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The Washington Post from Washington, District of Columbia • Page 2

Washington, District of Columbia
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VIC 5if4ag i 4 THE WASHINGTON POST THUKSDAYr TONE 25 1914 kigrz Tirrr S1 fc s5 JfF rSOXSM 51 Vk IN TANGtEON TRUSTS 3 Sifuation in Senate Growing Worselnstead of Better A DISAkREEMENTOlTALL JOINTS Sr i lK As Last Resort It IsSaldTiat One More Appeal WiU Beada to Presi dent to Let ths Clayton Bilf Go Oyer No Hope Is Expressed That He Will I Consent I Hopeless differences of opinion In the Senate committee have brought the Presidents trust prpgram to the pojnt where it seems about collapse After ten days consideration of the Clayton antl trust pill as passed by the House jthe Senate judiciary committee lasVnight apparently was no nearer conclusion as to whit It shall renort to the Senate than oh the day when flrst took up the measure go desperate appears to be the situation that another appeal Is to he made to the President to permit the Senate to enact the Newlands trade commission bill and Congress then adjourn Meanwhile leaders saV the whole subject of trust legis latloncan be studied and senators return xo Washington prepared to legislate intelligently No Faith in Appeal Nowhere is there any belief however that he President can he persuaded to listen to this appeal The Senate committee is badly divided on many of the subjects in thebill Membershave found little common ground for prohibition of Interlocking directorates and holding companies and they have nt een able to agree on any plan to prevent price fixing One I of the big stumbling blocks Is the remarkable exemption from prosecution granted to labor organisations In the House bill Letters and telegrams In protest against this are coming to senators from every section of the country They are particularly emphatia from the South One of tha most influential Southern Democrats In the Senate yesterday received a long telegram from a leading Democrat of his State a business man of affairs who characterized the provls ons of thfpendlng bill as the most atrocious piece tof class legislation ever proposed compared nlth which anything the Republicans ever fostered was harmless Imperils Democratic Tarty He asserted that such a law would drive the Democratic party from power shock the intelligence and common sense of al self respecting men and in the end work untold harm upon labor Itself The Clayton bill which carries the anti injunction provisions ia one of the most important and far reaching of all he measures before the judiciary committee Lat night again round the members hooelessly deadlocked over the exemp tions Relative to labor and cooperative associations determined however to reconstruct them but unable to come together regarding details All work thus far done has been tentative Changes agreed upon one day are reconsidered the next Eery paragraph brings up a maze of conflicting opinions and while there Is much talk the commit lg makins no headway So manifest was the condition in the committee yesterdayyesterday that Senator Heed jocularly suggested that the committee adjourn to Atlantic City where the cool sea breezes might aid concentration ot thought and produce definite results Trust Legislation Lags During the past week trust legislation generally lagged Senator Newlanfls has not yet bad the trade commission bill mads the unfinished business but expects to this morning When the Indian bill was passed last night he attempted to call up his bill hut Republicans objected owing to the absence of Republican members pf the committee and Mr Newlands gavel notice that he would move this morning to give the measure the right of way The Interstate commerce committee has made no attempt for several days to make progress on the railroad stock and bond bill Realizing that the varying views of committeemen cannot be amalgamated the Democratic members of the judiciary committee will shortly carry their troubles to the White House and urge the President either to direct specifically what legislation jhe wants attempted or try to convince him that the Clayton bill and the kind of legislation it represents should be passed over until tha next session ADMIRAL EMORY STRICKEN Retired Naval Officer Suffers Para lytic Stroke in Europe Is Being Brought to His Home in This A City in Charge of Trained i Nurse Relatives and friends of Rear Admiral William Hemsley Emory retired of this clty have received word that while traveling In Europe for his health accompanied by Mrs Emory the admiral suf fered a stroke of paralysis in Monte Carlo and Is now on his way to his home in this city in charge of a trained nurse Admiral Emory has apartments at the Connecticut and will reach New York today and possibly come at once to Washington Arrangements for accommodations for Admiral and Mrs Emory at the Richmond were made some time ago by William Emory jr of Warrenton Va a son of tha admiral Admiral Emory is SS years old and Is a natjve of Washington Six years ago he reached the age of retirement and he hauled down bis flag while on duty In Chlpese waters where he was very popular having been lieutenant on the Asiatic station 1S72 During the civil war heerved on the Macedonian He served In various capacities after the war being naval attache of the American embassy In London from 1S89 1S93 and commanding the Yosemlta during the Spanish AmericanAmerican war iwT JTBlJIER PITCHER AND HIS BJOTE TWO MINUTES AFTER THEIR MARRIAGE MR AND MRS WALTER JOHNSON Walter Johnson Worlds Champion Pitcher Yields the Palm to Cupid And Weds Miss Hazell Lee Roberts NEW DISTRICT PLAN UP utn iMMPii i House Committee WiU piscuss Proposed inquiry Toda WOUXP FIX FUTURE RELATIONS Resolution Embodying Suggestion Minority LeaderUndefwood to Determine on Form of Government QrsCapital Reported yesterday frovifcsfgr1 BU partisan Commission 4 Quiet Ceremony at Brides Home Follows Sensational Victory on Dia mond Witnessed btf Pretty Fiancee MrL Johnson Daughter of Representative From Nevada Culmination of a Years Romance Engagement Rihgs The proper Engagement Ring is a DiamondbJcthe finest quality platinum if jTr gold mounting V--Our display of Engage nient Riqgs includes only gems of the finest I quality feet in hand made mountings 1 pfpltinum and gold nWELURS SimRSHlTHSSTATloiiERJ 4 WiZ PEN NSYJVAHIA AyjSU 1 The worlds greatest pitcher before whose resistless arm all otherrlvals have gone down Wdefeatrniet 1ils master In the Love God and gracefully surrendered when Walter Johnson of the Washington American League team was quietly mar 1 ried last night to Miss Hazell Lee Roberts daughter Of Representative Roberts of Nevada at the home of the brides parents the Raymond apartment house 1493 Monroe street northwest The triumph of Cupid over this famous champion of the diamond was the immediate sequel of the finest exhibition of hia prowess he has ever shown but few of those who saw the masterly skill with which he won victory from the worlds champion Athletics were aware of the romantic event to follow a few hours later From a special box at the baseball park a pair of bright eyes watched him in the culminating achievement of his career on the mound just as they had followed his success so often since the evening about a year ago when he met his future bride at the Hotel Dewey where the Nationals at that time made their headquarters and the member of Congress from Nevada with his charming family made his home The tumult and the shouting which greeted his wizardlike prowess the baseball park were tn striking contrast with the exclusive and simple ceremony at the home of the bride where the Rev Dr Prettyman chaplain of the Senate officiated There were no bridesmaids and no best man only members of the brides family witnessing the ceremony The bride came to Washington three years ago when her father was elected to the Sixty second Congress Johnson though a veteran in the baseball world is only 26 years old His home Is in Coffeyvtlle Kans and he owns a ranch Bride in Cream Dress Last nights bride wore at the ceremony a cream lace dress covering a cream taffeta skirt She carried an Inv mense bouquet of pink roses Scarcely any one but those In the Immediate neighborhbodr was aware that anything unusual was to take place when the Nationals pitcher arrived In his automobile at the Roberts residence last night at 8 oclock He was unattended Shortly after he was followed by the Rev Dr Prettyman who performed the marriage ceremony according to the Methodist Episcopal service Surprise to His Friends Until yesterday at the second game at the ball park none of the immediate friends or teammates of the pitcher knew that the marriage was to occur last night When it was finally known the ceremony was to take place the pitcher was avalanched with questions but he was reticent He wouldonly say Youll have to take that up With Miss Roberts llridecroom Anto Play Pranks When the couple left the Raymond apartment last night an incident occurred that created considerable excitement amid a large gathering of bystanders on the walks The big automobile which was to carry them to their apartment tn BUtmore street would notstartThe Dig pitcher worked desperately vervthe mechanism until a fcystandercamato the rescue and offered to carry theyoung couple to their home in his roadster Thehlg car was Heft standing IntthcstreetWhnethe young couple spea eastward A pro onsed clapping of hands and Ipudshouts from ibout 100 bystanders tiofe 4messageto them that there weremanyUbeV4who bade them godspeed 2 Theweddlng lastJilghFwas the sequel to a romance which has lasted for more than a year WalterJOhnson met his brldaf last night more than aryear ago when ttoRobertseg were stopping at the Dewey Hotel In streefswhtcnwasthen the headqiuarters of KhBCWalsWngton baseball club Since that time Mrs Johnson became oe of the Washington hail teams mosfardent fanand has beenseen at many of the NationafeLcQnteits She was a member of abox party atthe dou bleheader1 played at thBparkyestefday Mrs Johnson Uthaionljr daughter of Mr and MreEE Bohertsrantd has been at resident and a popular ftguraMn the younger social set tit this city sines her ratherVterra in Congress 5Vhen questioned as to wjf they knew abut rthejweddinstal of Johnsons teammates said they did not know that the big pitcher was tof bsmirrlad last nighf until it becantfrf known yesterday Teammate Didnt Knovr Eddie Ainsmith the other half of Washingtons greatest battery said I heard nothing of the affair until yesterday though Walter and I have worked together for the last four years and have been the best pf friends can understand why he should want to be married quietly When asked If he knew where the young couple might go for a possible honeymoon of a few days he said I do not see how Walter can possibly leave the city now as he will probably have to work with the team every day and is likely to have to pitch a game Saturday Do I congratulate him well I should say so I havent been out of the realms of what they call single blessedness long myself and believe me I like it All Wish Him Good Lack Clyde Milan who has long been an intimate friend of Johnson said I know speak for alj the fellows of the team when I say we wish Johnson the best of luck I have it pretty straight that the fellows will get busy with a handsome present for big boy and if anybody should ask you Im on to head the list for him Washingtons baseball club has lately turned out a number of benedicts Among these are Eddie Ainsmith who was married In San Antonio Tex seven months ago Clyde Milan married In ClarksvIlleTex November 19 last Joe Gedeon married In Los Angeles seven months ago and Dan Moeller who was married last January PUTS BAN ON ALL JOY RIDES The House districtconunHtee has been palled to meet today la take under consideration thepjan suggested by Representative TJnderwoodths Housa leader for an Investlgationby a ndnpaf tlsarf vuuiuusaiui4 tu uclpi nunc uuvi uai ttttCl of relationship shall exist In the future between the Federal government and the National Capital The committee wjll have before jt resolution which was reported yesterday by a select subcommittee com posed of Representatives Prouty Cara way Lieary Mapes and Uiaypoo ana Which provides for an lnYestigatingboard of seven members sCommittM Fawn Plan It was paid yesterday thatjthe sentiment ofthe Dlstricteommlttee is favorable to the plan recommended The personnel of the1 proposed commission would Include the chairmen flf th JJ0He and Senate District committees the president of the DstrlcUloard of commissioners andJour persons tobe named by the Presidents Thesofour persons it Is provided should be nonresidents andnon property 5 ownersiOtvthe pistrict and should come from widely separated sections of the country The scope of Jthe proposed Inquiry Is Indicated by the following provision In the resolution recommended by the subcommittee Vii 8cope of Proposed Inquiry1 Tharad commission hereby empowered and directed to make a thorough examination of the relations at present existing between theFBderal government and the pistrict of Columbia that said commission further directed to ascertain and report to Congress whether local self government mlht notvnow be granted to saldJMBtrlct and that if said commission shall ascertain that eaidUocal self government could now be grantedtO the Pistrct that said comrnlssion PreparePrepare and report to Congress a bill creatingcreating said local self government that said commission shall further make a careful investigation to ascertain what if any Federal aid should be given to the District by way of contribution from the Federal Treasury for the support of the local affairs that said com mission shall have the power and authority to employ a secietary clerical help and such accountants and experts on municipal affairs as It shall deem proper and necessary for a thorough comprehensive report that said commission shall give public hearings in1 the Dls trict or at such other places as a ma jority of said commission may determine I that said commission is especially to ascertain and report to Congress tho fair average rate of taxes collected in otner cities of like size to that of wasmngton upon the actual cash value of Us property and report to this House what would be a fair and reasonable rate to be assessed against the property of the District at Its actual cash value that said commission shall ascertain and report what kinds and classes of property are assessed in other cities and what kinds and classes of property should be assessed In the District and at what rate in order that the property in the District might bear a fair burden of taxa tion as compared with property situated elsewhere that said commission shall make full and complete report of its find ings of fact and its conclusions and recommendations for legislative action In Congress House Lays Down Hard and Fast Rules for Printer Fords Auto Electrical Appliance Can Only Be Used for Business Now Says Sundry Civil Bill Democratic ieeonrfmlsts in the House struggled over the eternal automobile question again yesterday This time it came up in connection with consideration of the sundry civil bill the discovery having been made that Publio Printer Pnrd wTVrt Is a NftW Tersftv npTrirtaf rides about the city In a handsome elec tric which was purchased for 4000 by government funds Representative Fowler of Illinois started the discussion He said as a Democrat he could see no use for an automobile Representive Mondell Republican of Wyoming suggested that the auto which Is the pride of Jhe publlc printer was purchased froman appropriation headed for the purchase of electric appliances Mr Fowler sat down epeechlessand the thread of the debate was taken up by Representative Percy Quin a Democrat of Mississippi who shouted I am getting sick and tired of this business In this city it Js a common sight to see little officeholders riding around in big automobiles 1 hava seen 2000 officeholders riding about In 4000 cars bought with money drained from the burdened taxpayers of the land This thing has got to be stopped Somebody volunteered the Information that the electric was used to carry money from the Treasury to the printing office Im glad to ralk to get my money aeciareaJurifWUi i Whereupon the House puranamend ihentln the billStipulating that hereafterhereafter Mr Ford should use his car only to carryfprtnting material and that its utilization for purposes of pleasure should be stopped JFast Train Kills Two Ohio Boys Martins Ferry Ohlor June 2t Edwin Bowen and Fred Engle boys were killed early today at a railroad crossing when the wagon which they were taking milk to market was hit by a fast train TRIBUTE TO COVINGTON House Applauds Presidents Judicial Appointment STARTED BY MANES SPEECH Republican Leader Declares That Nowhere in the World Could He Have 4 Found Any One as Fit for the District Supreme Bench as the Representative From Maryland In an unusual way the House yesterday took occasion to express Its approval of the recent appolntmentby the President of Representative Harry Covington of Maryland as chief justice of the District Supreme Court Mr Covington who has been detained ct his home at Easton on business appeared on the floor among his colleagues for the flrst time since Ms selection for the judicial position Praised by Republican Leader As he war leaving thi chamber Repre sentative Mann the Republican leader interrupted the proceedings to ask him to rsmain for a moment Then Mr Mann said I desire to commend the President for some of the appointments hehas made He has taken out of this House some very able men He recently made an appointment which meets with the ap proval of every member ofthe House whether he be a Republican Democrat or Progressive i No One Could Be More Fit I desire to express my personal appreciation of this appointment He might have searched the world over and he could not have found any one as fit as the gentleman from Maryland for the chief Justiceship of the District Supreme Court i The House applauded and Mr Covington blushlngly and wlth evldent embarrassment bowed himself out of the chamber Stop Look Listen Watch This SpaceTomorrow SERVIAlfcJtULER Ti7BNSa KINGDOM AVER TO BON a uiv i xfmrrMi MtjiMriMirA4M nuat hiiw TfTPWfl Kff iHS sSfHviifi jtri i 4rt 8 siiA mm HavalOfRcerMehaceto Comrades Carrying for Years Germs of Typhoid Evcrylody Connected Witfathe Case Is Pledged to Secrecy ly Secretary Daniels While Specialists TreafOne of Jhe Most Remarkable Physical Conditions in the Medical Annalsofthe American Navy mimmMmamtmmmmi KlJHHRb ft Peter forced by411ness temporarily to a etire from control jt gOYffpnjept acceded Jothe throne after the murders of King Alexander and Queen Draga i ACTSASABOOMERANG -Premiers Cofomblan Treaty Claim Oversioois JWarlcrK SENATORSdEMANDTHE JR00P Attempt to Fasten Apology on Shoulders of Taft Administration Fails in Its PurposeNow Asserted That Approval of Du Bois Memorandum Was Never Givenby Republican Regime The attitude of the Secretary of State in attempting to shoulder upon the Taft administration responsibility for the apology to Colombia in the treaty submitted to the Senate recently seems to have had the opposite effect Intended by that ofllcfal Of course It is well known that the reasoning of the Secretary of State convinced him that If he could show a Republican administration originated tha proposition he has written Into the pending treaty all those Republicans who supported the repeal of ther toll exemption law would again rally around the President and make the ratification of una ircaiy possioie Senators who are given to a milder form of speech say the Secretary was disingenuous in his statements both to the committee and to the press when he compared the treaty of 19H which he negotiated withCoIombia with the DuvBois memorandum and publicly stated that that document had the approval of the Republicai administration Call for the Proof Nowlt is asserted that approVal ct the Du Bols memorandum was never given by President Taft or Secretary Knox It la the purpose of Republican members of the foreign relations committee to cajl upon the State Department to produce the note containing the alleged Indorsement Instead If winning Republicans over to him the attitude Of the Secrets i nt Stnt has Incensed Republican senators who soyereiy criticise mm for attempting to mislead the committee and the country As stated In The Post yesterday It Is asserted by ofllclajs of the last administration that Instead of approving the Du Bois memorandum President Taft flatly refused to conslder such an prnrpsslnn if regret and that Secretary Knox heartily concurred witn mm If the Secretary of State declines to submit all the correspondence to the committee It Is understood It can be obtained elsewhere and thnt fore the treaty is acted upon in the Sen ate all the facts In their correct sequence will be made public When this is done one senator stated yesterday it will then be shown that the officials of the State Department haver placed themselves a most embarrassing if not humiliating position Dubois Ready to Testify Former Minister Du Bois reached New York yesterday on the Imperator He will come to Washington this Week to appear before the foreign relations committee to explain the exact nature of his mission to Colombia as heunderstood it and tell whether In drafting the memo jandum over which the discussion has arisen hs acted under definite instructions or whether In his desire to reach a basis upon which a treaty might be built he used his dircretlonary powers as minister plenipotentlaryr Mr Du Bois It is said returned to America anticipating that he would be called to testify before the Senate committee It is understood that he wilt also confer with the President and Secretary of State Representatives of Brown Bros Co and Seligman New Yorkbank ers informed the Senate committee on foreign relations yesterdajr that they would appear before the committee and relate the connection of these banking houses with recent financial operations in Nicaragua Charles Conant who was Invited tp appear before the committee also assented He reorganized the finances of Nicaragua several years ago In addition the committee will hear Severo Mal let Prevost a New York attorney who It is said had a hand in drakingsome of the financial contracts in which the committee wishes to delve Mallet Prevosts Position Mallet Prevost has had more of less Intimate connection with the affairs of the State Department for several years and is accounted one of those who is able to attrapt a fee to himself whenever an international coup Is to be executed He Is supposed to bejn the possession of illuminating information If hejiares to give It to the committee The Colombian legation renews its statement that outside the services of Hannis Taylor the legation has no other attorneys lawyers counsels or Intermediate persons entitled to fees or payments for services connected with the negotiations of the treaty Statements the contrary thlegation claims are absolutely false and people who insist on them should give the names of Hhe supposed lawyers or consuls and the grounds of their sayings ORyan in Stewarts Place Maj Gen John ORyan of the New York National Guard was appointed yesterday by Secretary pf War Garrison a member Of the national militia board He succeeds Brig GenrThomar Stew art of the Pennsylvania militia whose term of service pn the board his expired A naval offioer whose Identity is closely guarded by order of Secretary of the Navy Daniels is undergoing treatment under specialists In New York to saoer tain whether he is a carrier of typhoid germs The case is one at the most remarkable that has ever come to the attention of the medical offiqera of the navy Whether the officer will remain on the active list will depend upon the result of the treatment he Is now receiving OfHelals of the Navys Department say tnac it nas not been clearly demonstrated that he 1 a carrier of typhoid germs although it Is admitted that several cases of typhoid fever have occurred on ahlpi on which he was serving Germs Still in System The officer in question puff srd it tack of typhoid fever some years ago and although he had apparently recovered his health a close medical examination showed that be was still harboring the disease germs There have been no epidemics of typhoid on the vessels on which he served but therq have bfln sev eral pases of the disease the origin of which could not be satisfactorily traced If Is found that the present course of treatment does not expel the typhoid germs from his system Secretary Pan els wui prooaoiy De obliged to place him tne retired list for Physical disability as apwtection to the other officers of the navy who would comer ln cahtact with him Jn the course ft ithelr official duties ri According to recent reports to the bu reau of medicine and surgery however his condition LIs considerably improved and there Is excellent prospect that he will be entirely cured of his unusual dls ease and will he restored to duty Tha discovery of ths unique case came as result of Investigations made by pa val medical officers to ascertain tha source of several tun of typhoid fever All the mual sources of infection were carefully investigated and found tP be free from the disease germs Perfectly Well but Infected In the hope pf obtaining a possible clew to the origin of tha disease the medical records of the officers on board the shin were searched and an officer was found who had had typhoid rever hut had apparently entirely recovered his health He was cly examined by mdlcal officers who found that he was Infected with typhoid erms although he had recovered from the disease He was at once detached from duty and placed under treatment In a naval hospital Later he was ordered to New York where he was placed under the care of specialists The officer In Question has a good service record and if he is entirely cured he will be restored to duty Secretary Daniels has Issued stringent orders to the officials Of the Navy Department to prevent divulging his name or any Incident connected with the case which would disclose th officers Identity SiSSkiiiiMkiS wrT iHsawspr i 9m Hursfcvfl AM to 545 Window and Door Screens Bar Out the Flfes Let in the Air Buy Screens lor Your ouse Today Any of the windows oi doors In your house nd pew screens If so buy today the number of screens required Our screens are well made and offered ftt the following prices WOOD SLIDE HARDWOOD CON TXarSKTAt JCBKBNS High Closed Open Price 9 in 21 in 33 lnl8e 18 in 21 In S3 in 25e 22 in 21 in 33 lnS7c 24 In IS in 2 in28e 24 in 21 in 33 in 20a 24 In 23 in 37 in 32c 24 in 26 in 41 ln 3c 30 in 16 in 26 in 30e 30 in 23 in 37 ln38e 32 in 23 in 37 ln 32 in 26 in 45 Jn4f 38 in 23 in S7 n49 36 In 23 in 45 inB5c iylnufflnlsh Doorj Com QQA plete with fixtures yOC lyaturol flnlsh Doorj best quality plain Jlke a mill mad door complete with fixtures AQ Special atMiJlyO NuturslrffBlsh Doors complete with fixtures 12 corner jJ1 CA brackets iDliDU a nral flninh Door Of sir Complete with fixtures Oi iiD Fourth Floor Screens i Startsia FuroreWith Her Rich Gowns LDiscweredJhat She Makes Em Herself i SfecliTts The Wnlinta Past Paris June 24AtdeJlghtf ill Instance of provincial femaJa jealousy ls reported from Saint Mihiel in theMeuse depert mertfc The other 4 day the rector of the unl varsity railed intahisstudyona of the professors Corotand reproached him because of his wifes frivolity and love of dresar He said he had received a letterTof complaint from themayor Dr Albert Thlery The professor sent off a furious letter to the mayor telling him he had all the difficulty in the world In preventing his wife from serving the mayor as Mrtie Caillaiux is accused of having served Caimette The mayor disclaimed responsibility declaring that he was ojjly the mouthpiece of a number of good citixens who had petitioned him to take action Corot having recovered from his wrath explained that he had ample funds to allow his wife to dress as she pleased and Mm Corot herself then let tho Jealous ones Into the secret of her extravagant toljets Tes I love to ba elegantly gowned said Thus on Tace day I wore one of the new cloaks Jt was the first time such a thing had been seen in this town What a to do I was voted eccentric The fact Is I make my own dresses Not long ago I appeared in public with a gown covered with rich lace made by myself during the long winter evenings The whole thing cost me 3750 PRINCE RULES SERVIA King Petr Confides Realm to the Care of His Soar U0 FORMAL ABDICATION YET Royal Proclamation Issued Declaring Monarch Is Too 111 to Perform Duties and His Heir Will Act er Hinv Know to Be Seriously Sick and May Soon Give Up Throrfe Belgrade June 2i King Peter I of Servia was reported today to have abdicated the throne in favor of his second son Prince Alexander The king left Belgrade in the afternoon for the baths at Vranya In the southern part of Servia and a note Issued by the official agency In announcing the kings departure did not say he had abdicated but confined itself to the statement that his majesty had signed a ukase Intrusting the government of fiervla during his absence from the capital to Crown Prince Alexander The kings eldest son Prince Qeorge In 1909 renounced his right of succession to the throne Royal Proclamation Issued A royal proclamation1 Issued shortly afterward was as follows-Owing to ill health Pam unable to perform my duties and in accordance with paragraph 69 ct the Servian constitution I confide the government of Servia to my heir the Crown Prince Alexander during my Illness As It was known that King Peter waa seriously ill the flrst impression caused by the issue of the proclamation to the public was that his majesty actually had abdicated and there would be little surprise In court circles in Belgrade If todays action by the king should turn out to be merely a preliminary step to abdication which King Peter is said to have had in contemplation for some time Succeeded Murdered King King Peter I who Is 70 years old ascended tho Servian throne June IS 1903 after the murder of King Alexander At 1230 on the night of June 10 about 40 Servian army officers entered the royal palace burst open the apartments of King Alexander and Queen Draga and Shot their majesties dead On the same occasion several Servian ministers were assassinated and altogether during the night S4 people were killed or wounded The present king was In Geneva at the time and he afterward denied all knowledge of the conspiracy His majesty however never caused the punishment of the conspirators who retained their rank In the Servian army Led Adventurous Life King Peter until his accession led a very adventurous life He studied In Switzerland and then went to the French mllltaryacademy at St Cyr He participated In the Franco German war as an officer For many years he Is said to have engaged in conspiracies against King Milan of Servia but1 for 45 years he himself never set foot oil Servian soil until be had been elected king by the Servian parliaments Prince Alexander was born on December 4 1S88 He has hitherto been very popular among the Servians He wa educated In St Petersburg and is of a studious and refined temperament I0SES VIRGINIAS BIG CAMP Richmond Va June 24 Because of Richmonds failure to install sewerage and propersanitary equipment at the site selected for the annual encampment of the Virginia National Guard this city has lost the encampment Gov Stuart today ordered the State troops to encamp at Gordonsvllle from July 21 to 3d The order Includes all troops except field artillery which will encamp at Tobyhanna Pa McGRAY Refrigerators Known Everywhere for Superiority McCray Refrigerator Co on st PRISONERS AT HIS BIER Willard the wizard Buried From Cincinnati Morgue FUNERAL SERVICE GREWS0ME Vaudeville Actor Known in Private Life as ThbmasMaloney Had No Friends at Obsequies Except Officials of Jail in Which He Leaped to Death Had 1 Killed His Wife and Child Cincinnati June 24 In tha cold room of the county morgue scarcely 10 feet from where lay other friendless bodies of the unfortunate dead was 1ield the last obsequies this afternoon of Wiilard the Wis ard as he was known on the stage Thomas Maloney in private life The funeral services were in the presence of four prisoners from the county jail Sheriff Cooper iiva deputies a few newspapermen an undertaker and a minister who delivered the sermon Prisoners Are the Pallbearers The prisoners were tha pallbearers of this grewsome funeral Wiilard tha WUard last winter killed his wife and baby at a local hotel Ha was In Jail awaiting trial on the charge of flrst degree murder He had attempted to kill himself the night oT the double tragedy but was prevented from doing so He made numerous threats to take his life while In jail andpn Sunday list while not being obsesved climbed to tha highest tier In tha jail and threw himself to the stone corridor below crushing every bone in hia body Sheriff Cooper and his deputies assisted the prisoner pallbearers Movements of Ocean Steamers ARRIVED resident Lincoln from Himburt At Nw York Imptritor from Htmburg it Ne Tori SAILED LualUntt fnjmNew York for Liverpool Havre from New York for Havre BB C23i nH Get a Wardrobe Trunk The handiest trunk made as we sell them inexpensive A complete wardrobe trunk with full ffiSLV 2250 A steamer size Wardrobe Trunk completely Q1 A A equipped OlDJJ KNEESSPS 425 Seventh St All Kind of BasKasra Repaired Phone HI 2000 I Pedro Dnmecqs 19 Varieties AT Sherries Worlds Finest 1 Binds Books and HOnCrPQ makes Blank lAUUgca Books ttd Loose Leaf Sheets to order Big Book Bindery and Blank Book Shop STAR BUILDING ANNEX SPECIAL NOTICES VODNG Is Depe ndable Wh ke raconmenfli WMoa or Cir rUj jou can btsur of honest worth Cirrlig Bepoiltorr Thos Young BOARD OF MEDICAI SUPERVISORS Physicians and raidwives desiring to enter the July 13H examination of applicants for licenses to practice In this District must file their applications with the undersigned on or before JULY 4 1914 GEO OBER Dt Secretary DAVID ROTHSCHILD DESIRES TQ announce the removal of his law offices from 9th and Gsts to Suite 222 2i5 Wood ward Bldg 15th and sts nw CHARLES DIGGS DESIRES TO AN nounce the removal of his law offices from 9tlr and sts to Suite 213 Colorado Bldg Me Stein Co Tailors to Most of Washington 523 Thirteenth St Tailoring for Cash Is Unusual But we make it worth your while It reduces the question to a basis of known quantity Credit is lax We could never tell just where we were with thousands of dollars on our books So we determined to figure what differ ence we could make in price to establish cash as the rule that would be convenient and iair and satisfactory to our customers That has made our 40 Suits The same Suits ilr 51 Steins per sonal attention every detail as artistically and capably worked out as before but SAYING YOU 10 It lias been a distinct success The busiest season weve ever had is the present The best work weve ever turned out we reproducing now ve Test our service if you dont know it already Stein Co 52a thirteenth St 30 i.

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