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Hot Springs New Era from Hot Springs, Arkansas • 9

Hot Springs, Arkansas
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

pOT SPRINGS NEW ERA SATURDAY AFTERNOON'. 1015. he Ol)Ll)urcl)es 8 Juflstf a Word White UndeWin Sale gate to the annual conference, which convenes in Texarkana. SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS MKKT. Th Sunday rchool teachers of Central Method'st church held their first meetins since the holidays at the Sifiler apartments last evening-It is the custom of the teachers to meet every week with Mr.

and Mrs. F. M. Sipler and In to enjoying: a social hour and refreshments, they review the lesson for the coming Sunday. present last night were Mesi'ames S.

W. ('. I'irst I'l'csbyteriiin hurcli. Corner Whittington, near Central avenue. Rev.

C. K. Hickok, pastor. All cars to the church. Sunday services: Worship and sermon, 10 a.

n. and 7:. p. tu. Morning sermon theme, "Stretch Ko-ih Thy Hand." Pible school ai 10:4 r.

a. m. and Christian Kndeaor at p. m. Roth silors to the and its resi STARTS TD AY About Your Street Lights Saturday Jaii 9, 1915 Smith, Fred Gray, Pace, T.

B. Rider; dents are cordially invited to these services. Misses Pauline Rush, Tressie Kile- man and Peyton T. the latter being ft new teacher. AXNOl XCKMEXTS.

Piesbytcr'iiiis K.nlertaiiicd. The Hi-; First Presbyte "SERVICE-That's What Counts The executive committee of the rian church wi.l hold iheir monthly nieetiiig being entertained at tiie home of Dr. and I. s. (lor- Hot Springs Associated Charities will meet.

Monday, January 11. at ner. p. at the Business Men's l.ea- pue bu ldinp. LADV liiiiig in South Hot Springs plionea to us the The Woman's Missionary Society Just Received, Lleprant Line of New Designs, Popular Priced Muslin, Nainsook and Crepe Underwear Which Is On Sale Now, at War Prices, bee Our Window Display.

Sale lasts on ly three ftaurday, Monday and luesday. Come early and get first pick. 3 3 3 is of the Central Methodist church will hold its rejilar business meeting; at the home of Mrs. C. Travis Oren- I'ark M.

K. CIhik Ii. Sunday school at in a m. Klmer iRiley, superintendeiit. l'reacliing at 11 a.

m. by Pastor. Subject, "A Promise to Abraham." Kvening subject, "The Judgment." Kpwo'-th League at p. in Preaching at m. You are 'firdiai'y invit' to worship with us.

A. Ai. rt pastor. nen Tuesday afternoon, at p. m.

Dr. Theodore Copelano and Mrs. Drennen will both gve addresses and all members are urgert to attend Visitors welcome. LITTLE HOY BLUE' COM 1 STRANDED. The "Little Roy Blue" Company.

which was heard here in comic opera Third Street M. K. Cliurcli. On the South Hot Springs car line, one-half block from where the car l'ne leaves West Grand. Services at 11 a.

ni. and 7:30 p. m. Sundav school at a. ni.

J. O. Campbell, superintendent. Kpworth League at 6:30. Rev.

R. M. Holland, the pastor, will preach at both morn iast month, disbandeor Saturday in Ready Birm'ngham, ana many mem STAR STORE TO bers of the troup are penniless. A benefit performance was arranged ear for their aid. ing and evening hours.

Visitors are CKXTKAI. AYKATI i ivn r-srr SIGLIU DINING RtMtt; OPENS TOMORROW. The new Sigler spartnients on Ouachita avenue, are most attractive and modern in every respect, have added dining room facilities. older day, "the light on oar corner did not limn last night." We thanked her tor her kindness in telling us about the light instead of complaining to her neighbors. We installed a new lamp the same day she phoned and that night the corner was brightly lighicu again.

We will appreciate as a favor the prompt recoiling (if miy street light which on my happen to notice is not burning. We Inspect all street lights regularly and) 'Install new ones where needed, hut aft it is qutte impossible to have an eye on ail parts of the city at all times little co-operation along this line will help to keep every light burning brightly as we would like to see "CO-Ol'KRATlOX ALWAYS." Citizens Electric Co. Telephone 189 cordially invited to attend all services. All members or the church are urged to attend the morning servicei: and hear tiie new pastor. He desires: to get acquainted with those whom he has not met.

There will be delivered a special sermon on the subject, "In My Father's House Are Many at the morning hour. avLJ Weaves canLJaaLJa This department will be under the personal supervision of Mrs. J. Higginbotham. an experienced deli catessent.

The meals will be served at popular prices. Mrs. Hleein Announcement. botham will open tTie dining room The Woman's Missionary Society tomorrow, with an elegant turkev dinner and all the trimmings, for will meet Monday afternoon at 2:30 cents The Sigr cafe is acces- at Mrs. J.

R. Loyd's residence. The tu lufMrm ana me manage- pastor. Rev. R.

M. Holland, will extends a cordial Invitation toUtati ti, ffi- iiiv vnivt is a i tins iiicr-i nit anu me pudiic to rail and inspect same, some verv imoortant mattPrs will Hp considered. Every officer and every 2VUa Smlti). "EMor 1274 Irenes 248 ARLINGTON IM.VCK TONIGHT. mPmhpr ie nrOrl in ha nraccnt 1 Li CilV.

III. II lhe regular week-end informal er ulm Hira i sA -v 1 i a. i noiei wuij requested to come. iahe piace tonight. Dancing beeins Selected.

at clock and the manaEemem of the hotel extends a cordial Invita tion to all their friends to attend day afternoon at the school build.n: and from the enthusiasm manifested 1315 promises to be a record breaker from the standpoint of good worl-and results. Several of the children contributec to the program. The "round tabl talk" conducted bv the teachera wa' Siit what we said but what we left unsaid, friend the best I cnerish through the days; Viiose sacred moments when the 4 1 WIML Christian Science Society. Services Sunday morning at 11 o'clock at the churcn, corner of Prospect and Quapaw avenues. Subject: "Sacrament." Testimonial meeting Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock.

Reading rooms are located in the Anderson building. 00 Central avenue, entrance on Court street and are open daily from 9 a. m. to 9 p. with Hbrarian in at PRKSOXAIiS.

C. Stotts in Little Rock on business. He will return Tuesday. K. B.

McKain was Magnet Cove yesterday on business. Mrs. Charles Humphrey and daughter. Anna Klizabeth of Morrit- about "The Renefits Receiver Through the S. I.

Manv vain in nil' try, our heart goe i ii! to thee, hour ot death and tnis- lu fpeiid. war will not able suggestions were advanced foi the work of the coming vear. A nev White goods sale at Woodcock A Lawson Dry Goods So. (Advt.) ject, "The Grace of Willingness." At 2:30 the young people of the church id will conduct services at the Army tendance from 2 to 5 p. m.

Sunday To in the duM bv the sunl slit fled, sat before the glowing hearth's bright blaze, ud heeding not vain words found life's lost key. i nuiet that made all the world neeiu true; in those Hours tiow much you meant to me, t'oiir silence told nie what I meant to you. Charles Hanson Towne. school begins promptly at 9:30 a Xavy Hospital. Christian Endeavor services at 0:30.

will be led by Miss m. All children under the age of oppressor's heel, j'l-'. riuht will prevail. MRS. MAE ELMO CLAIRVOYANT AND TRAXCE MI.DIUM.

Kate Root. Kvening song and 20 are welcome to attend. All are uieachiiis service at 7:30. Sermon ton. are visiting Judge and Mrs.

J. P. Henderson. Mrs. R.

C. Thompson of Pine Bluff who is a frequent visitor here, has been at the Arlington hotel since the Christmas holidays and her friends will regret to learn that she has been ill with pneumonia. She plans to return home as early as her strength will permit. ir. Thompson welcome to attend these services and the reading rooms.

theme. "Jesus, the Divine Man," the -i: hi our suffeirn? we'll iy hail. i i ile 1 1 so far awav. "She Tells All," Past, Present, Future basket ball was ordered for the play grounds and donations were madt to the emergency medical chest. Tiu was very much pleased thai the cash received from tin "county fair" amount to $t7.

whicl sum was turned over to the treasurer. After tiie outness session social hour followed, tjuring whicl I me Mrs. John R. Rlgsbee servec delicious refieshments consisting o' sandwiches, salad, case and punch. The cakes were prettily embossed with the organization's monogram.

iast in the series on "The Character of the Master." Mid-week service Advice and help on all affairs iu your life. PRIVATE life readings 'ill'l fli.t! Spiritualism. on Wednesday night. The Ladies daily. Spiritual Alliance Societv meets Aid Society will hold its initial meet every Sunday at and p.

m. in Meiz's hall, 720 1-2 Central avenue. SPIRITAULIST SEANCES every Tuesday and Friday nights at 7:45. Residence and office at 949 Whittington avenue, half block from end ing of the new year with Mrs Fewkes, Oaklawn, Wednesday, at 2 o'clock. u'l! inn' to your storm-torn soiij At I t-ji-e vou'll soot Ix-hiiM.

iteliiium. this wish tV in-(i. land of the tirave, ii i he free. W. hurhaui I.

a mar. over Royal theater. Lectures, tests and messages by rs. May Elmo, pastor, s. A.

Faso. assistant. of car line. Phone 1923. Clearance sale r.uff going on at Woodcock Lawson Dry (ioods Co.

(Advt.) win join her Sunday. Mrs. C. a. Rockafellow departed this afternoon for Clinton, to attend the funeral of her sister, Mrs.

E. M. Jordan, who died today at noon. Mrs. Jordan wili be rememberer by many of our residents, having visited here several times.

The Misses Brown nave returned from Stamps, where they spent the holidays. D. A. Crockett, county superintendent of schools, spent yesterday in Little Rock on business. 'I To KKi l', JOXF.S S.

I. A. MKETIXG. The Jones School Improvement Vssociat'on held a most interesting meeting on Thursday afternoon Mrs. W.

II. Watson, president, WANTED FOR CASH. Cook Stoves, Heaters, Iron Beds Springs, Calrs, Comforts and Blankets and ell kinds of Second Hand Goods. TM' 'A A Ami "I1' a sunny sni'le. 'i ir.orn First Christian Church.

Visitors are cordially Invited to all of our services. The cnurch is located at Ouachita and West Grand avenues, on South Hot Springs car line. Morning combined service. Bible school and worship, lasts from 10 till 12; communion and preaching begins promptly at 11 o'clock. Sermon sub WE NEED 'EM AND WILL PAY A report from the committee on h'V long dav shone In.

iife were made mere MORE. PARK AVENUE FURNITURE Misses Alberta and Nina Kennen I'lAXO LESSOXS Graduate Hardin College, Mexico, Conservatory of Music, Chicago. Phone 2042 857 Park Ave. it. -I Fl KAtJISTS KI.WT VKW OFFK'KHS.

The Hot Springs Woman's Suf-'rae Associat'on held theifl first TiieetMia of the new year yesterday afternoon in 'he- sur. parlors of tlu Kiidy hotel. The feature of the aft-I noon was the annua; election of fiiers. which resu.tei: as follows: Vrs. Waldron Draushon, presi-dent.

Miss Klla Wruht. vice president. Airs. a. M.

Jeffer. second vice president. fiss Adele Johnson, treasurer Miss Jean Hrown. corresponding secretary Mrs. .1.

W. Paue. recording secre- trry. proved a most inter- hi uue was largely attended vveial prom nent visors who were well xeised in suffrage affairs added much to the pleasure of the meet-ng by making talks. The opening a'k was made bv Mrs.

Johnson of K.nisas City r. well known southern Miffrauist. She was followed by Dr. I M. Ilaniinoiid of ralifortiia.

who ind of the influence of women with l.iillot as she had observed it In sweetest hopes re AND HARDWARE CO. A. R. GUTHRIDGE, Manager. 707-709, 709 I Park Avenue.


the free night school was given and it was decided to open the school on Monday evening 7:30 and close at o'clock. Kveryth'ng is now in readiness for all pupils to enter regardless of age or sex. The school board nas given the use of two rooms in the Jones school and a number of our teachers and ex-teachers' will donate their services in carrying on tne work, with the assistance of M. Hose. A cake sale has been planned for January 30, to fund to pay the janitor to look nrter the rooms used for the night school.

The place of sale will be announced later Many useful things have already been done by this progressive association hut more good is expected from the opening of the ti ght school than aim hi hk else. The regular time or meeting of lhe asMieliition is the riisi and third Tliltxdati ill lhe moil it ill 3 p. at Jones school The II uhl school open ut ami closes at o'clock every evening HI the week eucpliim Silllirillly Hllil II II 1 1 ii iniihlu ins i i mivimv mm ii i is oi i it In nlli I'liooli nl Hie reiliir el in ol In' M.ihi ril telllie llo Hie inn Ii Hie In I Im i i ie 1 lei lei We liavc piu our silnli. stock of Ml'SLlX UN-PKUWKAU iiinl liavo iletmuiiieil to aiM this liiir lino to Clt'iifMiico Salo. This is our own stock, the iiiust line it, the n'tv, every garment a hargain at its forum" srllinir riv.

Mime of them earrieil over, hut all verv An oxeellent met nn it for the ihriflv to iii'i'ilcil "iinititils. her former hnnie state, and ii ('iiliforn a. Mrs face spoke on I ii prolertion of the ballot. VI VI Sl it IIAM T. The lilM regular weekly dance of he Mi'esiie hotel proed a most In fiild'iiou to a OF UNDER- lie .1 ot i- pi t.iiiH ami guests Illeie Were llUllly Hi1" ,1.11,, i i i mi I lie floor MUSLINS You'll Enjoy Your Meals nd have better health too, If you chew your food properly at you cad Jo with a let of Ol ll I'KUFKOT KITTIMI TKKTII.

Corset Covers Hie ii 1 1 Al'iiiiir. I Ken1 in III, ni, ses llarlmra Hi i i ell le ili ii thli" Priiger I M.i i NOW ON AT I I llnl Ii I IN. I Ilollliflll iiinl 1 Price and 2 Less Drawers Combinations (Jowiih IVlticoalH nll'illllll'l I Im in H.ii II, iv 1,1 i l' I I inn. Ian II' I i II, III I1 III' I I ll'lhilll Ml'KHlH 1 1 ii, I M'llillll i i ii, II, in, nil 'in I' 'I I' i ii I'l iiuii I 4lilll MIFF I'rlmi'HN Slf OUU J'KICKS: Oolil Crown, 22 kt. urnl $5 0M uixl KilviT Filling, up lirMtft? Work (er tooih Full ml Th lli, giiNrnntfi'i Ui fit luiiu $9,00 up All Mork gijrmjfii, Offhw nn Willi III, I' pfi iei I I III I 'I i i l' en I 'It'll I i nl pi i nil, I Ii ptii i ii I II I III II I I' 1 1 i I id" Leu on liml Mi Mi Ml 'Ii nl HJH I I Mil I I'll il I II i il I I i MH, HI.

Ml, i I I'll I I 'I'll I Hi TWitUCO. haH 1 l' I Uf III 1 I li Jelll ill Mii fnpi lid nib til ill loml III, mil Human ill II I Ul l(l(ll I III I' pl'll I ll f'M'lJf Uf I ili III H'tlhlli AypHh W'niMf IWu All Ml Mil i I I MM IM" i lM Mj M'lHli. KlilMMiM' ilHetl( lii) iiUlib t'l I I fyb'ii lit I i 'Cl I M' 4' i I 1 J- 'I 1 1 Kf "I I 1 1.

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