto for tihort time toteTen it that speed Ibeilneand atislf foot uperlmcntal propeller shows I staUc thhist DftnorethSo 800 ponndi Burprlse ai bontiprfsed tymea fmlUarwith motor maonfactuTe that tbe first set of forilngi ind csstlbgs atoutd have eone together fjrfectlyTrJthoBtknj changei Probsbly tbe most rsdlcatdewrnrelncdnitrwtloniKls tMrneIS the adoption of two Intake ralres end two ontlet or txbamls for eSck of the eight cjllnleri In which the power Is lenersted This form though onusutl la sere tjlane engine has peeotised wltk lucccis ottbe riatead ptbu sutemofeilM of rtciar ddi ana i toiorcrcic ir jii GIVEN CHANCE Te I Jam Crovv by th Court Judie Tstile of the sunerlor court has given Jaxfies Crowe another chance to make good A divorce suit I now cendlnr brouarht aralnst rvnw by hi wife and he has not been paying her the sum set out by the court Las necessary during the pendency of um auiu vrowe was given thirty days In which to catch up with his payments VNVyRITTErrjiAw Will Be th Dsfsns In th Blsokford fcaw hub vat Port tVayfi people Wo have been following the Blackford Law clubs cases during the winter will now be given an opportanltyotbervlngf the wuraings oi1aniunwnueniiawi4de xense ine ease win be a murder case ri which thU defense will be made The facts the case have hot yei peen i preparedby the commute FOR 2000 Damajes Robert Allan Suing th NioRi fiat Road The case of Robert Xllerfvs the St INlckel Plate Rail road company la on tfjgj the circuit court The ult Is to recover damages In the sum Of I JD00 for personal 1 juries The plaintiff alleges he was hit by a spike while In the em ploy of the company and suffered eerlousj Injury Officials Have aon Many of thecountjr officials were absent frot their offices today1 being in Sttendance at the democratlo slate convention at Indianapolis Court Note In th casa of thevV A BonUng company vs Joseph Dodane Judge yaple has entered Judgment pnt the verdict Leonard lAidwlg ha been trtsted a divorce from Eliza Ludwlg The case was rieara in in superior court The Columbus State bank has brought suit against Robert WOecll to recover l0nvtocount Bren 4 Morrji arefettorneysjfor the plain tiff A Gets A Cahlll have begun suit against Ada Cook to attach a Ufa insurance check now la tha bands of Charles King secretary of th Modern Woodmerw The claim Is for funeral expenses Todfl Isattorpey for the pitiritiff ViW Tbectseof the nartfordCltyVHoMI el Company the Hartford Hotel compnyvsth Hsrtfort Hot com pariy hasbn venued te thc Adams unleoortrnnUherAUitsuperltf coort Ta i Jijbi artiofthrev1hcnnBif toaidlvorce case xhas been heard by Judge Eggeman in the circuit court REAC EST ATBTRANSF6RS Reported Dally by Fort VVayn Abstract company jw court straevrv City Louis Steun to Minnie CKaylor Jot 81 Steups Flace addition for 1450 City and Suburban Building company to William Stroeder lot Taylor Street addition for ts7oo 1 Tri state Loan and Trust company to Oeorge WMoore lot HT Falrdold Heights addiuoa for I17J Otto Horn ni to Henry Hadley lot ti Fairfield JlelghU addition for 81000 Mary need ef al to Adella McBride part of lot It Lewis addition for 1400 Dora Fisher et atr Bamuel Havlc et ux lot 490 Hannis addition for 858000 Country Faullne Lamley to Thomas Ott part of eectlon tt township 83 rang 1U for t800 Edward Kdgerton to Julia Ransom ots I and 10 Bhlrley City for 81050j FORCSlMDCbNCLAVE Loeat Knljhts Tamplar Will Prilllnfl tomorrow Begin rAi ttfavn Pnmvrlfiadertf Kn 4 Knights Templar will hold a business Session i tomorrow i evening atwhlch It will begin drilling for the purpose opattendng the conclave of the grand commander wheh wll be held at In nnlliMiUag II anA JThA Inpfll commandery will charter ai special train ana leave in i nouj uiini band wlh them rpVAnA a 4 1 94TTHHW a AAnlnafi Ie in England and Wales i 2t0 In Hcoimju tralla an lali nossess1 The first use of asbestos was In th tnannfantiiraof ereamntorvrobs for the ancient Romans in England and Wales 280 In tlaad 110 In Ireiandi81 In Au alia and iseventyrtwo In otljer Brit hpossessions Dont Forgstth Dst of th Big Stoot Sal Maroh 44 i PUBUCSAtE The bhderslgneit will sell at pub llo auction at his place of residence 13 mile northeast of Fort Wayne mil east of Leo end 1 miles west Of Orablli on TUESOAVi MARCH 24 at 10 oclock a the following described property 1 head horses 40 heiul cattle a number of them fresh nows steers ajves etc Jj farming Implements and miscall neous articles Fr lunch will served on th oroundst 4 TSRMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE All sum of II end under cash all sums ojtr IS a credit of I months will be given purchaser giving bankable note with prved freeholdsecurity without Mnterest If paldwhen due it not six per cent ii Interest from date of a No Vonr tob removsd from th premliejttntll term of sale ar compiled with Four percsntdlscount for tain JOHN CONRAD Proprietor Ed Klrkland Van yVtrt 0 lomf Jerry KlopfensUln Clerk NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS CHICAGO GRAIN AND PRO VI8I9N4 SaPHnXip Mamoef Chlcaee BeartJ Trt le Atwloan Bldg ft Wyn lne Coakley arid Bjowh Princess Rink tonight LEOAL nOTICE PUBL1C NOTICE Notice fa hereby given that apetltlort for a stone road was Bled in the auditor omce of Allen Countyji Indiana i oh the 18th day of March 1114 and that the Same will be presented to the Hoard of County Commissioner of said county and state on ine uin amy or April I9if i as Before th Board of Comlniaslopers of Which betltlon 1 as follows Stat of Indiana Allen County ss Allen County Indiana Jn the matter of Jmnrov emcnt of the public highway In Wayne Township Allen County Indiana known as lhe Winchester Road The undersigned voters and freeholders of township SO In rang 12 known as Wayne Township In Allen County Indiana respectfully petition this honorable board for the Improvement of that part of the existing highway in Wayne Township Allen Countr i Indiana lying and being In the Rlchtrdvllle Reserve on th west bank of the St Marys Rivervcom mencing at the Intersection of the Winchester Road with the south line of said township thence following said Winchester Road toward the City of PortOIVayne to its Intersection Wth the Blshlp lload thence easterly to the nearest bridge across the St Marys RIVer with the only highway Crossing said bridge known as the Stellhorn bridge by grading drain Ing paving and graveling or macadamizing the same under and In pursuance of the following law of the General Assembly of the State i of Indiana Vls An Act Concerning Highways approved March 1906 and the acts amendatory thereof and of each other and supplemental thereto since passed In 1907 190 and 1918 relating especially to the lm proventent of parts of existing public highways with money raised by Issuance of bonds of the county therefor Tour Petitioners resnectfullv show that said highway fortyfeet in width connects south from the City of Fort Wayne with two publlo highways at their Junction on the south line of Wayne Township and is about one and one fourth miles In length and In the course of one of the oldest highways leading Into said city and has for years been used a a United States rural mall route and Is one of the main avenues of traffic and travel In said county but never has been adequately drained graded or improved forth veJ commodatlon of the public Tour petitioners recommend the following character of Improvement vlA roadbed 21 feet In width of even surface and uniform solidity underdrainedby 4 inch hard burned drain tile laid down the center thereof below the frost line with such outlets and on such grades and so protected by gravel or broken tone a to afford a constant ready free sub drainage of said roadway That the central II feet of such road bed be paved with macadam to a depth of riot less than 8 Inches laid on a sand or gravel blanket using the hardeat of broken atone of such dimension for foundation body filler and surface with sharp clean sand all so graded mixed rolled wetted and compacted aa to make a solid mass of even surface curved and sloped each Way from the center suffl clently for rapid surface drainage and that I a footing of not less than three feet bn either side be mad of th best of the material now In said highway thor oughly rolled and compacted whose surface shall be continuous with and sloped as said macadam -That to remove surface drainage road ditches be constructed outside said footings of such depth and with suebgrad and outlets Wherever needed to carry off all surface drainage from said highway rapidly and permltr no standing watef within the llmltsof said hlrhway above th grade of aald eubdralnige line In short that the material labor Inspection and methods of construction be such a to provide sv KlrsWerfect sub and siirtacedralnage eliminating all surplus soil water at an times above frost line Second A roadbed homogeneous i of even surfaoe equally hard and compacted throughout covered with a sand or gravel blanket MflC 4 Third A cewtrtl water cemented macadam roadwaytjof Miard flinty material so crushed graJSU mixed and compacted to practical llmlnate air spaces and form a oHvejl aniootlv evensur faced road wiywMth footings of the best material thaMtot now In said highway equally compacted extending the even curved roadwajarv i Wherefor flejitltloner prya or der for the construction of said propose Improvefnerit withTSuchchanjes and modifications If any aa may seem proper John Hmltn red ioeiiering Charles Stellhorn JH Thrash Taster William Trine kanftm Lee Perr Walburn Krsnk Kohr David Krlll Kdgarl Koona Vllllm if Jcnii a nerkf Frsnkf LBercOt Charles Meelleting Fred Oerkfi Jacob bl iwif utiri John FoWell 0i MHartt Ji tl Phllley William HFMoeilprlngChaMetrSchac fer Charl tirehvr Louis Oet 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