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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 6

Logansport, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

WOOD. A Vermont LaUy Is One Hundred ami five Years Old. Mrs. Lucy a resident of Barrc, celebrated her one hundred and filth birthday a few days ago. She was torn January 17S8, according to the records of the town of Sterling, she was born, but she maintains that the date is wong and always celebrates on the 16th.

She is' a wonderfully well-preserved old woman. No one to look at her would take he.r to bo as old as she is, although her face is and she is very thin. She moves aboxit freely, attends to her own business and can read without cles. She reads the newspapers every AN EXTINCT CREATURE. The Lapt XRS.

LUCY WOOD, OXS YEARS OLD. day and takes a lively interest in all that is going- on around her. Mrs. Wood has quite an eventful history, and her memory of the rcmarka- incidents of her early life is excellent. She has a vivid recollection ci the war of 1812, during- which her husband was a teamster for the American Her-maiden name was -Lucy "Whitney and she met her husband, John Wood, at a music class at Milford, to which her parents had moved.

Uved in the "neighboring 1 town oi Mendon and they were married when she was eighteen. They started out foi Barre, Vt, which was then a immediately after their wedding', and their first hpme was a log cabin. A blanket served for a door and skins cov- ered the window spaces, while another 'blanket served as a partition to divide the cabin into two rooms. While her husband was away she used to sit up ali night spinning, with a great fire burning to frighten away the bears and which sometimes grinned athei with their heads thrust through the blanket at the door. She was burned out twice, and on one of these occasions, her husband being away, she pushed through the flames and saved her Httle daughter.

Mrs. Wood has worked hard all her life and has had ten children, four of are now living. One of them, an unmarried daughter, lives with her Another. Her husband died in 1S77. In early life Sirs.

Wood was a Congrega- -tionalist, but for many years she has been a member of the Methodist church. JAMES H. GALLINGER A Few Facts About tlie Xew Senator from NCTV Hampshire. Dr. James H.

Gallinger was born at Cornwall, Ontario, in 1837, of German parents, and the best years of his boyhood were spent on a farm. Then'he learned the trade of a printer and, drifting across the bor der, worked' a while at Og- dcnsburg-, N. Y. He went back to BEXATOR GALLINGEK. Cornwall and edited a local paper tbere, but soon returned' to the United States.

While working at the case in the office of the Cincinnati Gazette he commenced the study, of medicine and received bis diploma in 1853. After practicing-medicine in Cincinnati for a year he devoted another year to study and travel and then settled down in New Hampshire. He lived first in Keene and then moved to Concord, where he has since remained, and built up a good He has much for the medrSal journals and was Surgeon General of the State from 1879 to 1880. But Galling-er is better known as g- than as a physician. He 1 was the Legislature in 1873-7S.

He cut a prominent figwe in the constitutional convention of 1S7C and was elected to the State Senate in 1S7S. The J- following year he was re-elected and j- chosen President of the Senate. came chairman of the Republican State Central Committee in, 1882 after a hard fight and displayed considerable ability in his management of the party. He entered in 1884, was re-elected at the end of his first term and dined a third nomination. He was at a higher mark.

In Washington he was an active participant in de- Tiates and he won some fame by forc- ing an investigation of the Government Printing-Office. the Republican National convention of .1888, to'wbich he was a delegate, he seconded the nomination of Benja- Harrison. His first attempt to break into the United States Senate made in 1SS9, when he made a'hard fight to oust Chandler. Me received sixty votes. Since then he has worked hard and unremittingly to' secure the and success has at last crowned his efforts Bible Written In Shorthand.

There are many curious copies of the Bible in the various collections of Europe 'and America, but it is doubtful if there a duplicate for the one belonging to R. Williams, of London. This j'odd copy of the Holy Writ is in short- and characters and is complete In the Zoological of JLondon. The frontispiece to the Vear- Book of Photography represents the last qiuigfja which was to be seen in the Zoological Gardens of London, and which was photographed in 1S73 by Mr. Frederick York, who now possesses five negatives of the animal.

This quagga was received at the Gardens September 4. IS5S: the date of its death there is unrecorded. The qniip'g'a i.v, or WHS. a native of South Africa, and nearly allied to the zebra. Qnajj-gsis were more readily tamed than the truu zebra: in fact, in the early, part of the present century, two of them were driven in 1 l.ydo Park by Sheriff llarkins.

In length of ears and character of tail it more resembled the horse than the ass; still, to the popular eye the hinder half of the animal ranch resembled the ass, and the front "half the zebra. 'It was heavier than the zebra, consequently was killed, off move rapidly than is being the case with the zebra, by wild beasts, as the area, in which such animals throve is bc ing reduced by the extension of the limits of civilization. Supposing that any quaggas arc still left, some "rich American" might do worse than to offer a reward for'thcir capture, and to start a quagga park. Mr, A. D.

liartlett, who has been superintendent of the Zoological Gardens for thirty-one years, and connected with the gardens for forty-five years, says that in its habits the quagga more resembles the ass than the horse, and the one represented "in our collotype print was donkey-colored from the neck. He has never seen a very young one, but supposes that at birth- it may have been striped all over. The dun-colored pony of Norway, whfin young, has striped legs, and he suspects that the original was a striped animal. There is no true wild horse; those supposed to be such are the descendants of tamo horses have escaped from captivity. Heflsys that there is no evidence that any quagga is now living, but Africa is a large place, so that it is impossible 'to say with certainty that A THRILLING EXPERIENCE.

Uciriarkable Statement I'erx and Providential THE LAST QUAGOA. the animal is extinct; he does not think that one has been seen for some years. The Biircriell zebra? is now by mistake commonly called the quagga in South Africa. Supposing that photography had been known in time for one man to have photographed the last dodo, his name would have been haiiled down to posterity in connection therewith for all time. Mr.

York may be in that happy position in relation to the last of the quaggas, and can say with all tho possession privilege of riding to immortal fame on the back of a striped jackass. BRIDGE OF MATCHES. Here Is a Cliaiico to Entertain the Children a Half Hour or So. We have here, says the Pall Ma-U Gazette, a method of bridging with lucifcr matches an intervening space equal in length to two or more such matches. This is-effected by ing with such matches a A BRIDGE OP LUCIKKS MATCHES.

bridge. The matches must of the old- fashioned, square pattern now relegated to the kitchen. Having obtained the right you will no difficulty in putting the framework together. Its construction is simple enough, but you must follow strictly the procedure indicated here. Lay match- No.

1 on the table, and upon, at right angles to it, the ends of Nos. 3 and and across these lay 4. Now with the thumb and forefinger of the left hand lift No. 1, and with, the right hand slide in Nos. 5 and over 1 and under 4).

From the way in which the timbers are interlaced the whole will form a portion of an arc, its center rising slightly from the table. The James Scotland's Bonnet-Piece. "bonnet-piece," a gold coin of of Scotland, first Scottish coin bearing dates. It was Called "bon- on account of the King's head being a ted, with bonnet- instead of z. crown.

The coin in the' 'illustration carries the inscription: Dei -R-. Scotary, 1339." The pieces were struck of native gold, and were regarded as -very beautiful. 'They are. now prized beyond price, as but few specimens' arc in existence. James V.

was the first sovereign who increased the thickness of gold coins and decreased the size; BOSSET-PIECE. The following attracting wide attention from the press so remarkable that we cannot excuse ourselves if we do lay it before our readers, entire. To the Editor Rochester (N. Democrat: SIK. On the first clay of June.

1881, I lay at my residence in this city surrounded by mj friends and waiting for death. Heaven only knows the agony I then endured, for words can neve" describe it. And yet, if a few years previous any one had told me that I was to be brought so low, and by so terrible a disease, I bhould have the'idea. I had always been uncommonly strong- and healthy, and weig-hed over 200 pounds and hardly knew in my own experienco, what pain ov sickness were. Very many people who will read this statement realize at times that they are unusually tired and cannot account for it.

They feel dull pains in various parts of the body and do not understand why. OV they are exceeding hungry one day and entirely without appetite the next. just the way I felt when the relentless malady which had fastened itself upon me first began. Still 1 thought nothing of it: that probably I had taken a cold which would soon pass away. Shortly after this I noticed a heavy, and at times neuralgic, pain in one side of my head, but as it would come one day and be gone the next, I paicj little attention lo.

it. Then my stomach whould get out of order and my food often, failed to digest, causing at times Yet, even as a physician, I did not think that these things meant anything serious. I fancied 1 was suffering from malaria and doctored, myself accordingly. But I got no better. I next noticed a peculiar color and odor'about the fluids which I was passing also that there were large quantities one day and very little next, and that a persistent froth and scum appeared on the surface, and a sediment settled.

And yet I did not realize my danger, for indeed, seeing these symptoms continually, I finally became accustomed to them, and my suspicion was wholly disarmed by the. fact that I had no pain in the affected organs or in their vicinity. Why I should have been so. blind I cannot understand. I consulted the best medical skill in the land.

I visited all the famed mineral springs in America and traveled from Maine to California. Still I grew worse. No two physicians agreed as to my malady. One said I was troubled with, spinal irritation: another, dyspepsia; another, heart disease; another, general debility; another, congestion, of the base of the braid; and so on through a long list of common diseases, the symptoms of many of really had. In this way several years passed, during- which time I.

was steadily g-rowicg worse. My condition had really become pitiable. The slight symptoms I had at first experienced were developed into terrible and constant disorders. My weight had been reduced from 207 to 130 pounds. My life was a burden to myself and Mends.

I could retain no food on my stomach, and lived wholly by injections. I was a living mass of pain. My pulse uncontrollable. In my agony I frequently fell to the floor, and clutched the carpet, and prayed for death. Morphine had'little or no' effect in deadening the pain.

For six days and nights I liad the death premonitory hiccoughs, constaatly, My water was filled with tube-casts and albumen. I was stnjggiiBjr'with of the kidneys in its last stages! While suffering thus I received a call from my pastor, the Kev. Dr. Foote, at that time rector of St. Paul's Episcopal church, of this city.

I felt that it was our last interview, but in the course of conversation, Dr. Foote detailed to me the many rem'arkable cures of cases like my own which had come under his 'observation. As a practicing physician and a graduate of the schools, I derided the of any medicine outside the regular channels being in the least beneficial. So solicitous, however, was Dr. Foote, that I finally promised I would waive my prejudice.

I began its use On the first day of June, 1881,, and took it according to At first it sickened me; but this I thought was a good -sign for one in my debilitated condition, I continued to take it; the sickening sensation departed and I finally able to retain food upon my few days I noticed a decided change for the better, as also did my wife and friends. My hiccoughs ceased and I experienced less pain than formerly. I was so rejoiced'at this improved condition, that, upon what I had believed but a few days.before was my dying bed, I vowed in the presence of my family, and, friends, should I recover I would both publicly and privately make known tlr's remedy for' the good of humanity, wherever and whenever I had an opportunity, and this letter-is in fulfillment of that. vow. 'My improvement was constant from, that time, and in, less than three months I had gained 26 pounds in flesh, became entirely free from pain and I believe I owe my life and present condition wholly to Warner's Safe Cure, the remedy which I used.

Since my recovery I have thoroughly re-investigated the subject of kidney difficulties and Bright's disease, and the truths developed are astounding. I therefore state deliberately, and as a physician, that I believe more than one-half the which in America are caused by of the kidneys. This may sound like a rash statement, but I am prepared to fully verify it, Bright's disease has no distinctive features of its own, (indeed, it often develops without any pain whatever in the kidneys or-their vicinity) but has the symptoms of nearly every other common complaint. Hundreds of people die daily; whose burials are authorized by a physician's certificate as occurring from "Heart Disease," "Apoplexy," Paralysis," "Spinal Complaint," "Rheumatism," "Pneumonia" and other common complaints, when in reality it is from Bright's disease of the kidneys. Few physicians and fewer people, realize the extent of this disease or its dangerous and insidious nature.

It steals into the system like a thief, manifests its presence if at all by the commonest symptoms aad fastens itself in the constitution before the-victim is aware of it. It Is nearly as hereditary as consumption, quite as common and as fatal. Entire families, inheriting it from their ancestors, have died, and yet n'one of the number knew or realized the mysterious power which was removing theta. Instead of common symptoms it oftQn shows none whatever, but brings death suddenly, from or heart disease. As one who has suffered, and knows by bitter experience what he says, I imp-lore everyone who reads these words -not to neglect the slightest symptoms of kidney difficulty.

No one can afford to hazard such chances. I make the foregoing statements based upon facts which I can substantiate to the letter. welfare-of those who may possibly be sufferers such as I was, is an ample inducement for me to lake the step I have, and if I can successfully warn others from the dangerous path in which I once walked, I am willing to tndure all. professional and personal consequences. J- B.

HENION, M. D. Rochester, N. Dee. 30.

THOUSANDS OF WUMEN Become afflicted and remain so, suffering untold miseries from a sense of delicacy they cannot overcome. BRADFIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR, by stimulating and arousing to healthy action all her organs, ACTS AS A SPECIFIC. It causes "health to bloom on the and joy to reign throughout the frame. It never fails to cure. The Bast Medicine ever Made for Women.

My -wife' been under treatment of leading physicians three years, without benefit. After utinp three bottlesof BBAti- FEMALE REGULATOR she. can do HSB OWK COOKING, MILKING AND TVASHIHG." N. S. BEYAK, Henderson, Ala.

BBADIJKLO BBOULATOK Atlanta, Ga. So'd by druggists at $1,00 per bottle. by 4th street. $3000; Three Kcmarkable Books. Among- small printed books an honorable place should be reserved for "The Bible in Miniature," printed by Kew- berry in 17SO.

Each page, which only measures 1 1-5 inches in length and 1216 in width, contain on an average 21- words and about .150 letters. Still another wonderful volume is a religious work called "Small Rain Upon the Tender Herb," printed by, a tract society in. London. Its leaves are by 1 inch" in size, yet each pag-3 holds an average of 40 words, or about 200 Besides these two curious, tiny volumes there is, it appears, a work in toistence still more remarkable. It -is without printed matter and is known as "The Wordless Book." It has but 10 leaves, eaeli of a different color.

For over 300 years'vt lias been kept in the library at St. Rupert's Its wordless pages arc only consulted on Easter, St. John's 'Eve and Christmas. On these dates the monks claim that the leaves, of the sacred volume are miraculously covered with appropriate texts in characters of shining gold. Oar Engrlish Coolf.

"Now, ma'am, 'owwill you 'ave the duck to-day? Will you heat it cold, shall I 'eat it for Life. A "YKJVK undertake to briefly teach 1 fairly Intelligent or cither ux, who can rend find write; and who, tier Instruction, will work Induntrloutly, how to earn Three Thousand a Inch-own the or liioh you can earn thilt amount. Ko montty for uhove. Eshilvand quickly lenrnud. 1 but one worker from' each district orcountv.

I Jiave already tauprlit nnd provided employment Inrco number, who are making over Jt'a and SOI.IK. Full particular! FIIEE. at once, E. C. ALLIi.V, Itux JLHIIIHU, Aluine.

tOOOO.OO a year In being nude bj John B. work for im, Jiefider, you niny Dot make much, but teach you quickly how to earn from to flO a day at the flud more oayttugo on. Both wxes, all ftRM. Ill liny part of you can ctfmindnco ftt home, giv- luB nil vour spflre mouienU only to tho vvor'k. Ail Great SCIlKfor tvcry worker.

We atari you. furnishing: nv.rytllltic. EASILY, Sl'BEDlLV learned. FAlcriGULAllS FILEE. Addreisat once, STINSWN 4 l-CIHILAAD, "Wood's THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY- tor 36 years" or Youthful loUr dssu by thomandssuc- L-esstullr.

G-uar- cmased to ewe all forms oc Nervous Weakness, Emls. Sperrnator. ImDOtencr, HOd the afTer-r. PhOIOfrom Lite, the ol liter rears. immediate itrenyth and trig- or AakdrugjtUu or Phot- phodlne; Ufceno One tl; 8lx, (5, bj mull.

Write for pamphlet. Tlie.Wood Chemical 131 Woodward Addreu Detroit, Midi, 17 NASSAU STREET, New York, BACKERS, FOR WESTERN-STATES, CORPORATIONS, BANKS AND MERCHANTS. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS AND LOANS A'EGO TIA TED. Adopted by theGcr- manGovernmentfor Hospital use P.S.C. isputupfoj American trade in a patent bottle holding syringe (see cut) At druggists, $1.00, including Von Mohl Company, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Sole B. F. KEESLING, Agent, Logansport, Ind. ROF.01 EFFENBACH'S I SURE CURE 'or I URINARY TROUBLES lo YOUND I MIODIE-AGEO OLD MEN. Nl STOMACH MEDICATION, NO UNCFR TAINTY OR DISAPPOINTMENT, lively rclloTeH the worst oases la hours and perraartcntlreureulDlOOdttyK.

oa trial by return far $1. Clrcnlar freo. THE PERU DRUG Sole ogts.for the r.S. 189 WJS.ST.,M)lWAl)ltEE,W|S. or WHAT HAVE YOU For some of the choicest lands In WESTERS K.AKSA8, both clear and incumberetJ, Improyoa andanlmproved.

EirSenu foiOurL.t,lormvv- ertythStwewin JKxehanjre tor LASD, KfcS- MKJutCBSjffBISlE AAD 1,1 VK STOCK. AAclreM A. B. fABKER. 07uatj, Kuiaag.

TIME TABLE TRAINS LOGANSPORiT BOUXD. Mew York Express, 2:55 am Ft Wajna excpt Sundar 8 JS a Kan Jlty excpt Atlantic Aocomraodatlon excpt 926 WIST BOUKD. PaclflcExpress, a Accommodation exept 1215 IB Kaa City except Sunday SA5 Lafayette exopt Sunday 8t Louis Eel Itlvcr LojimiKjiort, TVext Side. Itetn'eeit Ijosansport and CIilll. except Sundsiy.lO:00 Accoinodatlon, Leave 4:40 ra Aceoniodation.Arrlve.except Sunday, 8:10 a Accomo latlon, Arrive.

1:10 HIRES ESTY F(ED tin tag on every plug. OLD HONESTY is a edged to be purest and lasting piece of Standard Gliewrnq Tobacco on it is a better test, than any talK about it. Give it a fair trial. Your dealer has it. JHO.raZER4BROS,Lonis¥iIIe Ky, I 25e HIRES' IMPROVED ROOT BElERI NO BOIUNC OR STRAINIHB.

THISPACKWJE MAKESinVE The moot APPETrXTNO' and DRINK to the 1 world. Delicious and TBYEr Ask your Prugglst or Orooer for 11. C. E. I ES, I LA ELPHI A.

ELECTRIC BELT EIKTRIC un 7 imfsSmfm Made for tRlmpoclDopur pose, Cnrfi of GfncmtlTA WeaknNii, fflvtng Freely. inir, ConttouoiiM! 'of HNctrJcttT through Till KAS PAttTS, ro.torins them to VIOOKOCS STIlKNCiTII KlMCrft Current Kelt or forfult ID cub. BKLT and tiiiapenBOrr 96. up. Worat CMOJ Kknentlf i'nrrd fn three nKiDthH.

ttkiupulflt Free. CMICAaO.ILL. Dr. C.McLape's Celebrated LIVER HLLS A.few doses taken at th? right time will often save a severo spell of sickness. Price only cento at any drug store.

Besureandeiee that Dr. C. McLANE'S CELEBRATED LIVER PILLS, FLEMING Pittsburgh, is on the box. None other is Grenuine; Use IVORY POLISH for the Teeth, BKJCA.TU, LADIES Tour Ovrn at Home. Thvy will They everywhere.

Price lOe. a package. They have noequil for Strength, Brightness, Amount in Puckwei or for Picstm-mi of Color, or nor-fiuling Qualities. Thereto "fVornmm: 40 For sale br Ben Kislier. S31 yourm street.

The Great Bnplisli Prescription. A successful Medicine used over 30 j'ears in thousands of cases. Cures Sperwatorrkea, Weakness, Emissions; I and all diseases caused by indiscretion, or over-exertion. Sir packag" 1 Guaranteed to Curt when aU Fad. Auk your Druggist tor The u.k Preiei-lptlon, take no substitute.

One $1. Six $5. bv mall. Write for Pamphlet. AddnSu Eureka Chemical Detroit, AUch.

sale by B. F. Xeesltng. Simple free to be. comlnK risk, quick Territory jri fen, satisfaction grwunteed.

Addnei DB.SGOTT.842 Broadway 8C.N.Y. 1 BY CARRIAGES! I rnnke ft Bbecialty of mftrrattctnr- inn Baby Carriages to lo prlvute can. therefore, do better with me tbftn itith a dealer. CarrfaKeo Deli'yered Free of Cliarge to all points In the United Send Jor Illustrated CHAS. RAISfiBkiMfr.

62.04 Cljbourn Wncago. TO WEAK MEN Buffering from of youthful -vnutinfr-wentaiMi, loitroanhood. I-nrill teed Tiluible troitlee (sealed) containing ftill for home cure. PR 6 of charge, i. iplendid medical work: ihouldToo read by ererj- Wan -who cervoin uid debilitated.

Fo HOFFMAN'S HEUfiACHE POWDERS. tbgBest. CURE ALL HEADMBE8. cyarenotaCttlmrtiB Lake Erie Western Railroad Co. "NATURAL GAS Conden'sec Time Table Is ErrscT MARCH 1st 1890 Solid Trains between Sundusks and Peorla and I'ndtampollR and JDcbl- ganClty.

DIEECTGomiectlons to andfromoill points tn the Dnlted States and Canada, Trains Leave Logansport and connect with the L. E. W. Trains as WABASHH-. R- Arrive Peru L.E.& W.

B. R. Leave Peru. North Bound Soutt Bound lido a. WABASH R.

H. Leave Arrive LaFuyette, L. W. B. Leave I.aFayette, EastBoand.l InOp.m WestBonnd H.C..

PARKER, Traffic Manager, C. F. DALY, Geni 4 Ticket, a. IT A Chicago dr.ngglst retailed 2000000 of B. Keeslmg'an'd" Quileri oi JUDICIOUS AND PERSISTENT Ailveitisiug has always proven successful.

Before placing any Xi spuper Advertising consult LORO THOMAS. ACK.1TS, ir-pu CHICAGO KKMBDT POSTTIVJB CURK FOB BRIGHTINE DIABETES, Correspondence I free discount to ade. Disease aix. fJloieati WM. JK 18 Swiio Street.

III. I it GEN' W. L. DOUGLAS ronted, and so fl and othcr 5 for Oe. on bottom.

Addrem J. B. WINTEBSJ.

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