The Washington Post from Washington, District of Columbia • Page 5
- Publication:
- The Washington Posti
- Location:
- Washington, District of Columbia
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 5
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
8H I TTUTQ ATTPAPTIVF 1T TMf AVnW fnrATFhAT ll I CHEVY CHASE Near Circle ViSSStli fjfj iVJrs The annual general meeting of Uie 1 band But was Quite content to repeat Capital City Chess Club was held last moves and draw the more so as It was NO 3753 NORTHAMPTON STREET Price 13750 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Contains seven rooms and bath gas and electricity hot water heat garage all modern conveniences LARGE LOT SHRUBBERY GARDEN AND SHADE TREES Coal in Basement Excellent School in Same Block Inquire of Owner Next Door 3755 Northampton Street Phone Cleveland 877 4XrM FINDS HOMES FOR OFFICERS Ileal Estate Information Desk Established In AVar Department An lnforrx tfon desk covering houses and aparements available for rent for array officers has been established in the real estate service branch of the War Department The office is located in the sixth wing second floor of the Munitions building room 2603 The office endeavors as far as possible to secure information relative to quarters in this city about to be vacated by army officers leaving Washington and to make this information available for other officers desiring quarters This picture gives but asslight conception of the wonderful homes and convenient environments of the homes just completed at North Rosemont Alexandria Va week and proved to be most success interest There being no suggested changes In the constitution to act upon the business was mainly of a routine character consisting of elec tion of officers reading ofreports Ac Regarding the election of president It is well known that the club haa I been ably piloted during the past sea son under the presidency of Veerhoft It will be recalled however that the preceding Incumbent Adams was unahje on account of sickness to respond last year to an insistent call for his reelection Those who are unaware ot it will be glad to know that Mr Adams hag entirely recovered his health thereby placing him in the status quo from the chess viewpoint Recognizing these facts Mr Veer hoff in a graceful speech nominated Mr Adams to be president for the ensuing season The nominations were immediately closed and Mr Adams was unanimously elected Byler was elected vice president I Cake was reelected secretary andA Clayton was reelected treasurer The new executive committee consists of Messrs JCalmbach Norwood Pray Taylor Veerhoff and Walker A lively discussion took place relative to the 33 per cent raise in rent which has been placed on the clubs quarters This brought up the question of making a proportionate increase in the members dues more especially in connection with the proposed enlargement of the clubs quarters But as this was a matter of constitutional amendment it could not be settled at the moment It was decided however to stand the raise and in case the necessity of for it arose it was the sense of the meeting by a vote of 33 for to 3 against that the suggested increase in the dues would be equitable The report of the treasurer A Clayton gave much satisfaction in spite of the fact that a good many members were In arrears for dues But this Jt was explained was a chronic end of the summer complaint peculiar to all chess clubs The net assets of the club on October 1 were 60007 500 of which is In paid up liberty bonds Mr Clayton was the central figure in an interesting little ceremony which took place at the close of the meeting This was the presentation to him of a handsome set of chessmen from his many friends among the members in token of his indispensable services as treasurer of the club Mr Byler made the presentation in a happy speech and the recipient though genuinely surprised feelingly voiced his keen appreciation in a felicitous reply Interior vs Agriculture The annual chess team match between the Agriculture and Interior Departments has beeriy arranged to take place next Wednesday October 15 commencing at 8 Through the courtesy of the club officials the match will be played at the Capital City Chess Club Washington Loan and Trust building Ninth and streets arid all persons interested in chess are invited to witness the play The respective team captains Walker for Interior and Roberts for AgrfMilturG xpec to fcavo on hand from 15 to 20 men a side Several of the strongest players in the city are eligible to play on the teams so there will likely be some high class exhibitions on the top boards 30 Detached Hollow Tile Houses Just Completed Come Out Today and Select Your Home These houses contain from 7 to 10 rooms 1 and 2 baths hardwood floors Have all modern conveniences including electric lights and gas large cellar toilet in cellar separate servants room and garage Large lot 50x135 THE IDEAL SITE FOR YOUR HOME TO INSPECT Take Mount Vernon car at 12th and Pennsylvania Ave to North Rosemont Station Owner on Premises Daily and Sunday Johnston Arlington Va Telephone Rosslyn 34 5 Vf Bargain in a Downtown Residence 1812 St NW This house is in an exclusive downtown residential section one block south of Pupont Circle and just across the street from the British Embassy House has just been newly decorated Garage in rear IMMEDIATE POSSESSION can be given Harry Wardman Sale Department 1430 Street NW Mam 4190 Amateur and Capa Draw Robert Hamilton of Canton Ohio who obtained most of his practice thougl the medium of correspondence chess was one of the three opponents in Capablancas notable performance at Cleveland last spring who drew their games Hamilton had the upper late and he had his mind on the last trolley for Canton The score fpUowa BIRDS OPENING Capablanca White UP KB4 2tXt KBS 5 QKtS 4 Kt K3 6 K2 ti Castles 8 Kt 4K5 9 PxB 10 Q4 11 PxP 12 Xt Q2 13 RxB 14 R3 15 B3 IS BxP 17 Kt 18 B2 QxKt PxP RS 24 Kt2 25 KB2 26 KtxP 27 KKt4 28 Q3 29 Q2 30 KtxKt 31 Kt3 32 B2 33 RSok 34 B3ck 35 R8ck 36 B3ck Drawn Hamilton Black Q4 Kt OB3 Kt Bl B4 KS 03 Castles BxKt Kt Q3 B3 KtatBP Kt QKt5 PxR B4 Kt B3 Kt K5 Kt B6 KtxRck QKt3 QxP B5 QR Q3 PxP KR4 KKt4 Kt Ki KtxP QxKtck K8ck K3 B2 Kt B2 Kt Problem No 385 Br SAMUEL SEPI OWE Bltcfc 4 pieces White 6 pieces White to play and mate in two mores Answers to Problem Knight to B6 is the key to problem No 364 A fine composition writes Byford In sending in answer says Certainly glad omission of problem was only a mistake Kerr writes Not so difficult as some former ones Kassel says Nice problem but not difficult Yoakley thinks the two moves more popular as it takes too much time to find the key to three xnoVes Others sending in solutions are A Beckowltz Harris A House Greene A Dennis Cobb and A FIND FRANK DEAD IN E00M Baltimorean Had Been Connected 101 Years With Maryland Racing Special to The Washington Post Baltimore Md 0 11 Moses yrank one of the best known men about town and who had been for a number of years connected with racing associations in Marylaud was found dead in his room Friday Mr Frank was a son of th late Samuel lrank a well known Baltimore butcher At one time Mr Frank was associated in business with his father Subsequently he became interested in racing and was retained by all the associations as an exptt ae GUitrnt in charge of tho rautuei machines HI BROOKLAND CORNER Lot 100 150 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 8 Rooms and Bath Price 8000 The Smith Co 815 15th St Phone Main 6464 Guarding Your Interests You see having placed our Rental Department upon a genuine service basis under the direction of Mr Hege who knows the renting proposition inside out we are in position to handle your property to its very best present and future advantage You are relieved of all the responsibility and assured of personal interest You know how much vthat means Consult Mr Hege and stop worrying with the annoying details of property management Allan Walker Gpv Inc 813 Fifteenth Street Southern Building sU 1 is ry i 4ii i Ll Zl irizz jJ i At Is tWMvK 4 rt it tfrji 7 i Make Y6ur mffl Gome True N0S1 PEP SERVICE WffJS A constant flow of clients streaming into our offices buying and selling some of the best home BARGAINS ever offered Our five trunk lines and twenty branch stations have kept so busy answering interested clients that line busy has become a too frequent response to those wishing to reach us Intending to live up to our reputation for PEP SERVICE we have placed our order for another five trunk lines and several new branch stations to eliminate delay and waste of time Our Pep Equipment Yours for PEI PMV1 Ten Telephone Trunk Lines Thirty Branch Stations Several New Office Assistants Twenty New High Caliber Salesmen Hundreds of Houses for Sale Many Investment Opportunities ThLi is Our PEP SERVICE Plant We Can Sell for You Promptly We Can Sell You Quickly Let Us Do It Now NOW Real Schroder Estate and Investments 14th Street NW Telephone Franklin 1208 mm i3 I i msmemmmwmmsm msmMSmmmm.
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