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Las Vegas Daily Optic from East Las Vegas, New Mexico • Page 8

East Las Vegas, New Mexico
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DAILY OPTIC. in lout Etttki rtteitcmatimifirtt The WO. t. KTtHMa. OCT.

eMdatongl local aajfetyoge. Now. doee the man who's sensible, If he's In wealth not rollln', And tocot.down expense. -OM all hit winter coat in Another duty WUKI.Y Ortid Wool coming In atalively rate. What has become tlak? IbV Commercial Our merchants are preparing for big tell Hoir do you like ticket at bead of our editorial column.

The district aad United States eeavene In Vegasea the SOU Cleveland's, celebrated minstrel shew wiU appear ati opera BOOM aext Taeeaay evening. It getting warn and IB tie course couple of it will be at fever It will boll later en. la precinct 19, which li Bait Las Vegas, ballet, cost both for and against the ooastlletloB. oat. Of course it was cast To-morrow morning you may bare your pick of tbew floe light doable bedroom, eeti at John Heaney'sfor eighteen dot- 4 1 Tae (DO club Bare received flve new reeria blackbird which they need for the Bret time yesterday la their prac- FANCY and STAPLE New Cranberries, 1 New Buckwheat Flour, Try Sortie Hominy Flakes.

AdlM Constitution. Prom all that ean begethentd the constitution yesterday was numbered with "the that school dream, toe wonder of the how." In this city but 388 were of whiph 151 were for land 138 the constitution, hariog a majority of 16 in fever. On the west, side the vote stood: Precinct SO, 108 majority against. Precinct majjrity agalntt. Thus the entire town of Las Vegas 'gave against the constitution a majority of 219.

TFifteen preeincts in the county have been hsard from, giving an average majority 674. Los Alamos Is a air example. 49 were east, bat of those 10 were for Chas. H. BOOT ANd SHOE STORE, On SlxtH New Styles I A2SCE.VW A Large stock of Men's Hats and Prices! A HIGH GR ADE arid a FlAIR PRICE is our BID for BUSINESS THIS SEASON! We want Buyers for a Clean.

Fresh Stock of For Business, Work or Dress Purposes. Okir Line is Large i and com plete clear through, consisting of and 38 st the constitution. agaiasl When It ootnen to the Territory at large, the information very meager. Albuquerque cast 619 votes, giving a majority SOI against the constitution. The towa of Bernalillo, where M.

B. Otero lives, cast 1 110: votes, ef which 83 last and Sfl for. sTagaii ty against. 8aa Mareial and Silver oity are reported agalai Demlng.Sl against. i rt The popular dry of Xeeeawald, plain, make a cbaage In their advertleeaveat to-dav.

The of Owe will do -well to consider what A Is good deal like a team. All sanst pull together to accomplish anything. For eome to pall while others bold to work like a balky strength arltbeat progrene. A Ooeben, couple, were married on the race track, in front of the greed stand. Sixteen tfcounaad people witnessed the oeremony.

This beats going up in a balloon all to Guatemala and Salvador are at. war again. Pitty they do net like the Kllksaay eats: Then the country might he settled by a people with some progress aad some sense. Received to-day, by F. W.

Fleck, B' flne ehlpnieal of fresh Vieana sausage, bolona, liver- pudding, tongue sausage aad head- aheete, which will be sold at at Fleck's Caune. asclviag majorities for constitution. Even flanta Fe igavea majority of 180 agalast the constltutlen which would have made her the capital of a state. The third, or opper precinct, polled 826 votes, with a majority of 151 against, while the fourth, or lower precinct, polled 639 votes, with nn lesitlon majority of 35. far as bate been received, it appears plainly that the Americans generally- favored statehood hut that the Bex- leans with equal unanimity voted the other Of'the 28 in Mora county, 11 precin have been heard tee or the ceasti making a majority against statehood, from.

These 'cast 135 on for the irpraoincts, ef (128. votes for the constitution and against IfTmi Jtast Received! iat HOFMHSTEB DEMMER'S, Cranb rriep, Peaches. Fears. Graphs, Eatiog Apples, And all ether' fruits of the Season. The Signal, published nt Gainesville, Texas, "The Signal to' exchange the DAILY Omc, published at Laa Hew Molco.

It is In the in- toreet ef reform nod fine working man." Fereoanl mention of a prominent New Mexican in the Trinidad CAiomrle; Cast. J. C. of Raawell, known ns the cnttle Mag of Mew Mexico, aad who married the queen of Texas, Is in town to-day. wait cheap elsewhere In ible Issue, a -gentlemen's can depend OB their doing Just as they eay they The Merry dancing, school conld not their eemelele for holdin sreehly Bieetinge at the A.

O. V. aad the dance announced to take placo evening has been post- lding V. hall, The maay fneads of Mrs. B.

'Davis will be to leara thai her £ealtb kae improved since she went to lhe(8. raaea. She writes her aaughter thVt she great deal better than she did when ehe left here. It eaM that the of sheep wld IB. Mew Mukio and Ariuu.

during the tell thirty days reaches 150,000, and that average nrice paid is 93 a head. This aMkee a letalof $300.000 let loee among the farmers. A eaye: "Lawyere bury their mlsukee IB Ue supreme conn; phy- theirs la the graveyard, but pat theirs la the most public will be a meetlnc ef the Elderado at their iWedaeeday) evening. A tnll ol all of the order Is raqBosl.J. as baslaess ef importaace will aesM before the meeting.

Taw Omc is pained lo leara that A. A. on plasa. Is' fliaacially em- end that store has net been It is mush to he hoped that ay be speedily adjusted, aad that this MDPBlar bu.iaeu mail may seen i feet again. Ike Lewis, ef the Uvldea Hale clothing Is doing a rutbiag business.

Be toon sneasares for thirteen suite to-day. If OB era IB BMd of salt af clothes and wleh to kBebby, yen shoald will At Ike rail. He wi yea oat IB etyKeadhispricee are reasonable. PERSONAL Chas. Hpenoe Is la from Finos Wells.

B. 8. Meyers in the citjr frem El Paso, B. Kingston is in ths frem Pue- T. B.

Catron came in on the morning train. Jefferson Reynolds left fer the south this afternoon. W. W. Holstry, Santa Barbara, new arrival.

Massey is registered at the Depot hotel, from 8k Frank H. Winston, of Falrvi sw, N. visits the metropolis. M. Fnircbild returned to Wngon Uound en to-day's train.

Rer. Father went ever to Santa on last evening's train. B. T. Wilson, the continental oil maa, Gallop on to-day's frain.

Teats far racavered to-day as to be able to leave lor Rev. A. Hoffman, wifeand two children, train for Uauta Feftiiis altoruuou. Baker PettotT, had by A. A.

Senec'al, left last night (or Sauts, I' Miss Cora liurphey, neico of E. O. Murphey, the druggist, Uft Icttt'niKht for Denver. Iliss Ueleu Q. Thompson, Rociada, ar rived OB last evening's train (rom the south.

.1 O. L'. Bonghton this Afternoon relieved the ef business by i a trip to vhe springs. i B. K.

Shepbard is stopping at the Central betel, tie registers-iroBi'lbpefca, ''Joe Haetaer's father aad mother left oa tba evening train yesterday, fer Kaa- sas City. i Mrs. George Marshall for Dallas, Texas, this monsing. She will be absent several weeks. i George Utter, of Silver City, left for home to-day, after pleasant business visit to the metropolis.

Kev. Cbas. V. Fleukbarp, paster et the M. K.

cnnrch, Raton, passed', through today an route to Saala Fe. B. D. Bullock, of Albuqusraue's most successful: business men, through yesterday on the east-bound train. 1, 8.

Reynolds, president ef the First National bank, Albuquerque, came up from that city yesterday, to few days at Chas. Blanchard, oar enterpr.isinK dealer In agricultural hardware, returned to-day from a trip to the loath- era country. August Krille, ex-mayor, and present wool buyer of Xrioidad, after trausaclini; buniness -in city, for Comfort, Health, ARE SEeUBED BY PEOPEB ar I have now a Complete Line for aid Gents' Furnishing Hats and Caps. Boots and and Shoes, ful Buying Us Give your Betted Bargains for Your Money then tt Any Other Housed In PURfe Jaeger Sariitary Goods, White, Natural and Colored. VSToolesn Blayvlcets alao, Comforts, Beci Quilts The Plaza.

M. Uinn. B. B. BOBDKN.

BIRD BORDBN, Successors to N. S. Received daily, Fresh Vegetables, Fruits, US -A WILL ENDEAVOR to PLEASE ALL. While wo secured from a retiring wholesale cortcera, large loU of, Gentlemen's and Children's Furnishing Goods below the reg- Ladies' ular jobbing This sleek Grand Spe Lais' Ws, we took bodily and make a ial Sale. Kibbed, Hijh-necked, LongiSleeves, Regular made, at "Sets.

Oetterlek. the eecoad-aaad semethleg to say to ear readers BOW advertieemeal, which, will he fa the BtBt paae of this lassie. When taBeederaaythingia hisllae do not fail of this lasBO. When line do not fail Be haa a largo Mock which he erlllng on the in- MalleMat plan, and hie prices cannot he salve him a call. al farnitnre Metropelitaa cities are always manofao- tariBKCeatere.

Large employ, lag large nnmbers of wnge are a Borceeily lo every large city. In fact, without them large cities do aot exist. Vegee ehooM make note of this. (eho geod town, bat to become a real eke large Meylsrt, of Albuquerque, called tte Beraelillo republican conaty coaven- Me IB that city October 15th. uoa so aoeemMe ia that city C.

L. Bnbbe oat aad says that Hey- tart had ao right eall the convention. and he, chairman of the county central ooosmittoe, it for October 18th, aad from that Mr. Meylert made. TIM MBthcjdtat Church.

A. BeeTmaa to thecoBfereace nlBBta Fa Wtth- meet excellent report' af Us week. When lie eame to this goes to the, conference a m.mbership of 114. after dismissiag Tho'chnreh raieed eervicea have largely aad allended. wbllothe BMBShevshlp to chowa by the Mala' tt Urea retalar Rev.

Hianock, paster ef M. E. church Upriutor, will pass through jthe city ea (he delayed train on way to lianla Fe, to attend the conference there. Forbes, mother ef K. T.

Forbes, of the First nnlional bank, who has been here for some time en a visit to her son, left this morning for her home in Fort Worth, J. C. Tice, route agent for Wells-Fargo, or traveling auditor as seme woald call him, alter looking over the tonncial affairs of the office here, returned to Albuquerque B. p. Joy, formerly in the First nntional bank iof Vegas, but new treanurer of the Pueblo pubim oampUng with Denver, was 'a luutb- boaaa uassengor to-day.

i airs. Richard Rociada, nccom- panied by her tfo dau Bessy aad Kate, Bad Hubert Dunn and John Rudolph, is in the city for the purpose ef meeting Miss Helen G. Thomp.un. Joe Itulhattai. the noted aewspapsr prevaricator, wl.o is a drummer fisr fiveli- hood and newspaper liar for atnuaemeot, went south last i light.

He ia ia some mining properties in southern Now Mexico. Natural at 75 centa. French Neck, Full Regular THIS DATE IN HISTORY. October 8tb. Battle of Andernach; Bald defented; Assassination of Blenzl, tribune of 'Home, 1 I ITM-Henry Melding, English novelist, died; born 1797.L- i Alflerl, Italian dramatist.

died Born 17W. i Abdication of William I of Holland Mr British Consul, captured: by toe Chinese, Is restored; two of his died of U) usage. Battle of Perryvllle Ky union lost 4. MS confederate 4,000. Franklin Pierce, ex-president United died aired sixty nve All Frenchmen under sixty years of ace forbidden to leave Franca if.

Gambetta arrived at lumen In a balloon In which escaped from rails, and declared for a pact, with victory or Great! CWcato flre; burned over three nnd a half square miles destroyed 17,490 buildings, killed NO persons and rendered at.NO beueleis Great forest Bras In Ulcblganand Wu coaitn lives lost, i The BeineAt The ball (given at A. O. U. W. ball last night, by Hsbrew ladies' beasvelent society, for the beneflt of the ladies' relief icclety, received a large and merited pat- roaage.

The cause for It was given is one which appeals to jthe. pride and phil- anthraphy of every Las Vegan, while the society giving the ball Is one of the largest and most popular in the city. The result of all these combined, was that a large company of the best people of the city assembled to enjoy the occasion prepared for them by the Hebrew ladles. Ths muslo was excellent, tlie ref reshstenta i abundant and toothsome, the company pleasant and pleased. The even- Ing of most enjoyable known in Las for maay a day.

Wor were the press gang forgotten. To-day a large and elegant assortment of the viands were seat -to OPTIC offlcs, for which tbaaks are hereby returned. May the benevolent society live: long, give many balls and never forget us. A Plettnaut Gift. Last Bsbbstb a ilay of special interest at the Baptist church, in that THE 4U FOtLOWlNQ IS A PaRCIAL LIST OF THE 8ECOND-BAKD GOOU8 TO BB rtOLD BT Jotan HEARSEY: ST lo Hcilrnorii (5rti 30 f.lilfi.— .11 Hindi smdj 4 1 6 Luabreanins 20 kinds 25 SVeibrr Pillows 1 lint Wi Blanrels and Spreaos 10 Ti.ilit Slorss i Lot of toe Cream Prturr 20 1.emp* i 1 Perlorlet 1 Extension Teble I Lnt.of Lace Curtains 1 Kiieheii Sue 1 flour CUm 1.

Large Mfrror Plain Cnnniers 1 1 Lot ol Wall Breckets SOO Carpet Pspcr. Also.imany othqr ThU the opportunity tc buy tbings i cheap aterotfertd Ju Las Vegas. Sale will cemmence on Tuesday, Ike 7th, ntore on Railiwad avenue, tecaod door'-weat Center street! GOLD Also a Large Stock! of Cold and Silver church in' the name of Prior. of Vegas," Co whom the church al-o extnujs thanks. Pastor.

BBO. WOOL Wofesate Grocers, JN communion ssrvjce was Medicated to! the Lord, Saturday at' the regular buamsss meeting of the church, vote of thanks i was extended toj Uiss E. V. Goodwlu, a msmlwr of the Beptltt church, in Louis vllleJCy who voluntarily took upon her- 1 self the duty of procurinziacoinmti nion net i 1 the Rai Iroad. --Eajsit-, ILals- Vegas, N.

He the Closest Competing Flguree, and at OKK A fa line of the Very choicest Staple Fancy for families, excursTunists aiici General Tourists, la a specialty. llotol Arrlvuls. notSL Massey, st Louis: SklrvtnK, BaltlUiore: If I.ouls; Moyeri. Kl I'aso; Cbas A Chicago; breyfers, New York. ST.

N'lCHOUi Lawron'ce, 8 geological survey: Stullsivorth. Chlcajro; James Uttlojohn, Larouilt. Wyo; Chas Hoi coo, Bgont Cleveland's mlnstrel'3. PI.ACX August Krllls, Trinlrtnrt; Uooveri Big Sprlnir, Texas; Mrs Klclm'd Dunn. Misses niissle and Katie Dunn, John Rudolph, llobort uunn, Miss, llellon Thompson, Koiiladn T1108 Collins, MarttD.

Clinton, ilowa; Ferry Punch, To- ka; Miss alar fvjwell, Urnard.Kan; Dally. Harvard, Kan; Holstry, Santa BarharaJCal; JB Burtfell. ivarren Penn; 8am Kussell, Independence, Mo, Cbas8pence, Wells 11: Mr and Mrs Detroit. Mich; -ohn H'll- son, tiallton. HO: A 'J Jones.

Sagures, Mo; Collver. arson, Cheyenne; Thompson landsley et Louis; Frank Winston, Falrvlsnr, Kingston. Pueblo. If people wo.ild tiike (be nt K. U.

nndall, via A start on a wlihnnt a' nl Remedy. It canjalsmys be depended on and Is pleasant to lake rr to bestricUy Uiiiluf Oil OUuTjUl or Natural Wool sJnitary Vests And Pantalets, at i 1 to 25o 18 3Oc SO 22 24 4Oo BOo Xaturnl Wool, Extra regular lunde, nl $1,00. Foil in Scarlet Lamb's Wool, vert soft, medium weight, at 25. Sick Headache Jtsy be caused by atomacli troubles, neuralgia or uenrousiiens, but it Is a sure Indication that there Is something wrong somewhere. And whatever the cause.

Hood's Sanaparilla Is. a reliable remedy for headache, and for all troubles which seem to require a corrective and regulator. It cures bllldusneu. malaria, tones the stomach, creates an appt- end gives tUcDgth to toe ucrvst. One In "Haselten" square One Marshall Trayer square.

fliS.OO One Schmidt 1. Other square and flOO upwards. Alse organs very cheap, sell either for cash or on small monthly payments. HBRXIS." Br mott line of IN Mid most delicate Unfa, toio Miss (p E. Milligan, ii Pontoffice third door" hiiss Uiiliaah hta encored wrriCM ofthe Best iMost Artistic I hsngeif in' Je cJtr.whowilldo all laTe A biend new Wbeeler A WU ll rt flve Eldorado Lodge K.

of F. Eldorado No regular meeting every second and fourth Wednesdny. ''J B. S. i.C.

I Bourdun, In ras REV ateo. H. THAYKB. of Both myaelf SHILOH'P is, i CARRY A FULL LIN'E OF Net xpapers, Macaiines, Eic. A full supply of all kinds of mtAter constantly un hand.

Any mafMioe or paper job may 0 KS e. which' is not in stock, wilt be p' ompilr proourad tor you by leav' you SIXTH STREET. iThe. old Itoliable DEALER Of Veeras. CosldeUveied to any part of citr swnnUltbelet of Beesmher.

i losdpHoe. foaCAMtOiiLT FffiSMUSS ACCOMPDATIONi FINELY rUKSISHED most excellent board, at S. I. llernV bid Vfhilmore reeiaence, Main street. tlSrACTION GU ARA.NTEED.

M6-lm i TEUMS REASO.VABLK YbT bee wUl ifive ionuevilite relief. Prlco Btut 51, rot ftf B. Murpbey CVs idge street, near The of the new expedition to the region of the did -dweller, in Sew! Mexico and Arisonn Wm. Libber, and Dr. Carl GRAAF KLINE'S FURTHERIMOTICE FOR Our Buyer purphased while East the greatest seieqtijon of Sacques and Jackets in Finest Cloth mare asked to call anclinspectlour entire line befo your purchases we posiliv.ely.can make you of fmlv I'lvll CEN'I i J.

uhPlusheb.jvvhich making WRAPS FOR AND.

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