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Hot Springs New Era from Hot Springs, Arkansas • 4

Hot Springs, Arkansas
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1HK1, HOT KPRIM.a, AllKA rro INDIGESTION HrfMrrH in 1'. I'm OtVc tomn a. mor. CKAlULKft I.OMTK,, A. 1L MARK aal Maaaarr Managing Kalllnr AdrrrlUlaa Maaaarr I Member Music iiiiiinil (n Train-iliU amp Activities Sits tin Ileal Itattle Was Won l.j Soldiers! Hiil Nut (Po land Comity's (uola ill Third I "-erl Loan Drie Alreadi Itcached, Hut CoimnitUi Are Still lo Kaisc More.

All Mi ki lling and llange i-oiis (jiiali-lies Itemoveil Medicinal Virtues Viislly Improved New Variety ailed vim MKMRKH OK 1 II wcni I'IIK. AM)Cttd f'rfF li fj.luslvi ly ent It 1 tn tlm imp fnr republication fell na rredltd to It it not otherwise r. lit. In thin pufrr an. I alao thr loeai Bawl publl'hvJ herein.

All rluhls of republication of aurclal dcapaU'hea karatn ara alao reserved. Srieme has Kivep its smokeless' powder, colorless iodine and tasteless Washington. April 17. Music is us necessary tn tin' soldier' heart as bread to iiis liod. according to: ber At Praa Aaanrlatlna, Mrmlirr a(laal Kriltnrlal Aaaorlailna.

taaafrlattoa rrlrr Pally. 12c per week ry carrier. Ty mall, 15 year. It per month in advance. Weekly only, II per year, la adance.

Stops Indigestion, Dyspepsia. Heartburn, Gases, Sourness and Stomach Distress lirtt'Tanr's Uispopsin" like Cnndj M.ikcs Upsit led lim druZ M'f'm he mnuUi! T.rr.t 1 1 i Entered a arconrt clans mnttcr under name of HOT SPRINGS NEW ERA tk poatofflea In Hot HpririK, under art of Merth 3, 1007. quinine now comes nauscaless a new variety known as Im. tb it is wholly delightful in cft'en. yet more effective than the old-stle ealoniel as a systeui-prit' ier and liver-cleanser.

Your doctor prefers calomel above all other medicines, as it is the best and only sure remedy for biliousnss. indigestion and cotistipat ion. Now that calomel is delightful to take, everybody is asking for the new variety, Calotabs. One tablet at bedtime, a swallow of water that's all. No Philadelphia, autnor and member of the music committee of the war department eommisFion on training camp activities.

"Music is often rpoken of as luxury," he adds, "hut i not a luxury, even in lime of I is probable that no battle was lever v.on by soldiers who iliil not declares Mr. Winter. "When soldiers have been too exhausted to jsiiiK, just lisO'iiim; to music has put. new life into them. Just such a case PHONES 248 AND 249 CIHtl.K.

ami many of tli'M are in trv cai training at Catnp Grove Lodjre, No. XV mreis rverv 1st and Srd Friday ij HELP THK RKI) CROSS HUM1 WIN THK WAR. oi'dir fo to. inn sH- ful ih' ui'i vi y- n. nan.

i-z vallpy gi Blanche Clerk. Aledia Brooks. Guardian. Hie from. He his ainhii ion to i bead a G- rman and if In- do' 1 .1...

i in as 1 have in mind occurred during nausea, no griping, no danger. Next the retreat Of the Urit ish before Mons iimu'iiing you wake tip feeling fine, in i. I your liver cleansed, your system pui'i- "The heavy fighting they had been', fid. Kat what you please no restrie-through had proved too much for a tion of habit or diet, certain conting'tit of troops. The men Calotabs are sold only in original.

Helping the Red Cross is helping to whip the kaiser. The efficient soldier makes the efficient army. Caring for the soldier so that he is physically comfortable, caring for his peo- (iialire llowii lie- 1 1 gr any til-' for he hi' w.ierc liny pu' ni.itiv lay on the ground played out. iudif- sealed packages, price thirty-five hi I) HfllC Wp pie ai nome so inai ne is mcniauy conuorianie, encourages rerem ami 1 umi.e.i. The enemy was cents.

Your druggist recommends and i guarantees Calotabs. Advt. him, improves his morale, gives him heart for his necessary work of slaughter, makes him a good fighter. comiiiK. but the men were too tired to care.

Their commanding officer looked al them in despair. Commands 1 null eiitrealiew t'i luni'i-li on were of Aure I5.vo;r. hut not good for he exp'-et io come hack when tais cruel i- over. Pr. J.

C. Vai-ehn na' npmed Dental olficcs at -ti-- 1-- Central 44-3. Hot Springs Hiol Garland county are coming up in their usual fine way in the third Liberty loan drive. The quota. has already been reached, and the committees are now out for a better showinK In the individual subscription list.

The total subscribed now amounts to over I KM i and 1)0(1 is expected by night. The country district is showing up well and from reports coming in indications point that ttore will be at least subscribers front the country people. Additional large subscribers of a thousand dollars or more include; Itiges Adele Johnson I'HiO SaJeen Alataar Dave Hurgitaer The rommittoes are out for I.udO more individual subscribers which will entitle them to the honor flag beyond a doubt. The full list of all the subscribers will he published soon. Cncle Sam proposes to look over the lists, to ascertain which of his sons are lining their full duly.

The fallowing orders have been sent out: "I'lease report to this organization any individual who can buy and refuse, or any who not purchase in accordance with their financial ability. This organization expects to review all subscript ions with the idea of giving credit to those who do their duty and publicity to those who refuse. "The purchase of Liberty bonds while voluntary on the pa rt of indi-vidauls and therefore unlike taxation, is no excuse. This is a war in which every American citizen is interested, and the temper of the American people is such that it will not permit of anyone withholding hi? money in a cause which means life and liberty to all people." yOUNGGREEKlEAVES AFTER HIS FURLOUGH HIT. A.

W. BI RHOW Phono 273 OSTEOPATH AND PHYSICIAN Consultation and Lsaninatiou FREE. This is the work the Red Cross does, work so important jno avail; the men refused to budge. i i i "Near at hand vas a toy shop that it has received the indorsement of the war -department, i which had ben abandoned by the -ii re proprietor when the retreat begin. It is work that discounts anv possible el torts ot derman spies officer for the shop ami a and German sympathizers to work up disaffection among the 55.

"wh'i'S troops. Adding even one-tenth to the fighting strength of he jdajed the dnnn two soldiers took Oirns playing the whistle. The music the individual increases an army of 500,00) to 550,000. ho from the drum ami the whistle awak- i i i jl i ii i i filed the benumbed men, stiffened will dispute that the work the Red CroSS is doing adds that aml spil.iH rurlllPr Pf. i fort ami th-v arose and marcheii 10 one-tenth.

millVi t0 Si(fHV One-tenth. There are times when it doubles the will to rBl JuZ 'win of the soldier. The man who leaves the trenches after an ami creeks had their bauie songs ami fv now our warriors sing in davs of such strain as mankind has never betore been called battle, it has helped to win many a will be open to boys over who come as representatives of their local high schools, Sunday schools, boy scouts, or Y. Al. C.

A. The eostwill be small not more than $11, which does irr)t. include car fare. In addition to the fun of outdoor life and sports, an interest is being arranged and the hoys will discus" matters of vital interest to themselves and to the nation. The ramp and program will be in the hands of the Stale Y.

M. C. A. secretaries, ami will he a part of the campaign among hoys and for boys that is being so vigorously waged by this not alone in Arkansas, but all over the I'nited States. Inquiries regarding the training camp should he addressed to StatP Bys' Work Secretary.

Y. Al. G02 A. O. W.

I.itlte Rock. Ark Residence 106 lltiildliig Indeed, music has played a victory. A i.wl.. I. tr TM omiri .1111 TfiU'lU I in the history of all upvil lJ ucui, iiu liim.i a worn imn tin.

imui brilliant part fORE PROOOr Storage Ware!, Haul, Store, Pack and Ship Furniture, Etc. MURRAY TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. PHONES .12 AND 48. JCNfTIOX AVO VALLEY available, with hot soup and hot chocolate just to taste, goes, THE I OKA I. Will: LIST OF CANDIDATES WHO HAVE QUALIFIED I to his little billet prepared to rest and t0 fi'el that the.

world ig tolerably good after all. And when he returns to the trenches he goes with a spirit that means trouble for "Billy Boche." The billions the government will spend inywh typing the i Hun will be materially reduced by the millions the Red Cross I will spend in caring for the men who do the fighting. One of the most successful men of this country recently wrote: "Whatever I am, and -whatever success I have attained. I owe it all to my wife. She has ever been an inspiration anc the greatest helpmate of my life." be such a successful wife should hi the ambition of every woman, hui how impossible when dragged dowr by headaches, backaches, dragging down pains, nervousness and "tin blues." Every woman in this eondi tion should start at once to build ur her system by a tonic of specific powers, such as Lydia K.

Pinkham's Veg etable Compound, which for three List of IMstrict and County Candidates (Qualified to Hun in HcKiilar Ocinocintlc Kleetioii on Tuetlay, May 28. A'has Athanas Leaves Tonight to I-esiiine Camp Work at Camp Hcanrr yard and Says Greek JSoys Ale Answering Count rj's all. The Hot Springs Sanitarium CIO Central Avenue Telephone 270 E. F. VVINEGAR, M.

Physician in Charge. McADOO TALKS ON W. S. S. iermann Laboratory, X-Ray Equipment, Trained I Wa: The following is the list, of eondi-datcs who have qualified before-the The following statement from Secretary of the Treasury At.has l'f only Gtfi'efc oy who luis voli.Titfiei cd in (lie riny from Hot Springs, has stayed liu nine fitrlnii-rl.

enl Patient' treated under I Cnhlral lnml)lit. Nurses in constant attendance, physician's dircctons. generations has been restoring Amer William G. McAdoo clears up quite a bit of misunderstanding tee to run for the various district and relative to the Thrift Stamps and War Savings Stamps. The iZ Suonn'iITlT era tie primary lean women to health and consequent Jf01.

Mlu til-e happiness. Advt. Greek hoys are answerina the roun- message from Mr. McAdoo is both interesting and instructive iT1, "ff'ers of chancellor and state senator for this district are not open in the situation. at this election, the present incum 8 i.

mi .1 rr mi i Pi v. a. ii i 71- Ft i bents holding over. Announcing the Arrival of the 'i' i rouoiug im inc iisi in coiiuiiiaics. "I write to ask you to help your country.

"You can do so and help yourself in a very simple manner. "Many of us cannot fight, but everyone of us can help by saving. Every dollar saved and not spent on unnecessary s. circuit Jiiuge iiranaui, Scott Wood. C.

T. Cotham. Prosecuting Attorney It. H. Kan-dolph.

A. H. Reldiiig, J. I). Hoskins.

Circuit Clerk W. Rowlcs. County Judge S. A. Hiichanana.

Sheriff Brad (). Smith. W. H. Dow lien.

County Clerk Allen llotchkill. Collector S. J. Krickson. Treasurer Chas.

II. Davis. Tax Assessor George V. Leather-man. Coroner ,1.

B. Shaw. Representative J. v. Alford.

J. 7 Articles for our army and Navy. When a dollar that is saved lsloaned to the government it is doubly effective. i end Congress has authorized the sale of War Sav- ings Staraps'anilUjJS. Thrift Stamps in denominations of $5 and of 25c, respectively War Saving Stamp you buy is i faster Two Ton Truck "MASTER OF THE LOAD OX ANY ROAD" We will be pleased to give demonstrations to interested parties.

Also literature on application. TWO TON TRUCK 92190.00 THREE AND ONE-HALF TON TRUCK, Torberson Internal Gear Drive Axle THREE AND ONE-HALF TON TRUCK, with Timkcn Worm Drive Axle 93300.00 SIX TON MASTER TRACTOR OT0.00 War Tax and Freight Added. a loan to the U. S. Government, is a direct help to every soldier i)i'iiai and sailor who is risking his life in the war and is a safe and lfc Experts Use Gargoyle and Veedol Mobiloils Castor Oil was considered the only proper lubricant for high powered racing cars Many expert drivers now use GARGOYLE and VEEDOL Cylinder oil in preference.

SEE OUR CHART rSK THE CORRECT OIL MADE KSPEC IAULV I OK YOUR MOTOR Let us clean the oil in your automobile, and fill with clean oil means dollars to you. CENTRAL GARAGE SIDNEY M. NUTT, Prop. Open Always Service Day and Night Central Avenue Phones 1)0 and Dl simple way to invest your savings Coinstablt4 Tom S. ron.

Hos-op I I Ii ewin "The U. S. Government pledges its entire resources and ningha in. Row Brown. Sam C.

uerin. .1 i Bert Hall. John Ti.sdale, Tom Kllison. (tuy Woolston. Justice of the Peace eroon.

H. Iliutou. C. S. Pevall.

Ruddy. Dish-It. Ii. W. A'.

Hell. $5 stamps are sold at prices ranging from $1.12 to. LSI during 1918, according to the month of purchase as per table ananged. For each such stamp, when affixed to a War Savings Certificate 'see picture on back thereof', the U. S.

IJOYS" TIS.MM(i AMI I Im. .1 a 1 mil'l rpi. m.i ih-hm-i-ii uh- iiri'i io uoveriinieiu win repay vu un me un- l'i have tn promise of a most Phelps Auto Supply Co. ference between what you pay and $5 is your interest. The jrrtndnimr mV.

rate averatres 4 ner cent a vear eomnountled (iiiarterlv. to June 10. rm 32W3a Market Street. rhonc 431 miles north of Illinois Pa you have an ideal a .7 i liussellville on tin 2oc U. S.

Thrift Stamps are sold to you if you wish to river. The camp wi .1 i 1, t. 'location, on the ftiifii.tniu it hiIaiialI i' l'I Itltiw' Mill i ittmrnni oav ujr iuiift.u. emu (hp power dam. and when 1G namelv; worth are collected and affixed to Oui" in i.

splendid opportunity for boating, swimming and fishing. Thrift Card see picture on hack hereof they can he exchang- sounds interesting, doesn't it? ii.m i 9-f a .1 i. re- i ii wisl1 were young enough to IU lUf a iii oa uig iHiinip ai jitiMunii ihiiit go The canip ill be auspices of the Sllile Id under the M. C. A.

and Millers' in isi plh (Ml initio Snake Oil mi li'i tn t. i niiipii .) Must llll' authorized agencies by payment of 1-e to SW additional, according to the month of puivlwiM-. Von Ihi-n have a security I which earns interest. "Wur Savings Stamps an- a saving investment which can 1 not go down in value ami are guaranteed lv the I S. Jn rrn-1 inent to go tip in value a the interot added.

'Should you want your money hmk he fore I. lid 1 any money order poclofl'ice will, after ten day wilt ten de. HlHIld, refund to you (i iimtiuiit you paid for Wnr SavliifHi phii an mldetl ainouiit lor em iimhiIIi om liae "Will you nut gUe (hi iii.IIh toui' coin roii idd dlioii SEASON JANl'AK lo MAY 2.tnl. EUROPEAN PLAN EXCLUSIVELY Si C'OMODATION I Oil I i i li I Oil ml J'Hle hiiie llll In 4 II In I li i in, fitt i mil Won. I I I Oi of hllli ,1 1 1 1 1 i' ii M.i I le r.

nl no 'I 1 1 villi en ft 1 1 Hi in i.i i. ii ii i i Mi I I blilltll "IU Hpl I ll lull ill. I Mill I'd I i (to- I 01- hi. i 1. 1 lit I lll i nil ii I 1 1 lift liei ii', i Oil ici(i, I ii Hi lillii-nii nut 1 1 In II I.

i llii'll '(I iiiiiTiiK un rm iminiviuL (nniuinniii. IMIIU llll. IUI.MJHIIMI Irllilf iji lllflil a pro, de Htr thtn t'ir HitflfM, bi'in, mi MoiOii) Ii mi'ii I ll i it I nit lOl (III I'll Swiunn HdiUn CohihII ln Iihk hUle lliilufi i'mwtMUm IsriUmd Wll Warn' hhi April 11, th'Jit April Ti Ur ifl'l i7k lo (he iik iiiIk ih id yoijc fiimlly In unnrt in it, KUjfKM IIinI )hi (lien itnik" up mi order on (he ntliit'lo port vini fur Mr rmhUwi Nj'jliTjiM'iiU if Wni' HmHiii Htiup tr ThrKi Hhwi. Dop (lie rxcl hi timl Ih- i "TIM (iW' )u not huy tt pvUil), ttmim Ilm( uuU tnin tt )mr wri III yun( Ui wr imnhy In ih im ni wr uwl mm llh lit Itnli H'li't I iMtf mh IM'4 0ml it-ipi't'l lU'H'l 4i'llf tile ll 1'niii, lj lii 41 hi in ii0t il fl )'W- jtitt l) (m it 'Hll l. i CM I 1 1 t'btl int.tif tut .1 II h' t'ftl- Jl thff t4 4.

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