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Fort Wayne Daily News from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 8

Fort Wayne, Indiana
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i irj iin niifiniiiiii iif fflTijii iiinyTliliilHill1 UaUUMMMMUHHnSMMMSTHMiS jiIIIIJtlM a ih iMWWW0fiMrwite 4 lvConUa6wfmFwTwai Jii i sTchiijaliiaw Lucille VaU and Irene byan arepcndlg few ddyi wlth lenjtiDecaturr Km iv and Mrs Oeoree IL LoeBch were Iw guests friends a tita ke fl eorge rer the week end ahd MritAlbert KFoXarid Miss rrotnei iJ spent Sunday iwlth nds tnCeiina0 fha Pickwick Literature Set Tirtsdayf tern oon with club ipIII Mr k18MJustls ayenue1 Vr ijUttkJalfc VvEf Maxwell Vlli Jhd tlfo winter In Lea Aneele C4L iving this wcekrorthe west IAjTsW fhrtttrt 1A4ll Vital I kmni fsvpland6ii where he will visit wltji 1daughtriMr8iCoarlPrhitifor weeif or wo I Mr and Mra Theodore Wents of I St Wayne street have returned Ij inn WaaalllonOi wherethey were sts of relatives 1 rflaaOertrudeSchrader of Rockhill tet arrived home Saturday from a Maths stay at PetoBkey and Other therp Michigan resorts A meetinflftftf tha Sinfprliftnri wtllliA iTuesday fternooh at oclock In Vkvestry rooms or ine tempie at Kacorner qi wayne anq jinrrisqn Bctts 4 andMrsj ti Peters and family aJLgueaUi for the week end Hhelr EughterXapd her husband Mr and asi rmiip Bursiey ot Ann Arpor FV Pn and Mr George BjM Bower as their Kueet last week his niece ps Anna Amnion of Philadelphia i was on her way home from a tour line west Mr Nathan iSalbn son of Mr and a Max Salon ot 1212 Broadway re nedito Ann Arbor Mich to can uo bla medical course at the Unl sity ot Michigan ra PHulburd and aon Mr ledjllulburd of Columbia avenue ive returned rrora a weeks atayyiin auras In Cleveland Mrs Hulburd jjospeptt short time Toledo urana jura urea 11 ueorgs sturviu lay for the Paclflccodat where they yisiiiWitn relatives tor an maen length of time Therhave len heir apartmentsln the St James George VWMcCaskey of South pun street and her1 brother Wri Borgia of Paducah Kys who has her guest for a few daya went vanston III today to visit with lyes1 and Mrs Tiaae Well and their lluse gueats Mrs Joseph Block and lssSarah Block of New Orleansi Ive returned from Tcrre Haute to ncn piace mey moiorea ior a snort tf with rftlfltlvAH i VraIJ IfaVillng has arrived heme Mackinac laiana where she vaoniBr air ana airs iwueri dlhaihli have been m6torlng si CWnoa and Wisconsin rei fjdWrB city today IM JkfHii a any tll fl MMWVllllam Kean and dagh JM wooater 04 and Mrv and Hrs JfyMelieaglerJorAuburri have ret LBlt wUk Mr anil MmWllllnra OI Vhta AWr vkllf UlUVGIyfllipcUJ West Williams street Mrs Fred Lamb Mrs pearl Voa Mrs Louis Dll lint arid the MlBaea Sylvia Mowrey Marie Monroe Ilaiel Shoub Inea Chili cote andrElal Knapji MrsWii Shoatti of Waahlngton boulevard weBt is entertaining hereon Mr Robert Shoaff and wife of White Kiaina ana the latter mother Mrs It If Slowe of Toledo OVMr aiid Mrt Joseph Mdrraand fchlldrcn who aioweregueets of Mrs1 Shoail returned Sunday to their home In phl CtLgU 1 5 mmi 4uU JuitWVhat I Want Give ihVfcaie made with Calntnet I know what Im jetting lknowti purewiioiejome nounitung iempungsnausij oltialj In Calumi woni derful leiTenlngaod raiting Power Iuabwlute puritr Uw Calumet for ynnlform I rtsulu and economy JUuItmI IliiW Awwdi Cm nr iHthtUfntiCi RdkiiwBnwnO1 CHICAGO er of piano Announces the opening of nermusio stuato at zu west tserry street MlBsTSahder pupil ofsuoh well knownv lnatructorai asi Anton Foerater and Felix Borowaxi la enter Ing upon her third year of music teach lBrV Mlss Jibnetta Kenaga entertained the folio wlnit young ladles at a hoiiae party pyer the week end at hej home In kj ij JaErtpyargaret Sander teachi lMirF 1T feii CW VilW Every Nemo is an extra value itnply a a contt Forlhe hygienic features which are you pay nothing extra KlOj lMADAMrA Nemo Coraeo are UQT alike Even tne Self Reducing Cprsets are not alikxThwV a Nemo model espedally made for every type of figure Be sure yoii get the one AatauiuiyDWRJ Consider the various Wemo lupporting and redudjig features three of which are shown above ano note how they DIFFER No I tk perfected Self Reducing itrap used in rtany irfenio mojeli itJiia a attache4 on the outside at the hip section and hooLed to ht fiwu steeU Note chenanow reWonxd itrip thit fiu wtU down ia the noin aection ghrti wppott and bcciuM of ir gentle friction on the body with every movement it gradually itduoa the tin and weight of die bdomen Thii ii the reducmj fettute in tneie two very popular modelt fbc fmmwhofctaiidentAgiofiWomiruliuppocC No 322 wl sjfai medium linefor roUum full fIgoriQ nn No3a wlUi longer Un fw UlU full fipirea jJuV No 2 above iwi improved iNemo Relief Bands tued in Model 403 and in the new Models oi and f5 in addition to the elf Redudng Satp tha BaiuU take up a large Spttidy ekdomen suppott and reuupe it and miiltnfaniybythapiunvinuuKeofths Bindi and Strtpe For many stout Wotnm then nM art unequalcdt No 402 for anort latocky flguaamall but medium Alps big abdonienva4wwVw4vMM I No403 full figures of trwdlumUJght Urge bt I SA bipa and abdomeB i Jf Nd405 fo fall fall figtirw but boa hlpa and No3 shows A6inWltlkopipMdletiBi Nemo IjsJM snd jll lie Sdf Redudnff Scrips asaitt the broad fcwimd front itteli sndf tjbs wtdaataaklastic bandlcti to cany wpport and reduce a heavy Bcnduloue aUomen with delightful comfort and ward offmojc of womens worHlUa Mler9tlHaTKtslfnmifitiHm4milpd No 832 It tsiltiarr figureswtTlL tj fift No 823 lor shaft Itr TyfigBrss TUVW Theae an only tbxee of tbe many DIFFERENT Nemo reducing devices They art not alike If one happen to be what yeurfturt needi you may be lure tfut the other two would prtuncotnW ableWuniatufictory Get the SIGHT Nemo itiUTIONt ThssttfeofBnL ndudnf end sataaMga atrvla etheta comoj fa due the WeaioBSTenMoinsrtirtho1 fhatreaplyrfihaBandiind Straps against me btdy Imitatfcni mads wni itraM sod taaas at similar aefearaacsrWs MWtnattteaaiKUVBLK ThHfofoMcse rmnosupioctinftedudnaotesta4aasMsTlaakW and bulk ajM the mimJm Vm voa ptotwrion agafaat usajcsi toititiena i VkfHriFplitowr Sol4KnruUt Cre York eastern cities for two or three weeks Mra Dowsers mother Mrs Mitchell bf Qrahd Rapids who has been a guest at the Dowser home Is remaining with the children Wlldi andt Van during the uuaence of their parents The hostesses at the Country club for Wednesday afternoon of this week will be Mrs George Evans chair man Mlsa Mary Jilt ana Mrs Rohcrt Millard Mia 0 A nanus Mrs ma ard White Mrs Sbryocft the Misses Shryock Mrs Thleme Mrs A Randall the Misses Phyllis and Virginia Randall and Mrs Walter Seay The Misses Marguerite Strum Marie focholt Sophia uruoer Anna Jien eclien and Lcona Klelnrlchert and the Messrs William and laador Pape Al frtd Klelnrlchert John Smith and Al red Ktiehn hiked to iWallen Sunday where they were guesta far dinner of MranaMrsiape ana ine Misses ycr cnlca and Ivon Pape Games and music were enjoyed until time to re turn 10 ine ciiy Mr and Mrs Berkeley Ward Jr who will return soon to their honio In Baltimore Md after a visit with her parents Mr and Mrs Miller of south larrison street were nonorea last week ut a number of small and Informal companloa Hosts and hostesses for the affairs were Mrs Carrie Dandurand and her brother Mr I Weavpr Mra James Morrison Mr and Airs 1 jonnon ana miss uuue Lennon Mrs Oucar Vox and two small daughters and her sister Miss Zan gerle of Chicago have returned from Uethlehem II where they spent the greater part of the summer Mr FoX accompnnlnd by Mesars Harry llogan Charles Reuss and Mr Zangerle of Chicago motored home earlier in the week the men spent some time at uemienenv ana in tneir automopue toured the mountains of the eastern states Peru Journal A Mtr delightful morning bridge party was given by Miss Cecil Costln Saturday for her house guest Mlsa Pauline Doebler of Huntington Va and Miss Helen Montgomery a bride of next week Mrs Charles Benedict of Sheboygan and Vss Katherlne Arnold of New xorK were among the young women who enjoyed the seteral hours of auc tion Driaee and luncheon Which1 fol lowed Mr and Mrs ilenderson of Lakeside left Sunday on their trip to the Pacific cdasL They expect to be In the west about eight weeks and will spend part ot that time In Ia Angeles visiting With their niece Mrs Jerry Slrayer and nephewr Baron Long and their families Mra Kitty Long and Mrs Chester Schlefer of this city been in the west the greater part of the summer and plan to return horhe with Mr and Mrs Henderson I The MIsaes Ignota White Lucllla and Martha Vail Ethel Doud Florenpa Achenbach Marjorle tudy Josephlpe Dlrtnen Irene Rohyans Lillian Lancaster and Measra George and Rich ard Dlnnen Homer Miller John B4U znann raui Dieven rrea iiiaains George Bacon Joseph Se La Torre and Dr aineor ulth Mr snil Mrs Ben CiWarz and Mr and Mra Janles Donaldson as chaperons enjoyed tenia bake at Welsser park Saturday eenlng A birthday surprise party aa given In honor of MlflS Wanda Schmltt sat urduy evening at the home of her uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs William Klltz ke 149 Brackenrldge street Games and music contributed to the pleas ures ot the evening and near midnight a dainty to course luncheon was served Those who participated in the surprise wars the Misses Grace and Oladja Rousseau Lucile and Matilda Scheriingfir Lillian Lankenau Alice Schmltt and MesBrs William Pohl meyer Ralph Wllklna Elmer Baade Arthur Geller Charles StarosCLewl Martin Louis Coby Charles Johnson and Mcholflj Bchmitt Miss Gluds Archer of Wells street was hostess Sunday evening for a the ater party at the New Palace given In honor pt Miss Clara Dondero who Is to be married tomorrow toMr Charles Kattenberg Following the performance theJ party enjoyed light refreshments at Aurentis where the tables had previously been decorated With asters and rosea and later1 they repaired to the home of Miss Archer where music and games affordeJia Jolly time Until a late hour Guests at the affair were the Misses Valette Kane Anna Mary and Morcemne Dondero Alms Liggette May Child Stella Honelck Blanchette Burllngham Ruby Basso and Agnes Volk of Toledo and aiesars cnaries Koenier jack lleiaer Harry DeWIre Edward GaaklllFnll Oddou Clayton Tete Frank Bodeyi Edward Manton Aher DeBore Herbert Aflgo Al Terrace of Peru and Edward and Charles Kattenberg of ueveiano the marriage of Miss Clara Dondero and Mr Charles Kattenbergof Cleve land will he quietly solcmnlted In tne aineorai rectory tomorrowjnorn Ing with Rev Father McCarthy offlcl atlng The brides sister Miss Marcelling Dohdero Is to be her only attend ant and Mr Edward Kattenberg a crother 01 tne groom win he best map Following the ceremony rela tives and a few intimate friends will be entertained with a reception and breakfast at thehoma of tha brides mother MrSLoulse Dondero in East Lewis street On last Friday evening Miss Dondero was honored at a prettilyprettily appointed pArtyV for which her als terMlss Anna Dondero was hostess Five hundreds urnlshed amusement for the greater part of the evening and a dainty luncheon followed the games Pink and white flowers adorned the rooms and with cupidsnd hearts and Individual haskeU of pink blossoms made the refreshment table most attractive The guests were the Misses ValAtt flafca nioAvm r3l ir W1M WJ UICG ChildjWlnlfrd Ringwalt Gladys Arch er Flossie DeLong and Mesdames Ilarry Ludwlg3 Shearer LouIs Hayes ana ust MUNDAY Cots an Trial Today at Morrle III Ut wiairtatanpe MORRIS in Sent JT Chsred with conspiring In the 13000000 loot fna of half a dozen Chlcaro state banks about fifteen months go Charles Munday Chicago former state hank director today Was placed on trial here before Judge Samuel Stough Munday waa vice president of i the La Salle Trust A Savings bank Chi eago mother bank to a string of five neighborlag bsnks controlled byMun day and fexiSenator BIHy Lorlmer He was indicted thirteen times by the Cook county grand Jury following the failure ot all the banks Indicted with him were Lorlmeri tresldent of the La Salle bank Fox second vice president jr MCiwnaid caanier it Beamve deputy alate auditor and linnday pushed to trial by the state obtained a change ventia trim Cook county on the grounds that antl Lor jmtrieeiuif jnaniL aDout Jjioago Established J86Q Quality li Fbrib6ii 1 The Autumn Fashions EVERY fd of fashioh every thing that is newest and most cafSng is represented iiTtlie departments devoted to the correct dressjhf of women and misses In order fo bejEhoroughly apprised of what constitutes smart feminine attire it is necessary only to Mew tle displaysof Suits Coats Gowns Blouses House Gowns Millinery Neckwear Lingerie Corsets etc Here also are the newest creations in dainty garments for infants and children er vv A Superb Showing of Tailored Suits A collection fiuthoritative ii style fabrics and colorings Every garment expertly tailored Tositiycly the last word in Autumn and Winter Suit fashions Reproductions of Paris models and clever American creations featuring modish trimming effects of fur braids and buttons Today wo are showing for the first time some new and exceedingly smart suits Premier models for good dressers The prices range from 3500 to 6000 We are making a specialty of popular priced Suits and can show vou many pretty and attractive styles with all the tone of the higher priced models The prices do not indicate their worth 1375 1850 Mid 2000 KainCOatS Evli Woman because they perform1 service thut no other garment can render Our collection is beyond criticism in style and beyond praise in the qualities that give satisfactory service Your desire for a rainproof coat can be satisfied at prices surprisingly Iow 1 Wjiterbcrry cloth Raincoats made of Priestley craven ette an a new model with raglan sleeves full back semi belted conVerlibhicoHar A smart classy coat in black navy tan and grayUizes 16 lo44 showp here exclusively and priced at 12J50 An attractive iiewRubberizcd Tweed Coat in dark Oxford One of the prettiest coats shown this season full guaranteed and flpecjally priced at 660 Beauty and utility combined in an excellent style Can tonia Cloth Raincoat which we price at 500 It 1 1 1 lit II I I I 111 I I A fclf I I 1 lf I ll I FT Ij xirt 1 iP 1 IV Autumn Dresses Newest of the New Models Simpleor elaborate these day time and evening frocks possess in a marked degree the distinction in styleN which the well original touches which theParis style creators have given this seasons modes are featured in our most interesting display1 of autumn frocks priced from 975 to 100 with many inviting styles and prices between yj Autumn in the Dress Goods 1014 ib Iif colored Dresa Goods the choice ot aelectlon la larger than ever before peep through our itock wilt reveal a wealth ot new Ideas In weaves and colorings that women ot taste and Judgment will appreciate Not only are the qualities abova criticism but the prices as well Costume Velvets and Corduroys are In great demand this season We have them in all the good shades priced from SOo to 1200 a yard Black Costume Velvets In allgrades and all widths up to 44 Inches priced from 50c to 300 yard Broadcloths mora 1 popular this season than ever All the latest shades are here Burgundy Myrtle Comlower Artillery Blue Maroon Marine Nay etc priced from 160 1 2 50 a yard Pile and Fur Cloth Fabrics for coatings Seal Plush Astrachan Baby Lamb Carlcul Zlbeltnes etc priced from 1260 to 600 a yard Rurode Silks Famous for Hajf a JSentuiey The enviable reputation this store has won for the character dual ltv and variety ot its SUM Is mora than tnalntaTnedlnrtliftuDerb It i tit 1 uj Lujjraica we are now snowing in our sijk seciioa livery iasuion able weave and coloring of the hour Is represented Jfere is some idea of the variety lV lOrtUlida Londres Hilffon falller faille velour ulalrt taffeta nrlftted taffft8ttr1pe taffeta charmeuae crepe de thine sarin de chine Ixn Toitcrtpe printed satins Jersey ellk gabardine silk and novelties In floral effects fancy stripes and plaids all At most pleasing prices LesspsmfKn Beginning Monday morning iilss Wooldrldfe will fee with us through the jCoufteajr of the makers of Oolden Fleece Tarns tb show the beauJ tlful things that caii bemadefrom these yajfis and bn each all the newelfects In knitting and crocheting In the Waist Section New Georgette Crepe Waists 295 350 500 and 575 New Crepe de Chine Waists 195 to Crepe and Silk Combinations 5 up to 20 Petticoats Feather Boas A special value in plain and changeable Taffeta SilkTetti coats liberal in cut with deep flounce and underlay of per caline 250 Other natty styles in silk Petticoats in all the wanted colors 3 360 4 and 5 Klosfit Petticoats yon know how desirable they are Made and colors 500 each A new lot of those ultra fashionableneck dressings just receivedand if possible fluffier and prettier than any that we have had before Pine Ostrich Feathers in bjackl natural black and white and white made into beautiful boas with handsome silk tassels 200 250 350 and 500 Two New and Startling Values in Coats THE AMERICA made ot English all wool tweed mixture nay le had In gray brown and green This splendid garment Is especially adapted for automoblllng and general utility wear It sells fii THE PHOEBE supremely good garment expertly tailored or fine all wool white and plalded chinchilla featuring the favorite Chin Chin collar which also may be worn turned down vndcrcollar tA of fine black velvet This model priced attjttlO0U would nrevent his receiving a fair trial The indictment oh which Munday went to trial contains twenty three counts iThe state wa conlldently baaing Its hones for a conviction on thfee counts In the indictment The counts charge consplrlngto defraud the publlo Into depositing Ita money In the different banka by aid of false statements conJ splrlngv to defraud the bank with promissory notes which wer valueless and conspiring tb deceive the State auditor with false statements Acon vlctlonbnany or all the counts the Indictment gives a maximum penj alty of five years lrt the state pen a fine of 15000 or botbv 0 Eaber asBlstant states attorney in Cook county Is handling the prosecution AsslatlBg him are William II Holly and Haydeit BelU The task of impaneling a Jurybe gan immediately The tate anticlf pates that It will take two days to obtain a Jury Ths trial according to RabcrwIU last over month We expect 40 use over a hundred urlinonnc ind the defense will use dose to that number he aid Rber saldhs Old noiBeueyepoiJuvjvu 4 ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssi slssssssPWsTl i have any eft ec in the selection ofa Juryi WhIl Lorlmer is a repsbllcan Munday is a democrat and dont think there will be an attempt to discriminate between the two in Picking the Jury said Raber We will not make any mans politics an Issue In hi selection as a Juror The sutes Irst witness will be Vf Jllblack vice president of the Chicago Title A Trust company and receiver for tit defunct banks Nlblack figures payment of J5 10 cents on thedollajr win eventually be paid to depositor The five banks which went down In the craib with the La Salle bank are the Broadway State bank Calumet State bank Ash land and Twelfth State bank Interna tlonal State bank and the Illinois state bant Car ofahcy iCrawferd Peacte ibri Sale Johnson Commission House 304 East Cojumbia mii Kuas Bleaching Blue gives you double valuefor yout money goes twice as far as any other Dont put your money into any other PLEASE THE PAMILf Serve that good Bread Creamo Fpr sale at grocers Emirich Vienna Bak cry Phionej 1038 JMttiT i The loweif Mint of dryland In the Ult RtttrbiWVMiih yVUey uornia i iei oeiow sea ivet dehaeploud of gnats hovering near a Minneapolis church spin caused one of the most unusual false alarms on record Observers thought smoke was coming irom tne cnurcn ana sent rot the department Irlffllr1 DUiledT AbJolfrf telep oeiiv iM eluGuaranfeed beioberfeciU fjfled deepUelj SrnoiUMacft Kuid ttf your horrle off of Duainefaa eC3 Pioec -PIANO PLAYERS Why ot make your talents pne Heal Oat soma rail liMonsfrom a Aisn whs has Had thirty ytara axperl encs In prafnilonal pUylna A short seurse Mil help you wondtrfully I IOJI Home avtnue Phone uisBlue raMr jsmpie Tftsatsr orchastrs fsr ft alBhtiyesrs MUHGOVAHRYAN FUNEEAL DEREOTOES 1908 OallioufiSt Phone 6649 MORRISON Eyesight Specialist l3ivesBestVl8lbn Perfect Comfort Latest Styles with towsitPrlces 204 ARCADE ji if Tji CfiiiKTigmw kwWl MwmI alali wf AW iJHu in au4 na uu MUUV mum ww aim aiuoa 1 RlJUffi isawnsT Msujijw ritxi wiu TaMkamtHBLlttillMnkdliSW SOLD BY MUGGIST EVERYsWEIK li 1 irrui rrvUiriiiOrnci ilU AHTHOHrHOTtltlLOai oh mmm 11.

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