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The Washington Post from Washington, District of Columbia • Page 2

Washington, District of Columbia
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vrx ns vBWBHIHHBESSESSHII TavrjTvt jreirJ 3 saipsssei 83k rHHvjfelilNGTON TOST THURSDAY MAYA2 190T UNVEILSTATJIE TODAY a Veterans of Army of Potomac fc Will Honor McCIellan TEESIDENT WILL BE SPEAXEB COMMANDS VETERANS IN REUNION Memorial to Distinguished Soldier to Be Dedicated Formally at 230 Annual Meeting ofJSociety of Army of Potomac Takes Place This Moming4 Berocs of Great Straggle Already Here EXERCISES AT UNVEILING Connecticut avenue and Columbia road 233 Brig Cen Henry Dwlght late captain United State Volunteer president of the Society of the Army of the Potomac presiding invocation by Right Rev Satterlee Blihop of Washington Brief history of the statue by Brig Jen Horatio King brevet colonel United States Volunteers Unveiling of the statue by Dr George McCIellan Salute by Fourth Battery United States Field Artillery Muclc The Star Spangled Banner Parade of Troops past the statue Ma Gen 3 Franklin Bell Chief of Star United States Army commanding Address by the President of the United States Music overture from Semlra mlde On to the Field of Glory Address by MaJ Gen Daniel Sieves A retired Azfdroes by MaJ Gen How jird A retired Music National Hymn Keller Address by MaJ Gen Qrenvllle Dcdje Bcredlcton by Rev WHHam Jemey Archdeacon of Jersey City Jate private Light Artillery Eleventh Corps Amy of the Potomac MlcIc My Country Tl of Thee The members of the Society ojt the Army of the Potomac arrived In Washington vesterday afternoon and almost dispelled the gloom of the rainy weath er by hearty handclasps and words of greeting with which comrade greeted comrade The largest leegatlon that from the Middle and New England States reached the on a special train from New I York City It Included Gens King Rwlght Kane Sickles and Howard Col Parks Lieut Halllday and several hundred others Altogether 600 or 700 visiting old soldiers are in the city to attend the unelllng ceremonies to day Of these vlsitln eterans about two thrr3s are from the Army of the Poto mac of which Gen McCIellan was commander the remainder being members of the societies of the armies of the Ohio Cumberland and Tennessee Earlj esterda evening the lobby of the Ebbitt House was filled with wearers of the Grand Army button who stood about In small croups talking oter the dais when they seried under the com nand of the general whom they will honor to da by their presence at flie unletting of the noble monument to his ability as a leader The principal address at the uneillng will be made by President Roosevelt Corcoran Gallery Opened Lat eening the authorises of the Corcoran Art Gallery openedtheir doors to the lsiting societies but owing to the vw nuv iii jc noo a very small representation of the members I present This morning at 9 oclock the various corps meetings take place and at 10 oclock the public exercises and reunion of the society will be held In the Belaseo Theater The entire orchestra circle has ben resen ed for the members of the four societies The balcony and gallery will be thrown open to the public One of the bote has been reserved for the President and family another for Mrs McCIellan widow of Gen McCIellan and her guests another for Mayor McCIellan of New York CIt and one for the officers of each the four soctetles After the performance last night the decoration committee took charge of the theater and arranged flags around the gallery railings and on the stage in graceful and beautiful folds and designs The Presidents box has been rnade especially attracthe Mrs McCIellan Recovered It was feared for some time that Mrs McClHan would rot ba able owins to Illness to be present at the dedication of ths monument to her distinguished liusoard but she has so far recovered as to be present although she will probably be unable to attend more than the one exercise that of the unveiling of the statue Yesterday she had pinned upon her breast by Lieut George Round of Maiasas a formerly of th First Connecticut Heavy Artillery which was known as Mrs jMcCIellans Own the first badge presented to anybody during the present reunion The badge bears likeness of the McCIellan statue Mrs McCIellan ezoressed a desire to see as many of the veterans of the Army of tr Potomac as would call upon her especially the men of the regiment which was known aa her own At the meetlrg In the Belaseo Theater the election of officers will take place For president of the societv Gen Newton Curtis and Gen Spear are mentioned asf successors to Gen Henry Dwlght It was stated last evening that Gen Horatio King who has been secretary for a number of years doubtless will be re elected to that position Ueut Frank Halllday It Is believed will be re elected treasurer of the so ciety BBBBHHBBBiEy i SS rSiBBBBSBBBBBBl a mWfw IiIbHIIbbbH tHBBHEwlfKiiPlvJB HHr 3 rf Infill I JJseeeeessssss BBBBBBBBBBflBEaBlflRiBHiBBBBH BbVbVbVbVbVJhJhJhJhJHbV JaeeBBleeHesBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaeeBeeeeeeeeeeeeeeH COL BfDDLE RELIEVED I Engineer Commissioner Goes to Pacific Division CAPT X0BB0W IS PROMOTED Present Assistant Will Step Into Higher Berth Change Creates Surprise at District Building Where Colleagues Express Regret Retiring Commissioner LeaVes a Splendid Record Horn for the Aged the Colored Industrial Home School and many Other municipal tbuljdjnga Helped Develop Capital CoL Blddle is a thorough iwUeverv In the future Of the city and that when it Is Improved In accordance with the plana of the Park Commission that It will rival any nt the capitals of Europe One of his pet projects la the development of Rock Creek Park It was through hi efforts In the last Congress that in approach to the parkway was secured along the valley of Plney Branch from Sixteenth street and he has laid out roads and bridal paths so as to make every part of the park accessible He has also taken the greatest interest In the trans ferring of Sixteenth street northwest into a boulevard He has lent his aid to efforts made to establish punUc playgrounds for children and also has recorded himself as in favor of establishing a park system In th District outside of Washington similar to that existing within the old city limits The Presidents order yesterday trans The installation id water meter which ferring Engineer Co nmlsstoner Biddle now BeIn was b1bo earnestly to Ban Francisco aa chief engineer of reco nmendea by him He also Prepared the Pacific division in charge of the tne nw th fortifications on the Pacific coart and he cV6LCoJuWa WtS a the promotion of Capt Jay Morrow th cf Washington arid was toot the District engln er department to Jtrumentel securing the appropriation Engineer Commissioner came as a I for Vx plJSL0r 2 lme Onct surprise to the hundreJ of em I arb front of he city ployes at the District building CaptJ Muorrot rp otTSl tn iimLtHV lneers SA who succeeds CpL Biddle has been rife for some time it was not I bee nt SS C2mI beUeved It would be made until fall CoL I tslonZ lnce lJLovenJr nd RiAAi i in xrnW vnA in thoroughly familiar with all branches of spectton tour of public schools It is said at the War Department that i7E i LVn i Sfc TVh wh headauarters at San Francjsco mlasloner is merely in nceori with the wHI Vv charge of fortma the District service Col Biddle in his new assignment will be division engineer of the Pacific Divi rules of the department limiting details to that office to four years When an Cal and will have charge of fortlflea tlons on the Pacific Coast the improve ment of harbors the construction of fnCJe5Llai f2i I6 bridges and surveys in the State of Call i 1 cu fc wuhwif4 forna GEN HENRY CD WIGHT President Society of th Army of the Potomac w3 IbHbp4 3T bbbVB fri fiy jKtfigShJ vIbbbB JBflBBBBBBBLHB i i vBBBBBMPBmBBBBlBV BBBKLW1 iaHLBLBBBflHaBBBB BBBBHBBSfflE BBBBBBH ilBBBBp3BL IPBBBLHI BHBHHIrTIBBBl BBBBeW tX MSjlk IIbbbS wffl IXaBBBl BraLjMkc rvT iTBBBBH BBBBmBbRSDkBJv BBH BHHSttkJ bbbbbV BBBBflLBBBrB iBBBBBBBB bbHUbWbbbI BhwQHbbbbI Ueut Frank Halllday Trtnurtr Society of the Army of the Fotomtc PjBBBBBBBBBB bbbBPIIJbbB IBKppM aSBSSSSBSBBBmi I Cot William Fox Corresponding Secretary Society Army of the Po Gen Horatio King Recording Secretary Society Army of the Potomac attend the reception at the Congressional Library thi evening i MaJ LltMeton wlfo was to have dellv ered the oration at the Belaseo Theater this morning is ill at his home in Brooklyn and will be unable to be present I James Lampton 615 Fourteenth street the chairman of the automobile committee desires to secure between 200 and 300 private automobiles for the use of the visiting members of the four army divisions to morrow afternoon and he I asks that all ho are willing to loan tneir I machines for a few hours to so notify him llu army corps will mett this morning at 9 oclock as follows Second and Third Army Corps at the Shoreham Ninth Twelfth Nlneteentn and Twenty second the Navy and the Marine Corps at the Arlington the Cavalry Corps Artillery Corps Engineer Corps and general staff at the New Wlllard Fifth and Sixth Army Corps at the Raleigh First Fourth Seventh Eightn Tenth Eighteenth Twenty fourth and Twenty fifth Army Corps at the Riggs Eleenth 1 Army Corps and the Signal Corps at the Ebbitt House SCHOOLS H0N0H MCLELLAM lng a change in the engineers office the District officials manifested a desire to have Cot Biddle retained in view of the Important public improvements under way But the officials at the War Department including Secretary Taft and Gen Mackenzie chief of engineers felt that it was inexpedient to postpone actlou any longer especially in view of the fact that Capt Morrow is thoroughly familiar with the work Coast Assignment Agreeable Col Biddle appreciating these conditions expressed his willingness to accept the San Francisco assignment Although no specific date has been set for the change it is believed Col Biddle will retire from office within a few weeks The transfer of Col Biddle villi leave but two army officers on duty with the District government Gen Alexander Mackenzie chief of engineers upon whose recommendation the change was made said the promotion was in accordance with the custom of the department During Col Biddles incumbency the work of the engineer department of the District has been conducted in a highly satisfactory and commendable manner he said yesterday We only hope that DEWEY LION OF DINNER Doughty Admiral the Hero of Manila Bay Celebration SEA FIGHTERS HOLD BEUXION Mingle Their Good Fellowship at Raleigh Nine Years After Memorable Victory Over Spanish Fleet Comrades Hear Dewey Recount Story of Battle and Applaud Twenty Officers Present Honored In peace as well as In war and still proclaimed one of the greatest frLIaUael0George Dewey the hero of Manila Ba A Fouii Specials Suits of taffeta silk in the new stripe effects waist Jumper style trimmed with straps of velvet soke and sleeves of lingerie and i ace insertion puuiea skirt All sites Worth S19 SO Special 95 Womens Tailored Jackets in tan covert and black broadcloth stitched seams button through all sizes jacket lined with satin Worth 1150 Special 75 Taffeta Silk Suits in navj blue black tan pink and light blue waist open back front trimmed wttn tucks ara lace medallions plaited skirts Worth 19 50 Special 951 Suits of taffeta silk in blje or black Eton Jacket lined with white silk collar and cuffs finished with braid mil skirt plaited in clusters all sites Worth 35 Special 81975 LansburghBro 420 to 426 7th St WIRED COMPLAINT COSTLY the District Col Biddle is a man of ex celleivt ability and Judgment In his new was the guest of honor last evening at the ninth anniversary of the memorable 2MX rl victory over Admirai Montojos fleet continue his high grade work and there Is little doubt that he will handle the position with credit both to himself and to the country Surprise at District Building At the District building the change created unusual surprise among the officials Shortly after the announcement cf Many of those who fought with him as ship captains together with other naval officers and veterans of the Spanish American war gathered at the banquet Admiral Lamberton was toast master while Admiral Dewey presided at the reunion Every annlersary since Aamlral The Grand Army men will form on both aides of the line of parade and the troops Lwlll march through The Twenty third Infantry Col Philip Reade commanding arrived in Washing ton esterday on the transport Sumner from the Jamestown Exposition to take part In to days ceremonies Immediately after the unveiling ceremonies the regiment will return to Camp Captain John Smith at Jamestown The transport is now lying moored at the pier on the harbor side of the Washington Barracks Park Committeemen at Library The chairman of the floor committee at the Congressional Library reception Is Col Myron Parker The chairmen of the subcommittees are Gen Falmer Wool A main floor Mr William Howard Gibson CSV entrance Ma Frank A Butt CSV exit Capt Levi Her rlam A center sallery Ma Charles DA Loeffler 8 A north gallery MaJ Duncan rhllllpe CSV aonth gallerr Ma Hannibal Norton CSV first floor Brig Gen Thomie Vlncnt A loor The rrceptlon committee for the unveiling ceremonies Is composed of the following Frederick Owen ebalrtnan William Hamilton Barlr Dr Frank BUcoe William Broughton CoL Frederick Bryan Robert Bennett Philander Betts Kewtoa I Collomer Henry Cooper John Doyle Carmody AN Howard Clark Louie A Dent John Dalphln Elker Henry Gauss Andrew Graham Francis Glllen Albert Core Dr A Hill Harry Hall Samuel Herrlck Holt Joseph Hardle A Kennedy Jerome IJghtfoot Wallace McLean Philip Lamer Caleb MAgrtfder Benjamin Miller Earl Marsh Claries Neweombar William Pearce John Lewis Smith John Speed Smith Rowan Booome Tuiey Henry Tulloch Dr Joseph Wall For president of the Cavalry Society ot Coor secretary The entertainment committee for the exercises at the Belaseo this morning is composed of A Richardson chairman Job Patter eon Charles Hanback Metlach Gilbert Heated Chasa Patrick McVolty Barrell Williams Lewis Merrlasa Bradtori Ord Hill A Van Den sen Vfr Strong Howard Prtacv Frank Sprsgne Stephen MuttalCand Edward1 Krledlet Foreign Officers Invited Invitations have been extended to the foreign officers who are Jn the city to the United States which will hold its meeting this morning at 9 oclock in room 3 Ebbitt House the following are mentioned Gen James Wilson commander Third Division Cavalry Corps Col John McCook of the Sixth Ohio and AdJL A Easton of the Sixth New York Col McCook Is the present president Plans for the Unveiling The other exercises to day will be the unveiling it 230 this afternoon and the reception at 8 oclock In the Congressional Library The Department of the Potomac and their Grand Army comrades of the other armleawill assemble at the Junction of Columbia road and Elghteentn street between ladand lta nu and from there they will march to the statue The members of ihe Army of the Potomac will occupy the north stand the members of the other societies the east stand The blue tickets admit to the north stand the pink tickets to the east stand The military parade which will be re vlewed by the President will he the closing feature of the unveiling ceremonies The troops consisting of all the regular arm cavjr and marine orces near Washington the National guard of the District of Columbia and the State of New1 Jersey will assemble on Washington Heights1 north of the atatue and commence marching past stand immediately after tha benediction TV New York Children to Hold Exefcises While Statute Is Unveiled Speelal to The Washington Pest New York May Shortly before 8 oclock to day Mayor McCIellan left the city to go to Washington where the status of Gen George McCIellan his fatheri will be unveiled to morrow Patrick McGowan president of the board of aldermen as acting mayor afterward requested William Maxwell superintendent of schools to give orders to the principals throughout the city that appropriate exercises be held In all the schools at the hour of unveiling Mr McGowan made the suggestion of holding the exercises to Mayor McCIellan who disapproved of the idea on the ground that tt might lead to criticism Mr Go nan later took the responsibility upon himself as acting mayor The older generation is famfJiar wih the services the distinguished soldier Gen MoClellan rendered to his country he said It will be proper tribute in my opinion to make the younger generation familiar with them also USED OFFICEBS NAME Scrofula Few are entirely free from it It may develop so slowly aa to cause little it any disturbance during the whole period of ehildhoodV It may then produce dyspepsia catarrh and marked tendency to consumption before manifesting itself in much cntaneouserup tion or glandular swelling It Is best to be sure that you are quite free from it end you can rely on Hoods Sarsaparitla to rid you of tt radically and permanently Accept no substitute bnt insist onbaTlng Hoods Liquid or tablets 100 Dose Capt Clover Sought Bogus Cousin Held in Tnsco for a Year Capt Richardson Clover 17 said yesterday that he had been trying for a year to run down the man who has been Impersonating him in different parts of the country and who was arrested in San Francisco on Monday The man gave the name of Clover and said ha was a cousin of Capt Clover The first time Capt Clover says he beard of his bogus cousin was about a year ago when a firm in Salt Lake City sent him a bljl for a revolver ordered by a man representing himself to be Capt Clover Several months later the Mathe son Motor Car Company of Wirkekbarre Pa bad some dealings with a man giving his name as Capt Clover TJ Who said he bad retired and was engaged in manufacturing alcohol He made partial arrangements to act aa Pacific Coast agent tor the company and was permitted to Inspect the plant and gain information of great value When Capt Clover received a letter the other day from San Francisco giving information of the operation of the man working under his name he Informed Chief Wllkie of the Secret Service Ths mans arrest waa soohr accomplished JUSTICE WEIGHT RECOVERING Jurist Suffered Severe Attack of Rheumatism Saturday Associate Justice Daniel Tbew Wright of the District Supreme Court who was suddenly seised with an attack of inflammatory rheumatism Saturday evening while at the Blue Ridge Rod and Gun Club is still confined to his residence 1832 Sixteenth street northwest Justice Wrights physician said last nlxht that the patient is rapidly recover ing and probably will ba able to return to bis duties next Aionooy the promotion of Capt Morrow was made I Dewey steamed Into Manila Bay May by Daniel Garges secretary to Col Bid 1898 nd 8ank the entire Spanish die the office of the Engineer Commis fleet hfs marked an eventful day The aamirai yesterday received congratulations from his comrades and friends and as he revived the flood of memories that caused the world to ring with plaudits for him nine years ago he seemed younger at sixty nine fthan on the eventful day of the battle Sea Fighters Applaud Dewey The occasion as usual was one for purelysoclal enjoyment The long table about which the sea fighters mingled In Jolly good fellowship presented an Interesting scene The hall was decorated with dogwood blossoms palms and smllax which blended beautifully with the national colors You may fire when jou are ready Grldleyt Admlral Deweys famous order Just before the sinking of the Spanish ships when repeated by Admlral Lamberton in his introductory remarks was the signal for an outburst of applause The Manila Bay bojs seemed once more fired with the spirit of patriotism that spurred them to yictory in Manila Harbor Admiral Lamberton concluded by proposing the health of the President of the United States Dewey Recounts Battle Admiral Dewey gave a realistic picture of the historic day when Spanish power in the far East waa banished for all time Histface nas radiant with the pleasure he felt In Joining nls comrades once again As he recalled reminiscences that came back to him he seemed to enjoy to tha full extent the significance of the hour I shall never forget President McKin leys message said the Admiral expressing confidence In tme and men When we were ready we were short handed But I made no mistake about my men It was a time Vhen the insurgents were causing trouble on all sides and it was a time for quick action Admiral Dewey Interspersed his speech with anecdotes and at intervals convulsed his comrades with laughter When lie concluded he was applauded loudly Among those present were Real Admirals Lamberton Dyer Walker Ford and Lynch Medical Directors Price and Wise Capts Colvocoresses and Howard Commanders Brlggs Flske Ransom Bailey Koemerling Beach Caldwell and Irwin Lleuts Scptt James Kavanaugh and Wood and Col Berryman ail of whom were with Admiral Dewej at Manila HIHPSbIIIIIIH ssssssHaBsiiBBissssssssH fK LsSSSsH LissssssssssssssssssksBslI BSHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsHnVBlsBBBBBl BbiIHkPbH aHUlllllllllllllV illilllHllllllluiHK BsBlllllH LlIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBnSj9HHB9flBB Blffafafafafafafafafafafafafafafflal i finnBiBBVfliffafafal IbIsbbbbbbbIsbbbbbbbbbbbbbV sBKHaBBsTain LisbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbWAbIIbsbbbbIIbbbbbbH Photo by Harris A Swing Capt Jay Morrow New Enjloeer Commissioner of the District i sioner waa filled with the officials who came to extend their congratulations to the new Commissioner Commissioner Macfarland in speaking of the change said I am exceedingly sorry that CoL Biddle is going He has served longer than any other Engineer Commissioner his term having been extended at the request of the District and without his volition He has represented the District lh conferences with railway engineers and other officials and always held his own and the Commissioners have never regretted any of his decisions Capt Morrows experience as Assistant Engineer Commissioner has given him a thorough grasp of matters pertaining to the District government He has shown wisdom courage and a deep interest In the affairs of the engineer department and there is little doubt that he will be a valuable man at the heal of the department Colleagues Express Regret Commissioner West said While it was to be expected that Col Biddle would be transferred owing to the fact that he has served in his present position for a longer period than any of his predecessors it is true that the District suffers a severe loss by his departure During my association with him I have learned to regard his technical ability In the highest degree and espe cially 1 have been impressed with his in tense interest In his work It is fortunate that Capt Morrow has been selected as his successor Like Col Biddle he is an engineer of marked ability and industry and possessed of a temperament which admirably fits him for the position CoL John Biddle was appointed Engineer Commissioner November 1901 During his Incumbency the District has mad great strides In municipal growth and particularly in the construction of many engineering and building projects Among the project which were either begun during his period of service or which have been completed are The Connecticut avenue bridge the Union station and the structures connected with the elimination of grade crossings th sewage disposal system including the sewage pumping plant the District water pumping station the new District Building the public convenience stations the Business High School the Pollc Court building the almshouse and Fruit Growers Pay 80 to Telegraph Grievance to Commission For the first time In its history a complaint was filed by telegraph with the Interstate Commerce Commission yesterday and the action of the commission on the complaint was unusually prompt and direct The complaint came from the California rruit Growers Exchange at Los Angeles and was directed against the Southern Pacific and the Atchison To peka and Santa Fe railroads The petition sets forth that the defendant lines adopted a regulation that they would supply cars only in proportion to the amount of fruit that actually had been picked and was ready for shipment The petition says this regulation will work a serious hardship to the fruit shippers as in many cases they will have to wait for cars The commission accepted the petition And by telegraph set the case fo hear lng at Los Angeles on Maj 15 The petition was 1315 words In length and the exchange paid about ISO for Us transmission WEATHER CONDITIONS CREDIT FOR AlL WASHINGTON Furnishings If you have commenced to clean house you have probably already wished that you had some new cool summery furniture We invite you to select whatever you wish from our magnificent stocks which you will find contain all the newest styles in all kinds of furniture and other homefurnishings The prices are low and we will gladly arrange credit terms to suit you We mark everything in plain figures and a comparison will prove that weive the best values in the city PETER GROG AN 817 819 821 B23 Seventh St Bet and I Sts GATES WILL lftT EXPLAIN Youngi TO EVERY WOMAN There comes a time when a medicine Is needed to tone up the system and It Is then that she will appreciate a few doses of the famocs HOSTETTERS STOMACH BITTERS During the past 53 years hundreds of sickly women have used the Bitters to the exclusion of all otoer remedies because It cured them of Headache Fainting Spells Dizziness Cramps Backache Dysseosla Indlaestlon or Costlvencss Try a bottle Wo guarantee it pur ember of Firm Says Street May Say What It Will New York May 1 If Wall street wants to think we are broke let them think so if they want to think we re not that is all right but as long as wo pay our Just debts that Is all we care about Statement by Charles Gates son of John Gates and head of the New York Stock Exchange firm of Charles Gates Co which Is to be dissolved on June 1 This statement given with much vigor was elicited when a reporter told young Mr Gates about the multitude of Watl street yarns that have been circulating ever since it became known that the Gateses father and son were going to retire from the brokerage business These stories ha vei asserted that enormous losses through unsuccessful Wall street operations had been responsible for the decision of the Messrs Gates to quit acUve business They have even asserted that a fortune of something like 0000000 had been cut in half which while leaving the Gateses still very rich eliminated them as an active factor in htch finance GEN KTJR0KI LANDS Dpt of Agriculture Weathtr Bureau Wartlntton My 1 1807 I There were general rtlne from the Oult Statei north etrtward light local anova la north Dakota and Northern Montana and local anowa and ralni Is the extreme 8outhweet Is the Interior of the country 4 the Paclflo State fair weather pre Talled It la much cooler la New England and the Middle Atlantic States and decidedly colder la tie extreme Northweat eliewhere the temperaturea hae rlaen although they are below tee aeaaonal average Tr the entire country except in the South Atlantic and portion of the Pacific State Shower are probable Thuraday en the South At lantic and Eaat Oult eoaita and local rain or nowa In the Northern Upper Lake region the extreme Upper Mlalaarppl Valley Minnesota and South Dakota elaewhere the weather will be fair Thureday It will alao be generally fair Friday although local rain or anowa are probable in the Northern Upper Lake region It will be colder Thursday la the South Atlantic State South Dakota Nebraika Minnesota and the orthwtern Lpper Lake region and warmer in the Ohio Valley the Lower Lake and Southern Lpper Lake region The wind along the New England coast will be light to freah northeasterly on th Middle Atlantic coast light to fresh northeast to east on the South Atlantic coast light to freah becoming northeast erly en the East Oulf coast freeh northeasterly on th West Gulf coast fresh to brisk northeasterly becoming variable on the Lower Lakes light to fresh east to southeast and on the Lppe Lake variable wlnde becoming northerly and fresh over Superior and Northern Michigan Steamers departing Thursday for European port will have light to fresh northeasterly wind with generally fair weather to the Grand Banks Local Weather Report Temperature Midnight It a 65 4 a 1 a 12 8 a It 10 a 68 12 noon cs 2 4 S3 S3 52 10 51 Maximum tt minimum El Relative humidity a 72 8 24 Rainfall 8 to 0 52 Hours ot sunshine none Per cent of possible sunshine none Temperature same date last year Maximum 72 minimum 57 PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Bulletin SPECIAL DELIVERY OF BAGGAGE A convenient and useful feature of the baggage service of the Pennsylvania Railroad is its Special Delivery System This system is in operation all the year around between New Yor Brooklyn Newark Asbury Park Philadelphia Baltimore Washington and Atlantic City and during the summer season at Cap May Wildwood Sea Isle City Ocean City and Long Branch Under this Special Delivery System the passenger may seid his baggage in advance with the assurance that it will be awaiting him on his arrival at his destination whether hotel or resir dence The service is performed in conjunction with local transfer companies In New York Brooklyn Asbury Park and Long Branch the New York Transfer Company and in Philadelphia Baltimore Washington Atlantic City Cape May Wild wood Sea Isle City and Ocean City the Union Transfer Company perform the service The transfer company receiving the baggage gives a receipt therefor and attaches a special check containing the address to which the baggage is to be sent by first train after the order is taken and arranges for the prompt delivery of the baggage on its arrival in the city to which it is forwarded The charge for this special delivery service is 75 cents for each piece of baggage whichjnust be prepaid This charge does not cover any charges that may be necessary on account of excess weight of baggage over the limit of one hundred and fifty pounds which are checked free on each railroad ticket Famous Japanese Soldier Is on Way to Jamestown Exposition Victoria British Columbia Mar 1 Gen Baron Knrokl wearing a khaki and 1 a star or i the order or Pawlonia accompanied by a representative party of Japanese military men arrived at 5 oclock to night on the steamer on the way to the Jamestown Exposition The party will leave for SeatUe In the morning Torpedo Boat Flotilla Here The torpedo boats Strlngham Wilkes Stockton DeiMng ana Blakely arrived at the navy yaijd here yesterday irom jlamp ton Roads and it is expected that they will conduct some torpedo drills in the Potomac for the Information ot soma of the officials here Temperatures In Other Cities Temperatures Wednesday in other cities with rainfall for twelve hour ended at 2 Rain Max Mln I fall Ashevtlle 72 58 4 0 81 Atlanta Ga 74 62 68 Atlantic City 66 60 50 0 20 Bismarck Dak 56 22 24 0 Boston Masa 64 60 50 Buffalo NT 46 22 4 Chicago 111 46 26 44 Cincinnati Ohio 60 40 4C Cheyenne Wyo 62 22 38 Pavenport Iowa 66 36 52 Denver Colo 64 22 48 Des Moines Iosra 66 34 54 Galveston Tex 66 66 64 0 26 Indianapolis Ind 64 32 62 Jacksonville Fie 24 63 74 Kansas City Mo 56 36 54 Little Rock Ark 60 46 66 Marquette Mich 6 30 42 Memphis Tenn 52 46 62 New Orleana Ii 76 63 70 0 t2 New Tork 52 64 66 North Platte Nebr 64 26 66 Omaha Nebr 66 36 66 JMttaburx Pa 43 22 43 Salt Lake City Utah 62 26 52 St Louis Mo 54 26 63 St Psutv Minn 60 26 66 Springfield III 54 22 60 Vickaburg Miss 62 64 62 0 01 To days Tide and Sun Table High tide 11 11 a and 11 45 Low tide ill a and 06 ra San rises I 01 sets I 52 River Bulletin Special to The Washington Post Harpers Ferry Va May Shenandoah clear Potomac cloudy to day ARCADIAN WAUKESHA WATER Sparkling Like a Brilliant Absolutely Pure The Ideal Table Water BURCHELL I 1325 Street Distributing Agent I McCRAY REFRIGERATORS Known everywhere for superiority Opal glass tile or odorless wood lined Sold only by Nelson Refrigerator Co 620 STREET Soldiers Widows Will Head Parade Irvine Walker commander ot the Army of Northern Virginia Department United Confederate Veterans announces that on the occasion of the unveiling at Richmond Va of the statue of President Jefferson Daris Mrs Jackson widow of Oen Stonewall Jackson Mrs Mahone widow of Gen William Mahout and Mrs Lucy Lee Hill Macglll daughter of Oen A Hill have consented to ride at the bead of the parade Dedicatory ceremonies win be obserred June Always the Same Tharps Pure Berkeley Rye 8 12 St Phone Mala II41 Special Private Delivery THE WASHINGTON POSTS JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION CONTEST COUNT ONE VOTE FOR Name Address No credit wilt be allowed for this ballot unless It Is received at the office of The Washington Post on or before 12 oclock noon Whether It la sent THURSDAY MAY 9 1907 by mail or otherwise FllPout wjth pen peneil or rubber stamp and send delivery prepaid by mall express or messenger to EXPOSITION EDITOR TOHiKlSMS Before you go away for the summer let us protect your household belongings with a Maryland Casualty Company BURGLARY Theft and Larceny INSURANCE Policy Write or telephone for rates tfrrnrifS jftoragr Qvym 1 140 Fifteenth Street GENERAL AGENTS restart CfefBOftj ftj is ii nli efleS999 THE SMART EFFECTS There are Jneey reasons why HeaharfS cannenti have that exelnslrsness to them thats net seen la ell clothes Boildiftg a Nobby Sprang Salt jt25 GEO EHEBBARD Modern Taller Expert Trousers 705708 IMxnth Street IOJA CLARET Old CaaUleB nrtrae4 Trine ORAK MUX FARM KXF08I TIOM IMS Kiss Altosaas table Claret On thwta lists ot the heat hotels to Europe qta 0 34ta eoTt sole Distributer Christian XaflderSif 909 7th StgftftSU Jf ii.

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