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The Newark Advocate from Newark, Ohio • 3

Newark, Ohio
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he Permanent Munitions Industry In U. S. Suggested WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7, 1940 THE NEWARK ADVOCATE AND AMERICAN TRIBUNE PAGE THREE Plants Would Supply Army of 2,000,000 Government-Owned Factories Described As Major Goal Of Defense Program By New Assistant Secretary of War. Washington, Aug. owned largely by the dustry, supplying an army of able of the major goals of the al one of Robert P.

Patterson, new described as an "innovation" 60 ordnance plants would be established projected on funds Traditionally, the United States maintained a system of govhas arsenals which formed ernment of a munitions industhe nucleus try but which was not capable of expansion in an emergency. rapid prepare for future To better said that the Patterson crises. lew powder. loading and storage would be designed for long ants afe. He made it plain, however, only that they would be operated for such periods as are necessary prepare the required stocks of to munitions.

already has been The army 00 given required for the new plants $244,000.000 of the contracted with the Duand has interests to operate a Pont 000.000 powder plant in southern A shortage of labor caIndiana. cf manning the necessary pable loading plants is proving someof a problem, Patterson thing adding that one or two such said, probably would be the for which contracts would plants next be let. "We want to be sure of a for the forces we alof supply ready have. explained. The of the program would come rest along more slowly, he said.

Discussing the army's decision to locate the new plants chiefly in the area between the Alleghenies and the Mississippi, Patterson said they not only would have greater protection from enemy air attack, but the requisite supplies of water and coal needed for powder ture could best be obtained in relatively few parts of the country. Plans Completed For Hostel Trip Plans were completed last night by four Newark youths to take their first hostel trip this weekend. The group will leave the Girl Scout headquarters at 1 p.m. Saturday and will travel to Pataskala on bicycles. Although only four have agreed to make the over -night trip others are expected to join before Saturdav, Persons 21 years old or under must pay $1.10 while persons over 21 will pay $2.10.

The charge is for use of the hostel at Pataskala. Persons making the trip will he required to carry a sleeping pack. They also are advised to have an extra 75 cents for food Saturday night and Sunday morning. The group will return to Newark Sunday noon. Branson Wells Taken by Death Pataskala.

Aug. H. Wells, 82. died Tuesday at 11:30 p. m.

in his home east of Pataskala after two weeks' illness. The son of the late James and Esther Wells of Hebron, he lived for several years in Linton, he engaged in business. there Since his retirement a number of ears ago he had lived in this icinitv. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Anna Wells.

and a C. E. Jenks of East St. daughter, Louis, Mrs. and one brother, George Wells of Belmont.

Services will be held in the home Thursday at 2 p. conducted by Rev. S. A. Beall and burial will be made in Pataskala cemetery.

Funeral director, Vinton D. Morrow. Ohio Gets Chair Order. Washington. Aug.

7. (AP) Marietta (O.) Chair been company awarded a $45.318 conTract for barracks chairs by the war department. THURSDAY SPECIALS 69c Men's SPORT SHIRTS. $5.00 Beautiful SILK DRESSES. $1.88 ($2 Ladies' and Girls' BATHING SUITS $1.00 Men's WORK PANTS $1.50 Men's Wool TING SUITS BATHLast year's style LEVIN'S 21 WEST MAIN They're 40-Year Members of B.

of L. E. A Here are four of the six 40-year members of the Brotherhood of Lomotive Engineers who were honored with a testimonial dinner last night in Place. Left to right: E. E.

Wiles, John Glassmeier, J. Harry Starr and A. M. Cornell. Each of the sextet was accorded honorary membership in the Grand International division of the B.

of L. E. All are members of Division 36, of which A. B. Skelly of Newark is secretary.

J. W. with emblems denoting their long in the picture are: F. E. Mabry and neral service for Mrs.

Igel's ew. and were passengers in the Loney car. They were driving on U. S. route 22, south of Marion, Ind.

City police of Marion reported that the Loney car was in a broadside crash with a transport truck driven by Ned Fisher of Angola, Ind. He was not injured. Lakeside Fund Gets $29,241 In Pledges Lakeside. Aug. gifts and pledges totaling $29.341.00 have been announced by the Lakeside foundation.

Heading the list were pledges of $10,000 from the Epworth Leagues of the Ohio and Northeast Ohio conferences of the Methodist church for the construction of the first dormitory unit of the Rollin, H. Walker Epworth memorial. is a proposed youth center to be named in honor of Dr. Rollin Walker, former professor of Bible at Ohio Wesleyan university. A gift of $10.000, from Mr.

and Mrs. William Morrall of permanent munitions inFederal government and men, emerged today as defense program. assistant secretary of war, the idea that most of the to be built with government on a permanent basis. Crash Victims Have Relatives Residing Here Returning from one funeral and en route to another Mr. and Mrs.

Henry Igel, Columbus, and William Buck, son of Mrs. Igel, were killed Tuesday morning in an automobile accident near Marion, Mattheso Loney, injured 32, in a the crash step-son was of Mr. Igel by a former marriage, and his condition was reported critical in a Marion hospital. The bodies of Mr. Igel, 63, and Mrs.

Igel, 73, 907 West Mound street, Columbus, and William Buck, 53, of the Dayton Soldiers' Home, arrived in Columbus Tuesday night and a double funeral will be held Friday morning in Holy Cross church, Columbus, for Mr. and Mrs. Igel. Burial will be made in Mt. Calvary cemetery, Columbus, of which Mr.

had been superintendent for 38 years. Arrangements for Mr. Buck's funeral have not been completed. Mr. Igel's were former residents of and vicinity family, and for several years his father lived near Mt.

Calvary cemetery here and was a caretaker there. Mr. Igel survived son Frederick, who married Henrietta McCabe of Newark, and a daughter Mary of Mt. Gilead, who is the wife of Rafael McCabe, also a former Newark resident. Mrs.

Igel leaves a son, Thomas Buck, and two daughters, Mrs. Julia Herig and Mrs. Helen Burdge of Columbus. Mr. Buck is survived by one brother and two sisters.

Mr. Loney lived in the Igel home. The party had been to Kewanee, to attend the funeral of Mr. Igel's cousin and were driving to Urbana to be present at the fu- Rutledge presented the veterans membership. The two not shown C.

N. Krier. Morrall, is to be applied on the construction of an educational unit to the proposed Morrall Memorial Methodist church here. China Warns French. London, Aug.

7. (AP) A Reuters (British news agency) dispatch from Shanghai today said the Chinese were reported to have warned French authorities they would take military measures if the Japanese were permitted to bases 171 French Indo-China. It quoted the Chinese press as reporting that Chinese troops were moving toward the frontier of Indo-China and that defensive preparations were being rushed. INDIGESTION may affect the Heart Gas trapped in the stomach or milet may ant like a bair-trigger on the heart. At the first sign of distress smart men and women depend on Bell- an Tablets to set gas free.

No laxative but made of the fastestacting medicines known for arid indigestion. the FIRST DOSE doesn't prove Bell-ans better, return bottle to us and receive DOUBLE Money Back. 25c. Clothes for the Young Miss Your pride and joy still has many summer weeks to keep cool and have fun in these pretty, sturdy togs. And they are such bargains! WASH FROCKS Dresses For School Wear.

Sizes 7 to 16. All New Styles and Colors. Regular $2.95 Value. $2.19 WASH FROCKS Sizes 7 to 16 and 3 to Most All Colors. Regular $1.95 Value.

$1.00 WASH FROCKS One Group of Children's Dresses in Becoming Colors and Styles. Most All Sizes. Regular Price $1.00. 2 for $1.00 ONE GROUP OF SHARKSKIN PRINTED SILK Sizes 7 to 16. Regular Values.

$2.59 GIRLS' COATS. Medium and Light. Weight. Sizes 7 to 16. PRICE BOYS' WASH SUITS.

Regular $1.95. PRICE GIRLS' PLAY SUITS Regular $1.95 Values $1.00 Roman Oracle Echoes Assurance To America Fascist Editor Replies To Hull That Europe Alone Concerns Axis; Says U.S. Fights 'Phantom Aug. 7. (AP) Virginio Gayda, authoritative Editor, replied today to the warning of United States of State Hull against the danger of aggression by that Germany and Italy have no intention of carrywar into the western hemisphere.

who frequently expresses the views of the Italian wrote in Il Giornale D'Italia that Hull was a phantom of German-Italian menace" for political "It is evident that Hull would like to alarm the American nations with a feeling that a transfer of the war to the American continent by the victorious axis powers is more or less imminent," Gayda wrote. "It is well now to point out once more that this insinuation is absolutely unfounded, arbitrary and -let it be said with respect for the eminent American statesman -tendentious rather than cative." (Hull's statement yesterday asked the American people to "be ready and willing for real sacrifice of time and of substance for hard personal service" and to "arm to such an extent that the forces of conquest and ruin will not dare to make an attack on us or any part of this Italy and Germany entered the war to solve European problems and "never thought and will never think of threatening other continents," Gayda asserted. 29 Greeks Rescued. Rome, Fascist Secretary declaring ing the Gayda government, "creating purposes. Belfast, Northern Ireland, Aug.

7. -nine survivors of the crew of a Greek vessel torpedoed off Tory island near the northwest Donegal coast Sunday night landed in lifeboats at Carrigart yesterday. The torpedoed ship carried a crew of 32. Horticulture Society Honors F. H.

Ballou F. H. Ballou, Newark, for many years engaged in horticulture research work for the Ohio agricultural experiment station, was honored at the Licking County Horticulture society's annual field day and picnic yesterday. Homer C. Price, Newark, presented Ballou with a silver mounted walnut plaque inscribed: "Presented to F.

H. Ballou by the Licking County Horticulture society in recognition of his distinguished service to horticulture. Aug. 6, 1940." Retired from active service with the experiment station Jan. 1, Ballou originated a number of orchard practices which have become universally used by fruit growers.

Other events in the field day included' a tour of the Ballou orchard, an inspection of hundreds varieties of ornamental plantings, a basket dinner at noon and a program arranged by Robert Schroer, Granville, president of the society. Speakers on program included Professor they D. Brown, Ohio State university, using for his topic the preparation and marketing of apple by-products; A. L. Pierstorff, Ohio State university, who discussed orchard spraying, and W.

D. Hilbisch, chief of the Ohio bureau of markets, who related some of the fruit growers marketing problems. Grange To Hear Harry A. Caton Harry A. Caton of Coshocton, secretary of the National grange, will address the Licking County Pomona grange at Etna Saturday.

Desso Pipes, Newark, master of Pomona grange, said today that the regular business session of the grange will be held at 11 a. m. with an outdoor meeting in the afternoon. Caton, an active figure in national agricultural circles, will report on national grange activities. Crashes Kill Seven Ohioans (By The Associated Press.) Traffic crashes killed seven Ohioans yesterday (Tuesday); George F.

Matthews, 71, of Cincinnati, and his daughter, Mrs. Johanna Walker, 41, of Akron, died in a head-on automobile collision on state route 18 near Montrose in Summit county. Seriously injured, Mrs. Matthews was taken to an Akron hospital. Two Michigan residents, occupants of the second car, were less seriously hurt.

Another automobile collision near Ashtabula was fatal to Gladys Irene Handerson, 21-yearold Ohio State university co-ed of Saybrook township. Two relatives were hurt critically. Injuries received when his motorcycle went out of control caused the death of James McKean, 24, of Ashtabula. Helping Hand. Elmereek, Aug.

--Night Policeman Simon Laycock obligingly helped a motorist change a tire Investigation the next day disclosed it was a stolen tire from Leonard Tool. To confirm it all, the thief later shipped the tire to Laycock charges collect. DOCTOR'S FORMULA quickly relieves fiery itching of ECZEMA If face, legs, arms or hands are covered with red, scaly Eczema--for speedy relief from the terrible itching burning soreness -use powerfully soothing Liquid Zemo. Zemo brings quick relief because it contains 10 speedy-acting ingredients of try of Its ied to The tly tles oral 894 long valued for helping nature to heal pimples, acne, eczema, ringworm symptoms and similar skin irritations due to external cause. First trial convinces! Real severe cases may need Extra Strength Zemo.

All drugstores. zemo FOR SKIN IRRITATIONS If you have it and don't need it, it is money well spent, but, if you need it and don't have it, well, you're just out of luck. Motorists Mutual Insurance Company (A Non-Assessable Million-Dollar Company) Vic Donahey, President Columbus, Ohio Carl Crispin, Secretary F. S. HAMILTON, Agent WARDEN HOTEL LOBBY NEWARK, OHIO Office Phone 2070 Night 47154 PAUL MORROW HEBRON, OHIO Their Leadership Unrivaled Westinghouse use The Chieftain is an entirely new design in electric ranges, with every possible feature of convenience and efficiency Five Corox unit, new "true-temp oven" with single-dial control, porcelain enamel finish, numbered units and switches, oven signalite, appliance receptacle, economy cooker, divided top, toe space base and many other items, making The Chieftain CHEAPER THAN EVER TO OPERATE! 8450 And Your Old Range Westinghouse a Cheaper Than Ever To Operate WESTINGHOUSE has come to be recognized as the leading producer of the best in electric ranges and refrigerators.

OWENS-CORNING has reached the position as producer of the best in insulation. Combined the two obviously make the best product of these types available today. You, or your friends, through FIBERGLAS, aid in attaining this result PAUL DICK which gives added employment to the people of Newark. Paul Dick, resident of Utica, says: The new range is gaining in popularity cause of these outstanding tures One Dial Oven Control. Needs No Pre-Heating.

Ohio, Westinghouse befea- Extremely low operating cost, uses current less than one-fourth We Carry of the time. Our Own Accounts INS A.

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