Hot Springs New Era from Hot Springs, Arkansas • 5
- Publication:
- Hot Springs New Erai
- Location:
- Hot Springs, Arkansas
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 5
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
7 i- i k'A. Ti a i i i ox. IV a AMIlllh'A liltllAT M'H I'-'1 Jaccard's of St. Louis ft v.w. to I.I lli.ll llll I' 111.
if l7l. -J' 7V 4. I I -1 1 I.VX a DIAjMONDS 111 ami v. iy a t-s i ami timst lit IM, II I IIIKS. e(uisii" SlitititK wls 'lS'tH'S Alw; Welcome Moil, ACCARD'S ill-curd A Klnu ti.
5f4iW t'i. '-e- mm BUYS brocaded cloth. to with the tnno-a 1 lOi.iwi-ar -Jd fmethiti Tin- r.tiv stvle is or- motis Hot Fpr'ngs crystals come ji'jotn rugged stretch of volcanic rock inree nines east on tne road. Thousand Springs, very beautiful and enchanting series of springs, located three miles east of the city near 'Hell's Half Acre'. Sugar Loaf Mountain, located just jotitsde the Hot Springs reservation, a bi-aittiiul eminence of Cedar street road on Whittington avenue road.
Hot Springs Dog Kennels, a unique place 01" interest with many high bred dogs. On Whittlnglon Park car Jine, near WWttlugion park. MISS ALT A TIIH HOIK XKKD. Coil Rive us men. Tiie time (I nr.
a mis Strong minds, great hearts, true faith and willing hands; Men whom the lust of office dot's not kill; Men whom tln spoils of office ran i not buy; Men who possess opinions am! a will Men who have honor; men who will! not lie; Men who can stand before a ogue And dam hi-; treacherous without winking; (itiiia ticries Tall men, sun-crowned, above the fog v. ho live In public duty and in private think- Ins. IIFP.E'S WAY TO PI.V I- LAG! Fly the flag on its own -not with another flag. Do not display it before sunrise or after dark. Tut it np higher than your head.
Never put it upside down. That is a signal of distress at sea. Do not 1ft children trail the flag in the dirt. It should nev-r touch the ground. Do not use paper napkins derorat- ed with the flag.
Caution careless users of the flag. Re-ion violations of the flag law. Do not pile merchandise of any kind on the flag in your show win-," dow. Even when u-ed as an altar loth the T.ible may may bp laid on it nothing more. Pee that your flag has for'y-eiht in even rows.
The length: should be one and nine-tenths the width and the I'aion as wide as even -ripes. i When other flas are displayed! put the Stars and up first' hishest of all. In parade it should have the place of honor. When hung as a banner, the stars hirtl.J If- jm the upper 1-tf corner. nvh stripes perpendi- FREE Cook Book Wouldn't you like to taste the delicious crisp-tru-ned biscuits anJ hut bread that Cottolenc makes? Wouldit't you like see ciuickly ar.J dciiciouslv wholwrne Catolcne does all kinds of frying? Wouldn't you like to taste delicious cakes and cookies made without butter with Cottolene? Wc believe you would.
So have primed a Special Cook Lkwic t-ontainins 239 recipes by famous cooks. Wc shall be glad to mail you this Cook 13ook free. I If you prefer to u-e some of yov.r oira recipes le sure to onothiiJ less Cottolenc than you use of other shortening. Cottolene is richer and goes farther. But this unusual C'ouk Book is well worth writing for.
Write The N. K. Fairbank Company, 111 West Washington Street, Chicago, Cottolene Makti Good Cooking Better" At grocers in tins of convenient sices I I i I i a of if in i i.f (of nit I Jtie en I I I i in i Rector Heights, the highest point fa-ight out in another's car Mountain reached by the West tne owners knowledge and per-Mountain 50'jvrntnent drives, on the -mission. Iiainl. vn.ugl,i platinum nnw In Awmie.
stiewn nt (mi- Visiter Always I'lClllllf 01 oreaKiasts Grape-Nuts "There's a Reason Xot Fifty Had Received Their Poll Tax Receipts to Xoon Today. Grand Rush Is Ev pec ted This Afternoon. Despite the campaign that suffragist leaders have carried on for many days to induce the women of' Garland county to pay their poll tax and get their receipts in order to be qualified to vote at the next fall'a primary, less than 50 local women had qualied up to noon today, the last day for paying poll tax without the penalty. Suffragist leaders, however, were confident there would be a big rush during the afternoon and the showing of Hot Springs' suffragists would be a commendable one. After today, if the women pay poll It must be with the penalty attached.
Following is a list of those who had assessed and paid their poll to noon today: 'W3ip Miss Adele Johnson, Miss Mary Cart-wright, Mrs. Jessie T. P. Con-nell, Mrs. Ella Ryan, Mrs.
J. White, Harriett Nutt. Henr'fttta Greer, Ad el Jenk'ng. Blanche Mrs. Milan, Mary Peak, Mrs.
F. J. Sauls, Mildred R. Murphy, .4. Bancroft, Mrs.
Charles Bake, C. T. Drennan. Mrs. A Trlbhle, Mrs.
L. D. Thompson, Mrs. Tytiis.W. Townsend, Mrs.
Jessie P. Collings, Lucy Mav Schaer. Virgin Martin, Desdamona Wood, Edyth Mrs. Grace Wyl'e, Mrs. Blanche Dunaway.
Mrs. B. Coo' Florence Hamilton. Mary E. Johns, MJ-rd Weed Cleo W.
Scn'der. Krs. an dleton Mrs. L. L.
Johnson, Jf Russey, Maude Euiice Rowles, Mrs. Marte Rmitn, Mrs Sue L. James, Mary F. rarker. Mir, Xorval Williams, Mrs.
J. M. Coppock. Mrs. Florence Me-Ktehan.
Mrs. Al ee Blumenstiel, Mrs. Roxie Kemoner, Mrs. Ida L. Rlggs, Miss Agnes Riggs.
Incidentally, it m'ght he mention ed that quite a number of hnsbands were dutifully turning In the assessment for their bettor halves and paying the required fee to place them on an equal voting basis w'lh them. WAXTKD Mn that can pat a Hall safe in condition. Phelps Auto Supply Co. WANTED Men to learn barber's trade. High class positions.
Wages paid while learning. Tools furnished diplomas given. Special inducements. Palmer System, 116 W. F'fth Little Rock.
Opportunity stares up at you from this page, flit may be a better position- just the cottage you want to rent a chance to own a hou5c on eay tcrrm a new cook- an nmhV tious employe what not? f'fl Want. bristle with ailstic SUFFRAGISTS SLOW Iff PAYING POLLS "Trail of the Setting Sun." The Arsenic Spring, a splendid cold wafer sprang located at Jnnc-tion of Mt. Ida and Glade streets, off Park avenue'. AX IXVITATIOX TO WOMEX Women are invited to visit the laboratory of the Lydia E. Pinkham Med cine Co.
at Lynn. and see for themselves with what accuracy, and clean! -ness this wonderful remedy for. women's ailmen.s is prepared. Over pounds of roots land herbs are used annually in mak- ing this famous medicine ready to be bottled, and tha hotting room where it is put and labelled for the market, cannot help but (km ni l. relinhilitv of this 248 and 1271 'low ts. lti was a--is'd Mrs. Y. Klein, Mr-. II. Trib-iie.
Mis. w. hester. Airs. F.
-earns. Koi-rt Neil and diss C.e Latta. The card tro-ihif were awarded to Mrs. A. 11.
rrioMe. Mrs. Albert (iaines. Mrs. and the guest Mrs.
N. E. Je't. rii'- luncheon was served on the prill, at which thirty were at the tables. The color scheme was ink and white, the and bon bon dishes being ro-i-i.
and white rosebuds. The of the table was a large silver basket filled with white and pink -amotions and aparagras fern, silver id vases and candlesticks were ued tiie length of the table twined with asparagras fern and bows wide pink and white satin ribbon. The K.iole Wj-; veiled in white silk from the folds of which two Am-rican flag of silk draped, a small slik flag marked the place card of earh This was the first of a number of attractive social affairs planned or Mrs. Jett. AWorXCEMEXTS.
The Iierean class of the Firs! 'hr'Vian Sunday school will meet with Miss Iiem'oy. 4S4 Prospect avenue Thursday afternoon lo'k All members of the reque.ste.! to attend. PEROXAES. Dr. It.
A nr.d are row making their home in Litt'e Koc-k Misses P.ertha Filippe and spent Sunday in Litt'i Rock with relatives, C. De Woody his re turned home after a visit 'n Pice Bluff. Mrs. M. P.
Kearney and son. D-? S.ib-s Kearney are now at home at the Klrby apartments on Orange Eat! Varnadore who for the pat five years has been ronnected the Droto Spring Water Company, has accepted a position with te Metropolitan Life Insurance Com pany. He will act as agent T' suc-ceding Dr. Murray Thompson who has been transferred to the Little Roc.i office. Mr.
Vatnadore is weil known and popular and all his friends- predict success for him. Amors some of the well Uiown Chi. -ago now at the Arl are Alderman M. A. Mien-a; -t.
Micnad Kenna. D. F. and W. L.
Sullivan. JacX Walker. Misses Norma Han-; and Edith Stephens of Little snen' today at the Arlington. Col. W.
B. I (alderman of the Louisville Jott-ie' Journal, accompanied by Mrs. Haldeman. is at the Arlington L. Garrett, of Interurban f3me.
over from Little Rocjf yesterday Friends of Miller Beldir.g who is a tudent at tne i niversny oi ir- ginia will regret to learn he is in the infomary with pneumonia. John E. Crates a well known Little Rock insurance man is in the 'tv today. Tom Burke of New Albany. is the guest of Frances Carroll.
J. W. Atkins of Dyeaburg, Tenn one ot the old timers who has been coming here for vears is at the Arl ington Healthful Way to Restore Gray Hair You can have glossy, rich and luyuriant hair of a soft, eveu shade instead of gray or 1 feiess, faded bail or hair streaked with gray. It's very easy and simple, very healthful, and in perfect fcood taste which are not. Sititply apply Q-Ban Hair Color Restorer as on would a Bliumpoo.
It is to use. harmless dquld sold under the makers' full KiiHnin- ce ol' money back it not sul- isl'id The of t) -Ban ill 1 natural, even, color, lull ol iie.iniv, it it.) 1 1 1 and 1 an ji wliTn hull'. No one ril ii Ii I von ni lilicil Mall, l'c it do. hii'i tt.Tk a lool, it im III ,1 ii il H's on tt III lie de lj .1 wib nf uili and i il i o'li1 i I'- ri ill l-ealit. mil- a i.
hi Ji tiintlii I I I II llllil I i-i ll I I-' Hi l' 111' Cl Hi if i ji- I In M. in i I i iii m.i u' 1 Vt i I ui It -1 i i i I ii i. il hi I i IimIH, I 1 i I I I -l 'I I I it i iVIientioujtcHt I I 4 4 fit ii 4 irii il "i At i SMITH EDITOR Phones, the stjrs at the upper riph: hand innicr. When Mown at half tiS flag 1 1 1 1 1 1 i be rsii-ed r) lop ol i. pole and then lowe-eti tae width o.
flag. si.iiiKtv MAR roi; Sl'MMHi: TIMK. Smart and adequate lor all for- liial occasion as the high buttoned bout uiidouincdiv is. women forward with pleasure to the 'lonnin of pretty pumps and iwhen warmer days arriw The high boot is jus: no -a fashionable that rail lOstnrrif-s a fnrn jl r.atar-. ri-iuire tended for out-of-tf it, and buttoned boots with tops cl cloth, or entire boots of white ma terial will be called tor evn in midsummer; but for less formal occasions, for piazza and for evening wear, the dainty pimp will oon have annual i he new pumps have very sler.
"er lines and the long. toe that is now the mode Cuban and French heels will be fashionable and moit of the new pumps have a very small, poinled tongue rising above the small ww or Hue or sticking. Among the n-w styles is a slender, long-lined pump made of pearl gray with a s.i!fv,,.,i wing tip. fa ban heel and small tailored cf gray grosgrain ribbon. Of hampugue colored with cloth is a blu- -tnall Colonial tongue and very high, covered heel.
A very dressy pump has a patent leather vamn with whi'e caif foxing and a diamond shaped bucr.le the calf at ir.e front, one point of wjj. res to form the smalli very dark Dussia calf is a pump wtrh pointed toimin; now fancied. Of; -iil s.iuare hapei! tongue and high covered Louis heel. Like the new spring boot-1, puiaps bave higher heels than and these high heels, comb'ned with the trim, slender; lines mako the foot exceedingly dainty aii.I aristorratb. Slippers for summer w-ar are of.
gnl.l or silver cloth or of metal bro-j jib these for dancing wear of ii! it is to he a white summer fuo.wear and thousands of pair; arming white pumps and s'ip-j arc ready, tiio- of thes-- made fibrb with S'Jppie turned soi'-s Hnd the highest of high, covered hfcele. ETEit Toxitiirr TO.IJE lilUl.l.IAXT EVENT. Tie annul Easter ball at tie AtitUhtun hoid lon'ght l.e largely attended. In fart, ev mlier of yo socier set will be there to add to the Ivaufy and joy of occasion. And because it is the last special featjr" ball of the season tl.e s.iciety folk married sot will also turn out masse.
The ball room of the Ar lit IV has teen beautifully decorated fot the occasion and Prof. Barton has arranged a dance program that is sure to please. Dancing will begin at o'clock and the man- las-ement of the hotel extends a ceil ial invitation to the local and visit-I ing society set to attend and pai- ttcipate. Vl-iS REV AECTIOX BRIDGE HOSTESS ETEHDAY. Lila Rix entertained at th Eastman hotel yesterday afternoon with an auction bridge luncheon honor of her house guest Mrs.
W. E. Jett of Wichita. Six tables wre arranged in the pink I parlor which was pretty decorated hi dng wood blossoms and spring PWf'W fHEATRE rn MOnCE LODGE ii' Hi j'ii 1 1 i 1 I 0 i i 1 I II mm mho supply XfH Owner to Make Im-provemcnts and To Have Snictty Modern (iai-ae ami Hcp.iif Slop In Every Way. The Phelps Auto Supply C01.1pa.1y Market street has brn purchastd by Arthur A.
Calm, a automobile man of San Franeieo hvs been in the business for seven years. Mr. Cahn plans to make extensive improvements about the garkv.e ai.d make it strictly modern every way. He will give the business hts persona! attention and h's chief will be to please patrons and to sell ears Mr. Cahn has a plan whbh he nupes iu pui miongii io v.i ,111 it- sponsible persons cars on viall lor.g time payments.
He says ne wa.i'j to ee every one desiring a car nave It. He will represent the White Maxwell. Oakland. Stutz. Premier an 1 a number of other cars not sold here at present.
A full line or tires, oils, and other necessaries will be kept on hand and a specialty will be made of parts. Only the highest clas3 and most competent men will be employed and all work will be guaranteed. For the benefit of those who store their cars with this garage, Mr. c'ahn offers a reward of $2." for any WAXTED Small cozy home, fur-nished. Phelps Auto Supply Co.
THEI Will Hold liijc Meeting in Honor of Winning State Prize for the Third Time Splendid Pribram Arrang ed for Wediu-Klay Night. The Modern Woodmen of America meet at their hall Wednesday. April ll. to celebrate the winning for the third time of the heautiful state nrize banner. members of the 'amp ourmg ie wr.
uaving aaueu one nuimieu aim h'hc- tv-six new niemoers and protecting ilia: many homes under the banner of woodcraft, ami to retain again i he prize banner for one more year I me pius- of the -sate Pr; ban- oiacr 7U and also orations on Wood- Th Royal Ne'ghbors of America the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Modern Woodmen, will take an active part in the program, which will insure its success. All Modern Woodmen, Royal and their fc ends are invited to be with them on next Wednesday night, at 8 o'clock. For sale at Central Drue Store. As You Might Say. "Jibway bought dollar watch and Tied to go to sleep with It under his pillow." "What happened?" "After being kept iiwnke by it.
for tin hour mid a half, he sjot up nntl smashed the thing to milthi'i-ceiis," "Ah! A new form of tick enidbu Hon," A Wclcomt Change. "Well, 1 urn rlnliily jfliiil tit be lit nine Kil'l llii' iniin Mini hud beett II 11 for Ibl'CC "re feiilly, di-nrV" iieei III Mlfe. 'I mil mire." be ri 'MVhy ell "'ll' I'l'' I I'll-. ie.ll-i) I Hie." Htln Wl-tltd I ll the) Me ililiifri-ft lie Il.l 'I-, 1,1 t'" llt I i ol I Ife I.ttf Il.e II I .1 1 )'l Me." if lit li. I ,1.1 Ii It I I 4 i ii? Ik i 1 4 irtj i tHUt 4 WOODMEN 10 CELEBRATE Will BANNER t' t't'ti liff 4 (II t-fl-f I I I tv ill I good, old fashioned root and herb! local camp of Modern Woodmen feel remedy, which for the past forty 'very proud of the b'l: record their Shoe, of gold Tl.r V.i c- r.i, fVJ; 'X U-at'i of Points of Interest For the Visitor! Within a cozen miles of Hot Springs are many places of interest to the visitor to th's resort.
to which a visit would be bo a pleasure and a pastime as well. ear.ty all ot these are oi unrivalled scenic beauty. The pedes-Crial, equestrian or autoist -a ill find all of easy acces-3 and well A'crth a vit. Chief among these places of interest will be. fot.nd the following: The Observatory rower, located the top of Hot Spriujfs mountain, directly back of the Arlington Hotel.
Reached by footpath and vehicle roads. The Goti LinKs, on th Malvrn road, one mile from the end of Malvern avenue. Readied by regular auto bu3 service every hour. Oaklawn Racing Park $300,000 Iact located directly at the end of lie Oaklawu car ne. Reaihed by car and strset roadway.
Whittington Pars, a beautiful summer park located at the end of the Whittington avenue ear line. Government Park, one he government's most beiutlfu! 1 arks, between the city and Whittington park on tlie car line. Alligator farm nd Marine Museum, located near Wh'tinston park. An elaborate exposition of an.iqp.on and wonders i i Reached by the car lice. "The Gorge," one of the mos' beautiful scenic views in ail the southland, located one-half mile east of the city.
Reached by Gram!) avenue or Park avenue roads, or by footpath over Hot Springs moun- tain. Chalybeate Spr'ngs, one of the greatest flowing springs ia the country," located one half mile from the end of Park avenue. Reached by splendid vehicle and auto road. Ozark Lithia Sp-'ntr and Hotel located six mile3 north on the Moun tain Valley read. Valley Springs and ho-! lei, located 2 miles north of the city on the Mounta'n Valley road one of the most famed springs ot the( Cni'ted States.
Snow- Springs, located six miles' northeast or tho city on the Wire road. Polish Salpiiur Pprltg and hotel ore of the urcatest hiiings in the "otith. bunted s-en Mes east of the city, Th" Ouurhiia Mver. beiuitifu: nioiintaln i-lienin, mild Houth of the (Hv I riiitds, bed l.y iiii.hIk if Ml -it pii a i (in hi .1 l- I nl all im loinl'iiit I'l' ti't I nlf tllo OlIMl ll'. iii, Kdiilh i lii.
tli IIIm Hie I Hi I boim of tilt I -i i hyi iiiin tulle ul' (( In t' mil I i' I tielii Me i inl I Ml- I In-ill In I. .1 I. I 's I i' Si tt I i I i I do Kif 'KM I .1 HI If I i I'l il.l I ll Jl I lit i I I i I If Ii I I- 1 1 I I years has been successful in the home treatme: of female Ml FORMER MAYOR LOSES. W. L.
Gordon's Hotel Bums In Big Asbury Park Eire. The Sl.000.000 fire which burned four blocks th- business district of Asbnrv Park. N. J-. compieieiy destrcyed the Southern hotel, a five story structure owned by W.
L. Gordon, a former resident of Hot Springs, who at one time was mayor. The news of Mr. Gordon's loss was received here today by Mrs. George Lower, his sister-in-law.
and his many friends here w.ll regret to learn of his loss. Drs. Drennen and Drennen moved fioni tho Thonipvm bulblin to MrnliiKldo, cor-net- of Mountain and Exchange Htiretx, oiiiKe For. ilco Ital Ii 4-7-tf. Plough's E3 A BO i urem I tidiiri i i I h.
rMlttkl. I If Ml. IllHIl it i mil STU.Mfill I HAW M.i It 1 liETURN ENGAGEMENT OF 1 1 AOSFfORlUffl Thursday Night, April 12 tli' Ui'lU'J'il ol' Mhc imimrcict ihc HOT SPRIKG5 Tit'' Hi Hlli 'hi woiLa-di world. You cm ill flfofd to (mi Wk iUnn with yout ll ft I 1 tft i 4 If I I- -J i i fill J. 1 1-.
i oifi in. mt mi mi Hi ft.
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