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The Washington Post from Washington, District of Columbia • Page 10

Washington, District of Columbia
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

10 NfWUmSiSSSilS a i i RULES ON INCOME TAX THE LEGAL REGOfcD WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 11 1914 jt fc Cfr gy Ill I HI ilHL I ii I 1 1 Jr i rj I 1 PllPlinll ItlMKHiin Iibiiia a 3 BooKlct Sent to Collectors Explains New Law HINTS Off CORPORATION LEVY Persons Who Hav Net Income of Less Than 20000 From Investments With Tax Withheld at Source Need Make No Return Collectors May File Estimate Where Individuals Refuse i i Is Me After weeks of study of the income tax law Treasury officials have issued a 90 pae booklet and sent it to collectors of internal revenue in the expectation that it will clear up tnany misunderstandings It takes 23 pages of the book to set forth the law itself but 60 pages are used in telling how the net income to be taxed is ascertained by the taxpayer when and where tax must be paid what penalties will be imposed for nonpayment what exemptions and deductions will be allowed Many pages are devoted to an explanation of that part of the law imposing a 1 per cent tax on the income of all corporations which replaces the old corporation tax Partnerships Not Subject to Tax The book does not contain a new set of regulations but Is a compilation of the ones already issued with explanations of points never before discussed Under the law partnerships are not subject to the tax but the regulations proide that annual profits from a partnership paid to members 6hall be included in their returns and where such profits are undistributed and unpaid they must be ascertained and included in the individual return for taxation It is made clear for the first time1 that persons who have a net income of less than 20000 all derived fiom investments and upon which the tax has been withheld at the source shah not be required to make an return vv here persons taxable refuse to makp the proper list or return or makes false return the regulations pro Mdc ttiat the pro per collector of internal revenue shall after due notice make the return for such person and the tax shall be assessed on tbis return with a 30 or 100 per cent penalty added Penalty for Disclosures Returns shall be sent In collectors to the commissioner of internal revenue in Washington registered mail In dealing with the corporation fea ture it is explained that all eturns shall be public records subject to inspection on order of the President of tne United States under rules prescribed by the Secretary of the Treas ur Disclosure any collector or other emploje of the United States of anj Information whatever set forth in an return of annual net income is made a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of J1000 and one year imprisonment The person found guilt will be dismissed and thereafter be ncapable of ever holding office under the go ernment United States Court of Customs Appeals Present Presiding Jtiaso Montgomery and Associate Judjea Smith Barber Vrles and Martin No 1257 P1H va United States Sculptures submitted on brief by tie appellant md argued by Mr Charles McNab tor the appellee No 12T6 United Statu vs Fenton shortage argued by Mr Charles McNab for the appellant and submitted on the record by the appellee No UK United States vs Flatt coca fiber aigued by Mr diaries MiNab for tno appellant and submitted on the record by the appellee No 1295 United States vs Quong human hair argued by Mr Charlee McNab for the appellant and submitted on the record by the appellee United States Court of Claims Present Chief Justice Ed ward Campbell Judge Charles Howry Judge Pentone Booth Judge Samuel Barney and Judge George Atkinson and I Day Mr Ashford was heard in opposition to motion tor new trial and argument concluded by Mr Benjamin Carter for plaintiffs Edin Lcback Indian Mr George Stor mont was heard on behalf of the United States and Sioux Indians and Mr Robeson for plaintiff Ujzell et al Congressional No 16220 remanded for oral argument on all points on Thursday February 1 191a Valentine Leal administrator Mr George Stormont was heard of defendants special plea and opposed Mr Richardson Simon Sellg administrator Mr George Stormont was heard on behalf of the United States and Sioux Indians and Mr Robeson for plaintiff Calendar Nos 154 and SIS submitted with argument in Sellg case Catholic Church of ownsvllle Texas Mr Hott was heard on motion for ne trial and opposed by Mr Anderson for the United States Thursdays caendar Nos 17 38 42 45 57 58 59 S3 64 84 S6 90 94 102 105 116 133 and ft Supreme Court District of Columbia EQUITT COURT NO Mr Justice Gonld Lmge vs Davidson proof ordered taken before Shipley examiner Plaintiffs attorney Edward Clark Wallace Wagstaff decree substituting trustee aintlfTs atorney Lester Campbell ib Campbell time to file exceptions to auditors report extended Plaintiffs attorney William Henry White defendants attorney John Rldout Creecy vs Creetj absolute divorce granted PlilntlTs attorney George Hacdonald defendants attorc Ween White Frosth Waler alo ratified and reference to auditor FlalauS attorneys Barnard Johnson Claik vs Carus sale ratified and reference to auditor Plaintiffs atoney II Blair defendants attorne Darlington Mitchell Lmon Savings Bank dec ee substituting trustee Plaintiffs atorney Lambert Huidle vs Hurdle auditors report confirmed Plaintiff atorney I Lambert Bjown vs Brown auditors report confirmed PlalntlTs attornev TV Lambert Rels Reis limited divon anted Flain tiffs attorns Flvnn defendants attorney lbe Sillers In re as lgnment of Edward Maver decree Using bond 8 asignces at 2 OflO Attorney Alexander Wolf 3slgnmen for today Dante Hutchlns Attorneys Brandenburg Gittlngs Chamberltn toriea Med Attorneys Ross Perry Son Thomas and Merlllat Estate of Charles Lapham letters of admin lstration granted to Frederick A Penning bond J900 Attorneys A Penning and Spencer Gordon Estate of Margaret McKee petition for letter ot administration filed Attorney Frank Stetson Mechanics Liens No 6757 John Tubman vs WllUaic Corbin lot 23 block 7 aoctlon 3 BurrvlUe J1751 Attorne Houston No b758 Jonn Tubnsm Lvi Washington lot 15 square E19G Jlt22 Attorney TV Houston No 6759 Samuel EtiUer vs William II Corbin lot 2S block 7 section 3 Burrville 123 02 Attorney Houston No C760 Samuel 8 Butler vs Levi Washington lot 15 square 5198 til 66 Attorney Houston No 6731 George DooWr vs William Corbin lot 23 block 7 section 8 BurrrUle J23 62 Attornev Houston No 6762 George Doctor va Levi Washington lot 15 square 6186 2766 Attorney Houston Lawsuits No 6626 Fiederick A Nalley vs Capital Traction Company damages 110000 Plaintiffs attorney Mather No 56627 Rose Nalley va Capital Traction Company damages 125000 Plaintiffs attorneys Mather No 66628 Franels Fitzpatrick vs Capital Traction Company damages J200OO Plaintiffs attorneys Leckle Cox Kratz No 66C29 Edward Thompson Company vs Henry Hunt Judgment of municipal court for J109 Plaintiffs attorneys Brandenburg Brandenburg No 56630 The Kahl Holt Company vs John Gill 4 Sons Cornell Company and 0 Beavans and Nlkol Con pany replevin Plaintiffs attorneys Berr Minor FflENOH A8dEfiDltmurcS pQrcein MaSlrsCJiirge Deliberate Violation ijf customs Pact Demand Energetic Intervention Saying Nations Dignity Has Suffered Will Oppose jair Appropriation if iirr nef 5 ii AHJ Equity Suits No 3243 Fannie Mitchell vs Union Savings Bank to substitute trustee Plaintiffs attorne Lambert No 3243S Roland Wallace vs Harry A Wig staff et al to substitute trustee Plaintiffs attorney Lster No 32437 Sarah Alexander vs Eva Rl Eouic et al partition Plaintiffs attorneys Archer nnd John Lewis Smith No 2343S Joseph Williams vs SI Davis et al specific performance Plaintiffs attornev George II Macdonald No 22439 In re assignment of Edward Mayer to fit bnd for assignees Attornej Alexander Wolf HEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS HOLLANDS FINANCIAL REVIEW CONTINIED FROM NINTH PAGE The timber supplies in that region are enormous and climatic conditions aie such as to make it possible to cut theap lv andput Into maiketable condition the timber which grows there If such a revolution in this industry does take place as those who own timber land in the Puget Sound region and In Vancouer predict it will Inevitably affect the great timber Industry of our Xorthwest Alreaay the complaints are grievous that the lumber industrj there is beginning to suffer in a manner similar to that which now characterizes the sugar industry of Louisiana Should there be an great falling off in the market for the lumber which is produced in the Xorthwest it seems likely that this will affect the earnings of railroads The men of Canada who are active in affairs are confident that the great development of this Industry in that region will put an end to the depression which has pre vailed there tlon in land Benefits of Cooperation Recently some valuable hints EQUITY COURT NO 2 Mr Justice Stafford In re ljnac of irathtldo Wurdeman committee authorned to pa fo professional services FVaser vs HoPieimer decreo establshing lien Platnuffs attorneys Leckle Cox Krau defendants attoriej Rosenberg Federal Taiicab Compan SIddons et al leave grantd to amend bill Plaintiffs attorney 5 Ha den defendants attorney Syme Baker vs Cooper hearing concluded and case submitted Plaintiffs attorneys Darlington and Johnson defendants attornev Svme Coblenie 3 Tobleiser sale ratified Terminal Taticab Company vs Public Utilities ODmrnlosIoa and Federal Taiicab Company Same hearing continued to March 3 Plaintiffs atLoroevs Dunlop and Havflen defendant atto ney 5 me Assignment for touav Mlchaelson vs Michaelson Attorneys Butler OBrien Colbe C1RCIIT COTRT No 1 Mr Jjstice Barnard Cain is Ke ly and Cain vs Cantwell ot motion of defendan National Association of Letter Carriers plaintiff ordered to fu nish security for cos Defendants attorney Sullivan Hood Rubbe Company ts Doyle judgment bj default Paio if attornejj Swingle Swingle Mein a Baron judgment by default Plaintiffs a orner Spln Wood vs Washington Times Co on trial Plaintiffs attorneys A Keigrrin Neale It England Asslmmen for today No 247 Morrison vs District of Columbia Attorneys McNeill McNeill Rldout Syme No 287 Zetelle vs Brown et al Attorneys Hogan Baker heatley Bryan No 255 Milier vs Capital Traction Company Attorneys LecLie Cox Krat Dunlop No 297 Rich vs Mark Attorneys Wllaon DarlE No IS Copeland Capital Traction Company Attorne Mackey Dunlop No 211 Jo ies Capital Traction Company Vtomevs Ficha dson Sh eve Djnop SQUARE 583 Benjamin Hails oiks et ux i Joseph Kellv and Joseph Saunders to secure Jeremiah Brosnan 5 000 1 to 10 jears submit bill exceptions extended to March 10 i per cent semiannually part lot 14 and to file transcript until March 30 Plaintiffs snr pw Tian Mnrev to Pere FIFE ENLARGED Minnie Barnes to Rutledge Willson part lots i and 7 J100 Rutledge lllson conveys same property to George Barnes sr 524 ND 526 THIRTEENTH STREET SOLTHEWT Herman A liabansbv et ur to Jeanette Cohen part lot 13 square 1043 110 S2SD SIXTH STREET SOUTHWEST AND 125 THIRD STREET SOUTHWEST Frank McDonald to Malcolm Dorsey original lot 12 square 498 and part lot 52 square 545 10 SECOND ND IULF STREETS SOUTHWEST Jeremiah Brosnan to Benjamin Hall storks part lot 14 square 58S 10 MOUNT MRY Harry ardman et al to Lillian Morey lot 76 square 1873 J10 MERIDIAN HILL Richard Pairo et ux to Daniel Trimmer lot 60 square 2563 310 CHILLI CASTLE HEIGHTS North Addltlos Washington Land and Mortgage Company to Harry Duckworth lot 2t square 3714 1450 SIXTEENTH STREET HEIGHTS Christopher A Manco to LDChburg Imestment Corpoiatlon lots 44 and 45 square 2779 10 CHILLUM CASTLE HEIGHTS Washington Land and Mortgage Company to Cheatham and Knott half Interest In lots 6 and 7 square 3703 2300 Same to Spotswood Bur well half Interest in same property 10 SIXTH STREET SOUTHEAST betu eeu and streets John Stadtler to William Brewer part original lots 1 and 18 square 845 10 CLETF LAND PARK Charles Nixon et ux to lohn Bowie lots 23 34 25 block 5 10 John Bowie to llarjorie Nixon I same propert 10 i KALORAMA HEIGHTS Brain ard Warner et to John Crabbs lots 62 and 53 block II 10 John Crabbs conveys same property to Ruth Crsndall 10 1747 STREET NORTHWEST Ruth Crandall to John Crabbs lot ol square 152 10 623 FOIR UND IULF STREET SOUTHWEST Moses Yoelson et ux to John Trant part original lot 1 square 496 10 1329 STREET NORTHWEST Cecilia DAn dlgne to Isabella Maj lot 14 square 248 10 437 NEW JERSEY AVENUE SOUTHEAST Molie Herrell to Sarah Miller lot 71 square 693 10 SIXTEENTH STREET HIGHLANDS Holmes Central Realty Corporation to Clyde and Lois Asher lot 29 and part lots 28 and 30 square 2721 10 Same to same part lots 25 and 26 square 2721 10 626 STREET NORTHEAST Anna Schroeder to William and Bernardino Helimuth lot 104 square 839 10 ECKINGTON Jacob Gruver et ux to Charles White lots 46 and 47 square 8 10 513 TWENTIETH STREET NORTHW EST Mary Perry et vlr George to Patrick OToole part original lot 5 square 122 10 P4iis Feb 11 EneVffetic intervention by FrancV agajnst thd Uhitd States government customs department was reauedtedtcida by a cdrarnlttee lot porclauv manufticttfrerfe Which called 1 upon juouis Maivy minister of com meree The deputation whjoh was heaHediby Charles Lamy president ot the Lintofees Chamber of Commerce protested Jnbplr lted fashion against the intolerable Injustice of the United States governments allegations that We valued were placed on exports of porcelains to America frorn Limoges and against the demand for J5fl00000dutyvonFfenrJh exports admitted under agreement with the United States Treasury Departitient in 190a Lamy affirmed that the United States government was deliberately breaking its agrefcmnt and that the dignity of France as wellkas tlje commerce of France required prompt and resolute action in the matter by theFrench government Malvy receive all the material em the subject prepared by the Limpges Chamber of CorMiero and promised to bring it to the attention of the French foreign office The Lomeges manufacturers say they are determined to bring their grievances before the chamber of deputies They will endeavor tojdefeat the appropriation for the San Francisco exposition unless the United Sta tee go vernmeht gives them redress AUTOMOBILES WE are radiator experts lump and lender repairing a specialty Mooro Co 306 John Mar hill place Phone MtJn 141 JU Used Autos For Sale WE BUT SELL OR HANDLE ON COMMISSION Used cars any make gasoline or electric We haye what you want THE GISH gXRAGE 17th and its nw fej SOt A BIG BARGAIN Qtfinby limousine body In fine condition saatg fire inside will It on any seven passenger chassis for quick sale 350 Address Box 641 this office 14 J4CK30N roadster in good running order cheap for cash can be een at Church sL garage Purseley 133S I4th 6L nvr 14 WOODS cectrlc coupe Will sell cheap Phone Line 1879 14 STUDEBAKER delivery car 20 Call Crcder rear of 131S Vt ave between 3 and 5 13 FOR SALE New t91 Oldsmoblle Union Trust BVdg Von Essefl fin janl ti ELECTRIC COUPE Ip perfect condition ne tat nnelv upholstered late model terlea bargain Call Main 989 1311 st nw a real 13 Autos for Hire FTVE PA8SENOER AUTO 2 00 per houf CARS HBATBD AUTO HJRtf GO Uneoln 3Stt AUTOMOBITJES FOR HIRB Tocrin Can and Umousiacs By Hoar rjiy Or Week XXPEST AUTOMOBILE REPAtaWTJ Standard 0aragepKArorR 2131 14th St Tel North BOSS New Automobiles and Auto Accessories WILCOXTBUy DEEDS OF TRUST CONGRESSIONAL GASAGB CO Agti 628 Pa Ave SE TeL 823 ectric RM1RSrtM rtBMJS J407 Street Phoa Mata 78t CIRCIIT COURT Xo 3 Mr Justice Anderson 1 Smith vs Soufhe Rallvav Corrpany time to COLE some valuable hints which point to the benefit the general public vtould gain from the policy of cooperation have been furnished first in a statement made by George Ogden of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company on the occasion of the farmers week at the Xew Jersey experiment station in Xew Brunswick and next in the un varying testimony given to the master who is taking eidence in the proceedings brought by the government for the lissolution of the United States Steel Corporation In II Ogden address the statement was made that the cooperation uhich the i a 1 i lainoaa company oi vnuuu nc ia au ui ario res Montague Voriarty defendants at ron Teikes Ham enaj i wajhngton Railway and Electric Ccapan given to Jjrj Plaintiffs attornej Xemye ard Quinn defendants attor ne George Kooer ABSlsnnent for loday 1 No 23 Eean Capital Traction Company Atorneys Evais Hogan No IZt Fishr vs Casson Attorneys Ellis Donala oc Columbus Xo X2 Sovers vs Karrlck Attorneys Worth 1 mgton rrauey ciepnare I No 384 Williams vs Cltv and Suburban Rail say Attomejs Velth Jackson Hoover Xo 68 Gridley Tuttle Attorneys Elmey I Woodard Carusi Keigwln I Xo 273 Hacushan Washington Ralrwav and niectrio Company Attoraeve Berry fc Minor Hoover CRIMINAL COLRT Xo 1 Chief Jus ice Clabaugh Lnited Statee vs Mo embezzlement on trial attorney James OShea Inlted States vs Mabel Smith perjurv plea guiltv remanded ttornev II Tignor LDited States vs 1 rank Carroll depredation on fleer has adopted whereby there can be pnae properu plea guilt reasonable community of interests be tiewieu ADB1JUU1C1IL 1U1 lUUj remanded forney tween the farmers and the railroads will be productive of the highest benefits both to the railroads and to the farmers Through this cooperation the tanners can srtatlv aid themselves while also at the aain time aiding the railroads One of the things which the farmers can do Is to develop teamwork They do that in some parts of Europe to the adv antage of themselves and the transportation companies The commission which was sent abroad last summer by the government to study conditions of agricultural finance production and distribution of farm products found in Europe a far better business organization of agriculture than prevails in this country for the farmers there hae learned to work in cooperation with one another so as to bring their products to the market at tne lowest possible cost Teamwork of that kind is to be de eloped in the United States and it represents perfectly the principle of cooperation Lessons From Steel Trade Almost all the witnesses who have re Lcntlj testified In the United States Steel Companys case hate spoken of the value to the entire trade of the method which characterized the corporation It has these witnesses hae testified through cooperation been able to steady prices prevent cutthroat competition without crugnlng leasonable competition There has been an extraordinary unanimity of opinion upon this point and much of the testimony has come from those who managed the so called independent steel and iron manufacturing cor porations When the teitimont is completed it will be possible to itra from it information which could be mad the basis of a valuable treatie upvn the principle and expedient polio of coopera tion In a recent address delivered by United States va Unfed States Cntted States Unicd States Louis Burro Morns Belt Thomas Carte Wllllam Car CRIMINAL COTRT XO Ml Justice WrlgV In le deportation of Wah Jung judgment confirming order of dtportaton Attome Ambrose luUed Statee vs Charles Wilson conspiracy death of defendant suggested and indictment abated tnued States vs Harvey Lewis conspiracy nolle pros Lippincott Vo ODonnell on trial Plaintiffs attorneys Brandenburg Brandenburg defendants attornej Baker United States is James Davidson nonsupport bench warrant issued Stauffer is Weed judgment on vWdict for plaintiff for 250 Plaintiffs attornej Bailei and Macfarland Golden Company vs Clark Company judgment on erdtct for defendant for costs Plalnlffs attornej A Johntton defendants attorney Blair Asdgnmeiu for todav Xo 54 Craig is Mulcare Attorneys Roblson Minor Xo 103 Sullivan vs Ambrogl Attorneys Colbert Flehany Xo 290 Banghman vs Atkinson Attorneys Glesj Hutchinson Xo 274 Mlddledorf vs Alward Attorneys Qulnn Alward Xo 20 Traser is Forrest Attorneys Leckle Cox A Krati Sherrer Gardiner Xo 141 Galvm is Redman Attorneys New roier Keh Wilson Xo o8Ja Lakenood Market Company vs Low Atorneys Bold Costigan Xo 209 OShea vs Schwab Attorneys Man gan PreUfeMer Young Lunacv hearings at 2 BAXKRUPTCY COURT Mr Justice Gould In re Kalmon Leon hearing on discharge set for March 13 Thompson and Hubbert Quintei to secure Harrj ardman and Thomas Bones 1950 monulv payments 6 per cent lot 76 SQUARE 3714 Harry Duckworth to Continental Tiust Company to secure Washington Land and Mortgagu Company 405 monthly payments 5 per ceut lot 22 SQUARE 69 Lillie Botts to Henry Beig mann and Charles Schafer to secure Xorthern Libertj German American Building Association Xo 6 3000 lot 43 SQUARE 845 William Brewer et ux to Samuel Walker and Michael I Welier to secure Eastern Building and Loan Association 4 000 lot 34 and ran lot 18 SQUARE 44 Robert Bias et ux to Washington Loan and Trust Company to secuie Equita I ble Cooperative Building Association 1 200 i lot I VDDITTON TO COXGRESS HEIGHTS Julia de Thoua to Washington Loan and Trust Com panj to secure Equitable Cooperative Building 1 Association 101 lots 27 and 37 block 2 SQU4RE 153 Harrle Wlnslow to Xatlonal Savmgs and Trust Companj to secure Ameilcan Se i curity and Trust Company 5000 3 year 3 per cent semiannually lot 125 KALORAMA HEIGHT3 John Crabbs to Charles I Simpson and William SulUvan to se i iure Luci Beale 300 3 earE 5 per ren i semiannual lot 6i Same to sam to secure same like debt lot 53 SQUARE 152 John Crabbs to Fenton Bradford i and Charles Simpson to secure illce I I Clagett 000 3 lears uk per cent Semi i annualh lot 31 SQUARE 2388 Elisabeth Valbndge and Alice Wl Bnggs et ilr Southwick to Francis Saul and William Clabaugh to secure Wrilcy Jacobs 50 000 1 2 and 3 years 6 per cent scm annual1 lots 1 and SQUARD 21 Clyde Asher et ui to Francis Saul and William Clabaugh to secure 7 Wnlev Jacobs 5000 3 years 6 per ceut semiannual Ij lo 20 and part lots 28 and 30 Same to same to secure same like debt part lots 25 and 26 Same to Munsty Trust Company to secure Holmes Central Realty Corporation 1524 80 1 to 4 ears 5H per cent part lots 23 and 26 Same to same to secure same like debt lot 20 and part lots 28 and 30 SQUARE b59 William Helimuth et Uk to Washington Loan and Trust Companj to secure Equitable Cooperative Building Association SlCQp lot 104 SQUARE Asalome Trometer et vir Peter to Francis Saul and James Shea to secure Home Savings Bank 2250 3 years 6 per cent semiannually lot 26 COUNTY Carl Wyatt et ux to Union Trust Company to secure ashlngton Loan and Trust Companj 20000 quarterly payments 5 per cent lots 76 77 83 and 86 block 10 Bloom lngdale lot 113 squa 2838 lots 127 131 146 150 block 17 Dobbins Addition SQUARE 456 Richard Owen et ux to Union Trust Compauy to secure Fidelity Trust Com pani trustee 31 000 5 years 5 4 per cent Ben lannually part original lot 1C HELD UP IN CBOWDED STREET SIX CYLINDER 60 AND FOUR CYLINDER PROMPTjfiELIVElUES COLE JIOTOR SALES CO Office 213 Southern Bnildhie Sales and Service 1214 St IV HARMON WOODS BLEOTEIC POTOMAC MOTOR OAR CO 1226 Connecticut Avenue Tel 2000 gbmmf utAl lutf TRUCK CHICAGO PNEUMATIC TOOL COMPANY WASHINGTON BRAXOH PHOXE MAIN EjJ5i Si 14th STREET i The HendeWon Rclw Auto Co TeL 4521 112T 14th St Vt Justice Stafford letters or admim Lund 100 DETROITER CPasteneer WtirtriE Car J00 SMITH CO Phone Main 3723 1412 at CADILLAC BAKER ELEdtffclC THE COOtt A STODDARD CO 11SS Conn Ave Phone fSi6 aaaumadaeamBamm Ride In Comfort In dad Weather Tou can make your roadster or touring cr serviceable as a llmowllne by having us Put On a GeUel JIcReTnoId Converter McREYNOLDS SONS Expert Bods Builders Tel 454 1423 St IV PROBATE COURT Mr PUtA of MUreJ A Hal ln uionsil to Tnfianh 4 VTaII Eotate of Mary Bateman letters of adminis tration granted to Nellie Collins bond 300 uies hum i uvticu Attornej Gles Howard Elliott executive chief of the Esuta ot Bmlly Teulon will admitted to pro New Havan Railroad system he clearly intimated that In the long run the benefit to the people through the establishment of perfect cooperation would be found far greater than any that would follow the establishment of pel miiient competition in railway serice in Xew EngUrd HOLLAND Xew York Feb ll COPPBR Steady standard spot and April 111214 62 electrolytic 1487 lalie nominal casting 14 2gl475 London copper steadj spot tSi 15s futures 66oi TIX Easj spot 1S4 5 fUuure Sj 10 IPOX Steady and uacbangsd Clteland nar rants 51s 7nd iu London PHILADELPHIA MARKETS Philadelphia Feb 11 BUTTER Firm and un cbanged CHEESE Firm and unchanged EGOS Lower nearbv firsts 8 10 cnfVent reoalpts 795 Wesern extra trsts 10 firsts 73 WHEAT It iglie 2 icil fpr 49S i 1 Xrrliprn Dc espj J1 CORX 5esu3 and uni hanged KT Siead and nchanged POULTRY Alive higher fouls 1S62U jung thickens 1JC2Q old roosters 1213 Dresned trminl unchanged bate and letters testamentary granted to Grace Teulon bond J100 Attorney Nelooo Wilson Estate of John Hoje will admitted to probate and letters testamsntary granted to Margaret Hoge bond J100 Attorneys Britton Qray Lstae of Dillon Gioff caveat dismissed Attornev Mo iauy Gatle In le Walter Johnson order to ell ases Attorney Bales Warren Estate of Tnornas Jordan reference to auditor Attorney Martin Batata of Stephen Mills auditors report affirmed Attorneys A Fanning and Parker In re Tbeodosia Walter order to purchase dower Attorney I Linton Estate ot Charles Lapham petition for Utters Oi Idmlnutratlon filed Attorneys A Fetmlng anff Sncncer Gordon 1 Kute of Henrietta Bufflngton petition for letrs cf adaiinlstratlon Bled Attorneys Charles Seccn jr Sle nan Lerch i i opjei But tfer will dii pill 5 1913 filed Iilsta ot iAnlel Ballauf will dated September 6 181D and codicils filed with petition ior pro MONET tight So sir spot cash for useless ao bate Attorney William Henry Dennis I tosauto tires and tubes Phone North SS I EsUtB of 8tllsoB HutcJilns retoest laterrcn Qlerlrj025 to it st ftll Bookkeeper Is Blackjacked and Robbed of 2000 by Three Men Xew York Feb 11 Three men held up Abraham Levy a bookkeeper on a crowded street in the business section of Brooklyn Fi ida knocked him senseless with a blackjack and robbed him of a satehel containing i000 in bills The highwaymen escaped THE METAL MARKET jm muh MiMMm a Ave and BARTEAM aARAGH 3 Bart ram Prop Tl 4SS ELECTRICALLY CdSTltOLLED fmtfi ii vgaft Ameicai Pirat Ctit PROBUY HATNteSTBOrOR COI Phone Weit Slit 1230 WUconilo Ae ji Maxwell and Jeffrey LEAHi1 AinU TeL 4434 1821 23 Mtll StNW PERKINS I BOND YOU Royal Indemnity Pkane 718X Bond Bolldlar AUTOMOBILES Wanted Eoulo Ybn Cai With i SHOCK And See TEat Yiu tlef 2Vo Oer ilktit 1RVI JSbHtitlOlS Phone I 20lS i 180aMSt3tfir Sfude baker Commercial Aiito Supply Co 819 Fouteettth S1W TeLJllilT OLDSMOBILE AND OAKLAND POLLOCK CAR COttfORATHJY 10J8 Coan AVe IfW VACATION IN TH HOLY LAND Fifteen Trips for Fifteen Ministers Send Your Pastor to the Far Orient The Post Pays All Expenses i i ff rT ff hMfit ZW4Z 4f vrsiz pM mxy 8fbt i4 A JYV1 iwrtt rf iTWnTfn MlliiiV i inTnWitnilil WmBWT ir cm9HnnffipraL xnr fvtwAii huk rifirriii ir iwmwri nwMMMmwwvrmrrx rfrr TfnTr inaiisWw JiiiiiiiHc TTt A mfft sHaHiHBBaDisiiLBBHSlisiiiiK 2J xmdJk SeisiiiiiiiifflisBisHMHnHHESaisiiiiiBS8eB8Sa WS to rSallHBH Miii in i i WBKKKmmnmu WW i WHIWaBTlllMliWnilrl mmm a yft Mmmsmmwmzz amBm6mammmmMMmmmz ym pk7 smm aiwBnaMiHMaimgiiBiHiiiiinvm aj sr iaMiiuJi asiiiiiiiBWi i iiiMMb i 11 mwv i i aAak war yjfeag THBrrlll mmmmmmmmmmmmmmzmmi ui fs tfX3iJ In the Holy Land Le Mouristan The high tower is the German Church ANNOUNCEMENT The Post next Sunday will announce the conditions and terms under which it will send on a touiof the Holy Land and other countries fifteen ministers of Washington or vicinity As indicated in ke itinerary accompanying this announcement the tour will consume about two and a half months All penses of the tour will be borne by The Post Everv minister in Washington and in the vicinity of Wa ington will be eligible to become a candidate for one of these delightful trips which will come just at time when those who are able to do so are getting ready to take their vacations Beginning next Sunday The Post will publish daily and Sunday a voting coupon Each coupto be dated and it may be voted at any time during the following week for any minister the holder of tB coupon desires to assist to win one of the Holy Land trips The coupon from the Daily Post will count one and from the Sunday five votes In addition to the coupon each subscription paid at the offices of The Post or by mail will have a cer tain vote value attached to it The exact value of each subscription will be announced next Sunday The tour will be a personally conducted one so that those who comprise the party will have nothing 1 to think or worry about beyond enjoying themselves and studying the sights which will be presented to 1 them sights which every minister of every creed has often wished he could witness Those desiring to see their pastor or rector become one of The Posts tourists can begin signifying their interest by sending in the entry blank on this page These entry blanks may be sent in at any time C00 SPECIAL PRIZES TO CHURCHES In addition to the trips to the fifteen successful ministers The Post will give to the church whose pastor or rector polls the greatest number of votes 500 in cash the one whose pastor receives the nexfr highest number of votes will receive 250 the next 150 and the next 100 making a total of 1000 to the churches whose ministers receive respectively the greatest number of votes The Posts Tourists Will Leave New York Saturday July 4 and Will Visit Athens Piraeus Cairo Alexandria Jerusalem Damascus Rhodes Baalbec Nazareth Beyrout Constantinople Jaffa Rome Smyrna Naples Patras Bethlehem Jericho Bethany Tiberias and other notable places Entry Into the Contest M4y Be Made at Any Tiitie CO ENTRY BLANK To The Washington Post Please enter as a candidate for one of your Holy Land Trips NAME 9 CHURCH 9 Suggested by Address 5 fe Sfij SU 1 efiSiSgSr.

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