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The Post-Crescent from Appleton, Wisconsin • 1

The Post-Crescenti
Appleton, Wisconsin
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A Crescent Post IPPL ON 1 jo Price Seven Cents VOL.XLVIINo.75 ASSOCIATED PRESS WIRE SERVICE APPLETON-NEENAH-MENASHA, FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 1958 30 Pages a 0 30 Known Dead, 6 Missing, 350 Injured and More Than 100 Dwellings Destroyed Insurgent Authority Arab League In Algeria Must End, FailstoSolve II IN out their compassion by the truckload. More than $3,000 was collect- Menomonie, Wis. UPI A young mother died of injuries today, and in catastrophe's harsh equation of life and "I il I ft it v. 4., French Prmipr Sovs LGDanon lISpute led Thursday alone in milk cans death, a man believed dead put out on Eau Claire streets. was found alive to keep the toll of Wednesday night's tornado1, By and Girl Scouts and volun- Compromise Plan For Fact-Finding Mission Rejected at 30.

But the grim search teers sorted clothing, bedding De Gaulle Declares He Will Take Full Control of Affairs through the devasted area continued. Meanwhile aid for hundreds and food contributions at a collection center and 30 truck loads were sent to Colfax, one Bengasi, Libya W) The of the injured and the home- nf fh h.P.wt hit Arab League announced today tee, which led the drive to bring him to power, must now concentrate on integration of its failure to solve the angry less poured into an Eau Claire The latest deatn was tnat of dispute between Lebanon and collection station as communi-Mrs Rolf Lunn 2i who died the United Arab Republic after near the stricken north-jat Luther hospitai jn'Eau Claire Lebanon rejected a comprom- western Wisconsin area poured: today of injuries reCeived when Oran, Algeria Premier Charles de Gaulle told representatives of the All-Algeria Public Safety committee today its insurgent authority must come to an end. He said he will run Algeria. He named Gen. Raoul Salan, the Moslem and European com munities in Algeria.

the winds shattered the home On the last day of his tour of the Erling Lunns in Colfax, where she was visiting on a of Algeria, he told representa-i lse. A resolution turned down by the Lebanese would have sent a fact-finding mission to Lebanon to study charges that President Nasser's U. A. It. was behind attempts to over military commander of the junta, as his own delegate gen tives of the Algerian and the local safety committee: eral in Algiers a new post.

"You must not trespass or substitute yourselves for legal authority. Your task is to work throw pro western President Employment in May Increases 1,154,000 Increase Over April, Federal Report Indicates But De Gaulle will personally assume control of Algerian affairs, acting as his own cabinet minister for the strife-torn territory. De Gaulle said the commit- for a complete integration of Camille Chamoun. Up to UN Council trip from Great Falls, Mont. Her baby son still is hospitalized.

Erling, her brother-in-law, and one of his children also were killed. Taken off the list of dead was Ralph Huseby of Minneapolis, who had been carried as an unidentified truck driver killed when the winds smashed his truck at Colfax. Officials located him today. State, federal -and private agencies offered their assist souls. De Gaulle said that authority The resolution appealed to the Lebanese people to halt dis- iiuw cAinia in me iidiius uii Safan.

It must not be contest- turbances, urged all Arab ed." I states to avoid action which This was a rebuff to Leon would lead to friction between Delbecque, one of the civilian them and asked Lebanon to withdraw its complaint against the U.A.R. in the United Washington (iD The government reported today an improved employment situation in lTnv Thorn wae a enhvfan- The league's failure tossed tial rlse among tnose employed Student Held After Robbery Wounds Woman and Clubs Man While Fleeing From Police ance from headquarters set up in the 4-county area in the northwest portion of the state. At least 30 persons died when three twisters ripped a 90-mile swath through the sector Wednesday night. Six persons were the issue back to the U. N.

and a decline in the number of idle workers. A joint report by the com merce and labor departments put May, employment at leaders who plotted the takeover in Algeria by the committee. Only yesterday he had called for unification of all such groups both here and in France to prevent leaders of past French governments from coming to power. Speaking of the safety committee's work for integration, De Gaulle declared, "This is a great role but there is no question of going any further. No More Revolutions "It is very important that everyone here continue his function.

But you must help in lis 061,000, up 1,154,000 from April. Security council, which had marked time in New York while the league met. After a brief meeting this morning a league spokesman announced that Lebanon had rejected the plan endorsed by the six league members not directly involved in the dispute. He said the meetings conse Unemployment declined by Chicago 101 A man identi v-rf 216,000 to 4,904,000 lowest Idle figure since January. fied by police as a college sen The job gain was attributed This Is Vacation? Well, it isn't exactly and freckled David Blake of Neenah, nor ior who needed money? for 'graduation expenses was cap- doubt, would rather be out on the diamond.

However, he must practice for he will to seasonal expansion in agriculture and service employment plus a bigger than usual quently had ended. ThnrcHnv niefht aftAr reported pissing. Asks Federal Aid More than 350 persons were injured, 119 of them requiring hospitai attention. At least 20 of the injured remained in grave condition today. Damage will be counted In the millions, according to Gov.

Vernon Thomson who inspected the area by plane and car Thursday. The Red Cross said that 615 families were affected, more than 100 homes were destroyed, another 165 damaged extensively, and another 340 less seriously. An estimated ii. 1 i it. i j.

-fxr uvw. soio on me ceuo in a program 10 De preseniea dv lourin ana mm graae pupns 01 lNeenan ey said he attempted to rob 'Double-Cross' public schools at 3 o'clock Sunday at Neenah High school. (Post-Crescent Photo) every way the authorities responsible for the destiny of the a store. In his gain in construction. The report said a sharp pickup in outdoor work represented in flight from a busy shopping center in suburban country.

Wilmette, police said the gun- ln a personal approach to the man shot a woman, clubbed a committee members, he said: part recovery from delay caused by especially bad weather Dulles Sees Possible Extension Bill earlier in the year. More Seeking Jobs man and endangered shoppers "You have no more revolutions by' gunfire. make. One does not make a Failing to commandeer an revolution every day. Otherwise Seen in Vote Humphrey Lashes At State Department On Foreign Aid auto, the robber ran through you could destroy what you The employment rise in May was much greater than the drop in unemployment primarily because most of those join- Accords With Russia Washington House pas sage of a bill to extend cor sneedine cars in Skokie High- have built.

wav and fled into a wooded "You have constructive poration income and excise tax Washinjrton fli Sen. Hubert! inS the farm labor force were area. Forty policemen andjthings to do to help De Gaulle. rates opened the way today for II. Humphrey (D-Minn) today Don't push him too hard.

It civil defense volunteers search housewives and students who had been outside the labor force in April, a senate floor battle over cuts would not be good for you to; attributed to a state depart- ed for him. He was captured 000 head of cattle were killed. The Red Cross said it may be Saturday before the search for dead, and a final inventory of the damage is completed. Thomson called the devastation an "unbelievable holocaust but said that the initial recovery steps were being spearheaded by local authorities "who have the situation well in hand." At the same time the governor appealed to President Eis Encouraged by Recent Changes In Soviet's Foreign Policy hv nolirn whpn he returned to take political lobs. You mustiment "double cross" the one- in these and other levies.

The report said sizable re- the shopping center to get his be models of loyalty and dis-vote defeat of a proposal to Amendments were barred as mimo trust vnn will hp that i Dermit use of foreien aid funds iductions in unemployment auto. and nothing else." Washington -iTi- Secretary! sateUites or jncrease police Admits Earlier Floldup Wilmette police identified the house voted yesterday to continue the taxes for another year at their wartime rates, tor red satellite nations. amung iiicwuusij jumcsa Hccontended the department ers were partially offset by an endorsed and helned to write! increasing number of students of State Dulles said today "we oppression and thereby the i. i i the gunman as James R. Ther- Chrysler Closes nave uuun emuui cgc-u of revolt the proposal as part of the for- seeking summer jobs.

This stu- ry, 25, of suburban North Chi thus avoiding a $2,600,000,000 some recent Soviet foreign poli- no AT ill i i-r rt nonnlo 1 eign aid bill, but backed downjaeni inuux into me lauur iui-c a munuiio ui i. i mi cago, a senior at Marquette; nfrrii Plnntc nnivorsifv Milu'aiilrpp TIipv WCM Wll I lUllld enhower for federal emergency help in three of the damaged rv moves and believes -jarop in treasury revenues, iney when President Eisenhower de-lis expected to push the unem ye fled from communist rule nav include Ipvips nn nnlnmnhilps ployment total well over UiecountiesDunnt Chippewa and cant agreements between Rus-I cided to ask the authority under separate legislation. Detroit Chrysler Corp. said Therry admitted robbing a rlpAnintf shnn in snhiirhan areas to iree countries ana uieu iii-nnr inH nhnonn nJ Un ii'ni 4nfti vntiAtCf ll'ft 1 i "i- today shut down assembly op- live milium maia. juiic uijSt Crojx- JIe tol(j the presj.

I dent the twisters brought suf- The senate, after stormy de- nouse memoers scetung of $100 before he at. mc onu m.c wv0n. night shows that "there is Psslble- Jsomethinff basically reoellent in individual rates were limited tempted a cleaning 3tJtS bodty bate, voted 43-42 last night to r.mpioynifia fering and ardship to hun 'Whether or not a summit jn the communist ing wnere recession eiici-vs remove the proposed new au- to an effort to send the billat Edens Piaza in Wilmette conference would be productive! nn1.v P(Jht tn mmi)t That move Ki vvas ine nrsi sucn acU0IV thority from the $3,712,900,000 have been most severe ae- dreds of persons. Damage in Eau Claire county was less severe. CDA May Take Over as passed withont takinV anv any Mhe car makers aid bm.

It hopes to clined by 67,000 to 15 million. of such agreements remains no bri results-. failed and tne bill be seen," Dulles told the view of free world defcnses by voice vote. ey when a customer ZZ complete action on the but tms was cscriDca as omy n-u. u.

irp hv tnn sht. slightly more than the season- ure by tonight. slightly more man tne season- ioreign luuuunis tuumuiicc. n.W,. havo suitr-hnH R( nn enh As Thomson issucd hjs lie described as encouraging lo more friend icics andVulc lhe spnat The senate rejected trend tor tne monin.

ithe small business administra- Kuester, 20, when she refused! "Tf l'lnJn i iichia L' i ri'i i it'i t. lii it mi in i a amendment yesterday by Sen.) Average weewy worn Washington announced members of the United Auto uevciopea a vestea uneresi some memoers already were scientific studies of policing an respectability." 'pushing for various reductions, atomic test suspension and alsoi Turn To Page 4, Col. 8 William hTOXmire lU-WlS) IO lciuiy cniJiujrca niuvcu uHj i dpsiffnatpd thp designated the three I Workers union walked off the seasonally in May to 38.5 hours. cut military aid funds $104 mil- Soviet acceptance of the U. S.

The work-week is 1.2 hours be- job in the trim department of lion below the foreign relations the Plymouth body plant. 'committee recommendations. proposal to confer on neutraliz low a year ago. counties as disaster areas, making home owners and businessmen eligible for loans at 3 per cent interest. The department of agriculture announced plans Varied Reaction in Congress After ing the Antarctic.

rroblem for Russians Dulles pictured the Soviet r. v-- make surplus food available, ias well as reconstruction loans for farmers. communist bloc as in trouble on r- Jt zTATS(Xtptrauss Quits as Chairman of AEC grant more independence to the In the event the president iy eastern European satellite! Washington-on John A. Me designates the i as ff r-. pmprppnrv rplipf arpa thp fpH- countries or else revert to Stal- i I i' eral civil defense administra.

1 I v. I Jf inist terror "vvith increased man wgs nomjnated by Presi-viser on atomic energy to'assistant in charge of promot-V likelihood of violent revolt. Eisenhower today to suc- dominate commission policy, ing the atoms-for-pcace pro- tion will be able to step in and coordinate the activities of all uuites smu cted Lewis L. Strauss as Strauss's decision to step out gram. such, Strauss will of several 'insoluble proD- I federal agencies.

Jf Civil defense authorities and member of the atomic energy as chairman and a member of lead the U.S. delegation to an commission. the AEC was announced by the international scientific confer- lcms" faced by Premier the national guard remained on Nikita Khrushchev and the rest (White House yesterday. His de-ence on peaceful uses of atom-1 of the Kremlin leadership, iie, Washington iu Congrcs-wtnrp for sn whpn'ir rnprcrv Thic mMtin listed the problems as: reaction to the decision' his current five year term ends.1 held in Geneva, S4' Turn To Page 4, Col. 7 Not Quite So Coo Education lie bovici Lewis L.

Strauss to step There was no immediate next September. V'. --4 word on his successor. Whitej Dispute With Dulles House Press Secretary James Strauss was named to the Forecast for Tonight nisiunsui ran tuiu iiuv quite so cool tonight. Saturday today 58 ..4 fair and warmer, mgn loc fair and warmer.

High C. Ilagerty said his replace-; AEC by former President Tru-ment probably will be named man in 1946, soon after the before the end of this week, agency was created. He served Strauss gave no specific rea-until 1950 and then was appoint-son for his decision. But he said ed by Eisenhower in June, 1953, in a letter to President Eisen- to succeed Gordon Dean as hnupr that hp hpliovprf "rir. rhairman ernment has increased educa-out after fjve tion particularly in science butlstormy years "minds which can find thejas chairman ways to penetrate ouler space of the atomic can also penetrate the fallacies 0 m.

of Marxism. imission rang- Economic-The Soviet peo- pd today from pie are demanding more con- rcgrct to out. sumer goods and "the Soviet ri ht leasurc rulers will have to do more for, Jamcs the welfare of their own peo- Vjn Zandt flf ple- Pennsyl- 0 cen- -v -T V- to 65 extreme east, 65 to 7 Low to night 41 to 54. Outlook for Sun- it day is partly cloudy and cooler cumstnees beyond the control For the last several months, ith chance of showers. of cither of us make a change Strauss reportedly has been AiDleton temueratures for Strauss in the chairmanship of the com- locked in a dispute with Secre- 1- the 24-hour period ending at 10 Personal security Stalinist vania.

senior ucpuDiican nouse mission aavisaoie. tary oi estate uuncs over u.s clock this morning: High 71: wv low 39. Temperature at 11 o- police brutality has been put memDer pt tne senate-nouse; capitoi am reaction to ms de- policy on nuclear testing, aside and in the more relax- atomic energy committee, said cision. was mixed, with some Strauss contends continued 1 ed atmosphere "individualism he was sorry to see Strauss congress members 1 a i testing is necessary to perfect tends to grow." quit, lie credited Strauss with Strauss' "great contributions" anti-missile weapons and to clock this morning. 62, with the wind from the south at 9 miles an hour and the barometer at 30.33 inches.

Weather map on Satellites Poland and Hun-, great contributions. and otfiers voicing pleasure at produce nuclear weapons with gary have shown that nation- On the other hand. Rep. Chet his impending departure. ja minimum of radioactive fall- 4 cii tk, -c v.

Page 9. alism and individualism "are Hoi if ield (D Calif), another: The 62-year-old Strauss, a out. He has said tests should wru i um oiu un i i iouu ohwi iww uic.iuun ui mui me iki iwuw i Sun sets tonight at 8:34, rises not extinguished even by mas- committee member, said he former New ork banker, also be halted only in conjunction Colfax. The tornado which ripped through this area ednesday left a large section Of, Saturday morning at sive and sustained "pleased to hear that Mr.jwill give up his post as special with a halt in production and Mmmnu A th hAAM rises Saturday morning this community flattened. adviser to Eisenhower on atom-! with a safeguarded inspection Soviet leadership will have is resigning.

(at 13:01. Prominent star is An- iand although th house was leveled they came out unhurt (k? Wirephoto) He accused Strauss fusing ic energy matters. But he will system. 'tares. grant more independence to 1.

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