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The Washington Post from Washington, District of Columbia • Page 14

Washington, District of Columbia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I im 1S tih T3s 5 pPttl jscsJilii wgf 1 14 THE WASHINGTON EOST MONDAY DECEMBER 6 1920 0fti i Sari i 1 PI i I tt i 1 XC 3 1 Post Want Ads 3c Cash A Word Minimum charge 30c for one lnfio All classified advertisers are uef 1 present receipt when requesting money for cancellation of advertlsrfely Advertisements not running consecutively will be charged 4 cents per wra No Post Want Ads for Nt Dy sue accepted Afte 10 cl0Slu1Alr on Sunday classified Ads 6 samr day BRINGING UP FATHER i EEGISTFRED EATEKX OFFICE COPTSIGHi 1320 IXTXESXAXXOKAL HEWS SERVICE McMANUS PERSONAL BE GOOD what vou dont now In ff ask me we protect persons and Papery conduct of employes investigated labor tit i Acuities adjured secret evldene fD Tor court procedure cr private use etllcienej expert furni hed production lnrea loss pre rtted ODea elective Bjireau Continental Tn BIdg Ihone Pranltllr 434 nnd Columbia 5007 New York office Suiu 520 1265 Broadway and all largo cities the UnPed Plates ncT7 30t BRADFORDS DETECTIVE SERVICE Suite 219 Southern Building i stabllshed 36 yea expert investigation any legitimate can all ectinn PWip cftVe FrankUJ nights and Sundays Columbia 1924 i anu Columbi a 2f0 ocl0 00t JIADvME JK LAINE 1CM6 st nw vvprls greatest eairvovant and palmist consult me best gifted clairvoyant and psychic eard reader unequaled on business and love affairs Jell tt HELP WANTED CANVASSERS to deliver pheto calendars no capital ieiiured positively best Xmas proposition out all after 0 in reference or security Northeast Kauicra Shop 1331 ne I 6 NEW ToStfO I ARRWTED A tOO oh my poor eo me rsEVER HAD A CHANCE HE HAD HE VVOGLO HAVE COTTFN AWA WITH A ATSK KvSv ftfl 7n crvv HE HAtJTRUtUEO AAoNVT TEMPT ATiprs t0 HARD GOT bUPPObE HE HAO tTRCLEO vUTTLE HARDER HE WOOUONT eE WHERE HE ID TODAY Mil THATt RHT MAQEHE DtO Hl EjEdT IT TOOK FIVE POUCEEtSTO POT HIM WHERE HE lt ROOMS FOR RENT ROOMSWITH HOARD 309 NEW JEBSEY AVE SE opposite Home cooking jjomf or table rooms 6 mi 1920 BY INTU FCATURI SCRVICI INC I TT DEPARTMINT and othe If yon are nmbiti in lntellisent alert with a clean reiird He i how jem bow to increase jnur if bv at lei 3 a week without inter Vrtnjr with your present work i ina ns ifter pnibiiitiex have been demon ated to i ur on atisfai tion full lime KinnM tion in considered ln i an opportiiilv to a Iiiew a difiniSed cx eiutie pi ition with real jolnpen ation within a periiMl of mouth in tead ot ear Vor Inters ion nddrtss Itox C04 this office 6 NEED expenrn od help 2009 Want jobs Cull 21 th st nw Phillips Kx chanse SPKCIAI prt iraion for assistant auditor examination internal revenue lasses ever day 5 in 0 7 tuition for entire loiiisc sj finst irrade clerks cMimi nation Iie 7 8 11 and 14 The Cbll Serhe Pr parator Sihool suthfHst corner 12th and itsnw hraiiklin 20 0 0 WANT1D At Thorn Hill 0i Hr Warren dale near Pittsburgh married louple lo take charge of inttase whih about 20 juvenile rt Ixiy lie and to care for and tram tlie bow fo good citizenship man must lie an experienced laundry man capable of taking harge steam lnuiilry belonging liool uiiipensation i per month and full nuinteniiii which include furnished rooms ia i uid laundrj Ad dress Sirpt Thorn Hill Sihool Warren dale Pa MALE A JOB for everybody white or colored no matter what kind work you want come ind get it Qui result Employment Agencv 37 Warder BIdg 527 9th st nw ocl tf ACCOUNTANTS Opening for twehe senior and junior aci ountint salaries 2000 360i1 Anplv Amcriian Aicouiitiuits Asso iation 410 Kellogg Pldg 6 ACCOUNTANTS NKKIIKD 1lic Internntignal Accountantb oi iet will train jem In fi to 12 months for position as income taf expert auditor luninr and eninr a uMntanr and for Kederal acionntanr nill I examinations llrs gmernniem appio cd method of instruction is und tp isoiul guidanfe of nationally known rortitied jmbiic accountants sv page booklet it upon request IM Colorado Hide Prank lin4fi XbvEKTisiNi COPV Wldt EK Man with some tperiene Applj personally 30 Bond Uldg ASSISTANT manager for night work in restaurant oumr and iietUe inu bo thor onghh oper1cnred mid tiie 1 itv ref eremes gie names and addr of former empl i Io 11 this oihi AI lOMOPILK THIMMErT Kir class man onl See Mr Jarge Manager Paint Department Semnie Motor Co H13 nw HELP WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED MALE WANTED At Thorn Hill School which cares for boys who are wards of the juxeDile court of Allegheny county Pa married couples preferably without dependent elndren to take charge of cottages in which about 20 of these boys live and to are for and train them for good citizenship conTpensation S73 to 00 per month for the couple with furnished quarters fold fuel and lights thus relieving them from any outlay for rent food fuel and lighting aud all other items of household expense only people of reputable character and interested in helping boys desired send three letters uf reference with answer Address Supt Thorn Hill School Warren dale Pa DISHWASHERS cooks houseworkers porters and maids Franklin 3037 8 MAIDS and cooks headquarters white and colored butlers Ilev Fullers Exchange 1221 25th St West 20fe9 7 NEED experienced help 2G69 Want jobs Call lo21 ytn st nw Phillips Exchange MALE MISCELLANEOUS SALE MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS MISCELLANEOUS WANTED AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE I AUTOMOBILES FOR HIRE 1333 15TH ST NW Beautiful large 2d floor room private bearding house good location excellent table references 6 FIRST CLASS room and board for two gentle men in private home near Capitol Tel Line 5102 7 1010 15TH ST NW near Booms con tlnuous hot water excellent board no9deiS tf 1723 CONNECTICUT AVE Attractive room In well appointed home good table 7 ECKINGTON MANOR Choice rooms and board by day week or month Most beautiful spot in the District park of 10 acres two hundred magnificent oafei and elms anvarj tages of both eitv and country the disadvantages of neither Recreation hall tennis sunflhrlor wholesome influence leau tiful home life 13 minutes from Treasury and Capitol Phone North 1413 del tf 190t ST NW Double and angle rooms with table board 40 45 and up VACANCIES in exclusive girls club high elajss reasonable 1515 Mass ave 6 1828 COLUMBIA RD Beautiful rooms In refitted home with board Col 10470 0 2101 ST NW Will share room with lady 3rt per month rt529 7 ROOM for two with running water 1443 Mass ave 6 lAFlRMSlIKD FURNITURE IIIGH GRADE practice piano 573 5500 Huntington upright 123 700 Knabe 225 A Arnold Auctioneer 1323 st nw de2 tf I ALMOST brand new Weber upright cost 850 an unusual bargain 400 A Arnold Auctioneer 1323 st nw de2 tf CHAUFFEUR Experienced with reference drive any make car Phone 807 7 CHEF Hrst class colored wants place hotel in South or Florida for winter Address Tony Butler 475 st nw 6 G30 BUIS handsome Knabe parlor grand dark mahogany fine condition 227 Pa ave se phone Line 5257 0 SAVE 200 and buy a fine Cable Nelson slightly used player piano 227 Pa ave se phone Lincoln 5257 WANTED Three colored bricklayers at Ran daltown take Mr Rainier tars or call 74s Lamont st nw Col R275 7 EXPERIENCED man teed Apply 12fHl wishes furnaces Phone 0217 EXPKRIEXCED floor waxer window ashinf st nw BIG value in a slightly used very handsome late model upright piano beautiful tone 227 Pa ave se phone Lincoln 5217 1 FURNITURE enough for an 8 room bouse wanted immediately will buy as a whole or odd pieces Kindly call Frank 37S5 29 tf FORD 1017 inclosed panel delhery wagon Excellent cundtion a bargain 330 terms 100 cash balance monthh will accept Ford roadster or touring car in exchange War rington Motor Car Co 1800 14th st nw10 LARGE yl North 73S0 Cadillac las Scbofield 151 5TH ST NW Unfurnished housekeeping rooms heat aid gas second floor 7 11409 BELMONT ST XW Two uifinilsbed pecial rates Call rooms ana Kitchenette for light nousekcep 10 lug FURNITURE rugs or antiques special high prices paid now A Cammack Bro 637 Louisiana ave nw Main 7030 ge5 tf WEARING APPAREL CLOTHES Will call anywhere pay highest cash prices for ladles and mens worn clothing shoes send postal or phone Tarshes 1308 7th Bt nw North 499 oc8 tf MISCELLANEOUS WANTED White boy between ages of IS and 20 not afraid of work Apply 7 a Potomac Butter Co 307 13th st nw WANTED A man with AMBITION ENERGY ENTHUSIASM INGENUITY KNOWLEDGE MONEY VISION Phone for interiew Main 6260 Columbia t24 detf tf GROCERY clerk wants employment references Hyattsville 200 200 BUYS a very fine looking Richward upright piano mahogany finish 227 Pa ave se 6 HOTEL steward capable manager desires position commercial house anywhere Goode 12 rS 10th st nw 7 NEED experienced ielp 2tMB Want jobs Call 1521 Oth st nw Phillips Exchange 35 BUYS a splendid Brunswick talking machine 110 for nearly new 150 Victrola 30 buys a Columbia Grafonola 227 Pa ave se 6 YOUNG MAN To operate mailing machine good salary 303 Bond Bldg FEMALE tfi matter what kind of xrk you want come and get it quirk Result Employment Agency 37 Warder BIdg 527 9th st nw ocl tf ASSISfxNT AUDITORS Salaries 1040 2 240 pecial 5 classes in income tax ac cnuntanc bookkeeping prepare for transfer assistant auditor and bookkeeping exams introductorv 730 clas es free Revenue Auditors Training Inst 412 Kellogg BIdg 1416 ct SINGLE white man middle age always on the job good at figures Bov 5 this office 7 TYPIST Young man experienced and rapid excellent references Box 727 this office FEMALE GOOD bargain in Steinway grand piano 227 Pa ave se phone Lino 5257 6 TYPEWRITERS DISHWASHER or day woman 032 3d st se work by colored i FIRST CLASS laundress three days out lOO 10th st nw MAIDS and cooks headquarters white and colored butlers Rev Fullers Exchange 1221 23th st AVest 20S0 I NEED experienced help want jobs Call lhilhps Exchange luJl yth st nw 2tt69 CAIABLE women now employed who wish to add from 15 to 25 per week to their incomes Answer with full particulars Box 409 this office 14 tf COLORED girl for cooking and housework 10 lr week Phone Columbia 1275 REFINED ladv companion governess mothers heltier housekeeper Box this office STENOGRAPHER Expert legal and secretarial experience capable and dependable Rox 743 tliis office WAITRESS Experienced must be neat Springers Lunch 7th and 11 COIiORED woman to dc general cleaning gteadv work good pay Apply Manager Elks Club 9U st nw EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for Catholic young lady tired of indoor position and small pay sales experience desirable but not essen i tiil to ucc Will pay 20 to 30 weekly according to abilitj Plea call 8 to i HU in of 1 to 0 in 1311 st nw Room 312 EXPERIENCED solicitors and collectors good salary See Mr Coan National Press Association 1400 Pa ave nw between and rn GENERAL HOUSEWORK White Call before 10 in or after 0 171J Rhode Island ave GIRL for two hours work in morning small apartment small family Apt 12 231 2Stu sr 11 WANTED voting ladv Engli from 0 to 8 Box 736 this ofile shaking ver I in good good salary WANTED By reliable colored woman house work in small fainilv go home night li20 11th st nw 7 WASHING to 1420 do at home Phone Franklin YOUNG lady highly trained as executive expert stenographer and reporter seven ears cxperienc let refeicice desires po i tion in capacity of private secretary salary as may be arranged by conference Box 401 Hotel Gordon 7 MISCELLANEOUS SALE BOOKS Service Counts Our rental department is prepared to give immediate service to all who rent typewriters Only first class machines in good condition sent out TelephoiifMain 411 112 SMITH BROS TYPEWRITER CO Mills BMp Pa Ave 17th and Sts NW WANTED To buy all kinds of Indian curios beadwork blankets baskets Address Box 037 this office no28 30t WE GIV1 CASH for your pianos and talking machines A Arnold successor to Elli cc Arnold lazo st nw Main 9914 jell tf WILL CALL in my unlettered automobile city or suburban and pay you highest prices for ladies gentlemens childrens discarded clothing of all descriptions Address postal or phone I will call Rice 1332 7th Bt nw 175 ocl 90t CADILLAC passenger cars rebuilt ami guaranteed The Washington Cadillac Co 1138 1140 Conn Ave Frank 3900 jeli tf 1919 COUPE in splendid running order looks fine new tires will sell cheap and on terms 945 I st nw no22 tf CASH TERMS OR TRADE Dodge roadsters touring and sedan Bnlck roadster and touring 1 with winter top 1920 Velie 1920 Premier Sir Gaddess I Garage i20 st nw del tf GARAGES FOR SALE lf DOWN 15 A MONTH OWN YOflR OWN METAL FIREPROOF GARAGE 210 UP CONCRETE FLOOR IMMEDIATE CONSTRUCTION ONLY 13 MONTHLY PAYMENTS IRON CLAD GA RAGE CO 91 15TH ST NW MAIN 5672 oc30 90t MAXWELL TOURING 1017 excellent condition a bargain 450 terra lfX ca balance 35 per month Warrington Motor Car Co I860 14th st nw jo A AlTF Built of heavy corrugated cjAHAUrjO jron and concretP uocks rolling doors and concrete floors For estimates phone North 2044 National Garage Mfg Co 2120 22 Ga ave nw noJ 30t HAYNES Model 37 touring pood condition 600 Mr Hartung 22d and sts nw 2007 de4 tf BE GOOD high class Investigations and foreign diplomatic service authorized detectives highest reference Call Franklin 434 and Columbia 5097 Continental Trust BIdg and all large cities In the Uned States The head of this burean has haa 23 years experience formerly inspector secret service A and Police and Detective Bureau at Washington no7 30t Model 45 Oldsmobile touring new paiut new top 0 tires and rims fine condition at 700 WAYNE SMITH CO 22D AND ST NW 2007 de4 tf AUTO REPAIRS AUTO PAINTING We skin the cars not the customers coats of paint including varnish over average machine around 40 Come see our work 11th and sts sw sell tf CYLINDER GRINDING Oversize pistons and rings Precision Machine Co Inc 210 Riggs BIdg Main 3047 jel6 tf ROOMS WANTED FURNISHED WANTED By young gentleman for two eeks beginning Friday December 17 a sitting room containing davenport or folding bed or combined sitting and sleeping room all particulars Hrt letter Address Box 0 this offi 7 ROOMS WITH HOARD GENTLEMAN desires room and lard with private family in Mt Pleauit section only the very le arc omruocla lions desired permanent Box 712 this orri ELDERLY lady wishes room and board la private family Catholic preferred no objection to suburbs Box 722 this oflice APARTMENTS FOR RENT FURNISHED FORD sedan 1920 practicallv new slip covers extra steering wheel bumper parking light dtiHhlight full set tools extra tire and rim any demonstration Ask for Bobs sedan 5i I st ne 7 STAMP collection old coins diamonds gold silxer false teeth bought 233 Pa avenw 12 WANTED I sed graphophone records Victor and Columbia will pay cash 601 st rrw Frank 7740 jq WANTED Used piano rolls all kinds will pay cash 601 st nw Frank 7740 10 CLEARING SALE ON USED CARS Dodges Buicks Fords and othpr makes All cars as represented Right prices Terms ti responsible parties UNION STATION GARAGE 51 53 Eye st ne Phone Franklin 3306 OPEN DAY AND NIGHT 11 AUTOS WANTED I SELL automobies by auction every Saturday 12 noon quick and satisfactory method no sale no charge cars listed before Thnrs dav advertised free Weschlers 920 Pa are nw Vain 1282 iell tf GARAGES FOR RENT REAR 1734 14TH ST NW Two story brick suitable for repair shop Xational Realty Co 920 New York nve 6 WOULD like to purchase some used furniture to famishe small house Phone Franklin 432ft i2 INDIAN beadwork baskets blankets highest prices obtained for your entire ccllec tion Heitmuller Art Co 1307 14th st nw de2 tf LOST STUTZ 6 pas 6 cv liiifler perfect condition any demonstration new tire pood looking 375 cash Union Station Garage 51 53 I st ne Open day and night 7 CILVN DTElOTM7rNSTRA TOR 1920 tourin driven le ss than 2000 miles this car carries our guarantee 1775 terms 775 cash balance 100 per month Warrington Motor Car Co 100 14th st nw 10 ROYAL PARAGE Steam heated and fireproof Storage and service by day week or month 1815 1817 st nw Phone Frank 7S77 se27 mwf tf GARAGES WANTED CLEVELAND SIX 1920 touring new car guarantee driven 3000 miles 1100 terms 500 cash balance 60 per mouth a bargain Warrington Motor Car Co 1800 lt4h st nw 10 INDIVIDUAL brik garage Otis sts nw Phone Col near 11th and 3617 ROOMS FOR RENT LOST Small black pocketbook containing two 20 bills and 16 in small bills and four car tickets liberal reward Call North 417 MODEL Hudson sedan 7 pass paint and tires good mechanical condition excellent price right Mr Kerr 2201 st nw phone West 2001 4 I IF party who found unsealed envelope with I certificate Monday afternoon Nov 29 on st between Conn ave Hnd 15th st will I return same to the office of Walter Brown 1400 st reward will ho given or a photographed copy of paper will be given 1 6 BARBER First class Cornelias Temple liar ier Shop 737 lltn st nw II guaranteed over no BARBER Fir la 35 6 per cent BILLING machine oper itor Remington experienced good salary Address 314 Kellogg Jdp BOL1EKMAKEKS mechanic familiar with heavy lieet metil work can find steady en plov meni ltCd ig with The Charles Ward Engineering Works Charleston a 8 BOKKlFPER ACCOT VST S40 per week for man willing to make mill investment Mpt in per on 3u Ioim BIdg ood iv and tips BOOTBLACKS Four 1705 1 1 Pa ave CABINET maker want I only tir liss need apiIv at 2122 1Mb st nu 7 CLEW CI CatcMro viung men to qualify a salesnifii po ition goul for S3 45 weeklv io tlio who nvike mul experience not ab olutelv es ential Mil ti in Room 312 8 to 030 a in i to 0 8 OIORED cluuffenr al no porters work Califoiria Fruit Co UO st nw 7 COLORED hoy mpornrilv to run errands and make 1 iii If ofil about tuie alary 10 pply Mi Per 1237 nw COOK i anted Cil nv DEL I ER MEN experienced J0 years of age or over Apply Woodward Lothrops Warehouse ap and sts sw 7 XPERIENCEI ci iters and nl lectors good salarv See Mr oan Nation ll Press Committee 140 Pa ave between 5 and HOTELS NEED TRAINED WOMEN All departments big demand everywhere for high class women past experience unneces sary we train you for big paying dignified position nnd put you in touch with live opportunities shortage of department heads and executives acute write or call for particulars Lewis Hotel Training School 1324 ave deolOt exs CHRISTMAS Dictionaries Im lopedias Apr Kind Richard 211 Jenifer PMg Dictionary Man 12 BUILDTG MATERIAL Wrecking Governments Finest Camp TYPEWRITERS We rent and sell Underwoods Remingtons Royals Smiths 500 sheets typewriter paper 1 General Typewriter Co 616 14th st nw jy28 tf OME real bargain a practical Christmas gift 1431 East Capitol st Lincoln 36S1 or Hogo Air Uainier Md n30 2t GOLD vanity cigarette case oval in shape about 3 inches long initials first reversed lost about November 18 50 re vvard 1801 16th St Apt 305 phone North GET FOR YOUR MEASURE MORE MONEY READ PAGE 103 IN THE SATURDAY EVEN TNG POST OF DEC 4 THEN CALL WRITE OR TELEPHONE FOR FULL INFORMATION 907 DISTRICT NATIONAL RANK BUILDING FRANKLIN rS GREEK Italian and Jewish sulc men warned unusual proposition expend not absolutely nece ar Pleas call lo Continental Trust BIdg 6 HOTELS NEED TRAINED MEN AU depart in tit big demand everywhere for hlgh clas mm past experience unnecessary ve train jon for Lig paying dignified positions ami put you in touch with lho opportunities shortage of department hed and executives acute write oi all for particulars Lewis Hotel Training School 1324 ave dc310t exs MULTIGRAIIl OPERATOR Experiencedman government preferred Applv 303 Bond Hllg PORTER colored ApplvFox Film Cornr 305 Oth St de46 PRINTER Fir lass job inntor at once Francis Hughes 1320 New York ave 8 SALESMEN To sell Ford cars whole or part time No restriction to territory Sell anywhere per cent commission ROBEY MOTOR CO 1429 St LADIES With an increasing demand for homes we find ourselves confronted with a shortage of sales people We will teach jon the real estate business full or spare time Call at our office at any evening at 5 oclock Allan Gibson offices of John Thompson Co S21 15th st nw 11 LADIES quickly and readily learn the real estate business and receive pay while learning does not interfere with present employment some making 100 a week free lec tures Tuesdav Thup davs and Satupdays 515 William Matteson 310 Colorado BIdg no25 tf LADIES to sell beautiful imported embroidery excellent Christmas gifts Make some ex 1 tra money for the holidays Mr Rohrman Room 210 Ma chinists Building Oth st and Mass ave nw Washington 6 LADIES If you are desiriis of enterim a profession that will give you an agreeable occupation and independent income the opportunity is now yours the price of success is action class open enroll now personal instruction to each pupil Dr 1 it Oorald Hairdressing Parlors 1211 st nw Doors Cantonment Sash Wall Board Plaster Board Roofing Brick Paving Blocks Bath Tubs Lavatories Closet Outfits Kitchen Sinks ink Spigots Two part Wash Trays Ilejting Stoves 1 ook Stoves Range Boilers Steam Radiators Steam Heating Boilers Water Heating Boilers Pipe Tanks Electrical Fixture TYPEWRITER clearance sale American Tvpe writer Co 1 ii East Capitol st some exceptional bargains a practical Christmas gift Lincoln 36S1 no30 28t TYPEWRITER Monarch Xo Yf in firs lass condition 50 Itj Euclid st Apt 23 MONARCH Like new bargain Tennessee ave ne 37 and big quantities of lumber 2x4 2x6 2x8 sheathing siding flooring wainteeting We are big buyers of Government Salvage from the various Camps Our latest purchase a carload of white porcelain toilet outfits purchased from Aberdeen Proving Grounds retailed to you at 29fi0 they are brand new and in the brigin il crates Lots of new building sup ltes at i cut rates among them wall board at 5c i per foot one ply Guard Roofing Certainteed I Co at 1 75 per square Inspect our line of new electrical fixtures for any room in your house we have them on display I Camp Meigs 5th and Florida ave northeast or at our main office Gthand sts southwest i SIDNEY HECHINGER HOUSEWRECKING CO no6 tf DICTIONARIES NEAT white girls as oat checkers 15 weekly to start Apply Miss Butler Hatraiks Hotel Washingtou 12 to 3 PERMANENT POSITIONS Paying 1700 PER WEEK to start ELEVEN HUNDRED dollars during first year and HIGHER THEREAFTER In addition to a good salary to start and frequent increases telephone operating at this time offers unusual opportunity to advance to higher paid supervisory positions We will be glad to tell you of these opportunities if you will call at our Employment Office Room 802 8th floor 725 13TH ST THE CHESAPEAKE AND POTOMAC TELEPHONE CO no28 tf SALESMANAGER wanted hi a proprietary medicine house putting their goods on the market through agents Apply The Standard Medical Society Inc svv corner Linden ave aud Hoffman st Baltimore Md SALESWOMEN Are required at once for the following departments Ribbons Leather Goods Fans Art Needlework Perfiwnery Hosiery Housefurnishings Apply Employment Manager Woodward Lothrop SALESLADY wanted Apply Monday morning 1143 Conn ave SEVERAL cooks chambermaids waitresses nurse girls good pay Central Employment Office 29 Mass ave nw Franklin 4573 STENOGRAPHER Experienced not over 30 314 Kellogg BIdg SALESMAN Bright alert gocxi references commission viith bonus and drawing account fine positio fr right man in proposition that is second to nyie In the city Apply between 9 and 10 a Room 412 Bond BIdg 7 SHORT ORDER cook and dishwasher good pay steady work White Palace Cafeteria 314 9th st nw STE OG A 1 1 Good opportunity for com 1etent man Apply in person 305 Bond BIdg 6 TELEGRAPH OPERATOR For railway 125 per month Apply personally 305 Bond BIdg STENOGRAPHER and order machine operator experienced Electric Storage Battery Co 1823 st STENOGRAPHERS Ten different opportunities good salaries some for beginners various offices Apply in person 305 Bond BIdg WANTED Experienced stenographer Apily 625 Bond BIdg 6 WANTED Reliable colored woman between 35 and 50 general housework stay nights references required Call Monday 1645 Newton st nw WAGON BOYS 18 years of age ana over Apply Woodward Lothrops AVarehouse Cap and sts sw 7 WAITERS wanted 621 st nw WANTED Men for shipyard work Apply Fox J410 Pa ave nw 6 WJlNTED Automobile washer 1120 st nw WANTED Second cook experienced only need apply 8 hours work and six days a week Apply to Dairy Lainen 4i iyrn st nw WANTEi Girl for general housework in apartment small family 25 41 he Concord ti WHITE woman for store from 3 6 at once Coloniad Doughnut Shop 1350 St nw 6 WOMAN for general housework and part of laundry work aU day Monday and part time rest or weeK is3 Irving st ijvv CENTURY dictionary 10 volumes including case 25 1226 st nw Apt 1 Sundajs or after 7 ru week clavs FURNITURE REFRIGERATORS and ice boxes Nelson Refrigerator Co 611 st nw Frank 2757 jell tf JWEARING APPAREL 0 ERST 0 CKoFsainpTe TvTnter coats plush and cloth fur trimmed blue and black serge coat suits satin serges and tri eotine dresses all in the latest winter styles values up to 40 selling at a great sacrifice 12957 Open evenings AAr Rice iJ32 7th st nw de2 tf LADYS handsome imiKrted fur coat size 3S 100 1 dark green cloth 3 piece suit 50 1 pink silk evening dress 10 dark blue silk dress 10 1 black aud white wool suit 10 all size 3S Call 1717 Kil liourne nw 6 FUR COATS One genuine Hudson seal mink trimmed 110 others 100 up Coats are new and latest style Call auy time 3057 Georgia ave nw 7 BLACK brief case containing catalogs cheeks and liberty bonds Liberal reward if returned to Acme Wagon On 31o Pa ave nw LOST Some time during past week platinum bar pin about 3 inches 111 length wrought in deicate filigree and with small diamond in center Reward if brought to desk in hairdressing department of Woodward lothrop BROWN muff Sunday on 7th st pike near Wheaton Liberal reward if returned to 1727 7th st nw 7 STRAYED A gray and white male cat answering fo name of Billy Reward if re 1 turned to 1227 19th st 8 LADYS black velvet purse containing gloves 1 and money on Brnokland car Sunday 340 15th st ne BEADED BAG On mad between Arlington Va and Long Bridge containing keys fountain pen and 10 Reward to finder if returned to A Deaner Occidental Hotel DODGE MOTOR CARS All Models Low prices easy 1erms 1132 Connecticut Avenue BIICK 101S touring mechanieallv perfect newly painted exceptional bargain 1 ash or terms 1707 14th st Phone North IJHS MmHELL roadster late 1H10 model looks and runs like new tires all good one extra priced low for immediate sale cash or terms 1707 14th st Phone North 656S KIRMMIED 14U 21 ST ST NW Large front living room with connecting bedroom twin Iwii cxecp lioiillv neat md attri ivo one block from Oupoiif Ccr sU1iie fr nan a1 jf or 1 wo men ojytne Iipht steam heat next to hath tvticrtlalv cience le now in privjte res 1 132S ERM0NT AVE Large room opim i liath gentlemen man mil wife 7 rooms tw and tlirei pallor in pei OVERLAND 1D20 touring run only 2 months will sacrifice at 50 cash or terms 1707 Uth st Phone North Ch 0 121 Ti ST NW Ijirg people stejm heat Sunday KUS CALVERT STNW 1 woTommnnlc ating room furni Iied for liht house keeping next bath and oil 3d floor electric Ight-SV per month Col tear 117 ST NW Furnished housekeeping room central na onable 1760 COLUMBIA RD Two attractive rooms next to tfb ec oiicl Moor 7 SEDAN 1020 model Overland used only as a demonstrator new car guarantee will ell for 500 cash balance monthly Harper Overland Co 112b Conn ave Frank 4307 del tf 417 ST NW din 1 tej 1 8 very central Two large Iiht rooms rnn range weekly two WHITE French poodle answer to name of Buddie Liberal reward 1400 21st st nw CREDIT CASH FURNITURE Special discounts for cash SAVE MONEY BUT AT HOPWOODS EIGHTH AND STS NW umonru tf STICKLEY dining table perfect condition Apt 500 Northbrook phone Col 7231 mornings i ROUND fumed oak dining table 6 chairs leather sear i Sellers kitchen cabinet all new 1730 21st st QUARTERED 01k extension table 6 ft feet 20 618 10th st Room claw 6 FURNISHINGS of 5 room apartment mahogany furniture paintings Oriental rugs Victrola grand mano 1658 Euclid st Apt 23 Col 0540 MIRRORS REPAIRED MIRRORS The Mirror Shop 1425 st nw makes new mirrors to order resllvors old wlr rors like new prompt service all work done here and guaranteed Brotsky Prop Estab 1904 Phone Main 7912 no22 tf MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS PIANO SHOP Christmas Sale Used Pianos At the Piano Shop We Have Pianos Used 75 to 850 GRANDS UPRIGHTS PLAYERS BOTH NEW AND USED ORGANS 1000 to 3500 TALKING MACHINES ArICTORS ETC 25 to 250 We have carried pn the largest business in usedlinstruments in Washington during tht past year and carry the biggest stock of used pianos and player PIANO SHOP Near Congressional Library 227 Pa Ave LADYS long black coat trimmed In plush good as new size 44 sell cheap Address T03 I st se 7 CLOTHES Slightly worn ladies and mens suits and overcoats will sell for 5 and up Tarshes 1308 7th st nw sel6 tf THE total net result is most sure to favor the good dresser and we can hand out the bunch of cash in a wav all our own but good dressers like it and others not interested we buy ladies and mens worn clothing shoe trunks Call Main 4143 Jusths Old Stand 61 KEY RING with 4 small keys on 0th st between and Finder telephone Mr I avv ton at Federal Power Commission 1880 I SPECTACLES 1 in case in toy department Kitnns Call Miss Stephens Linc oln 6060 BIdg for reward I LOST Collie yellow with white breast and I feet large white pot on back of head and I neck answers to name of Rex liberal reward for return to Capitol Paint Co lington Junction Yi phone Clarendon 823F2 or evenings Columbia 103s BlJSiNSPlORTUlNTflES INVESTORS We offer five year Texas farm loans bearing 7 to 8 per cent Thirtv years experience references Bart lett Dallas Tex 3d FORI coupe brand new extras Dr Thomp son The Hadleigh 16th and sts TRUCKS AVe have on hand several bargains in used trucks can be bought with a small deposit down balance can be paid for as truck earns it all style bodies and sizes Ask for Mr Landers Motor Conipanv of AVashington 24th and Streets NW AVest 70 8 623 A ST NE Ninly furnished warm room with hot and cold water lu refined home near Capitol and librarv 7 II i MARYLAND A vT7NE Two large e7n necting rooms living room piano twin 6 NEAR Wardman Park Hotel ne tivo beautiful room ailio nirg Imth for one or two gentlemen No MKIJ d2 tf SPECIAL WEEKLY BEST IN CITY jell tf THE HIGHI ANDS Conn ave and Calif st One two room and bath nonhcuisekeeping one room and liath nonhousekceping Phone North 1241 1027 PARK RD Entire 3d floor 3 room kitchenette bath elee tric itv phone SOi THE BRIGHTON Apartment Hotel Furnished 2123 California Street Northwest By Day AVeek or Month North 349G TAKOMA PARK Five rooms i i batli com pletelv furnished lfo pr month MeKEEVER GOSs 1405 EYE ST NW MAIN 4752 3 ROOM and hath apartment nonhousekeep inz completely furnished ideal lo ation ev IleniUafe in Hiding Phono Frank JlJ 1 1 UNUSUALLY di iralIe mplen Iy furni hd apartment of fir lieriiiful rooms ami bath 111 die of the downtown apa tment hotels rent 175 mnuh includes heat light and ga for coykiig will lea i lo months William Fowler xt Co 819 15th st nw Mainl 410 84i7 7 1915 ST NW I ur ant en improvement gc ntlemei onlv 1427 GIRARD ST NW slllte modern fo adults only at tractively furnished ipjrtuient three bedroombedroom living room diiiiig room kitchen bat 11 and liigY Irnt porch complete for hou ekceping stlni it fin 16 per month Apply cciil thor I023 sT NW Ti rec gas range on lir ti loon and kitchen rei onble 102U 7TH ST NE eleetricitv 63W Two looms 1 11 rem 1 if dc ired 1016 CADILLAC to be sold for first offer bargain good tires Address M113 14th nw 1 ARIZONA HOTEL 310 st nw Neatly furnished rooms 5 week up transients 1 joll tf 2122 II ST XW Housekeeping spacious 2d locr front bay windiv room and kitchpn completely equipped no children 0 1726 I ST NW In iriusuallv handsome home large well furni hfil room ur cominod iting 3 4 5 tmflis unlimited hot water well heated bright maid service phone yC WINDOW SHADES GOOD quality opaque fitted to your qr window VO We call with samples KLEEBLATTS BEST quality opaque bring 9 9 free oliiJ Phone Line 8T0 11TU AND STS NE MISCELLANEOUS HAVE practical and economical invention working model needed on all steam railways open to rigid investigation want active party with 500 for one half interest to assume control and incorporate company a great future business and sure fortune if properly handled Box 723 this office 6 ANY incorporated business having a stock Issue which they want sold or he business financed by salesmanship and advertising will find it worth while to let us know who jou are and what you have We have experience and a successful record Address Box 4 this office 0 FORD sedan 1020 model looks and runs iihe Ievv price reasonable Call West 1 iit I 1133 24th st nw Apt 4 12 I OLDSMOBILE 1 euipolJ0 model practically neu will sell at about half onginil li price cash or term 1707 lith st North 1 DODGE TOURING 450 Rob Roy Mackey 513 10th St SE oc21 tf 151S ST AV Beautifully furnished apartment four rooms and bath 7 ONE latest model Maxwell touring car one latest model Oikland touring eir no reasonable offer refused terms 1132 Connecticut ave 6 NICE bright fiont room elecfri lights suitable fr man an wife or two veiling ladies 1017 I ave ne Phone North 22 0 CASHTERMS OR TRADE Dodges roadsters touring ami sedan Buick roadster ami touring 1 with winter top 1920 490 Chevrolet 1920 Voile 1020 Premier Mr Gaddess Garage 1626 1 nw del tf THE GREAT SALE OF ARMY BLANKETS continues at Liberty Hut near Union Station Plaza Olive drab blankets plaids in woolens overcoating material for men women children dress patterns automobile robes lounge covers All being sold at 3 4 and 5 Cheapest Best and Most Useful Chrismas Present THE RAYSOR CO ONE hot water boiler Apply 1410 st ne CHILDS desk with chair 5 childs rocking chair 150 2331 20th st nw Phone North 9852 6 ACCOUNTING auditing and tost accounting the La Salle course two large volumes bargain 4 complete makes good Christmas present Friends Book Store 509 st nw 7 CHRISTMAS PRESENTS Antique statues vases cAndlesticks bric a brac sale at 601 st nw 10 IF you are absolutely sure your money would earn unusual dividends you would invest we can prove this to vou we have the greatest proposition on the market company operating six years article proven demand greater than supply money needed for expansion will cosider investments from 75 up Box 714 this office 6 LAND INVESTMENT A personally conducted excursion Pullman service to Hidalgo county Tex the new paradise leaves Washington December 9 all expenses man and wife 230 irrigated land three crops healthy climate Box 3 this office GENTLEMAN herbist owning own home doing business desires a lady with means 55 to 60 yearB as partner to join him in good business location in the center of the business section of Washington one without incumbrance preferred Box713 this office I WILLbuy sell or trade all stocks or bonds Address Box 2 this obice 7 TWO basement rooms and brick oven 14th st good chance for baker small rent National Realtv Co 920 New York ave 48 INCH asbestos table mat never used 5 Col 7914 8 CHRISTMAS Fine box grapefruit or oranges delivered for 6 send postal order Lake Region Realty Co Umatilla Fla 9 FOUR large ferns 1702 ave nw SPLENDID hard coal range fine condition 3313 17th st nw 6 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED DIAMONDS HALF to three quarter carat give particulars Box 700 this office 6 OLD GOM SILVER AC PIANOS Vose Bradbury Ludwig Fischer and other standard makes 65 to 200 Player Pianos 350 up Why pay more Player Rolls 3 for 1 510 Mass ave nw LORENZ JEWELRY CO 508 9th nw g9IS BUYS DIAMONDS GOLD SILVER PIATINTJil JEWELRX 850 GENUINE Pianola player piano practicallv brand new Tare bargain 400 A Arnold Auctioneer 1323 st nw de2 tf JEWELRY gKjMJg fef Teeth and platinum ALPHER False 907 st nw Main 2S75 165 AEOLIAN vocation 95 130 Victor victrola 100 130 Columbia grafonola 85 75 Victrola 50 A Arnold Auctioneer 1323 st nw de2 tf FURNITURE PIANOS Three piano bargains Weber 195 Knabe 205 Melster 185 ail In first class condition and guaranteed for five years full allowance in exchange within one year pianos for rent Hugo Worch 1110 oc3 tf A POSTAL CARD will bring a buyer witk spot cash for yonr furniture carpets pianos phonographs and all household goods cash registers Notes 633 Louisiana are Phone Main 3006 sc2 tf FOUND SMALL package of laece Saturday afternoon corner 10th and sts nw Boi 9 this office PHONOGRAPHS All makes repaired 715 it nw Franklin 5975 aal9 tf VICTROLA and records cheap will exchange for piano Also 50 other standard makes 15 to 175 Why pay more 519 Mass ave nw 7 WANTED Furniture for 8 room bouse Pleaae Call Main 3412 an8 tf FURNITURE enough for 7 room house wanted Immediately will boy as a whole or odd pieces Kindly call Franklin 3681 jel6 tf FOR SALE Well known good paying Atlas Grocery and Meat Market 1341 street ne ith 5 room apartment owner retiring irom business Apply on premises 6 BUSINESS SERVICE FRANK NICHTER Jobbing repairing carpentering brick concrete plans furnished 719 8th st se Lincoln 1968 no6 30t FLOORS OP HARDWOOD panjuetry floors of all kilds planed and refinlshed uo ob too small or too large for my best a cotioo price is right Harry Wood 1365 st ne Lincoln 4532 Jell tf AUTOMOBILES FOR HIRE RENT A FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF L00 PER HOUR Special Rates by Day AAeek and Month Originators of This Service Our idea may be imitated but let our reputation for honorable dealing and efficient service guide vou AMERICAN AUTO LIVERY COMPANY MAIN 622 1319 ST AV iTH ST South ott ir le four large room and two hitlis inglj or together Phone Irnk 4169 6 llloirTHST NW TweTTarge sunny rooms and bath for two gentle men individuall or en sjite private family no other roomers electricity phone stones throw of White House 7 THE MARLBOROUGH 017 ISO st FurnishedFurnished ap irtmc ut five room kitchen and bath restaurant in building Phone Franklin 5707 IU I ST NE Three unfurnished rooms for I 7 THE COLUMBIA 14th and Girard sts Apt 0 Soifh front 6 1523 1ITH ST Refined young ladies beautiful home excellent board 1336 GALLATIN ST NW Front room next to ba tli private family Phone Col 9330 D0AVNT0WN i fur NISHED WITH RUNNING WATER ELECTRIC LIGHTS AND STEAM HEAT 35 Per Month SINGLE RATES 150 AND 200 PER DA5 1000 PER WEEK New Commercial Hotel 920 St 1219 I ST NW Large 2d floor single and double rooms near bath 7 57 BRYANT ST Brookland car Two large rooms for rent will rent separately 6 RENT A FORD DRIATE IT YOURSELF Touring Cars WE ALSO HAVE SEDANS 1B Per our JfLj Day 1104 VERMONT AVE NW Front room sun 1 ny abundant hot water walking distance references i FOR QUICK ACTION see De Mott Painting and Paperhanging 330 st ne Line 4593 se9 tf GAIN SUCCESS Realize yonr wishes Obtain good health by using our vegetable herb remedies Call at Old Indian Herb Remedy Shops 1728 7th st nw el8 tf RATS mice roaches and insects of any description exterminated by The Owl Disinfectant Co 822 Albee BIdg Phone Franklin 1347 All work guaranteed del 3ot PAINTING paperhanging plastering kalso mining rooms painted and papered city or country 1923 Pa ave nw Goldblatt 8646 7 KEYS duplicated while you wait 25c 715 st nw se21 tf All new 1921 cars with self starters demountable rims and new tires The Largest Because Best AUTO RENTAL CO 408 13th St NW Franklin 6020 JUST SOUTH OF PA AVE 1808 BELMONT RD Rooms for gentlemen free phone board near i 1641 HOBART ST Mount Pleasant Single southern exposure continuous hot water private family gentleman Col 10020 6 124 TENN AVE NE Large room adjoining bath electric lights walking distance Capitol and navy yard private family gentlemen only 6 228 CAPITOL ST Two neat second floor rooms very 1 two adults 40 three 4 6 FURNISHED OR Mi KMSlllll ill 15TH ST NW abneI st Frw rrmm kid rieru i tei and bath a i Mi Cahill 3d lour 6 I NFI RMNHED MASS AVE between Itlh and lth si Owner will mile iii nilii repairs i uit a doctor i hing lo ome a tenant Call rianklii 50 THE CAIRO 1615 st nw Four room noti housekeeping apr xposurc large ny rooms 1ou per month aviilable at onre 1 Howard North 2106 tiieIiadiTeigfi SIXTEENTH STREET telephone North IOcVi Desralef in ne ui kitchenette and bath lihfrni bed rel 3iit TWO rooms md bath hiiidsome up wn lo a tion Cil Mam 81 7 SUBLET The Cm Apt slid Four rooms and bath nonhoii pmi fernlshed from Iie ember 15 to Apn 15 1021 inclusive ill between hemis 7n md fl 7 3005 OAMBRlYiOlf PL NW Inre prnnn and ntl If hi ht nl heat thef room rce location iefr car i APARTMENTS AVANTED FURNISHED WANTED By ebierlv couple no hildreni finiisied 2 or 3 rooms bath kitchenette in modern apartment niobrite pn walking di tinco listh st and Pa nve prefer ed late ir ce location particular uld consider purchase of furniture and take our lea Box 7 tills office 7 FAMILY of tnree retined adults wi to rent furnished apartment December IS to March 1 Address Box dil this office de2 If TABLE BOARD 182S COLUMBIA RD Excellent table board in a re fined home STORES FOR RENT LARGE new lore fa jug two streets ut 821 Va ave se 1 block from navy gate lease for term years Roland Booth 215 St nw OFFICE ROOM FOR RENT POPE BLDG 817 14TH ST NW Single room and two communicating rooms available for immediate possession electric lights good Janitor and elevator service SHANNON LUCHS 713 14TH ST NW i MAIN 2345 0 METZEROTT BLDG 1110 ST NW Convenient location only one room available electric light and janitor service furnished SHANNON LUCHS 713 14TH RT NW MAIN 2345 10 INVESTMENT PROPERTY AVANTED TO BUY APARTMENT HOUSE WE HAVE IMMEDIATE PURCHASERS FOR APARTMENT HOUSES RANGING IN PRICE FROM 30000 TO 100000 SEE OR CALL MR MATTINGLT MAIN 1477 JOHN AV THOAIPSON CO Incorporated 821 loth St de2 tf 817 13TH ST NW Housekeeping rooms also two nice rooms in ba ement I well young 7 REAL ESTATE LOANS CALL COLUMBIA 9C0O Bight In the Heart of Mount Pleasant Touring Shopping Calling 300 per hour 75c and 100 service city proper WASHINGTON TAXICAB CO 2400 16th st Jell tf 314 ST NE Large comfortable heated front room 1 room 1 jlady wants roommate WANTED To purchase a used bedroom living room and dining room set also nigs to go with same Phone Franklin 4323 6 PAPERHANGING AND PAINTING 10 REDUCTION FOR THE NEX3P 10 DAYS IN PAPERHANGING AND PAINTING ALSO REPAIRING HOME REALTY CO 403 8TH ST NE LINCOLN 6110 NEW TAXI SERVICE CO Inc Phone West 84 TaxicabsTBOc ten blocks 75c any distance in city proper shopping or touring 250 per hour 30 tl 1821 LAMONT ST Elegantly furnished rooms I well heated near bath continuous hot water electric lights in private refined fain ilv I0 142iYvST NW Large double third floor back room adjoining batb 7 1364 HARVARD ST NW Roommate by joung man large front second floor sepa I ate beds and dressers 1608 17TII ST Handsomely furnished double front room bath adjoining 104 ST SE One well heated room second floor lady only call after 4 today RENT A FORD DRIVE IT YOLtRSELF 1 per hour 5 per day 4728 FORD CAR RENTAL CO INC COR 14TH and no27 tr 918 I ST NW One nicely furnished basement room and kitchen 7 3104 MT PLEASANT ST Three bright well furnished rooms electric light steam refined home Tel Col 5605 TWO handsomely furnished rooms private bath suitable for cosgressman or diplomat garage space exclusive 16th st North 1696 250000 TO loan on second trusts and mortgages on District of Columbia and nearby Marvland and Virginia real estate Walter Weed 1413 nw 14 250 TO 500000 on real estate Several trust funds all transactions conducted witn eeonomie al consideration for borrowers WM SAUNDERS CO Southern BIdg 807 15th st nw IN LARGE OR SMALL SUMS LOWEST RATES OF INTEREST LARGE LOANS A SPECIALTY THE SMITH COMPANY 815 15TH ST NW MAIM 6464 THE ROCHAMBEAU Apt 414 A furnished room for gentleman MONEY TO LOAN On desirable real estate ruritles Tyler Rutherford Inc 817 loth st nw 27 tf FUNDS now available to loan on lsti anff 24 tnsts on real estate prevailing inter est rates reasonable commission prouiyt ulles CLARENCE WELCH Ground floor Southern BIdg Main 4289 se24 tt fe sW 5.

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