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The Washington Post from Washington, District of Columbia • Page 4

Washington, District of Columbia
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1 PRAYER GUIDED STEPS Preacher Deserter Slayton Surrenders to Navy TJBGED ON BY GOSPEL WORKEE Man Who Escaped from nyinj Train Cornea to WAshiagtoa Admits Offense and Yields to JnitictfeStttntV May Bar Proseention Says Old Sweetheart Is the Cause of His Trouble Secretary Bonaparte my name is James Slayton a pastor in the church of God trot a deserter from thtu United States navy I wish to surrender myself to you Astounded at this unusual statement made to Mp yesterday afternoon the Secretary ot the Navy wno was aTettlng uto his carriage to catch a train for I Ualtimore was some time In regainte us accustomed poise Then he shook fhaaicaUy tie proffered land of the cpettant yovag preacher and directed re to Assistant Secretary Newberry James Slayton Jr son of Brig Gen Slayton Tnrffonnerly a yeomaa in the Uniud States Naty now pastor of a hcrchai Jlyersdale recently mart ried in this city persecuted by a married omafa in Cleveland phlo delivered hlm lt into the hands of Justice yesterday The prayers ot a friend guided his steps aright From Pillaf to Post i Assistant Secretary ICewberry referred thlm to Cspt Wilson of the Bureau of tNftYlgatlon which has charge of the navys enlisted men Capt Wilson sent him to the commandant of the navy yard he held for court martial on the charge of desertion the penalty of which is a Ornvof years to the penitentiary Arriving at the navy yard the young raster a rain astonished the officer in htrrp bv his strange reouest Closet ureetionlng revealed to Commander Bust Is that the statute or limitations of two ears had run and that no charges cat be urged successfully against Slay ton He was released on condition that report this morning at 9 oclock at the Naly Yard 3Che department will then decide whether it has a case against him After escaping fwm Detective Miller from a flying train Thursday afternoon as described in The Post yesterday Blay toa came at once to Washington He went to his old friend who had converted him Brigadier Little or the Gospel Army android hfs itory Brigadier Little advised him to give himself up face the disgrace and penaltrandjthen start in life again with aleSean slate Slaytons Courage failed Together they went to the Navy De partment yesterdayafternoon The mans courage failed nmVwhen be reached the Secretarys door and standing in the corridor Brigadier Little pleaded with him to go on sfV It wfll kfllimh wife Slayton hoarsely whispered I Know lfs the right thing to do but think how It win disgrace her After a few moments of silent prayer the old slum worker was victorious and Slarton started again for the Secretarys door Whlle they were going down the corridor secretary Joonapaixe caaae euT Another door after went dawn thtmstairs to his carriage There goes the Secretary whisper rd Brigadier Little and bolted after Mr Bonaparte followed by Slayton The Secretary had reached his carriage and the footman was closing the door After a scuffle with the tecum in JwhlchUhe It is reported in one ot the New Tork papers that Slgnor Alphonso Zelaya son ot Gen Jose Santo Zelaya President of the republic of Nicaragua and his wlfeifHo was Miss Marguerite Lee of this city will shortly go upon the vaude fvirie stare TOrs Zelaya is the adopted daughter ci Dr and Mrs William Baker of 1841 North Capitol street and a niece of Gen Robert Lee Her marriage to Mr Zelaya took place In the early spring in this city For some time however Mr and Mrs Zelaya have been living In New Tork They are both young good looking attractive and apparently talented and their success on the stage seems promising Mr Zelaya Is very musical and during his stay in Washington played the piano In one ot the downtown cafes and dur lng theearly part of the summer at Luna Park BIO AUTO PROVED VICTOR Rubberneck Wafon Smashes Into a Street Car and Does Damage A seeing Washington automobile and car 341 of the Washington Railway and Electric Company collided in Delaware avenue between and streets northeast yesterday afternoon and for a time there was a mild panic among the pas jsepgers in both vehicles Hie rubber Five jdndows of jthe street car were da inpUshed considerable woodwork was smashed and the back seat of the big uo splintered It was the first accident Of the kind that has occurred here in a long time and came near being attended by serious consequences No one was injured which was due probably to the fact that those on tl alrhtaeenar jr occiiJed the front seat brawn of Brigadier Tattle was grMnlnTTSir auto had almostcleared the tracks evidence the yoimg pre acher deserter got bis audience All through Slaxtons Interviews with officials of the navy Brigadier Little tuck by his friend When his steps faltered tthe Gospel Army man Would spur him xn The Devtfs Blushing To day Tfs not yourself youre disgracing in doing rleht he would sa Its the devil who Is blushing no day And when the commandant at the navy yard told the young pastor that he could not be held on account of the statute of limitation Brigadier Little Jumped high in the air knocked his heels together and shouted at the top of his voice GlOty to God I knew Hed answer our prayer Like strangest fiction reads the story of oung Elay tons life A son of Brig Gen Blayton who was on the staff of Gen Jtosecrans and later on the staff of Gen Sheridan he received an excellent education and at the age of seventeen started to worK wicteiajia as an interior decorator I boarded with a woman thirty years old who became infatuated with me he said yesterday She was married to a man twenty years older than herself who abused her all the time and I sympathized with her This led to my undoing Worse led to worse and finally to get away from the woman I enlisted in the navy She swore she would alll herself left to Visit Family Slayton said he had been in the navy ror ten mourns wnen ne received nve days leave to visit his family in Cleve land He could not get back within the five days and telegraphed his sister Mrs Fatt in Washington to go to Secretary oftfhe Navy Jong and get his leave extended This she did tout young Slayton Asa not hear from her feared arrest and consequent punishment and fled to Buffalo In Buffalo he was arrested and return ed to the navy court martialed and put In Irons Senator A Hanna who Jaiew the boy in Cleveland interceded for him and he was released This so enraged Capt Carter Vhe told me to get out jHe said the navy wanted no men In it who had political influence and the sooner I got the better He gate me a fourth rate man who should have been detained four months leave and I took the hint and never returned I have always lived under tajr real name have been in Washington time and time again and wss married here I had no idea they woild try to get nfe as a deserter I was converted here and was ordained as a preacher While at Myers dale the Cleveland woman learned my whereabouts and began to persecute me again She came to see me and threaten ed to have me arrested as a deserter Revealed the Whole Story In desperation wrote to her husband telling him the whole story He would not believe me and when my wedding was announced the Cleveland woman at once wrote to the Navy Department Th department sent a detective to Myersdale andbe arrested me In the post office Slayton was asked the name of the woman in Cleveland who had caused him all his misfortune I am a Christian now and I would not willingly cause any one to suffer no not een my bltterest enemy he responded No I shall never divulge her name Slayton left the navy yard with Brigadier Little Together they held a meeting at Seventh street and Pennsylvania avenue last evening where Slayton spoke of his many misfortunes to the assembled crowd He will appear at the navy yard this morning at 9 oclock and if the Navy Department finds no charges can be main talned against him as a deserter he will go to his church at Myersdale and try to square himself with his church people Preparing to Soof Union Station Work on the pew union station is progressing satisfactorily both to the contractors and to the railroad Yesterday Supt George JOlne began preparations for placing thetrusses to support the root of the waiting room He is Installing a big traveling derrick which he hopes to have assembled and la working order by Monday morning PSRFS TRIBUTE T8 B8T Secretary Exhibit GePlte Preat4 While on Hi Toar XVllie Cabinet meeting yesterday Secretary Root exhibited to his colleague a linlqne memento of this1 recaat trifitq fcouthAmerica It was a solid goldL plate JTosr pT six Jnches anLaboUt a quarter ed to htm by the sailors ot the Peruvian ravyat CallaflJPeiji lajjmonPu whon Mr Koot wag envois way up tne west siae of South America On his arrival atCaliao he was jpet by a committee representing the naval school which presented him with the souvenir the spokesman of tho committee making the presentation speech In good English The plate contains the following inscrip tion The alumni of the naval school recognizing the benevolent hospitality shown by the navy of the United States to our comrades th6 sailors of Peru have the honor of saluting his excellency Mr Kllhu Root Secretary of State and of expressing their sympathy with the motive ot his visit to Peru On board the Pern in the harboh of Callao September 1906 To the right ot the inscription the coat of arms ot Peru is engraved resting on an anchor and other naval emblems The plats is Inclosed in a morocco leather silk lined case ZELAYA TO GO ON STAGE Son of Nicaraguas President and Wife to Enter Vaudeville Mrs Zelaya Was Mis Marguerite lee of Washington Her Husband la Talented Musician when it was struck in the rear by the heavycar The weight of the big machine probably saved It from being badly broken ud The collision proyed the curiosity seekers chariot is a match for the trolley car in an endurance contest CANADIAN DELIVERY SLOW Consular Report Says Dominion May Be Intentionally Discouraging Purchases The Bureau of Manufactures fired a hot shot at our Canadian cousins in an editorial in yesterdays issue of the Dally Consular Report Commenting on a cpm phrint made by a Boston concern regarding delays In the delivery of goods shipped to Canada the publication says The truth is on the Canadian side a package shipped from Washington not long ago with the charges prepaid to a point In Canada that could be reached In sixteen hours and where there is a custom house was delayed one month in delivery without any explanations Ju the same way American newspapers and magazines were two and three dare behind hand in delivery at the same BQjnt It looks as though It may be Intentional to discourage purchase on this side1 Army Orders Ln 4f tienes Ver tw month ht bwn rtat 4 lltvt Col Lu rtbsr Thirl lattatry nc Inspector rL Second XJent Eobert RlcbarOton Jr Four tunth CTlr7 Wtrt foist Bd port to tat Superintendent of the 8 Miliary Ac4 emr tor dytj Capt John BraAIer Fourteenth Inraatrjr t4 Peparlmeat ot the Columbia tor duty aa Judge adrocaU et that eapartraent atej Henry If Morrow Judge advocae to Va Sllia Philippine Iilanda to duty aa Judge adro cate Department ot Luzon Lieut Col John A Hull judge adrocate to Oilcaca III and report to the commanding gen ral Department of the Lakei tor duty aa Judge sdTocato WaJ Walter A Bethe Judge advocae Department ot Luaon temporary duty tn Judge adrocate Philippine DlTlslon Contract Burgeen John Repp hntoa Barracks for alignment to Flrat Lieut Waltef MaUU ralry to KaTaaa Cuba end repot onel sorernor ot Cuba for auig Eaeand Lieut Charle II Jrr ienh Caralry retired from aetire lerut tber 11 Capt Arthur MecKie First Iqtaatry Na tlonal Ouard ot Nv Jersey ia authorised to et tend and pureue a course In mmtary topography at the garrleon school Fort Jay Second Ueutf Robert Loaber Third Caealry to his troop la the Philippines Division Orders to Naval Officers Lieut Commander Tbompeoo additional duty as ewcutlye officer ot the iFratrle Lieut Commander BUkely commissioned a lleatensnt oommasder In the Cnltsd SUtes naTT from Jnly 10 Lieut Fitzgerald to nary yard New Tork Lieut Knox to the natal torpedo station I Jiewpert Lleat A KImberly to duty aa assistant to the Inspector of rdnauee Bridgeport Ooaau Lieut CaaUeman to the Jtlssourl 4 Faymaattr Hagnet comnilgalorsed a paymaster la the United State nary from May It lt Movements of Naval Vessels Arrived Tncas at Fensacola and Iriaasd Justin at CaTlte i I Sailed Denver from Guantasam for Havana Pes Ilolaea fronr Quaatanamo for SlanianlUo via Santiago Celtic from Clesfuegoa for Uanzanlllo aadvNewarkfrom NuevlUs forsHarana The Reyal Month aad the Beyal Disease Sndden changes of weather are especial ly trying and probably to pone more so than to tne scrpxiuoue ana oonsumpuve The progress of scrofula during a normal October is commonly great We never think of scrofula its bunches cutaneous eruptions and wasting ot the bodily substances without thinking of the great good many sufferers from It have derived from Hoods Sasaparlils whose radical and permanent cures ot this one disease are enough to make it the most famous medicine In the world Therexls probably not a city or town where Hoods Saras parilla has not proved its merit in more homes than one In arresting and completely eradicating scrofula which is almost as serious and as much to be feared as its near relative consumption MEN HELD IN BONDAGE TBJBWJINOTONPOfcrr SATURDAY QCItBKR 1 906 perfeVmaS i IWtiteraUd Blacks Reported SiaVcsilnFloi1a 4 MQiim JaUVGff jistprjcation Describes Cruel Wngso ttorney Gen erawnu iays inc mattjrisei ore tne President Special Agent of pepart raest of Justice May Be Sent to InvestigateCabinet Members Shocked A Woman whose name is withheld by the officials of the Department of Justice vlsiteo Attorney General Moody yesterday and laid before him important information relative to the practice of peonage in Florida that will be rigidly investigated by the officers of the departmentdepartment The Attorney General Informed the President of what he had learned and the President expressed the hope that the inquiry into tbeallred conditions would be speedy and searching The story told by the departments informant shows the existence ot slavery in Southern Florida below Tampa where it claimed hundreds of men both white and colored are held In bondage 1 It Is claimed that those responsible for this condition of affairs are mostly Northern men and companies engaged In the turpentine and lumber business and In mining phosphate Sheriffs Are in Collusion It is further alleged that the sherins in the various counties in the southern1 part of the State are parties to the enslaving Of the negroes in the phosphate mines turpentine farms and Jumber mills Large numbers of these negroes ere said to be from Georgia and art kept In barracks practically as prisoners andj not allowed to escape They have been enticed from other States and put to workJ In such a way that they must remain under their overseers Indefinitely Among these victims of peonage are a large number of native ewhlte men who are said to be treated with the same harshness as Is visited upon the coloredslaves The United States attorney for the Southern district of Florida Is unable to dealTviUi this situation as he has no money at his disposal with which he can employ detectives or other persons to ferret out the facts and gather the evidence upon which to proceed In the courts May Send Man to Florida It is probable the Department of Justice will send some of Its own agents Into that territory to assist the district attorney The President and the members 6f his Cabinet were shocked at the information given fbem and should the department agents unearth the facts all the power of he government will be exerted in bringing about a proper punishment of the men who have been guilty of these violations of law ii ii HELD AS SLAVE IN FLORIDA New Tork Man Testifies in Ueanng of Employment Agent New York Oct 12 Alleged abuses in the turpentine fields of Florida were brought out in a hearing to day before the commissioner of licenses Slgmund Schwartz An employment agent was charged with having shipped men from this city to Florida where they were put to work under conditions of practical slavery Toe complainant in lhfe case Smuei Fink testified that he and about fifty fUoa other men were shipped by Schwann to Jacksonville Fla from which city the party was transferred by rail to Hay ville Fla Fink declared that under an armed guard and a negro foreman he was compelled to perform the hardest kind of labor Twice he attempted to escape before he succeeded He testified that of the party of fifty one man escaped at Jacksonville and two more besides himself at other places Fink says his understanding with Schwarts was that he was going to Buffalo Fla to saw wood and load lumber PEONAGE TRIAL STOPPED Counsel for Defense Have Case Submitted to Federal Grand Jury Helena Ark Oct 13 The peonage trial of Thomas Musgrave whose alleged victims were two white girls from St Louis was brought to a sudden Stop today by counsel for the defense entering a motion that the indictment against Musgrave be nolle pressed and the case be submitted to the Federal grand jury now in session here The motion was based oq au alleged flaw In the indictment The trial was temporarily postponed and the case was taken up by the Federal grand Jury INTEREST IN CANAL CONTRACT aits mm KITS Tf Hlf Society Mexican War to BoM Annual CesveaHon and Banquet The Artec dub of 117 will meet at the BhoeftnVat oclock this afternoon In Its forty ninth annual convention Officers for the year will be elected and In tueevenlsgabanQuet will be held at the Shorehanv According to the custom of annually electing a new yiee president and pro motlngvhis predecessor be president for the next year will be Hon Martin of Atlanta Gau wbe commanded a South Carolina company in Mexico The Aztec Club was organised is he City of Mexico on October J3U184T by the officers of the American army of occupation It Is composed of the commis sloned officers who fought inMexicc and one descendant of a deceasedomcerthe right of membership passing Under the law of primogeniture The society Is not and never can be large itstnenfbershTp at the last annual meeting being 2S Of thesfl there are twenty three primaty members ho actually tookpart In the war and helped to storm the haUajirf the Montezumas Among them are Gen Horatio Gibson and Richard Drum of this city The present officers are Gen FYench of Fensacola vice president Hon Martin secretaryT Macrae Sykes and treasurer William Turnbull The committee on entertainment this year consists of Messrs Turnbull Gibson Drum Capt Anderson William Stone Abert Kennedy Stoutand Malcolm Henry INDIANS ARE HOME AGAIN Maj John MV Burke Reports Return of Ogalalla Sioux Maj John Burke representative of Buffalo Bills Wild West Show has been in Washington for the past week on marfers connected11 with the Indian Ofllce Maj Burke came to Washington to report the return of theSIpux Indiana from Pine Ridge and Rosehud reserva tions South Dakota to their homes Every Indian was accounted for and during the time that they were with Col Cody through Continental Europe not one Indian was lined or sent home Under the chieftainship of Iron Tall the seventy five Ogalalla SiouXi who have been with the Wild West show for the past eight months returned to South Dakota having seen more of the world than la vouchsafed 75 per cent of the white men They saw the art galleries of Paris and the Eiffel Tower The catacombs of Home were a marvel to them and Vesuvius belching forth its fire and smoke gave them a practical idea of what their Inferno means The Indians were the main features of his exhibition andey were taken every were and given the best onnortunity of seeing the seventeen countries visited by Col Cody dUriUg his absence from Americar They were the subjects of the artists of Europe the photographersand the ctnematographers Their costume their customs and their manners have furnished rthe gavantswith first hand in formatlont ytt HEAD NURSE RESIGNS RIVALS JMRY MLANE MissMaie fC Chicago Lived Lto iiWasliiDtwfl ALWAYS STRANGEAND FRANK Her Mother Describes Peculiarities of Young Woman Who Offered Herself to Highest Bidder Ko OneCanXeIl What She Will Do Next Says Mrs Magic Is Much Misunderstood Misa Smith Leaves Emergency Hospital and Miss Shrapnel Succeeds Her Miss iBertha Orloff Smith has resigned the position of superintendent of nurses ot the Emergency HoslptaL and will be succeeded by Miss Eva Shrapnel Announcement of Miss Smiths resignation was made at a meeting of the di rectors of the hospital held yesterday afternoon The directors instructed the sec retary to send her a letter expressing their regret that she should have decided to sever her eonnection wljr thi Jpstltu Mlss Elizabeth vMagle of Chicago the young woman who has gained so much notoriety by advertising herself for sole kto the highest bidder was for several years a clerk in the dead Jetter office of Jhe Post office Department She resignod about three years ago because she said she could not be a party to the governments manner of doing business At the time of her resignation she was drawing a salary of 100 a month as a stenographer and typewriter at after her resignation went to work at a small salary for abusiness firnv She soon tired of that and opened an office of her own Miss Magies parents came to Washing ton about sixteen years ago and her mother still resides here living with her sonsEdward Magie at 2S Seaton place northwest Her father James Magie died about three veara asro He was well known In Washkigton having helped to found the Peoples Church Miss Magie was his constant companion during his life and absorbed many of his ideas Her father used to say of her She wants to fly nut hasnt ot jhe wlngs Has Had Her Own Way We never can tell what she is going to do next said her mother last night As a child she showed unusual attainments and since she was thirteen years old I when she left school wo have had tor let her pave her own way Early life she began to write and when a young girl wrote a parody on Curfew tjiat attracted I know my daughter is a woman of high Ideals Some may think she is crazy but she snt I really believe she published the notice in Chicago purely for self advertising purposes When she read Mary McLanes book she said People may think Mary McLane is crary They will be saying the same thing about me some day Elizabeth has always been what one might call eccentric continued her mother but she numbered he friends by the hundreds and they swear by her I think she Is a genius but I cant say I fancy being the mother of a genius Devoted to Single Tax For several years Miss Magie was the secretary of the Wlomans Single Tax Club of Wasnlnstoh She has advanced ideas about the relation between landlords and tenants and Is the Inventor of a game called The Landlord which has been onr the market for several years Henry George jr Is one of her firm friends and it is said has done much to strengthen her convictions on the single tux theory I know what she will say declared Mrs Magie She will tell me not to worry that she can take care of herself and I know from past experience that she can Why when she was a mere girl sKe saved enough money from her earnings to buy a home at Brentwood a house with several acres and there she lived with none but an old colored woman and a man servant She has been writing all her life and I have stacks of manuscrints now that are onlv waltlnar for a publisher Love Affairs Numerous 1 Miss Shrapnersfectionto fill the vafc Jh8 eveihad any love affairsT Two More Foreign Governments Ask for Specifications Two more foreign governments showed an interest yesterday in the proposed con tract for the completion of the lsthmianj canal ivepresejuauves ox me cutji embassy and the Swiss Legation called at the office of the Isthmian Canal Commission and obtained copies of the contract and other Information of interest Jo prospective contractors Hundreds of Inquiries from Americans who are Interested In the contract have reached the commission already and in iforntatlon is being supplied to construc tion ITT LUrUUKUUUt UIO A03U OJCIID1B I from the Middle West began reaching the commission yesteraay ana it is aiso expected that Pacific Coast contractors will seek news concerning the lettiug of the canal work 7 A Camera Club Meets The first meeting of the Camera Club ot the A was presided over last night by Frank Boteler The following vVere appointed as a committee to draw up regulations Taber McSettrldge and Walter Shoemaker The members plan to establish a dark room at the A and will meet every Friday night 1 060 PASTOWS CALLS Afnrdy Mtilater A minister though he would have to quit the ministry because of a misery from undlgetecL food ne yvsu uiuvvni tu njf uraytr uia ana is now well and hearty and says Fo fouryears suffered severe agony at times as a result of improper food I could not do much work and was In misery much of the time I had made up my mind that I would have to Jeave the ministry but one day a friend advised me to try Grape Nuts and am thankful that did for to day I am well and can give God better service than ever before Last year was the hardest of my mint tstryi but by the daily use of Grape Nuts I stood up under the strain with comfort I attended fifty seven funerals was In the pulpit every Sabbath except three made 1060 pastoral calls and the best part ofit Ii do not have any more Blue Mon day Theres hardly a day passes that I do not recommend Grape Nuts to some per son who is suffering as I suffered for nine or ten years ana who might ne well Name piveir by Poatum Ccv Battle Creek Mich Get the little book rom Therea reason cancy was also announced and 1 was stated mat tnere naa Been a general ad vance in salaries of other attaches of the MlSS Smith has been urirlntinfnf nurses since June coming here from New York where she has had large experience in nospital work She said yesterday evening that she had resigned because she found the duties here too arduous and that her health had not been good since she cams to Washington NEGRO BAPTISTS COMING Annual Conference Begins at Cosmopolitan Church October 23 The annual copference of the National Negro Baptist TJvangellcal Convention of America will be held October 23 to 28 inclusive at the Cosmopolitan Baptist Church An Invitation has been extended to Booker Washington president of Tuskegee Industrial Institute of Ala bama and he is expected to attend one of the meetings One of the sessions of the conference will be given over to a sermon by Its president Rev Simon Drew who has chosen for his text After whom Is the King of ls Tael come out After whom dost thou pursue After a dead dog after a flea The colored Spanish War Veterans will attend the service in a body The grand rally will be held October 21 when a movement will be started to raise 3000 toward the building fund of a new church The officers of the convention have already raised that amount Delegates from thlrty flve States have announced their intention of attending the conference and a large attendance of colored people from near by is also expected BOAT INSPECTORS TO MEET Will Consider Equipment of Steamers Navigating Western Watira Secretary Metcalf of the Department of Commerce and Labor has called a meeting of an executive committee of the board of supervising inspectors of the Steamboat Inspection Service to be held at the offices ot the service in this city on Thursday October 18 The meeting is for th purpose of con siderlng the boat equipment of steamers navigating Western rivers and hot carrying passengers and of recommending such changes In the rules and regulations of the board kas may appear necessary The executive committee is composed of George TJhler supervising Inspector general Ira Harris of New York supervis ing Inspector of the Second district and jonn cast or Norroix va supervising Inspector of the Third district Lectured on Physical Culture Mrs Landon Reed delivered a lecture on Physics Culture and Self expressionexpression last evening at the Mount Pleasant Congregational Church The leo rturebegan at 8 oclock and lasted over an hour ana Mrs ueea was entnusiasucairy applauded Rev Mr Ross Flshburn pastor of the church thanked her in behalf of his congregation Mrs Reed will meet the ladles or the church next Wednesday morning at oclock to make arrangements tor the organization of a Class in the congregation Hotef EmployeTalls Dowcstairs By falling down a flight of stairs at the Sherman Hotel New Jersey avenue and street northwest about 10 oclock last night John Moody sixty five jyears old employedat the hotel sustained Injuries about the body which necessitated his removal to Casualty Hospital The surgeon at the hospital stated that two ribs were fractured Send Cavalry to Santa Clara Quartermaster General Humphrey was advised yesterdahat lbe Fifteenth Cav ali tin heen ordered to Santa Clara nravlncerin Cuba He Immediately issued orders for the mounts of that regiment and supplies which are still beia at Newport New to bo ent to La Isabella a tjc rt on the north shore of Santa Clara province asked the reporter Oh yes she has had the usual number I presume but she usd to say she was disgusted with folks who thought they were In love when they were not My daugnter doesntwant to ret married Just yet I presume when the right man comes around she will but not tor some time Ttlow old is she well as she says she wasnt born yestorday Thirty Yes she 4s thirty and then some but she doesnt look it Oh my daughter will come out all right She has a purpose in what she has done and she will tell us all in good time Miss Magie now says that she meant nothing by her invitation for bids except to tender her untiring mental efforts to an employer who would be appreciative of a 10 a week typewriter who thinks that typewriting is 1 Is Much Misunderstood She reiterates her previous statements I but says she has been greatly misunder stood She declares that she now wishes she had not published the advertisement The young woman is said to be dazed at the furor her offer has created Her bold free doctrine and the Inventory of her charms and virtues are causing a great deal of discussion Miss Magies announcement has not met with very warm approval from pastors throughout the country One clergyman has said the young womans attitude Is too ridiculous and vulgar to be given any consideration Dr Scudder the Fighting Parson of New York says No decent person can look upon this young womans effrontery with equanimity It is offensive and a disgrace against morality to bring such a thing before the public If she offers herself to the highest bidder with her alleged unconventional viewsolnt the whole attitude is pernicious If she offers herself for mar riage only men tna is i must confess unusually frank She would be then as she say doing nqtblng more than other women do every day In selling themselves to titles and rich husbands tast spring iaiiss Atagie iook part in tho amateur performance argeaVda Gab lATnt nna nt tho laesl nflaosanrassea She 1 aald to nnmrrrai SI sfrirsffrtn dramatic abiUty and has been ottered several en gagements on the stage THE LEGAL aORD RECORD OF OCTOBBHl 12 1904 United Statesupreme Court Present The Chief Jostlce Kr JfeaHarUa Mr Juuce Brewer Mr Jostle wajteinr Justice Feckham Mr Justice McKenna Mr Jostle Holmes aad Mr Jostle Day Robert Gajlord ot Sas Francisco Cat vas admitted to practice No 14 Leonldes Lavaoa et ax petitioners ra United States Mloiag Company argomast continued br Mr Charle 1 Hocbea Jr for ta petitioners and bj Mr WUllam Dickson tor ik respondeat aad concluded br Mr Chartes Hushes if for the peUtlonerxr tear rraated counsel or petitioners to file reply brief within two weeks Adjourned until Monday next at IS oclock The JSxf call for Monday October IS wUl be as follows No os 2s so ii and rf Court of Appeals District of Columbia Present Chief Jostle Seta EhsBer sal Associate Justice Looi KcComaa est Charles Sobs No ltM McTarUad fa Xirbyf olmhratloa of record submitted by Mr LelxhtonJ No im sad Wi yUUt Coiupreiatlosal Church vs Brlxht trustee arrued by Messrs Sullrraa aad SarUaitoa tof appellant and by Mr Oiesey for appellee 1 Supreme Court District of Columbia EQtHTT COUBT NO 1 Chlet Jostle CUbaafh Vincent rt Schmidt conyeyaac ordered Chapman ts Metcalt sal ratified and reterred to auditor Oodsoa ts Oodson rule returnable October 19 190C Beall ts Beall rale discharged Clay tea ts Neillr do Alford ts Orme eotnmlesloa to Issue Tebba ts Wilson ppaaraac of absent fendaat ordered Bearers ts Dearers alimony ordered paid Stewart ts Stewart motion orer ruled Lonrshaw ts Loagshaw do EQUITY C0TJ8T NoTjP Mr Justice Gould Smith ts Smith demurrer orerralad Griffith ts Stewart time extended SelbytTs Selby rule returnable October to 130 Seott ts Jennings Daniel 0Doaogha aad George Gertmaa appointed recelTera bond 10000 McCormlck ts MeOormlck complainant to hare custody of chUd Murphy ts Murphy defendant to pay cost Haff ney vs Be wen dlami aal vacated Crtmmini vs Doyl et aL part answer stricken oat and leare to defendant to answer Orand Lodg vs GrKjnahaw ml discharged and leer to amend CIBCIT COUBT No7J lrJustlc Wright Inner ra Bpan demurrer snalned a to first count and overruled aa to second count and leave to amend la ten dart Palmer vs Palmer defendant plead la tweaty days Raymond vs Riley defendant allowed fire days to amend Somervllla Company vs Green plaintiff to amend la nva day lunch vs Welch et eX bill of azeeptiona filed Lea et al ts Welch et aL time extended forty days CIRCUIT COURT NO 1 Mr Jostle Anderson Colltns OueiTy Company Vs Bleakmor motion to vacate dismissed Grant ts Karrlck order of October ltOS vacated Earla vs Anacostl and Fotomas Railroad Company motion to dismiss granted La Roche ts Portnar plalntlC to file nndertak teg J150 in tea days Washington and Chesapeake Beach Hallway Company vs Walbrldga nil dismissed Crowley ts Washington aad Potomac Steamboat Company demurrer sustained CRIMINAL COURT NO 1 Mr Justice Stafford United Statea ts 8 Holme vloIaUon section E4440 XT demurrer withdrawn United State vs Pesn Bridge Company violation section 892 code plea not guilty bond 100 United States vs Daniel Tnome carnal knowledge sentenced to reform school CRIMINAL CpURT NO 2 Mr Juatlc Barnard UnUed State vs John Schleslnger alia John Mackay plea no guilty United State vs WUllam Bankstt plea not guilty In re estate ot Patrick Garserr motion for new trial sled Edwards vs Tnlloch et al motion for new trial a Thomas va Dobbins time extended to November 10 110 West vs Metropolitan Ufa Inanranc Company lodgment for defendant mmmonq company vs iunns judgment by default REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Real lore Letters of a Real Girl I am not going to beat the big dram ofenfetment aad Bale a wailful ooise Nothing is so dead asPa dead tnfatnaHoa The more a person has beta infatuated the more be reseats aa attempt to galvanize the dull dead thing Into life I am wise you see to the end Arid reasonable too I hope And brave And brave I teQ yon Do you think I will be a coward and cry out I make you a present of everything of the love and happy thoughts of tie pleasant dreams aad plans of the little prayers sent op and the blessings called down there were a great many every day of the kisses aad aS the dear sweetness Take it aQ I want nothing from yoa retsra But do you suppose that having given yoa aQ this I am going to give you my soufas weH To moaa my life away my beautiful life You are not worth itv Yoa are not worth ariythlng hardly Yoa are unstable invertebrate My life shall be splendid in spite of you Yoa shall not cheat me of one single chance of heaven Fraulan Schmidt and Mr Atutrvtr im tkt November Delineator The sweetest teaderest love iscatsae era pot on Btpefl By ths sahoc ot IXzsbeth sad Her Genua Garden Tbts story one of the many apleadU stores of the NOVEMBER DELINEATOR Fashions in Dress Needlework-Household Matters Butterick Patterns for November Ten and Fifteen Cents The Delineator 100 per Year si SQUARE IMS Bert Brockvay et nx to Alice Vtelland lot in Coopers subdivision 10 CONNECTICUT AVENUE HIGHLANDS Katharln Bolt to James A Bull lot It square 1 111 AMERICAN UNIVERSITY PARK SaraH aad Da Witt Croissant own right and execu ton to Br Manchester lot 45 Hock is Croissant et aL trustees suMlTlsion 19 6QUAKE Wartea and Bernard KUnmaek Choate trustees to Bernard A Duke lots 15f and IM In McCuUouens suljdtTtalon If TOO SQUARE 155 Bernard A aad Mary Dak to John OConnor lota 1SS aad IM la MeCul louhs subdivision 110 HQLMBAD MANOR Saatord Edte to Harry Wilson aad Harry Wardman lots is to aad part lot block 44 110 MOUNT PLEASANT AND PLEASANT PLAINS Clara Farrar to Thomas Judge part lot 1ST fa Denlson et al trustees anbdlTision 110 SQUARE 785 Charles A Holland et ux to Keslan and Uartery A Carhart part original lot 12 10 SQUARE 1208 rrederick A Linger et nx to A Linger part lot IT in Corcorana subdivision 10 TRINIDAD Stockton Murray et nx to rranels Leonard lot 12 block 1 la Co a subdivisions SqUARE 1201 Bartea Miller et nx to IsiaO snoemaser can 101 ttv SQUARE 1201 Same to Jesse Wllson part lot SQUARE Margaret and Michael oConner to Timothy Leery lot JT 10 MOORE AND BARBOURS ADDITION Plnehuret Park Company to John Brennaa lot 4 block BELLEVCE Thomas A Rhodes et ux to John aw nFt in In Stones subdivision 110 LANIER HEIGHTS AND SQUARE WEST OF B58 Wlulam Knees ei ux nrr lots MO and 21 tn waraman a suouiTision subject to trust ot JttSOO andJot S3 la viva mhwialon of aouar rest ot B55 110 SQUARE I0S Alex Summers to Mary Jtllls lot 28 ia uaviasons suoutyiuu Buifjwfc ULOOO 110 HANDLE HIGHLANDS The United SUtea Realty company xo jona aataitvu a B27 110 SQUARE alt Horatio Taplln et ux to Anale Hrr lot is fii Kellys subdivision 10 MOUNT PLEASANT AND PLEASANT PLAINS Charles walker et ux to mr imm int et in Wmiter subdivision block IT tit ADDITION TO LB DROIT PARK Harry Wardman to Mary ue aioiu lot i in Diiiwn i at nhi4tv11nn block S10 COUNTTA Noma Waddell et vlr Robert a et ninin ami ftnide first Vaoaacy 110 SQUARE 170 Heary Woodard et ux to Henry Harding loi it aau pan uiu a nrat enbdlTlalon 210 MOUNT PLEASANT AND PLEASANT PLAINS Harry Wardman to wiuiam Knees ioi i In Wardman et aLa subdivision subject to tmmt ot S00 110 HOLMEAD MANOR Harry Wlllson et ux to Saatord Bale lots is lo za ana pan ivi io block 44 10 MOORE ds BARBOURS ADDITION oeorge i Worthlngtoa et ux to jona urennan pan oi IT Mnrk 4 lift SQUARE IST Oeorge While trustee to Anale and John uiseoe iota ue a nt sou i to JIJ in WjUes subdivision SM For Sale by Lewis Baar 927 St Globe Wernicke Fillnk Devices We illustrate the vertical file for letters Convenient capa clous Heres a Globe Wernicke filing device thats pertectlr aaapiect to every omce neea WB Moses Sons St Cor Ilth AMUSEMENTS BlsU Wed end ttst 2X Crsa AMTTSEMEHTS WASHINGTONS LEADINQ THEATER THE HESS HOPKINS An Anatomically Correct Shoe THE HESS HOPKINS SHOE was specially designed by us on absolutely correct orthopedic lines suggested by a physician who is a famous authority on anatomy This shoe furnishes the correct support for everjTpart of the natural foot without undue pressurc at any point preserves the arch of the instep and insures constant ease and comfort for the wearer The HESS HOPKINS last has been a very great success with us and it is now advised and worn by physicians and nurses in many hospitals and also by thousands who desire anatomically correct footwear and freedom from all pedic trouble Calafej on Application HESS9 SONS 931 Pa Avenue I The Shop of Shoe Supremacy COLUMBIA To night it M5 To daj at 2I5 GEORGE BRENNAN PRESENTS THE SENSATION OF TWO SEASONS II CLANSMAN 1 BY THOMAS DIXON JR TOE OHWINAt NlT TORK FRdDtfCTION Next Week Seats Now on Sale ME HENRT SAVAGE Offers For Its FIRST PERFORalAXCE IN AMERICA MADAM BUTTERFLY A Tragic Japanese Opera By Of ACOMO PUCCINI Composer of Toeea La Boheme Ac Entire Orchestra tt00 Front ot Balcony X0 Bear of balctraT Gallery It Boston Symphony Orchestra FERFORMERS DR KARL MUCK Conductor lof THE ROTAL OPERA BERUX Season of Five Concerts NATIONAL THEATER Tiissday Aftrnoon NovsmbsrS Dseember 4 January 8 Psbrusry 19 March 19 430 I sw rw 0 1 aV PADEREWSKI His oairappearaace la WashWtoa OLGA SAMAROFF Pianist TIMOTHEEADAMOWSKI Violin aad another to bs announce later Prices for season tickets with reserved seats tor five concerts Orchestra flO balcony first three rows 10 balcony remaining rows S7JSO gallery first rows S3 jallery remaining rows S375 boxes 125 Public sal ol season tickets open aext Tuesday moraine October Is at Artbur Bmitve 13TJ street nortbweec la Sander 4b Staymana Season tickets ordered from Mrs Katie Wllsoa Oreen may be obulned at Arthur Smiths oa and after October It DELASCO WmW THEATRE jstf Independent of Ike Theatrical Trust TO NIGHT AND WEEK Th Comedy Saeeess of Two Continents MR8 TEMPLES TELEGRAMs Admirable Cast Inclsdhtf HARBT CONOR sad SADIE aURTUTOT Beautiful Scenle rrodactlaa SUNDAY NIGHT MOTION FICTCIXS NEXT WEES SEATS NOW ON SALE LOUIS CLARA MANN LIPMAN IN JULIE BONBON BT CLABA UTMAN 25c Matinees UONDAT WED SATtTRDT Lafayette Amusemeat Cosj MAJESTIC VONDAT SOrnTENU NIGHT 50c GOOD Orchestra Beau at MIGHT TO NIGHT A SD ALL THIS WEEK ANNA DAY la Major aad Keater Roauaco of Chlralry WHEN KIIBHTH00D WAS III FLOWER ALFRED SW1TSON A3 BRANDON OOOEN STEVENS AS HENRT TUL Next Week A SQUARE DEAL Sunday Nlcht layers Jietloa Mcture and TTaude Tilr MATS TtTESDAT THURSDAT ft SATTJRDAT ACADEMY jlLL THIS WEEK The National Stasias Iriak Character BARNEY GILMORE A RockyRoad to Dublin A Comedy Drama of Irelaad et To day BT DAMEiL HART Next Week CUSTERS LAST FIOHT CHASES fOL1Tr VAUDBVILtB DaUy Matinees Se Ereainf 2Se and Me Tka Fasoos ORFHEUM SHOW Freaeatiac MENETEKEL The Aatonndtne Zareseaa Mystery ot Mysteries Is the Myrtle Ball as Intelligent Entity NEVA AY MAR and THE RAIN DEAR la the Merriest ei Hosloal OomedT Spoetaclas wnTrtt fi KXLLXT THE FOUR NIOHTONS JESSIK tk Weader Monkey CLAUDE aad FAN NIB USHER WORK aad OWER Tho Tomboys Motion Plctarea Plxt Week TBO mMjvm ivuh tse mmnw eiaars Co ia Tho Ladr a caboyr 4oaa atyama aad LeUa Mclatyre ftc IFopolar with the People MATINEE DATLT T0 N10HT Unui MtIh i1 MATINEE TO DAY Tk only fleeter la Washington offertor exclnalTely American aad Forelca sure of the first rant JEFFERSON DE ANCELLW OPXRA COMFANT Ia tk New Comic Opera THE 6IRLAH0 THE GOVERNOR NIt Wook FRANCIS WILSON fEVTS ON SALR tom greene Pablie sal of season tickets opeae aext Tuesday Tracker of Slagtas Aejrnr aad Repertoire has returned from Eanneaad resumed bis teaaoa for tho aeaaoB New realdeae atudio U2S lttk at Mia wnXIE READ Secretary Anaae rTaao asea TWO Coats for the Price of ONE I jractlcally tk larestment mad when yoa purchase a BAIN COAT Rain coat ax both water proof aad fair weather top eoata Inspect oar ahowinc of aatomn stylet before yoa pareaaa Frices 17 SO to tIS 807 PENS AVENUE aad lot Brwy Phono 1ST Successors to Goodyear KnTbef Co RAIN COATS 750up Beautiful Skin Ii natural to all worsen If your skin Is Pfcoa Me Your Order1 mmfy FOR aVAUTT Those 7M 819 XCtUi SU Ifw Waddtac Cakes Faaey Ice Cream Family Trad a specialty LYCEUM DAILT All THIS WEEK Fay Foster Co A Daulins YUloa of tk Fairest Ladle of IM una 2 Big Burlesques 2 35 People 35 SMORTNO CONCERTS Next Week TWENTIETH CENTURY ICATDS SEEING WASMIHeTDN BY THE SAFE AND SUPERBLY ECUIPPD Seeing Washington AnteneWres THREE TRIPS EYERY DAY BAIN OB SBSfS IS A I AND tr1L FARE Place from 1 41 vis if Ws Uitowa A a Hallway TUkst Offle Opfoeli 8 Treasury Fhoa Main SO Stetac Pablte Bulldlnjs Statue Famoaa Seal deacea Parks Embaaetea aad 1C Otkat Fatsts Czpert Oaldas Ezplaia ErerytkiBC Doat be misled by cheap Imitations of on a sexlor aad orixlial aarrtea Washington CoIIc of Male Scries Jt AFTEBKOOX St CONCERT Msk MME NOROICA ROSENTHAL GERTRUDE PEPPERCORN Seasoa tieketa laclndlac reeerred seat for ealir aeries of 14 concerts 7 DO aew sal at Arthur Smiths la Sanders Stajmaaa UB sv ISiVta PHIUBELPHIA6HCHESTRA Theater Artel aw TSStpsy iesu Bala i aeaaoa ticaeta at ARTHUR SMITHS la Sanders Staymaa FrtoeJ IT to iu IXT aeeercms I iocauos NOW I taaaaasaSJskaaaaTasa SaaaaSS TOUKINi WASMIMITOM Tfco most COMFtETE FERFKCT aad SATIS ACTOR taarot tt CAPITAL CTtr ta tk nnat COMFORTABJjr aad aUrrRHKNa ttt aatom Ulea Sedas klateri potata the laadaukka et Ik seat nsUeaea Uooe people Tare trip dally rata or ahlae 1 a nu at aad 4 Faro roaad trip rwebo na ONLY 8TARTLXO POINTS Hi tith nw aad 14tk ft ad Pasyl ala air flSpaltSNrw WttaSHoun Pkeae 3et MIeS HlfK Srf Ossclao Carroll laatltat Halt Prlvat lessons a Specialty Send for cirCBlar to 3C UslTtratty Place Pboae SJS DANCING PRIVATE CtSTRCCTION ANT HOUR to as fX ta by appoiatateatt terma per eee oa wltk maele redactloe to ab ptfeato rest Seaee tMy taac DANCING tk QrTr oily full Of blackheads pimples or Ldeaee lady teachers axpeheaeej raav Addrsaa other unstsnuy Dienuaues jj ia an ujuiei nral condition which can be cured by the scientific treatment of our specialist ROSEN DermatotoftliU I22S Street Cornet tjih DAVHONS DAJIGMa AeASEtfT sutk a Claea enealan Taeaday Tkoreday aad Friday bcdaaJac at Reeeptkee at IJe Prtrata las Fultons Batablialseel 18T 314 NINTH STREET NV Money loaaad on WsVahii IHimtmda Jewelry and twreraTara Why aver eetat erkeai ya sCTSSi ret Xof JrOF eeatf Jjt.

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