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Hot Springs New Era from Hot Springs, Arkansas • 6

Hot Springs, Arkansas
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 THE NEW ERA, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 8, 1914 31 1 3C 3G DC DC DC DC DC SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Edited by ALTA SMITH, Phones 601-1274. liAel News- Hvents in Clubdom Announcements- Benefit Entertainments Topic of Interest to Women Latest Fads and Fancies 3G DC an DC DC DC DC DC 1U DC DC 1tt1, lm l.iror.d Maay of taa falut tb- uiiitK.a ttbr la llr ir d. bui 4 ir til railba tilntotMt. lilb i. to In- I fcfW uii 1 1 lllilil i kkjl .1 Ll.

'UT tllUll), ajld It. J. lJtir-. rrtii.uitilliu Tl t1 liitaJ'til ialui 1i- imA Rack tw fcf liutU tin ti. A 14 lb iUiei 1...

rriar ixinil Kmi tmd tilO Hf. KJIu lijr Tdutif it4(u iiij: THE NEW STORE 1 Hwl i.ri a i il tf Hi lab i Vr ftool'a J1tj' abji uij t4-r KJBil(ia tris Bui" iiija. Vr 3 liatoa. Mr Wij) tjid jyin uf ttif tt1j -AU'li Ur, a 1-J11 rwW 1n 1 li Frwb CliaxuW of jKIm Ivnij i I1, rla1d. 1 attaa Vk1ia Tia.

ajfrjMr. afir Mr llr ra i Mrs. JaB. llabM-r. Mr a Jij.i.

frorw ri 11 aiJ- Ull, Pt 1tiiil ami attiry la alii' 4 imnph-ii tbal tik Wia mali MMirti gf atii.ij wv, j.riajjriitLtii itiiuii.s lb bsi-tfaftd lsira sejij'l oi tie j-iti3r. Vj H. Y. Ma'Keaa tjVaiiaid New shipment of Crepe Dresses just received IF YOU WANT STYLE and QUALI TY AT THE POPULAR PRICES LET ME SHOW YOU That Waist Special is for $1 95 Monday too. $3.50 value rort r-' Mr.

by a Voral IEp" rc3j Cbaa.Jj.-Jw wors 'le. Mr. Edaard x'-r larg iMg of tb III women i "My lene i l-k a Red. ifrd toi cbarged with I R4 Madg V3it. Mjj- iliisorderly rmadact.

fc aid Fts tir l-oss. H'rturl 1 Pivt all onfli Fiaa wosrew tonnt.t anl Drj "Aa Jjn-j cob ioa nili, ft exeris of tiio" f. M-sr. Mf. Jaii M.i-f their calling.

Tie? ar pm into tir ir ith akrs CHIFF? 828 CENTRAL AVE. LD1ES' READY-TO-WEARS l- trr maUa ttjtrldrfl a lltj rtr J1 tini ar kn) io 1(r ii 1 liijrrle Jf1 kl i. I'i ui wt'J-'iKd ia Dti1l if at oi I it ja 1 trli. Ji a a fiiJtii3 Bf rii t.i laeMic th to- ui.fl. "j.ta- jta 11 'iJniaJiii iuj wt ii 4v-i3x49 4fxti r-Iji tfi) Sit-a ear Jy "ml8i1 lh tiaikt.

3ir lib baa i'it torn- tt aaKb of ti oniiMa li-. 14 a.n" j4 rara-, aoia jc' aoSt bat o3H JaL uik cit bat li revaJts bat aroi4 foribiJa-' buy a4 brbiy. If ywir rif- a4 wata ina. ri jo'i a lad fr. An a dm li ta.

to broaden out i b.l aiMxit ti ft. A yet ry a prrrt- VTr al if eh threat of I'aal Poiret bjck Ml R( Me. It seem, hart a Tepmw'hor and annoanen that aE! bis kirt designs are and more rfjnrinK tiaa een heretofore It La boand to be an exeittnir rii and oolil eirber Monsieur I'odret or the tango wfn out onr kirt are doomed to do a sort of a hesitation it eema. It La interewtina; to not tha the one and only Pa il atao bnn.4 the bustle. WHO ARE THE HUHUJr BEHT KOWS WrMK7 The Panama Pacific Iternational FDOnition Woman's Board has decided to bring the six mrr-t distinguished women of the world to alan Francisoo in 1515 as a feature of the exposition.

These feminine leaders of the world are to be selected bv a special committee of the wo man's Board. It Is expected that the uiacftnn wilt attended bv more in terest and discussion than any other pnrety woman's project ever Inau-! go ranted. Among some of the names suggested are: Jane Addams, Carrie Chapman Catt, Mrs. fieorge Bass. Franois Souire Potter.

Sarah Bernhardt, Charlotte Perkins Oilman, Mme. Curie, Schnmann-Heink. Miss Carey Thomas, Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt, Anna Howard Shaw, Madam Bw.hme-tlff, Eleanor Duse, and Mrs. Kila Flagg Young.

The latter ha been invited by Mrs. J. E. Harper, president of the Civic Club to visit Hot Springs when In the south next month. v.

v. v. rovETio will BK BKIMIAT AFFAIK. Mrs. Frederick Dow, state president of Illinois, is planning' to keep open house during the Biennial Convention of the General Federation of Women's Clubs, June 9-19, at Hotel Ia Salle, that, ad head of the hostess state, she may be of all possible assistance to the various delegations which have their headquarters at that hotel.

On Saturday, June 13, with the asHlst-ance of past state presidents, she will hold a reception from 2 to 4 o'clock for Illinois delegations and many distinguished club women from all parts of the country. This will be one of the attractive social ararirL Y4 at li 'l Jrtk tim ai ia ii' flal, TW i.a ii.jiOi4 rwtia-; TW aurs "lun tew? tjiJt TW MS 8' list IfaP Tit Msti t. I That fix iJ'fa a tr wbi in Taat 'Jl eojl TrJa.r fc fcSsftjae; br vr-ot eg, arrost wtSs ga; of a ireasair i palter of tM of p4ae AmI yoj air rrr4 snoair. Bat look at tb jainl oa Sr It tbkk wffi tbowsaaf or years A ad barb to br vote se paiit It Is trembling itr not er tram She Is old. lad.

bH. she is oEif Sb la aardened and bitter aa.J cold; A waaton that no iwr fir fci key aonl. Tbaa karat bit of coal; A vasspire that sends the blood coaming. aal then Sack oat tfc spirits or ma. Bat th fool is still blandfsbed ant blinded.

And the poet still babbles of bliss; A ad vn tb wis an, th sensiMe-ninded. An bewitched by her kiss Tat tboof the 1 old as the winter, A ad ber Insolent beauty la shed, Tbey win elaps her and rbyme her and tint her TBI the last of her lovers are dead. Louis Untermeyer, fa MarcB Mareu Smart Set. TW new iah waist 1 a eharminfr BtoM for the many lovely new fig-f4 silk. It is rot like a regnla-tUm walut at the top.

bat the two frtrnts of the waist are erowted over balow the Y-ahaped front opening and fradnafly narrowing to the width of Malt en da they pass around and tie la bow at th back. Lovely ladle may now pocket v-rytfrJaf including their pride for the pocket la la evidence on every chic Spriag skirt. Just where they are located la a cnestion of little moment. Is Uber or both hips of the peg top kilt. A rear one nestling in the shadow of the bustle or a front one Just below the belt Friend unhand is bennd to be crazy about this new style.

He sees at laat where he will lav bis better half on the tip as 'twere and bis blissful visions of ex-teMrtve researches through wifely pockets. But be that as it. may one tiling is sure if you re out of pocket you are out of fashion. Tb simple lines of the erstwhile lingerie frock are lost to view this season fn profusion of flounces furbelows, and draperies, that Tie wdth the more pretentious silken fOSTM. With foundations of soft clinging erep they are veiled in the film of IMW TOW STYLE STOKE HELEN DUNLAP MEMORIAL INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL, WINSLOW, ARK.

4 1 Hjr ill tab jn Tb r(fijtii ii 1iAU qp Vzjt Mitt Mr Utwt Jojis iU toS Aa Wir fur a 3'itir fnir--T 'J: Bj- Vrt Mi ylr Pi Cooji.i. i Mr, Ja-j Hi A At FAIR. I robably tiit basner informal Assembly of the "season" was the one stagefi at the Arlington Friday night. A targe crowd attendad. Tf; ballroom was etmDtetelv 93'k'd all ng and the life "he grill as en a par with eir March, a' Arlington.

Tue uaii'-aaliy good; in fa.t. th-whole evening wj one of great jollity. Among some of those noted danc ing were: Misses Rhea and Catherine CTark. Srokans Kliza. beth Miller, of Kansas t'lty; Meyer, St.

Paul: Florenc Quinn. 3usan Manier, Helen Snell, Ethel and Marie McMahon. Chlea- go; Iorothy and Elinor Rath Hoi- man, SU. I.o:is; Alice Sargent, Fort Sheridan: Suzanne P'Connell. Cbi- cago; nenjamm, Minneapolis; i.on ora Norvell.

Beanmont; Mrs. O. Boiard. St. I.ouis; Mr and Mrs.

Sidney Nutt. Mr. and Mr. Wavne Voore. M'saes Helen Ccnvers.

Frances Kis Ie, Ida Moore. Messrs. Omar Wltin. Fellswg flaines, In-eeiwood, .1 Mvron Townsend, Hartley Wootton, Stanley Lee and GarnMt F.isele. M.IESTIC HOTEL HAVJ E.

8.e;ty turnKi out in large num. bers to join the guests of the Majestic hotel in dancing Friday evening at the regular infcn.ial wtekiy dance. Prof. Walter L. Cain's orchestra rnriMeied an excellent program and was liberal with enchores.

One of the prettiest out-of-town dancers on the floor wag Miss Gol-dio McVey of Parkeraburg, W. Va. Other dancers included: Ethel Opprnhelrn, Marietta, O. Mary Gordon, Baltimore; I'na Jarkson, Paragould, Burnj-teln, Savannah, and little Miss Naomi Hlt-an, of rhlao and many other fashionable visitors. The local set was represented by Misses Roberta Kennedy, Bernlce Greaves, Thomfison, Evelyn Rnth Alene Gold; f.ois Dufie, Katherine Hart, fJmma Ivy.

Elizabeth Deaderlck, Madaline Cloud, Rufi and Pauline Nohln, Irene Prager, Marian Rago, Martha Hcoper, Kffle Bledsoe, liss Shrlmplin, Messrs. Bethell Bourier. Asberry Meadows, Myron Jones, F. Jchnson, Jameg Weaver, Jess Gilliam, Max Gold, Howard Christ.oph. Will Howe.

Hen Siude, Dean Bor row, Arthur Longaworth, f'ecil Ied-widge, C. F. Oaks and J. C. Tipton, of Dupo, 111.

SILVER TEA AT THE f. C. LE.MLY RESIDENCE. At the residence of Mr. and Mrs c.

C. lmly. 649 Park avenue, Tuc -day afternoon 3 to o'clock a silver tea will be givn under the auspices rif the First Presbyterian ladles. It is given for the benefit rf their treasury, which it Is hoped will be greatly Increased by this means. A cordial and general invitation ettended by Mesdames ('.

C. Lemly, S. B. Steele, PaUi Turner Vanghan and Ed King, hostesses, to all -f the church for aft-nd-ance at the tea, which, like every rvent that takes place under the roof the l-emly home, willh delightful. f.

I. C. MEET Hf, The remilnr meeting of the Hot tprlnsrs Chanter of the. Cnife-f rnghfers r.f the Confederacy was hlrf yester lay sfternoon the home it Mrs W. Green, 220 Curt street Mrs.

Green and Mrs. Walter Sam- mens were Joint hostesses. The following program was ear. rled out: piano Miss Lois Merrltt. Paper Mrs.

3 E. Dillon. Vocal Solrv Mrs. Edw. Steigler.

Reading Mrs. George Walbert. Piano Solo Mrs Tf. P. Christian.

Reading Mrs. W. A. Sammons. After which deiightfnl refreshments were served.

fn addition to the memhers the following guests were present: Mesdames Rrsnf, Minneapolis flaxfon, and Cooper. Walnut Rldir. The fhapfer meets next with (I moof, 4.1 Orange street. WF4Tir mrrr.h Sl.anAY ffrlfT.RT, Prof, Walter h. Cain, director of the Majestic hoter orchestra, announces the filfowlng programj for the eencert thl erenlngr Sfareb "TR Afr-Llne," C.

Smith ft l'r "tnn uf aiiifti Mr JuJiiiti I ittkt. ll Ml, 1 U'lll) ()Vt tjl i tin iil lild a JiitMb-iit. uJitj at 12 falardar. Jnw Jt. at 4 erl lk 4wia 7i.r 1J3 lni.

'tt. -4 i-ii'ii by ttira tin.t tb nijy. alia ai-4f-, by a ViflArf iii ittiM riij'afio Tis j3I 1. fl- I 1 --M ii An.t.a Jnjnijdiw. Ihmi.

1 i li ax a ly of xi', work. Svi tp' 11 irtMt a-fwd ai Ti Fstar lb i Uttxartatieat Ha ta ab4T. "ly ia lb Prs ComsaJyj. aa Mfn i.M-f Orst tfir fc ta wiwklag tay of res lentioo tber w-JI a inrVa! firxriutMt- wa4lr tb ifioa of Jtr. O.

of "fi'ri. i f.vsir-jit'-n "otr.rft tree. Ta. will K.o!r, trip the (ark fwn'tard sjiira. toi H.tir Ho 1 3.

lipase, iiarl-iil and nwmer" prjErli- where Jitol the rj-y for fh gaesf 'r p-iii-T' Tea till be served ar various stopping p'ai'es ard each little group of bv condiiftd by a member the Ex'-urunti rommirree, who viii he ra'ly to explain the different polnt-i of interest vi.tifed. Thr ifl be excursions fc th stores shops wlit-re arts, crafts and texrile exhibits will be r-n visits (o the Art Institute will he the direr tion of guides. Thf Iwal Biennial Board is nev-'r f-r a moment forgetting that it has made Comfort its slogan anl rher will be maintained in each hotel a room in which will b' a member of the Hotels Com- mittee, me Bureau oi minrmauun. the Pr-ss. Reserves.

Registration and Board Ticket Committers ready to annwer all questions and do everything possible for the comfort and convenience of the puests. Arrangements have been nad-. whereby state headquarters win bf located free of charge in the fcrUel to which a delegation is assigned. ITY IIE II TIII HINTH. A4ke-up your mind what you wish to do around your home, en the bonier or lawn, and if yu feel that you may overlook some special thing make a mr-mo opposite some date on an almanac or calendar.

If you cannot decide from read-in? the suggestions In this city spac write the Civic Club for suggestions. Io not phone for information, but write what information about. It may be ycu will be visited by a competent person who will give personal directions. Soil preparation: If the soli not wll prepared and best of all know what we are going to do and what we are going to do It for, our lawns or flower beds will not hav anv real meaning. Flower beds: As before stated, these beds should now be fertilized and worked up ready to plant the seed.

Do not work the soil If It is wet. All your wrk will be futile if yor stir wet earth. seed to plant: What seed" will you plant? Your favorite, o' course; but are you sure you havf a favorite? A percentage o' people are fond nf pansies, and sr we will start there. The sarface of th bed should h' narrow and well ferf lliz-d, and pulverized; the thre or four to tether, should he sown in check rbout three inchs square, covcre' about half an inch and the sol' firmed down on them with a spad-or the hand. When they com through thin the plants fn two In hill and when wIl established anrl vitality is assured, thin to one In a hill.

Keep well worked and either after a good rain or waferinc mnlc'i with half an inch of well manure. TO H.XU.M MAY Z. the National Woman f.uffrag! association has announced that it bad Issued a call to all suffragists of the country to rally at open air mentlngs May In every city, hamlet and village of the Knifed State and adopt resolutions to he presented to emigres asking for the enfranchisement ef women. Among those who signed the call sre trr. Anna Howard Mls Jarve Addams, Mrs.

Dwsha Breckinridge and Mrs. Catherine McCor-mlck. The open air meeting May 2 are to be sort of a prelude to the Mr suffrage psgeanf that la to he hrif week Jafer when suffragists fram all over the country wlU take part. nrrvKStiwt weet mtt -m crime Mrs, James president opener! the meeting; of the Hot Springs Woman Suffrage Assoctef Ion, held at the Baptist Church; ot mday afternoon by reading exrraet from a report reevelved fron Mitchell May, iecretary of Oh Stat of New York, wale were to (k effect thai during tk year ef rffatd tried and eowvtcted before a eworf of record, MH tra ate m4 111 were- weenea, The Hot -'Pringg Chapter D. A.

Ft. is interested in litis achor.I and are giving a musifal in the parlors of the Puck: faff bath house Monday night for scholarship fund. Tiii t'irl whr Is beln schuokd hy th-Chapter In in the above group. This Institution for the education of mountain while grls. Is situated on the crest of Br.sto'i Mountain in the Ozarks, on a ten acre plateau, at Wlnslow, Ark.

The location Is ideal lor an Institution of this kind. The 17-room structure was origi nally intended for a summer hotel. So instead of being plastered, it Iff by mn and bw '4 the p.roceds their sham aad crtrr, to to mee. said farther than, by org aa wit such ra would rid rlwil-ized womanhood of a large per ceot-a of the riisrraf of taving ee.i registered crlmrna's women. After ta meeting adjoorned the members were entertained by Mr.

Henry and refreshments served. Among those pesent at the meeftSg were Mrs. Jjm Spargo, Mrs. I. Henry.

Mrs. Waldron Mrs. P. Wire, Adele Ware. Miss Jean Brown.

Miss Hope Spargo, Mrs. Iennis, Mrs. "ntonir.son. Km. Mrs.

Bryan, and Miss Adele Johnson. PRETTY MWHEOX Mrs. Edgar Smith of Chicago, who has been a guest at the Arlington for several weeks leaves Monday home. for Friday she gave a lovely luncheon; in tne Arlington gnu. jonquils were used to decorate the luncheon tahln around which sat Mrs.

fanie Clinch, of Phlladelphin: Mrs. Mnzer, Minneaoolis; Mrs. .1. C. Bowe, Mrs.

J. W. Farrish and Mrs. Smith I.EAfil'E BtYQI FT AM 1 ET-T ET MKETI The Epworfih league Oet Together Banquet, and Entertainment was a delightful and successful affair from every standpoint. It was given in the parlors and cafe of the Kddy Hotel, which were prettily decorated for the occasion in the league colors, yellow and white.

Preceerling the banquet the follow ing program was enjoyed: Piano Duet Selected Misses Iorris and Tressie Klleman Reading "Sallie Ann's Eterience" Miss Bessie Meut Vocal Solo Last Night was the End of the World Miss Ellen Anderson. Piano Solo fa Selected fb Orig- nal Miss Woodcock. Vocal SoloWhen the Song Birds Sing No MoreMiss Juanita Oilllam. Reading A Modern Christian's Pray er Mrs. Hamp Williams.

Vocal Solo Iove's Old Sweet Song Miss Itorris Elleman. Vocal Solo Dr. Cox Vocal Solo Selected Mrs. Jennie Hebron Cook Covers were laid for fifty at the banquet. A bouquet of violets, the league's flower, was at each place.

The menn which was delicious and jeautifullv served included: Tomato Bisque Fruit Salad in Orange Cups Olives Chirken a la King in Cases English Peas 'loldenrod Potatoes Hot Rolls Chocolate Coffee ice Cream Lady Fingers Mints Mr. Paul D. Eddy was toastmaster. Rev, H. B.

Trimble, Mrs. Sue fames. Dr. Rosa B. Rowland, Miss Tuanira Barnes and Mr, Clarence Meux made pleasing addresses, after vhleh others were called upon for mprompfu remarks.

4p. ft U. Ml' MICA EE AT BTCKSTAFF TOMORROW. (jue of the vents planted fr.r tomorrow evening Is the mns-al in the parlr.r of the Rnckstaff sth house under th auspices of th ical chapter of the Daughters of American Revolution, to which the visitors and residents are Invited. The ciiapter maintains a scholar ship in the Helen Dunlap Memorial Industrial school, of Wllnslow, Arkansas.

The proceeds derived from the entertainment will be applied to th scholarship fund, A very bright and capable young mountain girl is being sch6-ild and cfothed by the chapter In this Institution, Thl school was given, for the rralnlng of rhe Arkansas mountain They ar taught sewing, cook-Ing, good hmsekeeplng, and the haslc principles of good living, as wen as In the "three RV, Twenty-two girls were taught last year, and It Is hoped that sufficient scholarships will' be provide to are for thrlty girls next year. These mountain girls ars amenable good! influences. Those who have finished the fours and returned tt their humble homes have vastly Improved fh' r-ondlilon there. The mountain girls marry young fr.ev and wfff industrial tralninf they ar (better einippei? to rsin fh new nme. Mrs, Jar Manier, I chairman of fhe entertainment ennmltte for tomorrow a or! kas arras gsd fo have tn very best talent of local sad ylsttlftf coAtftbafsp to i New Spring Suits was mr-rely canvassed and papered girls are good Revolu-and consequent'.

Is very cold in Monary ancestry, but lack of educa-vtnter. An adequate heating plin' tion and opportunity for gen T.iMon TW.Y stvu: storp; 7 ZTVXImW "avauJtVcn 'ai Hi'Iil and th-y dangerou An up to-date plumbing jiid sewer system is also xreatly needed. A.i effort is now raw. sufficient money far thre necess.iry lm-pr'neuierf and to secure diough scholarships to surta a) 'the many needy pupils that can not now be cared for on account of insuvlcient funds to carry on the work in the most efficient manner. As the school is situated In the northwest rorn.

of th-. slate, child-en from Oklahoma. Kansas, and r-oulrl without be- from home. Muny rf these imid wr, ti hed environment has nat urally resulted in pitlab tsnor. a nco, On entering the ballroom the guests passed through columns and arches of a felril.

over which wisteria climbed, the design carrying our. a temple effect. There were manv other tasteful and appropriate Jap decorations. The walls and mirrors were veiled with cllmhlng vines and apple boughs in blossoms, while enormous parasol in the gayest colors were arranged above the cornices like a row ef shields. Over each of the 200 electric lights, which divide the huge filing into smaller squares, a sandy r.tnanese lantern had been fisfened.

The lights were additionally veiled by the countless Intersections of long, narrow strips of colored matting, supported by Invisible wires, which gave almost the effecf of a low celling thronga which the strange ligfti streamed down. Opposite fry rhe entrance, at the turn of sn electric switch, a Jananes "ag blazed out In red and white. Tl nar'ors were also hennflfnlly em-hellished and tilled with flowers. Tb decorated effect was heltrbtened fty 'he head dresses of th sdorned with omsmente, and hv the Orlenfal fans which they -arrled. The decoraflons were carefuTiy nfnnned' with full knowledge of th effect desired and with the menu and ability to execute perfect.

Th result was altogether charming" and rhe appreciation of the gnesr wa rennine, professor Criham's dane programme was nn usually welT sr-ranged and hie superb' orchestra did verv number fnfli (nstfee, All a IT, was on of fh most resn aiTairs ever irivetv Iw not flpftn mm ffftf f9 VVflfit Pay Coals, Skirts, Waists and Dresses AH tk New Spring i she es arc snown nerc. Sfyl v) 1 greatly needed, also a system of lighting by actyler.e gas or elertri-citv Vow. lnmrs alone furnish Overturf Flotow. Voice "Love ig a Sans Sonci, Mrs, F. M.

Aldrldpe, Jr. Fifth Nocturne Leybach. Voice "The Holy City'' (By re-questl, Mrs. Aldridge. Wiltz "Sunny Tobnnl.

"Chamson Sans P. Tschalkowsky. Selection "Th Friml. HI RPRISE YOI Vi I'OI'PLE WITH A SHOWER. Mr, and Mrs.

Ernest K.nifnian whose marriage took place weln were tne nnnorees at a surprise party and miscellaneous shower on Thursday evening at the home of the groom's mother, Mrs. S. Kauf man, 110 Helfrlch street. Abe nt 4 of thefr spectsr Mends caned In a bod 7 and showered their vlth many pretty and useful articles Game were played and the hapnv surprise parly brought to close with thrt serving of refreshments. EAST WAY BALE MOM! PTCTI REHOTE AFFAfR, Society, the resident smart set, and the gay visiting fashionables, did the honors by the Japanese ball st tke Hotel Eastman last night.

And It can he added that the Hoter Eastman also did th honors by the big affair, which comes as a new event on tts social calendar, A large crowd attended' In fact. society's tnrnout was almost its hsm. aer on ef th It had freater, and smarter, representation tna at ther tn InaugnraH ball, St ValtatiMt ball Wastvl toa's ball, WK ARE RECEIVI.V SEW fifTOW EVERT lAT AXI WE WATT TOf TO VISIT THIS TfRE Al LOOK OTEK OCR rHxix-no Ar fOMPARE OI PRICE WE SHOW PRETTY STYE: AYI PREMISE FOR $I7A AXP SVi.Mf. Ladies' and Children's Outfiller Pcnc1-90 UO Ouachita a.

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