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The Washington Post from Washington, District of Columbia • Page 2

Washington, District of Columbia
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7T THE WASHINGTON POST SATURDAY MT 22 lm FAVOR LOWER LUMBER Aldrich and Associates Said Not to Oppose Reduction SOUTH TOE HIGHER DUTIES Democrats Backed in Fight by Republican From Mountain State Protec tioniiti Prepare to Meet Attack en Sugar Schedules Alio increased Rates en Raw Material Urged Upon the lumber and stogar schedule and the Items of th Urlff hill coerlnr agricultural products and provisions the finance committee members are jwiatirtf attacks by the progresslte Western sen tors against the maintenance ot Dingley rates ami demands for substantial proof as to the difference In cost of production ot farm products In this country compared with foreign countries It Is asserted that Chairman AldrJh and several ot his associates on Itis finance committee have been disposed ta fsvor the reduction of duties In the lumber schedule which is to come up next for consideration In the Senate The advocates of a revision ot the dutie In the lumber schedule downward have been met by the united opposition of the lte pubilcan senators from the mountain States Joining with the Democratic senators from the South In favor of maintaining higher rates on lumber than were carried In the Pane bill as It passed the House It Is rpparent from the situation presented with reference to lumber and sugar that the high protectionists of the finance committee and their supporters among the members of the majority of the Senate mayhve opportunity to show that there Is a eIlt among Western progressives over the lumber and sugar pchedules and the sections of the bill coicrlng agricultural product provisions even before the Hem relating to hides Is reached in the bin Protection Not Justified Attention fs caled to the fact that one of the leading senators on the finance committee from the agricultural section of the middle West Senator McCumber ot North Dakota has declared his position on the lumber question with an elaborate speech in opposition to lumber duties on the ground that duties upon products which subtract from the nitural resources of the country are not to be Justified upon protection principles At the some time the foremost speech in favor of protection for lumber is made by Senator File of Washington who insisted that the lumber Interests of the Puget Sound district are entitled to protection from the competition pf Canadian lumber It is asserted also thati the ultra protectionists expect their chief support for the maintenance of Dhgley tariff rates on sugar from the beet sugar States The committee on wsy and means In framing the sugsr schedule made no change in the DInglev rates on sugar except a slight reduction in the differential between raw and refined sugar Some of the Western progre ve senators have insisted that the correct treatment of the sugar schedule in the tariff would be to raise the taiesfon raw sugar In the interests of addltonal revenue and at the same time make ro change In the rates on refined sugar Their claim has been that Increased rates on raw sugar would add to the government revenues and by making no change In the rate on refined sugar the measure of protection which the sugar irefiners en Joj would be to that extent diminished The advocates of high protection among lh members of the finance committee and their supporters In the Senate rely upon the vol eg of the senatom from the States producing beet sugar upon the assumption that the differential between raw and refined sugars which original was placed In the law to prevent the transfer of toe sugar refining buslnss from the lnited States to foreign field is actually In the interests of the beet sugar Industry because of the fact that the process of manufacturing beet sugar produces refined sugar onlj Interest in Westerners These are among the points that interest the advocate of Jthe higher rates Imposed by the finance committee tariff revision bill They are also Interested in the course I which the Western Republicans will pursue when the schedule covering agricultural products and provisions Is reached immediately after lumber and sugar are disposed of They call attention to the fact that the schedule of the tariff law In which the agricultural States of the West are assumed to bave special Interest carries rates more than 2 per cent higher in the finance committee bill than In the DInglev law The average ad valorem rate of duty on the importations of 1907 as represented in the figures prepared by the experts of Jtlie finance committee Is S01C per centfThe finance committee recommends changes In the rates of duty which will result In an average ad valorem rate throughout this schedule of ZZ2S per cent or practically the highest average Increase that Is contained In the entire tariff b4l as prepared by the committee The fact Is also noted with special Interest by the ultra protectionists of the Senate that In other respects the schedules of the finance committee bill relating to agricultural products and provisions should be of more than passing Interest to the representatives of the agricultural States of the West In the matter of so called agricultural necessaries of life the Dingley law average ad valorem rate or duty Is estimated at 50 per cent The finance committee bill Increases this rate to 3224 per cent On agricultural articles of voluntary use classified as luxuries the DInglev rate is 33 8 per cent a slight Increase above the rate on necessities Under the terms vof the finance committee bill the average ad valorem rate on such luxuries In the agricultural schedule Is advanced only to the average rate of the duties on necessities namely SZX per cent Look to Agricultural Items Considerable Interest has been displayed at different times during the consideration of the glassware earthenware and metal schedules by protecdonlht senators who have defended the advances in rates provided forj In the Senate toM In the course which ths Western senators will pursue when sgrl cultural products are reached In the schedules relating to that subject The high protectionist senators did not Join In the hilarity which was created by the remark which Senator Oore made to the effect that anybody wln believes In a duty on corn should not be allowed to run at large outside of the United States Senate The fact should not be over CONGRESS COUDEHSED Senrte Mr Cctberaoa mlcortty tester aaiO a short speech la which oatllaed th principle of th Democratic party as applied to the tariff The day developed a number sharp en cermteTS betweem senators la which persona alluilooa ef a more er less aacemplimentary character vera made Material protrea no the bill was made and hat tew dlapsted items la the srst three schedale renala The lumber schedule will be taken up today Mr Aldiirh care settee that he wfcmld today aak for as atreemeDt for a time lor the trial rote an the MIL Xtght sessions were promiMd for next week The Scute will meet at 1 oclock this morulas Heroic The House was not la snulen looked In connection with the duty on corn and its relation to the general Items ot the agricultural schedule that the Dingley jaw duty on corn Is 1v cents a bushel It is increased by the finance committee bill te 2d cents a bushel The Question upw arises What will be the attitude of the Western senators who have opposed the retention Of iXnrfey law duties in the chemicals glassware earthenware and metal schedules cf the bill toward the policy of the Senate committee In retaining Dingley law rates throughout the agricultural schedule and in some instances making substantial increases in those rates The question It raised whether cither the finance committee or the Western senators will able to furnish any substantial facts regardlngMhe relative cost of producing a hog a ntule or a busuel of wheat on the farms of the Mississippi alley compared with the cost of pio ducing such articles on the northern eide of the border line between this country and Canada Many Rates Run High Many cf the rates of duty In the agricultural schedule run as high as the rtts in the schedules covering manufactured products The general average of the bill is about per cent Some of the Uem3 in the agricultural schedule range as high as 68 per cent The duty on hogs is the same as the Dingley rate which is represented by an average ad valorem duty of 4457 per cent The duty on mules valued at 113 or less Is 130 per head or an equivalent ad valorem rate of 68 per cent Illustrating the operations of duties In the tariff upon high priced articles at lower rates than the less valuable articles It Is pointed out by the high protectionists that the duty on mules valued at abov JIM per head Is only 35 per cent ad valorem against a 68 per cent rate on mules of lower value Thioughout the schedule covering agricultural products are many Increases In duties above the rates of the DingTey law The efforts of the wavg and means committee or the House to reduce some of these duties have been rejected by the finance committee and some of the para grap restore the Dingley law rates while others carry duties above those of the present law The duty on wheat which for many itars has been 2S events tmlt which was unchanged by the House of I Representatives appears in the finance 1 committee bill at 30 cents a bushel Oats I carry a dutv of 20 cents a bushel or an eouivalent ad valorem rate of 43 per cent agamst 15 cents a bushel in the Dingley law The rate on cheese Is retained as In the Dingley law 6 cents a pound or the equivalent of 60 per cent ad alorem Reduced Duty on Cabbages The House reduced the duty on cabbages from 1 cents a head to 2 cents and the former rate has been restored by the finance committee The equivalent ad valorem rate Is 45 per cent The duty on eggs 6 cents a dozen or 41 per cent and that on hay ti a ton 50 per cent are retained In the finance committee bill The same is true as to honey 20 cents a gallon or 51 per cent ad valorem and shrubs and bushes at 21 2 cents each or 50 per cent ad valorem remain as do cractlcallv all the asrlcvur Jtural items of the finance committee bill 1 tjmiy iw rmes ine auiy on lemons to increased from 1 cent to 1 1 3 cents per pound or an equivalent ad valorem rate of 54 per cent One of the lfms of the agricultural schedule upon which the senators from the agricultural States are said to be especially desirous to see the duties retained at the highest possible rate is barley The DInglev law rate on barley Is 30 cents a bushel By a record vote In the House the dutv on barley was reduced to 24 cents a bushel The finance committee has restored the rate to 30 cents a bushel This Is an equivalent ad valorem rate of nearly 54 per cent An effort was also made by the House to reduce the duties on bacon hams and other provisions from 5 cents to 4 cents a pound The finance committee has restored the Dingley law duties Insist onHigh Duties INJUSTICE IN TARjfF Senator Culberson Arraigns Protective Principles CITES DEMOCRATIC POSITION Declares Party Always Ha Stood fit Equal Rights to All and Privileges to None hut That Republicans Have Fostered the Trusts and Oppressed American People Rebuke to Colleagues IofT protection stripped of sophistry ffn3 CUlKllMlllunii XL IB 1UUINCU UClUiCE IU constitutional nor moral right and fs op i posed to the nature the spirit and the genius of our Institutions Indlvidu Democrats doubtless may be found who believe In free trade or in protection yet the Democratic party believe in neither It stands for a revenue tariff which will admit imports and yield rev euue primarily and Is opposed to a pro tc ctive tariff whether the duties are i levied on finished products or on raw i material 1 Under whatever mnl nf PVvleral power it is sought to be Justified a tariff law which compels the great body of masuuiuB ui me country to pay mora tribute to those from whom they purchase Is a gross and palpable prostitution of legislative authority No greater or more unjust burden in the guise of taxation was ever laid upon a free people than that contained In the present tariff law Present Law Oppressive While It Is not my purpose to discuss the pending hill today In detail something of the oppressive character of the present law and the failure to relieve It by the proposed measure should be succinctly pointed out The average existing ad valorem rate on all articles Is 44 88 per cent In 1905 tariff taxes actually paid pn 91 groups of I article were 100 per cent or over it has been estimated by a leading Republican Without attempting to discuss particular schedules or rates Mr Culber son of Texas minority leader In tbej benate In a short speech yesteraay submitted what he conceived to be the Democratic position on the tariff The statements of Mr Culberson at iraciw nniiwii attention coming I and protectionist that under the Dingley they did on the heels of Democratic th fh Trnr inter declarations of the day before favoring protection for certain Industries Reading between the lines Republican senators professed to find a rebuke for those Democrats who have displayed protective tendencies and a distinct avowal that the votes cast recently by a number or his colleagues were not In harmony with the orthodox Democratic creed Principles of Democracy Before attempting to apply them generally to the great question of tariff taxation now before the Senate Mr Culberson proceeded briefly to state his conception of the fundamental principles of the democratic party The Democratic party arose In some measure said Mr Culberson from the character of the Constitution of the United States and the relation of the several States to the Union which that Instrument established but In a better and larger sense It sprang from the essentials of individual right and public authority Since the adoption of tne Federal Constitution the founder In his lifetime and the loyal adherents of the Democratic party In each generation as opposed to the Federalist the Whig and the Republican parties have contended for the proper limitation and restriction of all public authority for the separation and Independence of the three great divisions of government and for such a construction of that Constitution as would maintain unimpaired the just and constitutional distribution of State and Federal powers Party of the Constitution The Democratic party is the party of the Constitution Jefferson rightly declared that the essential principles of our government which affect this subject consist In the support of the State governments In all their rights as the most competent administration for our domestic concerns and the surest bulwarks against antirepubllcan tendencies and the preservation or the general government in Its whole constitutional vigor as the sheet anchor or our peace at home and safety abroad Mr Culberson referred to the Inherent objection or pure democracy to a government that had a tendency to encroacn upon private rights and asserted that It should be the purpose to seek at all times to decentralize rather than consolidate all government In Washington Our party said Mr Culberson has insisted that the government or the United States is one of limited and enumerated powers and that as declared In the tenth amendment such powers as were not delegated to It by the Constitution nor prohibited by It to the States were reserved to the States respectively or to the people Combatted Implied Powers As a necessary consequence the Democratic party has combated for more than a century the great mass or implied powers In the Federal government contended for by Alexander Hamilton and the several political parties which have succeeded to his views Not content with the progress of the ancient doctrine of Implied powers the imperious and base less dogma of constructive constitutional amendment has recently been boldly pro claimed and the Democratic party should resist It as it would an army with banners The great aim of the party is to achieve and perpetuate personal pclll leal and religious freedom Appealing to the philosophic truth of history it wears ever in mind that the natural prokiess of affairs Is for government to encroach Store Open Till 9 oCkxJc Toght LANSBURGH BRO 420 to 426 7th St 417 to 425 8th St Extraordinary Glove Bargains 50c Two Clasp Silk Gloves 39c 50c Lisle Suede Gloves 25c itjn InltirMiiflt ffo ht tnv tho fimrttlfvn TI V11 1 -mm ucBeiuon is maur oy me oen or government to be perverted ror rrec ators and Representatives rrom the agrl jom t0 jose and for government to gam cultural Ststes of the Southwest and round rraaie wen that the protective rates of The philosophy of the party rests In duty on agriculture products are unnec ed upon those manhood liberties to c3ij ur senators irom me oTnern which Jefferson gave imperishable voice fcecticns ana especially those from the in the Declaration of Independence lrt Mates ooraenng on Canada do not agree I the bill of rights which he rorccd Into to that proposition but are Insistent upon adequately protective duties throughout the schedule covering farm products It Is said that the finance committee has agreed to these higher rates In expectation that values of American farm land will eo advance even the present high prices ot agricultural products that the disparity between orices In this country era in uanaaa win soon ce greater than It Is today TAEIFF REVISION IN GUAM Tiny Possession Prepares Law Lowering Duties on Necessities Guam the United States tiny Island possession In the Pacific Ocean like Its parent country Is In the throes of a tariff revision The natives believing that they were burdened with unnecessarily high duties Capt Edward Dorn governor of tne isiana recently appointed Mai Lau rence It Moses commander of the ma rine barracks it Guam and two other naval oncers to make an investigation They recommended changes In the ores ent tariff to lower the duties on necessi ties Gov Dorn has cabled to the Secretary vi nir ii a uitii ot me new law which represents a revision downward on most articles This will be approved by tne crcreiary ana seni to the President for his signature which will make It a law Guams Imports are about rmooo year oi wncn iwo iniras come from Japan and one fifth from the United States Martinsburg Youth in Toils Special te The Weefelngtsn poet Higerstown Md May 21 Albertua 6how and Herley Hossler Mirttnsburg youths were arrested here chirged with being Implicated In the robbery of diamonds watches valued at tS00 from 8 Douglas of that city They were tsaen to iiartinsourg ana lodged In Jail Cushion RubberTire Runabout Hand made Regular 130 AA fV value our price only This is the Michigan Buggy Cos latest 190 model a regular 130 value everywhere This Runabout is handsomely finished and real classy looking PROBEY CARRIAGE CO Phono X13 1230 32d Street the Federal Constitution and in nis first I Inmicural Address Philosophy of the Party This philosophy is woven indestructibly in the belief that free Institutions are founded in unceasing and sleepieos vigilance in the fearless restriction of government to its legitimate purpobrs in Jealousy and distrust of rulers and not In faith and confidence In them in equal lights to all and special privileges to none in the theory that the government Is best which governs least In individualism and not paternalism in dispersion not concentration of power In taxation limited to the necessities of a frugal ad ministration and In an abiding conviction of the efficacy and wisdom of popuiar sovereignty These are its proverbs in these are comprised the vital forces of Democracy For more than half a century the Democratic party conducted the federal government almost witnout interruption consonance with these principles and made It the marvel of the world The Republican party on the contrary like the Federalist and the Whig parties of which It is the successor antagonizes these principles both those of a const tutlonal and those or a more general character During and since the civil war and partly through the reactionary and centripetal rorces it developed Republi can policies have largely prevailed Says Results Are Evil They have resulted In evils Inseparable from such poilcle in extravagance and sometimes In profligacy and corruption in the decline or Individualism and the growth or paternalism In the dwarfing or nome rule in tne overtnrow or Stat authority In the creation of favored and privileged classes In the perversion ot the functions of government in the en croachments of government upon the natural and reserved rights of the people In the Imposition of taxation not for public purposes alone but for private purposes also and In the centralization of irroiponsiv and often despotic power In Washington When we return to the question ot tariff taxation and apply to It the basic prin ciples of the two great parties which are pertinent It Is obvious that they are an tagonistic and Irreconcilable Whatever rrayibe thought of the several scheduler of the penning tarff bill the measure ajJ a wnoie is avoweaiy tonstructea on tna principle of protection that Is on the principle that the power of the government may be used to tax imports not primarily to ran revenue to support ta government but to protect American producers and manufacturers against foreign competition whereby the price of the home articles to American consumers is enhanced to the extent of the tax Burden Laid on Consumers act the people pay to the protected inter ests annually a mere tribute or subsidy Of 1300000000 This Is practically divided among the trusts among them the sugar trust receiving 20000000 the oil trust 130000000 and the steel trust 380000 000 yearly Notwithstanding the exorbitant rate now Im posed the pending bill carries a higher one Un average rate of 4645 per cent or L57 per cent over the Dingley rate So long as a large part of the reve nue of the Federal government is raised by taxes on imports incidental and un avoidable benefit will accrue to American products by lessening foreign competition even when such taxes are Imposed on a purely revenue basis Calls Paternalism Pernicious A tariff levied however not for necessary revenue but wholly for protection Is perhaps the highest and motrperni clous form of paternalism because in addition to lmpos ng unnecessary1 taxation the powers of government are grossly perverted in order to enhance the private interests of the favored class Against such Injustice and such prostitution of the taxing power the Democratic party has ever protested and the practical conseauences which have followed the protective system justify the condemnation It has fostered a dependence upon government for the promotion of trade and industry which is hurtful to individual effort and detrimental to general prosperity It has increased the cost of living enormously out of all proportion to the increase in wages and thus in the end has injured the wage earners It has enabled protected interests to sell cheaper to foreign than to home markets ana to demand extortionate profits from the people of the United States Under the operation of the Dingley act during the past ten years the steel corporation alone exacted perhaps 30000000 more from American consumers than it would have been satisfied with from foreign consumers Has Encouraged the Trusts The protective tariff has undoubtedly encouraged and contributed to the formation of trusts and combinations in trade in this country by stifling foreign competition and limiting the field of opera tions or these tombinatlons ror the larger the field the more difficult will be its control and monopoly It has created a favored and privileged class and has enabled that class to amass colossal fortunes which are used to bind the Dro tectiv system upon the people by degrading and debauching the suffrage and the national conscience Although there is penury and want in every community and although this Is due in part to the burden which the people bear for protections sake et the wealth of tts beneficiaries rivals the wildest dreams of kings These vast fortunes challenging the credulity of mankind are not the fruit or unaided individual or corporate effort but result In large degree rrom the operation or these unequal and unjust laws The Democratic partv makes no war upon wealth nor would it embroil capital and labor nor embitter the poor against the rich But on this subject it would gradually embody in legislation equality of right it would dissolve the government copartnership with special privileges and protected interests and it would not by law give to any man or class a ravor or advantage above another In the race and struggle of life STAYS THE HANGMAN Taf tfcrants Months Respite to Ducky Holmes MAY COMMUTE HIS SENTENCE President Extends Lease of Life to Henry Schreifogel Who Killed Mary Hamilton His Sweetheart Jurors Who Found Defendant Guilty Ask for ClemencyWas to Die Next Tuesday President Taft has granted to Henry Schreitogei otherwise known as Ducky Holmes a respite of SO davs in order that the question of commutation of death sentence may be gone into fully Schreifogel was to have been hanged next Tuesday and Warden McKee had gone ahead with preparations ror the execution of the sentence when word was received from the office of the Attorney General that the President had extended the defendants lease on life Acting upon the Instructions Warden McKee has suspended all arrangements and the prisoner was so informed Schreifogel has all along maintained an air of confidence and when the good news was conveyed to him he did not even glance up from a game of checkers he was playing with a tellow prlsoner Killed His Sweetheart The crime for which Schreifogel was convicted was committed on November 2 1907 at H23 Duncan streets The victim was Mary Hamilton a sweetheart or the prisoner ane was snot tnree times either cf the shots being sufficient to caus death Schreifogel fled to Baltimore Where he was arrested by Poiica Cape John Daley of the Ninth precinct He was placed on trial on June 8 1908 but ow ng to the sickness or a juror the trill was postponed until Uie following No vemDer wnen ne was convicieasand sen tenced to be hanged In the meantime a petition to the Presi dent had teen prepared bv James Easby Smith and Milliard Schreirogef counsel which was signed by each or the twelve Jurors It Is raid that the trbU judge Justice Gould has also petitioned the President in behalf of the defendant What action the district attorney has recommended could snot be ascertained Juror Expresses Sympathy When the suggestion was made to a juror that they should have exercised leniency in the Jury room instead of in ths form of a petition ohe or them said In tne jury rcom we are bound by oath not to allow sympathy to sway our Judg ment We were guided solely by the evidence andi the charge or Justice Gould and I can see no reason why we should be criticised at this stage for using ourj efforts iq save tne man from the scar fold We are no longer under oatn and i heartilv avnuMLthise with Schreifogel By legislaUve decree by operation of I The prosecution was conducted by-Assistant District Attorneys Charles Turner and Harvev Given It is expected that the President 1I make known his decision in about two weeks thus enabling the prisoner to seek spiritual consolation In case the decision Is an adverse one Lisle Suede Gloves in white black anj gray all sizes Actual 60c value For today only 25c Pair ad lei Two clasp Double tipped Silk Glovca In black only Regular 60c value Special for today at 39c Pair 1 and 125 16 Button Length Silk Gloves 69c Pair Full It button length double tipped finger In black white tan Copenhagen light ami dark blue and pink red green and champagne Actual 100 and L2S valued at 69c Pair Womens White Waists QQ Value 200 at iOC Womens Tailored Waists of madras llnene and lawn trimmed with tucks laundered collars and cuffs sizes 33 to 44 and actually worth S2J0Q Special for today only 98c Womens Waists of white lawn open back front trimmed with lace and embroidery sleeve trimmed wifft lace to correspond size 34 to 44 and positively worth i00 Special for today 98c TARIFF MAKERS DODGE How Senate Leaders Stand on Income Tax Scheme SUBTLE GAME PLAYED TOO EAR House Member Expresses Opinion That Finance Committee May Have Some Other Device Possibly a Bond Issue to Raise Necessary Revenue Friends of Consumer Understand Situation law a burden ia laid upon consumers not based upon natural trade conditions not their chare of the expenditures of govn ernment but levied for the sole purpose of augmenting the profits and private fortunes of manufacturers and producers This Is tbo Republican doctrine A reporter for The Post attempted yesterday to interview several prominent members of the House of Representative to ascertain their views In regard to the leading schedules that have been revised upward in the Ajdricl blL Every one Interviewed was willing to express more or less vigorous opinions privately but all objected to authorized publication One of the number however when asked spe cifically what he thought of the income tax scheme and the exploitation of the same on the floor of the Senate said I have never believed that the Senate Republican leaders were either in lavor of or even would consent to the adoption or an Income tax provision in the tariff bill provided it was in such a shape as to be possible for it to pass muster before the Supreme Court That Commission Device But what has Interested me most is the latest device semiofficially announced from the sanctum ot the tariff makers to the effect that admitting for argument sake that the tariff schedules In the proposed Aldrich bill would not raise sufn clent revenue a commission could be provided for to consider the income tax proposition during the summer and be ready to make a report to Congress In December to the end that If then the revenues arising from the proposed bill should be Insufficient the income tax scheme as a revenue adjunct might be agreed upon In short the admission is for purposes stated or for purposes not stated that in order to answer the contention that the rates in the pending bill are so high as to make it impossible for revenue to be rinsed thereby it is proposed tj raise sufficient additional revenue for the needs of the government by some supplementary method like the income tax but not to do so in the present bill In other words a I eee It the proposition is this That we Should now give the monopolies and trusts everything they ak and having thus made it impossible to raise sufficient revenue they having received everything and the government nothing from the deal then rather than lower tne duties to a revenue point we should later adopt an incometax scheme if the finance committee will permit us Why Not Accept It Now The phase of this matter that has aroused my curiosity most Is Does the committee intend In good faith to champion an Income tax next winter If that were so why should It not accept such a measure now when it Is evident that the present deficits under the JMngley law will Inevitably Increase under the proposed lawt take it that every one knows the committee is not for an income tax Per haps there Is some other aheme by which to rase necessary revenue to carry on the comprehensive and increasingly broadening policies of the past nd pres ent progressive aammistrations whether that scheme is a bond issue to be cooked up and tacked on probably in conrer erce or course is not known But one thing to my mind seems to be clear and certain and that is that the plan is to mislead and sidetrack those Democrats and Republicans who are sincerely In ravor or an Income tax if It should bi needed for revenue purposes The com mittee has no doubt ul ready realized that unless some or the prohibitive rates on the universal necessaries or life are revised downward there will be enough votes in the Senate to put the Income tax scheme upon the bill Can Protect the Treasury In short If those Democrats and Re publicans who are in favor of revision downward to meet changed conditions in the interest or the consumer and al to the public Treasury cannot succeed In se curing this desideratum then they have enough votes to protect the Treasury 11 thev cannot protect the consumer My opinion Is that the prohibitive protectionists have played their subtle scheme too far because I am satisfied that there are enough men on the two sides of the Senate who are the sincere friends of the helpless masses to constitute a majority They understand in telligently this whole situation and ought to be able to get together to prevent the scheme in view from being perpetrated upon the American people DENIED BY C0EP0RAL TANNER SQUALLS IN SENATE CONTINUED FROM FIRST TAGE Says He Did Not Pay Costs of Plaintiff in Action Against Him Corporal James Tanner of this city yesterday Issued a statement in reference to the dismissal in the New York State courts of the 3000 damage suit brought against him by Frank Jories a former Bute commander of the A Mr Tanner said wish to denounce the etatement that I paid or agreed to pay the costs of the plaintiff One term of the settlement ot the matter which I Inssted upon If it was settled out of court was that the coun sel should sign a stipulation to have the suit dismissed not simply to have it discontinued Their consenting to have it dismissed guarantees me against further annoyance and the commencement of an 1 other suit carbons and had been able to secure by means of a joker a heavy Increase In duties In the Senate bill over the rates in the Dingley law Says Stock Is Water Senator Lodge read financial reports to show that the company had a capitalization of 500000 preferred stock and J3 500000 common and that It paid only modente dividends Senator La Follette replied that the common stock was water The debate was fast and furious and Senator Burton of Ohio came to the defense of the Carbon company which he asserted was not a trust After Mr La Follette had spoken twice on the subject Senator Hale tried to invoke the rule against him which precludes a senator from speaking more than twice on the same subject in one legislative day Mr La Follette who had gained recognition before Senator Hate raised the question of order neatly sidestepped the rule by saying that he rose to offer an amendment to the pending amendment and Vice President Sherman sustained him Baffled Mr Hale withdrew his question of order and Mr La Follette withdrew his amendment While Mr La Follette was talking there was a deviation from the strict consideration of the tariff bill and ror a time the attention or senators was centeredcentered upon a clash among members on the order or proceeding Senator Root was in the chair temporarily and he undertook to carry out the suggestions made vesterday by Mr Tillman with the result that indignant resentment was voiced by Mr Beverldge Root Gives Reprimand The Indiana senator had requestedand obtained permission to ask a question or the senator rrom Wisconsin Arter he had asked several questions the chair suggested that he was taking the senator from Wisconsin rrom his feet I am not trying to take the senator from his feet retorted Mr Beverldge with features drawn In indignant resent ment I asked and obtained permission to interrupt him Mr Root replied that he was boun to inform the senator from Indiana that he has made several observations without obtaining the recognition of the chair We might as well have this ruling settled here now responded Mr Beverldge If that js to be the rule that are to ask and receive permission for each Interruption then we will take up two thirds of tho time of the Senate In asking questions There must be some limit to general conversations permitted and the chair supposed In this case that the conversation had gone as far as requested by the senator from Indtaha said Mr Root still speaking from the chair Then replied Mr Beverldge is It ror the chair to determine when a senator is through asking questions and not the senator himseirr Taking his seat Mr Beverldge sid something about such a proceeding being absurd Rayner Interrupts La Follette Mr La Follette proceeded but in short time was interrupted by Mr Rayner and was called to order by Mr Beveridg whereupon a colloquy ensued as to whether the senator rrom Maryland nad complied with the rules of the Senate by properly asking permission to ask a question Its a pity retorted Mr Rayner that the senator from Indiana nas not something more Important to occipy him He Is wasting most of his time over there anyway With the continued diicusston of the duty on carbons Mr Aldrich became Impatient I think the Senate was as able to vote on this proposition five hours ago said the chairman of the finance committee The discussion continuing Mr Gore the blind Oklahoma senator brought the Standard Oil Company Into the discus sion and also made a personal reference to Senator Smoot iI has been charged he said that the National Carbon Company is an adjunct of the Standard OH trust and we will hear a great dea lof hostility here against the Standard Oil Company There will be a sham battle pulled off against that great trust but here is a chance to demonstrate where senators stand In re spect to that great monopoly Arraigns Senator Smoot The senator rrom Utah the high priest of high tariff the anointed apostle of protection has stated here that there is a combination between this monopoly and the electric light companies pi tho country I challenge the right of that senator to speak for the people Of Oklahoma and I Impeach his power to represent both the monopoly and the consumer No man can properly represent both sides of a contest of this kind Mr Gore quoted rrom the testimony of tha secretary Qf the National Carbon Company when before the ways and means committee saying his company had a monopoly This gentleman Mr Gore continued is one of these sanctified manufacturers who cannot tic and tho onijr time hlA testimony Islmpeached is when he speaks of what he probably knows more about than anybody in this chamber It must be due continued Mr Gore fertingr to Senator Smoot that he has some divine afflatus some heavenly Illumination by which he is enabled to speak for the consumers of the country I have not heard that the consumers wnt tht paces increased He said the electric light companies merely act as a medium for passing alon these charges on carbons to the people In response to Mr Gore Mr Burton said he had never heard in the city of Cleveland the slightest Intimation that JSAVE Clothes Money TODAY TROUSERS 1325 WASHINGTON NAVY iwu fw Serge Suits 111495 25c Brighton Garters Pair Special 15c 25c and 350 LISLE Socks a Pair 19c 50c Varsity Undershirts and Drawers 39c Kfi 43I 433 SavewTM St WE rWE NO OTrTH STORES Jilillp tRVICES EPISCOPAL tPTPHANT CHURCH 8TKE7CT BETWEEN Thlrtftnth mi Fourteenth itrttu Rtr II McKln 1 rwtor Snrlc a 11 4 to tn Suftdiy KhooL JO and Th amaal Sundij school rlr te held la the rbnrch 4 The rector will pre eh it tn at I 1II dcIlTer the baccalaureate sarmon or Hani Itttm Iaatltate ST JOHNS CHURCH SIXTEENTH AND tretrt Rer Rolan4 Cotton Smith rertoe a ttolj commaaloa I 45 a Sunday school 11 a moraine prajtar and ermoa i choral Teaaooi ThurwUy holy com man ion at 12 FEOPUCS OPEN AIR XVCNSONO ON CATHE drat Grounda Mount St Alhan at 4 Kay 1J Special praachtr Oaori Dudley ree wt St 3pnen a Chores tcataa choir im oy detachment ot th United States rMarlna Band Take Tennallytowa can METHODIST EPISCOPAL METROPOLITAN MEMORIAL CHURCH corner John Jarehall Place and treet John Rctd Shannon mlntater At 11 a tn Gotpet ef Gladness and consolation at I Mme Mountrerd of FaleeUne will oc cupy the pulpit The City of Jerusalem Sunday school and Metropolitan Bible claaa at IM i Epvorth League I FOLNDRT METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHLRCH Sixteenth and Chnrch streets Rer Robert Moore pastor Rt Wise assistant pallor Sunday school SO a ra public worship ti 11 a with sermon by th pastor Epworth League aerrlce of aouf fltla ajdresa by the pastor All welcome PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OP THE COVENANT CONNECTICUT arcane and Eighteenth streets Charlea Wood ir inlater Tyler Dennett assistant minister James IIcHenry minister ot Feck Chanel 11 a nf ser mon by the pastor sermon by the pas tor musical serriee lxi by church quartet Mr Lent cello assisting from 139 to 4 oclock sermon by the pastor musical service from 7 30 to oclock Sunday school at 41 a Christian Endeseor meeting Thurs day evening at I midweek aerrlce CONGREGATIONAL FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH CORNER Tenth and street northwest Rer Samuel II Woodrow pistor 11 a public worship with sermon by the pastor Goad or Visions 3 pm public worship memorial aerrlce for the Vnloa Veterans Lea ion with ermon by the parlor An Old Question musle nr quirtet ana eaoras cnoir a sunaay School IS EVANGELICAL CHRISTIAN SCIENCE EVANOFUCAL CHPISTIAN SCIENCE CHCRtH Scottish Rite Hall 1007 street nortbweet Services 8dnday 11 a and I ro morning lecture br Blshon Oliver Sabla aableet Us Common Scnoe in Religion evening lecture by Infield Whitman testimonial meeting Wednesday evening at oclock Seati free AH Invited UNITARIAN ALL FOULS CHURCH CORNER FOURTEENTH and streets Ulvssen Pierce minister I 45 a Sunday school 11 oclock morning service sermon by the minister 7 30 Young Peoples Religious Union Th public In vited to all service THEOSOPHY MANS PLACE IN THE UNIVERSE AD dreve 11 a Sunday by Mrs Florence Duffle Iil7 street northwest before Capital City Branch Theosophlcal Society Future Humanity by Dr Raker Public Invited ORIENTAL PHILOSOPHY ORIENTAL ESOTERIC CENTER 1442 ST Lecture Sunday evening I1J The Dweller In the Heart Wednesday I ti Secret of Occult Wisdom Library Stranger welcomed NONSECTARIAN PEOPLES CHIRCH PTTHIAN TEMPLE 1011 Mntb str et Services at 11 lt a ra Mr Gorr Shtbley of the People Rale League ef America will apeak on The Evolution ef Civic Righteousness and tie Need for the People Church Annual meeting adjourned at clove of service special business election ef minister Prof Kewburghs Bible stndy class at IS a A TOUNG WOMENS CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION Twelfth and etrts northwest Vesper erv Ice 4 10 Mis Alice Adam mts slonarv from Okayama Japan will talk about th Chrltlan social settlement work the Standard Oil Company had anything to du with the National Carbon Company The stockholders he said were separate If such a suggestion ot control by the Standard Oil Company ahould be made In Cleveland continued Mr Burton Ji would be regarded as the product of a diseased Imagination or of a muckraking disposition I am not here for the National Carbon Company I am speaking for an American Industry He did not know that the stock of ths company had been watered as charged by Senators Gore and La Follette 1 do known he said that Its success Is due to 30 years of excellent business endeavor The vote showed the greatest strengtl the progTessUe Republicans and Democrats have yet been able t5 muster tne committees amendment being carried by only seven majority The fol lowing Republican senators voted with the Democrats to support Mr La Follette Beverldge Brtstow Brown Burketu Clapp Crawford Cummins Curtis Dolllver La Follette and Nelson The faction relating to automobile provoked some discussion Senator Bailey Inquiring whether if the rate of duty of 43 per cent ad valorem should be Increased It would Increase the revenue Mr Hile expressing sympathy with the view of the Texan referred to the auto mobile aa not only a luxury but a nuisance Referring to automobile as snorting steam machines Mr Hey burn said their occupants shout with glee a they see tne farmers fly through the air Mr Galllnger offered and the commit tee accepted an amendment tncreislng the duty on automobiles to per cent ad valorem and leaving the duty on bicycles and motorcycles 43 per cent ad valorem The amendment was adopted Opposition on Glass Items The finance committee encountered unexpected opposition among Its erstwhile supporters when It took tip the paragraphs In the glass schedule Finally by agreement these were passed over and a further hearing will be given by the committee to those persons Interested The conflicting character of the information submitted to the Senate never was better Illustrated than when the price of tungsten was under consider ation In connection with the proposed duty of 25 per cent This Is a peculiar mineral substance produced In the In termountatn States the value of which In the manufacture of steel Is comparatively recent discovery Mr Hey burn made an appeal for A higher rate of duty and Mr Aldrich asked him for Some light as to 1U value After somi figuring Mr Hey burn said SPECIAL NOTICES THE TENTH SEMIANNUAL Dividend of two and one half 3I per cent has been declared en the preferred stock of the Washington Railway and Electric Company from the net earning of the company payable June 1 l0o to preferred stockholders of record Mar TL 1909 Books for the transfer of preferred stock will be closed from May XL 1309 to June 1 1909 both date Inclusive WHITEHEAD Secretary I WILL NOT BE2 RESPONSIBLE FOR any debt contracted by my wife Mrs Clarence Schroeder CLARENCE SCHROEDER Mantels of all desrtiptlone from the cheapest worth baring to the best that can sud Estlmstes cheerfully furnished EDWIN 110S ith aw ELLETT Phone tt2C COPELAHDS AWNINGS With patent Sstnre for stare city and eonatry residences will prove their superiority upon trial 40 llth st aw Fhan 111 A BASDEK1AN CUT GLASS ANO CHINA REPAIRING Now at 714 llth st it formerly llth and sta Phone Main T4M 100 a Lars Bottls Shoemakers Tennessee Whiskey A tiptop speetse far threat aadi ini affectles Not merely a mans whiskey bet a faintly Donor safe sad efficacious to gtve ymng er old when ailing IX ai bottle and to be had nly at the SMOOMAKER CO11 fr MILBURN HEISTER CO ARCHITECTS WASHINGTON all foot ailments DR WHITE 1111 Pa av Phone Hoars I a to i ta Sunder a Pure Fresh Elgin BUTTER A A a At any one i of ihe 24 iDi stores of TbeSANITART GROCERY CO Individuality is the Keynote of the new models in Wellington Hand Tailored Clothes Prices Start at 20 Sidney West Sole Washington Agents Sualap Rat 14th and Streets Christian Xanders LD DIXIE RYE Sl25 FULL QT A whisky at prped eg eellenee It year old Owe ef the 14 nnrlvsled AmTkaa whiskies In stock The Quality House 009 7th St No Branch rfouees Pbcne 174 Still Going On Our Rebuilding Sale 1250 fcr ISO Suits to Order 3000 for 30 Suits to Order Schwartz Pelzman Reliable Tailors 505 507 Seventh St PH I I Prices RJfht Work Right Dnyr I Tim Right U1L pnorte 4v4s DAY OR NIGHT QUICKLYlTHE GARNAHAN PRESS 332 334 CStNW the cost varied but that I WO a ton rra a fair price for jhe best quality Senator Burton of Ohio made the point that the Increase of the duty was eltoetcr too high and gave Lie opinion that tungsten sold for S90O a ton Senator A drlch said that he had been advised men engaged In the tungsten Industry that It sold for 11300 a ton and tuen Senator Kelson arose and read from a pamphlet entitled Notes on the tariff complied br the war and means committee which said that tungsten ranted In price from tJ0O to SLSQQ a ton Ae the Information regarding the mineral substance accumulated sending tl price higher and higher while the ad valorem rate of per cent kept It company several senators expressed alarm over the extraordinary duty represented by the per cent ad valorem Senator Tillman and other men of en Inquiring turn of mind suggested that it would be a cood Idea to get some further Information so tbe matter ot the duty oh tungsten weal over until future day McCRAY MOEXM SANITARY REFRIBERATORS Are without question the best Refrigerators made NELSON REFRIGERATOR CO 620 St.

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