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The Deseret News from Salt Lake City, Utah • 1

The Deseret Newsi
Salt Lake City, Utah
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

2 ll 11 hil ill a a 4 AI A jat rat i I 1 a ind iud liberty acm I 1 liilil liitt tf salm SAIM LAKE CITY WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 2 1855 NO 40 jhc i i 1 i i 1 I IV tj copyright i ja TORY TOR TORO 0 JO josephf ino iro SMITH ITH irma strut ht i fit ri 1 AUGUST 10 1842 4 i I 1 za ham 1 iv in tie the 1 ev evening plupiu lit ill au CHI with some of a the twelve tind rind tild 1 others I a xv omm oma important instruction upon 91 0 or the church showing that it 4 was wai 1 ne cear I 1 aleithe that tile boffl ers who could hould should go co abr abi 9 through the stile stale and awl as a creat great reat JI ex xi cited ent hadbadbeen pen raid th ili the tho i 1 at arac arge hv the falsehoods falsehood plit put in ci clrcir culat ddn hl hy loh joh lohn and others it wa was wllwil doril in ill pod vod god thit th it tiie 1111 eldeid rg rs shoud should go forth and delu dela deluce deluge 9 tte the pie yie states with ith a good flood of truth setting forth tle the an condee conduct conduce of ex governor boggs of missouri Ii souni sourn and arid those connected ad ad 4 with viti bimla him in his mpa meal arld and corrupt pro cw dings in ili plain plaine term terms so that the world erht might understand the llie illusive abusive conductof our enemies I 1 ie niles audand ftp it with indig nillonnilion I 1 advised a I 1 the twelve to call a special pes pea alai conference on oil aloud monday ty next to give instructions 10 the elders and al cit cil upon them to go forth it don this mission nl a that all bennett i conduct be taken taen and printed printed print ef so 6 that icle elder could be properly iro perly lri ird correct ani and weighty testimony to llyliy lebretle oret tile public gre great a i detress rl tress prevails recalls I 1 in ll 11 englan on account account of the ar duildull state pf af trad trade 27 liiiii the ahe assembly room wi with twelve and others ot liers who were pre prel par liiili I 1 for the tho press I 1 il 1 11 Na nauvoo uvon aua ans 27 qt 1842 tobis excellency Governor Curlin de 1 I 1 ij iwa your letter of or tile the 2 th in ili due I 1 mellmeli tariff now tender vonvou tittil sincere gratitude ot mv my hearthearl igor ifor for the at which vou you oa have felt in my peace and prosper ltv tv and arid I 1 assure aure you that evs every evers react act of kin duess duesi ind every wod wad wod of tiontiou tove been thank thankfully fullfuli received jece ived elved arid and duly ap by ayme me and in my friends alsoaiso ani all 1 I milcmile macli cabret railrali health andstillstilt hope that you will lil ill aval avAt yourself of sufficient time to our causee causer and thoroughly acquaint yourself itil mith with till the the prosecution instituted against mr 1 sinith and I 1 now certify that mr smith my lf nor any other person to my knowledge has iiii ever nor por do on we at thi this time wish your yourl honor to swerve from your duty BS as ail an executive in iati do believe that it is your duty to allow us in this place the privileges and advantage to jo fus us by the laws of tad chii state and theU nied stile state it- is all we ask and if we oan can rights unmolested it will be the tile ultimate end of allail allour dun our arid the result peace and prosperity to ns and all the as far as we ive are concerned nor do we wih to take any undue of any technicalities ot colw but jonor abaya monet Wonet lv in to ra iiii ailall ilithe of dieuie laws af illis and of the cuned state and then in turn to flaat liiili ve thia th benefits resulting from art honorable executions those laws lanis I 1 I 1 and fh ow your youra etcel ENcel excellency lency wllwil il not consider ms me as unbecoming dictation but re prosecutions that anve baenboen justly nn and pursued nga ngn iest mr nir instigated by selfish tinto irrell a i inusious tn rno ino fives dver has obliged dobli ged nii ni to know something for ids if therefore the I 1 ietier 11 lot md refer vouvon to td the tiie eleventh section eanon of ot our city gity charter ii ali all power is granted to thi inc city council to make establisharldarid exen exp eap riot not to the co consal risti listl antion of thetha state ord orl arof of tnt Sta states tei or a 0 the anav san for foche the peace anba andi lety fety of raid said cityolty ace an ordinance passed bythe city council to li our peddle peg le fron bearr bems cirra cirard cir cirra clr rd p- off by bv an ail illegal process and if bihy anyone ori thinks lietie Is i ill lle ile evilyeally seized under it this is ordinance lie fie chini tha ht of habeas coir Cd 4 under section of the char chariet charter teh tet to try the 16 question of 1 ft entity which is siri Etri strictly ailyeily tion lional al alise powers are orb granted 16 the charter your awn own sj and now mow dear Sir sirl where cin cia cin ia bethe jiT itt mittice tice in de depriving us of rf are area aaela I 1 iv a they ther the tre ire are the irful II awful fui ful of or the ot 6 springfield and many other citizens elijo the of suehsuch 0 without ut contro vers veTs avill gesa aesa considerations tind tina in man nore more which tye be fie adduced give ut wr th 4 i iegellegal wIll slow show your honor nud aud add the tire world zo iril 1311 be required taht their ther nir air smith referred to in the demand from missouri is not the josephi joseph smith of wan van vom iov 7 I 1 for he diews wis bint not neltneit lir is he des abed bribed in irv the writ according as the tile law la requires and that thit lieis not no 1 a fuhl futi fugitive tive tivo why then be so strenuous to have havi rn my ar bits band taken whenwhon you yow know himmin to be of an fin attempt on the itt life litof of governor and that lie he IJ nat a fugitive tug ilive fram jus jug tica not the just de decision elsion again against sChim him bim thabat cattera hat I 1 tera mr smith from going I 1 info into nto nio nilsa ourionri but it ishu is an actual knowledge know ledat bat that hat it was never intended iw have hyari it fairtrial sir ip ir youyon were ere not aware of the tile fastfact facto I 1 with jt it now that a there we weT wiy wis lying ising tying ing inc in waltwait between thi tilt place rd I 1 war tar stiv twelve men from jackon county ghi bli nty A i i i 1 wi i wi for taking mr ir mill of or ti tho the ie handsbands of the of finers iti ili ight bavehave him in custody cus- tt also those two men from missouri that were here herewith with Aless rF jiow iidild and lid pitman divulged thetha emst most illlil il end lufelureinfernal calculations concerning taking inking mr smith into juto missouri the tire evidence of which we can cail furnish furnis you at tit any uy timelime if rei re ret i quiren i arld arid dear der sir siro 0 or good felings revolt at tiie thi suggestion auy suy that your la Is acquainted with the measures measurer inken by those en rabea in iri the life prow pron cution I 1 chieh if justice was dobedode to IQ otheus us fa jl it would be bedane daue to us were we to commit as great errors in our bedini dine dini would sub suba iet jet ct nil till concerned in tit the pro to tiletiie penalty of the lae law lav andaud that with out merce I 1 admit sir sin that it is i next to an impossibility for any one to know the extent oftile the tyranny treachery and arid knavery of a grat gr at portion of the tho th leading characters of the state of dils alls auril yet it only only requires a knowledge of the he gutlon of the united states and statutes of the 1 state of missouri and arid a knowledge of tile the outrage committed by edme ofthe tho inhabitants of thatihal stae spoil the tire called mormons cormons Mor mons mong and arid that passed unpunished by tilailia administrators of the law to know that thit there is not the least confidence to I 1 placed in any of thosathose men mon that were were engaged in those disgraceful transactions if the kawwas law was wag made for tile taw law lawlerslawless lors toss aliddia and dis disi i i obedient bedient 0 and punishment instituted for the guilt eulit why not execute tiieilia lawilawt upon those that have it and punish those who have hav committed crime and arid grant encouragement to tiletite th lahoe rit nt alid arid to tty the industrious and peaceable peipel ceabieceable 1 1 and mow now flow I 1 entreat your honor ID to bear with me liate patiently attly while I 1 ask what good dm accrue to this state or br the lie united 5 tates tales or ll 11 ailyally lly fly pot part pirt rt art of this state or br the states tagteg or to or to any other individual to bonti conti continua nun this pers persecution I 1 upon this people or upon mr smith tion that aliat you am weil aware I 1 is 13 entirely without any just foundation or excuse elcust with 6 sentiments or duedua respect I 1 am your most obedient servant EMMA happiness si la a tile the olja object and design of our existence ar and id will bo be tiie the irid prid endedd thereof 1 we pursue arsue the path that dat lends to nandband iti prid elid thi this bath is virtue uprightness faithfulness holiness arldarid ki keeping plugping all the commandments of or god but we ye cannot lanot keep all the is without first now VOW know 1 ing them and arid we banri cannot expect 10 knewt all or i more than we wp now nov know unless triply with i or keep kemp ep those 11 we have hare already received that fl whit whai is wrong wron under one circumstance maybe may be and often is as right under another god said thoutilou aill at another time habe sad thou Thon rit sit altait utterly destroy this Is the prin elat which the government of heaven jl is conduct conducts gilpil bv by revelation adapted lo 10 the circum stances liilil the children of the tho kingdom ae are placed god requires is no matter what is alt although boughhough we mai maj may not see the tire rei- son ret- son reison tl till ionglong after the tile vents events transpire iffe seek first the kingdom of god all good things will illlii be added so with solomon first he asked iid wis wisdom dorn and arid oed ged gavert bl him im and with will jt ii 1 everyery pry desire desine of his heart eren ever things which might beconsidered a abominable to all whowiio understand tha derdar a of blaven only ant jut iq part but which in reality i were right because god gave and rid sanctioned lond by A parent may whip a child and justly too because he fie stolestola an appleappie sherea finif if tile the child 1 had asked for tile the apple parent had given ft atthe the child would havellave eaten a better ap appetite politepetite there havebave beenho no stripes all the pleasure of oft th hepplebepple would have been ken cecur ed allail the misery of stealing lost this principle will ius jus justly aly apply to all of gods dealings wh bia ii children every I 1 hing that god gives us lawful alid arid right and arid it hi i proper that we silsit should 0 vennoy enjoy his gifts arid and blebie blessings sings whenever a Ind wherever he is disposed to bes bestow tow but if wo we should seize upon those same bleSsi blessings riv rig and enjoyments enjoy ments without law without rp revelation withwilh out commandment those blessings and enjoy ments proveprovo curlings cureur sings and vexatiousvexations ili in the file end and arid we should hav have to lie down aown in sorrow and wailin gaitings waiwal tings ag of everlasting regret but in obedience theretheto is joy and peace un potted unalloyed I 1 and as god goa bas bag designed our happiness the happiness of all his hia erea trea creatures tures he lie liever never has lie never willwiil ordinance or give a command ment to his people that hat is not riot calculated in it its nature to promote that which he has I 1 designed arld and which will bof end in the greatest I 1 I 1 amount of good and find glory to those who become the tire recipient recipients i of his hia law arid and ordinancesbless bleds i ings offered but rejected are no longer blessings bes sings but become like the talent hid fit fi the earth by ili til the wicked and slothful servant the proffered good returns lo 10 ther giver athe blessing is besto bestowed Pd on those who will receive and occupy for untoonto him that hathbath shall and he shall rhall have autlyantly but unto him nat biath not or will not riot re rei 1 relve shall le be taken away that which lie hathbath or might llave have had llad pe yle wise loday today to lo dav day th nent to deter defer I 1 next nest day the fatal precedent may dag plead ead thus oo 00 till ts til pus pui pushed hed out of time into eternity iti 1 i our 0 a heavenly father fa thel ism rsm asmore 0 re I 1 liberal i be iliill an fn ha bl is views i i i i i dudl ss in bi ins mr arda da and ndble bles blessings ings singa tinn tina we wo are re ready to receive itji itil dattdalt tiletiie same tarpe time is more terrible to jo the ilia workers of iniquity more awful in th the executions of his punishments 1 ish irh ments its and arid more ready to detect every false we dro opt to him I 1 be I 1 lift letiet will be enquired of by his children he sa nays says ask saud sod ye rhall receive seekand arid ye ve ghail find but if you will wll taketaka thatthal which ii not riot your own or which I 1 hive not given yoa you shall babe ca ed according to youn your deeds but no good tiling thing will I 1 withhold fromthem who av I 1 io walk uprightly up before me and do mv will win in who artill listen to my voice velce and arid to the voice of mv my cervant ervant whom I 1 bavehave sent fent for 1 in it those who seek diligently lo 10 know my precept and ild lyd 0 by the law of my kingdom for all things shallba made mide known in la mine own due timefline and arid in fit the th end they shall have jov I 1 sunday 23 af home jamis james whitehead peter melling Tarl toil leivi ax arid and strong were received intothe tile ailigh priests quorum at lit nauvoo a lr I I 1 I 1 the ilish convict coo ship waterloo WK nerla wrecked at cape town during a gale and livesilves 09 lost monday 29 this bearz the dy ay iy appointed for the conferencerefe Tere referred ired pred to on the instant the elders assembled id ili fhe the grove lri lal nemr near ar arther ther the tein tern tem- pie temple tempie about 10 in it the forenoon president hyrum smith introduced the object of tiletiie coll con ferette feren ferenczy cay I 1 by stating that tim the peoblepeople abroad 0 had been excited by john benil Bonti bennetts etts false statement and that letters add hj frequently been ver received inquiring concerning the true nature of slid slid reborn in consequence of which it is thought wisdom in irk god pod that every eidieldi eldeid i who ean ran iii tit should go forth fortl td to every part of united states slates and arid take mke proper documents with them metting setting forth the truth as it is I 1 alm andali andain an dalp dain aho preach the gospel repentance pen tance baptism and sahsab ration and arid farry tarry preaching until they shall ie be called home they must go wisely humbly setti setting ux forth thetha truth aa as itis i i in god and our per persecutions by which the tid tida of opinion wilwll be turned I 1 tere there are many elders here doing doirs little and many people in the file world who avant ta to bedyhedy hea atio he truth we lve want the official members to kotike take their st afrand go east not west arld and if a mob shouldshoula come here they the wal illlil onty only have women and iidild rid children to fight with when you pis mis I 1 churches send he the means kneads you get to build the temple and get the people to tike take st ocic 1 in I the nauvoo it is important that the nauvoo should be finished that we mav may may mas ha have a tt stilt suit- ableableabie place wherein to entertain in the tile great grat ones at the earth and teach themtile the truth we want the temple built that we ave may oher oner our ur ob lAtious and where we can ak forgiveness of our sins every week and forgive one ono another and ap up tip our offie rim and girt get our endowment tl the gospel vill will hebe turned from the gentiles to the jews gewo sometime a aga almost evey eve person war wa ordained the tila purpose was 0 fo have youyon on tried enil ailall ready to receive your blessings every one on 1 I wanted to be reada lit in two or three days fas ras ard 11 I 1 exp eap expect ci th til thre re will be bil a liberal turn out iso lse ino nedr a arthe tietle lie clos dose 0 of lly Ily hyrams rum remarks rem ark irks I 1 went noon the tand stand I 1 was rejoiced I 1 to look 6 upon uro the tile saints faints once inorlnor whom aoi I 1 have not seen peen for about threethren wee weeks tl I 1 1 I were rejoiced to se see me and we ave all rejorejoiced iceo I 1 my I 1 sudden appearance on the stand stana under lleile lie which wirich surrounded ns its 4 creat great matlomatio nand cheerful in ill iliill the 9 emay hY I 1 som some had ad sup sip sep posed that I 1 hadbad gone to some sone that tilt I 1 hadbad pone gone on-o 0 duro Euro eu lyn jip 1 whiff hilm I 1 was was in ili the cit cita buthut na er dlfdif Frenc a 0 opin- ionhad prevailed on oil thi this point ne were now lilill nil mil filled with thanksgiving and rejoicing i whet hyrum hyram had done one afa fafa king I 1 ta and congratulated th breth brethren ren an and sisters oil on the victory 1 I igligi il onceonoe moremora vloe euge over tit tir tio imn inn I 1 laci ina told thin them thlu thru th in formerly about fighting aih and about fighting alone I 1 hadbad not foug fought them with sword or carnal weapons 0 us I 1 hadbad done it by stratagem gem by bv th them ern ap and there had been no io jost jort and anIt nert ther wo would uld be no lives lost if they would hearken I 1 to mv my counsel course i up to this thi day god had glyengiven me wisdom iscom to save tiietiia people who took ook counsel none nove hadbad ever hanhed killed who abod by my conn connel selsei at huns mill alu the brethren av nt counsel if they had not their livesilveswould have bee bep been I 1 i spared 11 i i I 1 had benban in ill nil ail tile the vir Air whit bilo and outwitted bennetts associates and mid attended tendA at to my mv own business ili in tiletiie city all the time we to whip the world ments liv lir and tire tip tle tie will whip themselves 0 pit the brethren cannot hav hayr ili til tbt ticks vicks icks loks played placed thembat hatbat were werft done at tit kirtland and for west they have iarelare seen enough of the chii fricktrick of their heir enemies and inow kinow betterhetter orson pratt lias hai nt tempted attempted to himself and arid callcail led jed all illailia city almost to go in fit search pearch of bim him Is it IL not enough to putdown put nH the infernal jn fluentes fluen ces of the devil what we havn have felt andslid ben den fen en handledbandiedand arid evidenced of this work of adl but the devil had influence among thi jews after aften all the great things they had witnessed wit nes ed to cause the death of jesus christinw christ av hanging him blin between craven and earth thy they would deliver me me up judas like but a mall small band of us shallshail overcome I 1 we don dont wint want or mean to fizet with 66 sword of the flesh butibutr we will fight with the brond broad sword of iiiill the fhe sin spirit it our anemi say i oan oar lu charter and fritse whit writ 6 if Habeas As Cor corvus Corpus pils are worth nothing we say they came fromfront thetha hirist in the state tate and arid we will hold to them they 8 be dis annulled or take away I 1 then told the iila brethren iwas awas I 1 was going to send all att the eldreardre eid erd rs hway iway away and arid when the amob ame came there would boniv ba womenwoman and arid children to fight and they would bt as ashamed I 1 dont want avant you ati to figlia but go alid and gather amther tell tens hundreds hundred arid and tho nind to fight for you if oppression chaes com CB I 1 A will arill then show thern them that there is a moses and a ft joslin amongst nsus and I 1 will fight them if they dont take off oppression from me I 1 will ivill do as I 1 have donet done hii timelime I 1 will run into ana woods I 1 will flaat them in ili my own way I 1 will send brother hyrum to call conferences every wiler throughout the Hie stats stat and let lot documents be taken alon aton gand shaw to the world the fhe he corrupt and arid oppressive conduct of boggs carlin arid and others ot liers that the public may have the he truth laid bedore before them let the twelve send all who will gupp ort the character of the prophet tb the lords lordi anointed and if allail who go will support my character I 1 prophesy in the name of th tinb lord jesu whose servant I 1 am arn that you wil will prosper ii in your missions I 1 have the whole plan of tile the kingdom before me und and no TIO other person lias has and arid us to all tint hit tt orson pratt sidney rigdon or george robinson can lo 10 mei rhe the in itin lick hick them offey hefsas heimas he imas Isas as many ma ny ss as you canname I 1 know wh atwill become of thein 1 I 1 my triv by savingsaying I 1 have ilive aheaha tilellie bat bpi of feelings frelin ys toward towards my brethren frince thib troubietrouble begaii but to the tire apo and enemies i jwill give them a lashing every appo or eunity and will lil ili cursh curse them durina i lie address an art indescribable transport tran I 1 sport of or good enod re ling was manifest manifested pd by thas thew assembly and about elders volunteered to go immediately Ini rill biabla jia tely 01 on tilailia proposed mis mission 1 treaty signed tween great britain and ind china chinese to pay tilro open give fiva ports for trade aud cede hong kong to great Bri britain I 1 GREAT HAIL storm div ST sr LAWRENCE COUNTY A letter dated lU massena assena illy joiyjoly to 0 tile the 0 republican can cah says says on the july a dark cloud wils wa een en in the northwest rapidly spreading over the he herlheri yon zon full of electricity and wind at 11 the he rain rain and hail were fallingfailing thick and fast commencing com on file the southbank of grass grasa river riven four miles above maena ena Vill village oxe aXe 1 passin passing thence across to the racket at 4 aias aids masena en a Sp springs rinzs thence down between th thos ose etwo two ivers rivers I 1 and over the he first tier of farm on the south ade dp of the racket injuring i i inorelnore or less le ne crops of evera farm fann 1 oven overver ven which the pai pait qed cd at about four foun miles below billage the storm I 1 aced irv lir in the greatel pre atel fury rury lileille literally rallyraily destroying almost every vegetable with whichwinch it came in contact twenty amir eften efter the storm the hail stones lay inches in aleph where they rolledfrem the hp househonse of A one hailhall nallbail stone mea measuredsered shredsix inches in length and five inches in circumference in the main they were from the sze ze of a partridges I 1 els egg eger I 1 tip up to thaithat of a hns hants egg I 1 I 1 arnit frees trees shared hir lir losely OV in the tiie damage donedona by the storm horses aniland ittle cattle ittielttie were boch moch mleh bruised and many turkeys were wrye ki killed lim JIM ane damage done to buildings by breaking 11 lass its glass ac was verv very great i 11 ill is by hr those who are acquainted veith arvi arul hegt hast can abic of 06 the damace done in the the stormstor that it willwilt to 0 from fifteen to twenty thousand dollars I 1 I 1 TWE narb narn AT ar which macit wavis TRAVEL A pillar was read by professor Pro ressor bache before the A american scientific stating that at riha niri nirh cizekclock nd ort hr ithe mon inor nn ley odthe of decdee 18541851 in occurred ried at tho iland wand of Nip nin liori japari japan and occasioned the of ahe the he russian I 1 i diani deani diani which was vlenvien in p- i port tt the harbir harbor was flak flik water and tiltit then en cariecarle in inan inon an wave I 1 which I 1 again aad left til ill iff harbor dry this tiia occurred exal etal times the unit united states has eif elf telf baila saila imp aliases at 0 and at san ditzo dio dlo chih ecord record i theibe tise rise af pf the theli thell tide tAde dif rif upon cylinda arned byc by clocks lochs andrt sall san franci Fr aucinuci co aa miles from the ceneacne scene of the earth first dav arrived twelve and und sixteen minutes after arter it hadllad receded from the arbor of simoda it had traveled across the broad hosom of the pacific at the tire rate of six pix rind and a manule and arlid arrived safely oil ori lil lri iii the shores of california th sei gei enil fie observers of he tire coast surveying Urve ying elpi dicinti the tire first fief or rising nf I 1 he wati watt rs at ut san francisco was seven tantha erh of a foot in height and arid lasted for fr halran hairhalf an conr conr it was vas roirol lour by a serles fews of seven oiherother waves waves af lesies edel de at intervals of an buur eachaach at san diedle diego 0 similar phew phenomena I 1 domenk were ob forve nerved fc alth alfh nil ah on account of a dledie tance lance from si sini rn oda hundred hund rid milsmlis greater hancq an sailsall fanci finci oj them ayes aid aia ii not ar rit rive BO so eoon toon an and were not quite as ililii high 6 i.

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