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Clovis News-Journal from Clovis, New Mexico • Page 1

Clovis, New Mexico
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

WtATHER lyesterday 76 at 3 p.m. Low 34 4:45 Temperature 8 a.m. today 50, Partly Mexico Fnir today and Thursday; cooler It. today and Thursday. High today 60-70 10-80 south; low tonight 20 northern moun- p-40 elsewhere north, 40-50 south.

TKXAS Fair today and Thursday; cold- landlc and South Plains Thursday. 'New Mexico's Most Consistent Newspaper" Korea At A Glance THE RONT U. S. rapetMtU Wilt Ing ureas 1ft northeast border 1 afea near- MfiWMW South Korean capital division pushes up east eolft, within eight mites ot Chongjin, 55 milei from border. U.

S. first division Marines report Retf centrflllons near Changjln reservoir, Chinese munlsls strengthen mountain defenses In J2 NO. 201 AP Leased Wire CtOVIS, NEW MEXICO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBEtt 32, 1950 (10 Pages Today) PRICK ison Laid SingleConvict Permanent Safety Education Council Formation Started ft. FE A convicted a personal grudge of his guards, has been ringleader of HIP planned breaking ami scattering. The violence spewed about the prison yard, with convicts rushing tin- two prison offices and the can- exploded without warn- cen wrecking everything they Now Mexico's 67 -year-old I ould wrench from the walls or Monday.

uproot from the floor (en 'llowpll Gage said HIP serving a 09-year term, a statement admitting Me responsibility" for In- 1 HIP riot and using threats harm to force other con- hpcome ringleader and 12 of the kders are In solitary con- hit today. Oaee said. 1 1 iv whole affair," Gage added, result of a personal grudge this onp inmate against HIP cuards." guards were wounded, two 'offices wrecked, nnd the canteen torn apart, by more in shouting, cursing prison- ploving hit-and-run tactics. flared in the prison -------Coalition Majority To Dominate House WASHINGTON working majority of at least 45 votes was claimed Wednesday by a spokesman for the Republican-Southern Decocrat coalition expected to dominate the House in the next Congress. And across ie Capitol, Southern Democr ats were reported lining up behind Senator McFarland Ariz) for majority leader in the New Senate.

It's The Trend PERTH AMBOY. N. Impressive, finely engraved scroll came from the New Jersey Secretary of Slate's office. It. was official notice that, Middlesex County Sheriff Cornelus A.

Wall had been reelccted. The sheriff sent it hack to the stale capital. There were some mistakes, he explained In a polite note to Gov. Alfred T. Dris- coil.

The name on the envelope was Sheriff Wall's all right. But the name engraved on the scroll was that of Harry Hubbs Republican candidate whom Wall a Democrat, beat by 14,000 votes. Clovis High School Y1NVAKU The by a Dixie A movement to help organize a -------urine he Monday forenoon lawnmkel who askec not 0 be! permanent Curry County Safety period. Tt was quelled an an hour Inter by nrison and a squad of slate po- med with everything from through riot guns and (V guns. tear pas bombs were who conducted a day-long ration Tuesday, said a conic number of the rioting carried crude blackjacks.

razors. Pieces makeshift Southern scna-1 Education Council got underway lores intend to take full advan-j Tuesday night, when interested cit- laee of the strengthened position'Istens mot. to discuss and plan election defeats of against the heavy accident rate in this area. Edmund Dillon, temporary chairman, named a committee to further the projected organization. Members appointed are: Pete Mil- and Western Democrats.

The estimate of GOP-Southern Lieut. Lethgo Gets Bronze Star Medal Award of a star medal; for gallantry in action in Korea has been made to First Lieut. Wayne Lelhgo, Allus, 0 brother of Roy, Orville and Glenn Lelhfio, all of Clovis. Roy, a resirlent of Clovis tlie past 12 years, and operator ot a grocery store at 1121 W. Seventh, said his brother had been in Korea with the Fighting Wolfhound regiment of the 27th U.S.

infantry since July 5. The citation said that LI. Lelhgo. B-36 Crahes Into Texas Field; Two Known Dead Two Charge Jersig Breached Contract AI.13UQU53RCJUE, fr Two Amailllo, men hnve filed a suit In U. S.

district court asking $10.500 to $13.000 from Shelby Jersig. tdei.llfled only as Curry or county cattleman. Garland 11. Morris nnd V. Lee Mntncy, the plaintiffs, contend Jersig owrs that amount after falling to share profits on sales of some of 1695 of their cattle raised by him on joint venture started In May FORT WORTH, Tex, A gtant B-36 bomber crashed Wednesday about 30 miles southwest of Fort Worth.

First reports were that 10 men leaped from tho cnnd which Is the world's largest land-based bomber. At least two men reported dead. Tho M-86 usually carries a crew of 16, The six-englned plane fell about 414 hours after taking off from Cnrswell nlr force base here, home of tho Eighth air force. The plane crashed about seven miles west ot the small town of Godley. A.

T. Vandlver, who lives near there, said two men killed In MISS SONDRA PRICE Ck.vis high school's 1950 football queen is Sondra Price, attractive Ifi-ycai-old daughter of Mr. and! Je WRS no( nvni nh fm Pom Tho two contend they did not re- ceivo regular reports of their share of costs or sale dates and Hint towt.rd the end of the venture kept all returns. The last knov. sale WHS Nov.

20, theh petition states. 1 I1U tfai.i^lia it; ui. -uvjui 111-i i. a shot was pt1 aUh Democrats strength in the Mouse came from Rep. A rends of Illinois, assistant.

GOP floor leader. A ass stain, nuui ir coalition has been effective there lor, Earl Hartley Mrs. MM. Snell, rmnn. flB nnd the elections Mrs.

B. B. Laughlm and Mack Inin recent years, and the elections gave it added strength. Seventh slreet. Miss Price, senior, was Hie pop- son of Mrs, Mamie Lethgo ofivilnr choice of Hie Wildcat foot- Mrs.

Kverclt, S. Price, .11 Last mcnl on ho n) bus noss i address or at his home. team. She was crowned nl, impressive, ceremonies school assembly Wed- hlac.k.iacks. A rendr old reporters the roall- Bpb Vi a '1 P'odgcd sup- pacc "july 28.

i.Xn^n": 4 "SoVnot 1 oUe sirnply to Port of the cHy an stressed the Allus, twice repulsed North hall Korean allncks and regained his position near Hwanggan "against during heavy odds and held it against at-, nesrlay afternoon In senior lacks through the night." It. noted auditorium. his "courage and inspiring leader-1 ss price will reign over Wild-, ship" in the fighting. The action rnt Homecoming festivities. Laundry Permit Is Granted Campbell The city zoning board turned Mechem Certified As N.M.

Governor SANTA FK, Republican Edwin Mochem won the governorship of New Mexico by an official vote ot over the 83..159 votes cast for his Democratic opponent, John E. Miles. Mechem was certified winner of the Nov. 7 election at Tuesday's meeting of the State Canvassing Board. Official figures showed the total vole In the election was 182,320.

Official vole figures for other candidates (Republicans listed first; denotes winner 1 Congress Mason 7R.447; Ar- Dempsey fernandez (x) 97,091. Secretary of loach (x) Auditor--Apodncn Cast- icr (x) 103,771. Kiume Grls- om (x) .101,669. Attorney General--Cnldwell nreS Jn ad-'bock portions of President Trub (Hey had prepared in aci nnf i 0 the rioting. man's domestic program and to plans of its own, he said.

In the new House convening In January, there will be 199 Repub- award has been cairi nnnnrenllvi lake a close look at foreign pro: nt px piied at the "Wreak grams. It will offer "constructive" in the fighting on the HIP moment. said a number of the likp the ringleader, time for sex but that this rlld not mean In nnu to do with rlotinsr. hp had found no "con- 100 hail from the South, and most need of adequate street, markers. S( nl to the lieutenant's wife, a Red wi rpnew an old gridiron feud.

Three state officials in safety vvor in Osaka, Japan. introduction of the 1950 queen and education were present at Tues- attendants will be made In clovls A UK 1,11 HI IK OUrt Ml I Ul KfU Day at Ideal a- 'request Tuesday from rlii.i.i iirhnfo PlnvlR nllf HOI' files organizing against accidenls. J. A. Kennedy, traffic director of Ihe state highway department, Rocket Soars To lllf Siting u.llt hcans.

235 Democrats and In- QUt hat on onc coun dependent. That, represents a drop jf- 1 Nftw Mexico has safety in Democratic strength of voles council aml lllat one sr function- the present line-up. clcar for pep club. Queen attendants are Phyllis 107 Mile WASHINGTON A Navy and Doris Wampler Ji A T.I«i 1 Leo and Elsie Johnson, seniors; Patsv Rlckard and Bnrbara O'Con- Rut of the 235 Democrats, about la he oa cl in ictlon- viking locket lo a new American- and Marcia Hovvcll, sophomores. Curr madi- single slage missile record: Miss Price and her attendants 1 this iheieht of 107 miles at.

White sands, will partieipale in Ihe Home com. inrovins eround Tuesday. ing parade to nostaged Ihursday Dale Campbell, owner of property at 14th Mitchell, that the district be re-designated frcxm a residential to an local retail zone but recommended that Campbell te allowed to go ahead with plans to install a self-service laundry on his property. A meeting of the board was called after residents of the area had made verbal protests to the city against, the planned laundry. A building, on Campbell's property which he plans to convert into i i i- uou Dl'O I El'MUHl I 111 ovlcl -n iiv, lt sunnort the sex Southerners have been cool lo tnc Holmes, director of safety T( rk iust r.h 0 rt of the'morning at 10.

They will lend the the laundrv, formerly housed Ision thporv of the riot i President's legislative program. uea t.ion for state department fid lie find anv evidence Arends put at 240 votes HIP "rock-: nf education, gav-p figurps on acci- It HIP theory that poor food i bottom" strength of the cnta) deaths. HP said 166 children I'istrea'tment'had any thins to ministration group in new UTre killed in New Mexico by ac- sign shop. After a conference between missile' was" clocked; organizations and every home, Roy Smith, chairman of the zoning 114-mile set by a German V-2, also parade. al the New Mexico proving ground Band, pep club, all high school starting Ihe riot (he most disturbance in the history Isfate prison.

that a few prisoners he House. A House majority is 218 ddents in 1949. votes. Lindsey Root, public relations di-j Rep. Cox of Georgia, a leader of for the state highway de-j the Southern Democrats, was more partment, stated Hiat New Mexico, one" 3 600 miles per hour.

I room will be included in the pa- 1 board, and City Manager Marvin 't i rtl 1 it i- i.j_-i ewpd after thp riot' said liberal. He claimed the coalition lad been "complaining" about I could muster at least 2o2 votes ood and treatment among any time it needs them. He said, These apparently were ook-; ev Hospital tc an excuse for their partici-i in the riot. Hi is the lowest state in the Union in safety education. He would stress the three C's.

he' said: Courtesy, the stratosphere, and radio it back Tho Vikmg 'is 50 feet long and rade which starts on Mitchell tons. II carried slteet nnd winds down Main street. instiuments to Twenty-two floats will add a touch gatiiir data oii density and color to the proceedings. Hire of the Ionosphere, far above Clovis high school graduates are invited to parHcipnte in Hie festi- Control and Concentration. "It is not the tourist who is responsible for the majority of Vice Pre-1 accidents," be said.

"Nalives in Allien W. Barkley entered their own locales, cause 63 per cent vies. kvas the signal for the riot esda, for a physical check- of the accidents." A film was shown, pointing out 1 i UD Wednesdav. that, even minor infractions against i M. Chesher rushed mj Hev issuc(i ft sU tement saying traffic laws can cause major ac-' hinw nvp'r thp hp'adillint.

during the recent political cidenls. of chain A mob of campaign he "contracted a severe! The committee will announce ItsVonv-PigPd a him, "raining I ches? cold, rPsulting in some con-; dale of meet ing. and kicks on him before gestion of the chest. Rood Threats Seen In Central California Portaies Council ISy the Associated Press Two noilli central California along thi 1 Sacramento river between I lass, the hoard decided tha Campbell could continue to use the building for any local relal purpose such as a laundry, undci the provisions of the city zoning code. A section of the zoning ordinanc states that a business or "-non conforming use" of property nl lowed in an otherwise residential wiaj''be continue or changed to the same of a mor restricted classification as long a no structural changes are mad in the building.

The board passed Wfi reeom mendalion on to the city convnis slon which meets Wednesday 00; Martinez (x) 96,022. School Superintendent Wiley (x) .105,797. Land Shepard (x) Corporation Commissioner Hunker Allison 99,152. Supreme Court Fowlei Coors (x) 99,695. Pro-primary convention for approval for rejection 54,909.

Clovis Students To Stage Rally Tonight Clovis high school students stage pep rally Wednesday night at the band shell. Pep club, band an student body will participate. Sondra Price, football queen, will bo introduced al. the rally opening Homecoming festivities for the Clovls-Portales game. A mock trnll of the Portales "Ram" will feature the event.

If found guilty, the "Ram" will be burned in effigy. The climax will come In the form of a snake dance fram the high school grounds down Mnin street. tho crnsh were taken to the hear- by Jim Brandy farm. Dillon funeral home at Cleburne reported two Injured airmen were en route lo Cleburne, In' am'- bulances. Mrs.

O. B. Hartley, near whose farm the sky giant came down, said tho engines were making a 'loud noise" as the. plane nearcd Ihe ground. She said there was no fire.

Capl. Robert S. Anderson of the Public Information Division In Eighth air force headquarters here said he had only fragmentary Information. "An American air lines pllol says 10 men balled out," the. cap- lain reported.

"Ordinarily a B-36 carries of crew of 15." Anderson said the crash site Was Just west of Joshua, a small toWn north of Cleburne, and near the O. B. Hadley farm. Crash crews and were enroute to the scene front Cnrswell air force base here. Only twice hefbre has one of tlie far reaching giants crashed, Feb.

14 one crashed along the British Columbia coast. Seventeen airmen parachuted and 12 later were rescued from Coastal Islands. On Sept. 16, 1949, five airrrten were killed when a B-36 fallod.Jlo complete a take-off from Carswell and roared into a nearby Iake i31 100 miles an hour. Business Places Close Thursday Most businesses, the Clovlif Pott Office and city and county offices will be closed'Thursday In observance of Thanksgiving.

The News-Journal will publish an early edition. Copies Of iho paper will be on sale at city fiews- slands by 9 a.m. Thursday, Array and Navy recruiting Q'- flees also will be closed. No mall deliveries will be triade In the city. Only one rural the Star route to Grady, run, Post Office spokesman gald.

Sacrament. nnd its mouth afternoon at 3 o'clock In the City PORTALES, areas Wednesday faced new threats i(ch ff)1 pcissihlo breaks, from of muddy. de- JC wn prl on levees weakened hris filled flood waters that had; bv le rf of 1Jn begun a general recession clso-j safranipnto river flow where in California and mirh fl Wlfl second feel the The floods have caused at least: vo ump Kinrn 1907. Mayor Floyd nint; Deaths and more than Thp sn( nd nngPI area was (Sen LAUNDRY Page 10) .1 wt lUIVw WMIIVII orean. Advance I in closed Session asan Area Slowed Col.

Jack Potter, 'Trail Driver, Dies 111 i'. i i 11C j--- 11 A o- of Supei forts rained he wav for the Republic of Korea anr City Clerk, as well as ounds of high explosives on (ROK)' capital Division pursuing; newsmen were asked to leavp. was i pi k. i Ikisa.i border area. Other a retreating disoiganized enemy" sustained by a 5-1 vote of the I (T i i i c-: i COUncil.

Ill VIWJIVM lit I I. Grain Rustlers Continue Thefts )UL, B-29 bombers; Id communist staging bases av Irtheast Koiea Wednesday as; le front looked this way from; meetings: must be open lo the pub- Kennpdy again resorted to a 0 000 clam ls in hi ria cus Session" of the city council Thursday night, despite an opin-; ion from thp New Mexico Attorney General that, city council Chavez Certification. Is Delayed By GOP SANTA FE, New Mexico's canvassing board has been asked to delay certification of the election of Tlbo Democrat, ns near Modesto, where, runoff waters Two more alleged grain thefts Lieutenant Governor. from the Don Pedro flam were ex- Curry-Roosevelt area were be- pecieri to invade lowlands checked by authorities Wed- rcsidential areas. The clam filled! yestei'day; 26,000 cubic: feet thefts.

reported Tuesday, hv patrols probed along the cast from to find where the Reds Easl coa st. guns of! Ma vor Kennedys CcHl for the mako a stand. lhe U. S. Cruiser St.

Paul paved i Caucus, at which the City A lor the poit of srutheast. It vi'as the sec-' finikP a week at Musan. Sibt'i in. council. Mnnclnii-Kin border HIP Seven-1 One Portales newsman refused (iivision's: I7th regimontal leave Hie meeting, even after witter a second were still flowing! 0 SOU Portales and 1 i'- south of Clovis.

They brought tho rieno faced a tremendous cleanup; nurnncr arRC i robberies Jin the area to Ihree within WMers of the rampaging Irukoe; j. ast Thursday, 12,000 river UUCP again werp retained by their banks a 12-hour flood. of milo were re- ni-1 I of HIP to ss estimated by the Reno CLAYTON Col, Meyers Chamber of Commerce wa.s stolen from the farm of Kd Estes, six miles west of Melrose. Sometime Monday night, the The request, under study by tho board Wednesday, was made by M. W.

"Pal." Hamilton, Santa Fe attorney and Republican loader who told Hie board that Republican Paul will be elected Lieutenant Governor if invalid voles for Chavez are thrown out. Hamilton said the Republicans need more time to check precinct poll bonks to assemble the evidence which he snid will show enough Illegal voting to change i i I I rl OUllll-l JIIR j'liiinmjr OUUOIIlf, ih Koreans are reported re- hal ic am riug in around the vole of the council, but. after Potter, 86, UUP of tho In-! nnd most ed in hotels, MOI-PS nnfl: Rraln nls Crs hit ho Luther Moss Tho alo boar reported no sign of Piipmy ac- an hour's stalemate, he left DIP colorful No In le i farm, nine miles southeast of Clo- certlfyi and Chinese Reds fctirg at Musan to block the ivhy oll 1P; sir i 0 0 U)0- Council chamber when the mayor trail drivers, died in in miles northeast of visi white flag Tuesday a liospilal; Di- that he left under protest. i During nis lonn HIP. IUMM of it to envelop' JOP New Mexico At- spent.

In heavy. tornev General, In an opinion re- bppu a trail Kennedy last nlor justice of the peace and au ricf fimil and in of K-cupird Yongwon, the of New Mexico, and ma n) nl Kor Sumiipr Boothill at all nptf SL UPM month. by Mayor en m.lps up the oast side of the June, ruled that a vote ,1 the city." 1 mn mi af alu rivpi- opposite Rprl Man- fPP counril to hold executive sessions' IIp romnumiiv a. ja. Other Seventh division in- Northeast frr.nt HIP ROK "is contrary In sections 140G-07 of hunting fora fifiht Kightii divi Cumiminist hfiltalions rp- anr i 0 thPr divisions of HIP all meetings must be i.p 10 milps southwest rjQK Seco-id Coips a 1 timps open to the public." During 'the last dpcadn IIP was saniin.

Ilinp rminiiifi five lo six miles north Mayor Kennedy contended that davtnn's "marrying justice of the Ji.tnl Mar-Arthur's war sum- i (j kchon. Chhiese Communists a "Caucus" is not a meeting of peace." I from Toi.yo reported: were builrling a sprite of strong Uie city council. i Colnnel Putlei- was burn Dec. 11. liilrd 'lations forces continued 6 to 11 miles north, just.

fit. Prairie Lee in Cnldwell KPiieially along the as urrp Hie rest of lhe: LJ A KOIPHII battle front Tues- fiont. mamipd by the DaremOn VYIII neQU Unveiled By Navy vis, on Ihe Curry-Roosevelt county line. About, two tons of milo rnaize 1 were hauled away in a pickup truck that, evidently crossed Into New Mexico from Texas and re- lumed. Deputy Sheriff Val Baum- i re tary of Stole Allenl Romero put board mpl Tuesday certifying Hip election of all other stale office winners but delaying nil fiction nn the Lieutenant Governor rare.

A new tabula! Ion Wrdnesday morning of county reports to Sec- tored with the name of the voter in (he poll book. He said stale law makes such cnlry ot ballol numbers mandatory and provides for Ihrowlng oui the entire precinct where bal- lol numbers are not the end ot the asked week delay, Hamilton said, the Republicans will drop the case entirely or present the evidence they believe will invalidate Chavez' election. tab Kills Texas Narcotics Figure J. 7P The 0 1 I in front The vole K. Nnvv has unveiled a $1,100,000 Baumgnrt.

said officers raced was fl () 10 elrd, onic br Ies nrd ep' 1 tracks to and from 111,1111 fll MM1PU "'-'I' Tnvne ssllos siir rh as a l' avefl lpmlin illto An Hamilton said HIP Republlr'ani nltacking the Lleutennnt Gov- typhoon" ii invpstigating thp theft crnor Vf)tn on two counts: mu of 5,500 pounds of red milo Voles were cast by persons ever ed stolen Monday night from the lnol registered. ns View Film Auto Safety Guenilla "firiiit 11 tough anr 1 bitlpr i priori PO In bv-uas- Polio Fund Drive Bateman has been ap sprl areas upstPi-n Koiea'Wed- poinipr chairman of the March of W0hl County, Tex. HP wns one of IT) childien lifii to and Mrs Andrew Potter. The father was IIP original rin-uit i-ider for the Mfthoflist church in Hi'' souih- Choi, il low 1'! it of Jack SikPS. combine rip- in some precinclK, ballot num- exilusivc in the pralor on HIP Joe Lovern 1PIS HIP ballots were not en- rf ormanc'e hf ROK Ser.Mid division Dimps dnve in Curry Is p.lla.-l>ed ChunpclKii-i in Charles S.

Stnnfiei'i, chairman df Mm 'And Then There full CP, living to diive Rpris ran tho cmmty chapter of National vasshovMi nt the of Hv town 40 miles noitheasl of Koimrlalioii Infanule 1'araly- Lions club nippting Tuesdav scoN the ROK rapilnl sis aiinrnuu-eri idspv Root v.ith the U. K-Ml jrt triprl Batpman v.ill direct on of the Mexico High- a Allh 10 for chapter I I.P rinse is for HUPP dppartmpni as 'pueM of Hip Mie-l'i o-, er Surji! Rut to Jftn. Livi shrv.vpd HIP 'film. 'Thp motion lllp 'I i rls fl across the borrler i safety and pointed sa hat onlv four of fivp persons lllf1 frrmts A lsl1 lofi Ihoir hnmesnn nv singlP said thp Mi Com- IS han.ber of ( returned Thp fifih is an act i' tIMI. school facullv trio.

Mis. Staunus, Mrs. Howard Mar- nd Mrs. Mary Kiser enter- Ward Funeral To Be Held Friday Morning Potter i cd Coideli:) Kd'ly LouibMlle Kv at Sfin Antonio on l''unciul SPI for N'ov 11. 1SRI.

Mis. rlierl in World L' vptpran, will IIP cniiducte'l al Charles rk DIUM MLLF Board of cliie'-tors of the C'lo 1'J-IX. 'I'd" moved Sunnier in ISS'i anrl I "ie In Moiirjuy niy)it Mililaiy will be held Hi UK 'lie Ria 1 eside uiuler HIP direction of Hie VI-AV. Bunal will IIP in Lawn HavPii south of Porlales. Charges nf theft havp bpen filed 1 in Porlales against.

Burl Wade ChrislPiison, anrl Lloyd Ashley, 1 21, both of Melrosp, who are sus- ppctpd of stealing the grain from "pne '''files farm. Neither has been apprehended yet. A load of milo maize Acheson To Confer With Taft-Others WASHINGTON Seciplaisj FORT WORTH, Nel- had charge of L'iMidO cat KI mr clnlrli en sui an'li hildi en iin': V. Steed Memorial Chapel Fiirlay morning he that from Lste.s, wns sold Clovis Thursday a Hi, died in ing in Christenson's name. HUIJ.KTIN Sanlnrd Wninru, nrlRiillkt, wan son Harris, 4.1-year-old figure in the Green Dragon narcotics case, was killed Wednesday by a bomb.

Ills wife was fatally Injured. The bomb exploded as he started his car. Harris was Identified by acquaintances as an aide of Herbert Noble, Dallas gambler whose wife was killed In a similar manner several months A baby Mrs. Harris, 25, expected In about a week aUo was pronounced dead minutes later. The explosion ripped the top from I Inrrls' two-door 1950 coach, shattered windows nearby and blew hits of the automobile over a 1.00- foot radius.

Harris 1 body was stilt in the charred and smashed car an hour later, clothing ripped off and blackened, as police collected typical of a here told the brigade equipped SS'ediiPsdav afteinoon at 4 with new ha'l ariiverl at Kapsong on it join ney in frirc-p? in Hip norlh is anout 1'JO miles south Tho rhilriien are Coherl Pot'er of I Lunas vMlli Siefil's funeral Centurion tanks the C-C. i.ffir-e, 116 (Jrnnd poiter of Coilrv, Colo, Mrs Home charge. Avp. a(i i.eniiart CHpulin and Mrs Pall lieftrers are M. K.

Single- Wade of Clayton. lerry, Rlevmi, A. A. LPP, to ah IH-monlli prison tnriu NVeiliH'Mlay for the theft HP eilp'd a system nf sulipomrnlt- (pes of Ihp HOIISP and Senate Kor- eiKii Affairs Commit IPPS worked ill at HIP last of Congress the rhib songs Miss thy Morp the HIP piniio ests l''iank Mathias and Hooker, i Bill Hood. is and Kifd Ph.fii).?, of Hie balile linos.

MEKTI.Nd KLLKD The Blacktowei Farm Bureau local will not meet Ihis month. i- ui.eral C'ompletP. ai aie m- Ki'HiK is Cimuan, Forrest i and Mike Krlw ards. of tiny qunnily of iiliitoiiiiitn salfl onsu tioiis would bp from the Alamok, N. iS nr with ns soon as therf 'ire enough Intcresled members In atomic bomb plant.

Plutonium in a material in making Ihe bomb. Ruther Awarded Civil Judgment IV Mini '1 HS 1S wished all subsci.ieis i he nal in vim is but in 01 oi.i as in i eai r. II.P ha', p. prs HS ill bi taken 1 ibeiS is. v.

as I. K. dAai-lfit a Sln' 'i U'filnes- da 1 frnn. Jokp. it -pa 1 house, of I.

as Cruc in r. ,1 do'-ision hand- pel .1 niu- Hen.vle. il. rii.S' i I ad a file Ti The Ida! i ea' 1 as 1 ner in a i piofurp n.l leases in exas. had a- cepted sums of ami $'100 RutliPr nut had failed 10 USP the monf'.

tl. agrppd arid did iKit i i' 'Ihe liefenriart lo I a gi- of i la'i'is in ard Hie rli-. idiiig piofiis from the sale oeiweea the Senator Anderson Touted For el i I Iw I Vice Presidential Nomination town. In addition, Acheson nllnupd, in this area and In had been having differences. Damages Sought By Barney Shore An nuto accident last Oct.

15 at the intersection of E. 10th ana Main has brought on a damaga suit filed Wednesday In district court. Barney B. Shore, a Clovis carpenter, filed a complaint asking he himself had meetings with other leaders of both houses and both parties last session. HP was asked whether he intended to con- tinue such meetings in HIP com-; c'oinpensatlon' for porperty ing session when Uppublicans will anla anfl i oss of working hours havp a moi-P powerful position In a useci by the crash.

IIPW congress and said yes, he Narnec defendants In tha action 50 'n'enrt' aie Mr. and Mrs. Dan Trahey Clovis. The complaint charges that a 1948 convertible, owned by hey and driven by his wife, Amelia, was at fault in the collision with By Holmes Alexander -n, ill v. v.

blew no yood to fr.e defea 1 rl has tuin- r) ml Cornel of a windfall for n. Clinton a I. Mr. tial running mate in Hie who'll attempt In 1 lead the back Into tlieir milk-antl-hi'iipy majorities in the arm Kelt. ne any i.

Hod I WASHINGTON President Truman has sipned an executive! the yl antl 1937 sedan. of Chairman Bill, for him. The loss of so many Ad-S orf lo permit appointment, ofi Damage to Shore's C8r ministration Pepper outstanding business executives and because ot the ace- Anderson's open hos- and Thomas of Oklaharna in the i "riollar-a-vear" defense posts with-! dent Shore lost nine wording I for which he wou)4 hsvt jecejved i 518 pay, the complaint alleged. Biannan plan did primaries, to Tyriings, Lucas, My-! in government. Coat'iuitee a A ionj its ac-ppiance in ris and Thomas of Utah in the gen E'It But is election has moved Anderson anr) up fait.

And HIP bad boating which 7th sefin ISer reia. Brannan's pie.sUgp look 'liar enhanced as HIP vs ho Hung that vent "1 t'jlrj you lue patty, went right I (See fstNAIOK 2) i Blhl-KTIN YORK, Two more arrrsU are c.vperted to be made aftrrnoon in Ihe recent plot lo abbasMiiate Truoian, an Assistant 1. S. At- toruey Mid ol iu the American UgioflVfieri- dentil Cup football fame.

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