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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 7

Logansport, Indiana
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The Canadian Government re cently sent an appraiser to'the principal ticycle factories in this country, to determine the exact value of various makes for import into Canada. After an exhaustive investigation, his re port to his Government rated trvcfes w-i Wh? per cent, hieh- er tnan any other make and they pay duty accordingly. This but confirms the popular verdict. Col- STANDARD CF THE Unequalled, Beautiful Art Catalogue of and. Itart- ford Bicycles in free it you any Columbia agent; by mail -J" f-r POPE MANUFACTL-RING CO.

Factories and Conn. Branch Stores (ind Ajenciv-i in ciinor.t every city and town. If CrclurrtlttiiM IHH properly Represented in your vicinity u- TIMETABLES. LOCAL TIME TABLES, Solid trains between "Peorla and San- flusky" and "Indianapolis and Michigan. Direct connections to and from all points In tho United States and Canada.

L. E. W. R. irrlve Leavt SOUTH BOUND, No 2t Pacific Ex 7:10 am 2'OSarn No 25 Indlanap's Ex No.

23 Mall Ex ex Sun. 3:25 8:10 No 29 Passenger ox Sun No. 151 Rochester Local Arrive p. m. except Sunday.

NORTH BOUND. 6:20 a No. 20 Mall Ex ex a 3:30 No 22 MlchlKan City dally 4:45 1:55 No 24 Dotrolt Ex ox Sun No 150 Accom. ex not run north of Peru on Sunday. Trains 21 and 20 run dally between Indianapolis and Peru.

No. 20 via Tlpton arrives at Eloomms- ton at 9:32 p. m. making direct connection with C. A.

fast train arriving In Kansas City nt 8:55 next morning, connecting direct at Kansas City for Denver, San Fran- clwo and all points west. Free reclining chairs between Tlpton and Missouri river for all passcnKOrs. Nos 20 21, 22, and 23, connect at Tlpton with main line trains and all points cast and -west. For ticket rates and general Information call on J. J.

Skinner ticket afrent, L. E. Peru, or C. F. Dally, penerai passenger agent, Indianapolis.

Ind. Bradford and Philadelphia N. Richmond Ind'pls Loulsvlllo EBnor Crown Point Chi. Richmond Clntl. Crown Point Chi Montlcello Elinor Bradford Col Effner local freight, Inci'pls Loulnvllle.

FJchmond and Bradford and Phila New Montlcello liCno Chicago Chi Intermediate. Kokomo Rich Bradford Col J. A. McCULLOUGH eT.cept Sunday.

Leave Arrive. am am 1:00 am am am am 5:45 am 6:00 am 1 1 2:15 pm 1:30 2:45 a 2:45 2:20 a 2:30 am a ft 8:30 am 2:00 pro 2:03 1:20 pm 2:20 7:45 a 1:55 "MOpm a zo Acent. LORansport. WEST BOUND. KIP lid 11.

nnn ri StLnils limited 4.1'.-.. in Fast Hull anlif, no "JJ City express clnllj wa i -jaJ Pnc ai.ll> tx i un 'olil 1,0 ta in No. EAST BOUND. 2 N. Y.

4 Boston HID clallj 'old no 42.. 2:41 fi mall dally, 'oid VM rn 4 AtlanticLimdnlljM 7-1 Local frt- Accom. dnllyeatHnn 12 60 EEL RIVER DIVISION. "WEST BOUND. KnlSarrlvn Idi'iO HI fju oij jirnvp NoS7arrive i EAST BOUND.

No 3d leave 1 5 a No 34 leave VANDALIA IN MAY TKA1NS LEAVE! LOQANSPORT, IND. FOR THE NORTH. No. 52. Ex.

Sun, 10:31 a for 8t Josepn No B8 Ex. Sun. 6:10 a for St. Joseph No' Ex. Sun 8:40 for South Bend FOR THE SOUTH No.MKiwpt Sunday 7:17 a.

m. for Terre Haute No Eat. Sun. 2:47 p. m.

for Terre Haute For complete time card, riving all trains md gtatloitt, and for full Information as to rates, through address EDGEWORTH. Agent. Logansport, Ind. Or A. Ford, General Passenger nt.

Mo. by age, catarrh or tho BrazUiao Balnj it priceltu boon. Put J8 or 20 diopi of Balm into fpoonfull of warm water and eyei well lifht and morning, getting some of ofntlon into the The) relief and fit UJTorth bundled tisntt TESLA FINDS A LIGHT Succeeds in 'Solving a Vexatious Problem In Electricity. Lamp ContUti of an Inomnden- oont Dull) Which by Vibration Hud May Revolutionise Sjitem of Lighting. TCickola Teela has solved the problem which he set before himself many years and -which may revolutionize the system of cleuiric lighting 1 It is, eleo trlcai experts say, the nearest perfec adaption of the ffroat force of nature to the use of man.

In Mr. Tesln's lab oratory, in Houston street, is a bulb no more than threo Inches In length which, when tie current into it, becomes bulb of light. With it a. verj large room is so lighted that it is pos sible to read in nny corner. Yet this done without flues (md without attachments necessary in existing lights.

TJ.u. rays are so strong that the Kharpes photographs may be taken by them No new dynamo is required to produce the current. There is no clanger of harmful shoe-tain its use. Stories have come from time to time from r. Tesla's laboratory that he was experimenting on a light tins sort Humors of success and failure have followed each other find Mr.

Tesla's friendb were inclined to doubt that he wouk" succeed. A half-dozen times the discovery was nt his finger tips, only to elude" him. But now he has told his friends of'his success. Mr. Tesla has been working for many years on his theory of the necessity and the of the conversion of cU-cUicity.

The present incandescent light gives only per cent, of illuminating power. The other 07 per cent, is wasted in heat. In accordance with his theories, which have been already applied successfully to the economical transmission of the electric fluid, be applied himself to the saving- of pome of this wasted energy in light. The bulb which lie has perfected gives 10 per cent of lighu and loses 'JO per cent, of energy. Mr.

Tesla dcclnrcs that he will, with the aid of a few more experiments, be able to'produce-10 per cent, of light, so that tlie waste will be reduced to only per cent. The principle of light is vibration. The illumination is secured by tiic vibration of what Mr. Tesla. cnJIs a vibrator within a.

bulb, which holds the vibrating needle within a vacuum. The need It? vi brutes BO rapidly that tL-o figures per second tsound imaginary, but it is Hi is in tensity of eiiei'g-ywliicL gives the light its brilliancy and its apparent steadiness. The lights 110 not to be renewed. Friends who recently visited Mr. Tcsla saw him photographed by means of his light.

The exposure was but two seconds in'the light of single vacuum tube or bulb without electrodes, having- Tolume of nbont 00 cubic inches. The light, given was 2iO candle power. The photograph was as sharp outlines as though it were taken in full sunlight- Mr. Tesla has recently obtained many photographs in his study of the Koentgen ray. He has photographed the heart of one of his assistants so accurately njs to Hole its expansions and its contractions, and ho has also been able to locate defects in the lung? of several persons.

COULDN'T PASS AS AN INDIAN. Colored MUD'S Schcino to Railroad Failed Him. A few-days ago a colored njan named James wa.s desirous of reaching- the coast, but not having the price of transportation devised sdieme, through a hint from a friend, of boating the rafl- roiid coropMiy. His friend told him to disguise himself n.s an Italian by putting a blimkct over his head and body in the same fashion as the noble red ma-n doc-s and geton the platform of and that he would then be able to make the journey at littleexponsc. The colored man did as advised, and everything went along very smoothly until he reached Glen's Ferry, in Idaho, says the Cheyenne Leader, whore an eagle-eyed brakeraau discovered that the impersonator had oa a pair of Baiters showing a very fine gloss, Knowing that nil true Indians wore moccasins tlie brnkeroan thought some- tiling was wrong and investigated tie matter, when the fraud wns discovered ind the would-be colored Indian was thrown from the train.

The fact that no faro is cbargccl Indians on government subsidized railroads rendered the jlan a very feasible one, especially in case, the party had a bronze complexion. PRISONERS HIGH IN MIDAIR. Jiff Whrol Stops Running, to the Great Dlxcoin fort of Fitmengcn. At JJniTs court, London, there is a great wheel, larger than tlic famous b'erris -wheel of Chicago, carrying 40 cars. The other evening the wheel started with quite a number of people on board, but suddenly ceased to revolve.

Those who were able to do so 'eft the cars. Ladders were procured, nnd later fire escapes, to rescue some of the passengers. But in spite of all these efforts' 'quite a number of people were compelled to remain aloft, and they the next morning early and in a hungry condition. By of ropes wins of coffee nnd baskets of read were hauled up to them, and the work cf trying to revolve the wheel wns resumed. At noon the great machine again began to revolve, and the aerial irisoners were finally, released, amid nuc.h cheering the crowds, who ind assembled to witness the rescue.

New Dentist Oscar Adelberg, of Elizabeth, has just completed set of faJse ecth which is probably the smallest ever-made. The set ifi-Intended for Bareness Magri, knbwh'to the world Tom Thumb. The can- easily be -within the circumference of a lalf-dollar. SHED RIVERS, OF TEARS. Banting Ammonia Plpefietn a Multitude to Weeping.

A funerals could not have produced Uic weeping- that there was on, Harrison avenue the other evening, and yet there were no deaths that have been reported. The cause of the tears -was the ammonia that was rnmpant on the street, Bays the Springfield Republican, The Kibbe Brothers company has just bought a new refrigernting- machine for cool lug their chocolate. The workmen had just finished putting it in and had started it for a trial, when a pipe burst and the ammonia vapor, which is used for producing the cold, escaped rapidly into the basement, causing a general stampede. Nothing could stand before the Htinglng vapor, and it soon had the basement all to itself. But that wasnot enough; It spread upward throughout the building, but, as it was six o'clock anyhow, and the employes were just coming out, it diil no harm there.

But it also spread out into the street, anil filled it full as for OB Dwightstreet, and the pnssers-by hod to hold their hand kerchiefs ic their faces. A considerable crowd gathered as near us. they dared, to watch the efforts of one of the workmen to get his coatnnd, which he had left in the basement in his hurried OKsnpe. It was impossible to go into the place again, and lie got a long pole and angled through an open window for his garments. It was hazardous fishing, however, mid the ammonia, soon drove him away bailed, and he went to his supper in his working jacket.

Nothing could be done but the. ammonia waste its sweetness till it, was spent, nnd the aroma was powerful nil eight. BONHEUR'S LATEST PICTURE. Portrayal of a Historical Duel Fought by Twu Famous At Lofevrc's gallery, in King street, St. James, London, is the last effort, of that astonishing genius, Jn a large picture called "The Duel," an.

historical incident of 1734, representing a combat between two fa- mons heroes, the Codolpkin Arabian and Hobgoblin, the property of Lord Godolphin. The two thoroughbred tmi- rials are engaged in fierce fight with teeth heels, and it is needless to say that such a subject severely ta-xes thi? best powers of an animal painter. The f.unous author of "The Horse Fair" has not failed, and now, at a time of life when she has passed the allotted space of man upon earth, she has produced a work which, in design, drawing, and, execution, she has never excelled in her prime. Those caring for horso pa in ting- will be more than delighted with this really extraordinary production, which Bin-passes the pictures of most of the crrea.test masters and is excelled by none. In an upper gallery at Lefevre's, also, is a portrait of Mile.

Louht-ur by Marchioness do. Crass, or, as she signs herself, Consuclo Fould. The great ani- mai painter is pictured slnnding, in throe-qua-rtcr length, wearing a black velvet blouse, paletto. and brushes in cne hand, and the'cther on the head of her noble hound, Lnron. As those of us who seen Mile.

Bonheur know, sbe is a type cf dignified, handsome old. age; this eminently successful presentment we sec her as six: really comely and singularly intelligent looking-. MADE ASLEEP. Jail Sentence Imposed on nil Jowa Man for SliiRiilnr Ml-tcomluct. Fifteen days in jail wa.s the scnU-uce by 'the police court 0:1 John Clark, f-r Sioux City, for talking in his sleep.

Clark says'the habit dates from his childhood. On the occasion of his offending he wns particularly violent, however. He admits having used extremely profane language, and cxplams knowledge ot the faet by saying thai hn awoke in time to understand few of t.hc lust words leaving his mouth. His wife was much nlarmcd, knowing- that he always kept a revolver handy. She jumped out of bed and rushed to icigiibor's in her nightdress.

There hc recounted her husband's behavior, aid she feo-rod be might decide to use is firearms as well as swear at her un- fss some one took- to woke him, finally dispatched an officer to the house to ta.ko 1dm in custody. The thought Clark's habit a very bad and sent him in the hope of jrcnking it up. WILL HAVE A NEW BUILDING. FREAKS OF A CYCLONE. Unaccountable Things Done by tin Recent Twistar In Kansas.

Cntvimlty Club, or Now Ytirfc, DcclrtcH on an Investment. It has bccu decided by the University clu!) oi New York city, by a practically vote, to buy the half bock front at the corner of Fifth avenue find Fifty-fourth street, which is a part oi the 'old St. Luke hospital site, and to erect a new clubhouse to cost over 300, The club's option on the property xpires 'nt noon and Secretary George ifucCulocb Miller, of St. Luke's hospital, vas notified of its acceptance in the noniiog-. The property fronts 100.5 on Filth nvonue and 125 feet on Fifty-fourth street.

The new club- lonse will cover its whole era, and be six stories Uig-h. The purchase price is 1G75.000. The-University club's membership is HOW 2,100, about 1,800 being resident members. There is a waiting ist of 500. Hard FooilD Arc Healthful.

Habitually eating soft foods, even bread, to the. Delusion of every- that is hard or crusty, is not only to the digestive orpins, but leads to rapid decay of the teeth. IVhen these not used in the lastication of harder foods the teeth be- tome- covered som'e- loosen in their sockets, or the rums will Bunei Arc Bollow. The bones of all flying birds are hollow and filled with air, thus combining the rreatcst strength with the greatest pos- ible Footing of In time of war-France puts 370 out of every 1,000 of her population in flpltl'; Germany, 810: Uussia, 810. Mother KIlli'il Uilbe In llrr Aram I Puliit Uloivn O1T it Burn- Watch lUown Through Cow- Other Onecr lucldcutx.

The nwfiil cyclone that swept ove northern Kansas bringing: death to 3' people, injuries 1-j many, and destroy ing property valued in the aggregate millions, cK-mouKtratcd again tlint th wind bloweth where it listeth nnd is respecter of mon or conditions. Manj stories of the storm's grewsuine work, o' its fantastic capers and eccentric per formajieps, are now at hand. Mrs. Knotic. living near Senoea, who was blown from her home, wa.s found dead, with her living babe clasped in he rigid arms.

An oak stave was driven clear through a cow's body. frame in which a. large mirror waJ pet was smashed to splinters, but, not i crack or blemish could be discovered 01 the A schoolhonse was blown tiway, leaving the floor undisturbed, with the chairs and desks remaining upright in place. The pnint on a barn near Irving waj rubbed off. Otherwise the barn WHS un Injured.

Three boys in a schoolhonse nt Palmer were blown 50 feet through the air, bui were deposited on the ground without injury. The building was wrecked, Entire orchards were entirely up rooted. At Frankfort, it is said, a'watch was blown through a cow without stopping ticking. A field wa.s furrowed by the wind a though it had been done by a plow. The only person in one district who suffered no damage was the only per son who carried cyclone insurance.

A barrel of lime was lifted up and it contents scattered over fruit trees perfectly a.s any Jionieiiltnrist could have done it- One man had li is stable WOWD into th next township, but his horse, cow, calf nnd biiggv, which had been in the barn, were found next morning on the ground where the- barn formerly stood. Chickens, ducks and geese were entirely stripped of ffiitliers. A farmer was riding a. horse and leading four others. Lightning killed him ami the four horses he was leading.

The lioi-si; ho was riding was not injured. Ki-ery tree in it grove of 200 eot.ton- ivoods'wns twisted cIT at distance of six ft-ct. from the ground. Tho liousc of and Airs. Tones, near BiS-clow, blown away while they sleeping.

They were only slightr The bouso of T.obert Swconoy. atEe- Kcrve. wns blown nwny. JTis two boys were in bi-d iogcthor. One was killed, while tho-other was uniiijiireil.

A 12-year-old girl at wns blo.wn a window, but was not Tho of a buggy wove di-iven en- i.irely"t!i':-ot:gli jiole. LOSES ITS NOTED SAURIAN. -Whlnh Jlan Glvni PlorlUa l-'iimo. Ivilleil. Altacisi-d by a big Mr.

and Mrs. J. W. Dyelies. of Leosbu'-g, would hai-e torn 1o pieces but for the coolness displayed by the woman.

As If was, Jlr. Dyehes lost bis right arm nnd one of Mrs. Dyohes' legs was broken. Tliu t-oupli! were out driving town when they saw a big alligator in the'road, Mr. Dyehos attompted to drive by when the latter made a stroke with its tail that smashed the buggy ami brought M.r.

and Mrs. Dyches to the gro'ind. The nlligafor (hen rushed on Mr. DycliPK ami lore oft his rip-btar'm. Mrs'.

Dyciu-s, who had rfp-aiiK-d Jior feet, seix.i-'d a stick and nlli- ff-sitor. The saurian fio-irisjicd its tail, knocking the woman down and breaking one of her legs. As Mrs. Dyches fell her hand came in contact, with pistol tlinf luid droppotl from her husband's pocket. Sho grasped the weapon fired at.

the reptile as it rnshcd upon her. The bullet struck a vital spot, and the nll-igator died as it was nbont to seixr l.bc brave woman. Mrs. Dyches will recover, but it is feared tho, shock ami loss of blood will kill her husband. FATAL EFFECT OF SERUM.

of a Berlin rhytilclun Imme- tllutoly After Injection. A 'profound sensation has been caused among- medical men of Germany a-ml France through the fatal effects attending- the administration of the famous serum in the o'f a child of an eminent Berlin physician. A servant in the physician's household showing signs of diphllieria, the doctor, to prevent his child from ocntnicting the disease, administered an injection of the serum and the chilli died in a few minutes. United States Commercial Agent Moore at Weimar has the incident the subject of a special report to the state department, in which, lifter telling of tho various theories put forth by the medical atithorites to account for the fatal action of the serum, bo declares tha-tthechild died from nervous it had been' concluded that th'e injection of i.hc serum into a healthy person for prevention is a dangerous practice. Anlmalm, Tt is well -known that lef trhandedncss has often been observed in animals.

According to Vierordt, parrots seize objects with the left paw by preference. or exclusively. The lion strikes with the left paw, and Livingstone suited na his opinion that all animals are left- handed. Prof. Jordan, has recently verified the statement with regard to.par- lie found that this bird makes use of the left claw for than.the right.

What is CASTORIA Castoria is Dr. Sainucl Pitcher's prescription for Infents and Children. It-contains ucithcr Opium, Morphine nor other Karcotic substance. It unbstituto tor Paregoric, Drops, Soothing: Syrups, and Castor OiL It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years', use by JVlllllons of Mothers.

Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness, Castoria prevents vomiting- Sour Cord, cures Dianhroa and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething- troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the gtomaeli and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the. Children's Mother's Friend.

Castoria. "Castorfa Is an medicine for children. Motliers have repeatedly told flic of its good cficet upon their children." BK. G. C.

OSGOOD, Lowell, MaKS. Cnptoria fa the best reacdy for children of vlnch 1 am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant when mothers will consider the real interest of theirchildren, use Castoria instead of the various quack r.ostrmns which destroying tlieir loved ones, by forcing Castoria. Cnstorin IK so that I recommend it as superior to uny prescription known to inc." II. A.

jiHCirilK, M. So. Oxford Brooklyn, N. Y. Our pliysicians in the children's depart- raent hnvc sirokci! highly of ihcir experience in Ihcir onlsiik- practice -with we hove among our nicdicnl wJmi as regular tjj products, yet ivc jii'O free to confess thut tile opium, jnorpliine, Kootliing- syrup and oilier jucrils of Castoria has won us to look witk hurtful agents down their throats, thereby i nvo it." feuding them to premature graves." V.NITKD HOSPITAI.


Centaur Company, 77 Murray Street. New York City, The Governor of North Carolina said to the Governor of South Carolina PLUG "BATTLE AX" is the most tobacco, of the best quality, for the least money. Large quantities reduce the cost of manufacture, the result going to the consumer in the shape of a larger piece, ior less money, than was ever before possible. NEW KIND OF BATTLESHIP. Report of Board of Kfcora- Several Important Chftnjrm.

The report of the board ori batteries oi battlesliips, of which Adiniral Walker is president, lias been to the department. The report sliows that the board con- with much care nnd in great dc- aJL tJie wliolc subject of tattle ships. a result of its investigation it a slig-htly tlilTerent ship with li Bomewliat different arrnrjge- nenfc from any heretofore milt. While speaking very favorably the superimposed turret, ns designed or theKearsarge and the Kentucky, the xmrd dofts Jiot recommenrl installing norc turrets of this description until with the two ships named ave dernonstratcd their utility. The ull recomrnended for the ship Is like of the Kearsarge andKentucky, but modified" as to be similar in majiy,the Iowa.

The ery recomraended is composed of cig-bt 14 to flre two 13-inch nnd four G-incU directly nhead, two 13-inch and wo 0-inch directly astern and four 13- nch nnd seven in broadside. It is believed by -the deportment he ship armed as above will be an un- irove'nieht upon any yet "built in'this The secretary of thejiav-y has The Wftn Kuile. A lender of the house who atone time, the office of jirinie minister, for his indolent, gentle manner, and the soft, drawl with which he sent- stincfinp- sarcasm hoine to bis Oppo- nenis. One of his however. cU-iilt, him a telling- blow by complaining 1 that honorable member had bi'i-n miif.

to him. "His roan- nor." he URgeol'lc- manly. but it ivas less ladylike usual." npproved gfe era I lea tu res of the report of the board and directed that the plans be U-vJiCn up without delay. The secretary has already decided upon all the preliminary steps. Lmt of the Chartlut Uev.

Arthur O'Neill, the last of the Chartist prisoners, has just died nt Birmingham. In 1842 he was imprii- bned for nearly twelve months vdtk Thomas Cooper and others. Vbnn Han? u'l.

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