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Hot Springs New Era from Hot Springs, Arkansas • 2

Hot Springs, Arkansas
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-fj; gWOT FRIDAY AFTERXOOy, APR IL 0, 1015. N. If i TOB ImMmfXm Longago folks ULJ taboo, if oe way judge from a re- elected unanimously for tne ensu- Colj aniy Y- s) I 1 1 .1 IWX gST -ni Filth avenue widow display of ing, xWT' Vj) DCgan tO WISH they 7 1 -O undergarments. Highly sensational president -Mrs. W.

K. Iik. PMS'i Jj I 11 J-; las as highly anu very Vice President- Mrs. Claude 7QUT eilf1SkV II fiaU SOITie lllillg I I taboo if oue may judge from a re-'ni Filth avenue wloow display of uulrrgirmcnis. Highly sensational as as hlfrhly anu very highly were els of chemise, rft ISIII new to eat- priced p.intit'H and pcttiroats.

one of royal i i iffti' i-fti 'v: vi'UHf a i a -it- i -M nv' ivm am 'STILE NOTES. mirnlit fliiffmi PilcrPil with Anrimt 1 Traawun-r Mica ArtaL Inhnunn I I ty'd'li; Mil il A 1 VfjiVT I Xflf A V'W A I I purple chiffon edged with apricot o.tarcl ml nt Rllo cmwMM mttrt- aJ I Ki 5J42 J4MI 1 I II II I tmn mi'slls. th Aprkot etfso 3. 1'. I SiSKSBl MlV r.aJWfCT Vrffif AlOIIff COtTieS I II I I I colored ribbon, another, set of ajlc Ateen mescaline with Apricot edges Vv- canning mtle 3ilk Iwl oi black and white about the nimlf-st U'- mentions of postage stamp trinmed scaotlly with a single nose- I Tic proKraai committee ts 'jMtigPfiJIft Hojuc. ch.irraan; Mr. Mush Slle, Yit'H MWX i made with a full skirt floated on to snori. waistea oeu oi me same i Hk and straps of the same passing lauspender like over the snoulders or nlaln tnllnroit U'llit- niiwvwillnu' cay of orchid shades cniffon roe buls.

Then there was an apricot satin set and another or orange chiffon. It Is to be opined that these liec-tlc garments aft offered or the trade of fair but frail beauties who earnestly desire to match up their lin-serie with their reputations. ItaffeU blouse. WHS. SEKKIN IipMOKKb.

0 Silk sweaters are snow in this IAS A1' popular black and white check com-bination that are trunmeri in ribbon and ilk of like ilk, purses and bags have Checks without, even if they MlSrAfj cLl'B ELECTS I may be a bit shy of them within and OFFICERS EOB YEA II. i W.aAW la livaolrlilar rvii fctati. with an eruption of checks. In fact I the more prevalent this check epi IL The Musical Art Club held its regular annual meeting yesterday with Mr. J.

F- Manier in the chair and Miss Olive Faulkner as hostess. Miss Faulkner's program was one ot excellence and merit. A paper written by Mrs. J. H.

Av -demis Is bound to become the more try to check it. By the way, have you taken the A new food, a new flavor and a daintiness all its own. KRUMBLES is made entirely of Wheat the whole of the wheat berry-granulated, cooked and delicately toasted. It's a new idea a new method originated by W. K.

Kellogg, of Battle Creek. The equipment is patented. There can be no imitation of KRUMBLES. Every package of KRUMBLES is sure to be Kellogg's. You will find the signature K.

Kellogg" on the package, just as you do on Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes. And the package is the famous damp-proof, air-proof Kellogg's jTel! of tlie Cubist orier. All he smartest new veils of the flaring va- rlety that flow voluminously from th tiny turbans ana spread their si ribbon bound edges' atop shapely rvi anoulders are or filet mesh. As ev- cry woman knows ihis means a qnare mesh and most of these are "Thtt tne lovely suburban home of Mrs. Frank A.

Stearns was the scene of one ot the prettiest and most elaborate parties of the year yesterday when she entertained twenty of her friends with an auction bridge luncheon in honor of Mrs. C. B. Serrin, of Colorado Springs. Colo.

The guests motored out about 11 o'clock; and indulged in their favorite game until 1:30 o'clock when an elegant eight course luncheon was served on trays. On tne trays with the first course weTe corsage bouquets of jonquils for each with the exception of the honoree and Miss Helen Vaughan sabcock, a bride elect who were presented with beautiful sweet pea corsages. Mrs. Stearns' trophies were potted hyacinths. They were won by Mesdames Alf Whlttlngton, Em.

Martin, W. G. Bonic and W. J. Little.

Mrs. Stearns' guests included Mesdames Serrin, W. II. neaderick. S.

B. Steele. Harry A. Jones. C.

T. Dren nen. H. A. Tribbl.

C. H. Martin. C. Dake, Alf Whittington, Wm.

J. Lit tie, B. F. Klein, W. IS.

Pierson, A. Stallcnp, Jack Sprague. W. G. Bouic, W.

T. Wootton and Misses Helen Vaughan Babcock, and Amelia Rector. In addition to the honoree the out of town guests were Mrs. George Harvey of Little Kocft and Mrs. Veit Hain of Chicago.

-4 bordered with alternate squares fill- folks at 1 Serve KRUMBLES all around to the breakfast Pour a little cream or milk over it. KRUMBLES has a fine natural sweetness of its own, and the more you chew it the better it tastes. At your Grocer's ed In solidly with the thread. In taupe these filet meah, veils are reat beauty enhances to even $ne plataat of countenance, 'l After all there Is a food practical Teaeon for Fashion's decree against bright colors this season and a put-; Ung forward of the neutral sombre i tlaU and tones of grey drab dun i and black and white. Quite a novelty 3 ft ta, too, for Fashion to have any pithing stable as a foundation for her ery and read, by Mrs.

W. Lake on the composer for the day Felix Mendelssohn was handled in a ntost interesting and realistic manner. Miss Faulkner, the efficient and talented local music supervisor in the schools presented a quartet of girls from the High School who sung "The Sand Man" to the musical setting of with delightful quality and expression. This nnmber was so pleasing that the young hulies were forced to respond to an encore. They were Misses Elizabeth Murphy.

Bonn-ie Wier, Octa via Schaor and Dorris Klleman. Miss Joe May Wood gave a reading concerning the love affairs of an old maid and in this initiative work was captivating. She was enthusiastically encored and gave a second selection. Mrs. J.

E. Hogue played two Mendelssohn studies. Delerium" and "Venetion Boat and wag persistently recalled. One or the very fine things was a violin duett by Miss Adele Johnson and Mrs. Manier from "Mid Hummer's Night's and including "Wedding This was thoroughly enjoyed.

The following oincers were 10 cents the package ragarlea and yet the real sordid rea aoV for the present monotone ot mode la the shortage of foreign 4 dyeetuffa and the Inferior quality of our own. It certainly seems strange (hat the made in V. 9. A. dyestuffs Jarent good'enough to dye our gar-l ments; they have been tried out it luch soccess' in all our drinks and foodstuffs.

-ji'ti Under oovpr ttt seems, liowevet. MASTER THKODOKK VI IE CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY. Master Theodore Koger Wylte, son of Dr. and Mrs. F.

M. Wylie, cele bra ted his seventh birthday yesterday ii Oit hrlrht colnrn arent nf necpRsitv taincd a few of the younger set last she has been ill. in honor of tuejr house! iMiss Alta McGee at)le to be out guert, (Jctavia Uines. of Ais-1 again afier a brief illness I NOT FEELING "JUST UIUHT' When you get tired early In the day, have an overfull feeling, are bilious, have bad breath or suffer from indigestion or constipation yon will find Foley Catnartic Tablets doit', Texas. tMuick and comfortable in action.

1 After enjoying a theatre party at the 1'iiniess. th young people motored out. to Dr. and Mrs. Proctor's home on Quapaw avenue where Mrs.

Prortor served a delicious buffet lunch. A BABY FOOD FOR BABY CHICKS. Greatest advance in scientific feeding In the past century. Pratt's Baby Chich Food saves the chicks, money, worry. Prevent chick losses: Use Pratt's White 1)1 arrhoea Remedy from the start at the family residence, 10 l'ioa-ant struct, from 2 to p.

m. Fifteen quests assisted him in enjoying the nappy occasion, Gauica weia Indulged in after which refreshments consisting oi ice cream and cake were served. The little host was mace me recipient of several pretty presents. 1U.V, TO.MGHT. The Majestic hotel will be the scene of an informal dance tonight.

Manager H. A. Is out with his usual cordial invitation to the friends ot the hotel to attend. Dancing at o'clock. It 4 Only Afternoon Newspaper Published in Hot Springs The attic of the Proctor hotn 1H c.l;-lo i 1 c.l- large and for small dancing faclloil guaranteed or money rerun-prrti's and last evening dancing was ded by S.

A. Sammons and Son They are wholesome and health-giving. Mr. L. 1.

Levy, Green Bay. says: "Tliey do not gripe and their effect quick and sure. The finest cathartic 1 ever used." R. G. Morris Drug Co.

Develop your chicks into healthy, husky pullets and cockerels. Use Pratts' Poultry Regulator, Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded, by S. A. Sammons 'Son. 6491.

enjoyed tlieie until a late hour. Dr. ,6491. and Mrs. Proctor were assisted in -7 to II Vi I II entertaining by Mr.

and Mrs. Walter Dodson. A LIVE NEWS MEDIUM BC. PROFITS a sured 'by using PRATT'S POULTRY REGULATOR. It strengthens breed- The young peopie in the party in- AKMWroN DANCE.

Tlie informal dance at the Arl hotel last nipht was largely attended and proved most enjoyable. The local set were well rep using Pratt's Poultry Regulator. It strengthens breeding stock, increases fetllity, resulting in bigger hatches and insures strong, healthy chicks. Sold on money-back guarantee by A. Sammons Son.

Mudr1 Misses Hines, Helen and stoc. increases fertility, result-Frances Horner. Gladys Van Leer inK in natches nl Insures strong, healthy chciis. ROUP. Pror Deadenck.

Mary McCauley it destroying contagious, trouble-Loyzelle C-llihan. Barbara Kearney, maker. Positively prevented and Ida Belle Moore, Bertha Schaefer, eured by Pratts Roup Remedy (Tab-Margaret Gillen. Messrs Eugene or owder.) Sold on money back Jackson. Jesse Gilliam, Frank by S' A' Sammons and ney.

Tom Eddy, Harry Kranz. Jas. L. I Dirri4 ,) I resented aniotiR the visnors. The Contains the live news of the day, both local, telegraphic and feature.

It is essentially a Hot Springs' paper. It goes into the homes and into ,4 the hands of the housewives and shoppers, whom the advertisers particularly desire lb reach. nai rj, iiA ttiiiu, neuiieyj RAISE EVERY CHICK YOU Many have done so by Thomas, Charles Harmon and BUI! HATCH Arlington will alr.o civc another in formal dai'ce Satmrtay niptit. Dane Ing begins at o'clock. BIRTHDAV CELKHKATMIN.

Little Marguerite itawson celebrat-eil her fonrth birthday anniversary yesterday afternoon by entertaining a party of little friends at the home McCauley and Archie Smith. us ng PRATT'S BABY CHICK FOOD Ittsuret rapid growth and freedom from disease. To develop your chicks Into healthy, husky pullets and cock WANTED Hot Springs post office clerk-carrier and other government examinations tins spring. Good salaries. I conducted examinations, can help you get position.

Trial examination free. Write Ozment, 26. St. Louis, Mo. County Script for Sale Ask Manager New Era Ed CavleMl leaves tomorrow for crel8 "8C HATTS POUT.TRY REC, Delivered Anywhere in the City for 10c Per Week If his home In St.

Jotcpii. ULAT0R- Sattafactlon guaranteed or mnnv t6fnnitA a a cnm. Hmni1in thn wnt horo i mnna a Knn of her parents on East tlrand ave nuc. The little folks enjoyed games and were given a joy, rifle over the city automobile. A Mop was mademade at Happy Hollow, where a group photograph was mini" and Mcs.

Ben and little son, David, plan to return to their home in Cleveland, Saturday after a visit to her mother, Mrs. George Lower. Rabbi Rhine and Mr. Ous Strauss have left for New Orleans to refreshments were served. Those present were nth Manning V.

H. Kltzpatrlck, Jr Cousin nee Mc-Cafferty, Charles Jeimau. Ernest, Clarence and Raymond King attcrd the antiuai UNal Brith con HIGH-CLASS JOB PRINTING. The New Era also maintains an up-to-date Job Department. When in need of any kind of Printing, from the smallest card to High-Grade ArifWork, call us over the 'phone and we will be v'fflad to figure with you, vkMitisii -is nnd Ruth Kins.

VlWnn. and vent Ion. Mis. J. D.

Brock, returned from Conwny tills morning where she attended tho Btate convention of the Myrtle Lul'ralrle. Kalllo Cherry, da Cherry, Corotby, Iot)crt and Erank Goodwin. Venn if Haw son; Mrs. Woman Missionary Union. To 25 Customers Each Night a Copy of The New Era Miss Imogen Hardy of Malvern.

F. A. King, Mrs. Charles jeneau. Mn.

V. M. Kawson. Mr. and Mm.

V. H. Kltzpatrlck. Mrs. Tip Goodwin, Mrs, Kwson Mr.

Stanley Meadows Dm uq Store Is the guest of her cousin, Miss Jusnlta Gllllani. Dr. OMV. Hnff left, yesterday for New York City and Hartford. rla.Neflr Orleans and tho ocean route.

The friends 0f Mlfti Claire Mc Laushlln will. regret to learn that Simpson. i MISS HINTUM KONOKEK "TRK VkfT AVT? PHOKK 4S7 AT I'AHTV. tt. find Mrs.

J. M. rroctor enter-.

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