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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 4

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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BLYTHEVILLE. (ARK.) COURIER NEWS WEDNESDAY, JANUAUY 3, 193.1 IttTTHEVILLE COWWBB MwrtWBl BTCTT Afternoon wconfi cliiu poet oflicr Rt under of OoopMt Oe- tober 9. He Bwved tta tJnnefl 8UBSCKIPTION 3ATJS Bj in City of BiytUw net la tdvum. or far sli months, 85c for three monUn; poUl tonu two to Ux tae KM yesrTln tone. sevtm and efcht, per In permanent endowment for the Warm Spring's (Ga.) Foundation for treatment of victims of irifanti'e paralysis.

is a cause that deserves widespread public support. Mr. Rooacvclt himself is. si living testimonial to this tremendous value of the treatment offered at Warm Springs. endowment''which would that treatment available lo sulVurors all over the country would be a Messing to the entire nation Let's hope that the drive KOCH over the lop in 100 per cent style.

SIDE GLANCES By George Clark Not All Most sicnificant in Prosit 1 cut Roosevelt's message to congress-, was hi.s declaration that permanent social and economic readjustment, rather than mere recovery, is his goal. -Large and powerful groups would be well pleased with a return to things as they were prior to the stock market colIapsVof 1929. Those' were days of huge and relatively easy prolits for many. They were not such particularly good days for most Americans, however, and students of economics- say' 'that they were directly responsible for the widespread suffering that has occurred since. 'ca'nnot.

afford to make our victory over the depression merely return to conditions that produced the depression. We- must find something safer and better, and it is reassuring: to find the president of (he United fetates committed to such a program. Marriage or Career? The old argument about the conflicting claims of marriage and a career in a woman's life seems to have come to some sort of a climax in the alienation of affections damage suit ttlrd recently against a New York corporation by an indignant husband. The husband complains that his wile was branch manager for this eorpo- ration, and that he sought to induce her to iiuit work and devote all her time to their home. But the corporation, he asserts, "exerted an improper influence" over her, so that she decided to keep the job and let her home take a secondary place.

So now he wants in damages. Of all the odd lawsuits, this one surely is one of the oddest. And yet it does serve to touch up that old marriage-versus-career argument; and it'probably-will provide lawyers with a chance for giving the a thorough airing in the courts. Arkansas's Special Highway Problem Arkansas, whose topography innkcs highway building exceptionally cosily, lus greater state system mileage In proportion to car registrations than any other filntc. W.

W. Coclirmi of Portland Insists in a letter lo the Uazotle that those two facts must be taken Into account In Judging our giiholinc and license taxes "arc; comparatively high or not." But nobody pays taxes on comparative basis. What mailers to the Arkansas car owner Is the highness, or lowness. moderation of the taxes lie has Id pay cut ot Ills iwckct- book. Aixl Is It any rccoinpmi-c fof h'B' 1 actual tuxes Hint v.e have over-extended our stale mileage In proportion to our ability to keep It up? Mr.

Coclirun presents table of comparative figures on mileage and revenue In various states. Mississippi, most, nearly comparable to Arkansas In area, population, per capita wealth and tax-paying resources, hits 0.07S miles to our 8.705 miles. Missouri, vastly more wealthy, tins 9,167 miles, only 402 miles more ll'tin Arkansas. Oklahoma, with its enormous oil 1ms 0,850 'miles. Georgia and Tennessee, two of the strongest slates In the economically, have 7.131 and 7.053 miles respectively.

Mr. Cochran's tabulation that Massn- ciuisctts, with 1,699 miles of state highways, had ol per mile In IBSa, while revenue was equivalent to $937.50 mile. But wlmt docs that demonstrate, except' that Arkansas would have to raise per year lo be well oil ns Ma-vyichusells lii highway per mile of state" i If Arkiuisus's tnlleaKO lc abnormully high, and if on the other hand our car reglstra tion Is low nnd our bulldlmj cos 1 are abnormally large, the logical course, it seems, would be to reduce the mileage of ilic suite system. And that Is precisely what was recommended In the highway audit report In order lo give Arkansas highway maintenance: responsibility within Its means to handle. Why do we have this unduly larBC stale mileage? That Is a question that iray fairly be asked of the highway authorities who Included 8,705 miles of road In tlie slain system.

Uiizetlc. CHURCH EXCUSES Br Gco. W. Bubaa THIS. CURIOUS WORLD 'Mollier told Joe that for years has been reading about groups of men going way off somewhere nnd digging In hills and places nnd one or two report 1 stated ilial they had dug up old buildings mid coffins with people in them.

She she Is going to write lo their headquarters and ask them a special favor to her the next lime Ihey dig up a church build- Ing to be careful and sec If they can't find some old record show- Ing the kind of baptism they used In Uiosc days. She says like as not they have dug up many of such records but the was so small they didn't notice it. Joe says Mother and her churches' way of baptism was dug up years ago and until some fellow dug It up it had never been heard of and it would have been best for every one. had they left It covered up Joe says his church has been bap llzing the same way since the firs church, so his method Is bourn be right. Mother says Ihat Joe'- church takes In so few members they have plenty of time lo go lo Ihe river when Ihe people begin to find out about her church, they come In so fast and in such crowds had to find some short method of baptizing.

151 I'nurds Didn't Make Noise SAN FRANCISCO (UP) A package of 151 ixmnds fell out ol the hands of Henry J. Peacock without making a noise. Peacock ivptirird his loss police and solicited their did. Tlie were "Now.Id's. stav.

in school this year ami llicn. if you're 12 English bank nmcs totaling 151 4 rounds, or about S750. slill interested in fashion The word "academy" dales back lo the days of 111" ancients, when WE INDIAN 1 is THE'MOST VALUABLE ANIMAL IN THE MODERN ZOO. IT IS ABOUT 5 A POUND. im KFA sravwrr.

Winter Falls Responsible for Most Injuries to Wrist HY MORlllS KISIIHKIN wrist, which may inrap.ic!lalc a I Kdilnr. Journal of the Amrrican! pel-son and which atr followed by Medical AssocMllon, anrt of Hy- jthe usual pain and the Health Magazine i If you should diMwalu any Flalo gave leclnro.i in it Lwncd by a mail named mtts. grove A RIVER DOES NOT END WHEN IT REACHES THE IT CONTINUES FAR. OUT SHORE, BEFORE ITSELF. MINNOWS ARE NOT ALL SMALL Fisnr THE SQUAWFISH, WHICH IS A AVN.NOV, GROWS TO A tSKSTH OF FOUR.

FEET. The swift, current of a river carries (he water far out into the. salty waters of the sea before the two finally arc mixed and blended Into one solution. In many cases the river valley continues as an under-sea valley, which holds the river in its course. NRXT: Him- far can the sorr of the nightingale be heard? TTNIKMOWM Rl By Laura BROOKMAK You may Ihlnk It strange, but Joint, it is necessary.

jui uiitt IK it of ail to winter is the time when yon should restore ihe tissues their proper be particularly careful of Injuries position. But you to your wrists. competent physician m- surgeon lo Mrs. Hewlett, with a white npron ClIAl'TER 3U-VIH I IT was an mid looking group gath- ercil In Kate Hewlett's kitchen. Mrs.

Hewlett, with a white npron i Tlie reason tor this is that the Ida this by suitable manipulations. over her aray fbonct bathrobe. I most common cause of injury lo i using this X-ray lu determine, the nun-oil from the sieve to tbe table, the wrists Is the fall on the out- tissues Ihat are out of place and ncr llct nfs l.eilronm slippers stretched Imnds, nnd this type (if again lil( to deter- nfll lini ns Fllc walked, fall occurs most frequently In win- mine when they HIT located pro- juiiet ra wrapped la a rose negligee, sal near the table. pcrly. Birthday Gift More tlian 5,000 Amcriciir.

cities and towns arc planning to hold "birthday balls" on January 30 in honor of Presi- dent'Roosevelt's anniversary. Proceeds from these affairs will be used to create I'm heretic enough to say that, man has no business in education after 40. K. P. R.

N3vlUu of the University of Western Ontario. I can't why my bank should have to take a chance along with a lot others, when 1 know that they've BOt a lot ol clowns, gamblers, and politicians in thu banking business now. J. R. Nichols ol Chicago, objecting to government deposit insurance.

I am only supposed to preside over the senate and vote when there's a lie ami nobody knows when there'll be a tic. -Vice President. John N. Garner. what must one do foi all these who desire peace, general harmony and good will for all the Christian, family? Hrst.

pray: second, pray; third, pray. Plus XI ler. when the streets arc slippery. When you fall on the ont- slrctched hand, special strain put on the ligaments of the wrist jiilnl nnd also on the tendons puss across the joint. A sprain of this type Is followed I by certain dcflnile manifestations aid Hie physician in making I diHB'iosis.

First, there Is no Injury to the bone, as can'be seen hy Ihe X-ray or by Hie lack of symp- loms bone Second, you feel severe pain on motion In certain directions, which Indicates the llgnmenls nnd tendons that have been harmed. In sprains of this kind relieve certain simple forms ot treatment which been found helpful. These Include the nppll- catlon of heat, which brings blood the Joint and nids In removal of swelling and Inflammation: second, restornlion of suitable movement by proper manipulation and mas- sage. The next most common cause of injury to Ihe wrist is what is named Calles 1 fruclure. after the physician who first described H.

These injuries used lo bi 1 exceedingly common when jxiopli' had to crank np their own motor cars. They happened frequently when the crank jerked back suddenly. These fractures occur e.ister in older people than in the young be- I cause the bones of the elderly are more brittle. A physician takes! care nf a fracluie of this type by restoring the fragments of the bone to their proix'r and then holding them there until they are united. This usually is none with a splint, but in some cases the use of a cast may be necessary.

"I figured If I convince.touched to tw Coleman we enough on Ilollls- fingerprints, fe caret 1 sbou: ter to pin the tVo crimes oa him except for the missing gun, Cole- rnaa would supply that. Ob, I gave him ovcry chance! I knew that If I was right about It he'd brine Hie Bun with him when we went to search tbe apartment and then lilde it." "But why," Juliet France aakei), "did Parker "Ilecause King bail been hlack- I mailing him, Just oa hart sus- peeled. Coleman wrote out a fell confession and signed It. I read jusl before 1 came bl(me. Tbe man In 'the old vtodilinr; piclure was I'arlccr Coieman's father.

King li.ii' iwic ncn-icu Ihr- 5011 rlKlit. Juliet," Rbeldio picture and some papers to one Her eyes scarcely left David Dan Ulster's fnce. lie was still wearing liis topcoat anil he stood In the! doorway, almost filling it- "Ynn sit ilown." Juliet said to Mrs. Hewlett, "anil let me pour the rnffec." She arose, lioldins a cbalr lorwni'd fijr (he older.woman. cil herself Into Afler the are uei; knit.

desirable to secure suitrib'r move-i maf-sage and man-J'' mcnt again by Ipulntlon. Of course. In addition lo this: pc ot break, which is .1 (rnctnre the bone of the lower call- i the radius. are i wsstble fractures in tin- small; of the wrist and ot me. ulna, ic other bone of the arm.

1 Finally, there are dislc; of omc of the of the I Ni.y-;i 1 l-ycar-old "liiiil" arlim; for TiiivrrsLiI a school by stir's ihi: only mtciiilini; lln- on the lot. aiul Ibc pru- lu it open, even if or.iy fur her, because tin; lav: aayo bo. "ANNOUNCEMENTS" paid. "The cups are on (lie shelf you. Now then.

Daviil. 1 want you to tell us the straight of He Ills arms on the "I'll gu over Ilic whole thing once more." be paid, "tint this Is tbe lime! Til like to get a little slrnn lufure it's time. Lo get up "People can sleep any lime!" his aunt said tarlly. "Hut they lloa't a murderer every day ill tbe week I should thank the Lord for Ilial! I ilnn't see how anybody could sleep with sudi ex- -ritrmcnl Ko'ns on. To Ihink you! tiio nmrflcrl" I "Oil.

no." Hanristcr objcclod.i "Not quite Hint. McNoal and tlie I rtclcrlivcs dill the real work. I Jusl a bunch and Juliet helpi-il--" The Eirl turned. "Why. what did I prove Coleraan's father bad through a liigatoous marriage wilh KIOB'S mother.

Ob. It was all long ago. I guess it was true all or at least Coleman lliouslit it WOF. King showed him Ihe papers, told him trial If he'd come across with llie money lie -vouldn'i make Iron- hie. Otherwise he'd go into court lu fight for It.

Colemau paid to keep him ouict. "That wns all riclit but vrhon Parker Coli-man came back lo Tre- person him. Melvina llollis'w! may or may tiot have knosvn It wns fool enough to teil biral always Invc that on my consrltor.i. I actually nskeil him to talk vina aurl see if he could lind out whether she knew something that she was keeping from the poUre. The fear thai Melvina bnrt seen him worked on Colcinan's i he decided he'd h.ive to get her out 1 of tin way.

too. So he went biick and strangled Ler." Kate 'Hewlett bail libtencil Fllent- ly It all. Now slic bcr lieail. "My! My!" she salil. "() used to EUC Parker Colemaii wlun be war.

a little boy! To think any- think like this could happen in Trc- mojit!" I Lil.lKT raised lior cup and tben set it ilown. "Well." she snld. "now that it's all settled and rmivilercr lias cmifcsPCil 1 guDss I'd better be getting back to my var- ems." "I'd In7e to have you atay long- 1 asked. if 10 me tbe Idea that finally Coleman confess. Don't you were talking day abci where llie miir- monl two week? ago nml Icarneil i or." Kale HcwleU lold her.

that Kins was goiiiB to marry Ben "That's -sweet of yon." the girl I.M5 it was too nmrh! Me wen; Finillns. "but you've IIPCII toa see to fiml out If tlie en- already. It Hitro's an gaeemc-nt wa? rc.iily true. Then afterriooii train I tbink I'll take It." lie went lo liml I "Well. If really feel niiiFt I suppose we can't keep you.

Ilavbl A (5-MS nannislcr looked at Juliet, i will liml oul aboui ttio trains for "It must have been a few i'avc another cup ot coitco, ulcs after yon left." he said. David!" Tbo girl shnak bcr heart. "No." He "No. I think I'll lell yon what rrall? stairs now anil turn in." that night. I went lo Tracy King's ariartnicni lo set the letters you know alioul.

They weren't lellcrs I'll wriiten. My Ei5 I But he didn't do that. Kt went I Into Ilio rtiiiins room ami lingered. looking out llie window. piescntly Juliet "Ob." couUMinve bid Ihe gnu? You tor wrote them.

Tracy Km Lad I The Courier Xcn.i hn.s b-en au- thorizeci to nmjrnnuv the lor public ollirn. f.ih- Knr Mi-mlirr of I'ontn-ss CLINTON flALDWKI.L Kor I'nunlv Tieasurrr S. DILLAHUNTY Tor County (Joitrl Clerk FRED FLEEMAN for Asuisor R. L. (HILLY OAIN'ES FOR CITY Of I f( I.S Election TiLcstiay.

April For City Clerk S. C. CRAIG snli! soinctliini; about a window boi and Hint set me thinking. 1'rt lig- ireil mil wlio it was llie man Ir. the old photograph looked like Oleinas.

Tha likeness Is really HuilQ striking II you about ihe mustache. Of course It couldn't bo CYiloawn so I dedilcd It must be elhlive of hia. tuocr for to have a iiirtnrc nf anyone re- tn Coleman. thoiiRli. That me fnr nulle a while.

Of course I knew bath men wore la with nenise Lang. Rul there v-ii3 somcllilu; more than that be- out Mns Cicei'o, orator, par ussia. THKE GUESSES more ways iwoen tliein. "Then had been trying to blackmail rou" (lie looked at Juliet I "It came to me ha tnUiit havo played the same ways than one. 1 asked Mc- to check up oa account.

We found out he'd been Urge amounts resn- hrly durins ths last year. Amounts larger than he'd ever drawn "That fittcil In with the black threatened to show ibom to her husband If she didn't liim 55.000. Helen was nearly wild aho'ii it and asked me what slie couM do. "I tn'S her I'n gel the letters back. 1 came In Tromonl, Icle- Iihoncu' to Tracy anil lie c.ime to tlio hotel to talk in mo.

I mailn him think I hnd tlie niniK-y and be FUJI! If I''l come to Ibal nigbt lie'd give letters lo me. I 1 took a revolver. "I hadn't Sicoa In the more than a few minutes befcre the telephone rang. niusl have been biding in llicre. I beard the shot anil ran to see win! liad happened.

Tracy Kin? was lyins on the floor and there was blooJ on hia face. she paid in a sunirised voice. "1 you'd gone!" "Come hero. Juliet." She crossed the room, looked up at him wonderingly. didn't you tell mo your sla- ter wrote those letlcrs?" "1 conliln'l tell "I wish I'd known it.

I-I've been a fool but I hope yon can for I fi vo mo oa hnve known I coiiUln't have bad anything to I with a cheap crook like Tracy Warm color Into the "1 was so forgot Hie letters anrl everything else. I ran out luto tbe hall and shut tbe- door- Thou I went iJoivtistaIrs and out of Ilia hold. Yo-i all? said, looking at Bannister, "what bnp- pened after tbal." Ue nortdcd. was," te ag checks. "Now that you do know it," slic tali! softly, "I'm glaJ- wanted you to He interrupted "Juliet, you can't go away so "Unl I'm afraid I'll to "Not right away." bo "I want you to stay.

Aunt wauls yon, too. Everything Is 50 ing to 'M so different now. JulteL "Different?" llie girl repoatw. Bannister's eyes liclrl lieti. The "That's the way.

flush in the girl's checks "la aa il suddenly bio arms were coutcESloa ho said lie vna billing la Jilt IUWI lds.1 but. as for the nnudor.jtho bedroom King came I hadn't anything at all to BO on cxrcpt my bunch. I couldn't prove r.irkcr ColeraM killed Tracy King lirrauso ho'd been blackmailing couldn't even prove bo Jiod -I kept thinking about the. gun home, lie hadn't mado his nilnd exactly what In when you got thcro. Ue was what you wore saying when the tele- phono rang and before he could aRnin Kins avpc.irert In the Coleman shii him anrt Toloman used-It he hart used It i and what lip cnuW have done with you come; In tbe It.

What had sain aboui allurn ami leave. it see her. He was holding her close. 1 Bannister went on. "every- lhins'3 going tn be different from nnw on.

Kverytliinp-eicept one. I Irvvo yon, Juliet. pMn't know thai! Haven't cucssei It! Oh. you're such ilarlinRl love you and I'll VMp loving yon. For ever and ever.

Juliel-!" bid in rli'hcs Ho aad then It not tjuestion. hiliet nan SHIU bi lime was. i ne Si ii kent nicking In my thai, went through ever even emcd silly but I couldn't desk found llie papers about pered. on uc.iri it seenico smy uuv forget It Atnl then when I met Ills father. He found those, letters I Madbew Hollltteron the street signed too.

scd look them lerdaj- lis thing cwne to at "lib hln. Aiterwiril Utuaed Ukp flnph. (JhfiEi. Kt Flped ever) Lhlnf b.i bad you'll nii Her inEwer was completed.

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