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Fort Wayne Daily News from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 2

Fort Wayne, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

35 5SW TOtoAfWrP WpM JHJJ FORT WAYNE DAILY NW3 Saturday Oqtober it 1W i 4 MlsX rri tt Fowler has gone to Chicago for a few days' Visit. jrian Mi' rArKUJBAWLllLBfiJ0. i fcarrett tomui for a brief Melt Hh friends. Mrs. Lillian Cox has gone to Detroit Mlcht where the expects Jo locate per manently Mrs.

George Esmond 1ms returned from extended visit In northern Minnesota The Misses Mabel AUrtlri and Mary Henderson will go to Chlcajo tonight for a short Usit with friends. Jlrs Katte and Mrs. V. Murphy ot Lavina avenue will sperid tle com ing week with friends In Chicago The Wisios Lillian Way and Clara Oerdlns entertained Informally last at their home on John treet JIlfB JoAi Honey is entertaining houso part)1 of Wendl at the lo cottage at RoiTia Citj the eck- end. Mr.

and. Jiri. D. IChystr and dauBi ter. Miss Adelia o-f Wilt street gone to Chicago for a few dajs' Jslt with trknds Mrs Ilelonsteln of Monroe street entertaiiied the members ot tho Jolly Twelve tlub iry pleasantly at her home on Thursday evenlps- ft Mrs Dahl Grpcn and daughter Miss U' Helen Louise of Gallon.

0 are visit- Irg her parents Mr. and Mrs II Gates nf Suttenlleld etieet The LadltB' society of Deborah R6- hecca lodge 111 be entertained on Wednesday afternoon from 2 until by Mrs. Oarber of 1704 West Main street The ChilMlan Endeavor society of the Graco formed clurch will glic a perny supper In the parlors of the church on the evening of Oct IT fiom 5 until 8 o'clock. Mrs. A.

3. Nickel went to Lake Wa- wasee today and Mr. Nlckcll and Mhs Edith Nlckell will go within a few days to spend a short tune at their summer home before closing It for the season. The Misses Pauline Herring Hose Keller and Adeila Ehrman and Messrs. George Haswell George Schwartz and Chester Warrcnt will be the guests of Mrs.

John Rhodes at Wabesh our the week-end. The Woman's eRadlng club will be entertained by MSB Atma Lonry and Mrs. Kills Branson at Mrs. Bransons apartments In tha White on Tuesday afternoon Oct 14 at 2:30 o'clock Each Tnembcr Is requested to bring a guest Mr and Mrs. J.

A Calhoun and daughter Miss Julia have returned from the cast. Mrs. Calhoun and daughter have been spending the sum mer with relatives In- Pennsylvania where Mr. Calhbin lncd them a few V. hs ustv Mrs Daw eon lias gone to Chi- ciigo for a few days' Kit with rela tives.

NU week he will go to In- dlanarinKs to attend the State federa tion of Romans. Clubs and will re- tun to this qlty for short stay be fore going to Toledo when she will irBke her home. Indefinitely Th ladles of the Plymouth Congre gational cfiurch met on Thursday aft ernoon at the home ot Mrs. J. 8.

House and organized a missionary society for which officers were elected as follows Mrs. A J- Folsotn president Mrs. Mossman vice-president Mrs Al ice PvMelgs secretary. Meetings will be hold at the homes of members on the third Tuesday In each month. Invitations were Issued today by Mr.

and Mrs. Charles William Orr to tha marriage of their daughter Jessie nil to Mr Herbert Hamilton Wagenhals which will take place at the home ot the bride 624 west Wayne street on the evening of Saturday Oct. 25 at half after 8 o'clock. Cards read that th bride and groom will be at home after Monday December. 1 at U4U Aahbury avenue Cleveland 0 The Uloomlngcale teachers' association will hold Its first meeting the year on bext Friday afternoon OcL 17 at 330 o'clock.

Dr. AE Bui- son Jr. ulll give the talk of the after noon on the Kye Nose and Throat. Important business that calls for the Judgment of all the parents Is to be transacted so a large attendance Is deelret Parents are Invited to visit any or all class rooms where regular work Is In progress from 1JO to 320 o'clock. Miss Helen Hltzeman and Miss Either fttraeburg united In giving a Very pretty party last evening at the tatters home In Tulton street In honor of Miss Ddna Klaehn a elect of inset Wednesday Progressive hearts were enjoyed during the evening and at the close of the game the bride- elect was Driven a miscellaneous show er Delicious refreshments were served by the hostesses and the table looked Its pmtlest In Its dainty ap pointments of pink and white Pink roses formed tha centerpiece and the large corsage bouquet Which was Miss Klaehns special gift and elngle buds Were the favors foreach guest Covers Were laid for twelve.

Itfrs. Scott gaU a very lovely Children's party at her home on Mont gomery street this afternoon from 2:33 until 6 o'clock la honor of her small son Wayne who Is celebrating his fifth birthday anniversary today. There ere all sorts of younRs. terr games to amust the fourteen little girls and boys who came to this delightful party and at 4 o'clock they were Invited to the atnlng room where a beautiful sight wet their ejes. the supper table was decorated in red and white and a large white birthday cake with five blazing candles surrounding It filled the center.

Ribbons of red crepe1 paper were stretched from the corners of the table to the chandelier and from thU red baby ribbons reached to each place where Individual crystal holders held tiny candles burning brightly. Master Wayne's chair was trimmed for the occasion with festoons of rod crepe paper and the most unique little tojs were glien to ach child at this place. Mrs a Slater and Mrs Illtremnn islsted Mrs. Bcott In curing for tha children and In serving the dainty refreshments. Meeting of Mothers' Club.

The rguiar monthly meeting of the Lyrlo Theater BIdg. 1012 Oalhcran St. WHERE FORT VAtNE GETS HER GLASSES" Until a short time ago scarcely one person in a thousand had ever tastefl a really good soda cracker as it came fresh and lcrisp feomJheQven Now everybody can know and enjoy the crisp goodness of fresh baked soda crackers with out going to the bakers oven. Uneeda Biscuit bring the bak ery to you. A food to live on.

Stamina for work ers. Strength for the delicate. Give them to the little folks. Five cents. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Mothers' club will be held on Friday ftftcinoon Oct 17 at 2ISO o'clock In th Young Woman's Christian associa tion building.

Miss Mary Armstrong of Indianapolis will give a talk on the Dunning SjMpiu of Musical Train- Ing For Young Children trat Ing how the first principles bf music may be presented to children In a manner that appeals to the child's stnso of pleasure. An mother inter- eMed In the work may attend Continued on i Ten PEflRINE IS HURT ROPE ACROSS ROAD RESPOSIBLE FOR NASTY ACCIDENT. Mrs. Dan Been Occupying Front Seat With Father Elcapes With Only Slight Injuries. Van B.

Perrlne today 1s suffering considerable pain tut not ID a ser ious fiondlllbn as a result of Injuries Kuctalned when a car In which he was drlrlng BIth Mrs. Perrlne his daugh ter Mrs. Dan Beers and a niece Miss Mary Judson struck a rope stretched across the Coving ton road three miles ut of the city The rope had bfcen placed across the road to prevent travelers from running Into ditch from which the bridge had been re moved. The party had passed the spot a short time before but thef rope vas stretched betor they returned. The red light still vm at the side of the road and the machine Crashed Into ths obstruction without any earning It tmashed the windshield and catch- Ing Mr.

Perrlne about the neck nearly tore him out of his Beat and did whirl the car overt othe side of the road against a stump. Mr. Perrlne was able to extricate the machine and drive It back to the city but a short time later began to feel the effects of his injuries. He is suffering Intense pain today but is not In a dangerous con dition. MrsBan Beers who occupied tne front seat With her father escaped with only minor bruises and Mrs.

Per rlne and Miss Judson were not Injured except for some bruises made by the tup falling on them. Earlier In the evening an electric car belonging to Mr. Perrlne was stolen from In front of hla residence 602 West Berry street and driven six miles north on th Goshen road to the 8 Sunderland farm where It was abandoned after hailng been driven ito the ditch Joe Perrlne made a trip to tha scene and assisted In the search tor thettleies but tluy were not apprehended. Mr. Bunderland who saw the men aald that both were Intoxicated and Sheriff Gladleu today Is scouring the neighborhood for them POSTER ADVERTISING Company is Formed by Local Mtn W.

B. Merrill Managtr The Northern Indiana Poster Adyer- lntog company a new company to care Cor tha billboard advertising through out northern part ot the state has Lecn formed by a number of local men. B. of the Fort Wiyiia Bill Posllne company1 has been selected to toannge tho business of the company. H.

ghambaugh Is president and J. J. Dlster of the Oerman-Amcrtcan Trust company secretary The company proposes to erect elve bill posting plants the cities ot northern Indiana such as Qarrett Angela and others and to care for the bill posting throughout this section of he state In a systematic manner. It is expected to have some of the plants operation by Dee 1 Billboard will 5e erected not enly In the twelve cities but In the territory from which these cities draw their business. The vaet experience of Mr Merrill In the poster advertising business and the advant ages to be gained by having the blU- Iwird advertising of thlji section of the state under one head promine success to the new eomfmny.

LOCAL MAN Named Superintendent of Strttta at i Chiaago. Walter Lelnlnger formerly of this city ha been named superintendent of streets at Chicago bythe civil service commission and his many local friends will be Interested In hearing of his rrogresi. Mr Lelnlnger has been In the crnpl6y of the city of Chicago sine 1908 whSn he was gtadnated from Armour Institute He staited at rod- man In the Jjureau ot bridges. The following- year he was mad fourth grade engineer in the bureau of en- elncerlnir working In the southwest Unit tunnel. From 1JM to 1101 hi wa seventh trade engineer In the lureau of streets and In October of he was nad assistant iup r- nttndent of streets.

Mr. Lelnlnger Is he youngest superintendent he city of Chicago ha ever known Mug but thirty-one years of age. lit la th lh of Mr JVed Rogge of 1JI8 F-ait Lewis street Hfcr new position carries tilth It a salary of 16000 and It come as a high compliment to he ability of the joung man Hifgeman Ctta Contract Henry HHgcman yMterdar wa antrdeo tha contract for remodeling th Kelly hotel at Ktndallville on plant prfpared by Mahurln Malwln. Th rwMtructlon work will be rtea Imn 4Iately JOE-BELL'S SUPPORTERS INVADE STATE NOOSE TO LEVY TRIBUTE ON OFFICIALS FOR INDIANAPOLIS CAM PAIGN. Special to the JOews INDIANAPOLIS.

Oct 11 ThereIs much kicking among the democnts employed In the stale house over tie fact that they have been called on to contilbute to the Indianapolis city campaign fund of the democrats for the purpose ot helping to elect Joseph Bell the democratic candidate for mayor. The complaint vhtch Is being made In private but which Is never theless Vigorous comes from thetact that practically all of these state bouse emplojea come from other counties In the state and have no personal Interest In the Indianapolis city election. They say that they alnajs contribute and take part In the city campaigns in their own home towns and that It Isunfair to ask them to give up their money also for the Indianapolis local cnm palgn where nothing but local affairs are at stake It has transpired that not only are the democratic state house tmnlo es contributing to this fund but that 3am Perrott insurance actuary In the state auditors office Is the man that Jt collecting the inoney from them. Per rott has a MOPO a year job. He lives In Indianapolis and he Is spending rruch of-his time forwhich the state pays himhit salary.

In looking atyer the collection of his money for local use Contributions have been solicited from everybody In the state house from the. lowest paid position to the hlgUeat salaried state officials Tha Taggart machine which Is moving heaven and earth to elect Dell In full coatrol at the state house from the governors office down to the last nan and tie employes and officials realize that- It they were to refuse to chip In for the Indianapolis campaign they would not to likely to hold onto their Jobs- when their present terms expire even in cese of another democratic victory A Bio Up. The contributions tun all he way from to 100 and this will produce a good sized sum at the Mate house alone for there are fully JOO persons employed there all but a few being democrats. It Is thought that the city campaign will be enriched to tha tent of from 1600 to 2000 by these state house contributions. It has transpired however that i.

few of the employes and officials have reused to contribute but they are very few Those who balk do so on the round that they have to contribute their home campaigns and that they Bee no reason why they riiould je asked to help with the local cans lalgn In this city. Of course they will be marked men from now on for he organization will have them pot ted for the future. Bookw lter' Warning. Charles A Bookwalter republican candidate for mayor of this city gave a warning to the democrats In a npeech that la ot interest to he democrat ot the entire state. He told them that he same interests are trying to carry he democratic machine to victory In his city are reaching out all over the state and trying to ccmtrol the nomina tions and the election in all icf the cities but that the real purpose Is to theje Interests ire vastly more far reaching thaft the mere control of the cities but that the real purpose I to securely Intrench themselves In fower that they may join with the Tammany machine In New York and th liogn SUlltvan machine' In Illinois and similar machines in other state go.

as to bin der President Wilson from carrying out the democratic reform Ideas' Which le Is seekingto put Into effect at Washington. He says If these interests can telxo control of the democratic organization and party In this state Ihey Will be able to prevent the jpres dent from doing the things he ba set out to do Thin warning has had Its effect and when' It becomes known throughout the state It believed It will hav tile seme effect there. Many democrats lave come to a realization of tha fact their party Is In bad hands and that ft Is likely to go deeper Into those same hands and many ot them or now hesitating about supporting tha City ticket And while this 1 coin on among the democrats heri. Book- waiters chances for election as mayor are growing brighter every day. Bookwalter a has disclosed some mlltlcal history of the- mzcampalgrj It tayi that before the rogres lv state convention was held a committee ot progressive leaders called on him and begged him to accept pro gressive nomination for governor.

They offered to give It to him but he de clined saying that he was still a re- jubllcan and expected to remain loyai that party Bank Cltaraneta Ban clearances for tha week were a follows Monday fM W5UM 282 7. Wednesday i W087JJ5 Thursday 2MU7n Friday 213K7M Saturday 78a. Total leT9M Balances lM7lg99 Lastiweek lJ772Hn Last year UB94514 NATURE FAKE OB A LEGIURE JUDGE MUNOOVAN GIVESDRUNK SOME ADVICE. Kind a Wiy Sort ofAffif That Had Polio Court. Quitting Looked Lk Good Indian.

PcUcs court this itforhlnj was about evenly. dlvUlad r- lo If Frank Munsovia purposely was na ture faklnfc whether he waa dellv erlnrf a clever tomporanco lecture when ha gave Nelson Toughs om advice. Ybuffhs had heon arrested at Ui Pennsylvania station by Lieutenant Neuter or drinking whis key out of a bottle In the watting rqom and for cursing- the officer whoa lis re monstrated with hint Til One you 110 and costs And. the next time you want to take a drink of whiskey In th Pennsylvania depot BO out In tui Allay and Keep your mouth shut tha court said. Passing over tha Impossibility of taking a drink in tha Pennsylvania elation while In an alley torn plac el39 the question of iow a man it golnc to drink ft hlskey If ha jteops his tnouth abut obtrudes Itself Maybe tho court was offering a little disguised temperance lecture and maybe ho was just nature faking.

Either Interpretation goes. was the only an- twcr the Judge would give after court had adjourned The charge of dtlnklnsr whiskey in a railroad station Id a lerlous one en tailing a flueof not less than flO to which. 4 healthy Jail sentento may ba attached. Two young- fellows who by prowling around the neighborhood In Lawlon park place last evening frightened sev eral worAfcti and children were turned oose on tlicli promises to get Jobs or eave town This Is the neighborhood In which two vicious attacks on wom en were made recently. Two plain drunks who were found sleeping on the grass in the rear of 1701 Lafayette street jesterday evening wore turned oose this morning as both have jobs.

Ed Skaggs A negro was fined 1 and costs on his reappearance In court this morning. was turned loose only resterday morning and Immediately roceeded to get drunk again Charles Craft became bewllderei near the corner of Pontlac And Lafay ette streets last night and was sent to he station for sale keeping. He was urned loose this morning while Dick Heck who kicked up a big row at fall tome where his mother-in-law dle eeterday wan ordered held untl londay morning. The funeralof the mother-in-law Is to be held this after noon. Police Notes Thieves looted the home of James Loney T1S West Crelghton avenue ast night while the family was absont Everything in the house was turned opsy turry by the burglars.

Patrolman Charles Nahrwald has pjlgned from the force the reslgna- tin to take effect Immediately. He will 0 Into business for himself. Dan Martin the filthy specimen who was yesterday sprayed by the sanitary Ulcers to keep him from carrying his roma too plainly this morning was ent to the county farm. Martin claims doesn't believe that he has much onger to live and several suggested hat from the smell he evidently has ieen dead a long time and doesn't now it NEWS VEATHERVSUMMARY Local Office Weather Bureau- Fort Wayne Ind. Oct 11 1913.

The western storm has spread eastward accompanied by general rains during th ast twenty-four hours over the middle n4 upper Mississippi and Ohio valleys nd the upper like region and haa been ollowed by clearing weather which ex- endt eastward thtt morning from th Kockles to Wisconsin and Illinois. High emperaturei tUU prevail liver the eastern tales lut decidedly colder weather It eneral thli morning from the Rockies to tht Mississippi. In the extreme northwest emperaturea have begun to moderate gain. The storm will move rapidly eastward nd irtil followed by fair weather la his section tonight and Sunday It will much colder tonight wlUi frost. Station HS KP SK I i I dtn tlanta 68 0 Cloudy tlaatlo City 61 64 4 Cloudy Ismarck 40 13 0 Cloudy JoBtdn 61 60 01 Rain 3iffaJo 71 It 0 Cloudy harleston 80 tt Clear ago 8 tt 14 Clear inclnnall 81 68 01 Rain leveland 80 tt 4 Cloudy Jenver 41 II 0 PtCldy lesMolnes i 74 Is Clear Jetrolt 80 60 4 Rain uluth 60 34 it Clear astport 0 Foggy Ivanavllla t4 2 Cloudy OUT WAYNE.

8 It Rain alvetton 84 78 Ot PUCldy rand Rapldi 84 62 81 Cloudy lelena 44 tt 0 Cloudy ndlanapolla C4 4 Cloudy acksonVllla 88 70 0 Clear an ns City 4. 71 44 0 Clear ICnoxvllIe tt tt 1 Cloudy Lot Angeles It tt Clear ulsvlllt St 62 14 Rain emphis 8 70 14 Cloudy ontgomery li 60 0 Cloudy ew Orleanl 88 70 Clear tw York i 74 6 A Cloudy klahonu 80 a 0 Clear malia1 40 Clear Itlaburgh 14 tO 0 Clear lalelgb 71 Ct Rain t. Louis 80 4a .08 pear t. Paul 70 14 11 Cloudy alt Lake City 60 88 0 Clean Sle Marie 48. 14 Cloudy eattle Dl 01 Cloudy pokane 43 13 Cloudy oledo a It Rain Washington 71 tt 0 Cloudy Wichita 4 a Cloudy rinnlpeg 44 S3 1 Clear Obsfrvstlont taken at 1 a.

m. central tmndaril tlm Precipitation for twenty our hours ending at a Statt nf nther at7 a. VT. a. PALMER Local Forecaster.

CY CL1NE hrattnd With Arrttt for Ntgltct- Ing H' Duty. 8HINaTQNT ct 11 i pans to urgent telegrams from the at Intimating that they might arrested If they did not icome lenreseitatlvei Hauch. Peterson Oarnhart and Cltne arrl ed from In- lana In hot hast yesterday afternoon it time to rot on the urgent de clency conference report Th house ranted Representative Adalr leave of bsenc on account of Ickne Vancouver rnentlr received a tMpmmt 128 cub foiesi from Ektfway Alaska alurd a JIOOOOO A young1 man about eighteen years of age tVYorin tne tjtwe. llo- cnlhals to Store. uJL LAW TO CONIROL DEALERS TOLAN WOULD HAVE dRDINANE PASSED BY COUNCIL.

Winti Mean to. Forelet nd Coal Men trvj Cuitomers That Colnplaln of SKort Weight City Dealer Barry Tolan 1 plannhit asking the city council to pass an ordi nance making it a misdemeanor for a coal or let company or In any other publlo necessity to refuse to sen a customer After tlfat person complaint ot short weight or measure. The state of Massachusetts has a law that fixes a fine for af dealer that discriminates against a customer that has complain ed or hid Aled an. affidavit agalnstlilm op any other dealef for short weight In this city last summer at least one person filed an affidavit against an ice company Xor short weight established the case and then had dlfllculty se curing any more Ice from either the of fending dealer or any other dealer. It la to avert this condition In tha hand ling of coal that the sealer wants the new law.

PETITION TO BOARD. kuidert Art Agiln Asking For iitf. A petition to ba presented to the board of publlo works asking that some arrangements be made for pro vldlng pumpj to handle the flow from lakeside and Forest par will bo drafted by a committee ap pointed last night by the Northea Clvlo Improvement association. Tb request will ba given the board nox Thursday evening. Mutt Have an Office.

If th board at safety and tha Wo mans club can find a. suitable foom 1 the city hall for a Police matrons of floe money will lie appropriated to. pa her salary according to a staternen made by inu city council committed fees and salaries to a committee women at a conference held at in home of Mrs. V. 9.

Morris The Birth Record. Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Schnc der Hcndrlcks street a daughter Mr. and lira Ed 8.

Heller city a son to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hlppcnham mer city a daughter Contag lour Diseases. Mabel Or la ton Agnostic avenue diphtheria Hamilton school Carl Pe tern 7231381168 avenue scarlet fever aged three years. The Building Permits.

Wed Kruckenberg 2133 Webste street frame residence 12200 211 Webster street frame residence 12300 Municipal Notes Tlie city registration dayscost 368 38 according to the figures compile by Clerk Jeffries and the council com mtttee on elections. The fourth grade of the Hooglan school again Js In session after having boon closed one day because of th prevalence ot diphtheria in the room employed by that class. II COURT HERE IN DEO DEPUTY CLERK T. LOGAN RE CEIVES NOTICE OF SESSION. Most Important Case Coming Up It Suit Agilnst the Rectivers of the Wabath Railroad.

Deputy Clerk T. J. Logan ot tha United States court todav received word from Clerk lioble C. Butler the effect that a session of be. federal court will ba held In this city' on tha second Tuesday tn December.

Tha second Tuesday In that month falls on the 9th. It la not thought that the session will last over one day. The most Important case now sched uled to come top before the court la that ot Mr. Heinman alnst the re ceivers ct tha Wabash. railroad for 50000 tot personal Injuries.

It Is possible that there will be tome other cases before the court at this time. The session will be th regular semi annual cneof the court In this city COLONEL VAIL Maktt a Statement en tht Ttlephont Situation NEW tORK Oct Th general offices of the American Telephone and Telegraph company today issued tha following statement Theodora Vail president ot th American Telephone and Telegraph company when asked today regarding the attitude of the department of Jus tice towards the Bell Interests stated that ha knows that the department It endeavoring1 to reach a solution with respect to telephone matters which will be Just to the publlo and at the same time will not sacrifice private interests ABLE TO FOLLOW DIRECTIONS ttv- Bwrrrlnjly Uniophlttlcated Youth Traveled In Comfort WhlltV th Smart Tourist Walktd. 1 iapioi it I Bhould try to rid that oacbla Id break my neck aald a looklnB fellow be looked at the bicycle fcalait the lamppoet No you woildnX" replied Ui bi- eyoltot at ttt bTiUnden. 1U th eutett thlnt ID tt world to do. Anybody can rid 6n ot tiet naohioM if bt only thlnki so.

3 5ito kB2S wcUtoBd tl Itwkf yontb ufft tUJjTTconU auy oa it III cot oar 1 know you Could. An1 kike Of conne. TonM trying to fool "Don't you want to try Ut" And the tourist tn knickerbockers winked slyly ones more at tht inter- nted spectators. How do yon ep from tallln' off tint ttlajt" All your to do to climb on itart It tolnf and keep jobf. Jus try it Here get on.

The gawky joung uan took hold ol the bicycle awkwardly and trundlec It ont to the middle ot the- road. It nt quit food a ont a Fro ot at horn ho said aa he mounted and ttarted down the road at a rat tling pact but I can follow directions Iti only four milea to the next town. Ill I waiting you at the pump. And the imart young touriat In hit knickerbockers after hta on foot. All city hotels are extensive users nf electricity for light heat and Iower A delegation ot officials from blast ow jtlll soon vlait America to study flleftrlcal development t.

GETTING COLDEEI WINTER 18 COMINCH Fall days rs passing. Tll air is getting chill Th dayo grow shorter and the nights longer. This Is the beginning ot tho hcav- st buying season ot tht year. New outfit must be provided tor the family and In the distance are th lights of the holiday season. The stores are In' their finest ar ray.

Stocks are at their fullest 11 Never have th business men a more Interesting story to ton than now They ra ifelllng it dally through' tha advertising Columns of live dally newspapers like the Dally News Its more than merely Interesting reading tht fall advertising It is helpful reading every line written to human needs THostf who buy to best advantage are those who shop round The easiest way to shop around is to use. the advertising column at your guide. That If What the advottLlnr is written for. WAYNE DINNER Sunday October 12 P. M.

te 7iSO Oyster Coclttallt ICalaraazoQ Celery Consomme a la. Royal Cream of Tpmatoes i Iced Cuoumbers V. Broiled Allv Lobster Drawn Butter A' tt Pomme Shoe String Sliced Tomatoes riouad Radlshe Braised BweeUxTtada. A Chamiugn VIRGINIA CUP I 8pllnl1 Puft" Maraschlne ROMAN PUNCH Roatt aprlm Duck. Applt Marmalade poatt Prime Rib of Beet Jut Hiar Cora CtDllflowtr CandledTamt Asparagus Ifaahed Potatoei1 Oraen Lima Beam Peach Short Cafee Whipped-Cream Mince Hut or Cpcoinut Fie Aisorled Cak mpote Frut Tuttl FruttlIce fcresrj Ied yvatermeloa i Cream Roquefort PerfectionWafrir Calte Tea Iced Tea Crooking Pirmlsalble utlo-J citr n' Orthtttra MI1U Monof Saved by Making Your Cough Syrup at Horn Take Knt a Few Momenta nd Stop a Hard CongU In a Hurry.

Coiitfil medicines as rule contain a large quantity ot plain syrup. If you take one pint of granulated wear tU pint of warm water ani jtir about 2 minutes ou have a jrooi syrup as. wnild JJ" If you willthen put 214 ounc of rinex fifty cents' worth in a pint bottle and ill It up with the Sugar Syrup you will have aa much coujfbi vrup asyou tould buy ready nude lor' 8250. Take1 a tcaspoonful vcry ttley two or three liours. It keeps perfectly.

You will find font if tlie lest COUR syrubg you vcr used oven in whooping COUKIU You can feel it tat hoi t-r i usually conquers an ordinary- conga in 24 hours. It itjust lautyw enough hai a Rood tonic effect endthe taste Is pleasant. is. a gpkndU remedy wo for wlioopinjr cough spasmodii croup hoarseness and bronchial aithma. Is a rnoBtTaulabla concentra ted compound oKNorwav white pine extract rich it guafacol end oilier healing pine fitments.

No other prcpa ration will work in this formula This plan tot making couch remedy with Finex ana Sujjir Syrup is now used in more homes than any other cough remedy. The plan has often been imitated but tievtr successfully A guaranty of absolute Bo or money promptly refunded goes with this preparation. Your drugglgt has Plnet. or will get It for yon If not tend to The Finex Co Ft Wj Ifid ADOLPHUS BOSCH IS DEAD IN HIS CASTLE FAMOUS BREWER OF ST. LOUI3 PASSES AWAY IN GER MANY.

LANOENSCUWALUACH Prussia Oct 11. Adolphus Busch the St Louis rewer died here yesterday. Mr. 3uach had been a sufferer from dropsy or seven years and had been In Eu rope at various health resorts for about three years. He resided In a castle on the Rhine near tius place.

Sketch of Hit Carter. ST. LOUIS Oct. 11 Adolphus iusch has been a sufferer from dropsy cr seven years but when hU son. August A.

left here a taw weeks ago join him at hU castle on tlio Rhlna ba did not know his father was dan- ecrouuly 111 In addition to his brewing ihterosu St. Louis Mr Buscli al was a director In several local banks iiul a iirmbcr of public' utility corporations. le was also Interested In breweries In 3an Antonio Tex. oalveston na Fort iVorHi and owned Jc manufacturing lants in various parts' of the country. le was head of tha foreign department tha St Louts Worlds fair Mr.

Buschj philanthropies were numcl us one of his most recent being a gift of 160000 to Harvard university or tha establishment tot a Oermanlo rutltute His mostrecent lobal beat- action was a gift ot 25000 brttiAjt rectton ot memorial to Carl ifchiirz SmllP raetortus and Carl ayizertu91 rlOOt German editor who lourtshml St. Louis about the time of the cJvf though lils" home was In St Louts i recentyears Mr. Butch treat hyp ttlfl time here. He usually passed th winter In Pasadena Cal. and lilt sum- ers In Germany staying in St Lolila bout six weeks in the spring and fall For jears he has been In poor earth.

Mr. Busch who died at th ga of two was the last of twenty- ne children. He survived by a Idow and flv daughters Mrs. Jacob Loeb ot Chicago Mrs Hugo BeU- ngertot New Tork- Mrs Paul Von ontard of Germany Mrs Edward Foust of St. Louli and Mid ard Schrrer of Stuttgart.

Germany wo ions August A. Busch and Carl ch both of St Louis also survive Tha body will be brought to St Louis for burial. EMMELINE PANKHURSI is WAY AIL3 FOR AMERICA ON THE STEAMER LA PROVINCE. HAVRE France Oct ll rMn. tJm- meltne Pankhurst the English suffrag tte leaders sailed today for New York board tho French Mt 1 PwVlncei PAEIS Oct.

11. As she left the St. jftrarre station today for Havre to all for America Mrs. Emmellna Pank- uret said to tha United Press corres- undent Al I leave for th United States I rlab to send through tha United Press Ereetlng to all those men and Foman of America. ho stand for ealthler social conditions tor putting umuut ioft a higher levaUaniJ lha dmlnlstrallon ot plain Justice to all mankind.

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